Flourless pizza dough with semolina. Yeast dough with semolina for pizza or pie

A photorecipe of an unsurpassed, great-tasting Italian pizza on semolina dough(in Russian ). Pizza is always delicious and no wonder, because pizza was the favorite dish of many kings and queens of Italy. Products made from semolina dough do not get stale for a long time, therefore, if you do not eat pizza on the day of preparation, it will not disappear and will be just as tasty the next day. This pizza recipe is designed to make 3 large Italian pizzas, which will be enough for a company of 6 people to eat. Before you start making pizza, read this recipe through to the end to make sure you have all the ingredients you'll need.

Dough Ingredients

  • 200 gr. water
  • 200 gr. decoys
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 7 gr. dry yeast

Dough Ingredients

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 0.5 cup semolina
  • 2 pcs. eggs
  • 100 gr. sour cream (optional)
  • 2/3 tsp salt
  • 2-4 tsp Sahara
  • 1-3 cups flour for mixing

Filling Ingredients

  • 100 gr. salami sausage
  • 0.5 pcs. tomato
  • 8 pcs. olives
  • 150-200 gr. hard cheese
  • 1 tbsp dill and parsley
  • 0.5 tsp Italian herbs

Italian pizza sauce ingredients

  • 200 gr. mayonnaise
  • 150 gr. ketchup
  • 0.5 tsp Italian herbs

Cooking method

  1. First you need to prepare the dough for pizza dough. To do this, dissolve sugar and yeast in warm water. Then, stir in the semolina. You should get a liquid grainy mass (below in the picture on the right). If the mass turned out to be rather dry, then you should add a little more warm water.

  2. Now cover the dough with a towel or cling film and leave for about 10-20 minutes until the dough has doubled in size.
  3. After the dough has increased by 2 times, we proceed to the preparation of the pizza dough. To do this, add eggs, sour cream to the dough and mix well.
  4. Add salt, sugar, semolina and 2 cups flour to the dough. Mix thoroughly again.
  5. Continue adding flour and mixing until the dough is no longer sticky to your hands. Mango pizza dough should be a little sticky inside, but not too much.
  6. The dough should be covered with cling film and set aside for 30-40 minutes so that it increases slightly.
  7. While the dough is waiting in the wings, we move on to the filling for Italian pizza. You need to cut all the ingredients for the pizza topping as in the picture or otherwise, according to your desire.
  8. Now it's time to make the pizza sauce. It is made very simply, you need to carefully mix mayonnaise, ketchup and Italian herbs. If you don't have mayonnaise in the fridge, you can.
  9. It's time for a test. The pizza dough needs to be divided into 3 parts, because this amount of dough is enough for 3 large pizzas. Roll out the dough on the table with a thin or thick layer (as you like).
  10. Transfer the dough to a baking sheet. Dust the deco with flour first to prevent the pizza from sticking. You can also turn on the oven to start preheating. The temperature in the oven should be 180 degrees.
  11. Spread the sauce on top of the dough and pierce the entire surface of the pizza with the sauce with a fork. This is done so that the dough does not puff up during cooking in the oven.

  12. Put the chopped filling on the dough. First, pour the grated cheese on the sauce, and put everything else on the cheese already. At the end, don't forget to sprinkle with herbs and Italian herbs.

  13. We put the pizza in the oven, which before this time should be heated to 180 degrees, and leave it to cook for 10 minutes.
  14. We get ready-made pizza, pour tomato juice or beer and enjoy the great taste Italian pizza. Bon appetit!

A serving of Italian pizza is designed for 6 people.

The total cooking time for Italian semolina pizza is approximately 90 minutes.

Today we’ll talk about how to save money and use even those products that seem easier to throw away, but no - we’ll prepare yeast dough with semolina, and this recipe has never let me down.

How do you like this new idea for yeast dough, which makes simply the most gorgeous pastries - soft, airy and so delicious! I made sweet pastries from such a dough - a roll, baked pies and pizza, but you can cook something else, for example, buns (with and without filling), pies, strudel ...

My family loves homemade pastries, so I try to please them with different goodies. That is why I am constantly in search of fresh ideas, because I also like to experiment in the kitchen, including with the help of my miracle oven.

What is unusual about today's dough? There is one secret ingredient in it that greatly affects the final result. Have you already guessed what it is? Regular semolina! Yes, yes, I was also surprised by this, but I decided to try the recipe anyway, and did not regret it - the dough amazed me with its softness, splendor and airiness!

Alternatively, this dough can, of course, be prepared by hand. But why bother once again, because a wonderful assistant can perfectly cope with this task. In the meantime, the oven is busy kneading, you can do other things, because the extra 1.5 hours are released. And with our pace of life - this is a real find!

So, let's make a wonderful dough on semolina porridge. And then we will bake some pizza or a pie from this dough!


  • Liquid semolina - 200 ml
  • Milk - a little less than 200 ml
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 9 tablespoons
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.
  • Flour - 4 regular cups
  • Dry yeast - 2.5 tsp

Mango dough recipe

  1. We take a bucket for a bread machine and lay the products in it in turn. First, semolina. Semolina should be pretty liquid.
  2. Now you need to measure the right amount of milk. We do it this way: take a measuring cup, drive one chicken egg into it. Now pour in milk (room temperature or slightly warmer) until 200 ml is reached. Stir the egg with milk and pour into a bucket of semolina.
  3. Add salt and sugar.
  4. And add vegetable oil. You can use any that is not afraid of heat.
  5. Lastly, pour in the flour (you definitely need to sift it, for greater airiness). And on top of the flour - yeast. Install the bucket in the oven. We select the “Dough preparation” program, which takes 1.5 hours in my oven. At this time, you can dream up what to cook with next, and prepare the filling.
  6. After this time, the oven will signal that everything is ready, and you can work with it. We take the dough out of the bucket onto the surface with flour, and then we roll it out and decorate the future baking, depending on what exactly you planned to cook from such a dough. By the way, it is better to cook from semolina dough right away, as it increases in size very quickly. Therefore, the filling should be ready by this time in order to immediately begin work. Well, then we bake our product in the oven in the most usual and familiar way.

That's all, now you know how to cook an unusual yeast dough on semolina with the help of a miracle oven, the pastry from which turns out to be unusually tasty, tender, soft and airy! Drink and eat healthy!

But the dough should always be the same: thin, crispy and tender. And the sauce is juicy, rich and at the same time moderately neutral so as not to clog the main taste.

During his many culinary journeys through Italy, Jamie Oliver found the perfect, if you will, canonical dough and sauce recipe. By following the rules, you will end up with a grandiose pizza.

Which pizza is better and healthier? Watch the video!

So, what is needed for the test:

200 g semolina (the secret of the perfect dough is in it)
800 g durum wheat flour (if this is a problem, feel free to replace with ordinary premium flour)
550 ml warm water
1 tbsp salt
4 tbsp olive oil
14 g dry yeast

How to cook:

1. Pour the flour and semolina onto the work surface, make a well in the center and pour in warm water.

Pour both types of flour onto the surface, make a well in the center and pour in warm water.

2. Slowly but surely mix flour and water with a fork.

Slowly but surely, using a fork, mix flour and water. Do not rush to use your hands, the dough must be prepared for this, - Jamie is sure Do not rush to use your hands, the dough must be prepared for this, - warns Jamie.

3. Add salt, olive oil and dry yeast. Stir with a fork, collecting flour from the edges.

Add salt, olive oil and dry yeast. Stir with a fork, collecting flour from the edges

4. As soon as you feel that it has become difficult to work with a fork, sprinkle your hands with flour and start kneading the dough. The main task in this process is to achieve maximum dough elasticity.

As soon as you feel that it has become difficult to work with a fork, sprinkle your hands with flour and start kneading the dough. The main task in this process is to achieve maximum dough elasticity. It's not easy, but the result is worth it. It's not easy, but the result is worth it.

5. Form a ball from the dough.

Shape the dough into a ball and transfer to a floured bowl Transfer to a floured bowl.

6. Yeast loves heat and moisture, so cover the bowl with a damp cloth and place in a warm place for 45-60 minutes until the dough has tripled in size.

Yeast loves heat and moisture, so cover the bowl with a damp cloth and place in a warm place for 45-60 minutes until the dough has tripled in size.

7. The dough is ready, it remains to roll it out as thin as possible.

The perfect dough is ready, it remains to roll it out as thin as possible

Now let's move on to the sauce.


It takes 10 minutes to prepare the sauce Necessary:
bunch of green basil
4 garlic cloves
8 tbsp olive oil
3 cans of canned tomatoes in their own juice
salt, pepper - to taste

How to cook:

1. Grind the garlic.

2. Fry garlic and basil in olive oil, add canned tomatoes and mash them with a spoon. Salt and pepper, mix well. Cook for a couple of minutes.

Fry garlic and basil in olive oil, add canned tomatoes and mash them with a spoon. Salt and pepper, mix well. Cook for a couple of minutes

3. Remove from heat and rub the mass through a sieve.

4. Return to the fire and cook over low heat for another 5 minutes.

Genius Tomato Sauce The sauce is ready!

The point is small - cut the smoked sausage, lay out the pieces of canned pineapple, grate the cheese and send your masterpiece to the oven!

© Jamie Oliver 2012

For more recipes, visit Jamie Oliver's website.

A photo recipe with step-by-step steps for preparing an unsurpassed and great-tasting semolina dough for Italian pizza. Video recipe.
Recipe content:

Pizza is always delicious, which is not surprising, because. it was the favorite dish of the kings and queens of Italy. Usually pizza dough is made with yeast, but today I propose to get acquainted with semolina-based pizza dough. Semolina is the same wheat groats, only coarsely ground. For its production, durum wheat is used. British chef Jamie Olivera also talks about the perfect semolina dough for pizza. He advises replacing 1/5 of the flour with semolina. Semolina well absorbs excess moisture, gives the yeast dough crunchiness and elasticity. Even if you already have your own proven and perfect pizza dough recipe, still try baking pizza on dough with semolina. I'm sure it won't disappoint you!

In this recipe, the amount of semolina is taken in equal amounts with wheat flour. But if there was no flour at hand, or you follow a strict diet and eat flour products, then prepare pizza dough without any flour at all. It is worth noting that semolina dough products do not get stale for a long time. Unless, of course, you immediately eat the whole pizza after cooking. Leaving a piece for the next day, it will not be lost and will remain just as tasty. The finished dough can be used not immediately after kneading, but within 2 days if stored in the refrigerator. It can also be wrapped in foil and frozen in the form of a ball or in a rolled state. It can stay in the freezer for 3 months.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 245 kcal.
  • Servings - one pizza dough
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes


  • Semolina - 200 g
  • Water - 250 ml
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Wheat flour - 200 g
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Dry yeast - 6 g (or fresh yeast - 0.5 packs)

Step-by-step preparation of dough for pizza on semolina, recipe with photo:

1. In a deep bowl for kneading dough, combine flour with semolina and yeast. Mix the dry mixture well. If using fresh yeast, knead it well with your hands.

2. In the middle of the flour hill, make a recess into which pour warm water of about 37 ° C little by little so that you can keep your finger in the water without feeling the hot temperature.

3. Pour half a portion of water into the dough and mix it with a fork.

4. Pour vegetable oil and remaining water into the dough.

5. Knead the dough with your hands until elastic and smooth. Knead it well from all sides. Form the dough into a ball and place in a deep bowl.

6. Cover it with a cotton towel and leave it in a draft-free place for 30-45 minutes to rise and double in size. After this time, the dough for pizza on semolina is considered ready and can be used for baking pizza.

The filling for pizza on semolina dough can be any. By the way, since this dough is lean, pizza can be cooked lean using mushrooms, greens, tomatoes, olives, capers, eggplant, etc. But bacon, salt, chicken, meat, and balyk will also taste delicious on this dough. etc.

I have long heard about the perfect pizza dough from Jamie Oliver, for which he advises replacing a fifth of the flour with semolina. Since semolina absorbs excess moisture as much as possible, it gives the yeast dough elasticity and crunchiness. In general, the whole secret is in it ...

And, having tried pizza prepared in this way, I realized that this is the pizza that many housewives dream of - with a thin dough and a crispy crust, like from a pizzeria ...

This is what I mean, even if you have long been armed with a proven recipe for the perfect pizza dough, still try it with the addition of semolina - I'm sure that it will not disappoint you! ..

To knead such a yeast dough, you and I need to prepare:

    140 ml water

    0.5 tsp salt

    1 tsp Sahara

    5 g fast acting yeast

In Jamie Oliver's original recipe, all the ingredients needed are multiplied by four.

The difficulty level of kneading such a test: slightly below average

Time required for this: 20 minutes, but it will still take time for the dough to rise, and then to assemble and bake the pizza in the oven

Proposed course of action:

First of all, you need to enrich the flour with oxygen - this is done so that future baking is lighter and more airy. For this purpose, the flour is sifted through a sieve and, as a rule, this must be done more than once.

Then I combine the semolina and most of the sifted flour (the rest, if necessary, I will introduce during the dough kneading).

To the mixture of semolina and flour, now I put a little salt.

I add sugar.

I sprinkle dry yeast. I mix everything well.

Now I add water, preheating it somewhere up to 40-45 degrees.

And I begin to knead the dough - you need to do this as long as possible with a fork, spoon or spatula.

Already before I need to switch to manual kneading, I add a tablespoon of olive oil.

I shift the dough onto a floured table and continue to knead the dough. To be honest, the sensations are not the most pleasant - at first the color of the dough is a little alarming (it is kind of grayish), then the very tangible grains of semolina under the fingers are embarrassing ...

But in the process of kneading, the dough becomes lighter, softer, more elastic ... If you grease your hands with olive oil a little more, the dough will stop sticking to your hands and the table, it will become very tender and pleasant - the way it should be.

As with any yeast dough, it should work.

But due to the presence of semolina in its composition, it is much more difficult for yeast to “come to life” and “work”, so you should not hope that it will double in volume as usual. But a little is still suitable, it will become airy and weightless.

Knead the risen dough. Under the fingers, semolina grains are still felt a little - after baking the product, they will pleasantly crunch along the edges of the pizza.

We roll out the dough into a layer - from the specified amount, the output will be one pizza with a diameter of 25-27 cm, or smaller.

Then we use the sauce, stuffing and more cheese - a delicious result is guaranteed to you.

Cook with pleasure!

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