Salt mackerel with liquid smoke. Liquid smoke for smoking mackerel

Buying quality mackerel is easy, and many people know how to choose fresh fish. Those who have not had to deal with this before can be given several recommendations. To get a good product, you need to pay attention to the smell. It should not be bright and have an unpleasant smell. It is also important to look at the look. Fresh mackerel has a smooth surface without greenish spots. It is elastic, resilient and not loose.   Also, fish eyes can tell about quality. If they are cloudy, glass and sunken, then the goods have lain for a long time.

Having acquired mackerel, it will be necessary to prepare it for hot or cold smoking. It is quite simple, and the process will not take much time. Rinse the carcass thoroughly. Then you can leave it in its entirety or cut off your head and gut the insides. Now she will be completely ready for smoking.

How to Smoke Mackerel with Liquid Smoke

Liquid smoke is a flavoring that gives the product a smoky flavor and color. With it, you can cook a fish in the apartment. The standard recipe is quite simple, so even beginner cooks can cope with it without difficulty.


  • fish - 5 pcs.;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • liquid smoke - 80 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • water - liter.

Smoked mackerel at home with liquid smoke is done as follows. First you need to prepare the brine. Pour water into a deep pan and boil, then add sugar, salt to it and turn off the burner. Now you need to pour liquid smoke and mix everything well.

After the brine has cooled, you need to lower the mackerel into it. In liquid smoke, it should remain for about 3 days. Put a press on top, and then place the container in the refrigerator.

Smoked Mackerel in Liquid Smoke

After three days, the fish smoked with liquid smoke will only be washed, and it will be possible to serve. If everything is done correctly, the taste will be excellent and will pleasantly surprise both guests and loved ones.

Mackerel Recipe in Onion Peel and Tea

People who want to cook fish with only natural ingredients can use onion husks. It, along with brewed strong tea, will give the necessary shade and taste. In order for the recipe with onion husks to work out as it should, you must clearly follow the instructions.


  • mackerel - 2 pieces;
  • water - liter;
  • onion peel - about two handfuls;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • black tea - 2 tsp;
  • laurel leaf - 3 pieces;
  • allspice - 5-10 peas;
  • crushed coriander seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Pour water into a saucepan and mix it with onion peel. The recipe requires that the liquid is brought to a boil, and then cooked for 15 minutes. Now the broth should be turned off, allow the onion peel to cool and strain. In clean water you need to put tea, boil and turn off. It must be insisted 15-20 minutes, after which it is also filtered.

Smoking mackerel in onion husks and tea

A decoction with onion peel and tea liquid should be mixed by adding spices, salt, sugar and laurel leaves. Mix everything thoroughly, and pour the resulting brine into the fish. You will need to place a press on top, and then send the mackerel in onion husks and tea for three days in the refrigerator. It is recommended that you turn the fish from side to side once a day so that it stains equally from all sides. A decoction with onion peel and tea will give it the necessary color and taste.

Smoked Mackerel

Hot smoking of mackerel at home can be done with ordinary black tea. The recipe must be carried out strictly according to the instructions in order to achieve the necessary taste.


  • mackerel - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • black pepper - 10 peas;
  • coriander seeds - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • black tea - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • rice - 150 g.

First you need to boil the water, adding sugar, salt, pepper, coriander and 1 tablespoon of tea to it. After 20 minutes, the brine must be turned off and allowed to cool. They will need to fill the fish and let it brew for about a day. After that, you will need to hang it by its tails so that the remaining brine drains.

About a day before cooking, you need to take rice, fill it with water and let the liquid soak. Already swollen grains should be mixed with black tea (take 1 tablespoon). The resulting mixture should be wrapped in foil, leaving a small hole for smoke. After this, foil with tea should be laid out at the bottom of a metal container, for example, a pot. Next, you need to light a fire and wait until the mixture starts to smoke, as this is necessary for the hot method.

The ingredients are mixed with black tea.

Now you need to place the grill inside, on which to put the mackerel. Cover the top so that no holes remain. Fire should be reduced to medium. The fish should first be smoked for half an hour on one side, and then turned on the other and cook for another 30 minutes. After that, the recipe with tea and rice will be completed. If necessary, time can be slightly increased, but keeping fish in a homemade smoke-cured smokehouse for too long is not recommended.

Mackerel with liquid smoke and onion husks

In order not to cook mackerel in a smoke-cured smokehouse, you can marinate the fish in onion husks and in liquid smoke. The meat will be tender, aromatic and tasteful. This recipe can be used even for the holiday has become, as the dish turns out really successful.

Ingredients for Smoked Mackerel in Liquid Smoke and Onion Whore


  • mackerel - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • onion husk - 3 full cups;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • salt - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • liquid smoke - 3 tbsp. spoons.

To properly marinate fish in onion husks, you will need to do the following. You need to pour water into the pan and put on the stove. So that there is no dirt in the husk, you will need to rinse the ingredient, and then put it to boil. Boil for about 20 minutes.

The broth should be filtered, then add salt, sugar and pour liquid smoke into it. Everything needs to be mixed and allowed to brew. Further, the recipe requires the fish to be placed in brine. It is advisable to remove the head, tail and entrails from the mackerel.

Pickle in husk for two days at room temperature. For convenience, you can keep the fish in the bank. It is even permissible to use a plastic two-liter bottle without a neck.

If you want to achieve the most unusual taste, you can add spices as you wish. They will give the dish a pleasant aroma. If all of the listed ingredients have been used, you will be able to get a real delicacy. The main thing is not to rush in this matter and not to shorten the pickling period, since it is in two days that the product will be smoked enough.

You can serve by slicing and decorating with greens along with onion rings. The fish will be a great snack, which will not be inferior to the store version.

The cost of smoked mackerel is two to three times higher than freshly frozen. You can save by buying fresh fish and pickling it at home using liquid smoke. Mackerel with liquid smoke will be ready in just two days, and you will be sure of observing the technology of its preparation, as you did everything yourself.

Marinade preparation

To pickle 1 kg of fresh mackerel, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 120 g of salt;
  • 70 g of sugar;
  • 1 liter of filtered water;
  • 75 ml of liquid smoke;
  • Black tea 4 teaspoons.

A saucepan with water is placed on the stove, brought to a boil and, not removing from the heat, salt and sugar are added. Tea is poured into boiling water, mixed, the saucepan is removed from the stove and set aside to cool. Liquid smoke is added to the brine, which has cooled to room temperature, everything is well mixed and filtered through a sieve to separate the tea leaf from the marinade.

It is possible to prepare a smoking brine for smoking in liquid smoke according to a similar recipe, only by replacing black tea with onion husks. The more husks you can collect, the richer the color of the finished mackerel will be. The husk is washed well, placed in a pot of water and boiled for 5 minutes. After that, the onion broth is set aside and infused for about 2 hours - during this time the water becomes brown. The husk is filtered off through a sieve, and salt and sugar are dissolved in the resulting liquid and liquid smoke is added - the marinade is ready for smoking fish.

How to prepare fish

Freshly frozen mackerel is used for smoking in liquid smoke. You need to choose whole even carcasses, without mechanical damage, with clean smooth skin. The fish is thawed and cut: the head is separated, the entrails are taken out. The defrosting process should not be delayed; fish should be cut immediately as soon as it becomes soft. Gutted carcasses are well washed first in warm water, then in cold running water.

Mackerel with liquid smoke can be smoked in an unbroken form. In this case, it needs to be washed more thoroughly, especially under the gill guards.

Smoking process

Prepared carcasses are placed in enameled or glassware, poured with brine and covered with a lid. The smoking process will take at least two days, and all this time the dishes with fish are in the refrigerator. Every 12 hours (morning and evening), the mackerel is turned over to evenly process liquid smoke. After two days, the fish is removed from the brine and washed. Its skin, after smoking, acquires a beautiful uniform bronze tint.

If smoked mackerel with liquid smoke was cooked whole, you need to gut it, and only then rinse well. At this stage, the preparation of the fish is not finished, the next step is drying.

How to dry fish

A loop of thin strong twine is tied to the tail of each fish, and suspended for drying. It is best to hang mackerel outdoors under a canopy or in the shade of trees. If this is not possible, it can be hung on the balcony or in a room in a draft, placing a container for draining the marinade under the bottom. In the summer, a thin cloth or gauze is thrown onto the dried fish, protecting it from insects. Smoked mackerel will be in limbo for 2 days, after which it can be removed.

The finished fish is rubbed with vegetable oil, it will make the mackerel skin soft and give it a mouth-watering look.

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Few people do not like the savory taste of smoked fish, especially if it is a mackerel, because it is not only very fragrant and moderately fat, but also healthy fish. However, usually everyone is accustomed to buying smoked meats in stores, without hesitation ο that you can make this delicacy at home, too - there are many ways, among which everyone will find the most convenient and suitable for themselves.

But everyone will definitely like the result, because it will be a natural product without any chemistry.

Step by step recipe

Naturally, the most traditional and obvious option for cooking smoked mackerel at home is in the smokehouse. If there is one on the farm, then you should try to use it to the maximum.

  • several carcasses of fresh or frozen mackerel;
  • 100 gr. salts;
  • a mixture of spices for fish;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • several onions;
  • fresh dill;
  • bay leaf.

Cooking time: about 8 hours.

The carcasses of mackerel must be gutted, torn out their gills and washed under running water. Peel and chop the onion, and wash and dry the dill. Then put the mackerel in a deep bowl with its backs down, and in the abdomen lay the pieces of onion and dill, pepper them, sprinkle with bay leaf.

Separately, dilute the salt in water and pour fish over this brine, leaving it in it for 6 hours. Then you need to drain the brine, and dry the fish with napkins or paper towels and stab her belly with toothpicks or just drag the carcasses with a thread.

It remains to prepare a smokehouse (put dry alder branches, install a wire rack, etc.), put mackerels in it with their belly up and smoke them for an hour. The final stage is to get the finished fish from there, free from the filling and let cool.

Cooking smoked mackerel in an electric smokehouse

Progress does not stand still and now it is not necessary to have a personal plot to smoke some products - electric smoke houses have appeared that are located in the kitchens.

  • several carcasses of mackerel;
  • coarse salt;
  • some dried juniper berries (optional);
  • lemon juice.

Cooking time: about 40 minutes, plus 2 days on a spike.

Calorie content: approximately 220 Kcal / 100 gr.

Fresh or thawed mackerel must be gutted and washed, then remove the head and gills from it and rub the fish liberally with salt from the outside and inside. Wrap the carcasses in cling film and put on the lower shelf in the refrigerator for 2 days.

When the mackerel is already salted, it remains only to brush on all sides with lemon juice and put in a smokehouse. The electric smokehouse itself is prepared in this way - alder or other sawdust should be moistened with a small amount of water and put on a pallet, where several juniper berries and a piece of refined sugar should be poured on top.

But first you need to smoke the fish for 10 minutes in the machine without smoke, and then install a pan with sawdust in it and continue smoking for another 20 minutes. As a result, the mackerel is fragrant.

Delicious fish with liquid smoke.

Since it is still possible to smoke fish in a hot way with a limited number of culinary specialists, you can make it cold - and the mackerel will turn out to be just as tasty.

  • 6 carcasses of fresh or frozen mackerel;
  • 50 gr Sahara;
  • 70 ml of liquid smoke;
  • 2 handfuls of onion husks;
  • litere of water;
  • 80 gr. salt.

Cooking time: about 45 minutes, plus 2 days for salting.

Calorie content: approximately 180 Kcal / 100 gr.

First you need to gut the mackerel, remove the gills from the carcasses, wash them well and put them on a board covered with a paper towel to dry.

At this time, pour onion husk with water, add sugar and salt, put everything on the stove and cook for 25 minutes.

When the broth cools slightly, it will remain to pour liquid smoke and lay the carcasses of mackerel, crushing them with some kind of load.

In this condition, it will be necessary to withstand the fish for another two days, and then rinse, dry and serve.

Recipe for salted smoked mackerel with tea

A very interesting option for cooking a delicacy is the smoking of mackerel in a pan - though you will need a grill by its size (for example, their double boiler or the like)

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of black leaf tea;
  • 150 gr. rice;
  • 75 gr. salts;
  • 30 gr Sahara;
  • a few peas of black allspice;
  • 3 bay leaves.

Cooking time: about 1.5 hours plus a day to prepare the products.

Mackerels must be pre-salted - gutted, washed and put in brine from boiled water with salt, sugar, pepper and a bay leaf. On top of the fish you need to set the load and leave in this position for a day.

It is also necessary to prepare rice - pour it overnight with water so that it slightly covers it. When this time comes out, you need to add tea to the swollen rice, put this mass on a sheet of foil and wrap it tightly, leaving only a small hole.

Now you can start smoking yourself - get the mackerel from the brine and dab it with a napkin, cover the frying pan with foil, put a bundle of rice with tea with the hole up and put this design on the fire, heating until a light smoke appears.

At this point, put the wire rack in the pan (the pan should be with high sides), and put the salted mackerel on the wire rack.

Cover and smoke for 20 minutes on each side. Ready fish should be allowed to cool, and only after that cut it in portions.

How to make smoked fish in onion peel

Onion peel is a unique product with which you can not only paint eggs for Easter. With its help, you can give a special taste and aroma to many dishes, including smoked.

  • 2 carcasses of fresh or frozen mackerel;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 large handfuls of onion husks;
  • 75 gr. Sahara;
  • two thirds of a glass of strong brewed black tea;
  • a few peas of allspice black pepper;
  • a pinch of coriander grains;
  • 2 bay leaves.

Cooking time: about half an hour plus 3.5 days per spike.

Calorie content: approximately 190 Kcal / 100 gr.

So, first you need to prepare a solution for "smoking" mackerel - wash the onion husks, pour it into boiling water and cook for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave the resulting broth for another 10 minutes.

Then strain it, add tea, sugar, salt and other spices and boil again. While the finished brine cools, the mackerel needs to be gutted, gills must be pulled out of it, etc.

Then put the prepared fish in a bowl with onion brine, gently squeeze a plate and put in a refrigerator or other cool place for three days.

When the deadline expires, it remains to get the carcasses of mackerel and hang them by the tail on the balcony or in the cellar for several hours for weathering.

How to smoke mackerel in aero grill and slow cooker

Today, many have such convenient devices as an air grill and a slow cooker, but not everyone knows ο many ways to use them in everyday life. But they are also suitable for smoking.

Use of air grill

  • 2 fresh or frozen carcasses of mackerel;
  • 2 caps of liquid smoke;
  • 50 gr salts;
  • provencal herbs;
  • a pinch of turmeric;
  • vegetable oil for lubricating fish.

Cooking time: about an hour, plus 2 days per spike.

Calorie content: approximately 200 Kcal / 100 gr.

Mackerel needs to be prepared - gutted, washed and dried. Mix liquid smoke with salt, Provencal herbs and turmeric and grate the resulting carcass of the fish, which then must be put in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator for 2 days.

When the mackerels are salted, they will still need to be coated with vegetable oil and after that put on the middle grill of the air grill, in which there will be water with the kind of chips that you like.

Before sending the fish inside, the air grill must be heated, and then set the temperature to 80 degrees on it. Mackerel is smoked in this way for half an hour, but every 10 minutes it must be turned over and re-oiled.

The finished fish should be immediately wrapped in foil and put in the refrigerator for cooling.

  Yogurt ice cream - take note of our selection of delicious dessert recipes with different toppings.

Read how to cook shrimp and squid sea salad.

For a friendly party with beer and watching a football match, a simple and original appetizer according to our recipe - onion rings in batter is perfect.

The multicooker is used

  • 1 fresh or frozen mackerel;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of liquid smoke;
  • a third of a teaspoon of salt;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper.

Cooking time: about 1.5 hours.

Calorie content: approximately 210 Kcal / 100 gr.

Mackerel carcass prepared in the usual way should be grated with salt and pepper and greased with liquid smoke, and then put in a baking bag.

Pour a liter of hot water into the multicooker bowl, and put the bag of fish on the lattice for a double boiler or in a special container for steaming in a multicooker.

Indicate the “Steam” mode and the time of 20 minutes, and then drain the water from the bowl and lay out the bag of fish already at its bottom and set the “Baking” mode for another 20 minutes. As a result, the mackerel is like from a store!

  1. To keep the smoked mackerel better at home, it is advisable to pre-dry it by hanging it by the tail for a couple of hours: for example, on the balcony.
  2. You can make smoked meat even more fragrant by putting a bunch of different greens in the abdomen of the fish (dill is very suitable) or even a circle of lemon;
  3. Mackerel is especially tasty if it is smoked on shavings from mountain ash or alder. Poplar and any fruit trees are also successfully combined with this fish;
  4. Prior to smoking, be sure to dry the fish with napkins until completely dried.

How to make smoked mackerel at home

  How to cook smoked mackerel at home: in a smokehouse, in an electric smokehouse, with liquid smoke, with tea, onion husks, in an air grill and slow cooker.


4 ways to smoke mackerel at home

The savory taste of smoked fish is liked by many people. The product can be purchased at the store, but it is better to do it yourself. If you cook smoked mackerel at home with your own hands, the delicacy will turn out to be unique and will boast a unique aroma. The absence of a private courtyard or cottage is not a hindrance. It is not necessary to use a special smokehouse hot or cold. There are methods that are suitable for an apartment, and hot smoked mackerel at home will be no worse than the purchased one.

Fish preparation

Buying quality mackerel is easy, and many people know how to choose fresh fish. Those who have not had to deal with this before can be given several recommendations. To get a good product, you need to pay attention to the smell. It should not be bright and have an unpleasant smell. It is also important to look at the look. Fresh mackerel has a smooth surface without greenish spots. It is elastic, resilient and not loose.   Also, fish eyes can tell about quality. If they are cloudy, glass and sunken, then the goods have lain for a long time.

Having acquired mackerel, it will be necessary to prepare it for hot or cold smoking. It is quite simple, and the process will not take much time. Rinse the carcass thoroughly. Then you can leave it in its entirety or cut off your head and gut the insides. Now she will be completely ready for smoking.

How to Smoke Mackerel with Liquid Smoke

Liquid smoke is a flavoring that gives the product a smoky flavor and color. With it, you can cook a fish in the apartment. The standard recipe is quite simple, so even beginner cooks can cope with it without difficulty.

  • fish - 5 pcs.;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • liquid smoke - 80 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • water - liter.

Smoked mackerel at home with liquid smoke is done as follows. First you need to prepare the brine. Pour water into a deep pan and boil, then add sugar, salt to it and turn off the burner. Now you need to pour liquid smoke and mix everything well.

After the brine has cooled, you need to lower the mackerel into it. In liquid smoke, it should remain for about 3 days. Put a press on top, and then place the container in the refrigerator.

Smoked Mackerel in Liquid Smoke

After three days, the fish smoked with liquid smoke will only be washed, and it will be possible to serve. If everything is done correctly, the taste will be excellent and will pleasantly surprise both guests and loved ones.

Mackerel Recipe in Onion Peel and Tea

People who want to cook fish with only natural ingredients can use onion husks. It, along with brewed strong tea, will give the necessary shade and taste. In order for the recipe with onion husks to work out as it should, you must clearly follow the instructions.

  • mackerel - 2 pieces;
  • water - liter;
  • onion peel - about two handfuls;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • black tea - 2 tsp;
  • laurel leaf - 3 pieces;
  • allspice - 5-10 peas;
  • crushed coriander seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Pour water into a saucepan and mix it with onion peel. The recipe requires that the liquid is brought to a boil, and then cooked for 15 minutes. Now the broth should be turned off, allow the onion peel to cool and strain. In clean water you need to put tea, boil and turn off. It must be insisted 15-20 minutes, after which it is also filtered.

Smoking mackerel in onion husks and tea

A decoction with onion peel and tea liquid should be mixed by adding spices, salt, sugar and laurel leaves. Mix everything thoroughly, and pour the resulting brine into the fish. You will need to place a press on top, and then send the mackerel in onion husks and tea for three days in the refrigerator. It is recommended that you turn the fish from side to side once a day so that it stains equally from all sides. A decoction with onion peel and tea will give it the necessary color and taste.

Smoked Mackerel

Hot smoking of mackerel at home can be done with ordinary black tea. The recipe must be carried out strictly according to the instructions in order to achieve the necessary taste.

  • mackerel - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • black pepper - 10 peas;
  • coriander seeds - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • black tea - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • rice - 150 g.

First you need to boil the water, adding sugar, salt, pepper, coriander and 1 tablespoon of tea to it. After 20 minutes, the brine must be turned off and allowed to cool. They will need to fill the fish and let it brew for about a day. After that, you will need to hang it by its tails so that the remaining brine drains.

About a day before cooking, you need to take rice, fill it with water and let the liquid soak. Already swollen grains should be mixed with black tea (take 1 tablespoon). The resulting mixture should be wrapped in foil, leaving a small hole for smoke. After this, foil with tea should be laid out at the bottom of a metal container, for example, a pot. Next, you need to light a fire and wait until the mixture starts to smoke, as this is necessary for the hot method.

The ingredients are mixed with black tea.

Now you need to place the grill inside, on which to put the mackerel. Cover the top so that no holes remain. Fire should be reduced to medium. The fish should first be smoked for half an hour on one side, and then turned on the other and cook for another 30 minutes. After that, the recipe with tea and rice will be completed. If necessary, time can be slightly increased, but keeping fish in a homemade smoke-cured smokehouse for too long is not recommended.

Mackerel with liquid smoke and onion husks

In order not to cook mackerel in a smoke-cured smokehouse, you can marinate the fish in onion husks and in liquid smoke. The meat will be tender, aromatic and tasteful. This recipe can be used even for the holiday has become, as the dish turns out really successful.

Ingredients for Smoked Mackerel in Liquid Smoke and Onion Whore

  • mackerel - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • onion husk - 3 full cups;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • salt - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • liquid smoke - 3 tbsp. spoons.

To properly marinate fish in onion husks, you will need to do the following. You need to pour water into the pan and put on the stove. So that there is no dirt in the husk, you will need to rinse the ingredient, and then put it to boil. Boil for about 20 minutes.

The broth should be filtered, then add salt, sugar and pour liquid smoke into it. Everything needs to be mixed and allowed to brew. Further, the recipe requires the fish to be placed in brine. It is advisable to remove the head, tail and entrails from the mackerel.

Pickle in husk for two days at room temperature. For convenience, you can keep the fish in the bank. It is even permissible to use a plastic two-liter bottle without a neck.

If you want to achieve the most unusual taste, you can add spices as you wish. They will give the dish a pleasant aroma. If all of the listed ingredients have been used, you will be able to get a real delicacy. The main thing is not to rush in this matter and not to shorten the pickling period, since it is in two days that the product will be smoked enough.

You can serve by slicing and decorating with greens along with onion rings. The fish will be a great snack, which will not be inferior to the store version.

4 ways to smoke mackerel at home

  Do you like smoked mackerel? It’s not necessary to spend money on its purchase. Smoked mackerel can be prepared at home, both in the smokehouse and without.


Tips for Making Delicious Smoked Mackerel

Smoked mackerel is very tasty. But is it necessary to buy it in stores, or can you try to cook such an appetizing dish yourself?

Benefit and harm

It’s worth starting with useful properties. In general, fish must certainly be included in the diet, because it contains a lot of different nutrients: phosphorus, fluorine, zinc, sodium, manganese, sulfur, potassium, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins PP, A, E and group B.

Mackerel is useful for the brain, cardiovascular system, central nervous system and, in general, the whole organism. It improves brain activity, stimulates protein synthesis, normalizes metabolic processes, protects tissues from premature aging and damage.

By the way, the calorie content of 100 grams of the product is only 220-230 calories, which is not much.

Now about the harm

Like any smoked fish, mackerel contains many carcinogens that can damage tissues and provoke the degeneration of healthy cells, causing cancer.

In addition, with improper smoking (and observing all the rules is not easy), some of the pathogenic microorganisms may remain, which will cause serious poisoning. So eating smoked mackerel too often is not recommended.

How do professionals cook?

In general, smoking is smoke treatment. There are two ways: hot smoking and cold. In the first case, the fish is treated with hot smoke. Thus, the fillet is subjected to heat treatment, as a result of which all bacteria die.

That is why this method is considered more secure and correct. When cold smoked, the processing is carried out by the so-called cold smoke, that is, in fact, there is no thermal effect. But the fish is well salted, and the ambassador, as you know, also contributes to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms (if it is produced correctly).

How to cook at home?

So, is it possible to cook such a dish as smoked mackerel at home? Yes, and in several ways.

First way

You can cook mackerel in liquid smoke - a special liquid that gives the fish a flavor and smack aftertaste.

  • 5 carcasses of mackerel;
  • 100 ml of liquid smoke;
  • 4 tablespoons of salt (with a slide);
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.
  1. Mackerel should be prepared first. To do this, rip open her abdomen and remove all the insides. Head and tail do not need to be removed.
  2. Now start preparing the brine. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Dissolve sugar and salt in it and turn off the heat in a minute. Now add liquid smoke, mix well.
  3. Immerse the mackerel in the finished brine, put a press on top. Leave the fish to salted and smoked for 2-3 days.
  4. Then take out the carcasses, rinse them in running water, cut into portions and serve.

Using this recipe, you can cook mackerel almost like in a store. But remember that liquid smoke is quite harmful.

Second way

This method is more complicated, but only natural products are used.

  • two rather large mackerels;
  • two large handfuls of onion husks;
  • two glasses of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of black tea (or two bags);
  • three tablespoons of salt;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • three bay leaves;
  • 10 peas of allspice;
  • half a teaspoon of ground coriander seeds.
  1. First you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, pour one and a half glasses of water into the pan, put the onion peel in the same place. Bring the composition to a boil and cook for about 20 minutes, then insist for about 15 minutes. Strain the broth.
  2. Boil the remaining water and put tea in it. Insist it for 10 minutes, strain well.
  3. Mix the tea leaves with a decoction of onion peel, add bay leaf, pepper, coriander, salt and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Now prepare the mackerel. The head can be cut off, but this is not necessary. Gut each carcass and wash under the tap.
  5. Pour the marinade into a shallow container, put the mackerel into it, place a load on top (you can put a regular plate) so that the carcasses do not float.
  6. Store the container in a cool place for two or three days. To make the infusion and broth of onion husks evenly color the fish in a beautiful golden color, periodically turn the carcasses over.
  7. Delicious smoked mackerel is ready!

Third way

This recipe will help you prepare delicious smoked mackerel. Here is what you need:

  • two rather large carcasses of mackerel;
  • litere of water;
  • three tablespoons of salt;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 10 peas of allspice;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons of black loose tea;
  • 150 grams of rice.
  1. About 12 hours before smoking, you need to pour rice in water so that it only slightly covers it. Leave the mixture overnight so that the rice completely absorbs all the liquid. Next, just mix the rice with one tablespoon of tea. Wrap the entire mixture in foil, leaving a hole (it will be required for smoke to escape).
  2. Make the marinade. To do this, boil water, add salt, sugar, pepper and bay leaf. Boil together for another minute, then turn off the heat.
  3. Gut and rinse the mackerel well in running water, then immerse it in the marinade, squeeze something with it and put it in the refrigerator or in a cool place for a day.
  4. Take out the mackerel and proceed to the stage of hot smoking. Take a frying pan, cover it with several layers of foil (you can also grease it with oil), put rice and tea wrapped in foil so that the hole is at the top. Heat the mixture until a light haze begins to flow.
  5. Place the wire rack in the pan; put the mackerel on it. Cover the pan.
  6. Smoke the fish on each side for twenty minutes. Cool the prepared mackerel and serve.

Tips for Making Delicious Smoked Mackerel

  Smoked mackerel is very tasty. But is it necessary to buy it in stores, or can you try to cook such an appetizing dish at home?


Liquid smoke for smoking mackerel

What could be tastier than smoked fish? Despite the fact that most do not have their own smokehouse, it is not so difficult to get an excellent smoked delicacy at home. It is enough to replace the regular smokehouse with a special product called “liquid smoke”. Smoked mackerel with liquid smoke is also very popular in view of its economy, which cannot but affect the budget.

However, you still should not be deceived - treatment with "liquid smoke" is not real smoking, but only its imitation. But with the proper approach, the result of such "smoking" is very good.

How to choose a fish?

Not the last place, of course, is the choice of fish. When choosing mackerel on the shelves of stores, you should, first of all, pay attention to the smell - it should show itself, but not be too strong. The fish smell is peculiar in itself, but it is noticeably different in fresh fish and in the one that started or is about to begin to deteriorate. To the touch, the fish should also be resilient and elastic, have a uniform color and smooth surface.

How to use "liquid smoke"?

“Liquid smoke” is a special flavoring that simulates real natural smoking. It represents the products of decay of certain tree species dissolved in water or oil - those that are usually used for smoking. The industrial technology for making "liquid smoke" is rather complicated, but it can be easily prepared on its own. There is more confidence in the home process - many are convinced that the store flavor is “solid chemistry”.

Like it or not, and how to make “liquid smoke” at home is the topic of another article. It is known, however, that its use in cooking has become so widespread that in recent years practically no smoking has been complete without it at home. Often, "liquid smoke" is added even to marinades for regular smoking.

Here are some recipes in your piggy bank.

Recipe number 1 Mackerel smoked in liquid smoke

To cook mackerel smoked in "liquid smoke", you will need the following:

  • 4 small mackerels;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of tea leaves (black tea);
  • 3 handfuls of onion husks;
  • 1.3 liters of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 3 tablespoons of liquid smoke.

Thoroughly rinse the onion peel under water, pour it with water and put on the stove, wait until the water boils, and then simmer for half an hour.

Strain the brine through a sieve, discard the remains of the husk, and add sugar, salt and liquid smoke to the liquid, then mix thoroughly and leave to infuse.

Remove the head, tail and entrails from the fish, rinse and put into the solution. Leave the fish in the onion marinade for 2-2.5 days. After a couple of days, remove the fish from the marinade, dry and serve, garnishing with onion rings and a slice of lemon. Smoked mackerel at home with liquid smoke and tea is ready! Bon Appetit!

Recipe number 2 Mackerel smoked in onion husk

If desired, onion peel can be used, so do not rush to throw it away ahead of time. This recipe will focus on how to smoke mackerel at home if there is no smokehouse. In fact, this is not a big deal.

In order to bring this dish to life, you will need the following ingredients:

  • mackerel - 3 carcasses;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of cold water;
  • one cup of dry brewing black tea;
  • 4 handfuls of onion husks;
  • 1 pinch of coriander;
  • black pepper - a few peas;
  • 3 bay leaves.

You need to start the cooking process with the preparation of mackerel. At the carcasses, separate the head and tail, make longitudinal cuts on the abdomen and remove all the insides. You also need to pay special attention to the thin, dark film that covers the abdomen on the inside. After all unnecessary has been removed, rinse the mackerel well under cold water.

Now it's up to the pickle, or, so to speak, the marinade. Pour cold water into a pan and put on a strong fire, let the water boil. While the water is boiling, rinse the onion husks under running water, and then throw it into boiling water, reduce the heat (but so that the water continues to boil). It takes about 8-10 minutes to cook onion peel, since during this time it will have time to give its color and flavor. After 10 minutes, turn off the heat and strain the onion peel through a colander or sieve.

Diluted black tea prepared in advance with another glass of boiling water and add salt, sugar, pepper, bay leaf to the resulting solution and mix thoroughly. Put this mixture on the stove and let it boil. After the solution boils on the stove for 10 minutes, turn off the heat and let the solution cool. This will be the so-called “marinade”.

Mix the cooled tea marinade with onion broth, then pour into a wider container and put the mackerel there. Choose the dishes so that the tea solution completely covers the mackerel. Spread the mackerel on the bottom, and on top of it you will need to press down with a heavy plate and put in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

About one to two times a day, the mackerel will need to be turned over. After 3 days, remove the mackerel from the brine, dip in a paper towel and hang it to air for 3-4 hours. After three hours, the fish can be cut into pieces and served.

Recipe number 3 Mackerel smoked with tea and rice

Below is a recipe that will easily replace traditional multi-day smoking, and the result, at the same time, will be beyond praise.

So, for the preparation of mackerel, you will need the following components:

  • medium sized mackerel - 2 pieces;
  • 1 liter of boiled water;
  • 3 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp coarse salt;
  • black pepper - 12-15 peas;
  • coriander - 1 tablespoon;
  • black leaf tea - 2 tablespoons;
  • round grain rice - 200 grams.

Put the cooled boiled water on the fire again and wait until it boils. Add spices to boiling water: coriander, salt, peas and half the prepared sugar, reduce heat and boil for 25 minutes. After the specified time, remove the water from the heat and let it cool.

While the brine cools, clean the fish from the insides, cut off the tail and head and rinse thoroughly under cold running water. Pour 2 carcasses of fish with cooled brine and put it in the refrigerator to insist. Fish should be in brine for at least 24 hours. After that, pull the fish out of the brine, allow the liquid to drain.

At this time, rinse the rice also under cold water, pour two glasses of water and wait until the rice absorbs the right amount of moisture. Mix the swollen rice grains with two tablespoons of black tea and lay the resulting mixture in foil. On one side of the foil wrapper, make a small hole, which will be needed to exit the smoke. Then take a metal pan or other metal container with a thick bottom, put a foil with rice - tea mixture on the bottom and put the pan on fire. Wait until the resulting mixture begins to smoke, and then put a low lattice, and on top of the grill - mackerel, reduce the fire at this time to a minimum. Smoke mackerel in total, for an hour, alternately turning it on the opposite side. If the carcasses of the fish are large, the smoking time can be slightly increased, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the fish will turn out to be overdried and too “odorous”.

Serve the mackerel chopped! Bon Appetit!

Liquid smoke for smoking mackerel

How do smoked mackerel liquid smoke at home. What is liquid smoke. A few recipes for making mackerel

How delicious is smoked mackerel in a duet with boiled potatoes. However, not everyone knows that such a delicious fish with golden skin can easily be cooked at home! You will be surprised at how simple and easy it is - fill the fish with brine and strain it in it for about 2-3 days - that’s the whole secret of cooking.

None of those who tested such a fish delicacy will guess that the mackerel was not purchased in the store! Make a note of this wonderful recipe so that you can definitely use it when the holidays arrive.


  • 1 freshly frozen mackerel
  • 2 tea bags
  • 50 ml liquid smoke
  • 2 tbsp. l salt
  • 1.5 tsp granulated sugar
  • 5-10 ml of vegetable or olive oil
  • 1 empty plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters.


  1. Frozen mackerel must be allowed to thaw for 4-5 hours at room temperature or else move it overnight from the freezer to the refrigerator. After that, the fish needs to cut off its head and take out all the insides. At the same time, do not cut the abdomen - take out through the cut from the head. Be sure to rinse the carcass after cleaning both inside and out.

  2. Brew strong tea in a container using 0.9-1 liter of boiling water. It is advisable to take a very strong grade of tea, so that the tea leaves turn out to be almost black!

  3. Pour granulated sugar and salt into it, then pour in liquid smoke, stir well to dissolve all the crystals in the tea leaves. Let the brine cool.

  4. Remove the cork from the plastic bottle and squeeze it slightly, then cut the neck with scissors. Rinse it inside and pour in the cooked brine. Carefully lower the washed carcass of a mackerel directly into the bottle, into the brine, holding the tail. Since water will push the carcass out, it is necessary to completely dip it into the brine, and pinch the tail with clothespins or come up with another option, otherwise it will not stain. In this form, the mackerel must be kept for about 2-3 days, turning the carcass into a new position every day so that there are no stained areas left on it.

  5. After this period, remove the carcass from the brine and let it dry.