Curd cake “Napoleon. The most delicious cottage cheese "Napoleon" with the most delicate custard and berries

Add sugar, eggs, vanillin, melted and cooled butter, and baking powder to the curd mass. Mix everything and leave for 15-20 minutes until the “cap” rises.

Add sifted wheat flour in small portions.

Knead with your hands into a soft dough that releases well from the sides of the bowl. Wrap it in cling film and place it in a cool place for 30 minutes.

Form into a roll and divide into 10 equal parts. If you cook in a mold with a smaller diameter (I cook in a mold with a diameter of 24 cm), then increase the number of parts to 14 pieces.

Roll out thin cakes (2-3 mm) from each part on a sheet of parchment paper, cut out circles with a diameter of 24 cm. To do this, you can use the bottom of a springform pan or a dish of a suitable size. Prick the cakes with a fork so that they do not puff up too much during baking.

If you can’t roll out the cakes very thin, you can make them thicker, just increase the baking time a little. This cake will also soak well, and after 6-7 hours it can be served for tea.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180" for 8-15 minutes (the exact time is difficult to say, it all depends on the characteristics of your stove).

While the first cake is baking, roll out the next one. But you shouldn’t make a lot of dough at once, as the dough will dry out and won’t rise well. Keep an eye on the baked goods; they should only brown slightly until light golden brown. Be careful not to overbake the cakes, otherwise the finished cake may taste bitter and the cut may look unattractive.

In the saucepan in which you will cook the cream, beat the eggs with vanilla and granulated sugar well with a whisk.

Add flour little by little (you can pre-mix it with a small amount of water or milk, this will help avoid the formation of lumps).

Mix well again, pour in the milk and place the resulting mass over medium heat. Cook for 7-8 minutes until thickened with continuous stirring with a spatula or spoon, otherwise the cream will stick to the bottom and unsightly lumps will form. As soon as the first bubbles appear, turn off the heat and leave the contents of the saucepan to cool (you can place the saucepan in a larger saucepan and fill it with ice or cold water). To prevent a crust from forming on the surface, you can cover the entire mass with cling film, as if gluing it.

Add softened butter to the cooled cream and beat with a mixer (preferably at low speed) until smooth.

Place 1.5 tablespoons of cream on the first cake layer and grease well.
Place the next cake layer on top and continue frosting all the cake layers until they are finished.

Coat the sides and top of the cake.

Are you having a holiday soon? Do you want to cook something new and unusual for dessert? Make a Napoleon cottage cheese cake. This delicious dessert will appeal to both adults and children.

Dough ingredients

"Curd Napoleon" is a little-known recipe. The shape of the cake remains the same, but the taste is completely different. First you need to prepare the dough for the cakes. To do this you will need the following set of products:

1. Thick cottage cheese (without grains) - 0.5 kg.

2. Flour - approximately 600 g (it all depends on the thickness of the first ingredient).

3. Sugar - 150-200 g.

4. Eggs - 3 pcs.

5. Margarine (butter) - 1 pack (200 g).

6. Soda, slaked with vinegar - 1 tsp. (can be replaced with baking powder)

7. Salt (pinch) - to taste.

8. Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.

Preparing the dough

Beat the eggs and sugar with a mixer until smooth and leave in the container. If the cottage cheese has lumps, then beat it with a blender in a separate bowl. Add soda or baking powder to eggs with sugar. Mix well with a mixer. Place margarine in the same container, which must first be grated on a coarse grater.

Now add beaten cottage cheese, flour, salt, vanillin to the egg mixture. Mix all ingredients and knead into a soft, soft dough. Make a ball out of it, cover with a towel to prevent the mass from chapping, and put it in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

Look how beautiful the dough turned out. Now all that remains is to let it brew and you can continue preparing the dessert.

Bake the cakes in the oven

Now you can take 6 balls of dough out of the refrigerator. They should be cold, but not frozen. Dust each ball with flour, place one on an empty space and roll out. First make a circle, and then remove the excess so that you get a rectangle. However, this is not necessary. After all, curd Napoleon can be either round or rectangular in shape.

Place the rolled out cake on a greased baking sheet, and then bake in the oven at 200 degrees. Readiness is easy to check. When the cake is browned, you can take it out. This is approximately 7-10 minutes. In this way, you need to bake all the other five cakes. You cannot lubricate them with hot cream. Therefore, the curds need to be cooled to room temperature.

Cream ingredients

While the dough is in the refrigerator, we decide what we will lubricate the cakes with. If we already know that we want to make curd Napoleon, then we need to make the appropriate cream. To do this, take the following ingredients:

  • Curd cheese - 200-250 g.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 300 g.
  • Medium fat cottage cheese - 500 g.
  • Any berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants) - 100 g of each type.
  • Jam (preferably blackcurrant) - 500 g.
  • Sugar - to taste.
  • Vanillin - 1 packet.
  • White condensed milk - 0.5 cans.

The above ingredients are optional, because you can improvise based on your desires and capabilities. When the cream is ready, start cooking. The cottage cheese will be more tender and tasty if you add a little cream to it.

Preparing the cream

Very tasty cottage cheese "Napoleon". Its recipe is quite simple and accessible to every housewife. However, the future of your cake depends not only on the cake layers. The cream, which we will talk about now, gives the dessert its taste and tenderness. To avoid unnecessary lumps, blend the cottage cheese and cheese with a blender until smooth.

Now add condensed milk to the cottage cheese. After all, it is this that gives amazing impregnation to the cakes. If the cottage cheese is too dry, then you can take not half of condensed milk, but a whole jar. However, do not forget that you will also be adding jam and berries. Therefore, before adding another ingredient, taste the mixture.

To make a delicious cottage cheese cream, you can add a little lemon juice to the cream, which will remove the cloying sweet taste. When you have prepared everything according to the recipe, you can make dessert.

Curd cake “Napoleon”

When the cakes have cooled and the cream has been prepared, you can create an amazing dessert. To do this, place the first cake on a tray or flat dish and generously grease it with curd cream. In order for the dessert to soak well, you need to grease it on the sides.

Place the second layer on top of the first layer. Also lubricate it generously. Lay out all the curd layers for the cake in this way. Spread curd cream on top and sides. The cake should not be placed in the refrigerator for the first two hours so that it is well soaked and becomes more juicy.

The result is a very tasty curd Napoleon. Its recipe is very easy. Therefore, every housewife can easily make such a delicious dessert and please not only guests, but also their household members.

Cottage cheese "Napoleon" in a frying pan

This dessert does not need to be baked in the oven. Some housewives have gotten used to making cakes in a frying pan. There is an opinion that then they do not dry out and acquire a completely different taste.

When you have rolled out the dough to the desired size, place it on a preheated frying pan lightly greased with margarine. When one side is browned, turn it over. Be careful not to overdry. To do this, fry the cakes over medium heat. Place them on a plate and leave to cool.

When the cakes have cooled, you can grease them with the same mixture described above. When the whole cake is greased, then you can decorate it as you wish.


As a rule, Napoleon cake is decorated with crumbs that remain from baking. However, as the practice of many confectioners shows, you can improvise with the presentation in other directions. For example, dessert can be decorated with berries (kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, etc.), chocolate, jelly and much more.

If you don’t have the above ingredients at home to decorate the cake, it doesn’t matter. After all, you can put what you have in the refrigerator on top. For example, bananas, apples.

Whatever you come up with for dessert, it will be delicious in any case, and its appearance will be appetizing. After all, the baked goods are prepared with love, and this is the most important thing for any pastry chef.

When preparing the dough, it is very important that the margarine or butter for the dough is cold and hard. The quality and taste of the dessert depends on this in the future.

Very often, when frying or baking, cakes swell greatly. To prevent this from happening, first pierce them in several places with a fork. Don't worry about appearance. Subsequently, all the shortcomings of the dessert will be hidden

When you make round cakes, there are scraps left over. Don't throw them away, but fry them, as they will become a decoration for the dessert. To make the trimmings more beautiful in color, dust them lightly with cocoa.

The cottage cheese cake turns out even tastier if the cakes are not only greased with cream, but also sprinkled with chopped walnuts (almonds).

Before serving, the cake must rest in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. If time allows, then try to keep it in the cold for a day. Then it will infuse better, become softer and more saturated.

Housewives can’t think of anything to diversify their sweet table for the holiday. Napoleon, which in Soviet times was always prepared only with custard with condensed milk, began to absorb more and more new tastes. It can be prepared with sour cream, jam, and even using cottage cheese cream.

All experiments with puff pastry came from a variety of baked goods. Who hasn’t tried croissants with cheese or puff pastries with cottage cheese? Now all products made from puff pastry are sold on every corner, since the dough itself is not too expensive, and any fillers can be used. The good thing about puff pastry is that there is not even a hint of sugar in the dough itself, so the cream for such baked goods can be made both sweet and heavy, such as meat or liver.

Nowadays, even those familiar with sausages in dough prefer to make them by wrapping them in puff pastry.

Therefore, why not have a cheesecake called Napoleon. The recipe for this delicacy can be found both on the Internet and you can come up with it yourself. Since any Napoleon cake can be prepared in different ways, both in a frying pan and from ready-made store-bought dough, as well as from homemade puff pastry. On our website we have written and shown a recipe for making Napoleon baking dough more than once, and there is no need to repeat it. The article “Preparing puff pastry according to home recipes” will help you prepare the dough correctly. The cream has also been talked about more than once. But it’s worth repeating that in order for the curd cream to be tasty, tender and go well with the cakes, the cottage cheese must be passed through a sieve or whipped with a blender.

Since any lump can ruin the baking experience. It is also worth remembering that puff pastry cakes are always a bit dry and need to be thoroughly soaked. Curd cream is not intended to solve such a problem, which means that another, more liquid impregnation is necessary. But if you mix cottage cheese with liquid sour cream, then additional lubrication for the cakes will not be required.

But not only can you make curd cream, but you can also bake cakes using a recipe that contains cottage cheese. Currently, Napoleon can be chosen to suit every taste.

Recipe with curd cream

For this cake you will need almost the same products as for the classic Napoleon cakes, and the cream will be from cottage cheese with sour cream, like a regular morning dessert for kids. Any child will gladly swallow a piece of cake, without even thinking that it contains one of the hated foods. As a mother of two boys, I can say that it’s not every day that you manage to put cottage cheese, which is so necessary for the body and small bones, into their beaks, but they swallow a piece of cake without even noticing what’s in it.

And there are not so many people who love cottage cheese in its pure form; the majority prefer cottage cheese desserts, the price of which is prohibitive even in terms of 0.5 kg. cottage cheese. Look at the baskets of young girls in the supermarket and you will be surprised how newfangled advertising affects them, but no one even thought about the fact that these products can be prepared at home.

Now it’s worth telling what is included in the recipe for Napoleon cake, which is useful in all respects:

  • Premium flour – 600 gr.;
  • Water – 150 ml;
  • Butter – 300 gr.;
  • Vinegar – 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt – 1 pinch;
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Sour cream – 400 gr.;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 500 gr.;
  • Fine granulated sugar – 200 gr.

First of all, let's start making the cakes that will make up the Napoleon.

The recipe is not too complicated, but requires precision. First, dilute the vinegar in water and beat the eggs well with a mixer. Mix water with eggs, add salt and beat everything together. At this stage, you can put the mixer aside until you work with the cream, as it will only be needed for this.

Sift the flour well and mix with chopped butter. It should turn out almost crumbly, as the flour will begin to stick to small pieces of butter and form a slide from this mass. We make a hole in the center of the mountain and pour in the prepared mixture of eggs, water and vinegar. This procedure requires some skill, since the liquid may begin to pour out through the prepared dough the first time. Therefore, it is better to perform this stage of work on a plastic tray with small sides.

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When all the ingredients are on one tray, kneading the dough begins.

The dough should be elastic. The entire mass must be divided into pieces of the same size. If the diameter of the cake is not very large, then there will be more pieces, and, therefore, the whole cake will be taller. Since the diameter of my cake is about 30 cm, it turns out to be 11-12 pieces. These parts of the cake should be placed in a large plate, covered with cling film and refrigerated for 1 hour.

At this time, while the dough is cooling, a lot of things need to be done.

Firstly, tidy up the kitchen, secondly, cut 4 pieces of baking parchment, and thirdly, whip the cream. Even if you have two baking sheets, it is better to prepare 4 cake layers at once, since they bake very quickly and roll out the second one while the first one is baking, not every housewife will get the hang of it.

In order to prepare the cream, you need to beat the cottage cheese with a blender to avoid the slightest lumps in it. If there is no such wonderful unit, then the cottage cheese must be rubbed through a sieve. Next, beat the sour cream, gradually adding fine sugar to it, and then cottage cheese in small portions. At this stage, the cream is ready and should be put in the refrigerator so that it thickens a little.

It seems like everyone has done it in time and needs to take out the dough and roll out each layer.

It is better to immediately cut the cakes according to the template, but do not remove the trimmings, but move them slightly away from the main layer. Place the cake on baking parchment, preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the cake, after pricking it with a fork in several places.

Each layer is baked for no more than 5 minutes until browned. Next, remove the cake from the oven, replace it with the next one and place the first layer on a dish, and throw the trimmings into a blender or cup for grinding. We repeat the operation until all the pieces of dough are gone. Next, we cool the cakes and chop the scraps, only after that we begin to assemble Napoleon into a single whole.

As the recipe says, coat each cake layer generously with cream and stack on top of each other.

Coat the finished cake on all sides with cream and sprinkle with prepared crumbs.

Let it sit in the kitchen at normal temperature for a couple of hours, and then put the Napoleon in the refrigerator for another 3-4 hours.

This recipe is very tasty with freshly brewed coffee or cocoa for kids.

Cottage cheese everywhere

The next cake is intended for those who cannot imagine their life without cottage cheese. The cake is not only soaked in cream from this product, but also this miracle containing calcium is also present in the cake layers. This cake is useful for strengthening bones, since most of it consists of fermented milk product containing calcium.

The recipe for the cream is exactly the same as the previous one, but the recipe for the cakes and their proper preparation should be dealt with separately.

To prepare the cakes you will need:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 0.5 kg;
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Premium flour - 3 cups;
  • Fine sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • Soda – 2 teaspoons (quench with vinegar)

We will take the same cream as in the previous recipe and in the same quantity. Sour cream needs 15%, as any other will be too thick.

In order to prepare the cakes, you need to mix all the ingredients, but it is better to pass the cottage cheese through a fine sieve or beat in a blender. Then add sugar and mix everything. Next, add the egg, soda, slaked with vinegar, and knead again.

After this, we begin to add flour in small portions, also previously sifted through a sieve. If the dough turns out to be too thick, you can beat in another egg. The dough should be elastic and roll out well. You shouldn’t pour all the flour into the cakes, leave about half a cup for rolling.

Divide the entire volume into 8-9 equal parts and roll into thin layers.

It is better to cut according to the template right away, without waiting for baking, since then the cakes begin to crumble without cream. Each cake is baked in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until browned. Since I have a tile with a timer, which is a little off with time and is not set for less than 10 minutes, I take out each cake after 5-6 minutes.

Allow all layers to cool well and only then spread with prepared curd cream.

If you also want to make a healthy cake, then it’s better not to bother with the crumbs from the cakes, but sprinkle the cake with nuts. Peanuts can be offered as a budget option.

Any cake will be delicious if you make it with love and don’t think too much about decorating an everyday dish. You can choose any recipe, experiments are also allowed.

  1. Start by preparing the curd dough for Napoleon. Melt the butter in a water bath and leave until completely cool. Place the cottage cheese in a bowl (it is advisable to rub it through a sieve or simply rub it thoroughly with a fork), add sugar and grind again.
  2. Then pour in the melted butter and grind. Beat in raw eggs and beat with a blender or whisk until smooth. Add baking powder, mix well and leave for 15 minutes at room temperature.
  3. Sift the flour through a sieve and add to the curd mass. Knead the dough into a soft, non-stick dough, wrap it in cling film and place in the refrigerator for half an hour. Meanwhile, prepare cream for Napoleon.
  4. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, cut into small pieces and leave at room temperature while preparing the cream and baking the cakes. Beat the eggs into a bowl, add sugar and vanilla sugar and beat with a whisk or mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Pour flour into the egg mixture, sifting it through a sieve and continuously stirring the egg mixture. In a separate saucepan, bring the milk to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Quickly stirring the egg dough with a whisk, pour hot milk into it in a thin stream.
  6. Place the pan with the cream on the fire and, stirring constantly, bring it to a boil. Cook the custard over moderate heat at a low simmer, stirring until thickened, about 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and leave to cool.
  7. Preheat the oven to 180C, line a baking sheet with parchment paper and remove the dough from the refrigerator. Divide the dough into 10-12 equal-sized pieces and roll them into balls.
  8. Roll out each piece of dough into a round layer with a diameter of 20-21 cm, trim off the excess with a knife (for convenience, place a dish or mold of the required diameter on top). Prick the rolled out circle of dough with a fork in several places, transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet and place in a preheated oven.
  9. Bake the Napoleon cake until golden brown, about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, roll out the next piece of dough, trim off any excess and prick with a fork. Place the scraps in a separate plate; they will be useful for decoration.
  10. Thus, bake the cakes from the remaining dough until ready and stack them. Finally, place the dough scraps on a baking sheet, bake until done (do not overbake) and crush with a rolling pin or by hand until crumbly.
  11. Beat the melted butter with a mixer at high speed until fluffy. Without ceasing to beat the butter, pour the cooled custard into it, spoonful at a time, whisking until smooth after each spoonful.
  12. Grease all the cakes with cream and stack them on a plate. Grease the surface and sides of the cake with the remaining cream, sprinkle evenly with chopped scraps and place in the refrigerator.
  13. Curd Napoleon should sit in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours (preferably 10-12 hours). After the specified time, remove the dish from the refrigerator, decorate to your taste and cut the cake into portions. Bon appetit!

The exquisite, delicate and adored Napoleon cake can be baked in different ways, including certain additives in its recipe. One of the most delicious options is Napoleon with cottage cheese and custard. The cottage cheese is placed directly into the dough, and the cream is prepared in milk with the addition of butter. This cake will definitely be appreciated by those who appreciate baked goods without a cloying taste. We warn you: it will take a long time to bake, and after assembly it needs to be kept in the refrigerator for at least 12 more hours so that the cakes are well soaked in the cream. But all this work and expectation will definitely be generously rewarded - “Napoleon” with cottage cheese will become a real feast of taste for you.

“The Fair Half” presents the most detailed recipe for baking this cake, accompanied by step-by-step photos.

How to make cottage cheese “Napoleon” - recipe with photo

We will divide the whole process into two main stages - preparing the custard and preparing the curd dough. In general, there is still a third stage ahead - assembling the cake, but it logically follows from the previous two.

For cream:

Preparation. Break the eggs into a cup or bowl (there is no need to separate the whites from the yolks), add sugar.

Using a mixer, beat them until they form a white foam filled with air bubbles. There is no point in trying to increase the foam volume - for this recipe it is completely irrelevant.

Add vanilla, flour and starch to the bowl with the egg mixture. Stir them with a broom or mixer (at low speed) until completely dissolved.

Pour in the milk while stirring the base of the future cream. Make sure the milk flows in a thin stream.

Pour the contents of the bowl into a saucepan and place over moderate heat. Continuously stir the cream with a whisk and heat until it thickens. Try to prevent the cream from forming lumps or burning at the bottom or sides of the pan.

Remove the thickened custard from the heat and, while it is still hot, dip a piece of butter into it. Stir the contents of the pan to dissolve the butter and let the cream cool completely at room temperature.

For the cakes:

Preparation. To begin, simply mash the cottage cheese with softened butter and sugar.

The next step is to break the eggs into a bowl with cottage cheese and add vanilla. Turn on the mixer at low speed and thoroughly stir the curd mass. Don't let small grains of cottage cheese scare you - they won't spoil the cake in any way.

Now add baking powder into the curd mass and add 2-3 tbsp in small portions. spoons add flour. Focus on how much flour the dough absorbs. It all depends on the moisture or dryness of the cottage cheese. In some cases, you may need a little less flour than indicated in the recipe; in others - a little more.

The dough should be soft and elastic. It doesn’t stick to your hands or the sides of the bowl, which means it’s ready. Do not overuse the amount of flour, do not add too much of it, otherwise the dough will turn out tight and difficult to roll out.

Divide the dough into 10 equal parts and roll them out one by one into thin layers (no thicker than 0.5 cm). Each layer can have any shape. Place a round plate of the same diameter as required for Napoleon in the center of the layer. Use a knife to cut out a circle. It is best to carry out these cutting manipulations after the sheet of dough has been laid out on a baking sheet covered with oiled paper.

Leave the dough scraps there, on the baking sheet - they will be baked with the main cakes, and then will be useful for making topping crumbs.

Bake the cakes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees. Don’t forget to prick the crust with a fork in several places before placing it in the oven - this is necessary so that it does not swell or deform during baking. As soon as the surface of the cake acquires a light brownish tint, you need to quickly remove it from the oven and send the next one there. If possible, bake 2 cakes at the same time - save time.

Let the finished cakes cool and begin to grease them with cream, which has also cooled to the optimal temperature.

Coat each cake well and cover with the next one, lightly pressing it against the previous one. Grease the top and sides of the cake with cream too. For convenience, use a silicone pastry brush.

Roll out the scraps with a rolling pin on a board, turning them into crumbs.

Sprinkle this Napoleon crumble on all sides.

No matter how much you are bursting with the desire to eat it immediately, be patient and put the cake in the refrigerator for an overnight stay. Ideally, he should spend at least 12 hours there. And if it sits for a whole day, it will become even more tender and tastier. Try it and you will understand.

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