How many calories are in apricots (fresh) and dried apricots, what are the health benefits of these fruits.

The question of how many calories are in an apricot is primarily of interest to those who want to monitor their diet and figure. From this article, you will not only learn about the energy value of apricot, but also how you can use this product for weight loss.

Calorie content of apricot kernels

For a long time, there was a widespread myth that apricot kernels are dangerous because they contain toxic substances. However, there are so few of them that you need to eat too many seeds to get poisoned or in any way harm your health.

The apricot kernel is similar to a nut, and most closely resembles an almond. But its calorie content is lower than that of ordinary nuts - 440 units (for comparison, in the same almonds - 645 kcal). However, it is still difficult to call this product dietary, and due to high calorie content It should be consumed in limited quantities.

Calorie content of apricot per 100 grams

Fresh apricots are quite tasty lightweight product, despite the abundance of natural sugars, which give it an amazing taste. This is achieved due to the fact that all substances in it are in dissolved form, since apricot is a rather watery fruit.

The calorie content of apricots per 100 g is 41 units. In this case, approximately 10 g are carbohydrates, which are mainly represented fruit sugars, 0.9 g – proteins, and 0.1 g – fats.

How many calories are in 1 apricot?

Most apricots are of a “standard” size, which is not the case with apples, for example. Each apricot, according to experts, weighs about 26 grams. By simple calculations, you can calculate that one such fruit contains about 10 calories. Don't forget - almost 3 g of each fruit are represented, which means they pose some danger to diabetics.

How many calories are in dried apricot?

Dried apricot is a favorite delicacy for many, better known as “dried apricot”. Due to the fact that there is no moisture in it, all substances are in concentrated form, and the calorie content is no longer 41, but 215 units.

Dried apricots are an even sweeter and more carbohydrate-laden product than apricots, so you should be very careful when including them in a weight loss diet. If you can ever afford this delicacy, it is only in the first half of the day.

How to lose weight with apricots?

Thanks to fruits you can significantly reduce total calories your diet, if, of course, you use them correctly. We bring to your attention the basic principles by which an apricot diet should be formulated:

To summarize, it is worth noting that for breakfast it is best to eat porridge or an egg dish, for lunch - light soup, and for dinner - a portion of meat with vegetables. In between these meals, you can allow yourself 1-2 snacks and maximum amount water.

Apricots are saturated with vitamins A, B1, B5, B6, B9, C, PP, E, beta carotene, minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, silicon, phosphorus, iron, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, chromium, fluorine, zinc.

The calorie content of 1 medium-sized apricot is 17.6 kcal. In one fruit:

  • 0.36 g protein;
  • 0.04 g fat;
  • 3.6 g carbohydrates.

The daily intake of apricots is considered to be 4 to 6 fruits. This is approximately 160 - 240 g of fruit.

Calorie content of dried apricots per 100 grams

Calorie content of dried apricots per 100 grams is 231 kcal. In a 100 gram serving of dried fruit:

  • 5.3 g protein;
  • 0.3 g fat;
  • 52 g carbohydrates.

Dried apricots are enriched with vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP, E, beta carotene, calcium, potassium, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, sodium, iron. During the day it is recommended to eat 3 - 5 pieces. dried fruit

Calorie content of canned apricots per 100 grams

Calorie content canned apricots per 100 grams 83 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 0.5 g protein;
  • 21.4 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.08 g fat.

The composition of canned apricots is water, sugar, apricots. You should avoid eating such fruits due to the relatively high sugar content in case of excess weight, exacerbations of diseases of the stomach, intestines, and pancreas.

Calorie content of apricot jam per 100 grams

Calorie content of apricot jam per 100 grams 189 kcal ( we're talking about about the purchased product). In 100 g of sweets:

  • 0.5 g protein;
  • 45 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.3 g fat.

As part of the store apricot jam sugar, apricots, fructose or glucose syrup, lemon acid and pectin. In this form, fruits lose most of their beneficial properties. Nutritionists advise eating fresh apricots whenever possible.

Calorie content of apricot compote per 100 grams

The calorie content of apricot compote per 100 grams is 48 kcal. In 100 g of drink:

  • 0.2 g protein;
  • 0 g fat;
  • 12.8 g carbohydrates.

To prepare compote you need:

  • wash 350 g of apricots, pour the fruit into a saucepan, add water, boil;
  • boiled apricots are peeled, cut into halves, and the seeds are removed;
  • Put the pits back into the apricot water, add 0.15 kg of sugar, and boil the resulting sugar syrup another 7 minutes;
  • remove the seeds from the syrup, add back the apricots and 1 g of citric acid;
  • cook the compote until tender for 7 minutes.

The benefits of apricots

TO beneficial properties apricots include:

  • fresh and dried fruits help make the skin more elastic and firm;
  • the benefits of fruit for the beauty and health of hair have been proven;
  • apricots are rich in fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • due to its mild laxative effect, fruits are indicated for constipation;
  • at regular use Eating apricots improves the acidity of gastric juice;
  • Apricots contain a lot of potassium, which ensures normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • fruit B vitamins are useful for the prevention of neuroses, depression, hypertension, VSD;
  • Apricots contain iodine, which is necessary for the prevention of thyroid diseases;
  • the product reduces the level of bad cholesterol, cleanses the body of toxins and waste, and improves hematopoiesis.

Harm of apricots

Apricots are contraindicated for diabetes mellitus: such a product can contain up to 80% different sugars. Apricots eaten before the main meal can cause heaviness in the stomach and slow down the process of food digestion.

The amount of product consumed decreases with pancreatitis, intestinal and stomach ulcers, as well as with gastritis. If you overeat fruits, diarrhea, pressure surges and other symptoms of intoxication are possible.

Apricots cause food allergies in some people. Individual intolerance to the product manifests itself in the form of skin rash, vomiting, nausea, and problems with stool.

It is known from history that the apricot was first found in China, where its wild varieties are still found. If you translate the name, you get “Armenian apple”. This proves that apricot grows mainly in the Caucasus, where it was brought, and from where it became known and became widespread. IN modern world Apricots grow in countries with temperate and warm climates.

A wide variety of varieties of this tasty and healthy fruit differs in different forms, color, size, aroma. In addition, apricots differ in the amount of sugar they contain. Apricot can be eaten fresh, it can be dried, dried and processed into jams, preserves, and juice.

Apricots, dried apricots, whispered

They learned to harvest apricot fruits back in Persia. Then the apricots were dried. Currently, this harvesting method is also widespread. Only now dried apricots are distinguished by the degree of dryness, by the presence or absence of seeds.

The most dried and small apricots are called apricots if they still have the pit. If the apricots are slightly dried out and large, then they are called sear, and it does not matter whether they have a seed or not. The most common apricot preparation is dried apricots. Dried apricots are usually called berries that are halved, pitted and slightly dried.

How is apricot useful?

It is used to treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels. This healing effect is achieved due to the high content of vitamins B and C in apricots; in addition, it contains citric, salicylic, tartaric and malic acids, a high content of potassium, iron, and insulin. By affecting the human body, apricots improve hematopoiesis. The presence of beta-carotene in fruits helps restore vision and significantly improves skin.

There are studies that have proven that apricots inhibit the development of tumors. The presence of magnesium and phosphorus helps with brain function and improves concentration during mental stress. Iron and potassium help fight anemia, so even pregnant women are recommended to eat apricots.

Fresh fruit pulp can relieve itching and inflammation. Apricot juice has even been used in cosmetic procedures. Apricot pulp as a mask removes fine wrinkles and protects the skin from dryness.

How many calories are in apricots?

Calorie content per 100 grams is only 45 kcal, and in dried fruits this figure is much higher. The calorie content of dried apricots or apricots significantly exceeds the calorie content of fresh apricots and is about 230 kcal per 100 g. If you calculate the calorie content of one dried apricot piece, you can assume that it will be about 30 kcal, which is almost equal to 100 g of fresh berries.

However, it should be noted that high content sugar in apricots can harm patients diabetes mellitus and overweight people. For inclusion in various types of diets, apricot is suitable only in fresh. Energy value– the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates - distributed as follows: proteins/fats/carbohydrates - 0.8 g/0.1 g/9 g.

In the modern world, the use of apricot kernels, which often replace almonds, has become widespread. The calorie content of apricot kernels is much higher than the calorie content of the fruit itself and amounts to 519 calories. But be careful: apricot kernels contain the toxic substance amygdalin and therefore you can eat no more than 15 of them per day.

Apricots can be classified as tasty and very healthy foods rich in nutrients.

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Apricots rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A - 29.7%, beta-carotene - 32%, vitamin C - 11.1%, potassium - 12.2%, silicon - 16.7%, cobalt - 20%, manganese - 11%, copper - 14%

What are the benefits of Apricots?

  • Vitamin A responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • B-carotene is provitamin A and has antioxidant properties. 6 mcg of beta carotene is equivalent to 1 mcg of vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C participates in redox reactions, functioning immune system, promotes iron absorption. Deficiency leads to loose and bleeding gums, nosebleeds due to increased permeability and fragility of blood capillaries.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating pressure.
  • Silicon is included as a structural component in glycosaminoglycans and stimulates collagen synthesis.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Manganese participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by slower growth, disturbances in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, and disturbances in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in iron metabolism, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing oxygen to the tissues of the human body. Deficiency is manifested by disturbances in the formation of cardio-vascular system and skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
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Apricots have been cultivated by humans for more than 6 thousand years. Translated from Latin, the name of the fruit means “Armenian apple”. Indeed, plantations were one of the first to appear in Armenia apricot trees. But, at approximately the same time, apricots began to be grown in China and India.

The calorie content of apricots is low, and the content useful substances quite high. At the same time, the fruit has pleasant aroma, refined taste. Therefore, even in ancient times, apricot was served as a dessert, and was also used to activate digestion, treat kidney diseases, heart ailments, anemia, and strengthen the immune system.

It has now been proven that regularly including a reasonable amount of apricots in the diet, which contain very few calories, helps prevent cancer of the stomach, lungs, esophagus, throat, and bladder. It is considered sufficient if you eat 6-8 pieces of fresh or dried fruits daily.

How many calories are in apricot

Calorie content apricot pulp is, depending on the variety, from 41 to 48 kcal per 100 g. Approximately 86% of the mass of apricot pulp is water. The share of carbohydrates accounts for 9-11%. The fat content is negligible: no more than 0.1%. Proteins make up about 1%. Dietary fiber There is quite a lot in apricot. They constitute, on average, 2.1% of the total mass of the fruit pulp. The low calorie content of apricots is partly due to their significant fiber content..

The weight of an average apricot is 26-28 g. One fresh apricot contains no more than 11-12 calories. The calorie content of dried apricots, of course, is higher. After all, when dried, they lose a significant part of their mass - due to water, which does not contain calories. Consequently, the concentration of nutrients and beneficial substances in dried apricots is higher.

For the first time, the preparation of apricots for future use, by drying and drying, began in ancient Persia. In those days trade dried apricots was one of the main incomes of the treasury.

Today, dried fruits made from apricots are usually distinguished by the presence or absence of a pit, as well as by the degree of dryness.

The smallest apricots with a pit, containing a minimum of moisture, are called apricots. This is the cheapest type of dried fruit. It is usually used only for making compotes.

Only slightly dried, large, selected fruits are called sheptala. The sear can be either with or without a bone. The calorie content of apricots prepared in this way is the lowest among dried fruits.

Dried apricots cut in half with the pit removed are called dried apricots. To improve preservation, dried apricots are treated with sulfur dioxide.

Kaisa is prepared according to the same principle as dried apricots, but the apricot is not cut into halves, but dried as a whole, but with the pit squeezed out.

The calorie content of dried apricots (dried apricots or kaisa) is approximately 240 kcal per 100 g of product. How many calories are in a dried apricot, if you mean one fruit? Kaisa weighs approximately 18 g and contains about 30 kcal.

Apricot diets

Since apricot contains few calories, useful vitamins and there are enough minerals, then it can rightfully be classified as a dietary product.

Even several variants of apricot fasting diets have been developed, which in a relatively short period allow you to lose a significant amount of extra pounds.

The first version of a diet based on low-calorie apricots.

It is designed for 3 days. In each of three days the same food is provided. The entire daily diet consists of puree made from 500 g pulp fresh apricots and 300 g dried apricots. Calorie content apricot puree will be less than 1000 kcal. It is recommended to eat the resulting puree during the day in 4-6 doses. You are allowed to drink unsweetened drinks between meals. green tea, regular filtered or still mineral water no limits.

The low calorie content of apricots allows you to lose 2-4 kilograms in 3 days excess weight . During the dieting process, effective cleansing not only the intestines, but the whole body. You can follow such a diet once a month, during the season when ripe apricots are abundant.

The second option for the apricot diet.

This diet is designed for 5 days. Apricots are one of the most important, but far from the only components.

First day.

Breakfast – a cup of unsweetened coffee, 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 200-300 g of fresh apricots. Second breakfast - a slice of dried bran bread with a piece of cheese, tea without sugar. Dinner - vegetable puree soup, salad from fresh vegetables with lemon juice and olive oil, 200 g apricots. Afternoon snack – freshly squeezed juice from any fruit, 200 g of apricots. Dinner – 100 g low-fat natural yogurt, fruit salad.

Second day.

Breakfast – 200 g fresh apricots, 100 g boiled rice without salt and oil. The calorie content of apricots is low, and the volume of food eaten is significant, so the feeling of fullness is ensured for a long time. Second breakfast – Tea or coffee without sugar, a slice of bread with cheese. Lunch – cucumber and celery salad with green onions, 200 ml vegetable broth, 100 g steamed or grilled fish, unsweetened tea. Afternoon snack – 150-200 g of fresh apricots. Dinner - baked zucchini– about 200 g, 150-200 g of fresh apricots, freshly squeezed vegetable juice.

The third day.

Breakfast – hard-boiled egg, unsweetened tea, 200 g of fresh apricots. Second breakfast – half a glass of low-fat natural yogurt. Lunch – 150-200 g of fresh apricots, liquid puree soup from vegetables, 150-200 g white boiled chicken meat. Afternoon snack – 150-200 g of apricots. The calorie content of apricots is quite low, so the portion can be increased to 300 g. Dinner - low-fat kefir, fruit salad.

Fourth day.

Breakfast – slice rye bread, a salad of apricots and other fruits approximately equal in calorie content to an apricot, such as peach, orange, pineapple. Second breakfast – unsweetened tea, toast with cheese. Dinner - boiled fish, vegetable broth(200 ml), fresh vegetable salad. Afternoon snack – 200 g of fresh apricots. Dinner – 150-200 g fresh apricots, boiled cauliflower or broccoli, unsweetened freshly squeezed juice.

Fifth day.

Breakfast – tea, 150 g boiled rice with prunes. Second breakfast - a slice of grain bread with ham (low-fat). Lunch – broth made from skinless chicken, a portion of steamed vegetables. Afternoon snack – 200 g of apricots. Dinner - salad fresh cucumber with celery, dill and parsley, 150-200 g of apricots.

The five-day diet allows you not to suffer from hunger and remain fully functional. But due to the fact that the calorie content of apricots and other products included in the diet is quite low, in 5 days of the diet you can easily get rid of 2-4 kilograms.