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Decorating the interior and creating something with your own hands is not at all difficult if you have clear and detailed instructions, a little free time and the necessary materials at hand. We offer you an original decorating idea.

The uniqueness of such a pillow will lie in the material used for its manufacture; we will create a cover for. For the project to be a success, you must first decide in what color scheme the decorative pillowcase will be made and, accordingly, pre-select a set of ribbons. The interior in which the pillow will be located will help you navigate color decisions.

To create we will need the following materials and tools:

  • satin ribbons of different colors (same length, different widths from 1 to 4 cm),
  • set of pins,
  • a piece of cotton fabric for the lining,
  • fabric for the back of the pillow,
  • threads in the main color of the product,
  • scissors,
  • sewing machine.

Choose a flat horizontal surface, preferably with a cork or foam rubber coating, into which it is easy to stick needles, and at the same time quite rigid so that it is convenient to work. Lay out and secure with needles in the corners a piece of fabric the size of the future pillowcase; it will act as a lining.

The next step to create: iron the ribbons, preferably through fabric or at a very low temperature. The field of which is laid out in the order of the colors, or randomly. The ribbons must be the same size in length. We secure each ribbon at the top with a pin, leaving the bottom edge free.

The next stage in creation is the most creative. You need to pick up and thread the horizontal ribbons. It’s interesting to select combinations and immediately see the result - whether the shade suits you or not. We secure each ribbon at both ends with a pin. First the left edge, and after finishing the weaving, the right one.

Continue “weaving” until the desired length, then secure all free edges with pins and trim off any excess. Before the crucial moment of sewing the ribbons together on a sewing machine, it is recommended to baste them to the lining fabric with wide stitches. In this case, working on the machine will be easier, and you won’t have to adjust the “cage”.

Sew our satin ribbon pillow. We attach the ribbons to the lining, and sew the back part of the pillowcase from two rectangles overlapping each other.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

I present to you my new patchwork ribbon pillow.

I have already talked about my weakness for decorative pillows, now I decided to change the cozy knitted pillows to new light summer ones. I always pay attention to different ideas for beautiful pillows; if I had time, I think I would do everything. And as often happens, one idea inspired me so much that I decided to implement it immediately, without delay.

I saw beautiful bright pillows in the online store

But these were made from strips of bright, richly colored cotton fabric (pictured above left). I didn’t immediately understand how they were sewn. I decided to do it my own way - after all, you can also sew pillows from ribbons with your own hands.

Materials for ribbon pillows

I bought 1.5 meters of satin ribbons 5 centimeters wide in pink, yellow, light green, crimson and purple.

For the cover, I used a piece of pink fabric, from which the curtains were made.

I also needed a small piece of white.

In addition, you need a needle, pins, threads of different colors, scissors, a sewing machine and holofiber to fill the pillow.

How to sew a pillow cover from ribbons: master class

We cut out two squares, mine are 45x45 centimeters.

We will sew ribbons onto one of them.

First, we place a piece of white color in the middle of the square and pin it together.

To make the middle hexagonal, I used a template from a quilt bedspread.

We apply a yellow ribbon to one side of the template, pin it, mark a line of stitching that should be 1.5 cm larger than the side of the hexagon on both sides, and sew it along the edge using a machine. Cut the tape.

We apply a crimson ribbon to the other side of the template so that it covers the yellow one, chop it off, mark it, attach it, cut it.

Then we attach the second row of ribbons, placing them around the first row, then the third and fourth row. The main difficulty for me was the frequent change of threads!

Thus, the upper part of the pillow cover was made from ribbons.

I sew very rarely and usually baste parts. But in patchwork it is better to use pins. At first it was unusual for me, but then it started to work out great, so I pinned the second part of the cover with the first pins, putting them facing each other, and stitched along the edge on three sides and on the fourth from the edges to the middle.

A small hole in the middle is enough to stuff a pillow with holofiber through it. In this case, stitched corners turn out better.

We cut off all the corners a little and turn the case right side out.

Before filling the pillow with holofiber, take it out of the bag and lay it out on some surface. The material immediately acquires volume, it seems to be larger than in the bag.

We stuff the pillow, distributing the holofiber evenly. We sew the hole on the cover along the edge by 0.2 cm.

How to sew a pillow with your own hands? Every needlewoman thought about this. A pillow is needed not only for sleeping; with its help you can make your apartment design complete and original.

Having seen enough photos of homemade pillows on the Internet, you might think that sewing requires experience and talent. But having understood the process of creating a pillow, it turns out that it is not at all difficult.

Let's figure out how to make a pillow with your own hands?

The most important thing to know before you start

Before you start sewing a decorative pillow with your own hands, you need to decide exactly how it will look. But more important than this is choosing the fabric and filling.

If you want to make a multi-functional pillow, it is important to choose a fabric that can be easily cleaned. The filler should not fall into dense lumps for as long as possible, losing its elasticity.

Materials. Textile

To make a durable, practical and beautiful pillow, you need to choose the right fabric.

Firstly, it should not become highly electrified and attract any dust; it can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Secondly, the material must prevent dust from entering the packing. Suitable fabrics:

  • Atlas
  • Crepe satin
  • Furniture upholstery fabrics
  • Bike
  • Linen fabrics

You can use other fabrics besides propylene matting. It is slippery, rough and hard, so it is not suitable for a soft pillow.


A pillow can be stuffed with many materials. It can be cotton wool, bird down or feathers, foam rubber, padding polyester, holofiber and many others.

Let's look at each filler:

Cotton wool and synthetic padding fall into clumps at great speed. At the same time, it is almost impossible to fill the product evenly with cotton.

Feathers and down are not suitable not only because of difficult availability, but also because of insufficient elasticity. No one will fluff a decorative pillow like a bedroom pillow, so as not to spoil the beautiful finish.

Holofiber is easily available and comes in two forms: sheets and in the form of fluffy granules. Sheet is more expensive, it can be replaced with cheaper foam rubber. Holofiber is well suited for a pillow. It serves for about 10 years without slipping.

Another filler option is round silicone granules. They are best for baby pillows because they are hypoallergenic and can be easily poured out, rinsed, dried and put back in through a small hole.

Decoration. Colors

The easiest way to decorate the interior is to do it with pillows of different colors. Of course, they should match the color scheme of the interior items: furniture, curtains or even walls.

It is sometimes a difficult task to achieve a combination - but a very popular one. From pillows of different colors you can create an ensemble that will highlight all the advantages of the interior.

The most interesting thing is that the idea of ​​multi-colored pillows is not only easy to implement, but also affordable.


Do not opt ​​only for plain fabrics; materials with patterns and ornaments will look advantageous.


Recently, printing on fabrics has become increasingly popular. Why not print on your pillow? This is an affordable option for decorating your product: printing prices are not very high, the design is durable and clear.

Using numerous computer programs, you can make a design in advance and even see how the ensemble will look in the interior.

Form and fragment

Pillows can be made in absolutely any shape. There are no restrictions in this, the main thing is to show your imagination. You can use the modular sewing technique. To do this, several simple parts are made, which are subsequently stitched in place into a complex product.

The downside of this method is that it is quite difficult to clean. It is necessary to either completely disassemble the product or use a furniture vacuum cleaner.


Patchwork or patchwork is also used. Most often, they take the key fragment and place it in the center. The fragments that match it are located along the periphery. Simple, but very effective!

Key element

The compact key element adds elegance to the decorative pillow. Such an element can be a button, tassels, bows and much more. There are no restrictions here either.

You can elevate a product made from modest fabric with the help of a key element. With its help, the finished product will look richer and more expensive, so you can use technical or furniture upholstery fabrics that are not brightly colored.

Knitting, embroidery, lace

Knitted sofa cushions are more difficult to make than simply sewn from fabric. You must be able to knit or crochet - this is a labor-intensive craft that requires care.

However, like embroidery. You can embroider any subject on the pillow using satin stitch, cross stitch or ribbons. Here, too, everything depends on your skill, imagination and perseverance.

You can also decorate the product with lace. Of course, it’s easier to buy ready-made lace in a store, but it will be much more expressive if you make the lace yourself.


Just imagine the faces of your guests when they see pillows made entirely by your own hands.

To make a pillow, you can use, for example, an old sweater. The effect will be the same as from a self-knitted cover. If desired, it can be decorated with various beads, buttons, and so on.

Embroidery on pillows

As mentioned earlier, you can decorate a pillow with any embroidered designs, but they cannot be done using any technique that you own.

Therefore, do not embroider with beads on the pillow. Why? It's simply unhygienic. It will be difficult to wash out all the dirt from under the beads, but what gets into the beads itself will remain there forever. And think about it: will it be comfortable to lie on such a pillow?

Cross stitch is best because it is the most durable. You can wash such a product without worrying about the threads coming out. You can use satin stitch, but when washed, the threads weaken and the design loses its attractiveness.

From old clothes

So, you can make a pillow out of old sweaters, but what else can I use? Whatever! Old T-shirts, sweaters, tank tops - everything that is lying around in your closet and is waiting in line for the landfill.

You can even use jeans. The product will not be so soft, but will look very original.


These pillows will fit perfectly into a child's room. They can simply stand on the bed or even a shelf, pleasing the eye and completing the design of the nursery. They can serve as toys or fulfill their intended purpose.

A figurine pillow can be of any shape, the main thing is that you and your children like it.

Funny letters

With the help of such pillows, your child will learn letters faster. Often letters or numbers are sewn for the holidays. Letters can also serve as toys too.

Sometimes it’s not very comfortable to sleep on them, but they look great in the interior.

To make large letters, it is better to use foam rubber and fill only the edges with holofiber. You can stuff any large pillows this way.


Every mother of a baby knows the problem: how to protect the child from blows while sleeping in a crib? The child has already been saved from falling out of the crib, but what to do with these hard sides that the child constantly hits in his sleep?

You can also sew a pillow for these purposes! Foam rubber is best suited for sides. It is dense and will not allow the child to feel the fence upon impact.

You can cover the foam rubber with any soft fabric to which the child will not be allergic. To keep the pillow side in place, you need to sew on fabric ties that will hold the pillow in the crib.

Any pillow, regardless of its shape, size and design, will fit perfectly into any interior.

Easy to make and not requiring special talent or skills, these products will transform a boring and dull apartment into an original and cozy place to relax.

Photos of DIY pillows