How long to cook dried mushroom soup. Dried mushrooms

    Dried mushrooms are soaked for 1 - 2 hours in water, or even better, in milk. Do not throw out the water in which you soaked the mushrooms, but strain it to remove any possible debris and cook the mushrooms in the same water so that the mushroom broth is not lost. It is enough to soak porcini mushrooms for only 1 hour and cook for 20 minutes.

    Dry mushrooms do not need to be soaked for a long time. I think half an hour is enough. If they are very dry, they will quickly become good in the hot broth. They will straighten out. And if you keep them in water for a long time, they will deteriorate in taste and will give everything back to the water.

    Dried mushrooms are soaked for 1 - 2 hours before preparing soup or other dishes. After this it is boiled. If time is pressing and there is no time to wait that long, then you can soak it in water for less - 30 - 40 minutes. You can also determine by eye: if the mushrooms have begun to disperse, then you can start cooking.

    You can soak dry mushrooms in water for several (3-4) hours, or you can soak them in salted milk for several hours, then they will become as fresh. There are many recipes for mushroom soups, my favorite is regular mushroom soup without meat (potatoes, onions, carrots, mushrooms and herbs).

  • Dry mushrooms

    You probably shouldn’t soak it for too long, two to three hours is enough.

    There is no need to pour out the water in which the mushrooms were soaked; during cooking, add it to the dish being prepared. For example, in soup, in gravy, what is usually prepared from dried mushrooms.

    I love you very much beans with white, dried mushrooms. This is where we need the water in which the mushrooms were soaked. I boil the pre-soaked beans until tender, fry the mushrooms with plenty of onions, mix everything together and add mushroom water. Simmer over low heat for about ten minutes and add finely chopped parsley. You can add a little tomato sauce, but this is not for everyone.

    The dish fits very well fast days!!

  • Before cooking mushroom soup, I soak the mushrooms very little, pour water and put the mushrooms in this water, put them on gas, they just start to boil, rinse them three times, immediately drain the water and chop them finely, they are almost soft, after the chopped mushrooms I put it in a saucepan for soup and bring it to a boil, add salt, boil for 20/30 minutes, then add potatoes, carrots, fry onions, cook the whole thing for about 20 minutes, then add rice because pearl barley takes longer to cook, more 10-15 minutes and the soup is ready)) with sour cream it’s very tasty))

    Opinions about how long you need to soak dry mushrooms before cooking vary: some say/write that it will be enough to let the mushrooms sit for 30-40 minutes in cold water, others suggest soaking them for a couple of hours, others advise leaving them in water overnight (by the way I would say that’s what my mother did, and I learned the same from her).

    And the recipe for a delicious mushroom soup is very simple: the water in which the mushrooms were soaked will go into the broth, if the infusion is not dark and there are no needles, leaves or, in the worst case, sand.

    Make a fry of onions, carrots, add mushroom infusion, potatoes, mushrooms to a saucepan with water and cook everything until tender. If desired, you can add rice or pearl barley to the soup for thickness. Serve the soup with sour cream, yum!

    It depends on what dry mushrooms you have to soak. For example, I soak porcini mushrooms in hot water for about 15 minutes, they become soft and ready for further cooking. But honey mushrooms, shiitakes, and morels soak a little longer, about 30-40 minutes. In any case, mushrooms will soak faster if you put them in hot water rather than cold.

    I usually leave dried mushrooms in warm water for several hours. Then they become soft and tasty. If this is not possible, you need to start cooking urgently, then I pour boiling water over them and let them stand for at least 30 minutes. But I always drain the water, I don’t cook in it, it doesn’t seem clean enough to me.

    A delicious mushroom soup is obtained if you add pearl barley to it, in addition to mushrooms, potatoes, onions and carrots. This is the second soup (besides pickle) that I can’t imagine without this grain.

    It is necessary to soak dried mushrooms in cold, clean water, and in addition to the time itself, be sure to check them by touch. Make sure that the mushrooms become slightly soft and swollen, as if puffed up a little, then the mushrooms will be ready and you can start boiling or frying them. The mushrooms are soaked for one or two hours. Depending on the variety of mushroom, and the correctness of its drying. Since dried mushrooms, processed sharply at high temperatures, even in an oven or oven, will be the most hard and rough, and then they will take more time to soak. Which can be more than three hours. If the mushrooms are properly dried, then soaking takes place from an hour to two. Well dried mushrooms are soaked in cold milk, a pure product as water, and in addition, it rinses and cleans the mushrooms themselves well, making them tasty, preserving the aroma of the mushrooms. If you soak mushrooms in water, then it is better not to pour out the water, but strain through a sieve or double gauze, and add the strained water to the broth in which the mushrooms or mushroom soup will be cooked. Then the soup will turn out to be very rich, aromatic and tasty. Boil dry soaked mushrooms for thirty minutes. Soak porcini mushrooms for one hour and cook for twenty minutes.

    Therefore, you must first fry the onions and carrots, cook potatoes, a little rice with onions and carrots in the resulting broth from the soaked mushrooms for 15 - 20 minutes, and then just add the cooked soaked mushrooms to everything and cook for another 20 minutes. Add bay leaf, peppercorns, and salt two minutes before cooking.

    Here is another recipe for mushroom soup that I like: -

    Dried mushroom soup with potatoes

    Dry mushrooms 50 grams. 3 potatoes. 4 tablespoons butter. 2 tablespoons flour. 2 bay leaves. Greens (parsley, dill). Salt.

    Rinse the dried mushrooms well and pour hot, but not boiled, water for 30 minutes (the mushrooms soak faster in warm water, but it’s better if they are in cold water, even twice as long). Then chop the mushrooms and put them in salted water, add the water in which the mushrooms were soaked. Cook until the mushrooms are soft, about 20 minutes, then add the diced potatoes and two bay leaves.

    Make a separate fry, in four tablespoons of butter, two tablespoons of flour, and add this dressing to the soup, add two bay leaves (add peppercorns, to taste). And cook for another 5-10 minutes. The soup will be ready, and when serving, sprinkle on top with finely chopped herbs in a mixture of parsley and dill.

Peel and wash mushrooms for drying at home, cut large parts of mushrooms: caps into slices about 3x3 cm, stems into circles. String the chopped parts of the mushrooms on a strong thread - the caps separately, as they dry faster, the stems - separately.

Hang the threads with mushrooms in a dry, sunny place with a distance from each other. Cover with gauze to protect against insects. Keep in the sun for 7-9 days, putting the finished dry mushrooms into jars. Store in glass jars in a dry, dark place. This way mushrooms can be stored for up to 5 years.

How to dry mushrooms in the oven
Cut the mushrooms as for drying on strings, arrange them in 1 layer on a baking sheet (or 2 baking sheets), using baking paper. Dry the mushrooms for 2.5 hours at a temperature of 25 degrees, the next 2 hours at a temperature of 70 degrees, then another 2 hours at a temperature of 55 degrees. In order for the mushroom moisture to come out of the oven, the oven door is opened slightly.

Then you should check the mushrooms for readiness: a properly dried mushroom is dense, elastic, does not crumble or break. An under-dried mushroom is rubbery and soft. If you have not completely dried the mushrooms, you can later hang them in the kitchen on strings for final drying, which in this case will take 2-3 days.

Tip: when cutting mushroom caps for drying, keep in mind that in the future they will need to be strung on a thread - so that the mushroom slice does not crumble when cutting, provide a little lint-free dense part of the cap for each slice.

The king of mushrooms, the porcini mushroom, is famous for its distinct taste and the maximum amount of nutrients and valuable microelements. There are many recipes with this noble product, but it is recommended to boil it before using it in dishes.

How long to cook porcini mushrooms

How long to cook porcini mushrooms for soup?

Before preparing porcini mushroom soup, boil them in salted water for 20 minutes.

How long should you cook porcini mushrooms before frying?

How long to cook porcini mushrooms for freezing?

To freeze, pre-cook the porcini mushrooms for 15-20 minutes.

How long do you cook fresh porcini mushrooms?

Fresh white mushrooms can be heat treated (cooked) for 35-40 minutes. If you plan to use them as a main dish, they should be cooked for at least an hour using spices and herbs.

How long should you cook dried porcini mushrooms?

Dried mushrooms should be soaked in water for 2-3 hours before cooking. After washing, the mushrooms are cooked for 30-40 minutes.

How to cook porcini mushrooms

How to cook fresh porcini mushrooms?

  1. Clean the mushrooms from debris and dirt, cut off the wormy parts and the end of the stem.
  2. Rinse thoroughly under running water.
  3. Place in a container with water and leave for an hour to completely remove dirt from the outer and inner surfaces.
  4. Then peel each mushroom and cut into pieces.
  5. Place peeled and washed mushrooms in a saucepan, add water, covering the top by 2 cm. Add salt at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water and put on fire.
  6. After boiling, skim off any foam that has formed and continuously remove it during the cooking process.
  7. Within 40 minutes the porcini mushrooms are ready. To give them aroma and enhance the taste, it is recommended to add spices and boil for another 15-20 minutes.

How to cook porcini mushrooms for freezing?

To freeze a portion of porcini mushrooms for further heat treatment, they are first boiled. The process is similar to cooking fresh mushrooms, only they should be cooked for no more than 20 minutes.

How to cook porcini mushrooms before frying?

Before frying, cook according to points 1-6 of the above process for preparing fresh mushrooms with a time difference. The mushrooms must be boiled for 20 minutes, followed by heat treatment until fully cooked.

How to cook frozen porcini mushrooms?

Before preparing a dish of frozen porcini mushrooms, they should be thawed at room temperature. Then the mushrooms are washed and boiled in salted water for 15-20 minutes until fully cooked.

How to cook dried porcini mushrooms?

Dried mushrooms must be pre-soaked. To do this, pour a portion of mushrooms with clean cold water and leave for at least 1 hour (ideally 2-3 hours, and for old mushrooms - at least 8 hours). After washing, the mushrooms are ready for further heat treatment. They need to be cooked for 30-40 minutes.

How to cook porcini mushroom soup?


  • porcini mushrooms – 600 g;
  • champignons – 6 pcs. (+2-3 things for decoration);
  • chicken broth – 800 ml;
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • garlic – ½ large clove;
  • butter - for frying;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cream 20% - 200 g;
  • salt, pepper and spices - to taste.
  1. Porcini mushrooms can be used fresh, frozen or dried. After the preparatory stage (fresh for soup, frozen or pre-soaked dried mushrooms are boiled for 15-20 minutes), the resulting infusion is not poured out. Porcini mushrooms, along with diced onions and champignons, are sent to a frying pan greased with butter and fried for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Part of the previously obtained infusion of boiled mushrooms is fried in a frying pan with flour, stirring constantly until a sauce-like consistency is formed. The finished sauce should be strained to get rid of any lumps of flour.
  3. The frying, sauce and remaining mushroom infusion are placed in a pan with the addition of chicken broth and spices (garlic, salt, pepper and spices to taste). The soup is cooked for 15 minutes and at the end of the process, remove the garlic.
  4. Cream is carefully poured into the finished mixture, stirring thoroughly. Then everything must be blended with a blender until a puree-like mass is formed and put on the fire, stirring constantly, and without bringing to a boil, remove from the stove. The finished dish can be decorated with pre-fried thin slices of champignons and herbs.

Before cooking, dried mushrooms must be soaked in cold water for 1-2 hours. Then, fill a pan with water, add mushrooms and put on fire.

How long to cook dried mushrooms

You need to cook these mushrooms for half an hour in a saucepan with the lid closed.

1. There are about 65,000 species of mushrooms in nature.

2. Poisonous Lampteromyces japonica, or luminous mushroom, grows in the Primorsky Territory. At a temperature of 10-15 degrees it emits white light.

3. A dish of mushrooms was served in Babylon, Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece.

4. The Mayan and Aztec Indians used cap mushrooms, which caused hallucinations, during ritual ceremonies.

5. In Ancient Scandinavia, there were special units of warriors - berserkers, who ate a piece of fly agaric before the battle. Under the influence of the toxins contained in the fly agarics, they fell into a frenzied rage and did not feel pain or blows from weapons on the body, sweeping away everything in their path.

6. The most difficult mushroom to find is the truffle, as it grows underground. Dogs are specially trained to find it.

7. Dried porcini mushrooms are superior to beef, cereals and bread in terms of protein, and eggs and sausage in nutritional value.

How to store dried mushrooms

It is recommended to store only well-dried mushrooms, otherwise, if the mushroom is not completely dried, it may become moldy and become unsuitable for consumption. Also, you should not store overdried mushrooms, which break easily. To determine which mushroom can be used for long-term storage, place it in the palm of your hand and squeeze - a good dried mushroom should not crumble, it may just bend slightly. Try to break the mushroom; if it breaks easily, then the dried mushroom is ready for storage.

The room in which mushrooms will be stored must be well ventilated and dry. Dried mushrooms should be placed in glass or metal jars with a well-closing lid. To store dried mushrooms, you cannot use bags or pouches made of ordinary fabric - they very actively absorb moisture and can soon quickly become moldy.

Dried mushroom soup

You can make a very tasty soup from dried mushrooms that your whole family will love. Cooking soup from dried mushrooms is very easy, and the cooking process will take no more than 2 hours. So, we only need four ingredients:

1. Dried mushrooms - 15-20 grams

2. Butter - 4 teaspoons

3. Dill and parsley - bunch

4. Salt - add to taste

Rinse the mushrooms well in cool water, peel and boil in a saucepan until tender. Place the cooked mushrooms on a plate. Take out a cutting board and cut each mushroom into strips. The finished broth needs to be strained, added butter, salt and heated over medium heat. Mix pre-boiled noodles with chopped mushrooms in a bowl. Place the mixture of noodles and mushrooms on a plate and pour in the prepared broth. Sprinkle washed, chopped herbs on top.

How long to cook dried mushrooms for soup step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.

In cooking, mushrooms occupy by no means the last place. In Rus', for ordinary peasants, meat and poultry dishes were almost always an unaffordable luxury, so large bunches of various mushrooms were dried for the winter, which were a nourishing and tasty addition to various side dishes and allowed them not to die of hunger in the most difficult times.

Mushrooms can be boiled, salted, fried, stewed and stored for future use. But quite often, inexperienced housewives who decide to cook dried or fresh mushrooms are faced with the question - how to do it correctly? Many people know that mushrooms should always be boiled before cooking. Therefore, the question of cooking mushrooms gently flows into another, how to properly cook mushrooms, how long does it take to boil them?

How to cook dried mushrooms

Not everyone is able to properly process dried mushrooms. If processed poorly, mushrooms become very hard, rubber-like and lose all their beneficial vitamin and taste qualities. Therefore, before cooking, dry mushrooms must be soaked for 3.5-4 hours in cool water.

Some people drain the water after soaking the mushrooms and cook the mushrooms in fresh water. But it is better not to do this, since part of the taste and aroma will disappear along with the infusion. Boil the mushrooms in the same water in which they were soaked. But still appreciate this water. If needles, leaves, sticks or sand float from the bottom after poor drying, then it is better to change the water.

If you are cooking a mycelium from dried mushrooms, then it is better to drain the water from the soaked mushrooms and cook the mushrooms in fresh water, which will become the basis for the broth. It is better not to cook soup in a dark infusion of mushrooms. For frying, stewing or soup, mushrooms should be cooked for about two hours, then they will become tasty and soft. Their readiness can be determined in a simple way - you need to lift the pan from the stove. If all the mushrooms fall down, then they are cooked.

If you boil mushrooms in order to fry them later, then the water in which they are boiled must be salted. When ready, drain the mushrooms in a colander and rinse with water. Cut into pieces, if necessary, and place in a frying pan in heated sunflower oil.

How to cook frozen mushrooms

It is always possible to freeze mushrooms with a small amount of ice, because during freezing it is not possible to remove all the moisture. Under no circumstances should you cook such frozen water, so these mushrooms must first be thawed. This can be done either outdoors or in the microwave. This applies to any frozen mushrooms: honey mushrooms, chanterelles, champignons and others.

After preliminary defrosting, you need to rinse the mushrooms under running water, throw them into the pan and cook. Frozen mushrooms should only be cooked over low heat under a lid, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam. The cooking process will take 20-30 minutes.

How to cook fresh mushrooms

A sign that mushrooms are ready is when they fall to the bottom when you lift the pan. But there are certain time intervals that should not be exceeded when cooking a certain type of mushroom.

  • Porcini mushrooms should be cooked well washed and peeled for 35-40 minutes. The foam must be removed.
  • Boletus mushrooms are boiled, washed, for 40-50 minutes, also skimming off the foam.
  • The champignons are cooked for only 5 minutes.
  • It will take 20 minutes to cook the chanterelles. Boletus boletuses are cooked for the same amount, having previously cleared the caps of the membranes.
  • Russulas must be cooked for half an hour.
  • It will take 15-20 minutes to cook the oyster mushrooms.
  • But milk mushrooms need to be soaked for 3 days before cooking. It is very important to change the water to fresh water several times during this time.
  • Honey mushrooms need to be cooked until the water boils, then the water needs to be drained, fresh water added and cooked for another 45-60 minutes.

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