Raw food diet with Victoria Butenko - green smoothies, their benefits and harm. Raw Green Smoothie for Hormonal Balance

Delivery of greens for green cocktails in Moscow and the region. The greens are brought from an environmentally friendly place, which is located in the Vladimir region. There are no industries, major roads, or agricultural fields nearby. IN green fee includes both herbaceous plants and leaves from trees. All plants are picked only after your order. The composition of plants depends on the season. It is better to check the price by phone: 8 925 883 46 34 or by mail: [email protected]

Green smoothies.

Green smoothies are an important component of a raw food diet. For green cocktails, the green above-ground part of the plants is collected; the plants are collected exclusively in a clean place. For such a cocktail, various herbs, leaves of trees and shrubs are suitable.
It's important not to rip poisonous plants. Plants such as nightshade, spurge, potato sprouts, hogweed, castor bean, male fern and some others are not suitable for cocktails.
It is not necessary to know all poisonous herbs; it is enough to know those herbs that are useful and collect only known plants. For example, I add the following plants to the collection - linden leaves and flowers, birch leaves, clover, quinoa, young shoots of rose hips, hawthorn leaves, leaves of strawberries, strawberries, currants, raspberries, you can add a little horsetail, lingonberry leaves, young shoots of spruce or pine and other food plants.
Collection collected you need to rinse, cut, place in a blender and lightly add water, if there is not much water, grind the blender well herbal tea. When the mixture is sufficiently crushed, you can add lemon for taste and fill it completely with water and turn on the blender at full power again. In a blender, not only is the herbal mixture crushed and mixed with water, another very important process takes place in the blender.

With strong rotation, the water becomes more active, it is literally charged from rotation, such water becomes similar to the water that bubbles in mountain rivers.
Therefore, it is better to drink such a cocktail right away, but if you have it sitting for a while, you can put it in the blender again and shake it up.
Sometimes a shaken cocktail even has a milky tint, and there is a lot of foam on top; gradually the foam settles and the drink becomes more transparent.
The finished drink needs to be filtered through a sieve and can be drunk, again adding honey if desired.
Coniferous branches give this drink a unique tart taste, linden leaves make the drink a little slimy, dandelion leaves give a slight bitterness.
Mint or lemon balm leaves will add flavor to the drink pleasant aroma, currant leaves - currant flavor.

You can add rosehip petals, zucchini flowers, and medicinal chamomile to the drink. coltsfoot, nettle, burdock. This drink will make your hair luxurious and shiny.
Such cocktails heal not only the hair, but the entire body. Everyone can check this for themselves. If you drink such a green smoothie, it literally cleanses the intestines and oral cavity, it literally “alkalinizes” it, makes the body “alkaline”, sometimes your teeth can be rough, but if you drink this drink and run your tongue over your teeth, you will feel how they are They have become smooth, and literally everything in your mouth “creaks” from cleanliness.
The herbal cocktail increases hemoglobin in the blood, cleanses the intestines, removes unpleasant body odors, improves the elasticity of blood vessels, and restores vision.
Victoria Butenko writes in sufficient detail about green smoothies in her book “Greens for Life”
Green smoothies are literally loaded with nutrients, so the drink is very satisfying, easily digestible, but does not cause heaviness in the stomach, but rather gives lightness and a lot of energy. This drink contains a lot of microelements, mineral salts, chlorophyll, antioxidants, and it removes toxins from the body well.
This drink is useful for everyone, adults and children, pregnant women and the elderly.
You can drink green smoothies before meals, or instead of meals, it’s better to start little by little, for example half a glass, it’s important to listen to your body. Gradually, the amount of the drink can be increased. The cocktail is drunk either strained or with fiber, and various fruits, berries, and vegetables are added.

27.06.2015 Vladimir Zuikov Save:

Good health, dear readers! I have long wanted to write about the benefits of green smoothies. There are a lot of fresh herbs now, so you can prepare this yummy dish right away. Smoothies made from greens and fruits will help many people diversify their raw food diet. It is nutritious, tasty and healthy food. For me, this is a special delicacy, especially now it’s full of my favorite wild greens.

Green smoothie- this is a mixture of fruits, greens and water. Prepared using a blender, you can’t do it without it. Cocktails are called green because they are green in color - from light to dark.

Many people know that without green plants, a raw food diet is ineffective. We humans eat so little greens! I can tell you from my own experience - you can’t go anywhere without it! The body needs: fiber, chlorophyll, amino acids, which are found in greens. I constantly write - people eat greens, form beneficial microflora in the intestines. And don’t be surprised that fruit makes you feel bad! It's not about fruits - there are no greens in the diet!

The benefit of greens lies in the presence of organic living magnesium in them. The only problem is that many people find it very difficult to chew greens. In addition, greens are poorly absorbed at the beginning of a raw food diet. I understand that many people are simply disgusted by pure greens and their jaw hurts, so drink green smoothies! They allow you to eat your greens without having to stress about them. Cocktails will help make greens digested better and at the same time be tastier and healthier.

How to make a green smoothie?

To prepare you will need water, herbs, fruits, a large glass and a blender. Take clean water, preferably infused with shungite; greens - fresh; fruits - preferably one type.

I give you my instructions for preparing a green smoothie from A to Z. Everything is there step by step, with pictures. Be sure to read it!

Green smoothies are very pleasant to drink, if you add a lot of fruit - they mask green taste. But you shouldn’t put too little greenery either, otherwise there will be almost no benefit; and if you put in a lot, the taste will strongly resemble green plants. Experiment to find a compromise between flavor and amount of greens in your smoothie.

Someone asked me about greens. Let me tell you this - any greens will do! Any: wild (dandelion, nettle, gooseberry, quinoa, wormwood, etc.), domestic (parsley, dill, spinach...), leaves (currants, grapes), pine needles (pine, spruce), stems (rhubarb , beet tops). In short, you understand - any parts of living plants that you like best to taste. Special attention You should still pay attention to wild plants, they contain more useful things. But you shouldn’t abuse them either.

About fruits. Any will do, but first of all: bananas, kiwi, strawberries, any berries, sweet apples. You can add wild berries to taste.

  • In what ratios should you add greens and fruits?

For beginners, I recommend 20% greens, 80% fruits. Ideally, of course, it would be 50/50, but don’t rush - you won’t be able to drink this, you might throw up just from the smell of greenery. But it’s okay, over time the body will like it and the taste will also become pleasant.

  • What are some green smoothie recipes?

If you prepare simple cocktails, everything is simple. If needed special recipe or want more good taste for yourself or a loved one, then take from books on green smoothies. There are good explanations and a lot great recipes- choose.

  • When is the right time to drink?

It is advisable to make it in the morning and drink it immediately. You can cook extra in the evening if you want. It will be 2 times a day. Don't listen to those who say you can make a smoothie in the morning and drink it all day. Ground greens and fruits are “alive” only in the first hour or two at most, then they begin to quickly lose their properties, this time. Secondly, drinking a little bit throughout the day = interrupts your appetite and constantly loads your stomach, so drink at one time.

  • How to drink a green smoothie correctly?

Take small sips, a little at a time, passing the liquid through your teeth, wetting it as much as possible with saliva. There is no need to try to swallow the cocktail quickly, especially pouring it straight down your throat. If it doesn’t taste good, then why put so much greenery, add more sweet fruits!

  • How many cocktails should you drink?

I make it in a liter glass, which yields about 850 ml of pure cocktail. 1 time is just enough for me. But here everything is individual. Start with half a liter. The main thing is that it should be just right for 1 time.

Well, I think you can make a green smoothie. And what a one! Be sure to share your impressions in the comments under the article! I’ll go and prepare this yummy dish for breakfast. I just have quinoa and blackcurrant. Interesting taste it turns out. That's it, I went to cook. Bye bye.

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Modern realities are such that we should always feel good, have beautiful figure, well-groomed skin and hair.

This used to be a big problem, but not anymore! Good results can be achieved using healthy food, or rather, raw.

The author of this book, Jason Manheim, proved through trial and error that it is not necessary to torture yourself with diets and fasting, you just need to add green smoothies to your diet. They are a tasty mixture of greens, vegetables and fruits.

It is important to note that they are easy and quick to prepare. Here you will find many green smoothie recipes, recommendations and accompanying illustrations.

The big plus is that they can be consumed with any food; they are easily digested and absorbed.

It is with them that you will receive many nutrients, which will strengthen your immunity and give you a beautiful appearance.

We wish you pleasant juice consumption!

Victoria Butenko is the author of the popular and world-famous bestsellers “Twelve Steps to a Raw Food Diet” and “Greens for Life.” Today, the book “Greens for Life” has been translated into 24 languages, and its total circulation in the world is 400 thousand copies.

The book "Twelve Steps to a Raw Food Diet" opens up new possibilities for beginner raw foodists. In this book Victoria Butenko for the first time raised the current topic of the dependence of many people on boiled food.

Victoria Butenko lives with her family in Ashland, Oregon. Victoria teaches classes on raw food diet And healthy image life at Southern Oregon University, and also travels around the world with his lectures. Victoria Butenko conducts Scientific research in the field of natural human health. Results research shares in his books.

Victoria Butenko resorted to a raw food diet back in 1994, in the hope of curing herself and her family from chronic diseases.

Victoria also suffered from cardiac arrhythmia, her husband from arthritis, and her children from diabetes and asthma. New food system - raw food diet, allowed Victoria Butenko's family to overcome health problems.

Victoria Butenko considers green smoothies to be the basis of a raw food diet. Her green smoothie recipes are popular all over the world.

Victoria Butenko highlights a number of benefits of green smoothies for maintaining human health:

  1. Green smoothies are very nutritious. The optimal ratio for humans is: 40% fresh herbs to 60% ripe ones.
  2. Cocktails based on greens are quickly digested and absorbed in the body. During the period of chopping fruits and greens, most of the cell membranes are torn, and valuable substances are easily absorbed by our body.
  3. Unlike juices, green smoothies contain fiber, making them a complete, balanced meal. Fiber is necessary for the proper functioning of our excretory system, the prevention of cancer and heart disease.
  4. Green smoothies are good-tasting food for people of different ages. Green-colored drinks are very tasty.
  5. Three glasses of green smoothie throughout the day will provide your body with the necessary daily norm nutrients. According to the teachings of the famous Dr. Anne Wigmore, consuming chlorophyll is similar to a healthy blood transfusion.
  6. Green smoothies are quick and easy to prepare. To prepare two liters of green smoothie, you will spend less than 10 minutes, including cleanup.
  7. Children love green smoothies. Cocktails can be introduced to babies from six months, but gradually and carefully so as not to cause food allergies.
  8. If you consume greens in the form of green smoothies, you will significantly reduce daily diet amount of salt and fat.
  9. Daily use cocktails based on greens and fruits, forms a habit, include more in the diet raw foods. If you drink green smoothies for two weeks, you will have a natural craving for greens.
  10. It is best to drink cocktails fresh, only prepared. At low temperatures beneficial features cocktails can be stored for another three days. This is very convenient if you need to take them to work or on a trip.

Cocktails are better Total cook in a blender. Can also be used For preparations greendrink mixer. Before chopping, the fruits are peeled and finely chopped, the greens are washed well and also chopped. After cooking drink preferably strain.

Recipes for various cocktails by Victoria Butenko.

Don't be afraid to substitute the suggested ingredients with your favorite fruits and herbs.

Sweet cocktails

Family Green Smoothie: a bunch of spinach, you can use parsley or, two ripe medium apples, the juice of one lemon, a glass of water.

Spring Green Smoothie: two bunches of quinoa or other wild grass, peeled banana, mango and two glasses of water.

Freshness: eight green salad leaves, a glass of red grapes, a banana, an orange and two glasses of water.

Joy: three stalks of celery, a banana, four peeled kiwis and two glasses of water.

Flavored cocktail: half a bunch of spinach, half a lime with peel, a banana, four apples and two glasses of water.

Children's favorite cocktail: two oranges, two any frozen fruits.

Unsweetened cocktails

Russian green cocktail: lettuce - six leaves, juice of half a lemon, celery - two stalks, half a red onion, half an avocado and two glasses of water.

Italian green smoothie: salad - five leaves, half a bunch of basil, lemon juice, two tomatoes, three cloves of garlic and two glasses of water.

Thai green smoothie: half a bunch of cilantro, one clove of garlic, half a sweet red pepper, three tomatoes, the juice of half a lemon, half a bunch of spinach and two glasses of water.

Cocktails for children

Fun gorilla: eight spinach leaves, banana, peeled orange, teaspoon of honey, vanillin, two glasses of water.

Banango: eight lettuce leaves, banana, mango, three seedless, two glasses of water.

Simple recipes for the daily menu

Nut milk: 200 g of seeds or any nuts soaked in water, 400 g of water, 3 dates or a tablespoon of honey, salt as desired. Mix all ingredients and strain.

Raw porridge: 200 g soaked oatmeal, 50 g dates or pitted raisins, a tablespoon of any unpeeled vegetable oil, salt. You can add berries or fresh fruit.

You can experiment with the components of green smoothies. Green smoothie is very valuable, nutritious and delicious drink to yours daily menu which will bring you a lot of benefit and joy.

If there ever comes a time for bananas and tangerines in your life, I suggest you try making a cocktail from tangerine juice and bananas. Very tasty and hearty dish, I’m not even talking about the bunch of vitamins that it contains in the freshest form.

I came up with this cocktail by accident, after the New Year many friends came to visit us and everyone brought bananas or tangerines with them, and after 3 days I urgently needed to do something with all this wealth and I did it. My family loved this one so much raw food cocktail that throughout January we delighted ourselves with this cocktail almost every day, adding either an apple or an apple to the main mixture. lemon juice and even ice cream! Delicious.

What do you need to make a cocktail from tangerines and bananas? Ripe tangerines and bananas, a mixer, a colander or something that replaces it, a bowl that holds the bottom of the colander, a spoon and clean hands.

First we peel the tangerines and throw them into the mixer. I have a 1.5 liter mixer and in order to make a cocktail of tangerines and bananas for four, you need to clean the entire mixer jug.

Then grind the tangerines in a mixer for a short time, half a minute is usually enough. Only so that all the tangerine juice is freed from the inner skins. There is no point in hoping that all the skins will be ground; the toughest ones will remain and will get stuck in your teeth in every possible way when you try to chew them. In addition, some varieties of tangerines contain rather hard, bitter seeds, the unground parts of which are also somehow unpleasant to find in your mouth.

So, we have tangerine juice with a bunch of skins.

Now we take the colander we prepared in advance and put it in a deep bowl, then pour the contents of the mixer into it.

In order to improve the flow of juice through the holes of the colander, stir the whole mixture with a spoon.

When the main juice has drained, the remaining pulp must be squeezed out with your hands; for this they must be clean. I tried other methods, but my hands turned out to be the most convenient.

So, a certain amount of tangerine juice has formed in our deep bowl, pour it back into the mixer.

As you can see, from one and a half liters of unpeeled tangerines, one third of pure juice remains.

Now we peel the bananas and throw them into the juice. Just keep in mind that the bananas must be absolutely ripe or even slightly overripe. If they are greenish, they will ruin the entire cocktail; it will become viscous and bitter. The number of bananas is at your discretion; if you want it thinner, add one banana per person; if you want it thicker, add more bananas. We personally like it thicker and I add 3 small bananas or 2 medium ones per person.

The tangerine and banana cocktail itself is already very tasty, but you can still experiment with additional ingredients. For example, sometimes I squeeze 1/3 of a lemon into a cocktail, or add a couple of spoons of honey. If you happen to have a piece of pineapple lying around, that will work too. You only need a little bit, but it adds an extra pineapple flavor.

One day, in the process of experimenting, I bought a cocktail apple flavor, I just don’t remember what we mixed in there for this.

And of course you can add ice cream to it! What a treat! But there are more calories, keep in mind.

I hope you will enjoy! Good luck to you! And a lot of joy!

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