Cane sugar - calorie content, application and beneficial properties. Cane sugar and regular white: what's the difference?

Lately there has been a lot of talk about what kind of sugar to use – regular white or brown. For a long time now, nutritionists have been calling regular sugar nothing less than “white death,” and in recent years marketers have begun to intensively promote brown sugar, which is called harmless, and some claim that it is even healthy.

Let's finally find out for ourselves and find out the whole truth about sugar.

Sugar - what is it like?

Let's start with the fact that any sugar is primarily a carbohydrate that entered our lives many years ago. Its homeland is India, where they first learned to extract it from cane, once noticing how sweet the droplets of its juice tasted.

There are currently six known types of sugar.


It is considered the sweetest and is obtained through the process of crushing cane, cleaning and crystallizing the juice.


It is the most common sugar because beets are common and grow in many climate zones. The process of obtaining the product is basically the same: only it is not the cane stems that are crushed, but the root crops, and then crystals are obtained from them through processing and purification white sugar.


When obtaining the product, a slightly different technology is used, and sugar is extracted during the fermentation of malt - millet or rice. The resulting crystals are less sweet.


This sugar is extracted from the trunk of some palm trees, it exists in the form of a thick brown substance or slabs of dried molasses with a peculiar odor.


It is made from the sap of certain types of maple trees in countries, mainly Canada, where syrup from this tree is common.


The least sweet and therefore unprofitable type of sugar. As you know, it is obtained from sorghum.

The sweetest is beet and cane sugar, which, as you know, is also the most common.

White sugar

Now let's figure out what white is beet sugar. Our shelves mostly contain granulated sugar, and it is produced in the form of cubes, called refined sugar, by pressing. In fact, it is refined sugar cubes that are pure white because its technology involves deep cleaning.

Sand can be white, cream or slightly yellowish in color. There is also slightly grayish sand, but you shouldn’t buy it, it was made in violation of technology.

Both types consist of 99% carbohydrates; it is quickly absorbed by the body and processed into energy, and if consumed in large quantities, into fat.

Therefore, within reasonable limits, sugar is harmless and you should not call it “white death”; after all, energy is very important for the body.

And now a surprise - cane sugar too white and in appearance it is no different from the one made from beets. It is considered to be slightly sweeter, but it is almost impossible for the average consumer to notice the difference. In addition, both beet and cane sugar the same calorie content - 390 kcal., and therefore the same daily norm– 50–60 g.

Both types of sugar, as they say, are equally useful if we are talking about granulated sugar, but refined sugar is more harmful, because refined raw materials, consisting of altered molecular compounds, have the ability to remove beneficial substances from the body.

It has been proven that long-term overuse refined sugar can cause diabetes. However, it has long been no secret that all refined products are harmful if they are consumed in large quantities.

Brown sugar

Actually, it is not brown, but golden, and it is cane sugar that has not gone through all the stages of purification. Other types of sugar that are not refined or not refined enough have a bitter taste and are not suitable for sale.

Marketers and sellers of brown sugar claim that this product is better because:

Not refined;
less calorie;
contains some special microelements;
for some reason it’s healthier than refined sugar.

In fact, reed that has not undergone complete purification, like beet sugar, contain slightly more microelements than purified. The calorie content is also slightly lower than the purified one, but not significantly - only 1-2 kcal.

But if they sell you cane molasses under the guise of brown sugar, then it can be harmful, because... no one knows in what area this reed grew. Thus, brown sugar, unless it has undergone the necessary control and processing and is not certified, can be harmful due to possible toxins.

In addition, in the wake of the unfounded fashion for brown sugar, tinted regular beet or cane sugar is very often sold, of course, and at a higher price. It comes to the point that under its guise, particularly unscrupulous manufacturers sell calcined, refined ones; one must understand that we are not talking about benefits here.

Thus, it is impossible to talk about the benefits of sugar, even if it is brown.

How to choose the right cane sugar

In order not to become a victim of deception, when purchasing, you need to require a quality certificate and, at the same time, a document by which you can determine the importer of the product.

Real cane sugar is delivered to Russia from Guatemala, Costa Rica, Cuba, USA, India, Mauritius or Brazil. A pungent aroma that breaks through even through polyethylene may indicate a fake - aromatic additives.

Real unrefined sugar has a faint caramel smell. You can only discover the rest of the deception during consumption - artificially colored sugar can color the water in a glass.

It makes the most sense to think about whether it is worth overpaying for a possible counterfeit, since there is no 100% guarantee of purchasing real cane sugar, although it has been established that it is practically in no way superior to beet sugar.

Both products can be unrefined, i.e. less harmful and refined, which should be consumed as rarely as possible.

Another Opinion: Brown Sugar May Be Poisonous

Nutrition expert and nutritionist of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Alexey Kovalkov believes that the opinion about the superiority of unrefined cane sugar over refined or beet sugar is a myth invented by manufacturers and sellers.

Moreover, it can be more dangerous even than refined sugar, because it takes a long time to be delivered from South America or countries South-East Asia in the holds of ships, and carriers, in order to scare away rodents, line the bags with poison, and sugar, as is known, has a high absorbency. Therefore, the content of harmful and dangerous microelements is often exceeded.

As for the claims that molasses - dark brown molasses - contains a lot useful substances, this is also a big misconception or deceit. This condensed cane juice actually contains vitamins, amino acids, as well as iron, calcium and other trace elements, however, their quantity is such that you can get daily norm You can only eat at least one kilogram!

Big scam of gullible consumers

Some time ago there was a big scandal - the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights, together with the publication AiF, conducted a large examination of brown unrefined sugar from reed. Much to the disappointment of buyers, absolutely all the samples turned out to be fakes - ordinary colored refined sugar, which was sold at exorbitant prices.

Sugar sellers then passionately argued that they had been slandered by manufacturers beet sugar However, none of them went to court.

Another deception - caramel sugar

Recently, another deception has appeared - the so-called caramel sugar, which is sold either on a stick, for convenience, or in the form of the usual crystals. However, this is another scam for us, the buyers. Caramel sugar nothing more than the same familiar refined sugar, melted at high temperatures.

Everything would not be so scary if not for one fact: with prolonged heating, a certain unpleasant substance is formed in refined sugar - hydroxymethylfurfural, which is a very toxic mutagen.

As Dr. A. Kovalkov, already mentioned above, says: « Any type of sugar, no matter what raw materials it is produced from, in large quantities is a poison that causes addiction. Today we eat half a kilogram of sugar a day along with fruits, baked goods, ketchup, soups and cereals, because sugar is now put everywhere. In all of history, people have never consumed so much sugar! Several years like this sweet life– and diabetes mellitus is guaranteed for many».

What can you replace sugar with?

If it is not possible to buy the product directly, and it really is not, unless, of course, you live in these countries where cane grows, buy ordinary granulated sugar, beet or cane. Choose varieties that are not pure white: cream, slightly golden, but one that sells at a normal price. Since the product is not particularly useful, at least don’t overpay for it.

In addition, for those who are particularly stubborn and concerned about the usefulness of products, there is the opportunity to purchase:

Sweet juice from Jerusalem artichoke is a sweet squeeze from a famous root vegetable that grows in our country.
Maple syrup, I wrote about him above.
Agave nectar is a cactus that grows in the tropics.
Stevia nectar is an exotic product that grows in America.

But be prepared that the price of all these substitutes ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles. per kg - the pleasure is not cheap.

And now about the powdered sugar

And in conclusion, one cannot help but remember powdered sugar, which some people prefer to buy for various baked goods.

During industrial production, this product is supplemented with corn starch, a completely harmless product, also such things as:

Tricalcium phosphate,
magnesium carbonate,
calcium silicate,
magnesium trisilicate,
sodium aluminum silicate or calcium aluminum silicate.

Without them, the powder will not stay in powder for long and will turn into lumps, so it’s better to make it yourself in a simple way– Grind regular sugar in a coffee grinder. And the article is about folk remedies losing weight.

People learned to extract sugar from cane much earlier than from beets. The first mention of this product dates back to Ancient India, where the herbaceous plant of the genus Saccharum began to be cultivated more than 5,000 years ago. Cane sugar appeared in Europe during the time of Alexander the Great, who, along with the countless wonders of this ancient country, was attracted by “honey without bees.”

Industrial production

The beginning is also connected with India industrial production sugar from sugar cane. In the 16th century, Indians began to obtain so much sugar from the juice of cane stalks that the Indian kingdoms were able to provide them with all of Asia and Europe. Subsequently, the East India Company began to produce and sell sugar from cane. In our country, the first plant for the production of refined sugar from imported raw sugar appeared only at the beginning of the 18th century.

Currently, India remains one of the leading suppliers of brown sugar, second only to Brazil (342 thousand tons and 734 thousand tons, respectively). Also in the top five are China, Thailand and Pakistan. Among the supplying companies, the leading positions are occupied by: Acugar Guarani, Copersucar S.A. and the USJ group.

Cane sugar and regular white sugar - what's the difference?

Most of all, the average buyer is interested in how cane sugar differs from regular sugar. It turns out, practically nothing, if we are talking about a refined product. Apart from the slight difference between cane sugar and traditional sugar in terms of sucrose content and origin, these are two almost identical products with a minimal content of nutrients.

But if we are talking about raw sugar, then there are a lot of differences: from the appearance (the color of raw cane sugar is brown, and the structure is more viscous), to a whole list of useful properties, which will be discussed below. To be fair, it should be said that beet sugar is not produced in its raw form, so comparison can only be made with refined sugar common on the market.

The benefits and harms of cane sugar

The benefits of cane sugar primarily lie in its rich vitamin and mineral composition. It contains almost all B vitamins and substances that promote their absorption, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and many other minerals. The calorie content of cane sugar is almost entirely that of white sugar. But thanks to the low glycemic index, all the energy received goes to support the body’s vital functions, and is not transformed into fats, as is the case with beet sugar.

Because of high calorie content nutritionists do not recommend consuming cane sugar in excessive quantities. Otherwise, you can get overweight, diabetes mellitus or atherosclerosis. To get only the benefits of cane sugar, choose unrefined product and eat no more than 60 grams of it every day.

Unusual uses

Sugar can be used for more than just improving the taste of drinks and baked goods. In Sweden, for example, it is used as a unique spice. Everyone's favorite liver pate and pickled herring are prepared by Swedish chefs using cane sugar. It is also added to various sauces, soups and cold dishes.

In cosmetology, the properties of cane sugar for moisturizing, cleansing and whitening the skin are known. For example, you can prepare a face mask that has an instant effect. For this you will need a few tablespoons fresh milk, a couple of drops olive oil, and 1-2 tablespoons of unrefined sugar. By applying the finished composition to the skin and leaving it for 5 minutes, you will be surprised to discover how the skin will become more beautiful and silky.

Natural brown sugar is a unique product, the properties of which science is just beginning to reveal. Therefore, replacing the traditional beetroot sweetener with it is the only correct solution that will fill the body with rare vitamins and minerals.

Cane sugar: history of the conquest of the world, composition, calorie content, varieties, beneficial features, culinary virtues. How to distinguish quality product from fake.

Exquisitely uneven cubes of granulated sugar of a delicate caramel color... They have firmly established themselves on store shelves with healthy eating, gourmet kitchens and expensive coffee shops.

Some people consider cane sugar to be beneficial and low-calorie product, others accuse it of the same “sins” for which white refined sugar was nicknamed “sweet poison”, or consider it another marketing ploy. But what exactly are these tiny brown cubes?

All about cane sugar

A little history

Cane sugar is one of the oldest sweets. Back in the 3rd century BC. it was known in ancient India, where they learned to obtain sweet grains from a plant similar to bamboo. From the Ganges Valley, sugar cane was brought to China. Some time later, the peoples of the Middle East began to cultivate it. The Arabs introduced sugar cane to the Mediterranean countries, and learned about it from the enterprising Spaniards and Portuguese New World. In Russia, this amazing overseas additive appeared at the beginning of the 18th century, during the time of Peter I. However, only those close to the royal family could treat themselves to “white gold” - this delicacy was so expensive in those days.

Properties of cane sugar

Unrefined cane sugar (also called brown and coffee due to its characteristic color) consists of crystals coated with molasses - cane molasses. Has a natural golden brown hue, caramel flavor And pleasant aroma. It is made from syrup obtained from sugar cane by boiling using a special technology.

Main types of cane sugar

Cane sugar is divided into three main categories: white refined (fully refined), unrefined (undergoes gentle purification) and brown (unrefined).

Brown cane sugar, in turn, has several varieties. They differ from each other in appearance and amount of molasses, and, accordingly, taste qualities.

Special grades of brown sugar:

1. Demerara sugar

Grows on the island of Mauritius and in South America. It has large, hard and sticky golden-brown crystals. Great for topping pies, muffins, grilled fruit and meat dishes. Pairs perfectly with coffee.

2. Muscavado sugar, Barbados sugar

Produced on the island of Mauritius. The crystals are smaller than those of demerara, sticky and very aromatic. Has a warm honey color. Thanks to high content molasses adds zest to sweet and salty dishes: spicy sauces and marinades, spiced cupcakes, gingerbreads, toffees and sweets.

3. Turbinado sugar

Produced in Hawaii. The product is partially refined, the shades vary from light tones to brown. The crystals are large, dry and free-flowing. Much of the molasses is removed from its surface during "turbine treatment", hence the name.

4. Black Barbados sugar, Soft molasses sugar

A soft and moist molasses product. Has the most dark color and a bright, viscous aroma. Transforms regular desserts V gourmet delicacies. Suitable for mats, fruit muffins, marinades and exotic dishes. Often used in Asian cuisine.

Composition and beneficial properties of cane sugar

Zinc regulates fat metabolism, potassium normalizes blood pressure and cleanses the intestines, copper is needed for the normal functioning of the immune system, calcium is needed for teeth and bones.

Cane sugar also contains vitamins and vegetable fibers, which contribute to its better absorption. Another advantage of this product is that it has a lower glycemic index(55 units) than its white “relative” (70 units).

By consuming brown sugar, a person feels a surge of strength, as it turns not into fat, but into energy useful for life.

Culinary benefits of cane sugar

Cooks value cane sugar because it caramelizes well and adds a crunchy texture to baked goods. Experienced housewives put it in gingerbread, pies, muffins, oat cookies and gingerbread, added to compotes, creams, puddings and glazes. Cane sugar makes shortbread cookies crumbly, and creamy desserts– a pleasant contrast of delicate chilled cream and crispy caramel crust.

Cane sugar is truly unique: it can transform, make the taste of soups brighter and richer, sweet and sour sauces, marinades, salads and vegetable stew. For example, in Sweden, cane sugar is added to pickled herring and liver paste. It is also used in winemaking and brewing.

Cane sugar improves the taste of cocoa, coffee, tea, chocolate, fruit and berry juices. Jams, marmalades, preserves, candied berries - all these canned food turn out very tasty thanks to its presence.

Cane sugar is especially valued by coffee and tea gourmets: when added to their favorite drinks, it does not change their taste, unlike beet sugar, nicknamed “white death”, but on the contrary, it gives coffee and tea a special, caramel aftertaste.

And cane sugar - indispensable component Hemingway’s favorite cocktail – a refreshing lime and mint mojito. It gives this drink a signature, subtle caramel flavor.

Calorie content and consumption rate of cane sugar

Eating any sweets, including cane sugar, must be approached wisely, not forgetting a sense of proportion. Without harming your health, you can consume up to 60 g of this delicacy per day.

The calorie content of cane sugar is about 380 kcal. But the beauty is that this sweetener can be added to your favorite drinks in smaller quantities: brown sugar has more rich taste than his white “brother”.

Sweets are rarely healthy. This is especially concerning for those who have children. Another thing is that brown cane sugar is an environmentally friendly, natural and healthy product with excellent taste. Dishes prepared using it will not only delight loved ones, but will also take care of their health.

How to distinguish cane sugar from fake

1. First of all, you can check the authenticity of a product by its unique taste: a person who has once tasted real cane sugar will never confuse its taste with something else.
But regarding coloring, it must be said that the brown color of cane sugar is not always an indicator of the naturalness of the product. With the help of dyes you can transform ordinary cheap sugar and pass it off as a more expensive reed one.

2. If, when added to warm water, sugar turns it brown, this is counterfeit. But there is more the right way check the naturalness of the product. In the same glass of warm water in which you dissolved a couple of spoons of brown grains, add a couple of drops of iodine. If sweet water turns into a bluish color, in front of you is real cane sugar.

3. When purchasing, always pay attention to the country of origin; this information should be indicated on the packaging. The USA, Cuba, Mauritius, Costa Rica, Brazil, Guatemala inspire trust. And don’t let the price bother you: real brown sugar is an order of magnitude higher than regular refined sugar.

Today, cane sugar is becoming increasingly popular. Undeservedly forgotten, it is confidently winning its place among useful and delicious sweets. After all, for those who monitor their health, this is a most valuable find. Choose the best for yourself and your loved ones and be happy!

Cane sugar– a sweet crystalline product obtained from the juice of a sun- and heat-loving plant called sugar cane, which is similar in appearance to bamboo and has been known to mankind since ancient times. In fact, the production of cane sugar is much older than that of beet sugar. India is considered its homeland, from where it was gradually introduced and cultivated in other countries of the Middle East and Mediterranean with the help of travelers and merchants, who always delighted the inhabitants with overseas delicacies. And subsequently, thanks to the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors, it spread to the New World, to Caribbean Islands, Madeira and Cape Verde. Until now, cane sugar has an extraordinary distribution throughout the globe.

Nowadays, you can find this wonderful product in almost every supermarket or grocery store. Photos of cane sugar very often decorate various articles and publications on the topic. healthy nutrition, and the popularity of this sweetener is gaining more and more momentum, urging fans of a healthy lifestyle to carefully monitor the products they consume and get rid of harmful and useless ingredients in their own diet.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of cane sugar, or rather, their a large number of and explains the popularity that this type of product has acquired in our time. And indeed, if we compare the beet sugar we are used to with cane sugar, then the results of laboratory research, as a rule, give the palm to our overseas counterpart. Let's look at the benefits of cane sugar:

Which cane sugar is best?

In order to decide for yourself which cane sugar is better, you must first understand the manufacturing process of this product, as well as how they differ from each other. different types cane sweets.

The main two types that are found on store shelves are:

  • Refined cane white sugar– such a product goes through all stages of refining: from transformation into syrup followed by filtration to evaporation and drying of the resulting white mass.
  • Unrefined brown cane sugar - this one has a different intensity of brown hue and undergoes very little purification.

It is the latter, called “raw cane sugar,” that is becoming increasingly popular. There are several varieties of unrefined sweetener:

Cane sugar gur

It is a bit misleading to say that gur is natural cane sugar. This product came to us from India along with the increasingly popular Ayurvedic lifestyle trends and is a condensed natural juice, squeezed very slowly (over about 3 hours) from the trunks of sugar cane.

The consistency and color of this sweetness resemble soft sherbet, which, however, does not exclude the presence small quantity sugar crystals in the product.

The production of gur, popular mainly in India, involves carefully pressing the raw materials, cleaning and thickening by cooking. This method allows you to keep it in the consumed product. maximum amount useful substances.

How to distinguish a fake?

Distinguish fake cane sugar from natural product every consumer needs to learn. Counterfeiters very often nowadays try to disguise ordinary refined white sugar with caramel, giving it a brown tint. This is done for the sake of profit, because cane sugar is an order of magnitude more expensive than its refined beet brother. Let's consider several possibilities for checking cane sugar for originality:

Use in cooking

The use of cane sugar in cooking has many diverse traditions associated with cultural and culinary specialties each country. In addition, the diversity of this product does not make it possible to combine all varieties in one row, because each is so unique (including compatibility with various products), which can be considered a separate species additives:

The benefits of cane sugar and treatment

Many people, thinking about healthy way life, wonder about the benefits and harms of cane sugar, and make sure that cane sugar has only positive reviews. That is why the question of whether to buy cane sugar is, as a rule, not worth it for them. And that’s right, because it’s not only delicious treat. Correct regular use This product can help in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

If you simply replace any sweetener with cane sugar in your diet, the risk of complications such as:

  • cough;
  • sore throat;
  • pulmonary infections.

Also this sweet product leads to improved blood circulation and strengthened immunity.

This, however, is not at all surprising! The very history of this product indicates its medicinal nature. For a long time Cane sugar was available for purchase only in pharmacies as a drug, not a culinary product.

Harm of cane sugar and contraindications

The harm of cane sugar and contraindications to its use are the subject of research by many modern scientists and nutritionists.

In fact, there are no contraindications for this wonderful product. Restrictions on the consumption of cane sugar can only be associated with its excess amount in daily diet, which leads not only to the appearance excess fat in the human body, but also to additional stress on the pancreas, as well as to oversaturation of the blood with glucose. And this, in turn, can lead to various other diseases. In addition, unregulated consumption of cane sugar by people suffering from diabetes can cause an exacerbation of this disease and a deterioration in the person’s overall well-being.

Adults and children love to eat sugar; it improves brain function and improves mood. In Russia and the CIS countries, they consumed mainly white sugar, but not so long ago brown sugar was brought to our country. And many sweet tooths have since been interested in the question: cane sugar and regular sugar - what is the difference between them? And does it exist at all?

How is beet sugar obtained?

To obtain everyone's favorite beet sugar, people use sugar beets. In the mid-eighteenth century, the German chemist Andreas Marggraf published his numerous observations on how sugar is extracted from sugar beets. The records of the talented scientist have survived to this day.

The French commander Napoleon Bonaparte tried his best to improve the production of beet sugar in France, so as not to buy sugar from Great Britain.

In 1802 Alexander Blankenagel opened the first white sugar factory in the Russian Empire. I. A. Maltsev, with the help of the count couple Bobrinsky, improved sugar production in the Russian Empire. In 1897, more than two hundred sugar factories operated in the Russian state.

How is cane sugar made?

Sugar cane is used to make cane sugar. At the end of the fifteenth century, the navigator H. Columbus brought to the island. Haiti sugar cane. Over time, sugar cane began to be grown in India and the United States. In the sixteenth century, a cane sugar factory began operating in Germany. But despite this, sugar remained an item of wealth and luxury for a long time.

It grows over several years. Sugarcane is harvested in two ways by hand or agricultural machinery. The stems are cut into small pieces and taken to processing plants. At the factory, the sugar cane stalks are finely crushed and the juice is extracted with pure water.

First, the juice is subjected to maximum heat in order to destroy numerous enzymes. The resulting syrup is passed through several evaporators, after this procedure all the water comes out. After the above procedure, the formation of sugar crystals. The resulting crystals have a brown tint and are completely ready for use.

What are the benefits of cane sugar?

Cane sugar is 88% sucrose. But in addition to sucrose, brown sugar also contains at least useful material:

  • Potassium- improves heart function and strengthens blood vessels, reduces arterial pressure. Promotes the absorption of proteins and fats. Cleanses the intestines and removes accumulated toxins from the human body;
  • Calcium- improves the condition of bones and tooth enamel. Promotes blood clotting and has a beneficial effect on brain function;
  • Zinc- keeps the skin youthful and makes the hair thick and shiny;
  • Copper- improves immune system person;
  • Phosphorus- improves brain and heart function;
  • Iron- strengthens blood vessels.

Brown sugar is extremely beneficial for human body, and must be included in your diet.

The harm of cane sugar

Unfortunately, sugar brings more disadvantages to our body than advantages. However, it should be remembered that sugar is harmful to a sweet tooth only if he consumes it in considerable quantities.

And eating even brown sugar can lead to such serious diseases as:

  1. Diabetes;
  2. Excess weight;
  3. Atherosclerosis;
  4. Allergic reaction.

If a person has diabetes, then he needs to try to completely eliminate sugar from his diet or at least sharply reduce its amount. For pancreatitis, bronchial asthma and oncology, you should also limit the consumption of any sugar.

When purchasing cane sugar in the store, give preference to sugar in transparent packaging. So you can take a closer look at it appearance. Carefully read the ingredients on the label; it should say sugar. unrefined.

Very often, colored beet sugar is sold under the guise of cane sugar. Of course, such a food product will not cause damage to your body, but you will not get much benefit from this sugar. And you will pay for it like you would for brown sugar, which costs much more than white sugar.

What are the benefits of beet sugar?

Our native white sugar also contains many useful substances. Beet sugar contains useful microelements, but manufacturers often do not write about this on the packaging. After making beet sugar, dark molasses remains. And dark molasses is used to produce livestock feed and alcohol.

Beetroot juice contains not only sugar, but also a lot of other useful substances:

  • Protein;
  • Pectin;
  • Oxalic acid;
  • Malic acid;
  • Citric acid;
  • Potassium;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Cesium;
  • Iron.

But it is worth noting that the manufacturers of white granulated sugar are behind the times. IN Soviet time was implemented granulated sugar yellow color. If enterprises did not have time to produce white granulated sugar, then sellers put yellow sugar on store shelves. Nowadays, yellow granulated sugar would cost more than white granulated sugar, as it is enriched with organic elements.

The harm of beet sugar

Beet sugar is harmful to our body only if we eat in large quantities. Because granulated sugar, like any other food product, should be consumed in moderation.

Excessive consumption of beet sugar leads to serious consequences such as:

  1. Decreased immunity;
  2. Improper metabolism;
  3. Increased cholesterol;
  4. Oncological diseases;
  5. Destruction of tooth enamel;
  6. Excess weight;
  7. Allergic reaction.

Now you know about the pros and cons of cane sugar and beet sugar. Now you can answer the question, “what is the difference between cane sugar and regular sugar”? Each of them contains useful and harmful properties. The main thing is not to consume them in large quantities. And it’s up to you to decide which sugar to choose!

Video about the difference between cane and regular sugar