Chocolate factory how chocolate is made. How chocolate is made

One day, my little daughters heard on the radio that chocolate trees grow in hot tropical countries. Wow! They drew a funny picture: a huge garden with spreading trees - ripe chocolate bunnies hanging on one, large heavy slabs of dark chocolate hanging from another, chocolate with nuts ripening on the third...

Now the daughters have grown up and know that all these goodies are made in confectionery factories, and on chocolate trees it is not chocolates that grow, but cocoa beans - plant raw materials, from which they then obtain a delicious delicacy loved by adults and children all over the planet. The beans are collected and sold to all countries of the world where it is impossible to grow them. Including, of course, to Russia.

And to find out how cocoa beans turn into real chocolate, we decided to go to one of the oldest Russian “sweet” enterprises, which is now called Babaevskoye OJSC. Margarita Mikhailovna Kostyuk, a technologist at a confectionery factory, told us about this. And not only told, but also showed.

First, we went up to the workshop where cocoa beans are sorted using special equipment, sent by conveyor to the roasting department, then fried and cooled. I tried one of these fried nuts. Terribly tasteless and bitter. Until the taste of your favorite chocolate is not captured at all!

Cocoa nibs - dry and aromatic - move to the next installation: two massive disks with protruding “fingers” rotate at great speed in different directions, spinning grains of beans in their frantic dance. And - a miracle! -- at the exit from the installation, cocoa no longer pours out, but... flows. The grain has turned into a mushy flowing mass! It turns out that each bean contains more than half of the cocoa butter. By rubbing dry grains between the rotating fingers of the discs, the unit releases oil, which changes the consistency of the supplied mass. After all, liquid cocoa mass, as it is now called, is more convenient for pumping to the next workshop where chocolate masses are prepared.

The recipe for all chocolates without exception includes cocoa mass, cocoa butter and powdered sugar. The main thing is to mix them together in certain proportions.

This is where the computer comes to the rescue. The weight of each of the components is entered into it, and the computer begins to direct: serve cocoa mass! And now - butter! Powder! And the required component is supplied to the scales from the required container in the required quantity.
“I personally especially love our signature “Babaevsky” chocolate,” says Margarita Mikhailovna. -- Cognac and tea extract are also added to it, giving it a special flavor. But in “Children’s” they don’t put any additional components.

After the required weight of all ingredients is measured, the sluice valves are closed, and the mass is sent first to the mixer, and then to the conche machine for thorough kneading.
The mixed mass - it is almost chocolate, only liquid and hot - is pumped to the next workshop for casting, where large and small, with and without filling, bitter and sweet, figured and flat chocolates are produced on a slab machine. It turns out that cocoa beans travel a long way before they fall from the chocolate tree into our hands and melt in our mouths. But how beautiful it turns out! And delicious!
Before entering the factory, I, inhaling the bitter aroma and swallowing my saliva, dreamed of trying all the varieties and appreciating the taste at every stage of preparation. But, as you now understand, it’s not really possible to taste while working: there are machines, machines around, everything is spinning and spinning. And as the pleasure was delayed, the appetite grew more and more. But when the long-awaited moment of taking the sample finally arrived, it turned out that chocolate was not food after all. Each variety is a unique, often exquisite delicacy that is not eaten but enjoyed.


Opening another chocolate bar, few of us think about the question: How is this chocolate made?

will give you a short tour and introduce you to the main processes chocolate production.

Everyone knows that Cocoa beans are the raw material for chocolate., which grow only in South and Central America, West Africa, Australia and some islands of Southeast Asia. Therefore, according to the place of origin, cocoa beans are divided into African, American and Asian.

After ripening, the beans are cut, the grains are removed from the fruit and peeled from the gelatinous shell that covers the entire grain.

The first stage begins, from which the entire process of preparing for the production of chocolate begins - fermentation, when the purified grains are placed in special wooden boxes with holes for air and stored for 8 days. As a result of this process, the specific chocolate aroma of the beans is enhanced. The beans are then dried, bagged and sent to chocolate factories.

Then cocoa beans are sorted by size, since the chemical composition differs greatly in grains of different sizes. Of course, the sorting process is not carried out manually, but using special machines.

The next step there is roasting sorted grains. At a temperature of 120-140 degrees, the grains are not only sterilized, but excess moisture is removed from them and the husk is easily separated.

After roasting the beans, saturated with chocolate taste and smell, are broken, crushed and crushed, resulting in a heterogeneous mass, into which sugar, flavorings and cocoa butter are added at this stage.

Then proceed to the next process - rolling. Using special mills, the resulting mass is mixed and becomes homogeneous.

Then it starts conching process, when the finished mass is intensively stirred for 3 days at a temperature of 50 - 80 degrees.

Then the chocolate mass is poured into heated molds, or stamps, and cool.

The final stage is the packaging of finished chocolate bars in foil and paper packaging.

At all stages chocolate production strictly monitor temperature and humidity. Otherwise, it will negatively affect the appearance, taste and shelf life of the finished product.

According to the technology described above produce all types of chocolate, with a slight deviation that depends on the variety and type of chocolate. For example, during production, another stage or process is added when milk powder is added to the chocolate mass.

Often many chocolate manufacturers omit the first stage - preparing cocoa powder and cocoa butter. Because this process requires special production facilities, it is therefore more profitable for smaller chocolate producers to buy ready-made ingredients.

Chocolate, like the cocoa tree, is native to Central and South America. For many centuries, chocolate was consumed as a drink - the Indians mixed ground and roasted cocoa beans with water, and then added red pepper (chili) to this mixture.

Some time ago, the Eliseevsky Confectionery House lifted the veil of secrecy about the production of chocolate products, candies and other sweets. The production turned out to be small, but interesting and smelling delicious. Let's see how chocolate is made.

Probably the dream of many is to go to a chocolate factory. It is easy to implement, judging by the fact that Eliseevsky conducts several excursions a day.

In the middle of the 16th century, the scientist-monk Benzoni presented a report to the King of Spain on the beneficial properties of liquid chocolate. The report was immediately classified, and chocolate was declared a state secret. Dozens of people were executed for violating it. For a long time, chocolate was only available to the very rich: production was complex and the ingredients were very expensive. And only at the end of the 19th century were confectioners able to produce almost modern chocolate. And the sharp reduction in the cost of cocoa and sugar that happened at the very beginning of the 20th century made chocolate accessible to everyone. Advertised as “the food of kings,” it began its triumphal march.

The following healing properties were attributed to chocolate: treatment of depression, improvement of well-being, and rapid healing of wounds. In some countries, chocolate was considered an aphrodisiac.

Main raw materials For the production of chocolate and cocoa powder, cocoa beans are the seeds of the cocoa tree growing in tropical regions of the globe.

In the process of technological processing, the main semi-finished products are obtained from cocoa beans: cocoa mass, cocoa butter and cocoa cake. Cocoa mass and cocoa butter with powdered sugar are used to make chocolate; Cocoa powder is obtained from cocoa cake.

The technology for making chocolate is kept secret, because... Each chocolate factory has its own recipe.

What chocolate is made from. They are brought from the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, by the way:

Depending on the composition, chocolate is divided into classic, bitter, milk and white. Ordinary or classic chocolate is chocolate containing cocoa products from 35 to 55-60%. But in dark chocolate the content of cocoa products exceeds 55%. Dark chocolate is considered the healthiest, since it contains the maximum amount of cocoa products.

As for white chocolate, it is a full-fledged representative of the chocolate empire, and it is white only because it does not contain cocoa powder and/or cocoa mass, and it contains no less cocoa butter than in regular dark chocolate.

There are also diabetic options. Also, chocolate products can have aromatic additives: (coffee, alcohol, cognac, vanillin, pepper); food additives: (raisins, nuts, waffles, candied fruits) or filling.

Handmade sweets production workshop:

Interesting facts about chocolate:

  • On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the Armenian confectionery factory Grand Candy set a world record by producing the largest chocolate bar weighing 4.41 tons, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The record chocolate bar was made within 4 days, its length is 5.6 m, width - 2.75 m, and height 25 cm. The previous similar record belonged to Italian confectioners, who made a bar weighing 3.58 tons.
  • In 1200-1000 BC, the people of Central America drank "chocolate beer", which was made from fermented cocoa fruits.
  • You can't buy a chocolate egg in the US. There is a law there that prohibits putting inedible items in food.
  • Marco Fanti (Italy) and his team took 23 hours to assemble a chocolate igloo weighing 3 tons from 330 chocolate bricks in Perugia (Italy) on October 17, 2006.
  • In the city of Pokrov, Vladimir region, there is the only monument to chocolate in the world. The monument seems to be created from a chocolate bar and represents the image of a fairy-tale Fairy with a chocolate bar in her hand. The monument was opened on July 1, 2009 and is located a few steps from the Pokrovsk Chocolate Museum. The opening of the monument took place as part of the 15th anniversary of the Kraft Foods company, which initiated the creation of this monument, in Russia.

They are called handmade sweets because a white chocolate pattern is applied by hand on the candy molds:

Then the molds are filled with classic chocolate:

The resulting figures are:

Santa Clauses:

Then they are packaged:

These candies are also made by hand:

And this is how branded “mushrooms” are made. First fill the mold with chocolate:

And here are those same mushrooms! They are very tasty. An entire floor has been allocated for the production of such mushrooms, and everything there is already automated:

A vat of dark chocolate:

And here is the white chocolate:

We were given the opportunity to decorate the chocolate figures ourselves:

We are going to other workshops. Chocolate caviar:

In these round copper vats they make dragees:

The vat is spinning, chocolate is added to the dragee:

Sweets with nuts, prunes and dried apricots, which will be covered with chocolate a little later:

Now they are covered with chocolate, turning them into candies:

The final result that will be packaged is:

"Local Raffaello" These candies differ from the real Raffaello in shape and name:

Chocolate is also made to order. These are oil drop candies for an oil company:

Chocolate iPad:

Would you like to work there?

It is difficult to find a person who would be indifferent to chocolate - it is both a wonderful treat and a product that promotes the production of endorphins, which can improve mood. The technology for making chocolate at the best confectionery factories is constantly being improved, and using various ingredients, bars of the required color and taste are obtained.

The process of making real chocolate

How is chocolate made at the factory, and what ingredients are needed to make this amazing delicacy? According to the correct chocolate production technology, the seeds of the evergreen cocoa tree, which originates from the subequatorial regions of America, are used. The plant, whose scientific name is Theobroma cacao, belongs to the Sterculaceae family and is widely distributed in the tropics.

Today, cocoa, called chocolate tree in our country, is grown on other continents. But in the wild it can be found on the coast of Mexico, in Central and South America. The height of the tree depends on the place of growth and ranges from 10 to 20 meters. When cultivated, the height is regulated by pruning, and it rarely reaches 7 meters. Cocoa leaves are thin, oblong-elliptical, up to 30 centimeters long, the flowers are small, waxy, pinkish-white, appearing on the surface of the trunk and large branches. The fruit, which lasts four months to ripen, is small in cocoa, and its length ranges from 20–38 centimeters. In appearance, it resembles a large cucumber or a small melon, with a leathery, slightly woody shell of red, reddish-brown, green or yellow, changing in the process of ripening. One cocoa fruit contains from 20 to 50 beans, immersed in a viscous, sticky liquid that hardens in the open air. The individual seed (bean) is covered with an oily skin.

Based on where they grow, cocoa beans for real chocolate are divided into American, African and Asian, and the largest exporters of cocoa beans are countries such as Côte d'Ivoire, Venezuela, Indonesia, Ghana, Cameroon, Brazil and Ecuador.

The group of Criollo varieties, characterized by a mild taste, is considered to be the best. It is bred in Venezuela, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The varieties of the Forastero group are the most common among producers and exporters. The Ca Labasillo group of cocoa beans is the cheapest of all, but also the lowest quality.

Correct technology for making chocolate

What is chocolate made from in modern factories? Cocoa beans of all three varieties are used to produce chocolate. They are cut from tree trunks with large, long knives (machetes) and collected in baskets. The harvest is then dumped into heaps and the fruits are cut into several pieces. The next stage of the chocolate making process is to separate the cocoa beans from the pulp - an experienced carver opens up to five hundred fruits of the chocolate tree within one hour.

In the process of making chocolate, cocoa beans are laid out on pallets and left for several days to ferment - under the influence of natural yeasts and enzymes, they darken and acquire a bright chocolate smell and taste. Upon completion of this process, according to the correct technology for making chocolate, the fruits are dried in the sun and fried, removing the husk. They are then sorted and packaged for further processing.

At the next stage of chocolate production at the factory, cocoa beans are ground to obtain a paste-like mass called cocoa mass. It is interesting that the fats that make up cocoa beans melt when heated and after grinding the cocoa liquor is obtained in liquid form, but thickens and hardens during the cooling process. The product is now suitable for the production of chocolate, as well as for use in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

The most valuable product obtained by pressing cocoa liquor is cocoa butter. It is not only one of the essential ingredients of chocolate, but is also used to prepare ointments in cosmetics. It is cocoa butter that gives chocolate its unique taste. But it also has some unique properties, as it consists of three types of fats. One of them is identical to the fat in olive oil. The second is a type of so-called saturated fat, which is converted in the liver into a fat similar to olive oil fat. The third type of fat helps strengthen the cell membranes of our body. All this suggests that the fat contained in cocoa butter is not harmful to humans.

The dry residue obtained during preparation is ground, and the well-known cocoa powder is obtained, used in confectionery production and for preparing cocoa drinks.

Watch a video of how chocolate is made in modern factories:

Chemical composition and nutritional value of chocolate made from cocoa beans

The cocoa beans of the chocolate tree contain up to 300 different beneficial substances. The approximate chemical composition of chocolate from cocoa beans is as follows: fats - 54%, proteins - 11.5%, cellulose - 9%, starch and polysaccharides - 7.5%, tannin - 6%, water - 5%, minerals and salts – 2.6%, organic acids – 2%, saccharides – 1% and caffeine – 0.2%. Among the substances contained in cocoa beans are: anandamide, arginine, dopamine, epicatechin, histamine, cocohil, serotonin, tryptophan, tyramine, phenylethylamine, polyphenol, salsolinol, magnesium.

Considering the chemical composition of chocolate, the nutritional value of the product is very high. The calorie content of 100 g of finished chocolate bar is about 550 kcal.

Numerous studies note that the fats contained in cocoa beans belong to the so-called saturated fats, but do not have a harmful effect on the human body - chocolate does not increase cholesterol levels in the blood. The composition of cocoa beans is such that the elements it contains organically complement each other. For example, chromium is involved in the breakdown of glucose, maintaining normal blood sugar levels, and promotes fat metabolism. We need all this both in cosmetology and with proper nutrition.

Many people know what chocolate is made from: cocoa beans and cocoa butter. Chocolate can be called the most popular sweet among both children and adults. It contains substances that affect a person’s emotional state, namely the feeling of joy and love.

You need to figure out what chocolate is made from. This is a confectionery product that is prepared on the basis of cocoa beans, or, more precisely, their oil.

It is obtained by processing beans. They are peeled and fried, resulting in a dark brown color. They produce three main components: grated cocoa, butter and cake. Chocolate products are made from a combination of powdered sugar, cocoa mass and butter, and cocoa powder is made from cake.

Cocoa beans are rich in caffeine and theobromine and naturally have a tart taste. And the chocolate itself in most cases contains various flavoring additives. These include vanillin, mint oil, coffee, cognac, and in some recipes alcohol and hot pepper are added. The filling can also be different, for example, nuts, candied fruits, raisins, waffles and even pieces of roasted cocoa beans are added to chocolate products.

How chocolate is made

The production process is divided into several stages or technological stages, namely:

  1. Processing of cocoa beans and further separating them into individual ingredients such as cocoa liquor, butter and solids.
  2. Cocoa liquor is subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of 100˚C, after which it is pressed.
  3. After mixing grated cocoa, cocoa butter and sugar, a chocolate mass or technical chocolate is obtained, which is then crushed into crumbs: the smaller the pieces, the tastier and more tender the chocolate product will be.
  4. The most important step is tempering the chocolate mass. This means that the heated mass is cooled and then heated again. This procedure is necessary to add shine to the chocolate product.
  5. Next, various flavors and fillers are added to the chocolate mass, and then the confectionery products are formed by pouring the mass into special molds.
  6. After cooling, the stage of packaging the finished product begins.

Composition of modern chocolate

When purchasing a chocolate treat, you need to consider what the chocolate is made of. Today, factories offer a wide range of such products, but often instead of chocolate we get a sweet bar. Unscrupulous manufacturers add not only the necessary components to the product, but also vegetable fats and soy. In this case, the result is not a pure product, but a chocolate bar that does not contain the required concentration of nutrients.

High-quality chocolate must melt at a temperature equal to that of the human body, which is why it melts so well in the mouth.

Bad chocolate will not melt like that, because unnecessary impurities and fats slow down this process.

You should pay special attention to what chocolate is made from, and specifically to the percentage of cocoa beans and additives in the finished product. For example, dessert or semi-bitter chocolate must contain at least 50% cocoa powder, bitter chocolate must contain 60% or more, and milk chocolate must not exceed the 30% barrier. The amount of added sugar directly depends on the type of chocolate. The classic composition includes:

  • proteins: from 5 to 8%;
  • fats: from 30 to 40%;
  • carbohydrates: 5 to 6%;
  • alkaloids: no more than 0.5%;
  • minerals and tannins: no more than 1%.

All confectionery factories produce chocolate depending on the category of consumers. After all, what is allowed for adults is not necessarily allowed for children. For example, chocolate is prepared for children with the addition of a significant amount of dairy products and with a smaller percentage of cocoa liquor. There are also special sweets with vitamin supplements.

In order to expand the range of products, chocolate is produced in various forms, namely:

  • in the form of monolithic or porous tiles;
  • in the form of a monolithic or porous bar with and without various fillings;
  • in the form of accessories, medals, coins and various figures, for example, animals, cars and so on;
  • in the form of decorations or semi-finished products, with the help of which it is possible to make all kinds of confectionery products.

Variety of chocolate

Today, several types of chocolate are known, which are made with the addition of various components, such as cocoa beans, lecithin, palm or cocoa butter, as well as various flavors and fillings. The main types of chocolate include:

  1. Milk is lighter in appearance than and sweeter in taste. It is prepared with the addition of dry ingredients, namely milk and cream;
  2. Bitter can contain up to 90% beans. This cocoa content gives chocolate a bitter taste, but adding a certain amount of sugar helps smooth it out. This type of chocolate is considered the healthiest.
  3. White or cream chocolate does not contain cocoa beans, only their oil. It is prepared with the addition of milk powder, sugar and vanillin.
  4. is produced using special technologies: this means placing filled molds with chocolate mixture in vacuum boilers, which contribute to the appearance of air bubbles.
  5. Chocolate for diabetics contains sugar substitutes, namely: sorbitol, xylitol and others.
  6. Powdered chocolate can be either dessert or regular. It is made from grated beans and powdered sugar, and may contain dry ingredients such as milk powder and cream. The main difference between dessert powder and regular powder is the concentration of sugar.

The effect of chocolate on the human body

The composition of chocolate has a positive effect on the performance and mental activity of the human brain. It helps the body cope with various stresses, both emotional and physical, and helps alleviate feelings of anxiety and excitement. Back in Soviet times, patients in cardiology departments were prescribed dark chocolate in certain doses. Because it prevents various cardiovascular diseases and helps with blood pressure and blood clots in the arteries.

Along with beneficial qualities, there are also negative aspects, for example, with unlimited consumption of chocolate, the risk of diseases such as obesity or diabetes increases. Such problems also arise due to the fact that manufacturers, in an attempt to make huge profits, add various substances to products that negatively affect the human body.

To avoid such consequences, you need to buy sweets only after making sure of their quality. You should pay attention to the surface of the chocolate: it should be shiny, and if the product has additives, such as raisins or nuts, then matte. The consistency should be firm and without visible deformations, pleasant to the taste and smell. Chocolate without filling and additives should be stored for no more than six months, and with additives - no more than three. White is considered a perishable product compared to other types, since its shelf life should not exceed one month.

How to properly store chocolate

When purchasing such sweets, you need to pay attention to the production date. It is strictly forbidden to eat expired chocolate, as its beneficial properties are lost.

It's best in a cool, dark place, but that doesn't necessarily mean it needs to be kept in the refrigerator. At sub-zero temperatures, condensation forms on the surface of the chocolate product, as a result of which the chocolate becomes covered with light spots and loses its taste characteristics. The optimal storage temperature is from +3 to +18˚С, and humidity should not exceed 75%. Chocolate products should not be exposed to ultraviolet radiation and should not remain unpackaged for a long time.

This leads to the appearance of greasy stains on the surface of the chocolate, which can become the basis for the appearance of various types of fungus and mold. Racks are considered the ideal place for storage.