How many calories are in different varieties of grapes? Grapes: calorie content, composition and nutritional value of various varieties

Grapes are not as often used for diets as other fruits due to their supposedly high calorie content. However, in fact, the calorie content of grapes is not as high as other sweet foods. 100 grapes contain between 65 and 72 calories, depending on the grape variety. Sweeter grape varieties will have more calories than more sour ones, but this difference is not so significant. The color of grapes also does not have of great importance, since dark and light grape varieties have approximately the same calorie content. However, dark varieties contain large quantity useful substances, including antioxidants than whites. However, it is to dark varieties that allergies are more common.

Grapes have long been famous for their health benefits. He contains a large number of vitamins, microelements, as well as flavonoids - substances that slow down aging and reduce the impact of harmful free radicals on human cells.

It is very useful to eat grapes with seeds and skins, which contain a large amount of useful substances that contribute to the healing of the body, its cleansing and weight loss.

It should be noted that fresh grapes are the healthiest. Therefore, during the ripening season of this delicious berries It will be useful to spend a few days on a grape diet. It is also recommended to enter into your daily diet 200-300 grams of grapes per day. It is best to consume it as a separate meal. By doing this you will help your body, strengthen your heart, blood vessels, improve the functioning of your kidneys and gall bladder. However, it should be remembered that Kishmish grapes have many more calories than other varieties - 95 calories per 100 grams

Below is a table of calorie content and nutritional value of grapes .

The product's name Number of grams of product Contains
grape 100g 72 kcal
sour grapes 100g 65 kcal
white grapes 100g 43 kcal
red grapes 100g 64 kcal
raisin grapes 100g 95 kcal
dried raisin grapes 100g 270 kcal
proteins 100g 0.6 grams
fat 100g 0.6 grams
carbohydrates 100g 15.4 grams
dietary fiber 100g 1.6 grams
water 100g 80.5 grams

100 grams contain the following microelements: Iron 0.6 mg, Zinc 0.091 mg, Iodine 8 mcg, Copper 80 mcg, Manganese 0.09 mg, Chromium 3 mcg, Fluorine 12 mcg, Molybdenum 3 mcg, Boron 365 mcg, Vanadium 10 mcg, Silicon 12 mg, Cobalt 2 µg, Aluminum 380 µg, Nickel 16 µg, Rubidium 100 µg

100 grams of grapes contain the following vitamins: Vitamin PP, Beta-carotene, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1,B2, B5, B6, B9, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin H, Vitamin PP.

Nika Sestrinskaya -specifically for the site site

All connoisseurs of grapes, or as they are also called “berries of life,” know that they are characterized not only by exceptional taste qualities, but are also a useful product. It contains a complex of amino acids that help maintain a healthy and youthful appearance of the skin and also contribute to its restoration. They also help regulate the body's lipid metabolism and help in hormonal synthesis.

Today, there are many statements that grapes are quite high-calorie product, but most nutritionists try to include it in all kinds of diets. As it would seem, this is a paradox. Therefore, let's take a closer look at how many calories are in grapes, as well as how often they should be contained in our diet if we want to combine good mood and a slim and healthy body.

The main beneficial properties of the “berry of life”

It is safe to say that grapes are one of the very first products to undergo domestication. The first mention of it is found in ancient Egyptian narratives. Back then, grapes were mainly used to make light wines that would make you feel better at dinner. It can also improve your mood when used wisely.

But at the same time, no one will refuse a grape branch that beckons you with its juicy view. And will you remember how many calories are contained in 100 grams of this berry?

But it’s not just the taste that makes this product so attractive. Let us remember that in ancient times grapes were called “the berry of life,” which is mainly due to its beneficial properties.

Scientists have proven that its use has a beneficial effect on the bone marrow, helping to improve the process of formation of blood cells. It can be considered a proven fact that it has a general strengthening effect on the body and also has a tonic effect. It will contain many useful elements: ascorbic acid, organic acids, and vitamin B. Drinking 1 glass of grape juice will allow a person to replenish the daily supply of potassium. It is also necessary to include in the diet this juice if your water metabolism is impaired.

“Berry of Life”, living up to its name, is very healthy and its calorie content per 100 grams does not pose a threat to the diet, since it contains vitamins P and C, which themselves contribute to rapid absorption.

Let's consider grapes, calorie content per 100 grams, depending on the variety.

Green (white) varieties

Winemakers also call green “berries of life” white. They are served both on the table and used to make wine. Varieties of green grapes can be classified as either table or technical.

The calorie content of green grapes is determined by which grape it belongs to. It may be noted that lowest calorie content The varieties intended for making wine are characterized. Green grapes, classified as technical varieties, have a calorie content per 100 grams of product in the range from 40 to 65 kilocalories.

Among the technical varieties we can highlight Riesling, Chardonnay, Rkatsiteli, Albarinye, Aligote, Muscat, Feteasca. The table shows how many calories are contained in the green or so-called white variety.

Calorie table for grapes depending on variety

If we consider the calorie content of the table variety of green grapes, it is worth noting that it is many times higher, since it contains a larger amount of sugar. If we take a variety called lady finger, then it contains about 70 kilocalories.

Well, let’s not ignore the most popular variety, Kishmish, which is so beloved by many. So, how many calories are in grape quiche? The calorie content of Kishmish grapes is about 95 kilocalories. But it should be remembered that quiche grapes contain many useful elements.

Red variety

Many people consider the red varieties of “berries of life” to be the most useful. They are often included in the diet for cardiovascular diseases, as well as for oncology. This variety is also an indispensable assistant for diseases respiratory tract. A large number of vitamins contained in the red variety help maintain the body's immune system.

The table shows red grapes and the calorie content of its main varieties.

That is, the calorie content of red varieties of the “berry of life” is about 63-75 kilocalories. The Lydia variety can be considered the most high-calorie.

Black variety

The fruits of the black “berry of life” are best suited for making wine. It is black grapes that best promote recovery of cardio-vascular system, And his regular use will help maintain normal levels blood pressure, and will also bring your cholesterol levels closer to normal.

Black grapes contain almost the same amount of calories as red ones, that is, 60-75. But often nutritionists are in no hurry to recommend it in diets, since even black grape varieties contain a small amount of calories, they still cause increased appetite. And if you decide to treat yourself to these berries while on a diet, you need to stock up on a lot of patience.

Many people believe that eating varieties with seeds is dangerous to health. And they prefer to eat the black sultana variety, but it is worth remembering that, like the white one, its calorie content is quite high and amounts to 95 kilocalories.

Blue grapes are somewhere on the level of black grapes in terms of caloric content.


No matter how useful this berry is, you should not overuse it, as a large amount can lead to indigestion or bloating. It is best to use grapes for small snacks. Also, do not forget that it stimulates appetite.

Since the “berry of life” consists of 20% sugar, which is very quickly absorbed, it should not be eaten if you have diabetic diseases, stomach ulcers, or obesity.

There is also a negative effect on tooth enamel. So contraindications to eating grapes are caries, stomatitis, and open ulcers. oral cavity.

Video about the calorie content of grapes

Grapes are high-calorie berries due to their high content of natural sugars. So how many calories are in black grapes - on average 70 kcal. Only hawthorn (52 kcal) or chokeberry(52 kcal). But the taste and benefits of grapes become undeniable advantages for full inclusion in the diet. If you correctly calculate the energy value, depending on the variety and color, you can add it to the menu.

Per 100 grams of black grapes there are from 65 to 75 kcal (271 kJ). This is about 3-4% of the daily requirement of 2000 kcal. Its calorie content is lower than that of light varieties, but there are more benefits.

BZHU table dark varieties grapes

The black variety stores better than the light variety. It has a thicker skin and stays fresh longer. High performance energy value lead to its exclusion from the weight loss menu. But with proper diet planning, it is permissible to eat one or two small bunches. The main thing is to stop in time and remember that this berry has a high glycemic index. This means that sugar will quickly be absorbed and cause a new attack of irrepressible hunger. The GI index for dark varieties ranges from 44 to 52 units. And for light ones it is even higher, reaching 58.

It is significant that products based on grapes have been developed that lead to weight loss. There is even a known mono-diet, where in addition to berries, only clean water is allowed in the diet.

Amount of calories in black dried grapes

main feature dark varieties, and sultanas in particular, contain polyphenols - natural antioxidants. These compounds are characterized by a number of useful and healing properties:

  • prevent the formation of cancer cells;
  • improve metabolism;
  • produce a rejuvenating effect at the cellular level;
  • repair damaged DNA sections.

The natural flavanol quercetin is found in the skin of black grapes and prevents the formation of blood clots and is characterized by anti-edematous and antispasmodic effects.

What substances are contained in grapes?

Grapes are a useful and valuable berry, regardless of color. But in terms of comparability of benefits, it is better to choose black varieties. They contain:

  • sucrose;
  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • vitamins A, K, PP, E, C and group B;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin.

The peel of grape berries is also valuable. It contains flavonoids, resveratrol, phenolic acids. There is a light coating on the bunches - yeast, which causes natural fermentation necessary for making wine.

Varieties with seeds cannot be discounted. They contain significant flavonoids and proanthocyanidins, the antioxidant properties of which are 20 times stronger than those of vitamin C and 50 times higher than those of vitamin E. Widely used grape seeds in cosmetology and medicine.

For what diseases is it important to remember black grapes?

It is unlikely that it will be possible to cure serious grape diseases, but it is possible to help alleviate the symptoms. Eating black berries is beneficial for diseases of the following systems and organs:

  1. Respiratory organs. For diseases: bronchial asthma, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, laryngitis and even tuberculosis.
  2. Of cardio-vascular system.
  3. Organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

On a note!

Except medicinal properties grapes improve mood, improve the functioning of the immune system and hormonal background. Eating berries causes the production of happiness hormones - endorphins.

Calorie content of foods and dishes made from grapes

There are many recipes with grapes. These are baked goods, desserts, drinks. When calculating the calorie content of a dish, take into account mass fraction each ingredient. The amount of sugar especially affects .

In preparation culinary dishes It is worth considering that grapes can hardly be called dietary. But its taste cannot be replaced with anything else.

The importance of including berries and fruits in the daily diet is undeniable. IN fresh grapes are healthier in the usual seasons: summer and autumn. Local seasonal berries are different good characteristics, they have a balanced composition. To improve them appearance and security is not used chemical substances. It is genetically determined that the berries of the region will have a beneficial effect on health than consuming imported delicacies.

To ensure a truly complete and balanced diet, you should include fruits and berries in your diet. Only some of them recommend eating without restrictions, while others recommend eating with caution. So many people eat grapes very infrequently. The calorie content per 100 grams of this berry is small. However, it is believed to promote weight gain. But is this really so? Maybe you should eat it more often?

Beneficial features

Grapes are one of the oldest berries cultivated by man. It is mentioned in ancient Egyptian texts. Since that time, its properties have been known, the main one of which is the possibility of producing light wines. A glass of this drink with lunch improves your overall well-being and mood. However, we must remember that everything is good in moderation.

However, grapes (nobody cares about the calorie content per 100 grams) are eaten with pleasure straight from the grape. It has been proven that it improves hematopoiesis by affecting the bone marrow. In addition, the berries have a tonic and general strengthening effect. Grapes contain a lot of ascorbic acid, fiber, organic acids and vitamin B. Glass grape juice contains the daily requirement of potassium. Therefore, it can be recommended for water metabolism disorders.

But this is not all that grapes are so useful for, the caloric content of which per 100 grams is not so high. Thus, it contains vitamins C and P, which promote the absorption of each other. Grapes are recommended for consumption when bronchial asthma, cardiovascular diseases and acute respiratory diseases. In addition, it is rich in antioxidants, the benefits of which have already been proven by scientists.

Is there any harm?

However, grapes should not be overused. The fact is that it does not combine well with other foods and can even cause indigestion and bloating. It is recommended to eat it as a separate meal as a snack. The calorie content of green, red and other grape varieties allows you to do this without harm to your waist. The only negative is that it causes appetite. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the amount you eat at lunch.

It is also very important to remember that 100 grams of grapes contain up to 20 grams of easily digestible sugar. Therefore, it is not recommended for food for diabetes, obesity and peptic ulcer. In addition, the juice released from the berries in the oral cavity negatively affects tooth enamel. As a result, it should not be used if you have stomatitis, caries or open ulcers in the mouth. Otherwise, you shouldn’t exclude grapes from your diet.

Calorie content per 100 grams different varieties

But even knowing about all the beneficial properties of this berry, it is very important for many diets to also know the number of calories eaten. Their number primarily depends on the selected variety. So everyone’s favorite calorie content is from 70 to 80 kcal. The smallest number of calories in white grapes is only 43. This is what is recommended to eat during a diet.

But the popular variety “Kishmish” has one of the highest calorie contents - as much as 95 kilocalories per 100 grams. The remaining varieties have average performance. Thus, the calorie content of green grapes is 69, black - 73 and red - 64 kcal. The general rule for all varieties is that sour varieties have more low calorie content than sweet ones. However, in general, compared to other sweets, grapes have one of the most low indicators.

or juice - which is better?

Unfortunately, there is no consensus on whether it is worth eating, for example, Isabella grapes (high in calories and high in sugar) while on a diet. Many doctors recommend replacing it with freshly squeezed juice, which contains all the benefits of natural berries. However, it should be remembered that it irritates the gastric mucosa and contains a small amount of alcohol. Dried grapes or raisins are even more controversial, as their calorie content is more than 270 kcal. This dried fruit cannot be called dietary. Obviously, if you eat grapes separately from other foods and in small portions, he will bring more benefit than harm.

Grapes are not only the most favorite treat children and adults, but also great alternative modern medicines. The vitamins contained in them are excellent tonics and pain relievers.

The calorie content of black grapes does not exceed the energy value of light varieties. However, dark berries contain more vitamins and minerals. Today we will look at beneficial features and calorie content of black grapes.

What is the energy value of black grapes?

No popular diet involves eating grapes. Let's figure out why, because the berries themselves do not add extra weight. Black grapes, whose calorie content is low compared to other sweet foods, are not recommended to be eaten while losing weight. It ranges from 65 to 75 kcal per 100 grams of berries, depending on the variety. Everything is simple here: the sweeter it is, the higher the calorie content.

Why, then, during a diet is it better to refrain from eating such food? useful product, which can easily replace sweets and chocolate? This is because it causes a strong appetite in a person. But if your willpower can handle it, then the threat excess weight you are not afraid. 100 grams of product contain 16.8 grams. carbohydrates, 0.6 g. proteins and only 0.2 g. fat

What substances are contained in grapes?

80% water and 20% nutrients: glucose, B vitamins, trace elements and enzymes, organic acids, pectin contains grapes. Calorie content and beneficial properties do not depend on each other. Both green and black grapes contain equal amounts of vitamins.

Grapes are an indispensable source potassium, it also improves the function of hematopoietic organs and the work bone marrow. Drinking a glass of grape juice saturates your body daily norm vitamins of group B. This drink becomes irreplaceable in winter, and all because it contains great amount vitamins C and R.

For what diseases is it important to remember black grapes?

The beneficial properties of black grapes have not yet been fully studied, but today it is known that it can help with many serious diseases. Grapes will not cure you completely, but they will relieve symptoms and can prevent diseases such as:

This small black berry can resist even such serious diseases as tuberculosis. This is because it has an expectorant effect. Therefore, the beneficial properties of grapes are used for bronchitis, laryngitis and pulmonary failure. The peel contains pectin, fiber and This complex improves the functioning of the hematopoiesis and gastrointestinal tract.

What are the benefits of black grapes?

Black grapes, whose calorie content is approximately 72 kcal, ideally contain a balance minerals and chemical compounds. The vitamins and microelements contained in this small sweet and sour berry take part in all important life processes.

Black grapes have unique benefit And unique taste. Not many people know that it is rich in vitamins such as A, B, C, E, K, PP. It contains a sufficient amount of iron and manganese, phosphorus and zinc, sodium and calcium, selenium and choline. Black grapes of any variety have a powerful antioxidant effect, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on overall health. One berry can have a beneficial effect on your body and even lift your spirits.

The environment and ecology have a detrimental effect on the body of an adult, and even more so on a child’s body.

Nutritionists, specialists in the field healthy eating and doctors strongly recommend including these berries in your daily diet for preventive purposes. They claim that it is black grapes, whose calorie content is low, that is rich in vitamins and elements that also help prevent imbalances that occur in hormonal and immune system person. To this effect we can add the fact that the miraculous properties of grapes can prevent, and even cure, depression or relieve nervous stress.

Anyone who eats a handful of black grapes or any derivatives from them: juice, less often - raisins - after a short period of time notices an improvement in well-being and a strengthening of the immune system, which leads to an overall improvement in health.

Research also shows that people who regularly eat black grapes are less likely to experience cardiovascular problems than those for whom this product is an unwelcome guest on the table.

Calorie content of other products made from grapes

Grapes - no matter whether green or black, with or without seeds - play an important role in the life processes of the body. This has been repeatedly proven by scientists and nutritionists.

Let us remind you that black grapes have a calorie content of 72 kcal per 100 grams. Despite this, it is quite nutritious because it contains a high percentage of carbohydrates. or raisins, has a higher calorie content - 281 kcal. People who suffer from overweight, you need to be careful with the dosage of raisins. It is better for them to give preference to a glass of grape juice, because it contains 100 grams. contains only 54 kcal.

What are the characteristics of black sultana grapes?

There are a lot of grape varieties, but often everyone prefers exclusively seedless grapes. The most popular variety is sultana, it also comes in black and green. Black raisin grapes, whose calorie content is slightly higher than other varieties, retain all the beneficial properties and microelements.

The chemical composition of raisin grapes is different high content sugar and also highest calorie content. Because of this, as well as the lack of seeds, this grape variety is used to make raisins and juice.

The skin of black grapes contains a large amount of bioflavonoids, pectin and potassium, which is why it has its color. Therefore, you definitely need to eat the grape skins too. Let us summarize the main results of what has been said in the table.

Black grapes: calorie content, protein, fat, carbohydrate content

Black grapes are not only healthy and tasty, they also have healing properties and during the ripening season it is inexpensive for consumers. Do not neglect this miraculous berry, and your body will always be healthy and your mood cheerful.