Salt different mushrooms. Hot salted mushrooms

The arrival of autumn is the most favorite time for all fans of “silent hunting”. Armed with long sticks and baskets, mushroom pickers across the country set out to collect their long-awaited catch - fragrant forest mushrooms. A rich harvest of porcini mushrooms, milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus mushrooms, saffron milk caps, and red mushrooms allows you not only to eat plenty during the season, but also to stock up on dried and salted preparations for the winter. In particular, simple and tasty recipes for pickling mushrooms at home using hot and cold methods are popular. Such salted preparations are made in small jars, in which they can be stored for more than one winter. You can also pickle “homemade” mushrooms - oyster mushrooms and champignons. Read more about how to pickle mushrooms for the winter with your own hands in step-by-step recipes with photos and videos below.

How to salt milk mushrooms in jars using a hot method - a simple step-by-step recipe for the winter with photos

Pickling mushrooms in jars in a hot way, in particular milk mushrooms, even according to a simple step-by-step recipe for the winter, takes longer and is more difficult than cold. But the taste of mushrooms salted in this way is more intense and rich. Therefore, if you are not afraid of small difficulties, then be sure to master the following simple step by step recipe for the winter with a photo of how to pickle milk mushrooms in jars using a hot method.

Necessary ingredients for salting milk mushrooms in jars using the hot method for the winter

  • milk mushrooms
  • dill umbrellas
  • garlic
  • currant leaves
  • Bay leaf

Step-by-step instructions on how to hot salt milk mushrooms in jars for the winter

How to properly pickle wild mushrooms for the winter in jars - a quick and simple recipe step by step

Ways to properly salt Forest mushrooms for the winter in jars, there are many, but we further offer one of the fastest and simple options- dry salting. Unlike salting with water, this method does not require special manipulations. In order to properly salt wild mushrooms for the winter in jars in a simple and quick recipe saffron milk caps and russula are best suited.

Necessary ingredients to properly pickle wild mushrooms in jars for the winter using a quick recipe

  • saffron milk caps or russula

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly pickle wild mushrooms in jars for the winter using a simple recipe

  1. If you have saffron milk caps, then for this method of pickling you don’t even have to wash them. It is enough to wipe the mushrooms with a damp soft cloth to remove all excess dirt. But it’s better to wash the russula and be sure to remove the skin from the caps, as it gives off bitterness when salted.
  2. Place a layer of mushrooms (caps down) in a deep container and sprinkle salt on top. For 1 kg of mushrooms you need to take about 40 grams of salt.
  3. We alternate layers of mushrooms and salt until we completely fill the selected container.
  4. Cover the top layer of mushrooms with gauze folded several times. Place a wide plate or lid on top and apply pressure. You can use full force as oppression. three liter jar, granite stone, etc.
  5. We leave the mushrooms under pressure for about 3-4 days. When they release enough juice, transfer the prepared salty snack into clean jars along with the brine and seal with nylon lids.

How to pickle boletus mushrooms in jars - a simple recipe for the winter step by step

Boletus mushrooms in jars simple recipe It’s easy to pickle below for the winter. The main thing is to properly prepare the mushrooms for pickling so that they do not give off unnecessary bitterness. Read more about how to pickle boletus mushrooms in jars for the winter in a simple recipe below.

Necessary ingredients to pickle boletus mushrooms for the winter using a simple recipe

  • boletus - 2 kg
  • salt -100 gr.
  • currant leaves
  • dill
  • horseradish leaves
  • garlic
  • carnation
  • Bay leaf

Step-by-step instructions on how to pickle boletus mushrooms in jars using a simple recipe

  1. Before you start pickling, it is very important to properly process the boletus mushrooms. To do this, you first need to soak them in water for a couple of hours, then rinse thoroughly and remove upper layer from caps and legs. For pickling for the winter, it is best to take small boletus mushrooms, and large specimens should be chopped in small pieces.
  2. Place a layer of dill umbrellas, currant leaves and horseradish on the bottom of the pan. Add finely chopped garlic, a little cloves, and bay leaf. The amount of spices and herbs must be determined by eye.
  3. Place a layer of mushrooms on top of the layer of herbs and spices, sprinkle with coarse iodized salt.
  4. Place a layer of herbs and seasonings again, then mushrooms again.
  5. Cover the top layer with cloth or gauze. Cover with a lid of smaller diameter and press down.
  6. Leave the mushrooms under pressure for 3-4 days, then, together with the brine, pack them in sterile jars and close with lids.

How to pickle mushrooms in jars - a simple and tasty recipe for the winter

Simple and delicious recipe How can you pickle mushrooms in a jar, which you will find below, has a number important features. It is important to follow all of them, otherwise the ready-made salted trumpets may disappoint you with their taste. The subtleties of how you can pickle mushrooms in jars in a simple and tasty recipe for the winter.

Necessary ingredients, how to pickle volushka mushrooms in a jar according to a delicious recipe

  • waves
  • currant leaves
  • dill umbrellas
  • coarse salt

Step-by-step instructions on how to pickle volushki in jars using a simple and tasty recipe

  1. Before salting, freshly harvested mushrooms must be thoroughly washed and removed from the top layer of skin. Then place the mushrooms in a deep container and pour cold water for a day. During this time, the water will need to be changed approximately once every 4-5 hours so that the waves do not become sour.
  2. Drain the water and place the mushrooms in a colander.
  3. At the same time, in an enamel pan, bring salted water to a boil and put the mushrooms in it. Boil for 15-20 minutes over medium heat.
  4. Remove the mushrooms from the brine. Place a layer of herbs and spices in a sterile jar, then mushrooms and salt. Fill the jar this way almost to the top.
  5. Cover the mushrooms with a horseradish leaf on top and press with wooden skewers so that the brine rises to the top.
  6. We wrap the neck of the jar with gauze and send it to a cold place for storage.

How to pickle oyster mushrooms at home using a hot method - step-by-step recipe

Oyster mushrooms are one of the most accessible mushrooms for pickling at home, which are equally well prepared both cold and hot. In addition, they do not require special preliminary preparation with soaking and cleaning. Read more about how to hot pickle oyster mushrooms at home in the step-by-step recipe below.

Necessary ingredients for hot pickling oyster mushrooms at home

  • oyster mushrooms
  • garlic
  • Bay leaf
  • carnation
  • black pepper

Step-by-step instructions on how to hot pickle oyster mushrooms at home for the winter

  1. We wash the oyster mushrooms under running water and divide the bunch into individual mushrooms. We cut especially large specimens into small pieces.
  2. Boil the mushrooms in salted water for about 15 minutes after boiling.
  3. Separately, make the brine: for 2 liters of water, 200 grams of coarse salt, spices and herbs to taste. Bring to a boil and boil for literally 5 minutes.
  4. Place oyster mushrooms in sterile jars and fill with hot brine.
  5. Seal with lids and place in a cool place for a week, after which the pickles are ready to eat.

How to pickle porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars using a hot method - a simple step-by-step recipe

Porcini mushrooms are ideal for hot pickling in jars at home. Especially if you use such a simple and tasty recipe as step by step option below. It describes in such an accessible way how to pickle porcini mushrooms in jars in a hot way for the winter that even inexperienced housewife.

Necessary ingredients for salting porcini mushrooms in jars for the winter in a hot way

  • porcini mushrooms - 2 kg
  • salt - 4 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • cloves - 2-3 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • coriander to taste

Step-by-step instructions on how to pickle porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars using the hot method with your own hands

  1. Wash the mushrooms and carefully remove the top layer. Cut into equal sized pieces.
  2. Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices.
  3. Bring salted water to a boil and after 3-5 minutes add chopped porcini mushrooms.
  4. After boiling, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat to medium and cook the mushrooms for 15 minutes.
  5. Approximately 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add spices and, if necessary, increase the amount of salt.
  6. Place the porcini mushrooms in sterile jars, alternating mushroom layers with garlic layers.
  7. Pour the hot brine, strained through cheesecloth, over the mushrooms and leave to cool.
  8. Cover the jars with lids and store in a cool, dark place.

How to pickle milk mushrooms at home in a cold way - step-by-step recipe, video

From the following step-by-step video recipe You will learn how to pickle mushrooms at home in a cold way using the example of milk mushrooms. This method is also suitable for pickling champignons, oyster mushrooms, saffron milk caps, porcini mushrooms, and boletus mushrooms. But it is better to prepare honey mushrooms and honey mushrooms for the winter in jars using the hot salting method. Learn more about how you can pickle milk mushrooms at home in a cold way using a simple recipe in the video below.

Mushrooms have been around for a very long time popular product, which many people go to collect in the autumn. What could be tastier than salted mushrooms on the table? cold winter? But they also need to be prepared correctly.

How to collect?

Every experienced mushroom picker will confirm that harvesting for future use begins in the forest, at that very moment when you bend down, noticing a cap among the leaves and grass, to get a forest trophy, cutting it off at the root. Finished product It will be tasty only if the harvest is harvested correctly.

The selection of raw materials must be done away from the highways, since these plants strongly absorb toxic emissions, and after eating such a treat, you can experience very serious health problems. You need to go into the forest at least a kilometer from the highway, this is where those specimens grow that are suitable for pickling for the winter.
It is better to pick mushrooms in the morning, it is at this time that they contain greatest number useful substances, and the caps are more elastic. It is recommended to leave overgrown plants as food for local inhabitants, because, as a rule, such mushrooms are tasteless and wormy. The most ideal are considered to be medium-sized specimens with fixed and even caps.

What mushrooms can be salted?

The most the best options For pickling mushrooms for the winter there are plastic varieties:

  • loading;
  • waves;
  • milk mushrooms;
  • valui;
  • saffron milk caps;
  • honey mushrooms;
  • Russula;
  • rows;
  • bitters;
  • smoothies;
  • Serushki.

Of course, you shouldn’t neglect tubular specimens at all:

  • white;
  • oak trees;
  • boletus;
  • boletus mushrooms

These mushrooms are incredibly tasty and meaty.


After the collection in the forest is completed, the fruits need to be sorted, preferably by variety, since the taste of the winter harvest will depend on this. Of course, many mushroom pickers dump all their finds into one vat and cook them together, but it’s better not to be lazy and sort them. Different types require a different approach to preparation, so it is necessary to prepare them separately.


After sorting has been done, the product must be washed to remove dirt, debris, stuck needles and leaves, as well as the outer crust.
The easiest way to prepare saffron milk caps and russula is to simply wipe them with a damp cloth or brush them. Much less often, the product is washed with running water, but after these activities it is thoroughly dried.

The remaining varieties are simply rinsed in a colander or in a bowl of water, but not for long, as this will affect taste qualities. It is necessary to cut off the dirty stems of mushrooms; in some varieties it is necessary to remove half the length.


In order to figure out how to pickle mushrooms at home, you first need to know how to cut them correctly. To do this, they will need to be sorted. Leave the small ones as they are, and distribute the others into pieces of the same size, but not less than 6 cm.

Some mushrooms contain a large amount of easily oxidizing substances (mushrooms, champignons, boletus, boletus), so they quickly darken in air. In order to preserve their beauty and marketable condition, you need to prepare a solution: pour 10 grams of salt and two grams of citric acid into 1 liter of water, and then send the prepared pieces there.


Before you pickle mushrooms at home after slicing, you need to go through one more preparatory stage. Most varieties require pre-soaking, and the duration of such preparation will vary. Eg:

  • for valuable species (white, champignons, boletus, boletus, oak) - overnight is enough;
  • for russula, trumpets and milk mushrooms it will take about 5 hours;
  • valui, black milk mushrooms, violins and bitter mushrooms differ in content large quantity bitterness, they will have to be prepared for at least 5 days.

Of course, at this time it is necessary to constantly change the water, ideally this is done every 3 hours. Unfortunately, this is not always possible to achieve, especially at night. If the product is quite heavily contaminated, you can first keep it in salted water for 4 hours (3% salt per total volume), and use clean liquid for the remaining time.

How to hot pickle mushrooms at home

For this option, your favorite spices are often used, as well as bay leaves, dill and black currant leaves. Salt is added in the proportion of 2 tbsp. l. per kilogram of mushrooms.

After harvesting, the crop is cleaned and sorted; if necessary, the roots are cut off. When mushrooms have large caps, they can be divided into several parts. Prepared fruits need to be thoroughly washed in water, and some varieties will need to be soaked for several days.

For 1 kg of prepared ingredients, pour 1.5 liters of water into a wide saucepan and add salt. Then the container is sent to the fire, after the liquid boils, you can put the mushrooms into it. During cooking, carefully mix the ingredients with a wooden spoon or fork so that they do not burn and cook at the same time.

If foam appears, you need to remove it with a slotted spoon, then add bay leaf and your favorite seasonings, but be sure to allspice. After boiling, the mushrooms cook for approximately 15-25 minutes (this depends on the variety). Boletus and boletus boletuses need to be cooked the longest. For russula and russula it will take only 10 minutes. The finished product must sink to the bottom. The brine will become transparent.

After this, the ingredients are carefully transferred into a container along with the brine and closed. The liquid in the container should be at least 1/5 of the total weight of the mushrooms.
The prepared product should brew well. You can eat the snack after 40 days, but it is better to keep it for a longer period.

Cold way

If we salt mushrooms in a cold way, the container in which they will be placed must be boiled with boiling water, or better yet, with a decoction, for the preparation of which it is recommended to use juniper branches. Your favorite spices are poured into the bottom of the container, most often these are blackcurrant and cherry leaves, dill, garlic, horseradish, bay leaf, cloves, pepper and others. Then a layer of mushrooms is laid out on the spices, but always with the caps down, but it should not exceed 5-8 cm; each of the balls is topped with salt in the proportion of 40-50 grams per 1 kg of fruit.

Next, the product is covered with gauze, and a wooden circle is placed on top, and pressure is placed on it. The mushrooms will gradually shrink, and therefore you can add new layers to them until the bowl is completely filled. The prepared dishes are left at medium temperature.

During the salting process, it is periodically necessary to change the material to clean material, as well as rinse the oppression and carefully monitor so that mold does not form. If this does happen, then you need to change the gauze and wipe the walls with a wet rag.
After 6 days, the mushrooms will thicken well, and brine and a strong aroma will begin to appear in the dishes. After this point, the container is sent to the cold.

The finished product can be tried after a few months.

Dry technique

Since you can also use the dry method for salting mushrooms at home, we will consider this option in our review. Only it is not suitable for all varieties, but only for those that do not require soaking. It gets its name from the fact that the prepared ingredients are not even washed, but simply peeled with a knife.

You can use traditional spices for this option. The ingredients are laid out in balls in a wide saucepan or in a jar, previously scalded with boiling water. Each of the layers is sprinkled with salt, for this you need to use more of it, 3-4 tbsp. l. per kilogram of mushrooms. Pressure is also placed on top so that the products begin to release juice. Pickles prepared using this method are usually ready within a few weeks. Ingredients can be added as they arrive.


For those who have figured out how to pickle mushrooms for the winter in jars, it will also be interesting how you can preserve the prepared product so that it remains tasty for a long time and does not spoil. To do this, it is recommended to use a well-ventilated and cool room with a temperature of approximately 5-6 degrees. They must not be allowed to freeze, as this will affect their taste. If the temperature is higher, there is a chance that they will turn sour and spoil.
Periodically you need to check that the mushrooms are immersed in the brine, as without this they will turn black and moldy. If the liquid becomes low, you can add cool boiled water.

How to salt milk mushrooms

The recipe for this dish is very simple. To calculate, you need to use basic proportions, for each kilogram you take:

  • 3 dill umbrellas;
  • 3 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 2 black peas and 3 allspice;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.

To prepare them, you can choose cold method. It is necessary to soak the ingredients before starting the procedure. If they are small - 3 days, when large - 5 days. Change the water morning and evening to keep it clean.

After preparatory stage The milk mushrooms are placed with their caps down, and the whole thing is covered with a load on top. You need to put the prepared container in the refrigerator for a month. And after that they can be distributed into jars, only sterile ones. The brine in which they were located is poured into prepared containers with the product, and poured on top a small amount of oils Each jar is covered with a lid and stored in a cool place. This technique is considered the most popular recipe.

Every housewife should also know how to salt milk mushrooms in a hot way. For this you will need mushrooms, herbs, garlic, dill, cherry and currant leaves. For one liter of filling you need 1 tsp. sugar and 3 tbsp. l. liquids.

Sort the milk mushrooms, rinse, cook, cool and place in jars. Add garlic, dill and scalded cherry and currant leaves to each container. Bring the water to a temperature of 100 degrees and dilute sugar and salt in it. Then fill the jars with brine and cover with lids. Use a cool room for storage.

White mushrooms

  • 2 tbsp. l. “Extra” salts;
  • 700 ml water;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 peas each of allspice and black pepper;
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • Bay leaf.

Those who are interested in how to pickle porcini mushrooms need to know that this is only done using the hot method. Large specimens can be cut into pieces, and small ones can be prepared whole. The water should boil and you need to dissolve the salt in it and add the mushrooms there. The cooking time takes 1.5 hours, then add spices and cook for another ten minutes, skimming off the foam regularly. After this, all the water is drained through a sieve into a separate container.

Every housewife should know how they turn out incredibly tasty. Next, you will need to place garlic and dill cut into slices at the bottom of the jars. Then distribute the product, alternating it with garlic. Pour brine over everything on top and roll up the lids. After a few weeks they will be ready to eat.


For them it is better to choose the cold method. The mushrooms must first be kept in a salty-acidic environment for 24 hours. To do this, add 2 grams of citric acid and 10 grams of salt per 1 liter of water; this is considered the basic recipe. Not everyone knows how to pickle chanterelle mushrooms this way, so you need to look at everything in more detail.
You will need for 1 kg of product:

  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 3 black peppercorns;
  • 3 laurel leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.

You need to pour boiling water over the chanterelles and wait until the liquid drains. Garlic is chopped into slices. Place dill, bay leaf and pepper on the bottom of the jar. Then a double layer of mushrooms is laid out, everything is sprinkled with salt and garlic, so you need to alternate.


Pickling such mushrooms is not at all difficult. Before salting volushka mushrooms, they must be carefully prepared, cleaned, and then soaked for three days.

For 1 kg of ingredients you will need:

  • 0.5 tsp. caraway;
  • 40 grams of salt;
  • 1 tsp. dill seeds.

Salt and spices are mixed together. The product is laid out in layers and sprinkled with spices, and pressure is applied on top. In a few months the cooking will come to an end. In order to understand how to salt volushka mushrooms so that they remain tasty and do not spoil, you need to know that they need to be kept at 0-10 degrees.

Honey mushrooms

It doesn't take much effort to prepare these foods. They are small and do not require preliminary preparation, you just need to rinse them well. Next, boil for 10 minutes. Afterwards the liquid is drained and they are washed. To figure out how to pickle honey mushrooms, you need to know how to make a brine to prepare them. To do this you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 3 allspice peppers.

After the liquid boils, spices and mushrooms are dropped in, everything should boil in this brine for 30 minutes. After they settle to the bottom, they are transferred to jars. Then the liquid in which the mushrooms were boiled is poured into containers, an umbrella of dill and a few currant leaves are added to each container. A cool room or refrigerator is ideal for storage.

Autumn is the time to collect mushrooms. Very soon you will enjoy fried mushrooms, mushroom soups and other tasty ones. But you really want that crispy mushrooms, collected with your own hands, will delight you and your family with their taste even during the long winter... You can dry mushrooms, can them, freeze them and salt them. In our article we will talk about how to pickle mushrooms It’s right that they become a safe and tasty dish for your table.

How to pickle mushrooms for the winter

There are several tricks how to pickle mushrooms for the winter so that they are stored for a long time and are safe for all their admirers. There are four ways in total pickle mushrooms in a jar:

  • cold method, in which prepared mushrooms are simply sprinkled with layers of salt and pressed down with a weight for a while;
  • hot method, the essence of which is that the mushrooms are filled with pre-prepared hot brine and infused in it for the required time, after which the mushrooms are canned;
  • The dry method of salting is different in that the juice is first removed from the mushrooms before salting by drying them in the sun, after which they are sprinkled with salt and salted for required quantity time, and then stored dry in a tightly sealed glass container;
  • salting with preliminary is a combination of cold and hot salting methods. With this method of preparation, the mushrooms are first immersed in boiling water for a while, and then salted by layering them with salt and spices.

In any case, regardless of the chosen salting method, mushrooms must be carefully prepared. Be sure to choose fresh, recently picked mushrooms. There should be no damage or worms on them. Before salting mushrooms, carefully sort them to prevent mixing of flavors and rinse thoroughly under running water. Use a toothbrush if necessary. Believe me, it’s better to go through the hassle of washing mushrooms than to have to pick out sand and forest dirt from them every now and then in the winter. After the mushrooms are washed, peel them and cut large mushrooms into slices or pieces.

Not all types of mushrooms are suitable for pickling in their original form. Some bitter mushrooms such as volnushki, milk mushrooms and podgruzdey must be soaked in cold water for 2-3 days, changing the water several times a day. When your mushroom loses its bitterness and its cap bends easily, but does not break, you can start pickling!

Mushrooms are usually salted in enamel, glass or ceramic dishes. Mushrooms should be placed in a container with their caps down, sprinkling them in layers with spices and salt. On average, 1 kg of mushrooms will require 40-50 g of salt, depending on the variety. Among the spices, dry dill, fresh or dry leaves of black currant or cherry, allspice and black peppercorns, cardamom, coriander, horseradish, cloves, celery, garlic and other aromatic spices are suitable.

In order to pickle mushrooms using the cold method, you need to put the mushrooms in a container, cover with gauze, and put a wooden circle on top, on which to place a weight. After some time, the mushrooms will release juice and settle, then it is necessary to add new layers of mushrooms so that the container remains completely filled. After 6 days, a brine will appear in the container, in which the mushrooms should stand for 1 - 2 months, after which they are ready for consumption.

The hot method of pickling mushrooms reduces the salting time due to the fact that the mushrooms are filled with hot brine, which already contains all the spices. After this, the mushrooms in the brine are left in a cool place for 10 days, after which they are washed, again filled with fresh hot brine and rolled into jars. These mushrooms can be stored for about a year.

The dry method of pickling mushrooms is well suited for harvesting hard mushrooms. With this method, the mushrooms are cleaned, cut, laid out on wire racks and dried in the sun so that the excess liquid. After this, the dried mushrooms are poured into a bowl with salt and spices, mixed well and placed in dry jars so that there is no air between the mushrooms. A thin layer of salt is poured on top and the jars are closed with metal lids. Here general recommendations About, how to pickle mushrooms deliciously.

How to pickle mushrooms correctly

First let's talk about how to pickle porcini mushrooms, because the most delicious snacks are obtained from them. Most easy way preparation of porcini mushrooms is a method of hot salting. Use next recipe. You will need:

  • porcini mushrooms – 1 kg
  • salt – 30 g
  • spices: cloves – 3 pcs., bay leaf – 2 pcs., black peppercorns – 3 pcs., dry or fresh leaves black currants – 3 pcs., dry dill – 10 g

First of all, make the brine. To do this, boil water and salt it. While the water is boiling, prepare the mushrooms: wash, peel and cut into pieces if necessary. When the water boils, place the mushrooms in the pan and cook, stirring, until foam forms. Remove the foam with a slotted spoon and add all the spices to the pan, then cook for 30 minutes. After this time, the mushrooms should settle to the bottom and the brine should become clear. When this happens, you can safely turn off the heat and transfer the mushrooms to a bowl to cool completely. After the mushrooms have cooled, place them in glass jars sprinkle with salt and close. Leave for 45 days. Ready!

Next recipe - how to pickle milk mushrooms. Milk mushroom is a very tasty mushroom, but also harmful at the same time! Before you start salting it, be sure to soak the peeled mushrooms in cold water for a couple of days to rid the mushrooms of bitterness. Otherwise, you risk ruining all your winter preparations! For salting milk mushrooms, the hot salting method, which we already wrote about above, is also most suitable. We take all the same components and follow all the instructions step by step. Everything is very simple, you just need patience, since the milk mushrooms must be salted for 2 - 3 months, during this time you need to ensure that the brine does not darken and mold does not appear. If this happens, pour out the spoiled brine, rinse the mushrooms under running water and refill with newly prepared brine.

Very tasty snacks can also be made from such inconspicuous mushrooms as saffron milk caps. Here simple recipe, how to pickle saffron mushrooms. Take:

  • saffron milk caps – 1 kg
  • fresh blackcurrant leaves – 20 g
  • dry bay leaf – 10 pcs.
  • allspice peas – 25 pcs.
  • ground black pepper – 5 g
  • salt – 50 g

Scald the prepared saffron milk caps with boiling water, cool under running cold water, let dry and place in a bowl for pickling, after placing black currant leaves, allspice and bay leaves on the bottom. Place the mushrooms with their caps up and sprinkle with salt and ground pepper. Top the mushrooms again with blackcurrant leaves. Place gauze and a wooden circle on which you place the weight. Leave the mushrooms in this form for 15–20 days.

Surely, the most common mushroom that is salted in our country is boletus. Classic recipe, how to pickle boletus mushrooms, simple and very tasty. We take:

  • boletus – 1 kg
  • salt – 50 g
  • allspice – 6 g
  • onions – 200 g

First, rinse and peel the butternuts. Then boil for 30 minutes in salted water. After the mushrooms have cooled, place them caps down in a pickling container and sprinkle them with a mixture of salt, pepper and finely chopped onion. Place the press on top and leave it there for 2 - 3 weeks. Makes a great snack!

Chanterelles are very delicious mushrooms, in no way inferior to their noble relatives. When salted, they become crispy and acquire amazing taste. We will tell you how to pickle chanterelle mushrooms hot way. You will need:

  • fresh chanterelle mushrooms – 1 kg
  • salt – 4 teaspoons
  • bay leaf – 10 pcs.
  • cloves – 6 pcs.
  • garlic - 6 cloves
  • allspice and black peppercorns - to taste

First, you need to thoroughly wash the mushrooms under running water. At this time, you need to boil water and add 1 teaspoon of salt to it. Next, you need to put the mushrooms in boiling water and immediately add the spices, cook the mushrooms for 15 minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly. Then the cooked mushrooms should be transferred to a pickling container, sprinkled with salt on top, add finely chopped garlic and pour over the brine in which the mushrooms were boiled before. Next, put the mushrooms under a press and let them cool, then put the container with the mushrooms in the refrigerator or cellar. The next day, your chanterelles are ready for consumption or subsequent canning.

Now you are armed with all the secrets proper salting mushrooms and some recipes for the most common types of them. We wish you delicious preparations and Bon Appetit!

Mushrooms are considered a delicacy now. They were loved in the old days too. Our great-grandmothers salted mushrooms, and it was for them business as usual. There are many recipes for pickling mushrooms. And they are all based on the preservative effect of table salt.

You can salt everything edible mushrooms, but it’s still better to take lamellar ones for this purpose, because tubular ones when salted become flabby and not entirely attractive. But if porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms or boletus mushrooms are salted, then only young individuals are chosen.

You can pickle mushrooms using hot or cold methods, with or without spices. In any case, a fermentation process occurs, similar to sauerkraut, when the resulting lactic acid prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria. But be sure to have free access to air. That's why important condition pickling mushrooms - all containers cannot be tightly sealed. They covered it with a cloth and a wooden circle, put a clean oppression on it - and that’s it, that’s enough. Moreover, it is preferable to salt in wooden tub than in an enamel bucket. But this is who already has what.

In a month or two, when the fermentation-salting process is over, you can calmly transfer prepared mushrooms into glass jars and seal.

Preparing mushrooms for pickling

Immediately after picking, mushrooms should be sorted by type and size, peeled, washed, and problem areas should be cut out. Those mushrooms that contain substances that darken when in contact with air, losing their attractive appearance, should be immediately cleaned and dipped in salted or acidified water. citric acid water. These are boletus, saffron milk caps, boletus mushrooms, and boletus mushrooms.

You can immediately put the peeled mushrooms in hot water, where they will be boiled, and do it in portions. The water level should not be high, because the mushrooms release juice during cooking.

There are cold, hot and dry methods for pickling mushrooms.

Cold method of pickling mushrooms

It is suitable for mushrooms that secrete fresh milky juice, bad smell. By soaking such mushrooms for about 2 days in water or boiling them, you can get rid of everything unpleasant. Fill the prepared mushrooms with salted water at the rate of 1 liter per 5 kg of mushrooms, cover with a cloth, a wooden circle and place a weight on top. Then place the container in a cool place and keep it there for 1-3 days, changing the water every day.

Then rinse the mushrooms, transfer them to prepared containers - jars, buckets, pans or wooden barrels– in layers of 5-6 cm, sprinkling with salt. The amount of salt depends on the storage temperature: 5 degrees – 50 grams of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms, above 5 degrees – 100 grams of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms.

To give salted mushrooms spicy taste and aroma, along with salt add bay leaf, garlic, allspice, currant leaf, dill.

Now pour cold water over the mushrooms, cover with a cloth, a wooden circle and a weight. After a while, the mushrooms will settle to the bottom, but the top layer of mushrooms must be covered with brine, otherwise they will spoil.

Lamellar mushrooms without milky juice do not need to be soaked. They are salted immediately after collection.

In about five weeks tasty dish will be ready. This is on average, but saffron milk caps can be eaten after 5 days, milk mushrooms - after 30 days, white mushrooms and volushki - after 40 days, and valui - even more, they require 50 days.

Hot pickling of mushrooms

At hot pickling Mushrooms cook much faster. Just before salting, either scald the mushrooms with boiling water or cook in salted water for 25-30 minutes. Then rinse them with cold water and let them drain. Please note that each new portion of mushrooms should be boiled in fresh water, and the already used water should be discarded.

For 1 kg of boiled mushrooms take:

2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 4 bay leaves, 5 allspice peas, 3 cloves, 5 g of dill and 2 black currant leaves;
5 tbsp. spoons of salt, 2 onions, 15 g of dill and 10 g of citric acid;
2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 5 allspice peas and 7 peas of black pepper, red ground pepper– on the tip of a knife, 2-3 leaves of black currant, 20 g of dill.

With this salting, the mushrooms will be ready in 2-3 weeks.

Dry pickling of mushrooms

This method is quite simple and fast. Mushrooms are suitable sweetish taste, namely saffron milk caps, svinushki, smoothies and some types of russula.

Peel the mushrooms, cut off the stems and caps, place them in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, cover with a cloth, a wooden circle and put pressure on them. When salted, the mushrooms will release juice and settle. You can add fresh portions of mushrooms to them until the dishes are full. You will be able to eat such mushrooms in 30-35 days.

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