Lenten pancakes recipes. Lean pancakes with yeast How to cook lean pancakes with yeast

To begin with, let's put a kettle of water - we will need boiling water, which we will subsequently cool to about forty degrees, that is, at the exit we should get warm water. In warm water, you need to dissolve sugar, salt, yeast and add vegetable oil to them.

I will dwell a little more on which yeast is better to use. Of course, often and a lot of baking housewives use only live fresh yeast, sold in bars of different weights. But if you rarely make yeast dough (like me, for example), then it is very convenient to use dry quick-acting yeast. Surely, each of the hostesses has a favorite brand, and that's the one you need to use. In the list of ingredients, I conditionally wrote that yeast needs 10 grams. This is because these instant yeast packets are most often 9, 10, or 11 grams. Take any bag, this discrepancy of one or two grams, in my opinion, is not at all significant.

Another important nuance: immediately start the dough in a large bowl, because it will actively grow.

Now we start adding flour. It is always difficult to say exactly how much flour the dough will take. It depends on the quality of the flour, and on its level of stickiness, and even on the manufacturer. Therefore, in this recipe for me, the main criterion for the fact that there is already enough flour is this: the dough must be very lazy. Very! It should slide incredibly slowly off the spoon.

When I cooked pancakes this time, I specifically tried to measure how much flour it took me. It turned out that 3 full glasses and another ¾ cup. It turns out that I used almost 4 glasses.

Our next task is not to interfere with the test. To do this, you need to put it in a warm place for 30-40 minutes (or longer). I usually continue to cook dinner at this time, so I set the bowl on the edge of the stove so that heat reaches it. The bowl must be covered. If you are used to using a lid for these purposes, then please. But I always cover with a linen towel. This is how my grandmother taught me when I was a child. The dough continues to breathe through the natural fabric, yet it is protected and wrapped. Don't be surprised if the dough rises so much, that's the way it should be. The result is a fluffy, perforated, viscous dough.

You can start frying pancakes. And here there is a very important point: in no case should the dough be mixed. You take as much dough with a spoon as you need for one pancake, as if cutting off the dough. Only on top, carefully, in small portions. And immediately send the dough to a pan with heated vegetable oil. By the way, your pancakes will continue to grow in the pan. It looks amazingly beautiful, children usually love to participate in the process of cooking such magical pancakes.

I bake these pancakes as a standard: I put the dough on the pan, cover with a lid, during the frying process I wrap the pan around its axis several times (these manipulations allow the pancakes to fry evenly), then turn the pancakes over and cover the pan with a lid again. On the second side, as usual, pancakes are baked faster. I put the finished pancakes in a pile on a large dish. Why big? Because there will be a lot of pancakes, for a big family!

Many people who fast want to eat, nevertheless, tasty and varied. In the usual menu, flour products occupy one of the important places, because they saturate the body with carbohydrates. In fasting, the choice of flour is limited. But if you allow yourself at least a little vegetable oil, then this recipe is definitely for you.

I often met families in which not everyone fasts. So, both fasting and non-fasting people will definitely feast on such pancakes.

In addition, this recipe is the most budget-friendly one you can think of. There are no eggs, no milk, no sour-milk products in the recipe. That is why even more often I want to please the household with delicious, lush, ruddy pancakes.

It is convenient to eat with honey, and with berries, with jam and sour cream. But most of all, my child loves pancakes sprinkled with powdered sugar (I understand that this is harmful, but so delicious).

Try to cook these pancakes at least once - and I am sure that they will become your signature dish on the go. After all, the recipe is insanely simple, captivatingly cheap, but at the same time so winning!

Bon appetit!

How to cook a recipe for lean pancakes - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Posted by Olga Gorashuk | in the category Breakfast in Lent, Shrovetide and pancake recipes, Pancake recipes, Recipes tasty and inexpensive, Recipes everyday, Lenten baking recipes, What to cook in Lent 03/21/2015

These pancakes are good not only for fasting. For me, after the appearance of such a recipe, all other types of pancakes receded into another plan, and the family all the time asks to bake just such pancakes. And all because pancakes are always obtained! Regardless of the mood, type of stove, ingredients from different manufacturers, pancakes will still be very fluffy, tasty and the cheapest of those that I know.

Total cooking time - 1 hour 0 minute
Active cooking time - 0 hours 25 minutes
Cost - very economical
Calories per 100 gr - 223 kcal
Servings Per Container - 7 Servings


Water - 2 tbsp. (200 ml)

Sugar - 2 tbsp Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. Yeast - 10 g Salt - 1 tsp Wheat flour - 4 tbsp. (200 ml)


To begin with, let's put a kettle of water - we will need boiling water, which we will subsequently cool to about forty degrees, that is, at the exit we should get warm water. In warm water, you need to dissolve sugar, salt, yeast and add vegetable oil to them.

I will dwell a little more on which yeast is better to use. Of course, often and a lot of baking housewives use only live fresh yeast, sold in bars of different weights. But if you rarely make yeast dough (like me, for example), then it is very convenient to use dry quick-acting yeast. Surely, each of the hostesses has a favorite brand, and that's the one you need to use. In the list of ingredients, I conditionally wrote that yeast needs 10 grams. This is because these instant yeast packets are most often 9, 10, or 11 grams. Take any bag, this discrepancy of one or two grams, in my opinion, is not at all significant.

Another important nuance: immediately start the dough in a large bowl, because it will actively grow.

Now we start adding flour. It is always difficult to say exactly how much flour the dough will take. It depends on the quality of the flour, and on its level of stickiness, and even on the manufacturer. Therefore, in this recipe for me, the main criterion for the fact that there is already enough flour is this: the dough must be very lazy. Very! It should slide incredibly slowly off the spoon.

When I cooked pancakes this time, I specifically tried to measure how much flour it took me. It turned out that 3 full glasses and another ¾ cup. It turns out that I used almost 4 glasses.

Our next task is not to interfere with the test. To do this, you need to put it in a warm place for 30-40 minutes (or longer). I usually continue to cook dinner at this time, so I set the bowl on the edge of the stove so that heat reaches it. The bowl must be covered. If you are used to using a lid for these purposes, then please. But I always cover with a linen towel. This is how my grandmother taught me when I was a child. The dough continues to breathe through the natural fabric, yet it is protected and wrapped. Don't be surprised if the dough rises so much, that's the way it should be. The result is a fluffy, perforated, viscous dough.

You can start frying pancakes. And here there is a very important point: in no case should the dough be mixed. You take as much dough with a spoon as you need for one pancake, as if cutting off the dough. Only on top, carefully, in small portions. And immediately send the dough to a pan with heated vegetable oil. By the way, your pancakes will continue to grow in the pan. It looks amazingly beautiful, children usually love to participate in the process of cooking such magical pancakes.

I bake these pancakes as a standard: I put the dough on the pan, cover with a lid, during the frying process I wrap the pan around its axis several times (these manipulations allow the pancakes to fry evenly), then turn the pancakes over and cover the pan with a lid again. On the second side, as usual, pancakes are baked faster. I put the finished pancakes in a pile on a large dish. Why big? Because there will be a lot of pancakes, for a big family!

Many people who fast want to eat, nevertheless, tasty and varied. In the usual menu, flour products occupy one of the important places, because they saturate the body with carbohydrates. In fasting, the choice of flour is limited. But if you allow yourself at least a little vegetable oil, then this recipe is definitely for you.

I often met families in which not everyone fasts. So, both fasting and non-fasting people will definitely feast on such pancakes.

In addition, this recipe is the most budget-friendly one you can think of. There are no eggs, no milk, no sour-milk products in the recipe. That is why even more often I want to please the household with delicious, lush, ruddy pancakes.

It is convenient to eat with honey, and with berries, with jam and sour cream. But most of all, my child loves pancakes sprinkled with powdered sugar (I understand that this is harmful, but so delicious).

Try to cook these pancakes at least once - and I am sure that they will become your signature dish on the go. After all, the recipe is insanely simple, captivatingly cheap, but at the same time so winning!

Bon appetit!

Do you like these recipes?

Lean pancakes, the recipe of which we will consider later, turn out to be just as tasty and satisfying as those products that are prepared using animal products (eggs, kefir, milk, etc.).

Today we will present the most popular and simple ways of making such pancakes. It is recommended to put the recipes into practice during the Great Christian Lent or if you are a vegetarian.

It's no secret that carbonated mineral water makes pastries fluffy and delicious. In this regard, we recommend cooking lean pancakes on this drink.

So, to prepare the pancake base, we need:

  • sifted light flour - 1 full glass;
  • mineral water with gas - 1 full glass;
  • baking powder - a full dessert spoon (you can replace ½ tablespoon of table soda and a few drops of lemon juice);
  • sugar and salt - apply to taste (you can additionally use honey);
  • refined oil - use for frying pancakes.

Knead pancake dough in sparkling water

Lenten pancakes are not only very tasty, but also relatively inexpensive. Indeed, for their preparation, we only need water and flour, which cannot be said about ordinary pancakes, which are made using milk, eggs, kefir, cooking oils, and so on.

To make lush and tasty lean pancakes, you need to pour sparkling water into a deep container, and then add baking powder or table soda to it, previously quenched with lemon juice. Adding salt and sugar to the liquid to taste, pour the sifted flour into the same bowl. After mixing the components, you should get a base, the consistency of which resembles thick and fatty kefir. It is from this dough that you will get very lush and soft pancakes, and not thin pancakes with holes.

Frying products in a pan

Like ordinary pancakes, lean pancakes must be cooked in a cast-iron pan or in a special pan pan. The prepared container should be put on a large fire and warmed up well. Then you need to pour refined oil into it (about 4 large spoons), you need to wait until a light smoke comes out of the pan. After that, pancake dough should be laid out in a hot dish. To do this, it is advisable to use a large spoon (1 spoon - 1 pancake).

After browning the bottom sides of the pancakes, they should be turned over with a spatula and cooked in the same mode for the same amount of time.

The fried pancakes must be placed on a plate, and a new batch of products should be placed in the pan. In this case, it is recommended to grease the finished dessert with hot vegetable oil.

Serve to the table

Lenten pancakes must be served hot only. Additionally, they can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, and also decorated with a stream of fresh liquid honey, berries or fruits. It is advisable to serve pancakes on sparkling water to guests along with a cup of black tea.

Lean pancakes: a recipe using “quick” yeast

If you are a vegetarian or Lenten Christian, you should definitely know how to make a homemade dessert without animal products. This information will allow you to make delicious and fragrant pastries without the use of eggs, milk and cooking oils.

Very often, lean pancakes are prepared using a yeast base. With it, homemade pancakes are very lush, soft and satisfying. Moreover, such products have an unusual sourness, which is inherent only in pancakes made on kefir.

Thus, using yeast, you can make pancakes, the taste of which is practically no different from a standard dessert with familiar products.

So, to make lean yeast pancakes, you need to purchase the following products:

  • sifted wheat flour - about 2 cups;
  • warm (boiled) water - about 1.5 cups;
  • “fast” yeast - a dessert spoon;
  • white sugar - a large spoon;
  • sea ​​salt - ½ dessert spoon;
  • sunflower oil without aroma - for frying products in a pan.

Making yeast dough

Have you decided to make lean pancakes with yeast? It is necessary to knead a magnificent base. To do this, use only warm drinking water. When creating comfortable conditions for yeast, you will get an incredibly tasty and porous dough.

So, in order to knead the base for pancakes, it is necessary to dissolve white sugar and sea salt in ordinary warm boiled water. Having combined the sifted flour with “fast” yeast in a separate bowl, you must pour the mass into the sweet liquid and mix thoroughly with a large spoon. In this case, you should get a thick, but uncooked dough. It must be covered with a towel and left warm for 25 minutes. During this time, the base should become lush and viscous. A pleasant sourish aroma (a sign of fermentation) usually comes from the approached dough.

It should be noted that the longer the yeast pancake dough is infused in heat, the more sour it becomes. Therefore, it is not recommended to overdo it.

Cooking pancakes in a pan

As in the previous recipe, yeast pancakes must be cooked in a thick frying pan or a special pancake maker. It should be strongly heated together with refined oil, and then put on it 1 large spoonful of fragrant dough.

It is required to cook yeast products over medium heat until the lower part of the pancakes is browned, and the upper part is swollen and covered with multiple bubbles. After that, the pancakes should be carefully turned over and fried in the same way.

Final stage

Having prepared the first batch of yeast pancakes, they must be removed and placed on a plate. As for the empty pan, pour a little refined oil into it again, and then lay out the base (1 spoon - 1 pancake). Additionally, lubrication of finished products with hot vegetable oil is not required.

We serve lean pancakes to the table

Having made a lot of fluffy and delicious yeast-based pancakes, you should put them on a dish in a slide, and then sprinkle with powdered sugar. The taste of such products is very reminiscent of pancakes on kefir. They are just as fragrant, sour and have a kind of "dampness".

It is recommended to serve yeast pancakes to the family table along with a cup of hot tea. Also, they must be presented with jam, condensed milk, jam or fresh honey. If desired, the products can be decorated with fresh berries, whipped cream or pieces of fruit.

Summing up

In this article, two of the most popular recipes for lean homemade pancakes were presented to you. By putting them into practice, you will feed all members of your family very tasty and satisfying.

By the way, some housewives cook lean pancakes not on carbonated water or yeast-based, but using natural juices and adding various vegetables and fruits. For example, pancakes made with orange or apple juice, as well as with grated carrots, softened bananas, kiwi, and so on, are very tasty.

If you are not a vegetarian or do not adhere to Great Lent, then it is recommended to cook homemade pancakes using eggs and dairy products. Moreover, after frying, classic pancakes must be lubricated with softened or melted butter. In this case, the calorie content of flour products increases several times.

Delicate, soft and fluffy pancakes for those who diligently observe the canons of fasting. Nine recipes for lean pancakes on our website.

Recipe 1: Lean yeast pancakes with apples (photo)

  • apples - 250 gr
  • water - 200 ml
  • flour - 120 gr
  • dry yeast - ½ small pack
  • sugar - 1-2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. (in dough)
  • nutmeg, salt

In warm water (not more than 40 ° C), add yeast, sugar, flour and vegetable oil.

After 40-60 minutes, add peeled and cut into small pieces of apples, gently stir.

The dough should not be very much, but enough to evenly coat all the pieces of apples.

The dough should be spread on a preheated pan. The heat should be moderate.

It is better to cover the pan with a lid, so the pancakes are better baked. The fact that the pancakes need to be turned over is indicated by the absence of batter on the top side of the pancake.

Readiness can be judged by how much the pancakes "swollen".

It is better to sprinkle with powdered sugar while still hot pancakes, so they will become evenly sweet.

Recipe 2: Lean Fluffy Pancakes with Yeast (step by step photo)

  • water - 200 ml
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • yeast - 10 gr
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • wheat flour - 200 ml

Dissolve sugar, salt, yeast in warm water and add vegetable oil to them.

Immediately start the dough in a large bowl, because it will actively rise.

Add flour. The dough should slide incredibly slowly off the spoon.

Put the dough in a warm place for 30-40 minutes (or longer). The bowl must be covered. The result is a fluffy, perforated, viscous dough.

The dough should never be overmixed. You take as much dough with a spoon as you need for one pancake, as if cutting off the dough. Only on top, carefully, in small portions. And immediately send the dough to a pan with heated vegetable oil.

This recipe is the cheapest one you can think of. There are no eggs, no milk, no sour-milk products in the recipe. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: Easy Lean Zucchini Pancakes (No Yeast)

  • zucchini - 1 pc.
  • olive oil

We clean the zucchini and grate it on a coarse grater.

Add salt to taste and a little olive oil (for softness), mix.

We mix everything well.

Pour oil into the pan, heat up. Spread the dough in the form of pancakes with a large spoon. Fry on both sides.

Recipe 4: Lean Yeast Pancakes with Cabbage

  • water - 1 l
  • dry yeast - 2 tsp
  • salt, sugar
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp.
  • cabbage - 500 gr

Finely chop the cabbage, boil in salted water until soft, drain the water.

Heat water to 40 degrees. Add yeast, sifted flour to water. You need enough flour so that the dough resembles 15% sour cream in consistency. The thicker the dough, the thicker the pancakes. Mix the mass with a mixer until smooth. Add vegetable oil, salt and sugar to the dough. Put the cabbage into the dough, mix with a spoon. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place for an hour.

The dough will rise and increase in volume.

Fry lean pancakes with cabbage in a preheated pan with vegetable oil on both sides.

Mix the dough periodically, because. cabbage can sink to the bottom.

Bon appetit. Be full and healthy!

Recipe 5: Lean Carrot Pancakes

  • wheat flour - 200 gr
  • warm water - 250 ml
  • sugar - 1-2 tsp
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil

Sift flour, mix with sugar, salt and dry yeast. In warm water, stirring constantly, add the flour mixture. Cover the dough with a towel and put in a warm place to rise (this will take about 1 hour).

Rinse the carrots, peel and grate on a fine grater. After the dough has risen, add the grated carrots to it.

Heat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil and spread the dough with a tablespoon. Fry the fritters in oil on both sides until light brown. It is important that the pancakes have time to bake. Place cooked pancakes on paper towels to soak up excess oil.

Ready pancakes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or fine sugar.

Recipe 6: Lean Pumpkin Pancakes with Poppy Seeds

  • pumpkin - 300 gr
  • sugar - 1-3 tbsp.
  • salt - ¼ tsp
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr
  • poppy - 2 tbsp.
  • flour - 1 cup
  • vegetable oil

We clean the pumpkin from the skin and rub it on a coarse or medium grater.

Add sugar, vanilla sugar, salt and poppy seeds.

Add flour until thick but not stiff.

Mix everything well, form pancakes and fry in vegetable oil.

Put the finished pumpkin fritters on a napkin to absorb excess oil.

These pumpkin fritters are delicious served with jam or honey.

Recipe 7: Lean Banana Pancakes

  • banana (large) - 1 pc.
  • flour - 5 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • baking powder - 0.5 tsp

Mash ripe soft with a fork in a bowl until a viscous slurry.

Add flour and baking powder.

You can add a couple of teaspoons of bran or fiber to the dough. But then you need a little more water.

Add vegetable oil to the resulting mixture.

Fry in a hot frying pan on both sides, forming a pancake shape with a spoon. The pan does not need to be oiled.

Recipe 8: Lean Oatmeal Pancakes with Banana and Cinnamon

  • Oat flakes - 100 g
  • Wheat flour - 150 g
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Banana (large) - 1 pc.
  • Cinnamon - ½ tsp
  • Water (boiling water) - 240 ml
  • Soda - ½ tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Grind the hercules in a coffee grinder. Mash the banana with a fork. Mix hercules with flour, salt, mashed banana and honey, add vegetable oil.

Pour boiling water over soda and immediately mix with the dough. Add cinnamon. Stir the mixture well until smooth. The mixture is similar to thick sour cream.

Heat a frying pan over medium heat, grease it with vegetable oil and fry the pancakes for about 30 seconds. on each side until golden brown. Pancakes are not very sweet, so it is better to eat them sprinkled with powdered sugar, or with your favorite jam or jam, and certainly warm.

Oatmeal pancakes are ready. Bon appetit!

Recipe 9: Lean Potato Pancakes (with photo)

  • potatoes - 700 gr
  • onion - 250 gr
  • wheat flour - 4 tbsp.
  • baking soda - 1 tsp
  • lemon juice
  • black pepper
  • vegetable oil

Grate potatoes on a coarse grater.

Squeeze out a little lemon juice. The lemon juice will keep the potatoes from browning. Grated potatoes quickly mix with lemon juice.

Add salt, mix. Potatoes must be squeezed out.

Chop onion and add to potatoes. We mix everything.

Add soda to the resulting mass. She will make potato pancakes lush, soft.

Sprinkle with ground black pepper.

Add wheat flour to the resulting mass.

The resulting minced potato mix well.

In a heated frying pan, pour vegetable oil. We spread the minced potato with a spoon, we get potato pancakes.

Fry lean potato pancakes over low heat until golden brown. Turn over and fry on the other side.

Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

Fasting does not mean torturing yourself and your loved ones. Why not bake lean pancakes for breakfast? Moreover, there are many options for preparing this delicacy!

To make your pancakes for the lean table really lush, do not forget about a few rules:

  • To knead the dough, use boiled warm water;
  • All products for the test must have the same temperature (room);
  • If you don't have live yeast on hand, use dry yeast. They also need to “wake up” - pour a small amount of warm water and add a little sugar. When a foam cap appears in the bowl with the yeast mash, the yeast is ready for further work;
  • The dough walking in the bowl should never be mixed. Fritters will become rubber;
  • You need to fry lean pancakes in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil, and moderate heat, laying them out at some distance from each other, as they increase in size during cooking.

Recipes for lean pancakes differ little from each other. It is understandable, no eggs, no milk and kefir, no butter, no other muffins in lenten dishes should not be. Water, flour, yeast - what can be added to this short list? Some rich products can be replaced with vegetable analogues. Cow's milk, for example, is easily replaced with soy or coconut milk. Eggs are replaced with a banana or a mixture of 1 tbsp. starch and 2 tbsp. water.

Lenten pancakes with yeast

200 ml of water
2 tbsp Sahara,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
10 g yeast
1 tsp salt,

Dissolve sugar, salt and yeast in warm water, add vegetable oil. When the yeast wakes up, start adding flour. You need enough flour to make a dough of the density of very thick sour cream (or, as they sometimes write, describing the desired consistency - “like dough for pancakes”). Leave the finished dough in a bowl, covered with a towel. Drafts are prohibited! The dough should ferment warm. When it increases in size (at least three times!), You can start frying pancakes. Resist the temptation to mix the dough - scoop up the dough with a spoon, as if cutting it off from the total mass, and put it on a hot frying pan. The fritters increase in size. It is better to bake them under the lid. When the pancakes are browned on the bottom, turn them over and finish baking, also covering with a lid.

Ready lush lean pancakes can be served sprinkled with powdered sugar and garnished with jam berries.

Yeast semolina fritters

1 stack flour,
50 g semolina,
1 stack water,
1 sachet dry yeast
1 tbsp Sahara,
a pinch of salt,
vegetable oil for frying,
jam or jam to serve.

These pancakes are prepared in the evening. Dissolve sugar in warm water, add semolina and yeast, salt and flour. Mix well, cover and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, carefully remove the bowl with the dough and start frying the pancakes, putting them on a preheated pan with a tablespoon. Don't stir the dough! It will settle, and the pancakes will not be fluffy. Cook covered over medium heat.

Lean pancakes are prepared with various additives.

Lenten pancakes with orange

400 ml of water
1 tbsp honey,
1 sachet dry yeast
400 g flour
3-4 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 orange
a pinch of salt.

Wash the orange, scald with boiling water, dry and remove the zest on a fine grater. Then squeeze the juice from the orange. Dissolve honey, yeast, salt in warm water, add vegetable oil, orange juice and zest. Gradually add the sifted flour, kneading the dough well so that it turns out to be thick with fat sour cream. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave warm for 1-1.5 hours so that the dough triples in volume. Fry the pancakes in a hot frying pan, scooping up the dough with a spoon, from the edge, without stirring.

And here is a recipe for lean fritters, in which all muffin substitutes come together!

Pancakes with banana and coconut milk

250 ml coconut milk
1 banana
2 tbsp Sahara,
160 g flour
1 sachet of baking powder
a pinch of salt,

Mash banana, add coconut milk. Combine dry ingredients in a separate bowl. Stirring constantly, add the flour mixture, knead a homogeneous dough. Bake banana pancakes in vegetable oil until golden brown. Serve with honey.

Coconut milk can be replaced with soy or almond milk. This is no longer exotic, all these products can be found on the shelves of supermarkets in the "Dietary Products" section.

Fritters with coconut

400 ml of water
50 g coconut flakes
1 sachet dry yeast
350-400 g flour,
3 tbsp Sahara,
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
a pinch of salt.

Pour coconut flakes and sugar into water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes and cool until warm. Add yeast, oil and salt to this water, mix and gradually add the sifted flour. Knead a thick homogeneous dough. Leave to ferment in a warm place, covered with a towel, for about an hour. When the dough has tripled in size, you can start baking pancakes. Spread the dough on a heated pan with a tablespoon.

Instead of dry shavings, you can use fresh coconut - peel it, grate it on a fine grater and squeeze out the oil (it can be used for cosmetic purposes, but that's another story).

Fritters that have fruit or vegetables added are called "fried pancakes". You can choose any products for baking.

Lenten pancakes with carrots

250 ml of water
200 g flour
1 sachet dry yeast
2-3 tsp Sahara,
1 carrot
a pinch of salt,
vegetable oil for frying.

Be sure to sift the flour before cooking. Mix it with sugar, salt and dry yeast. Pour warm water into a deep bowl, add flour, stirring constantly to get a homogeneous mass without lumps. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave to ferment for about 1 hour. In the meantime, grate the carrots on a fine grater. Gently add the carrots to the risen dough and fry the pancakes over medium heat until cooked so that the carrots do not remain raw.

Fritters with pickled cabbage

2 stack flour,
1 stack cabbage marinade,
1 tsp soda,
a handful of pickled cabbage - baked.

You don’t need to add salt or sugar to the dough, all these flavors are in the marinade. Mix flour with soda, add marinade, quickly knead the dough and add cabbage. Bake pancakes in a preheated pan with vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Very interesting taste, try it!

Slices of fruit can be used as a baking dish, apples are best suited for this purpose. Just choose any recipe for pancakes, cook the dough and, when it suits, heat the pan, put the slices of apples on it at some distance from each other, carefully pour the dough on them and bake as usual.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Lenten pancakes are a dish that is especially relevant on Shrovetide and during Lent. Due to the ease of preparation, the dish has long been recognized among many housewives. Lenten pancakes will appeal not only to vegetarians, but also to all lovers of homemade cakes. There are many recipes for treats, and everyone will definitely be able to find their favorite. In the article you will learn detailed information on how to cook lean pancakes.

Many, probably, presented a boring dish that can be prepared with only one recipe. But that's not the case at all. In fact, there are a large number of ways to prepare lean fritters: with or without yeast, with sweet or vegetable fillings, from milk or kefir dough. We bring to your attention the most popular recipes for lean fritters.

From yeast dough

The main advantage of yeast pancakes over store-bought cookies is the greater health benefits. Baking is perfect for tea, replacing harmful sweets.


  • 2 glasses of premium flour;
  • 1 package of yeast (11 grams);
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 1 pinch of vanillin;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil.

Step by step preparation:

The inhabitants of modern megacities do not have time at all to prepare complex dishes. Lenten pancakes without yeast will not take much time from the hostess, mouth-watering pastries can be easily prepared in a matter of minutes. The easiest way is to knead the dough with water.

To make pancakes without yeast, you will need:

Step by step preparation:

  1. Pour premium flour into a deep bowl and add soda to it.
  2. Pour water into a bowl and mix all the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is formed (it is important that there are no lumps). Pour the mixture with lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly again.
  3. Then add sugar and mix all the ingredients again.
  4. At the very end, add vegetable oil to the dough. The result should be a mixture that, in its consistency, resembles sour cream.
  5. Fry the dough for about 3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Light and fluffy lean pancakes are ready!

Delicate pancakes with fruit filling will be a wonderful dessert after a hearty dinner or can serve as a snack. One of the most popular fillings is apple.

Apples are a very healthy fruit that contains: iron, carotene, potassium, manganese, vitamins P, E, C, group B. This fruit lowers cholesterol, restores metabolism, helps with gastritis, obesity, anemia, and stomach diseases - list its useful properties can be endless. Consider the recipe for lean pancakes with apples.


  • 2 medium sized apples;
  • 2 glasses of premium flour;
  • dry yeast (7 g);
  • 300 ml of water (1 glass);
  • vegetable oil (for frying).

Add to taste:

  • sugar;
  • salt.

Step by step preparation:

Lenten pancakes with apples without yeast

Yeast-free apple pancakes are a sweet treat without the hassle.


Step by step cooking

  1. Grate an apple on a medium grater and put the fruit in a deep bowl.
  2. Add flour, sugar, baking powder to a bowl and cover all ingredients with water. Mix everything well.
  3. Carefully spread the dough on a frying pan heated with vegetable oil. Fry the dough until browned. Yeast-free apple fritters are ready! Bon appetit!

Pancakes with banana

Another tasty and nutritious filling that you can make fruit pancakes with is banana.
The beneficial properties of bananas have long been known, the fruit pulp contains: fiber, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, starch, vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, B6. It will surprise many, but this is a fact: bananas contain no less vitamin C than many citrus fruits.

We bring to your attention a recipe for delicious fritters with bananas.

To make lean banana pancakes you will need:

  • 2 bananas;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 0.2 kg of wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 5 tsp vegetable oil.

Approximate cooking time: 30 minutes.

Step by step preparation:

Pancakes with pumpkin

Lenten pastries can be prepared not only with fruit fillings, but also with vegetable fillings. We have prepared for you an interesting recipe for making fritters with a sweet and healthy vegetable - pumpkin.

This vegetable has a huge number of valuable properties, it contains: calcium, magnesium, potassium, carotene, fiber, protein, vitamins PP, C, B, B2.

Pumpkin helps to get rid of toxins from the body, normalizes bowel function. One of the main medicinal properties of pumpkin is the prevention of tuberculosis.


  • 0.5 kg of pumpkin;
  • 0.5 cups of premium flour;
  • vegetable oil (for frying fritters).

Add to taste:

Step by step preparation:

  1. Stir the pulp of the pumpkin in a blender or grate the vegetable on a fine grater. Put the pumpkin in a deep bowl, salt and pepper.
  2. Pour the flour into a bowl and mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Shape the dough into fritters of the desired size.
  4. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry the dough on both sides until golden brown.
  5. Then remove the pancakes from the stove, let them cool down a bit and grease both sides with honey. Put them in the oven (at 170 degrees) for 20 minutes.
  6. Pumpkin pancakes are ready! Sprinkle with cinnamon before serving. We wish you bon appetit!

Lean pancakes with zucchini

Zucchini pancakes have a delicate taste, they melt in your mouth. The dish will appeal to both children and adults. It can be served with almost any side dish.

Zucchini is a healthy, low-calorie product rich in microelements (potassium, calcium, iron, etc.), as well as vitamins A, C, B1, B3. This vegetable contains antioxidants that help the body fight aging.

To prepare lean zucchini pancakes, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 young zucchini;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • vegetable oil (for frying dough).

Add to taste:

  • salt;
  • sugar.

Step by step preparation:

Lean pancakes with cabbage (white)

For lovers of cabbage pies, we are ready to offer an equally tasty alternative - lean cabbage pancakes. Cooking this dish does not require special skills and does not take precious time.

In Russian culture, white cabbage has long been considered a second bread. Cabbage contains vitamins: C, group B, as well as such rare ones as U and K. The vegetable has a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and other useful elements.

Cabbage improves digestion and has a strong cleansing effect.


Add to taste:

  • salt;
  • spices;
  • greenery.

Step by step cooking

Fritters are cooked not only with white cabbage.

Lean pancakes with Brussels sprouts

It is worth noting that of all types of Brussels sprouts is considered the most useful. The vegetable strengthens the cardiovascular system of the body, has a hematopoietic effect, and improves immunity. By the amount of vitamin C, Brussels sprouts are not inferior to black currants. The product contains a lot of protein, which is easily absorbed by the body.


  • 0.5 kg Brussels sprouts;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • half a glass of grated hard cheese (without abomasum);
  • 3 art. spoons of sour cream;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 6 art. l. flour of the highest grade;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • vegetable oil.

Add to taste:

  • salt;
  • pepper.


  1. Finely chop the Brussels sprouts or chop them in a food processor.
  2. Finely chop a bunch of parsley.
  3. Mix chopped cabbage with flour, cheese, parsley and sour cream. Add baking powder, salt and spices to taste. Mix all the ingredients well to make a dense viscous dough.

  4. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry the cabbage dough until golden brown.
  5. Brussels sprouts are ready! Enjoy the unusual, bright taste of baking.

Often, onions are considered as a secondary ingredient that only adds taste and aroma to the dish. Lean pancakes with onions are an unusual dish that can be eaten both for breakfast and for dinner as a snack. The dish will especially appeal to people who adore onions. Pancakes are perfect for tea drinking.


  • 2 onions;
  • half a liter of warm water;
  • 25 g dry yeast;
  • 0.7 kg of premium flour;
  • sunflower oil (for frying pastries);

Add to taste:

  • spices;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Step by step cooking

  1. Dissolve dry yeast in a little warm water.
  2. Sift the flour through a sieve and add the yeast to the rest of the water.
  3. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Leave the bowl in a warm place for 60 minutes.
  4. Coarsely chop the onion and add to the bowl. Salt, add seasonings to taste. Mix everything well again.
  5. Heat up a skillet with vegetable oil. Carefully spread the onion dough, forming pancakes of the desired shape. Fry them on both sides until golden brown.
  6. Lenten pancakes are ready! Enjoy the aroma of fried onions and invite your family and friends to the table!

Fritters with honey

Many are wondering if it is possible to eat honey pancakes in fasting. In fact, for a long time in Rus', honey was allowed to be served at the table before religious holidays.

Absolutely in every family there are lovers of delicious pancakes. Fragrant, lush, they can replace any breakfast. Housewives know many cooking options, it can be the use of sour milk, kefir, apples, but cooking with water remains the most interesting recipe. The main advantage of this preparation is leanness, in addition, they always turn out tasty and lush. You can serve pancakes with what your family loves the most: honey, berries, jam, jam, sour cream or powdered sugar.

    • Ingredients

Cooking pancakes with lean yeast: 5 tips for a delicious outcome

Lean pancakes should be able to cook every cook, because all the basics that are in the dough may be needed in the future. First you need to make a dough and let it come up, only after that you can bake delicious pancakes. Lenten pancakes are airy, tender and you will not have time to notice how quickly they are eaten.

Lenten pancakes with yeast turn out lush and tasty, so everyone will like it

Here are 5 tips that will come in handy for making lean pancakes:

  • For cooking, it is best to use boiled water with a temperature of about 40 degrees;
  • You can use any yeast, it is believed that the best option is to use live yeast, but this is not the case. Dry yeast is also great for this recipe, especially since it is now more versatile;
  • We should not forget that the dough will increase in size, so it is better to take care of large dishes right away;
  • After the dough has risen, it should not be stirred, as it will settle and the pancakes will not become lush during the frying process;
  • Spread the pancakes at a good distance from each other, as in the process of frying, they will still grow.
  • Lenten Pancakes: Yeast Masterpieces

    Lean pancakes, this is an indispensable dish during the holidays. The dough is so simple that it has become popular among many hostesses. This recipe will appeal to those who fast, and those who just love homemade cakes. Many, thinking about lean pancakes, imagine a boring and tasteless recipe. This is wrong.

    At the moment, there are a lot of ways to prepare and supplement dishes, you can cook with dry yeast or exclude them altogether, supplement the finished dish with condensed milk or apples. It all depends solely on the imagination of the chef.


  • Water - 300 g;
  • Sugar - 50 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 40 g;
  • Yeast - 15 g;
  • Salt - 7 g;
  • Flour - 600 g.
  • How to cook lean and fluffy pancakes with yeast: a recipe step by step

    Lean fluffy pancakes with yeast are prepared almost instantly, but require the use of a lot of vegetable oil. This dish can be served both cold and hot.

    Cooking lean and fluffy pancakes is easy, which even beginners can do just fine

    Follow these step-by-step instructions to make lean pancakes:

  • Add sugar, salt and yeast to warm water. Mix thoroughly until completely dissolved and pour in vegetable oil, mix again;
  • After all the components are dissolved in water, you can add flour. Flour must be sifted several times before adding. You need to add flour to the consistency of sour cream. Despite the density, the dough must necessarily slide off the spoon easily;
  • When all the ingredients are added, you need to put the dough in a warm place for half an hour, preferably an hour. The longer the dough is infused, the more magnificent the finished pancakes will be. The dough should double in size;
  • The dough is carefully laid out on a preheated pan in small pancakes. Fry the fritters on all sides. If you want the pancakes to be less greasy, after cooking, put them on a paper towel.
  • Lush and lean pancakes with yeast (video)

    Lush lean pancakes with yeast are appetizing, their calorie content is not high at all, and if you pour them with chocolate or jam, then the sweet tooth will not be able to stop. At home, cooking is such a miracle simply and quickly. If you have any doubts about cooking, look at the photo recipes and you will see that there is nothing more elementary. Bon appetit, and excellent culinary masterpieces.

    Lean pancakes with yeast: recipe (photo)

    We breed yeast in a small container

    To this add a small amount of sifted flour.

    Now cover the dough and leave it for half an hour in a warm place.

    Add the egg to the batter and mix lightly

    Let the dough rest for a few more minutes.

    Heat the pan well with vegetable oil. With a tablespoon, carefully spread the pancakes

    Fry the pancakes well on the other side for about a minute.

    Delicious and fragrant lush pancakes are ready. Bon appetit!