Homemade cow's milk cream. How to whip cream at home for cakes or desserts - step-by-step recipes with photos

This recipe is a real lifesaver for every housewife. Not every store has heavy whipping cream (33% and above), and now I will tell you how to make one indispensable product with your own hands. This is surprising, but true: from butter and milk you can make real heavy cream for sauce, creamy soup or cream.
There is one small “but”: cream is not suitable for decorating desserts, because, unlike store-bought ones, it does not contain various thickeners and stabilizers, therefore, decor from homemade whipped cream can separate and spread. But in all other respects such cream homemade- it is cheaper, tastier and natural alternative purchased cream, the recipe is also simple.

To obtain 400 g of cream with a fat content of 37%:

  • Butter 72.5% - 200 g
  • Milk with fat content 1.5-2.5% - 200 g

How to make whipping cream at home:

A prerequisite for obtaining cream is whipping it in a blender in the form of a tall bowl with knives or an immersion blender. A mixer will not work in this situation.

In a saucepan, combine 200 g of milk 1.5-2.5% and 200 g of pre-cut milk small pieces butter 72.5% fat (I have a double portion).

Heat the butter and milk mixture over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the butter has completely melted (do not bring to a boil). Then pour the mixture of milk and melted butter into the blender bowl. To avoid cracks from temperature changes on the walls of the bowl, its outer surface must be kept under hot water from the tap (do not pour water inside) so that the bowl warms up.

Then beat the contents of the blender at the highest speed for about 3 minutes. If we prepare a larger volume of cream, we also increase the whipping time proportionally.

At this point the cream can be used to make soup or sauce.

If your chosen recipe requires whipping cream, pour the contents of the bowl into a dry, clean container and close cling film so that the film fits tightly to the surface of the cream and the walls of the container.

Then leave the container with the cream at room temperature until it cools completely, then put it in the refrigerator overnight (about 8 hours).

Before whipping, take the container of cream out of the refrigerator and remove the film. Next, pour the cream into a deep, clean bowl. I like to keep the cream in the freezer for about 20 minutes - then it whips even faster and better.

Beat the cream at low mixer speed until it begins to thicken.

When traces from the mixer whisks begin to remain on the surface of the cream, which will not hold their shape, immediately float, speed up the mixer operation to medium and continue whipping.

At this stage, without turning off the mixer, you can add it to the cream. powdered sugar, if that's what the recipe implies.
During further whipping, clear marks from the mixer whisks will gradually begin to form on the surface of the cream, stop whipping and turn off the mixer.

It is very important to stop in time and not beat the cream, otherwise the whole mixture will begin to separate and we will end up with butter instead of whipped cream.

Next we use the cream according to the recipe. But you should remember that homemade cream is not suitable for decorating desserts.

Few people know how to make whipped cream correctly so that it turns out tender and airy. This product often used to make various desserts and baked goods, and almost everyone has definitely tried it.

And in stores you can find ready-made whipped cream in cans, but they are not always of the proper quality, so it is better to learn how to make this delicacy yourself. The process of its preparation has many subtleties and nuances, which will be discussed in today’s article.

To know how to whip cream correctly, pay attention to some recommendations before you start:

  • The calorie content of the dish ranges from 160-335 kcal per 100 g. This “range” directly depends on the fat content of the original ingredient. To reduce the number, you can add a little milk;
  • You need to choose only the best, freshest and highest quality cream. Most suitable option- This classic product with a fat content of 33 percent. Whipping will occur perfectly, into a strong foam. Low-fat dairy products (10 percent) or medium-fat (20 percent) are also suitable, but they will whip very poorly and will not turn out airy. In this situation, you will have to use gelatin or egg whites for thickening;
  • The cream must be slightly cooled, but not frozen or warm, otherwise it will separate into butter and whey;
  • The whisk and bowl also need to be placed in the freezer for a short time. Use metal kitchen utensils for cooking;
  • To prevent the container from heating up during operation, keep it in ice water;
  • Do not beat the entire portion of the product at once, but divide it into 200-300 ml parts;
  • Do not immediately set the mixer to high speeds, but increase them gradually;
  • Shelf life finished product in the refrigerator - no more than 12 hours.

Whip cream with a mixer

This is the simplest and quick way make your favorite sweet dessert.

You will need:

  • Granulated sugar – 50 g;
  • Cream 33% - half a liter;
  • Egg or gelatin for fixing (optional).

How to whip heavy cream with a mixer:

  1. Pour the dairy product into a deep metal container, wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for 50 minutes. Place the whisk attachments in the cold for the same time;
  2. Grind the sugar into powder in a coffee grinder and additionally pass it through a sieve with a fine sieve to get rid of large particles;
  3. We remove the dishes and tools from refrigeration chamber, remove the film and begin beating in a circular motion, setting the device to minimum speed, then gradually increase the speed;
  4. After about 7 minutes, the mass will begin to become thick. We begin to gradually add powdered sugar - it will help whip the cream into foam and give it a pleasant sweetish taste;
  5. Continue the process for another 5-6 minutes until stable peaks are obtained. Do not exceed the specified time, otherwise oil will form;
  6. For getting thick consistency You can optionally add lemon juice, gelatin or egg as a fixative. They should be included at the very end of cooking.

Place the prepared whipped cream with powdered sugar into bowls and refrigerate, otherwise they will quickly “float” at room temperature.

Whip the cream by hand with a whisk

Many chefs claim that this method is the best, because the product prepared in this way turns out stable and fluffy due to large quantity oxygen.

List of ingredients:

  • Powdered sugar – 30 g;
  • Heavy cream (33-35%) – 350 ml;
  • Vanilla sugar – 10 gram bag;
  • Lemon juice - half a teaspoon.

Homemade whipped cream recipe with photo:

  1. We prepare a convenient metal utensils with a wide top so that it is convenient to make intensive movements with the whisk. Cool the instrument and main component according to the same instructions as in the previous recipe;
  2. Next, place the bowl in a container with ice or ice water and hold it at a slight angle. This will help the contents circulate better, and therefore a stable consistency will form faster;
  3. Slowly we begin to make circular movements with the whisk and gradually accelerate. When the mass becomes thick, combine it with vanilla-based sugar and powder, mixing them in small portions;
  4. Continue beating, covering the entire surface of the mixture and stirring it to the bottom of the container.

The milk dish will be ready when the characteristic relief pattern from the whisk begins to remain on the surface. The main thing is not to miss this moment and not to overdo it, otherwise you will get heavy cream it won’t work, and they will simply settle. At the end of the process, you need to pour in lemon juice, which acts as a consistency stabilizer.

Whip dry cream

  1. Place 5 large spoons of this product in a glass, into which we then pour water;
  2. Mix everything thoroughly;
  3. Add a glass of milk to the mass with an amount of 150 ml, and mix all the ingredients until smooth;
  4. We put the finished mixture in the refrigerator, and put it in the freezer two minutes before whipping.

Prepare the cream using a mixer or whisk, first at low speed, which we gradually increase. After thickening, it must be reduced. Finished product Be sure to put it in the refrigerator.

This dry whipped cream is suitable for making desserts, cakes and pastries.

Cream dessert with fruits

Required components:

  • Mandarin, banana, kiwi;
  • 2/3 cup cream;
  • A pinch of vanillin;
  • 0.5 cups of powder.

How to make whipped cream with fruit:

  1. The first step is to prepare the fruit - cut them into small slices or grind them using a blender. There is no need to mix them together;
  2. We whip using one of the methods indicated above, and we will begin to form our delicacy;
  3. Place the banana slices on the bottom of the glass beautiful shape, cover it with butter cream;
  4. Next, make a row of kiwis, add the creamy mixture again;
  5. The last layer is tangerines, which we will also cover creamy composition, sprinkle with chocolate chips and set aside to cool.

Chocolate buttercream for cake

Chocolate whipped cream for a cake can act as an independent dessert, and can also be used to decorate many other delicacies.


  • 30 g cocoa powder or 50 g chocolate;
  • 2 cups cream (fat content – ​​20%);
  • A small spoon of gelatin;
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar.

Step by step action plan:

  1. Take 1/3 of the given amount of cream and pour the gelatin over it. After it swells, place the dishes with the contents in a container of water, which we heat until the gelatin dissolves, remembering to stir;
  2. Remove the container from the stove and let the contents cool;
  3. Take another 1/3 of the mass of the main ingredient, heat it until hot and thoroughly dissolve the cocoa powder in it. If you decide to use chocolate, melt it first. Then it will mix easily;
  4. Next, combine the creamy remains with the powder and begin to beat slowly. When the first foam appears, pour in delicious chocolate cream, and after some time add gelatin.

Whipped cream for coffee

You can make them in the evening, put them in the refrigerator and add them to your coffee in the morning.

Grocery list:

  • 5 g powder;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • Orange zest or chocolate chips.

Coffee decorating steps:

  1. Beat the first 2 ingredients into a thick foam;
  2. Brew coffee, pour it into a cup, carefully place a mound of creamy foam on top;
  3. Sprinkle with grated chocolate or orange zest.

Video: 3 options for whipped cream

If a recipe contains cream, milk cannot always be substituted. For example, you can't make butter from whole milk, although heavy cream will work for this purpose. Luckily, making cream is pretty easy. For this you only need whole milk and butter or gelatin. However, if you want to get natural cream, use non-homogenized milk.



Heavy cream

  • 3/4 cup (180 milliliters) cold milk (whole or 2% fat)
  • ⅓ cup (75 grams) unsalted butter

Makes 1 cup (240 milliliters) heavy cream

Whipped cream

  • 1/4 cup (60 milliliters) cold water
  • 2 teaspoons (10 grams) unflavored gelatin
  • 1 cup (240 milliliters) whole milk
  • ¼ cup (30 grams) powdered sugar
  • ½ tablespoon (7.5 milliliters) vanilla extract

Makes about 2 cups (480 milliliters) of whipping cream

Whipping cream from milk

  • Non-homogenized milk

Quantity may vary


Making Heavy Cream

Melt the unsalted butter in a saucepan over low heat. Put in small saucepan⅓ cup (75 grams) unsalted butter. Turn the heat to low and wait until the butter melts. You can stir the oil from time to time with a spoon or rubber spatula.

  • Do not use margarine or salted butter as they may spoil the flavor of the cream.

Add 1 tablespoon (15 milliliters) melted butter to cold milk. This operation is called “tempering” and is very important. If you pour everything into milk at once melted butter, the milk will heat up too quickly and curdle.

  • It is better to use whole milk, although milk with a fat content of 2% is also suitable.
  • Do this in a separate container. A large measuring cup works great.
  • Use all 3/4 cup (180 milliliters) of cold milk at this point.
  • Pour the milk into the remaining ghee and heat the mixture over low heat. Pour the tempered milk into the pan with the melted butter. Turn the heat to low and wait until the milk warms up. Stir it continuously with a stirrer. When the milk starts to steam, move on to the next step.

    • Make sure that the milk does not start to boil.
  • Stir the cream until it thickens. It is best to use a blender, although food processor, electric and even hand mixer. Time needed depends on the device used. This usually takes a few minutes.

    • The result should be thick cream.
    • This recipe does not produce whipped cream.
  • Store the cream in the refrigerator and use it within one week. First, wait until the mixture cools down to room temperature, then transfer it to a container with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. This mixture can be used in most recipes that call for heavy cream.

    • Over time the cream will separate. If this happens, just shake the container well. You can also heat the cream over low heat and stir it.

    Getting whipped cream

    Mix water and unflavored gelatin and wait 5 minutes. Take a small to medium saucepan and fill it with 1/4 cup (60 milliliters) cold water. Add 2 teaspoons (10 grams) unflavored gelatin to the water. Wait 5 minutes for the gelatin to absorb water and soften. Don't turn on the heat just yet.

    Heat the mixture over low heat and stir frequently until it becomes translucent. It will only take a few minutes. If the mixture heats up too slowly, do medium heat. Once the gelatin has dissolved and the liquid becomes clear, you can proceed to the next step.

    • If you use milk instead of water, the mixture Not will become transparent. Just wait until the gelatin is completely dissolved in the water.
  • Wait for the mixture to cool, then pour it into whole milk and stir. Remove the pan from the heat and wait until the mixture cools to room temperature. Next, pour 1 cup (240 milliliters) of milk into a bowl and add the cooled gelatin mixture to it. Stir the liquid with a whisk for 20-30 seconds to obtain a homogeneous mass.

    • The cooling time of the gelatin mixture depends on the air temperature in the kitchen. This will most likely take about 10-15 minutes.
    • Whole milk should be used as it contains more fat. Other types of milk will not give the same results due to their lower fat content.
  • Add powdered sugar and vanilla extract. Pour ½ tablespoon (7.5 milliliters) vanilla extract into the mixture and add ¼ cup (30 grams) powdered sugar. Mix everything again with a whisk so that you get a homogeneous mixture without any streaks or lumps.

    Keep the mixture in the refrigerator for about 90 minutes, stirring it every 15 minutes. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator. Every 15–20 minutes, remove the bowl from the refrigerator, stir the solution with a stirrer, and place it back in the refrigerator. Do this several times over 60–90 minutes.

  • Beat the mixture with a hand mixer until it reaches a creamy consistency. Remove the bowl from the refrigerator and begin whisking the mixture with a hand mixer. Continue whisking the mixture until it thickens and soft ridges begin to appear.

    • When mixing, be aware of the edges of the bowl. After whipping, the volume of cream will double.
    • The time required depends on the temperature of the mixture, the speed of the mixer and the desired consistency. Either way, a few seconds should be enough.
    • If you don't have a hand mixer, you can use an electric mixer or a food processor with a whisk attachment instead.
  • Store the whipped cream in the refrigerator for up to two days. It is best to transfer them to glass jar or a bottle with a cap. This will make it easier for you to use the cream and it will retain its flavor. Do not use plastic containers, since the substances present in them can dissolve in the cream and spoil its aroma.

    • Although this cream is similar to the heavy cream described in the previous section, it is slightly different.
    • Whipped cream works well as a topping (for example, on waffles or pancakes), as a dressing for strawberries, or as a cream for brownies and cakes.
  • Whipping cream from milk

    Pour unhomogenized milk into a glass jar. You will have to stick a scoop into the jar, so it's best to use a jar with a wide mouth. Make sure it is clean.

    • If the milk is already in a glass jar, you can skip this step.
    • This method is suitable only for non-homogenized milk. It is not suitable for homogenized milk as its cream content is too low.
    • Most easy way Determining whether milk is homogenized is to examine its label. If the milk comes in a glass container, you can also check to see if it has a layer of cream on top.

    Whipped cream is amazing delicacy with a delicate and airy consistency. They are often used for a variety of desserts, baked goods, fruits and other sweet treats. Stores offer a large assortment of whipped cream in cans, but they still have a specific smell and are less healthy. Therefore, it is best to learn how to cook them yourself.

    Moreover, during cooking you can add your favorite toppings, spices, nuts, food colorings and much more. There are several ways to prepare this delicacy. But first, let's get acquainted with the rules of whipping cream.

    Whipping cream rules

    • For whipping, use high fat cream. The optimal option is 30% fat. Otherwise, the cream will turn out to be of poor quality;
    • The cream should be cold, but not frozen. If warm, supercooled or frozen cream is used, then during the whipping process it will separate into whey and butter;
    • In addition, the dishes, whisk, must be cold. They should be placed in the freezer. Also, so that the cream and the dishes do not heat up during the whipping process, the dishes with all the ingredients should be placed in ice water;
    • There is no need to beat the entire amount at once; it is best to divide it into portions of 200-300 grams. Also, the whipping speed must be gradually increased, starting from slow and ending with fast;
    • Remember that the cream is whipped with a mixer, whisk, but not with a blender;
    • The readiness of the cream must be determined by eye. They should be fluffy and their consistency should be like foam.

    Homemade whipped cream recipe


    To begin, pour the cream into a medium container and place it in the refrigerator for several hours to cool;

    Then we begin to increase the speed to maximum;

    Beat everything until an airy mixture forms;

    After this, add powdered sugar and vanillin. Mix well.

    How to make whipped cream at home with thick foam in an ice cream maker

    • Cream 30% fat – 400 ml;
    • 150 grams of powdered sugar.


    1. Cold cream should be placed in an ice cream maker;
    2. Then add powdered sugar to them;
    3. We begin to beat at minimum speed until foam with a soft and dense structure;
    4. After this, increase the beating speed and beat until air mass.

    Whipped cream using a whisk

    Products you will need:

    • Cream – 400 ml;
    • Powdered sugar – 100 grams.


    1. About 3 hours before whipping the cream, place it in the refrigerator to cool;
    2. The bowl and whisk also need to be placed in the freezer in advance;
    3. After this, pour into a medium container cold water, put a bowl of cream and start whisking;
    4. Beat until fluffy;
    5. At the end, add powdered sugar and mix.

    Homemade whipped cream recipe

    Ingredients you will need:

    • 70 ml water;
    • 150 grams of powdered sugar;
    • Cream with 30% fat content - 700 ml;
    • Edible gelatin – 2 tbsp. spoons.


    1. Gelatin should be placed in a cup and filled with water. We leave it to swell;
    2. The cream should be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours before whipping;
    3. The bowl and whisk should also be placed in the freezer;
    4. Then place the bowl of cream in cold water and beat with a mixer until fluffy;
    5. Without ceasing to beat, add powdered sugar;
    6. Next, slowly pour in the gelatin;
    7. Beat until the cream holds its shape.

    Let's move on to our favorite desserts: hang in there, sweet tooth!

    , this is a luxurious dessert that will please both kids and their parents.

    Fruit dessert with whipped cream

    For dessert you will need the following components:

    • Pear – 1 piece;
    • 200 grams of creamy ice cream;
    • Banana – 1 piece;
    • Mandarin – 1 piece;
    • 150 grams of grapes;
    • Whipped cream.


    1. Fruits must be washed, peeled and pitted;
    2. Next, choose beautiful dishes;
    3. Cut the pear into slices and place a layer on the bottom of the dish;
    4. Then spread creamy ice cream evenly onto the pear;
    5. Cut the banana into slices and place a layer on top of the ice cream;
    6. Divide the tangerine into slices and place on top;
    7. Cut the grapes and place them for dessert;
    8. At the end, the dessert is decorated with whipped cream.

    Dessert of whipped cream with berries and cookies

    For dessert you will need the following components:

    • Cookies – 3-4 pieces;
    • 1 chicken egg white;
    • 200 ml cream with 30% fat content;
    • Strawberries and raspberries – 150 grams;
    • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • Powdered sugar – 100 grams.


    1. The cookies should be crushed to fine crumbs;
    2. Cut the strawberries into two parts and put them in a bowl, put the raspberries in there and sprinkle with powdered sugar;
    3. Next, beat the whites until stiff foam;
    4. Mix cream with lemon juice and beat with a whisk until fluffy;
    5. Then mix the whipped cream with the cookies, with the juice that has separated from the berries and the protein;
    6. Divide the mixture into bowls;
    7. Top with strawberry and raspberry slices.

    Meringue with whipped cream

    For the meringue you will need the following components:

    • Chicken proteins – 4 pieces;
    • Powdered sugar – 300 grams;
    • Cream 30% fat – 200 ml;
    • 100 ml condensed milk;
    • Vanillin – 50 grams;
    • Fresh or frozen cherries;
    • A pinch of salt.


    1. In a bowl, beat the egg whites with salt with a mixer until foamy;
    2. Next, slowly add the powdered sugar, while continuing to beat;
    3. Pour lemon juice into the mixture and mix until stiff peaks form;
    4. Cut out a circle from parchment paper with a diameter of 20 cm. Then place it in the center of the baking sheet and cover it with parchment paper;
    5. All protein mass transfer to pastry bag with an asterisk nozzle, and squeeze it out in a circle. We make a depression in the center;
    6. Place the meringue in a preheated oven at 100 degrees to dry for 1.5-2 hours;
    7. Leave the finished meringue in the oven for a while to cool;
    8. Meanwhile, whip the cream until fluffy and mix with condensed milk and vanilla;
    9. Then we place them in a pastry bag and squeeze out a star through the nozzle on top in the form of roses;
    10. Decorate the meringue with cherries.

    • For whipping, use powdered sugar. If you use granulated sugar, then it will not dissolve and will crunch on your teeth. In addition, the whipping time will increase significantly;
    • Add powdered sugar slowly;
    • You need to beat first at low speed for 2-3 minutes, then switch to high speed;
    • To reduce calorie content, you can add a little milk to the cream;
    • For variety, you can add a piece of fruit, nuts, grated chocolate and various food colorings to the cream.

    Whipped cream, prepared at home, will be an excellent decoration for fruit desserts or baked goods. Cooking them is not that difficult. The main thing in this matter is good patience and perseverance. Also, do not forget about the rules, they will help make this delicacy perfect.

    Cream - perfect complement and a main ingredient in desserts or baked goods. They make cosmetic masks smoother than coffee and more nourishing. You can make your own cream. For this you will need cow's milk. And the higher its fat content, the better.

    Two products from one

    Separating cream from milk does not require any equipment or special skills. Just take country milk or a factory-made high-fat product, pour it into a wide, shallow container and leave in a dark, cool place for 12 hours in the summer or a day in the winter. The resulting fatty layer can be collected with a spoon into a glass jar. After 2 hours in the refrigerator tender cream 20-25% fat content will be ready.

    You can separate another portion of the product from the remaining milk. Only in this case it should settle for 1-2 days.

    Heavy cream can be obtained from 0.5 liters of medium-fat milk and 250 g of butter. These components should be added to a small saucepan, put on fire and stir until the butter dissolves. The liquid should not boil.

    When the first bubbles appear, turn off the heat and beat everything with a mixer or blender for 2 minutes, then cool, cover and place in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. Whipped cream is ready.

    They are great for cooking thick cream on the cake. However, keep in mind that the product yield is 1/10 of the volume of milk.

    We use a separator

    The separator allows you to relatively quickly obtain both cream and skim milk. regular milk. It is enough to pour in the whole homemade milk into the machine and adjust the desired fat content. This process makes it possible to make two products free of contaminants at once.


    Cream as thick as cheese unusual taste- a favorite delicacy of the peoples of the Caucasus. They are called kaymak. And baked milk is used to prepare it.

    Fresh milk in a clay vessel must be placed in the oven, preheated to 180 °C and brought to a boil, then reduce the heat to 100 degrees. When a caramel-golden crust forms on the milk, the product should be covered with a lid and left to cool for a day in a dark place. After this time, the brownish foam can be removed with a knife and rolled into rolls. One plate of kaymak is made from 4 liters of full-fat milk.