Juicy belyashi with meat in a frying pan. Delicious belyashi

Do you like whites? Ruddy and crispy crust, tender dough and a lot of juicy meat filling... Homemade belyashi, the recipe for which I will share with you today, is an incredibly tasty, aromatic and satisfying dish, which is very difficult to refuse. We will cook belyashi in a frying pan using yeast dough, and the filling will be pork and onions. Try it too!

Belyashi are round buns with meat that can be made with either yeast or unleavened dough (usually kefir). In addition, they can not only be fried in a frying pan, but also baked in the oven (a more dietary option) without oil. Belyashi is another name for the Tatar and Bashkir dish peremyach. Essentially the same thing, just different names. A distinctive feature of these flour pies with meat filling is a small hole in the dough, thanks to which the oil penetrates inside during the frying process and prepares the minced meat.

Recently, on sale here, most often I have come across round pies with meat filling without this very hole, but also called belyashi. At home, I always make belyashi according to this simple and affordable recipe - the result is always pleasing. By the way, almost any meat can be used as a meat component, but pork is the closest to me.


Yeast dough:


Oil for frying:

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

To prepare homemade belyashi, take premium wheat flour, milk (any fat content), pork, onions (the weight is indicated in already peeled form), refined vegetable oil, salt, sugar, yeast, ground black pepper. For frying, we also need vegetable (I use sunflower) oil - you can use any odorless oil that is suitable for this purpose.

Preparing yeast dough for whites at home. Sift premium wheat flour into a suitable sized bowl. Of course, you can immediately pour it directly onto the work surface (table), but it’s more convenient in a bowl. A few words about yeast: it is not necessary to take fast-acting yeast - just dry (also 5 grams - that’s 1 heaped teaspoon) or fresh/wet/pressed will do (exactly 3 times more is used, that is, 15 grams). Such yeast is not immediately mixed with wheat flour, but is activated in a warm sweetened liquid for 10-15 minutes. For this recipe, you can very slightly heat half a glass of milk with a teaspoon of granulated sugar and dissolve the yeast in it. I used fast-acting ones, so I added them immediately to the flour, which I had sifted twice in advance.

Make a well in the center and pour warm (not hot, but pleasantly warm) milk into it. Mix everything with your hand or a spoon to moisten the flour.

You should get flour lumps, after which you can add 50 milliliters of vegetable oil. We begin to knead the dough with our hands or using a dough mixer (bread maker) - whichever is more convenient.

This yeast dough for whites needs to be kneaded for quite a long time - at least 10 minutes, and even better longer. As a result, you will have a smooth, completely homogeneous dough. It should be very soft and just a little sticky. However, this yeast dough holds its shape perfectly and does not spread. During the kneading process, you may need a little more or a little less flour than I indicated in the ingredients - it depends on its moisture content. Roll the dough into a ball and leave it in a bowl (I always wash the dishes in which the dough ferments - I just don’t like dirty ones). We send the dough to heat for 1 hour, after which we do a light kneading, re-rounding and again to heat for another 1 hour. Where is the best place for the dough to ferment and what does a warm place mean? There are several options. First of all, in the oven with the light on (it turns out to be approximately 28-30 degrees - the ideal temperature for fermenting yeast dough). Then cover the bowl with the dough with cling film or cover it with a towel made of natural fabric (linen is best) so that the surface does not become airy and crusty. You can also let the dough ferment in the microwave, in which you first bring a glass of water to a boil. The dough will rise when the door is closed, and the glass will stand there. Then there is no need to cover the bowl with anything, since the water will evaporate, thereby maintaining the necessary humidity. Just make sure that no one accidentally turns on the microwave, otherwise the dough will disappear and there will be no whites.

While the yeast dough is fermenting, let's prepare the filling for the whites. To do this, we take pork pulp - moderately fatty meat is best (about 25-30 percent fat in relation to meat). We pass the pork through a meat grinder (I prefer a fine-hole grinder) along with the peeled onions.

Mix everything and put it into a bag. Release the air and tie the bag tightly (it is best to use 2 bags - place one inside the other). Now we will beat the minced meat - we throw the bag on the table 100 times. But not with all its might, so that the bags do not break, but carefully. Thanks to this procedure, the minced meat will become very soft, homogeneous, juicy and at the same time plastic.

The second time, the dough for future whites will grow even more - four times. By the way, I want to talk a little about the fermentation time of yeast dough and proofing of the dough. I hope you understand that this is a relative concept. What does it mean? Well, for example, the recipe says that the dough should be allowed to rest for 1 hour. You understand that 1 hour is the time that the author of this recipe needed. +/- 10-15 minutes is a completely acceptable deviation; the entire fermentation time of yeast dough depends on many factors. The freshness (and, as a result, activity) of the yeast, the quality of the flour, the room temperature, the amount of dough - all this affects the fermentation and proofing time. Therefore, never strictly follow these recommendations - you must feel the dough, understand what it needs, and then you will prepare it purely intuitively.

The stage of forming future blanks for whites: divide the dough into small pieces (try to make them the same size) no larger than an apricot. Each piece of dough must be rounded and rolled into a ball (you can see how to do this in this recipe - steps 11-14). From this amount of dough, I decided to make 17 whites. Cover the pieces with cling film or a towel to prevent them from getting airy, and let the dough rest for 5-7 minutes.

Meanwhile, take the minced meat out of the refrigerator and also divide it into 17 parts. Roll each piece of minced meat into a ball.

We begin to shape future whites. Take one ball of dough and roll it out (knead it with your hands) into a fairly thin round layer.

Place a ball of minced meat in the center and flatten it with the back of your hand so that you get a fairly flat patty. If you make the filling too thick, it may not have time to cook and will remain half raw.

Belyashi with meat is a very nutritious dish. But when it’s so delicious, there’s no time to count calories. In this article we will share the secrets of how to make real whites that will make you give up thoughts about a diet.

Belyashi are, as a rule, pies filled with meat, fried in hot oil. They should be crispy on top and juicy and tender on the inside.

What mistakes do inexperienced housewives most often make? The minced meat turns out soft, and the dough is not fully baked. Or vice versa, the dough is fried, but the minced meat becomes overdried. We'll tell you how to avoid these mistakes.

Juicy minced meat for whites with meat

Juicy minced meat is obtained from the meat of the shoulder blade. You can take beef, pork or lamb. It is possible to maintain juiciness by adding a large amount of onion.

Visually, it should be half as much as meat (for example, 250 g of meat and one large onion).

The meat must be minced and turned into homogeneous minced meat. It is better to grind the onion in a blender into a paste.

Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix the minced meat. Beat, collecting into a ball, for 2 minutes. When it's enough, you'll feel it. The minced meat will become sticky and turn into a single mass. But it must remain soft. If the minced meat is dense, add a little water to it.

Cover the bowl with a plate. Let the filling rest while we prepare the dough.

Belyashi dough

For whites, unleavened dough is kneaded, without sugar. If you wish, you don’t even have to add salt to it, since the meat filling compensates for its absence.

Let's prepare the dough in the fastest way. Take kefir and flour in equal proportions, for example, a glass. Sift the flour into a bowl and add kefir in portions, collecting the resulting lumps together.

Add a teaspoon of soda. Knead a sticky, fairly soft dough. If it sticks to your hands too much, you can add a little flour to it. There is no need to flour the dough too much, otherwise it will not bake well and will be sticky inside.

Knead the dough for about two minutes. Then add two tablespoons of vegetable oil to it. And knead again for five minutes.

Grease the bottom of the bowl with oil. Place a lump of dough. Cover it with film or a plate. Let stand for 20-30 minutes.

When the dough and minced meat are ready, let's start sculpting the whites.

How to sculpt whites

It is very convenient to sculpt belyashi on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. If you sprinkle a baking sheet with flour, some of it will remain on the pies and will burn during frying.

The dough must be divided into equal pieces. We'll have nine of them. Each part must be collected into a ball, then flattened into a cake with your hands.

We spread the minced meat onto the dough, not in a heap, but lightly pressing it down, so that the meat also becomes a flat cake. The minced meat should extend about 2 cm from the edges.

Now we form the whitewash. Pull up the edges of the dough and gather them into folds so that they almost completely cover the meat. Leave a small hole at the top for steam to escape.

Correct roasting technology

Belyashi is fried in a large amount of oil. It must first be heated very hot, almost to the point of smoke.

Place the pies with the hole down. Fry until golden brown. Turn it over. Add a teaspoon of boiling oil into the hole. Fry without a lid until done. The lower part of the belyash should bake a little longer.

Readiness can only be checked experimentally. Let's cut one of the whites. Let's look at the condition of the meat and dough. If they haven’t come up yet, let’s keep the rest of the whites on the fire for some more time.

Place the pies on a paper towel to catch excess oil. Belyashi should be eaten hot, so cook as much as you can eat at one time.

Yeast recipe

Another classic recipe for making belyashi is made with yeast.

To activate the yeast you will have to use sugar. Pour slightly warmed water or whey (50 ml) into a bowl. Add seven grams of quick yeast. A tablespoon of sugar and a couple of tablespoons of flour. Leave the yeast alone for 20 minutes.

In another bowl, sift half a kilogram of flour with a teaspoon of salt. Pour in a cup of whey or water. Add the settled dough. We collect lumps with a spoon. Leave for 20 minutes until all the water is absorbed by the flour.

Knead the dough on the table. Add 15 g of vegetable oil in two additions. We don’t add any more flour to make the dough fluffy and well baked.

Continue kneading for 10 minutes. Leave the dough in a bowl under a towel for an hour and a half.

To prepare the filling, mix 200 g of finely chopped or chopped onion in a blender with 500 g of minced meat. Add a quarter cup of water, salt and pepper to taste. We beat the minced meat well. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Divide the dough into 15 equal pieces. Stretch into flat cakes. We form whites. Fry in hot oil over low heat on each side for about 3-4 minutes.

How to cook fluffy belyashi

The fluffiest whites are made from yeast dough, because it does not absorb oil and rises well in the pan.

Belyashi dough with yeast can be prepared in this way:

  1. Dissolve one and a half teaspoons of dry yeast in two tablespoons of water with the addition of a tablespoon of sugar and a couple of tablespoons of flour. Let the yeast work for 20 minutes.
  2. In another container, mix one and a half cups of flour, a mug of water, one and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil and half a teaspoon of salt. Let's dilute the finished dough in this mass.
  3. Knead a sticky soft dough without adding excess flour.
  4. Let the dough sit and rise.

After about 40 minutes, you can begin to form the whites. Fry the tender pastry on both sides in hot oil. Place on a napkin to remove excess fat.

Step-by-step recipe in a frying pan

Follow the recipe and you will get unusually fluffy, even whites with meat in a frying pan:

  • Place all the ingredients for the dough in a bowl: a mug of warm milk, 2.5 cups of flour, a little salt and sugar in equal parts, less than a teaspoon of active dry yeast;
  • knead the dough, let it rise, the process will take about 30 minutes;
  • divide the base into 10-12 equal pieces, cover them with film and let rest for 20 minutes;
  • prepare the filling from 400 g of minced meat and two onions, add salt and pepper to taste;
  • beat the minced meat, let it stand for ten minutes;
  • roll the dough balls into flat cakes, spread the filling in an even layer, pinch the edges of the flat cakes with an accordion;
  • fry the belyashi in a large amount of oil until a golden crust forms.

Place the finished dish on a plate lined with paper napkins.

Traditional Tatar belyashi

For traditional Tatar belyashi, the dough is kneaded in water. All ingredients (a cup of water, a glass of flour, a pinch of salt and sugar, a ten gram pack of dry yeast) are placed in one bowl. Mix together. The dough is allowed to rise under a towel. Cut after 40 minutes.

In addition to lamb (200 g), add finely chopped chili peppers, sweet peppers, carrots and a tablespoon of lemon juice to the minced meat. Add salt to taste.

Form Tatar belyashi with meat, leaving a hole on the top of the pie. Fry until done in a large amount of oil.

A simple option for baking with kefir

Kefir dough is prepared quickly. The result is excellent. It is easy to sculpt any products from a pliable kolobok.

Add half a teaspoon of baking powder or soda to warm fatty kefir (175 g). Leave until a lot of bubbles appear. Add an egg and a pinch of salt to the kefir and stir in half a kilogram of flour in batches.

The dough needs to be kneaded in a bowl for five minutes, and then on the table for the same amount of time. Place back into the bowl and let rest for half an hour.

We make the filling from minced meat and onions in a ratio of 2:1. Add a little salt and pepper. Fry the belyashi until cooked, first with the top side, then with the bottom. You cannot turn them over at the end, otherwise the juice will leak out.

Lazy Whites

The taste of lazy whitefish is very similar to the taste of the traditional dish. But they cook much faster.

We remove the modeling step from the recipe, leaving only the important:

  1. Dilute a teaspoon of soda, a pinch of salt and sugar in two glasses of kefir. After the foam rises, sift a glass of flour into the mixture. Using a whisk, knead the dough as liquid as sour cream.
  2. Pass a large onion and a clove of garlic through a meat grinder. Mix with half a kilogram of minced meat. Add a little salt and ground pepper.
  3. Place the minced meat in a bowl with the dough. Stir well.
  4. Pour oil into a frying pan, a layer of one cm;
  5. We will spoon out the dough along with the minced meat;
  6. Fry the whites on both sides until cooked.

Collect excess fat with a paper towel.

Juicy baked goods in the oven

Baking in the oven turns out less fatty. We knead the dough with kefir to save time.

Dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of milk drink. Pour into a deep bowl. Add an egg and another egg white, a pinch of salt and sugar, and three cups of flour in batches.

The dough should be soft and not sticky. Let's knead. Leave it under a towel for half an hour.

Let's prepare the filling from half a kilogram of minced pork and a large onion. Add salt and pepper as desired.

Divide the dough into pieces. Roll them into flat cakes 3-4 mm thick. Spread a tablespoon of filling. We form the thresholds in the traditional way.

Place the belyashi on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Grease with beaten yolk. Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes.

On choux pastry

When fried in oil, choux pastry becomes porous and fluffy. You can make more than one serving and freeze any excess.

Pour 2/3 cups of water into the ladle. Add two tablespoons of oil and a teaspoon of salt. Heat over heat until boiling. Dump out a glass of flour. Immediately knead and remove from heat. Let the mixture cool slightly.

Break a chicken egg. Add half a glass of flour. Cool the dough completely. And then knead well with the addition of another half glass of flour.

The dough will be very sticky at first, then it will become smooth. It needs to be kneaded for a long time until it turns into an elastic, shiny bun.

We will prepare the filling in the traditional way from any type of minced meat, onions and spices. Let's form whites and fry them in a large amount of oil.

With added potatoes

Meat and potatoes are the best combination. It's hard to argue with that. If you want to add something else to the filling, let it be potatoes.

The dough can be prepared in any way. For the filling, mince 250 g of pork or beef shoulder blade. Finely chop a large onion. Peel large potatoes and chop them into cubes.

Season the minced meat with salt and your favorite spices. Add two tablespoons of melted butter for juiciness. Let's form whites in the traditional way. We bake the pies in the oven, or fry them in a frying pan.

Belyashi is a very common dish. It can be found in fast food chains and street food outlets. But no store-bought pies can compare with home-baked goods. Surprise your loved ones with delicious homemade whites from the heat.

Do you know how to prepare the best dough for whites? Ruddy, elastic, tender and endlessly delicious? We share tips and reveal secrets!

Housewives who periodically delight their family with belyashi can boast of their own secrets for preparing this dish - each, as a rule, has a signature dough recipe for belyash, and a couple of personal life hacks that greatly facilitate the preparation process and provide amazing results. .

You are not yet ready to talk on a given topic, do not have the necessary experience and hundreds of “approaches” in preparing these wonderful pies? Magic Food has carefully collected the best and proven recipes in one article - cook, try, evaluate, and then proudly say that you also have your own secrets and best practices.

Or do you already know which white dough recipe is the best? Great, share with us in the comments, and in return we’ll tell you about other secrets of delicious open round pies with meat filling that most of us like so much.

Classic yeast dough for belyashi according to GOST

This recipe produces the same belyashi that most of us are accustomed to - the dough is fluffy, elastic, and pleasantly tactile. It is prepared quite simply, without any special equivocations, with one drawback - you need to wait until the yeast works and the mass increases in volume.

The recipe according to GOST (taken from the book “Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments”, Moscow, publishing house “Economy”, 1982), adapted to modern realities - the weight of the basic components is slightly rounded for ease of measurement (for example, 534 g flour is replaced by 550 grams, and 266 g water is reduced to 270 g). However, in essence, these are the same standard delicious whites that could be bought at the nearest grocery store for ridiculous money.


550 g flour;

270 g water;

13 g sugar;

15 g of “live” compressed yeast.

We knead the dough without dough - first the yeast and sugar are combined with warm water, left to activate, then the flour is poured in - little by little, gradually. After kneading, round and cover with cling film, leave in a warm place until doubled (about 1-1.5 hours). Dough made with “live” yeast likes to rise twice – knead it and leave it in a warm place again until the mass doubles. After that, knead it again - everything is ready to go.

White dough with kefir

Well, yes, not soft and tender, like yeast, but with one significant advantage: you don’t have to wait. Do you want whites? Please, 10 minutes - and you can fry. No dough, rises or proofing. If there is a desire, the implementation is ready. The recipe is suitable for those who do not like long games, preferring instant results.

It is also worth mentioning that kefir dough is practically non-porous (compared, for example, to yeast dough) - thanks to this, during the process of frying whites, it absorbs much less oil, reducing its consumption and (no matter how funny it sounds) increasing the usefulness of the product. This makes the dough soft and the crust tender. The dough is also perfect for making wack whites in the oven.


1/2 l kefir;

5 glasses of flour;

1 tsp. salt;

1 tsp. soda;

3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

In a large bowl, combine flour and baking soda.

In the second, mix eggs, butter and kefir until smooth, add salt.

Mix the dry mass with the liquid mass, stir in a bowl with a fork, and then, dusting the work surface with flour, knead the dough with your hands until smooth. Wrap it in a bag, leave it for 15 minutes, then roll it out and shape the whites.

White dough with dry yeast “like fast food”

Those who know first-hand the wonders of street fast food often try to make belyashi at home - the same ones they tasted at the metro or at the market: the filling is juicy, the dough is airy, light, pleasantly “rubbery”.

In fact, the secret is very simple: in order to save money and reduce the cost of the finished product, they simply take less flour than usual. On the one hand, of course, this provides more fuss: working with wet dough is always more difficult, and this is precisely why finished products often turn out shapeless and “irregularly round.” On the other hand, it is this trick, coupled with long fermentation, that provides the whites with tenderness and airiness. If you're willing to play around a little more than usual, give it a try, it's a great recipe.


3 cups flour;

1 tbsp. l. Sahara;

1 full, heaped tsp. dry yeast;

250 ml water;

4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;

1 tsp. salt.

Mix warm water, sugar and yeast, leave for 10 minutes to activate the latter. Add the egg, butter and gradually add flour. When kneading the dough, pay attention to its consistency - it should be quite liquid, stretchy, sticky, although with sufficient kneading (at least 10 minutes of using the dough mixer or 30 minutes of hand kneading), the dough will quite easily lag behind your hands.

Place the finished mixture in a greased bowl and leave to proof for about an hour. After doubling the dough, knead it slightly and proceed to forming the whites - tear off the required amount and make the pies with wet hands.

Dough for whites in a bread machine

If you are the happy owner of a kitchen assistant called a “bread maker”, the process of preparing dough for white bread will be reduced to an absolute minimum for you: measure out the required amount of ingredients, put them in a bowl, press the button. A simple task, don't you agree? Then why do you cook belyashi so rarely?


320 g milk or water;

1.5 tsp. dry yeast;

50 g softened butter or margarine;

1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;

1 tbsp. l. Sahara;

1 tsp. salt;

500 g flour.

We load room temperature products into the bread machine in the order specified for your model (depending on the type, either dry ingredients are added first and then liquid, or vice versa). We turn on the “Dough” program, after a certain time we get a portion of pleasant, soft, elastic yeast dough, which is excellent for frying whites.

Recipe for curd dough for whites

Strictly speaking, these are not exactly belyashi, rather, just round pies with meat and a hole in the middle, however, the general concept is respected, so let’s close our eyes to the completely non-canonical execution of the dough and call the dish the same belyashi - infinitely tasty and juicy.

The curd dough is dense, solid, with a good hint of cheese and a pleasant structure. If you like the filling to be “packed” into a tangible shell, this option is just for you. In addition, it will help out if there is a pack or two of cottage cheese in the refrigerator that no one wants to eat, and the expiration date is about to expire (or - oh, terrible confession! - it already expired yesterday). A separate plus is the wonderful crispy finely pimpled crust, which tastes great and is beautiful in appearance.


400 g low-fat cottage cheese;

1/4 tsp. soda;

1/2 tsp. salt;

50 ml milk;

3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;

2.5 cups flour.

We first grind the cottage cheese through a meat grinder. You can do without this, but the dough will be softer and more homogeneous if you do not ignore this step.

Add salt, egg, milk and butter, stir - the result is a curd slurry. Add baking soda and a third of the flour. Let's connect. Gradually adding the remaining flour, knead a loose, but not sticky, smooth dough. You may need a little less flour - it depends on the quality of the cottage cheese.

Before forming the whites, the curd dough should be allowed to “rest” in a plastic bag for about 20 minutes.

Recipe for delicious crispy white dough without yeast

Sour cream dough is usually used for products that are baked in the oven, however, it is also suitable for fried juicy whites. If you just happen to have a glass of unnecessary sour cream lying around in the refrigerator, and you desperately want whites, and almost immediately and quickly, the recipe will come to the rescue. It is simple and affordable and will give you the desired result without tricks and behind-the-scenes games with non-raising, non-working yeast and other pitfalls.

To form pies, it is better to roll out this dough not very thick - when frying, it gives a deliciously crispy, but rather dense crust.


50 g butter;

2 cups of flour;

200 g sour cream;

50 g butter;

1 tsp. soda;

1 tsp. salt.

In a convenient bowl, mix flour, salt and soda. Add the softened butter and rub until it forms a moist, fatty crumb. Add sour cream, knead the dough.

The finished mass will not be sticky, elastic, it will be immediately ready for use.

Dough for whites with water and semolina

Very interesting dough! Semolina makes the dough grainy - finely porous, but crumbly, not heavy and interesting in structure. Of course, this is not a standard version of the dough for making whites, but it is worthy and has the right to exist, so if you like experiments, be sure to pay attention to it.


200 g water;

300 g semolina;

11 g dry yeast;

1 tbsp. l. Sahara;

1 tsp. salt;

100 g sour cream;

1 cup flour + flour for mixing.

This is a sponge dough, so first step: mix sugar and yeast, add warm water, then add 200 g of semolina. You will get a liquid granular mass. Leave for 15-30 minutes until you begin to see a steady increase in volume.

After this, add eggs, sour cream, salt, flour and - gradually - the remaining 100 g of semolina into the dough. Knead the dough - soft, elastic. Round, place in a clean, greased bowl, cover with cling film and leave until doubled in size.

After this, knead the dough - it is ready for molding.

Potato-yeast dough for belyashi with meat

If you like to cook for at least a couple of meals at once, this recipe is just for you: even on the second day it remains moist, soft, and does not dry out. The best option for small families is when it seems frivolous to cook half a portion, but the full portion is not eaten right away.

The dough is not the easiest to prepare (you have to understand and feel it), however, once you make friends with it, you will become its ardent fan.


approximately 2.5 cups flour;

11 g dry yeast;

1 tsp. salt;

1 tbsp. l. Sahara;

3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;

0.5 kg of potatoes;

1 glass of potato broth.

Boil the potatoes until tender. Pour the broth into a separate bowl and mash the potatoes.

Add a glass of potato broth to the cooled, slightly warm crushed potatoes and mix. Pour in the yeast, leave for 10 minutes, then add sugar, salt, eggs, vegetable oil. Mix again and begin to gradually add flour.

We look at the consistency of the dough - it should remain soft and pleasant, but not be too sticky - be careful not to overbeat it. Round, place in a greased bowl, cover with cling film and put in a warm place. Potato-yeast dough requires a double approach - knead it after about an hour (during this time it should increase significantly in volume) and leave it for a second approach. After this you can work with the test.

“Quick” whiteshi dough

The technological conditions for preparing certain dishes were not invented in vain - it is their strict adherence that allows us to obtain a culinary ideal. However, a person is far from perfect, and therefore strives from time to time to outwit himself and those very specifications - this is how the recipe for a “quick” dough for whites was born, in which a seemingly standard set of products gives a non-standard result: the yeast dough “ripens” in half an hour. Let's not talk today about how useful and correct this is, but just try out a version of the test for those in a hurry.

Ingredients for the dough:

1 tbsp. l. “heaped” dry yeast;

3 tbsp. l. Sahara;

3 tbsp. l. flour;

300 ml warm water.

Ingredients for the dough:

whole dough;

1/3 cup vegetable oil;

1 tsp. salt;

500 g flour.

First we make the dough - dissolve sugar and yeast in warm water, add flour, mix. Leave in a warm place (on a radiator or in an electric oven with the light on - it provides a temperature of 30 degrees) for 15 minutes. Another convenient option is to place the bowl of dough in a large bowl (or just a sink) filled with hot water.

After the specified time, take out the dough, add salt and butter and add flour in small portions. Knead a soft, not at all tight dough, round it and put it in a warm place again. Thanks to the double rate of yeast, after 15 minutes the dough should have grown by one and a half times - this is quite enough to start shaping the whites.

Yeast dough for whites with milk

Basically, you can use any yeast dough recipe that contains water - just replace it with an equal amount of milk. To make whites, frankly speaking, this point is not so relevant (as is the case, say, with buns), however, if you really feel whether the dough is made with “empty” water or full-fat homemade milk, be sure to try this recipe - Belyashi pies turn out rich and full-bodied in taste.


1 glass of milk;

25 g “raw” yeast;

100 g butter or margarine;

2 tbsp. l. Sahara;

1 tsp. salt;

2 cups of flour.

Dissolve butter (margarine) in hot milk, add sugar and salt. When the temperature of the liquid reaches a comfortable temperature (about 37 degrees), dissolve the yeast and gradually add flour. Knead into a smooth, non-sticky dough, round and leave in a warm place until doubled in size. Knead - you can form whites.

Dough for wack whites in the oven

Yeast dough of this type can be prepared with anything - any fermented milk product is suitable. This is a convenient opportunity to recycle the remnants of what’s lying around in the refrigerator: half a glass of fermented baked milk, a little curd whey, a little bad yogurt, a spoonful of sour cream. It sounds, of course, unappetizing, but in fact these are equivalent products that will work almost identically in yeast dough. As a result, you will get excellent butter dough, easy to work with and excellent in taste. What’s especially nice is that you can save money by not buying special ingredients for the dough, and by using what’s hidden in the depths of your refrigerator.

Yeast dough made with kefir comes out elastic, soft, and pleasant. The belyashi are easy to form and the edges stick together perfectly. After frying or baking in the oven, the dough is fluffy, porous, quite dense, but not hard or clogged.


500 ml kefir (or any other fermented milk product);

11 g dry yeast;

3 tbsp. l. warm water;

2 tbsp. l. Sahara;

1 tsp. salt;

about 5 cups flour.

We dilute yeast in warm water, add egg, sugar, salt and kefir at room temperature. Stir until smooth and gradually add flour - knead into a loose but not sticky dough. Round, leave in a bowl under film until doubled - in a warm place the mass should grow in about an hour and a half. When the dough is ready, knead and form whites.

If desired, dry yeast can be replaced with “live” yeast - they behave wonderfully in the company of fermented milk products. For this amount of flour you will need 60 g of yeast; it is better to let the dough rise twice.

5 secrets of delicious white dough

  1. When working with wet or sticky dough, do not wet your hands with water - it will do you a disservice in the process of frying whites: splashes of unhappy hot oil, into which drops of water fall - not the most pleasant experience. Wet your hands with vegetable oil - it is as convenient as water, but does not provoke “shooting” in the frying pan and (an additional bonus) has a beneficial effect on the skin of your hands, providing them with nutrition.
  2. When molding whites, try to do without flour - it will no longer combine with the liquid base and will remain on the product as an outer layer, which will begin to burn when frying.
  3. If the recipe includes eggs, take the time to remove the whites and replace them with an equal weight of yolks: the former make the dough tougher, and the latter make the dough more loose and beautiful.
  4. After frying whitefish, be sure to place the finished products on napkins or disposable paper towels to remove excess fat - this will not only reduce calorie content, but also improve their taste.
  5. Proper whites are hot whites. It is clear that you are unlikely to have a frying pan of the required diameter at home in which you can fry all the whites at once, so it is recommended to put the finished products in a deep, thick-walled bowl and cover with a lid while the rest are frying. Alas, this will negate the crispiness of the crust, however, the dough itself, thanks to this trick, will become softer and tastier.

Belyashi is a national dish consisting of fried pies with meat filling. They are open and closed. They are made from yeast, unleavened or kefir dough. After reading today's article, you will find out with meat in a frying pan.

To prepare classic pies, soft yeast dough made using the sponge method is used. Before making belyash from it, it is important to leave it in a warm place for one hour. Properly prepared elastic dough is perfectly fried and does not crack during heat treatment.

The filling is made from minced meat mixed with almost the same amount of chopped onion. Thanks to this vegetable, the meat becomes more juicy and tender. In addition, during the frying process, finely chopped onions release juice, which acts as a kind of broth. To prepare delicious belyashi in a frying pan, some housewives recommend adding a small amount of milk to the filling.

The molded semi-finished products are kept at room temperature for ten minutes and only then sent to heated vegetable oil. They are placed seam side down and fried for seven minutes on each side.

Classic version

Traditional Tatar belyashi in a frying pan are made from yeast dough. The filling is made from minced pork, lamb or beef mixed with a large amount of onions. Modeling these pies takes a relatively long time. To avoid wasting precious minutes searching for missing ingredients, go to the grocery store in advance. In this case you will need:

  • A kilogram of wheat flour.
  • Half a liter of skim milk.
  • Thirty grams of yeast.
  • A pair of chicken eggs.
  • Fifty grams of margarine.
  • Two tablespoons of sugar.
  • A quarter cup of sunflower oil.
  • A teaspoon of salt.

All these ingredients are needed to knead the dough. Since belyashi (the recipe in a frying pan will be presented below) is stuffed with minced meat, you will additionally need:

  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • Three hundred grams of pork pulp and onions.
  • Half a teaspoon of pepper.

If desired, add chopped herbs or chopped garlic to the filling. These components are optional, but their presence will make the minced meat more flavorful.

Process description

Add sugar and yeast into a bowl filled with warm milk. Mix everything thoroughly until the bulk components are completely dissolved and set aside until a foamy cap appears.

Pour sifted flour onto a clean and dry work surface. Make a small depression in the middle and pour the appropriate yeast into it. Raw eggs and salt are also sent there. Knead everything thoroughly until you get an elastic dough that slightly sticks to your palms. Cover the finished mass with a linen napkin and leave for an hour in a warm place.

To make delicious belyashi in a frying pan, you need to start filling. To prepare it, pre-washed pork and peeled onions are passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is salted, peppered and mixed thoroughly.

Once the dough has time to rise, it is divided into approximately equal balls with a diameter of about five centimeters and placed on a work surface greased with vegetable oil. Each of them is rolled into a flat cake, stuffed with minced meat and pinched so that there is a hole in the center of the pie. The resulting semi-finished products are pressed down with the palm of your hand and fried in heated vegetable oil for four minutes on each side. Ready-made belyashi with meat, fried in a frying pan, are equally good both hot and cooled.

Kefir option

As mentioned above, fragrant and juicy Tatar pies can be prepared not only from yeast dough. Since this recipe is a little different from the traditional recipe, make sure you have everything you need on hand before getting on the stove. To fry hearty belyashi with meat in a frying pan, you will need:

  • Two hundred and fifty milliliters of kefir.
  • A third of a teaspoon of soda.
  • Sixty milliliters of vegetable oil.
  • Large head of onion.
  • Two hundred and fifty grams of any minced meat.

To ensure that the belyashi you cook in a frying pan does not turn out bland and tasteless, the above list also includes table salt and spices.


The minced meat placed in a clean bowl is combined with chopped onion. To prevent the resulting mass from being too thick, add a little filtered water, salt, and spices and mix thoroughly until smooth. After this, the finished minced meat is sent to the refrigerator for an hour.

Now it’s time to make the dough from which the whites will be molded in a frying pan. Lush and flavorful pies can only be prepared by strictly following the recommended ratio of ingredients. In one bowl combine kefir, salt, sifted wheat flour, soda and vegetable oil. Mix everything well and set aside for half an hour.

After thirty minutes, the finished dough is divided into several approximately equal parts. Each of them is rolled out, stuffed with minced meat and sealed. The resulting semi-finished products are pressed with the palm of your hand and fried in heated vegetable oil. Browned whites in a frying pan, the step-by-step recipe for which is discussed above, are laid out on clean napkins. After five minutes, the slightly cooled pies are served.

Quick option

This recipe is interesting because you can use it to make simple and fluffy dough for Tatar whites in just half an hour. Pies fried from it remain fresh and soft for several days. Before you begin the process, be sure to make sure that you have all the required ingredients at your disposal. In this case you will need:

  • A pack of live yeast.
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • A couple of glasses of water.
  • Three tablespoons of sugar.
  • Six onions.
  • Five glasses of wheat flour.
  • Three hundred grams of minced chicken.

This simple set makes very tasty belyashi in a frying pan. It is advisable to fill fluffy pies with minced meat seasoned with a small amount of spices.

In one bowl combine live yeast, granulated sugar, salt and three tablespoons of vegetable oil. Pour all this into a glass of warm water, mix and set aside. After a foamy cap appears on the surface, pour four glasses of sifted wheat flour into a bowl and pour in a glass of boiling water. The resulting mass is laid out on a work surface and kneaded thoroughly.

The finished dough is divided into approximately equal pieces, rolled into flat cakes and stuffed with minced chicken. The molded belyashi are fried on both sides in heated vegetable oil and served.

When I first tried homemade belyashi, I was very surprised - they were not at all the same as I remembered the store-bought ones. They differed from ordinary fried pies in that they were round and had more meat inside. Homemade ones were shaped like a flower and had a mysterious hole in the center, in which a delicious filling could be seen. Today we will bake just like this - rosy and fluffy whites in a frying pan. They are prepared, in my personal opinion, much simpler than traditional pies, because the minced meat is placed in them raw - it does not need to be overcooked. Consider minus one, in general, a rather labor-intensive process. Yeast dough is just the simplest. If you haven’t tried working with it yet, I’ll show you in a step-by-step recipe with photos how simple it really is, especially with dry yeast. I will teach you a simple way to ensure that the dough rises. You will see that making belyash is also very simple - roll out the flatbread, put the filling in the center, gather the dough from the edges, mold it and leave a hole in the center. That's all! So the idea that it is difficult to prepare belyashi is a myth. And today we will finally dispel it.

  • Wheat flour – 3.5 cups
  • Milk – 1 glass
  • Dry activated yeast – 10 g
  • Egg – 1,
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - a teaspoon,
  • Mixed minced meat (beef and pork) – 400 g
  • Onion – 1 head
  • Ground black pepper – 1 pinch
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

How to cook fluffy belyashi in a frying pan

1. Let's start with the test. If such incidents have happened to you when for some reason the yeast dough did not work, I will now tell you a simple and proven way to forget about such problems forever. To do this you need to activate the yeast. Even if the instructions on the bag say that they need to be mixed with flour, do it differently: pour them into a small bowl, add a teaspoon of sugar. Heat the milk on the stove. Check with your finger – is it warm? – remove from heat. Under no circumstances do you pour hot milk over yeast - it dies at temperatures above 40 degrees and this is precisely the reason for 99.9% of failures. Next, mix the yeast, sugar and milk.

2. We wait until a noticeable yeast “cap” forms above the surface of the milk. Usually this takes 10-15 minutes.

3. Sift the wheat flour into a larger bowl, add salt and mix (for the future, it is most convenient to mix the dry ingredients with a whisk, the same one that is usually used to knead batter).

4. Break one chicken egg into the flour, pour in the appropriate dough (the same mixture of milk with yeast and sugar - yes, yes, we made the dough with you, I just didn’t say this word, because for some reason they usually get very scared of it) .

5. Knead the yeast dough, which we put in a warm place for about an hour. To prevent the top from drying out (which it tends to do), brush the dough ball with vegetable oil and cover with a lid.

6. Knead the finished risen dough, divide it into pieces, which we then roll into identical flat cakes with a thickness of no more (and no less) 5 mm.

7. Place the filling on each flatbread. The filling for whites is very simple: take mixed raw minced meat (pork + beef or veal), finely chop the onion or grate it on a coarse grater (don’t forget to wash and peel), add salt, spices and mix everything well.

8. Lift the dough from the edges of the cake with your fingers on both sides and squeeze it so that you get a wavy “skirt”. We leave a small hole in the center, insert a finger into it, and pinch the edges of the dough in a circle, pressing the ends of the waves against each other.

9. Bake the belyashi in a frying pan in well-heated vegetable oil. The heat of the stove is medium so that the filling has time to bake well. First, place them in the oil with the holes facing down. Fry until golden brown, turn over and fry again until golden brown. The amount of oil does not have to be large. If you pour a layer of oil 2-3 mm thick into a frying pan, you will get exactly the same light stripe as mine. And if you want the whites to be completely golden brown, add 1.5-2 cm of oil. It is recommended to place the finished whites on a paper towel to remove excess fat.