The composition of all Russian candies and bars - “Rot Front”, “Korovka”, “Romashka”, “Red October”, “Korkunov” and other manufacturers. Soy bar "Rot Front"

The composition of the Rot Front bar can always be found on the product packaging. If you purchased such sweets by weight, then you can find out what they include from the materials in the presented article.

General Product Information

Before describing the composition of the Rot Front bar, I would like to talk about what this dessert is

The manufacturer of the candies we are considering is the company of the same name, OJSC Rot Front. This is one of the largest manufacturers in our country. Thanks to the combination of the latest technologies and long-term production traditions, the company produces high-quality products that have long had a large number of fans.

The Rot Front bar, the composition of which will be described below, is made only from natural raw materials. The quality of these products is confirmed by multiple Diplomas, Honorary Medals and Prizes.

In addition to chocolate bars, Rot Front OJSC produces other types of sweet products (more than 200). These include caramel, candies, chocolate, waffles and halva dragees.

Taste qualities

It is recommended for those customers who have health problems to know the composition of the Rot Front bar. After all, it contains components that are contraindicated for certain categories of patients. For example, such a delicacy is strictly prohibited for people with obesity and diabetes. This fact is due to the fact that the Rot Front bar contains a large amount of sugar. By the way, it is thanks to this ingredient that this dessert is very popular with young children.

As for adults, they also treat him not indifferently. After all, such candies are very tasty, have a pleasant structure and crunchiness, as well as a pronounced peanut aroma.

Composition of candies

Rot Front bars, like other sweets, should not be consumed too often. This is due to the fact that such a dessert can lead to obesity and other health problems.

However, manufacturers claim that this product, when used correctly, cannot adversely affect human health. After all, it contains only natural and safe ingredients.

So what components does the Rot Front bar include? Let's look at the composition of these sweets right now:

What other ingredients are included in Rot Front Soy Bars? The composition of this delicacy is not limited to the products listed above. After all, they include such a component as waffles. And, as you know, they are produced separately using other ingredients. This product contains wheat flour, sunflower oil, salt, emulsifier (or E322), acidity regulator (i.e. citric acid), and baking powder (or baking soda).

As you can see, Rot Front bars do not contain any prohibited or unhealthy ingredients. In this regard, they can be consumed without any fear for your own health. But this is only if you have no contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of bars

As mentioned above, such sweets should not be consumed by people with diabetes and obesity. In addition, this product is strictly prohibited from being included in their diet by those who have an individual intolerance to peanuts, fiber, protein, milk and egg powder.

How to store delicious chocolate bars

It is advisable to store Rot Front bars at a temperature of 15 to 21 degrees with a relative humidity of no more than 75%. for these candies is 9 months from the date of production. After this period, consuming the bars is strictly prohibited.

Calorie content and nutritional value of the product

According to the packaging, 100 grams of Rot Front bars contain about 521 kcal. In addition, such candies include 11 g of protein, 32 g of fat and 54 g of carbohydrates.

Rot Front candies Chocolate and creamy flavor bars 250g are a type of popular candy from one of the oldest confectionery enterprises in Russia "Rot Front" (in 2016 the factory turned 190 years old). Chocolate and cream bars are made from peanut praline with the addition of cocoa powder, crushed wafers, cream and cognac. All components are ground until smooth and formed into neat two-color cylinders. The product is Kosher certified. Each candy is individually wrapped, so it will be convenient for you to pour a handful into your pocket or purse, then treat your friends or colleagues and enjoy it yourself. During storage, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight.


Manufacturer Rot Front
A country Russia
View Bars
Weight 250 g
Type of packaging Plastic bag
Compound Sugar, cocoa butter substitute (vegetable oils: partially hydrogenated palm oil, partially hydrogenated rapeseed oil, antioxidants: citric acid, tocopherols, mixture concentrate, sunflower lecithin), grated peanuts, crushed wafers (drinking water, wheat flour, refined deodorized sunflower oil , dry egg melange, emulsifier soy lecithin, salt, baking powder - bicarbonate, acidity regulator - citric acid), deodorized soy flour, whole milk powder, cocoa powder, dry cream, cognac, flavorings: "Milk", "Chocolate", antioxidant - ascorbic acid
Standards TU 9120-005-59727039

Here they are, my favorites - Rot Front bars, which have recently been undeservedly forgotten under the onslaught of numerous chocolate novelties (reviews of other products from the Rot Front factory). My love for these bars is something of an irrational thing. I cannot explain why and why I have had such tender feelings for them for many years. But the fact remains that I fell in love with them since childhood, and I haven’t changed my opinion.

These candies, although they are called “Rot Front,” are sometimes produced by the “Red October” factory (which, however, is not surprising, since both manufacturers are part of the “United Confectioners” concern) based on their own production in Ryazan.

Rot Front bars are available in three flavors:

  • classic (pictured),
  • with nuts (in green and gold packaging),
  • chocolate and cream (in brown and gold packaging).

The classic version is closest to me, although the bars with additives are not bad.

The wrapper design can hardly be called successful. Considering that the price of the candies is not the lowest, and the ingredients used are not the most outlandish, the manufacturer could have produced something more worthy in terms of design. I understand that the design, like the candies themselves, comes from the USSR, it is traditional, and it makes no sense to change it now, since it is easily recognizable, but still it seems to me that it could be modernized.

The color combination chosen is quite successful - gold and red, but the lack of information about the product on the candy wrapper is a little alarming. All information is limited only by the Rot Front logo. If these were not well-known bars, then I would have a lot of questions when I saw such a product in the store. But the situation is saved by the fact that everyone really knows these bars, even those who are basically indifferent to sweets.

The bars are unglazed and undecorated beige cylinders. Due to the softness of the body, dents and various irregularities are sometimes visible on the surface of the candies.

The main advantage of these bars, in my opinion, is their non-sweetness. A reasonable, not excessive, amount of sugar in candy is an inexplicable rarity in the confectionery market. For some reason, most manufacturers believe that the sweeter the better. It is extremely difficult for me to agree with this position.

The unsweetness is perfectly complemented by the rich peanut taste and aroma.

The soft body of the candy contrasts with the crunchy inclusions of crushed wafers. The waffles are not crushed into dust, but rather crushed, since the pieces are quite large.

These candies are intended for everyday tea parties; they are unlikely to be placed on a holiday table, again thanks to the design of the wrapper. The recipe for the bars itself is quite decent.

Information about candies "Rot Front Bars"

Compound: sugar, grated peanuts, crushed wafers (wheat flour, sunflower oil, egg powder, emulsifier (E322), salt, baking powder (baking soda), acidity regulator (citric acid)), deodorized soy flour, whole milk powder, cocoa powder, antioxidant (E300), flavor identical to natural “Vanilla”.

We can talk about chocolate endlessly. Good chocolate is a whole work of art. Good candies have the optimal combination of cocoa taste, vanilla aroma and the content of other fillers. There are so many varieties of chocolates that even the most picky sweet tooth will be able to find a treat to their liking.

Taste familiar from childhood

Currently, manufacturers are increasingly trying to make as many sweets as possible, but not everyone monitors the proper quality. Sometimes the composition includes substitutes for good ingredients. Both the taste of the candy and the quality suffer from this. In the composition you can see, for example, the replacement of butter with palm oil, which in itself does not contain anything harmful, unless it is intended for the food industry and not for the technical field.

Therefore, when purchasing, be sure to read the ingredients. It’s better to trust a trusted factory that has been producing candies for many years. And its products have been tested by time and satisfied customers. So, for example, the Rot Front bar contains only high-quality products.

Sweets from the oldest factory always delight customers with a unique taste that is so familiar from childhood.

Choosing bars

The Moscow factory has been producing chocolates for decades. Some of the most famous are Rot Front bars. The composition of Rot Front candy bars is carefully selected by the best confectioners.

Nowadays you can see chocolate bars in stores both in packaging and in bulk. Experienced buyers advise purchasing candy in packaging. This way you can always read the composition. And also check the expiration date. This is very important for chocolates. The composition of the Rot Front bar, like any other bar from this confectionery factory, does not contain artificial preservatives to increase shelf life. Therefore, sweets do not stay on the shelves for a long time. But in order not to be disappointed in the taste, you should definitely look at the production date before purchasing.

The composition of the Rot Front bar can be of several types. The assortment includes both classic ones and those containing nuts, as well as chocolate and cream. Depending on the composition, the candies have packaging of different colors. Thus, the classic ones without additives are packaged in a golden-red wrapper, and the chocolate-creamy ones are packaged in a brown-golden wrapper.

The packaging has not changed since Soviet times, and the younger generation may find it a little boring, but it is recognized from afar, and in tandem with the same taste, it sends the buyer back to the past.

Composition of the bars

If you cook something at home, you always know exactly what components are included in the dish. Any buyer is interested in knowing what manufacturers mix in their products.

If you look at the composition and calorie content of Rot Front chocolate bars, you can see that the candies are made as naturally as possible, without adding any unnecessary chemicals.

The basis of the candies is sugar, ground peanuts, soy flour, cocoa and whole milk powder. To give the bars a peculiar crunch, crushed wafers are added to the composition, which consist entirely of high-quality products (flour, sunflower oil, egg powder). The composition includes the additive E322 and E300. Don't be scared by these numbers. These supplements are nothing more than lecithin and ascorbic acid, respectively. Both substances are natural and help the final product retain its natural original color and also prevent oxidation of the chocolate.

In addition, the Rot Front bar contains soda as a leavening agent and flavoring.

Calorie content of bars

The calorie content of candy bars, like any confectionery product, is high - from 514 to 520 kcal per 100 g, depending on the type of candy. The nutritional value of the sweets is 32 g fat, 54 g carbohydrates. And the product contains as much as 11 g of protein, which is quite a lot for dessert products due to the addition of soy flour.

Soy flour included. Should we be afraid?

For many, the words “soy flour” mean that the product is already bad, harmful and does not represent anything good. But is it?

The flour is made from soybeans. The main reason why it began to be added to food products more often than, for example, wheat flour is the lack of gluten. And also a lot of useful properties: high protein content, which is not inferior in quality to meat products, and low fat content - only 1 g of fat per 100 g. Soybeans contain vitamins and minerals, especially important for the body - potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus.

Soy flour is used in cooking because it helps make the texture of sweets soft, tender, increases the vitamin content, and extends the shelf life of sweets.

Therefore, candy manufacturers do not hesitate to indicate that the composition of Rot Front chocolate bars includes soy flour.

Are the bars suitable for everyone?

Consumption of all confectionery products can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, as well as obesity. But all this will appear only with unlimited consumption of sweets. If you approach eating sweets wisely, then there is nothing wrong with it. The main thing is not to eat sweets on an empty stomach, and not to eat kilograms of them at night.

However, when consuming, it is worth remembering that Rot Front soy bars contain peanuts, to which many are allergic, and powdered eggs, which can also cause an allergic reaction.

For everyone else, moderate consumption of chocolates is indicated for pleasant tea drinking and lifting the mood.

Rot Front bars are in demand among buyers, who note that the taste has remained unchanged, as originally stated by the factory. The delicate texture of the candies is ideal with a cup of tea or coffee. The bar melts in your mouth, leaving a soft nutty and creamy aftertaste.

Welcome to my first food review (candy, candy, candy)!

Special greetings to sweet lovers! There are a lot of us! ! !

I want to tell you about Rot Front bars.

I think that these sweets will not surprise anyone. If you haven’t tried them yourself, then the candy wrapper will probably be familiar to you. And if you have tried it, you can easily imagine their delicate taste right now. Introduced? Now run quickly to the nearest store for some tasty treats and grumble at me, but not too much!

Although there are some people who don’t find Rot Front bars as tasty as I do. They have other favorite candies. But we know that "every man to his own taste" So what “how many people, so many opinions”.

Candies "Rot Front Bars". They are also “Unglazed sweets with a praline-type body.”

Rot Front bars come in different flavors, it turns out! I only found out about this today, having read on the packaging that there are also bars with the addition of crushed nuts, bars with chocolate-creamy flavor and bars with halva. I haven’t tried them yet, but if I see them, I’ll buy them out of interest. I think they will turn out to be good too.

Today I bought Rot Front bars in a 250 g package; in other stores you can buy them in bulk and in any quantity.

Place of purchase:"Holdie discounter", Omsk

Manufacturer: JSC "Rot Front" Russia, Moscow

Best before date: 9 months

Keep at temperatures from 15 to 21 C and relative humidity not more than 75%

Energy value: 2190 kJ (520 kcal) / 100 g

Candy wrapper. Now a few words about him

The wrapper is paper, without foil, one side is red, the other is golden. Logo of the Russian Federation (Rot Front).

For as long as I can remember, Rot Front bars have always lived in candy wrappers like these. And I believe that loyalty to traditions is only to the benefit of the manufacturer here. We almost always remember well the outer shell of the product we like. And when we see this or that well-proven product again, we want to buy it again. In addition, there are so many varieties of candies now that you don’t even know which ones to choose, you can get confused. This is where good old Rot Front bars come to our aid.


The taste is naturally sweet. But! There is no nasty cloying quality in these bars. The bars are very tender and soft. You can feel the peanuts, crushed wafers, the taste is a little vanilla. Very good and pleasant.


Rot Front bars are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to milk protein.


I really like these candies. Of course, it’s hard to tear yourself away from them, but I’m trying to eat one or two tea bars at a time. Although the temptation is great, you want to eat the whole pack at once, as the postman Pechkin said: “They are very wonderful”.