How many calories are in dried dates? Dates: calorie content and nutritional value, benefits and harms when losing weight

Dates are a favorite food of many people. This is due to the variety of dishes in which they are included in the recipe, as well as their beneficial properties. In addition, due to their chemical composition, they promote fat burning and loss of extra pounds. This article will describe the history of the product, calorie content of dates, benefits, harm, as well as popular recipes.

The history of the date

Most scientists believe that the birthplace of the date is Mesopotamia and Ancient India. Since it was there that the first mentions of it were found. Date palms were specially grown in Ancient Egypt, as the fruits were used to prepare various dishes and wine. Moreover, they were very popular among all segments of the population. The pharaohs were buried with jars filled with dates, and they were also depicted on the walls of the tomb.

Religious scriptures were found that spoke of the usefulness of the fruits during campaigns in the deserts. For example, Arabs in ancient times believed that dates saturate the body with energy, help cure it of diseases and protect it from negative thoughts. But the Chinese and Japanese are of the opinion that the fruits of the date tree are the basis of longevity and health. Macedonian warriors always used them before starting a military campaign.

Currently, dates grow in northern Africa, southern Iran, Iraq, the Nubian Desert, the Arabian Peninsula and Libya.


The date gets its name from the tree on which it grows. So the date is translated as a palm tree and grows in subtropical and tropical climates with a lot of sun. Now dates are grown on plantations where more than 100 varieties can be found. But the most popular are:

  • Saer;
  • Rabi;
  • Gantar;
  • Kab kab etc.

There are also varieties that you can grow yourself at home. These are Robilini and Canarian. All fruits of different varieties are oval in shape, ranging from 20 to 60 mm in length. The color of ripened fruits is dark red, but when dried, dates acquire a dark brown or chocolate color. On average, fruits do not exceed 45 g, while the minimum weight varies from 6 to 10 g. But these indicators may differ among different varieties.

In addition to the varieties of varieties, there is a classification of dates according to the degree of ripening:

  • Kharak – fruits are dry and hard;
  • Rotab - the fruits are already soft, juicy and sweet;
  • Tamar - the date gains honey sweetness and has a fleshy pulp.

In our country, 2 degrees are popular - Rotab and Tamar.

Composition and beneficial properties

The elements contained in dates are incredibly valuable for the human body, thanks to the huge amount of beneficial nutrients. There is even a proverb among people that you can study the chemical periodic table using a date. As for the effect on the body, by consuming at least a few dates every day, you can prevent stroke and heart attack. Moreover, this applies to dried, fresh and dried fruits.

The main composition of dates is fiber and carbohydrates, but also vitamins and beneficial minerals. About 60% of dates are proteins, pectins and tannins.

Minerals that are part of dates:

  1. Iron;
  2. Calcium;
  3. Fluorine;
  4. Sodium;
  5. Copper;
  6. Selenium;
  7. Chromium;
  8. Manganese, etc.

As well as vitamins of groups B, A, E, vitamin C, H and PP, which help improve mental performance and strengthen the immune system. Dates are also rich in important amino acids, including. It is he who helps in the fight and prevention of cancer.

Benefits and harms

Regardless of a person’s gender, the effect of consuming dates is undeniable. Thus, for males it is typical to increase potency, and for females the benefit is to strengthen the pelvic muscles. When consumed by children, dates help to activate the growth stage of the child, and increases the mental activity of the brain. An important beneficial property of dates is considered to strengthen blood vessels and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

The harm of dates is:

  • Increases blood sugar levels due to the fructose it contains. In this case, the fruits are contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes;
  • If you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the acute stage and with existing constipation, date consumption is also contraindicated.

In any case, dates should be eaten in moderation. Since any product can always lead to negative consequences.

Calorie content of dates and weight loss

The calorie content of dates is 274 KCAL per 100 g of product, and per 1 pc. (11 g) approximately 24.9 KCAL. More than 50% of the main composition of the fruit is carbohydrates, and they are known to be actively involved in the process of losing excess weight. Therefore, dates are used for weight loss; there is even a date diet. This ability of fruits is due to the acceleration of metabolism in the body, as well as an increase in the absorption of nutrients from other consumed foods. Also, dates help satisfy hunger for a long time.

The date diet involves consuming the fruit for 3 days. It is allowed to drink sugar-free drinks during the diet, such as tea or purified water. If after 3 days the condition is good, mild and there is a desire to continue, then you should include freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices in your diet. But you should not continue the date diet for more than 5 days.

Power scheme:

  1. The first three days: consume 0.25 kg of dates and at least 2 liters of clean water;
  2. After three days: add 200 ml of juice to the diet.

Dates can be consumed without following any diet. To do this, you just need to replace dinner with 0.2 kg of dates. In this case, the fruits will be considered a relief from the body. You can also replace sweets and baked goods with the fruits of the date tree. To do this you need:

  • Dates should be thoroughly washed and chopped;
  • Add peeled and chopped walnuts to them;
  • Next add a little honey;
  • Mix the whole mixture and take 1 tsp. once a day with tea or coffee.

If during the diet or simply eating food your general health worsens, then you should stop taking it. Perhaps the diet is not suitable or you are allergic to the product.


The variety of dishes containing dates is very diverse; they are used in the preparation of cocktails, pilaf, biscuits, jelly, baked goods and even salad.

Pilaf with dates

This dish is especially loved by vegans and those who cannot consume animal products. Sweet pilaf is very sweet and satisfying, not like the usual pilaf with meat. Perfect for children's diet. Its energy value is 289.9 KCAL.


  1. 0.05 kg pitted dates;
  2. 0.05 kg dried apricots;
  3. 0.05 kg prunes;
  4. 0.15 kg steamed rice;
  5. 1 tsp. honey;
  6. A little ground cinnamon if desired.

Dried fruits must be placed in containers and filled with water for 10 minutes. After this, they can be cut in any convenient way, but not very finely. Next, they need to be boiled until half cooked. Next, you need to add cinnamon, honey and washed rice. You need to pour enough water into the container so that it covers the rice by 1 cm. After this, you need to turn the heat to minimum and cook without stirring until fully cooked. For piquancy, you can add dried barberry. As soon as all the water has boiled away, the pilaf is ready.

Casserole with cottage cheese and dates

Everyone's favorite cottage cheese casserole has many recipes, but few people are familiar with the addition of dates. It can be eaten both for breakfast and for an afternoon snack, since the energy value is only 212 KCAL.


  • 0.3 kg cottage cheese;
  • 0.15 kg sour cream;
  • 0.07 kg dates;
  • 0.04 kg candied fruits;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 0.02 l sunflower oil.

Cottage cheese should be mixed with sour cream and blended with a blender until smooth. Dates need to be soaked in water for 10 minutes, and candied fruits should be soaked in another bowl. Add eggs to cottage cheese and mix thoroughly. After 10 minutes, chop the dates and candied fruits in any way, but not very finely, and add to the cottage cheese. Add sifted flour to the cottage cheese and eggs, knead the dough and let it rest for 15-20 minutes. You need to grease a baking pan with butter, cover it with parchment paper and place the dough into it. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

In addition to these recipes, you can make cocktails, sweets and many others with dates.

An article on the topic: “dates: benefits for the body, composition, calorie content in 1 piece, in 100 g, how dates are useful for women” from professionals.

The total calorie content of dried dates in 100 g is 270 kcal. 100 g of product contains:

  • proteins – 2.4 g;
  • fat – 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates – 69 g.

As we can see from the composition, dates contain a large amount of carbohydrates. The carbohydrates of the product are represented by fructose, glucose and other natural sugars. Dates are enriched with iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, boron, sulfur, as well as vitamins A, C, B, and niacin.

Calorie content of dates in 1 piece

The calorie content of 1 piece of dates depends on the weight of the sweetness. Considering that the average weight of 1 date is 7 grams, the calorie content of dates in 1 piece is 18.9 kcal. The product will contain 0.16 g protein, 0.03 g fat, 4.83 g carbohydrates.

Dates with pits calorie content per 100 grams

The calorie content of dates with pits per 100 grams depends on the type of product. So, 100 g of dried sweets with seeds contains approximately 292 kcal. Dried dates with pits have a calorie content of 283 kcal.

Useful properties of dates

Dates have great benefits for the body. Regular consumption of the product allows you to:

  • normalize the process of carbohydrate absorption;
  • bring blood glucose levels into order;

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  • strengthen tooth enamel, as dates contain fluoride;
  • Due to the increased concentration of selenium in dates, they are considered a good remedy for the prevention of cancer.

Dates are great for people who want to lose weight. The natural sugars and low calorie content of 100g of dates make them an excellent sweet snack that will be a healthy alternative to chocolate, cookies and other sweets.

Numerous studies have proven the positive effects of dates on the gastrointestinal tract, strengthening the immune system, and activating beneficial intestinal bacteria. Doctors recommend this product for hypertension, anemia, and for removing mucus from bronchitis.

Thanks to dates, a woman’s milk production is activated after childbirth.

When are dates bad for you?

Despite the relatively low calorie content of 100 g of dates, the product should be used carefully for diabetes mellitus, digestive system problems, and intestinal problems.

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For many people, dates cause such negative phenomena as flatulence, bloating, and heaviness in the stomach.

The product should be avoided if you have colitis, stomach ulcers, liver diseases, or pancreas diseases. Contraindications also include fructose intolerance and caries.

Should you wash dates before eating?

If you love dates, you might find it useful to know the answer to the question of whether you should wash them before eating them. The answer in this case is clear - dates must be well washed.

The fact is that suppliers of dried fruits, to prevent their spoilage during transportation and storage, cover dates with special protective compounds, including edible wax and preservatives that are not beneficial to health. If you do not wash the sweetness, the remnants of these compounds will enter your stomach and intestines.

Observe the following rules for washing dates:

  • dried fruits are washed in small batches, quickly, in cool water;
  • Shiny dates are washed more thoroughly. It is on such fruits that the most edible wax is deposited;
  • Place the washed dates in a colander and rinse with ice water;
  • Dry the product on a regular or paper towel, spreading it out in 1 layer.



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Dates are a sweet and very tasty fruit that grows on palm trees 25 meters high. These fruits are an excellent food substitute - Arabs generally eat dates instead of bread, and their ability to give strength and energy to a tormented/weakened body was known to Alexander the Great - before each battle, he forced his soldiers to eat 7 fruits.

Chemical composition and calorie content of dates

Nutritional value 100 g:

  • Calorie content: 292 kcal
  • Proteins: 2.5 g
  • Fat: 0.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 69.2 g

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  • Dietary fiber: 6 g
  • Organic acids: 0.3 g
  • Water: 20 g
  • Unsaturated fatty acids: 0.1 g
  • Mono- and disaccharides: 69.2 g
  • Ash: 1.5 g
  • Saturated fatty acids: 0.1 g


  • Calcium: 65 mg
  • Magnesium: 69 mg
  • Sodium: 32 mg
  • Potassium: 370 mg
  • Phosphorus: 56 mg


  • Vitamin PP: 0.8 mg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.05 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.05 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic): 0.8 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 0.3 mg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 1.9 mg


Dates are distinguished by a large amount of carbohydrates in their composition - up to 69%. But the beauty is that they are represented exclusively by natural sugars - fructose, glucose, sucrose. Such natural sugars perfectly supply the body with quick energy, so if you need to quickly recover after long work, just eat a few date palm fruits.

The product in question is very filling, but it has few calories - 30 g of date (this is one berry) contains approximately 90 Kcal, so a few dates as a snack or early dinner will not harm your figure.

In addition, dates contain many minerals - potassium and magnesium, iron and zinc, phosphorus and magnesium and others.

Benefits of dates

The product in question has a very beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole body.:

  • even relieves chronic insomnia;
  • improves brain function, in particular - increases the level of attention even with severe fatigue, improves memory;
  • affects the condition of hair and nails - gives them strength and shine;
  • With regular consumption of dates, the skin becomes more elastic;
  • Excess fluid is naturally removed from the body;
  • regulates the psycho-emotional background, prevents the development of stress, relieves irritation;
  • improves overall performance.

Note: According to doctors and scientists, you need to eat an average of 15 dates per day in order to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs and systems, and for the body to receive the necessary dose of vitamins and minerals.

It is useful for women to regularly eat dates - they will help reduce the intensity of premenstrual syndrome and support the body during the period of hormonal changes (menopause, menopause). And for men, this date palm fruit is useful - increased potency is guaranteed.

If, due to circumstances, it is necessary to use medications of various effects for a long time, then dates are simply indicated for patients - they will reduce possible side effects.

Harm of dates

After re-reading the previous section of the article, we can conclude that dates are useful for absolutely everyone and in any quantity. But doctors and scientists say that even such beneficial fruits can harm the body. Therefore it is worth remembering:

  • dates are a rather “heavy” product - they take too long to digest in the stomach, so too much of them can lead to constipation and disturbances in gastric motility;
  • the product in question can activate or provoke inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract - for example, if a person has a history of acute or chronic gastritis, then the intake of dates should be limited - no more than 3 pieces per day;
  • Dirt very often sticks to dates, which is difficult to clean - this is how pathogenic microflora is introduced into the body.

Eating dates is contraindicated for people with diagnosed:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • chronic gastritis in the acute stage;
  • colitis;
  • enteritis.

Features of eating dates

Date palm fruits can be eaten both fresh and dried. And, as a rule, it is the second option that can be found on store shelves - dried dates are loved by both adults and children. And if we talk about fresh fruits, then it’s worth knowing - they are used in salads, when roasting meat, and for making jams/preserves/drinks.

Interestingly, the juice from fresh dates is a pure alcoholic drink that is used to make liqueurs. Flour is also made from dates - it is used to make buns, cakes, and pastries that will have an exquisite taste. Honey and sugar are made from dates - these fruits can successfully replace these products, which is important for those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

Important: The main nuance of using the product in question is the rule: never mix dates with citrus fruits - it is tasty, but dangerous, as it can cause sudden and severe stomach upset, leading to the rapid development of gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Dates are an amazing product. It is necessary to introduce it into the diet, but only with a clear understanding of how much and how to use it. Only in this case will this small fruit help the body cope with overwork and various pathologies.

Dates are deservedly called the “bread of the desert.” In those parts of the planet where they are ubiquitous, date palm fruits are a complete product. The harm from dates is minimal. The nutritious berry saved desert dwellers from hunger more than once. Just a few fruits give you a feeling of fullness for the whole day. Let's take a closer look at why dates are beneficial, as well as contraindications to consuming the delicacy.

Fresh date palm fruit is a storehouse of useful elements and nutrients. The pulp contains salts of such useful minerals as calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium, etc. Plus B vitamins, dietary fiber and niacin.

Dried dates retain the valuable qualities of fresh berries almost completely.

The dried fruit remains just as tasty and sweet. It can be consumed solo or added to various culinary delights.

Beneficial properties of dried dates:

  • It is known that for complete digestion, indigestible fibers of plant origin are needed. 100 g of dates contains more than 33%. 10 berries a day – the intestines work fully, toxins are removed from the body in a timely manner. A feeling of lightness appears, performance increases, and extra pounds do not accumulate.
  • Dried dates have a high calorie content (more than 270 kcal per 100 g). They can act as a healthy snack, quickly providing a feeling of fullness.
  • Thanks to pantothenic acid, date palm fruits have a beneficial effect on metabolism. The body's resistance to infections increases, which is especially valuable in the autumn-spring period. Dates even help you cope with a cold faster. They contain calories, which are so necessary for a body weakened by illness, and vitamins, necessary for the immune system.
  • The treat is good for central nervous activity. Sleep is normalized, unreasonable fears go away, troubles and problems are more easily experienced. By regularly adding dates to our food, we strengthen our nerves.
  • Retinol in its chemical composition is beneficial for the beauty of hair, skin and nails. The calcium contained in the fruits also helps maintain external attractiveness.
  • Dates also help with diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The benefits of the fruit are explained by the high potassium content. The macroelement is important for the elasticity and strength of the heart muscle, for the timely transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Date palm fruits contain tryptophan. This amino acid is needed for the production of serotonin, the hormone of good mood and stable psyche.
  • Dates are also beneficial for pregnant women. Substances in their chemical composition strengthen the muscles of the uterus and facilitate the birth process. Postpartum bleeding is less profuse and prolonged.
  • The delicacy increases male potency and improves sperm quality. As a result, reproductive function improves.

Just a few hundred years ago, travelers took dates with them on long journeys. The tiny fruit helped to withstand the tiring journey. Firstly, because it has a high calorie content. Secondly, the valuable composition helped preserve the body’s resources, allowing a person to move on. Overwork is easier to bear.

There are legends about the fruits of the date palm. Or rather, about their usefulness and miraculous power. But we must not forget that dates are also harmful. Especially for us. Residents of those areas where the delicacy does not grow. It is delivered to us.

Often you get a low-quality product. Therefore, under no circumstances buy moldy berries. And always wash them with hot water before eating.

The harm of dates will also appear when we overdo it. Overeating even the healthiest product will lead to negative consequences.

Calorie content

Dried fruits occupy a place of honor in the diet of everyone who watches their weight. Knowing the calorie content of dates is very important. When food is limited, you crave sweets. Is it possible to enjoy the fruits of the date palm?

The calorie content of dried berries is slightly higher than fresh ones. But it is almost impossible to find fresh dates here. They are already transported in the form of dried fruits. The calorie content of a 100-gram serving (without seeds) is 277 kcal. Quite a lot. But we must not forget that fruits contain more than 30% dietary fiber. This means that digestion will be complete. For a diet - what you need. There is even a date diet.

With a normal diet, you can replace sweets with a treat. Instead of useless sweets, eat an exotic fruit with tea. Dates certainly have less calories than sweets.

How many calories are in dates?


There are several diseases in which dates need to be limited as much as possible or completely abandoned.

Contraindications for consuming date palm fruits:

  • Diabetes. Berries have a high glycemic index, which indicates their ability to quickly increase the concentration of sugar in the blood. But for diabetics this is unacceptable. That’s why they can’t eat dates.
  • Obesity. How many calories are in dates? About three hundred per hundred grams of pulp! Such a high calorie content is dangerous for overweight people. They are allowed to feast cautiously and in limited quantities.
  • Dental caries. In some people, the protective functions of saliva are weakened. Therefore, they often develop caries and form tartar. Very sweet dates have an aggressive effect on tooth enamel. And if there is caries, it can be complicated by pulpitis.

However, almost all dried fruits carry this danger. And not just dates.

The nutritional value

Carbohydrates occupy a large share in the energy balance. They account for about 270 kcal.

Vitamins and minerals

Name Content per 100 g % of daily requirement
A (RE) 7 mcg 0,8
Beta carotene 0.09 mg 1,8
PP (niacin equivalent) 1.61 mg 8,1
B1 (thiamine) 0.05 mg 3,3
B2 (riboflavin) 0.06 mg 3,2
B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.81 mg 16,2
B6 (pyridoxine) 0.25 mg 12,5
B9 (folic acid) 15 mcg 3,8
K (phylloquinone) 2.7 mcg 2,3
Kholin 10 mg 2
Calcium 64 mg 6,4
Magnesium 55 mg 14
Sodium 1 mg 0,1
Phosphorus 62 mg 7,7
Potassium 670 mg 27,9
Iron 1 mg 7,7
Zinc 0.44 mg 3,8
Manganese 0.3 mg 14,9
Copper 361 mcg 36,2

It should be noted that even such healthy dates cannot make up a complete diet. The date diet should not last more than 10 days.

Dates not only have a magical taste, but also help the human body resist many ailments. Despite the rather considerable calorie content of dates, mankind has been eating the fruits of the date palm since time immemorial.

How many calories are in dates?

The calorie content of dried dates is 275 kcal, while 100 g of the product contains 2.5 g of protein, 0.5 g of fat and 69.2 g of carbohydrates. In some Asian countries, despite the relatively high calorie content of dates, they are considered a sacred product. They are great as a treat and even a substitute for candy, especially in combination with milk or tea.

The calories in dates, as well as the complex of vitamins and microelements included in their composition, allow, if necessary, to use this product as food for quite a long time as the only one, and at the same time not feel a nutritional deficiency.

The value of those dates that are common on our shelves also lies in the fact that they are not processed with sulfur compounds. The benefit of dates lies in the richness of their composition. This product contains one and a half dozen salts and minerals:

  • Iron;
  • Potassium;
  • Cobalt;
  • Magnesium;
  • Manganese;
  • Copper;
  • Sodium;
  • Selenium;
  • Sulfur;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Fluorine;
  • Zinc and others.

Dates also contain amino acids, vitamins A, group B, C, pantothenic acid and niacin, so they are recommended for maintaining the elasticity of the skin and blood vessels, healthy hair and teeth, as well as the heart, vision and liver.

Dates are rich in pectin and dietary fiber - natural adsorbents necessary for the health and normal functioning of many organs and systems of the human body, and, in particular, help increase its resistance to cancer.

Dates are also recommended for the prevention of depression, especially in the autumn-winter period. Scientists also discovered a phytohormone in their composition - an analogue of human oxytocin, which, among other things, has a beneficial effect on human social behavior.

The high calorie content of dried dates is explained by the presence in their composition of a considerable amount of carbohydrates (natural sugars - fructose, glucose and others). In this regard, dates can successfully replace much more high-calorie and less healthy confectionery products.

Dates for weight loss

Despite the relatively high calorie content of dates, they are recommended to be included in the diet of people who are overweight. The effectiveness of eating dates for weight loss is explained by their chemical composition. Due to the presence of magnesium and potassium in the product, they help get rid of excess fluid, eliminate swelling and normalize weight.

Despite the high calorie content of dates, they can also normalize blood sugar and fatty acid levels, promote the absorption of carbohydrates and do not contain cholesterol. In order to use dates in the fight against extra pounds, they are recommended to be consumed as a separate meal daily in the amount of 10-15 pieces. However, you should not exceed the recommended dose, remembering the high calorie content of dates.

Dates: calories and precautions

Considering the calorie content of dates, it is recommended to exclude them from the diet for people suffering from diabetes. Also, patients with digestive diseases should eat dates only after receiving permission from their doctor.

If dates are purchased by weight, they must be scalded with boiling water before use. Also, we should not forget that all valuable properties are inherent only in ripe and properly dried dates. They have a presentable appearance without cracks or traces of mold, are painted in an even dark color and have wrinkles on the surface.

The light dates were collected not fully ripe, they are poor in nutrients and do not have the listed beneficial characteristics.

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To us, residents of mid-latitudes, dates seem to be nothing more than sweetness. But for other peoples it is an important food product. They were one of the first to begin cultivating. It is known that already in Ancient Egypt these fruits were harvested. The medicinal properties of dates have long been valued. For the nomadic peoples of the Arabian desert, bread was substituted. After all, the calorie content of dried dates is quite high. Which exactly? We will talk about this in the article. Every food product has benefits and harms. Below we will consider this issue. We will also tell you what dishes can be prepared from these sweet, fibrous and very nutritious fruits.

What are dates?

These are the fruits of certain fruits. They have an oblong cylindrical shape and are bright red or yellow in color, depending on the variety (there are about 1,500 varieties in total). Fresh, ripe dates have smooth skin and contain a lot of moisture, which makes them taste less sweet. To extend the shelf life of the product, the fruits are dried or dried. And in this form, dates can be stored for years. We only sell dried fruits. But they also retain unique beneficial properties and delicious taste. The calorie content of dried dates varies depending on the variety. On average, this figure is 274 kcal per hundred grams of product. In addition to the nutritional properties of the date, it should be noted that it contains 69.2 g of carbohydrates. The tropical fruit contains 2.5 g of protein and only 0.5 g of fat. Dates contain absolutely no cholesterol. This is another plus.

Origin of the product

The calorie content of dried dates indicated above is very approximate, as is the data on proteins and carbohydrates. Humanity has been cultivating palm trees for over seven thousand years, and during this time people have been able to obtain completely different varieties. By the way, recently in Israel, scientists successfully sprouted a date seed found during excavations of a two-thousand-year-old tomb. This palm variety disappeared more than five hundred years ago. It is believed that it has unique healing properties. The homeland of date palms is the area from the banks of the Nile to the Euphrates. But now trees are cultivated in all countries where the climate is hot and dry. This is not only Egypt and other countries of the Arab world, but also the American state of California, Australia, and the South African Republic. The leader in the supply of this product is Saudi Arabia.


The calorie content of dried dates largely depends on the variety. For example, Deglet nour, grown in Algeria, is very nutritious. One hundred grams of product contains 415 kilocalories. In addition, it is also very sweet. In terms of their nutritional value, such fruits are quite comparable to a pork chop! For comparison: 100 g of strawberries contains 53 kilocalories - eight times less than Deglet Nur dates. But the most nutritious variety is Medjool. The fruits look like short fingers. The calorie content of 1 dried date of this variety is 66 kcal.

The Chinese species - unabi, or jujube - produces small oval red-brown fruits. They are consumed dried, because then the delicious aroma is revealed. Unabi is used in Asian cuisine for making jams, mousses and spices.

The Canary date began to be cultivated recently - from the end of the 19th century. The palm leaves are so sharp that you can cut yourself with them, but they have medicinal properties. Their juice is used for burns, skin diseases, and mastopathy.

Classification of dates

Fruits are also divided into dry, medium and soft. A fully ripe date is fleshy and has a golden-brown, smooth skin. Soft and medium varieties spoil quickly, so they are dried or dried.

There is another classification. After all, nutritionists are interested not only in the calorie content of dried dates per 100 grams, but also in their sugar content. Soft and medium varieties contain mainly glucose, fructose and dextrose. This is invert sugar. It can be consumed by people suffering from diabetes. Unfortunately, the dry varieties are rich primarily in sucrose (similar to that found in tropical canes). The sweetness of the fruit and its high nutritional value allow you to quickly fill up and drive away the feeling of hunger. If you want to reduce the number of calories in your diet, eat dried fruits rather than dried ones. Due to the moisture content, their nutritional value becomes lower. The calorie content of dried dates is about 300 kcal per hundred grams.

Product benefits

This is a real pharmacy in one product! Dates contain those minerals and amino acids that are missing in our domestic apples, pears and plums. Therefore, from time to time you need to pamper yourself with wonderful tropical dried fruit. Dates are rich in vitamins (A, B1, B6, B2, C). They contain niacin and carbohydrates that help the body digest. Pectin and selenium in dates reduce the risk of cancer. Fruits strengthen the immune system, nourish the blood, and promote the development of beneficial microflora in the intestines. Frequent eating of dates leads to stronger hair, nails, and tooth enamel. They are useful for brain activity, so they are recommended to be used during pregnancy. Dates are irreplaceable as a birth aid. They strengthen the muscles of the uterus. If a pregnant woman includes them in her diet, childbirth will be easy and without complications. Dried dates perfectly restore strength. The calorie content of this product has earned it the reputation of “bread of the desert.”

Harm of dates

Like any food product, this tropical fruit has its drawbacks. First of all, it's sweetness. The saturation of dates with sucrose can jeopardize the health of a diabetic. Children should not indulge in sweet fruits, as this leads to the development of caries. Although, according to nutritionists, it’s better for kids to eat dates than very dubious candies, chocolate bars and bars. Obese people should also use tropical fruits with caution. After all, dried dates, whose calorie content is comparable to the calorie content of a meat cutlet, do not contribute to weight loss. In addition, they are hard on the stomach.

Dates in gastronomy

The palm tree plays a huge role in the life of the peoples of the Arab world. Everything is used in it - from wood and leaves to fruit seeds. The latter are used to make... coffee. The fruits are used to make jam and a filling for culinary products. There are date flour, honey, sugar, soda, wine, vinegar. The fruits are added to salads, stews and pilaf are made with them, and kneaded into dough. When buying dates, make sure that the product is dried, but not stale. There should be no sugar crystals or mold on it. It is better to take a packaged product. Reviews praise Le Palmier products. The calorie content of dates with pits (dried) is lower. These fruits have whitish flesh and are not as sweet as others.

Dates are a sweet fruit that contains valuable vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It is especially popular in Arab countries, where residents eat the fruit every day to improve their health and get a boost of energy for the whole day. Dried fruits contain a large amount of fiber, vegetable protein and nutrients. Nutritionists advise people who are losing weight to include healthy fruits in their diet. Scientists have proven that regular consumption of dates improves the condition of the skin, hair and teeth, promotes weight loss and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

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    Calorie content and BZHU

    Dried fruits should be consumed in moderation, as they are quite high in calories. In order not to gain weight and not harm your health, you need to eat a certain amount of the product per day.

    The norm for an adult is 7–10 dates, for a child – 1–3 dates.

    The table shows the ratio of BPJU per 100 grams of product.

    Beneficial features

    The benefits of dried fruits are due to their rich composition. They contain vitamins PP, B1, B5, macro- and microelements: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

    Medicinal properties of dates for human health:

    • They remove mucus from the respiratory tract and fight colds. To prepare an effective cough medicine at home, you need to take 10 dried seedless fruits and pour 500 ml of milk over them. Cook, stirring, over low heat for 15 minutes. Consume during the day between meals.
    • They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and help lower blood pressure.
    • Improves skin condition, increases its elasticity and slows down the aging process.
    • They are essential for a woman’s body during pregnancy, as they contain large quantities of vitamins and nutrients. They charge you with energy and help fight fatigue.
    • During lactation, the baby, along with milk, receives useful elements that are necessary for the normal development of the brain, the formation of skeletal bones and increased immunity.
    • Sweet fruits should be included in the diet of men, as they improve potency and prevent problems with the genitourinary system.


    There are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which you should avoid eating dates:

    1. 1. Acute form of diabetes mellitus.
    2. 2. Extreme obesity.
    3. 3. Tendency to form carious lesions.
    4. 4. Acute form of gastritis and colitis.
    5. 5. Individual intolerance.
    6. 6. Excessive consumption of dried fruits can trigger hypertension and migraines.
    7. 7. Dates should not be eaten together with citrus fruits, as this combination of fruits negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Dates for weight loss

    Dietary nutrition involves eating healthy, low-calorie foods that promote weight loss. Most nutritionists agree that dates should be included in the menu of a person losing weight. However, it is necessary to remember their caloric content and the ratio of BZHU. Having determined how much a serving of dried fruit weighs, it is easy to control the number of calories consumed so as not to gain weight. This is very important because many people get fat due to lack of a balanced diet.

    The weight of one date is from 20 to 25 grams, so 1 piece contains an average of 55–80 kilocalories.

    Not all nutritionists agree with the statement about the benefits of dates. In his book “I Can’t Lose Weight,” Pierre Dukan describes his own method of losing weight. One of the sections is devoted to carbohydrates, which are divided into two categories: fast and slow. The first include dates, prunes and dried apricots. The Dukan diet involves the complete exclusion of fast carbohydrates from the diet. And slow ones can be introduced into the menu only at the third stage of the diet.

    The effect of dates on the body of a losing weight person is discussed below:

    • Promotes rapid saturation and stimulates intestinal function. It is enough to eat a couple of dates to get rid of the feeling of hunger for a while.
    • They normalize metabolism, speeding up the process of getting rid of extra pounds.
    • Remove excess fluid from the body.
    • Sucrose in dried fruits is a natural sugar substitute, which helps dessert lovers more easily tolerate giving up sweets.

    Diet Drink Recipes

    You can drink cocktails while dieting. They consist of dietary products that quickly satisfy hunger.

    Banana milkshake

    A simple nutritious breakfast recipe that only takes a couple of minutes to prepare.

    Required ingredients:

    • milk - 500 ml;
    • dates - 10 pcs.;
    • banana - 2 pcs.


    1. 1. Soak dried fruits in warm water for 10 minutes. Then drain the liquid and remove the seeds.
    2. 2. Slice the banana and puree it together with the dates in a blender.
    3. 3. Pour pre-cooled milk into the resulting mass and whisk the drink.

    Cleansing drink

    Removes waste and toxins from the body and helps get rid of heaviness in the stomach caused by overeating.

    Preparation: 6 pcs. Finely chop the dates and add to 1 glass of kefir. Mix the ingredients well and drink the drink at night.

    Nutritional cocktail


    • pear - 1 pc.;
    • peeled pumpkin seeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • kefir - 1 tbsp.;
    • apple juice - 1 tbsp.;
    • dates - 10 pcs.;
    • cinnamon - on the tip of a knife.

    Using a blender, grind all ingredients until smooth. If the drink turns out to be too thick, dilute it with mineral water.

    How to choose dates?

    The fruit grows on palm trees in hot climates. Ripe fruits are collected, subjected to special processing and dried, then they are sold. The largest exporters of dates are Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

    In Russia you can rarely find fresh fruits on sale. In our country, dried and dried dates are widely used, which retain all their beneficial properties. To purchase a quality product, you must follow the following recommendations:

    1. 1. The color of the fruit should be dark brown with a matte surface.
    2. 2. A beautiful glossy shine indicates that the fruits have been treated with sugar syrup. In this way, some unscrupulous manufacturers mask the shortcomings of their products.
    3. 3. Preference should be given to dried fruits with pits. They are less subject to heat treatment and retain more nutrients in their composition.
    4. 4. Wrinkled and sticky dates are a sign that the rules for storing and transporting the goods were violated.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

    I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

    But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelifting? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

– sweet and meaty, they can replace a piece of chocolate and at the same time contain half as many calories. There are several varieties of date trees, so dried fruits of different types differ in taste and aroma. Read more about it in a separate issue.

How many calories are in dates?

Date palm fruit You can try them fresh only in the region where they grow during the ripening period. At other times, consumers are offered dried or dried products that differ in the method of preparation. Dried dates are softer and meatier, while dried dates have the most intense sweetness.

I wonder what pitted dates in addition to lower calorie content, they have a lower content of useful substances, which is directly related to the peculiarity of drying the fruit with the core removed.

Recipes and calorie content of date dishes

Given the specifics of the product, dates are most often used for preparing sweet, confectionery or national dishes.

Sweet casserole

To prepare cottage cheese casserole, you can take any low-fat cottage cheese and dried fruits to taste. Required ingredients:
  • low fat (1 pack);
  • dates (20 g);
  • (10 g);
  • prunes (20 g);
  • (1 piece).

Wash dried fruits and cut into 4 parts. Pour a small amount of boiling water over the oat flakes and let them swell, then mix them with cottage cheese, eggs and dried fruits. Place the mixture on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180°C for 20 minutes. The average calorie content of a casserole is 168 kcal/100 g.

Baked apples

An unusual and tasty dessert will be baked apples with dried fruits, for the preparation of which you will need:
  • green (4 large fruits);
  • dates (8 pieces);
  • ground (½ teaspoon);
  • instant oatmeal apple porridge (4 dessert spoons).

Wash the apples and cut off the top third of each, then remove the core to make a fruit bowl. Mix oatmeal, finely chopped dates and cinnamon. Carefully fill the apple containers with the resulting mixture and bake the fruits in the oven at 190°C for 22-25 minutes. The calorie content of this dessert is 119 kcal.

Diet pie

To prepare a low-calorie pie you will need the following products:

Beat banana, dates (pitted), sour cream and butter in a blender until smooth. Add half of both types of flour sifted through a sieve, slaked soda with lemon juice and beat thoroughly again. Place the dough on the table, add the remaining flour and knead the bun. Wash the apple, remove the core and cut into slices. Grease a baking dish with fat or margarine, line the bottom with dough, forming sides, and place apple slices on top. Sprinkle the pie with cinnamon and sugar. Bake for half an hour at 190°C. Serve cooled. The calorie content of 100 g of date pie is about 240 kcal.

Salad "Gourmet"

Dates added to salads allow you to add an unusual taste to familiar dishes. To prepare the salad you will need:
  • raw (350 g);
  • pitted dates (100 g);
  • root (15 g);
  • (1 teaspoon);
  • lemon juice (5 ml);
  • (2 tablespoons);
  • salt;
  • ground white pepper (on the tip of a knife).

Peel and grate the carrots, finely chop the dates into rings and mix with the carrots. To make the dressing, grind the ginger into a paste, add lemon juice, add honey and olive oil. Season the prepared salad with salt and pepper. The calorie content of the dish is 129 kcal/100 g.

Fruit jelly

Jelly is a favorite treat for kids, but instead of a store-bought dessert, you can make it homemade. To do this you will need the following products:
  • dates (50 g);
  • packaged orange juice (50 ml);
  • water (half a glass);
  • classic (1 glass);
  • food gelatin (10g).

Pour cold water over the gelatin for a quarter of an hour and allow it to swell, then heat over low heat and homogenize. Wash the dates, remove the pits and chop finely. Pour fermented baked milk into a bowl, add dates and pour hot gelatin in a thin stream, stirring the mixture constantly. Add orange juice and stir again. Pour the future jelly into molds and place in the refrigerator to harden for 5-6 hours. The calorie content of the milk delicacy is approximately 72 kcal/100 g, and it can be served with a leaf.

Carrot cutlets

Cutlets can not only be hearty and hot, but also serve as a sweet cold snack. Prepare the necessary products:

Wash the raisins and dates and steam for a quarter of an hour in boiling water. Peel the apples, cut into small cubes, mix with dried dried fruits and simmer lightly over low heat until softened. Grate the boiled carrots on a medium grater, add milk, butter and simmer with the lid closed for 8-9 minutes. Turning off the heat, add semolina to the stewed carrots, mix thoroughly and simmer for another 5-7 minutes, then cool the mixture, add the egg, vanilla powder and ground cinnamon. You need to form a cake from the carrot dough, put a spoonful of apple filling in the middle and cover it with a second cake on top. Shape the finished cutlet, roll in flour or breadcrumbs and fry on both sides. The energy value of carrot cutlets with dates is 246 kcal/100 g.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of dates

% of the daily requirement indicated in the tables is an indicator indicating how many percent of the daily requirement in a substance we will satisfy the body's needs by eating 100 grams of dates.

How much protein, fat and carbohydrates (BJU) are in dates?

Dried fruits contain a significant amount of fiber and dietary fiber, helping to satisfy hunger for a long time.