Sweet lecho with carrots for the winter. Lecho made from peppers, tomatoes, carrots and onions for the winter

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Summer is not only a time for vacations. For a good housewife, this is the time to preserve and prepare for the winter. Each experienced housewife has her own recipes for lecho; it may include different components. But initially it only included pepper, tomato and spices. I would like to note that lecho can not only be preserved for the winter, but also used as a sauce or side dish for dishes.

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Pepper lecho with tomatoes


We will need:


3 kg tomato,


1 kg pepper,


1 kg carrots,


1 kg of onion,


1 cup of sugar,


3 tbsp. spoons of salt,


300 mg vegetable oil,


1 teaspoon khmeli-suneli


1 bunch of parsley,


1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar 9% .

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Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, put on the stove, and boil for 20 minutes.


Chop the pepper, onion, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Then salt, sugar, butter, vegetables, hops - suneli, add parsley to the tomatoes and simmer for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling, vinegar at the end of cooking. Place in sterilized jars and close with lids. Try lecho, it turns out very tasty. I made a double portion, I got 22 0.5 liter jars.

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Pepper lecho with carrots


Perhaps lecho with carrots and peppers is one of the most delicious recipes for this salad. It doesn’t have to be canned and is always nice to serve immediately after cooking. But then you should not add vinegar to the dish.

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What you will need:


Sweet pepper - 3 kg;


Carrots - 1 kg;


Tomato juice - 1 liter (1.5 l is possible);


Onions - 1 kg;


Vinegar 6% - 1 glass;


Vegetable oil - 250 ml;


Salt - 2 tbsp. (without slide);


Sugar - 1 glass.


How to cook:

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Wash peppers and carrots. Remove the core and seeds from the pepper and cut into strips (not very thin). Peel the carrots, grate them on a coarse grater or cut them into rings. Cut the onion into half rings.

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Pour vegetable oil into a container with a thick bottom, add sugar, salt, tomato juice and pepper. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Pour in vinegar and simmer for another 10 minutes. The entire mixture must be carefully stirred periodically.


Place the lecho in sterile jars, seal and turn over. Cover until completely cool.

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Lecho with tomato paste


This is the easiest recipe to prepare. Here you will need pepper, tomato paste and optional spices for lecho:

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Sweet pepper - 2 kg;


Tomato paste - 800 g;


Sugar - 5 tbsp;


Salt - 1 tbsp. (no slide).

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Dilute tomato paste with the same amount of boiled water. Add sugar and salt here. Bring tomato mixture to a boil.


Add bell peppers without seeds and cut into quarters, stir. Let the mixture boil for 30 minutes.


Pour into sterile jars and seal. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them to cool slowly.

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Lecho of zucchini, peppers and tomatoes


This is a recipe for our national cuisine. This zucchini and pepper lecho contains a lot of vegetable oil so that the preserve can be stored well. If you are not satisfied with this amount of oil, you can reduce it by half. But then it will be necessary to sterilize the jars of lecho for 15 minutes.

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Sweet fleshy pepper - 6 pieces;


Zucchini (overripe is also possible) - 1.5 kg (already chopped);


Tomatoes - 1 kg;


Onions - 6 pieces;


Vinegar 6% - 0.5 cups;


Salt - 1 tbsp. l. no slide.


Vegetable oil and sugar - 2/3 cup each;


Red pepper for spiciness.

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Wash all vegetables. If the zucchini is overripe, it is necessary to remove the peel and seeds. Remove the seeds from the pepper. Peel the onion. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the peel and pass through a meat grinder. Cut all vegetables into medium-sized cubes.


Pour oil into a thick-bottomed pan, add salt, sugar and vinegar. Add zucchini and simmer for 10 minutes


Add pepper, onion, red pepper (optional) and cook for 10 minutes. Then add the twisted tomatoes and bring the mixture to readiness, stirring gently for 10 minutes.


Place the lecho made from peppers, onions, and zucchini into sterile jars. Cork, turn over, cover. After cooling, the jars are “sent” for storage.



When preparing lecho for the winter, you should not forget about sterilizing jars and lids. To do this, the jars must be washed well, dried and held over steam for about 2 minutes. Tin lids are doused with boiling water. For the sake of your own safety and the “preservation” of your work, you should not neglect this advice.

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Lecho with eggplant


A very tasty thing, I tell you! In winter, you open a jar... mmm... yes, with hot potatoes, and if guests come, then with vodka, the snack is just great!

We will need:
Tomatoes - 3 kg
Eggplants - 2 kg
Sweet pepper - 1.5 kg
Hot pepper - 1 pepper
Garlic - 1 head
Vegetable oil - 1 cup.
Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
Sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons
Vinegar 9% - 8 tbsp. spoons
Ground black pepper to taste

Cut the pepper into strips, eggplant into cubes.
Place the eggplants in boiling salted water and boil for 2-3 minutes, drain the water, and rinse the eggplants with cold water.
Grind the tomatoes through a meat grinder or in a blender, put on fire and cook for 25-30 minutes.
Then add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and cook for another 30 minutes.
Add bell pepper and cook for 10 minutes.
Add eggplant to this mixture and cook for another 25 minutes.
Then add grated garlic, ground black pepper and vinegar.
Cook for 5 minutes, place in hot sterilized jars, roll up and wrap.



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Winter lecho made from peppers and beans


1 kg bell pepper;
2 kg of beans;
4 kg of tomatoes;
1 kg of onions;
1 kg carrots;
1 cup of sugar;
3 tbsp. spoons of salt;
0.5 liters of sunflower oil;
3 pods of hot pepper;
6 large heads of garlic;
16 teaspoons 9% vinegar.

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Soak the beans overnight. The next morning, boil until half cooked.
Peel the onion, cut into cubes and fry in sunflower oil.
Also cut the washed tomatoes and peppers (with seeds and stalks removed) into cubes.
Place the prepared beans, tomatoes, peppers and onions into the pan. Add salt, sugar and butter, stir.
Place on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for half an hour. While the lecho is cooking, peel and chop the garlic and hot pepper.
A few minutes before the end of cooking, place them in the pan. Pour in vinegar and stir.
Place the finished pepper and bean lecho in sterile jars and roll up. Cover with a blanket, and after cooling completely, store in a cool place.

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Cucumber lecho


We will need:
1 kg of sweet pepper;
2.5 kg of tomatoes;
5 kg of cucumbers;
1 head of garlic;
200 g sugar;
200 ml 6% vinegar;
200 ml refined sunflower oil;
3 tbsp. spoons with salt on top.

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Mince the tomatoes and peppers, add salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil. Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Dip the cucumbers, cut into slices, into the mixture, boil and cook for 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, add finely chopped garlic. Place hot lecho in sterilized jars, roll up, wrap and leave until completely cool.


Lecho recipes for the winter

Do you like canned salads? Prepare aromatic and tasty lecho with carrots for the winter using our simple recipe with step-by-step photos and detailed video.

1 hour 30 minutes

66.3 kcal

5/5 (3)

I don’t know a more universal and useful preservation than lecho! This canned salad can simply be eaten as a snack with a piece of bread. It can be used as a dressing for the same borscht or as a sauce for some dish with meat, which allows you to avoid the unnecessary use of store-bought sauces, tomato pastes and factory-made ketchups. In lecho you can feel the taste of summer with its vegetable diversity in the garden, because there are many types of lecho with their individual recipes! And today I suggest you prepare lecho for the winter with tomatoes, carrots, peppers and onions, and to taste I will also add garlic.

Lecho recipe homemade with carrots and onions

Kitchen appliances: meat grinder or blender, stove.


How to choose the right ingredients

To prepare lecho, use fleshy and ripe tomatoes and bell peppers. The tomatoes may even be slightly bruised, but not rotten. The color of the pepper doesn't matter.

To close lecho and other preservation for the winter, you must use sterile containers. Therefore, I will make a small digression before describing the step-by-step actions in preparing lecho regarding sterilization of jars and lids.

Sterilization of jars and lids

Method 1: Thoroughly washed jars and lids can be sterilized in the oven at 180 ºC until they are completely dry.

Method 2: Clean jars and lids can be sterilized with steam over a water bath for a few minutes. The lids can be sterilized separately in boiling water for several minutes.

Cooking sequence

  1. Wash all the vegetables, peel the onions, carrots and garlic, remove the stalks, white veins and seeds from the pepper. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, such that they easily fit into the funnel of the meat grinder.

  2. You can also use a food processor or blender to make tomato puree. Chop the tomatoes in a way convenient for you.

  3. Place the tomatoes on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the flame to low, add the bay leaf to the tomato and simmer for about 30 minutes.

  4. While the tomato base is preparing, cut the onion into half rings and place it in a greased frying pan over heat. Cut the carrots into strips or grate them on a coarse grater, add to the onion and mix.

  5. We also cut the bell pepper into strips, add to the onions and carrots, mix everything in the frying pan, then remove from the heat and add to the tomato, which is ready by this time.

    Important! It is advisable to exclude the bay leaf at this stage, as it may later cause bitterness.

  6. Salt and pepper the vegetable mixture, add finely chopped garlic and vinegar, mix and simmer under the lid for about 20 minutes until the pepper is ready. Scatter the boiling lecho into jars and roll them up.

  7. We leave the lecho to cool in inverted jars and wrapped in a warm cloth or blanket.

Lecho can be served as a sauce for any side dish or meat, or you can include it as a dressing in a dish during cooking. Pizza with lecho in its composition turns out to be very tasty.

Video recipe for lecho with carrots

The three-minute video presents a step-by-step recipe for preparing lecho with carrots, peppers and garlic, which uses infusion of a vegetable mixture, and special kitchen equipment is used to sterilize closed jars.

  • When preparing lecho, some people simply allow finely chopped tomatoes without twisting. If you decide to use tomatoes in this way, then be prepared for the fact that when you eat lecho, you will often get tomato skins on your teeth. I consider it inappropriate to peel tomatoes before cooking, since this is a rather labor-intensive procedure, especially for a large number of tomatoes, and it would be easier to chop everything completely.
  • To prevent jars from bursting, place a knife blade under the bottom of each jar. or distribute the lecho into heated jars.

Possible other cooking options

If you don’t have time to chop tomatoes at all, or for some reason there are not enough of them or none at all, then you can prepare lecho with tomato paste and carrots in the same quantity as if you were using tomatoes.

In order to have a varied diet in winter, you should take care of this in advance. Now is the time to start canning and cook something delicious. lecho is just what you need. Appetizing salad lecho with carrots, onions, bell peppers and tomatoes Can be served with pasta side dishes, various cereals and potato dishes. very juicy, with characteristic sweetness and sourness. You can adjust the spiciness yourself by adding hot pepper. You can also choose the appearance of this salad at your discretion. You can cut vegetables into slices, strips, or other ways. Also, for lecho it is better to choose fleshy varieties of bell peppers of all shades, then it will turn out bright and tasty!

Ingredients for preparing lecho with carrots and bell peppers

Step-by-step preparation with photos of lecho with carrots and bell peppers

Lecho can be served with buckwheat porridge and other side dishes, as well as meat dishes. Delicious, with lecho, they also make sandwiches. Bon appetit!

I would like to present to your attention a recipe for preserving a simple and very tasty salad, which many know as lecho. The peculiarity of the recipe is that it is lecho with carrots. It will certainly be appreciated by lovers of tasty and healthy food. It will especially please housewives, because it does not contain complex ingredients, and preparation and canning does not take much time.

You can prepare a tasty and healthy homemade lecho with carrots, peppers, onions and tomatoes for the winter using my step-by-step photo recipe.

To prepare lecho salad with carrots you need to prepare:

  • 10 sweet red peppers;
  • 10 medium-sized tomatoes;
  • 4 medium sized carrots;
  • 4 medium sized onions;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 3 - 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 150 ml vegetable oil.

How to cook lecho with carrots, peppers, onions and tomatoes for the winter

When starting to cook, you must first wash and peel the vegetables: cut off the bottom of tomatoes, cut out the stalk of peppers and crush out the seeds. It is easier to do this under running water.

Cut the onion into half rings, pepper into strips 1.5-2 cm wide, carrots into slices 0.5 cm wide.

Grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder. You should get about 1 liter of tomato puree.

Heat the oil in a cauldron or any other vessel in which you are used to stewing vegetables and simmer the onion for 5 minutes over medium heat.

After that, pour out the tomato puree, add salt and sugar. Here you need to focus on your own taste - if there is not enough salt or sugar, then you can add it.

Simmer for another 15 minutes.

We first put hot lecho into the jars and close them with a sterilized lid, turn them over and wrap them in a warm blanket.

From the declared quantity of products you should get approximately 4 liters of lecho.

Lecho with carrots is a truly universal dish. It can be served with meat, poultry, it will enhance the taste of mashed potatoes, pasta and any porridge. However, it all depends on your imagination and gastronomic preferences. Bon appetit!