Stuffed pike, baked in the oven: recipes with photos. Cooking a royal dinner with potatoes and sour cream

Stuffed pike- it's gorgeous holiday dish Not instant cooking, pike is stuffed with different fillings. Classic filling made from pike fillet and various vegetables.

Taste Info Main fish courses / Fish and seafood / Baked fish in the oven


  • whole pike (more than 1.5 kg);
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • nutmeg;
  • ? loaf;
  • 1 egg;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise;
  • large carrots;
  • large onion.

How to cook baked stuffed pike in the oven

Many people are intimidated by cutting fish, we will tell you in detail how to cut a pike with a stocking, for clarity, refer to the proposed photos. Take your time, stock up on a sharp thin knife and you will succeed.
Pike is cleared of scales. The gills are extended.

Next, you should carefully cut off the head so that the intestines are attached to the head.

The insides are pulled out behind the head. Residues should be pulled out by hand.

The skin must be removed very carefully. It must not be damaged. You should help yourself a little with a knife, trimming the meat and pulling it off like a stocking. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in the area of ​​the fins the bones go far into the depths.

In the area of ​​the tail, the ridge is cut, all the meat and bones are removed from the fish.
If during the process of cutting the fish your pike skin breaks, mend the area with thread and remove it after cooking.

Carrots are chopped on a fine-mesh grater. The onion is finely chopped. Fry the vegetables in a mixture of vegetable oil and butter.

All bones should be removed from the fish; this can be easily done with tweezers.

Fish fillet soaked in small quantity lemon juice, salt and pepper, place in the refrigerator for an hour. The fillet is ground in a blender along with vegetables.

We also add a loaf soaked in cream and an egg to the minced meat. Ultimately minced fish It should be very homogeneous.

Ready stuffing carefully insert into the pike skin.

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Next the head is attached. Everything is laid out on a baking sheet. The fish is greased with mayonnaise or sour cream.

Bake the pike at 200 degrees for 35 minutes.

Ready pike can be served different ways.

You can serve it whole, place lemons next to it and garnish with mayonnaise and pieces of olives. You can also serve the fish in portions; to do this, cut the pikes in advance into thin plates, approximately 1-1.5 cm wide. Place the pieces on lettuce leaves, cover the sides with cucumbers and lemon.

Recipe No. 2. Pike stuffed with crab sticks in the oven

Baked stuffed pike is an ever-popular holiday dish, the recipe of which has gone through many experiments and modifications. Fresh fish, stuffed with your own fillet in combination with crab sticks– excellent flavor combination. The filling turns out very soft and pleasant to the taste, and lemon zest gives it an original aroma and a peculiar piquancy.


  • Pike weighing about 1 kg;
  • 3 crab sticks;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 slice of white loaf;
  • A small bunch of parsley and dill;
  • 120 ml milk;
  • 1/3 of a small lemon (you will only need its peel);
  • 150 g mayonnaise;
  • 1 onion;
  • Salt and pepper.

Step-by-step recipe with photos: delicious stuffed pike in the oven

The whole pike, cleared of scales and entrails, should be divided into 3 parts, as in the photo: the head, the fillet with the ridge and the so-called stocking - the skin of the pike. To do this, the head is first cut off. Then, with your fingers, you gradually separate the skin from the fillet in a circle and pull it together with a solid stocking. In places where the pike has fins, you need to cut them off on the inside with a knife so as not to damage the integrity of the shell for stuffing. The eyes are removed with a sharp, thin knife.

White loaf soak in milk. It should get saturated very quickly. After 5-10 minutes, squeeze it out, getting a bread lump.

First pass the pike fillet, separated from the hard backbone, through a meat grinder twice. In total you will need 2/3 of pike meat, the rest can be used for other recipes.
After the fish, pass the peeled onion and soggy bread.

Break an egg into a bowl with minced fish, add salt and pepper.

Chop the greens very finely and add to the bowl.

Cut the peel off a piece of lemon. Turn the zest into small cubes, as in the photo. Add to the minced meat.

Grate the crab sticks and add to the minced meat as the last ingredient.

Mix all ingredients for stuffing pike.

Stuff the skin with minced crab, but not too tightly, otherwise it may burst during baking. Place it on the deck with your head. Lubricate with mayonnaise and pour water into the deck. Place in the oven to cook for about an hour at a temperature of 150-160 degrees. The head can be removed after 20 minutes of cooking, as it will only serve as decoration and may lose its appearance if overheated.

It is important to let the finished pike stuffed with crab sticks cool. When cold, place it on a plate, cutting the body into portions, as in the photo. Garnish with mayonnaise, fruits, vegetables and berries the way you like.

Stuffed pike is a real festive dish that all guests will definitely want to try. Properly cooked stuffed pike can drive you crazy with its taste from the first bite - the main thing is that you choose the ideal ratio of minced meat and spices.

Of course, create this cooking masterpiece- it’s a very troublesome and difficult task, especially for beginners, but every time you do it better and better. It is advisable to purchase or catch large fish for stuffing, but in the absence of such, you can stuff small ones, up to 1 kg in weight. Planning to serve stuffed pike at festive table– also bake her head in the oven, you don’t have to do this for yourself and your family!


  • 1 pike
  • 3 slices of bread
  • 100 ml milk or cream
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 egg
  • 0.5 tsp. ground dried garlic
  • 3 pinches of ground black pepper
  • 0.5 tsp. salt


1. Clean the pike of scales, carefully removing them even from hard-to-reach places. Let's cut off the head of the “queen of the rivers” and extract all the insides through the hole, and then wash it inside and out several times. Cutting the skin in a circle with a knife, remove it from the pike carcass, like a stocking. If you accidentally tear or cut the skin, it doesn’t matter, you can always sew it up with a needle and thread. Near the tail we will trim the ridge and wash it peeled skin in water. Then use a knife to carefully remove the meat from the bone and place it in a bowl. If you come across small bones, then, if possible, remove them after the large ones, but this is not so important - small bones will be ground in a meat grinder. When the meat is completely cleaned, pass it through a meat grinder about 4-5 times, installing a grid with small holes. For the last time, along with the meat, we will pass peeled and washed onions and carrots, and bread slices soaked in milk. Add salt, black ground pepper, ground dried garlic and mix gently.

2. Add the chicken egg and mix the minced meat again so that there is no air left in it. The egg is best used from poultry– your minced meat will turn out more yellow.

3. Loosely stuff the washed pike skin with minced meat and sew it on top. If there are other holes, then sew them up too when stuffing the carcass. Let's grease the carcass vegetable oil, like the head of a fish. We will also grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil and place our preparations on it. We will definitely try in several places stuffed carcass with a large needle, otherwise it will burst during baking. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake its contents for about 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 180C. If the carcass turns brown before the cooking time is over, cover it with foil. Be sure to let the baked fish cool, otherwise it will spread when cutting, and only then cut it into portions.

Stuffed pike can be a real festive dish. Despite its apparent complexity, you can easily prepare this appetizer if you familiarize yourself with detailed description basic recipes for stuffing fish.

How to cook stuffed pike?

To do this, you need to remove the skin from the fish and cut it:

1. First of all, rinse the pike well, remove scales and rinse. You need to remove the skin with a sharp narrow knife. First you need to remove the gills, it is convenient to do this using scissors. Using a knife, cut the skin along with the meat around the base of the head. 2. Carefully remove the insides, being careful not to damage the bile. Rinse the fish outside and inside. 3. Cut through the spine to separate the head from the body. But you don’t need to cut it off completely; you need to save a section of skin from the back. 4. Throw your head back. Place the end of the knife between the meat and the skin, trying to separate it a little. Next, use your fingers to separate the skin, removing it like a stocking. Where fins meet, they need to be cut off from the inside with scissors, keeping the skin intact. Having reached the tail section, cut the ridge. While the skin is inside out, you can scrape off any remaining meat with a spoon and turn it inside out. This is how you will end up with a whole stuffed pike.


  • pike – about 1000 g,
  • onions – 2 pcs.
  • bread – 200 g,
  • eggs – 3 pcs.,
  • milk - 250 ml,
  • butter and vegetable oil - 50 g each,
  • ground black pepper, salt.
5. Using a sharp knife, cut both sides of the fillet and ribs from the backbone. Cut it into pieces. 6. Peel, chop and sauté the onion in butter. Cool. 7. Soak the bread in milk. 8. Process the fillet through a meat grinder twice, also pass the onion and squeezed bread through it.


To make the filling tender and airy, you need to beat it well with a metal whisk, or even better in a food processor with a mixer. In this case, you need to add eggs one at a time, season with salt and pepper. Pour in some of the milk left over from soaking the bread. Beat, if necessary, add more milk, do not be afraid that the minced meat will turn out liquid. If you beat it well, it will be fluffy.

9. It is necessary to stuff the minced pike skin with a spoon. The eyes need to be cut out and pieces of olives inserted there. 10. Coat the stuffed fish with oil (you can use olive oil) and place on a baking sheet covered with oiled parchment. Large fish can be placed diagonally or bent in a semicircle. If in this case it is not possible to place it on a baking sheet, then you will have to cut off the head and place it to bake next to it.

The question of how long to bake stuffed pike should be decided depending on its size and oven capabilities. A kilogram will be baked for about an hour at a temperature of 195 degrees.

Pike with rice

Can be used for minced meat different fillings and how to stuff pike for baking, everyone decides depending on their own preferences. For example, buckwheat, millet with chopped egg and onion, boiled carrots or rice.


  • pike - 1000 g,
  • rice - 120 g,
  • carrots - 1 pc.,
  • onion - 2 pcs.,
  • butter and vegetable oil - 50 g each,
  • egg - 1 pc.,
  • dill – 3 sprigs,
  • ground pepper and salt.
1. Prepare the pike as described above. Grind the minced meat twice. 2. Boil the rice and cool. 3. Peel the onion, chop and sauté in butter. 4. Peel the carrots using coarse grater, chop or chop with a knife. Simmer in butter until soft. 5. Mix all ingredients, egg, pepper, salt and chopped dill very well. If the minced meat is dry, you need to beat it into it. butter. 6. Stuff the skin using a spoon. You should not stuff a lot of minced meat, as the rice may still swell and the skin will burst during baking. If the minced meat remains, it is better to make meatballs. 7. Grease the fish with vegetable oil. 8. Place foil on a baking sheet and coat with oil. Wrap the fish in it so that the foil on top and sides does not come into contact with the pike. 9. Bake for about 50 minutes. Open the foil and put the baking sheet back in the oven until the fish on top acquires a pleasant golden hue, about a quarter of an hour. 10. Remove the fish from the oven, leave it for a quarter of an hour, and then transfer the pike to a dish. It can be decorated with mayonnaise or sour cream, cut into pieces, covered with lemon slices, lettuce, baked potatoes.

Stuffed pike with mushrooms

The dish turns out very tasty when the minced meat is cooked with mushrooms. If you get an already gutted fish without entrails and with a cut belly, then you can cut off the head to the middle, cut the spine of the fish at the base of the head. Use a knife to separate the meat from the skin. Next, proceed as in the first recipe, do not forget to remove the gills.

You can take dried mushrooms for minced meat, then you will need to soak them for 10 hours in advance, and then drain the water. These mushrooms have a bright taste and you need to take a little of them, about 50 grams. You can use oyster mushrooms or champignons, as they are commercially available all year round. More rich taste has a pike stuffed with mushrooms and vegetables, for this, as a rule, onions, carrots are used, and sometimes grated potatoes are added. It turns out very tasty if you chop and fry one eggplant for minced meat.


  • pike – 1000 g,
  • fresh mushrooms – 250 g,
  • onions – 2 pcs.,
  • carrots – 1 pc.,
  • bread - 200 g,
  • milk - 150 ml,
  • egg – 1 pc.,
  • butter – 80 ml,
  • vegetable oil – 60 ml,
  • salt and pepper.
1. Grind the fish fillet in a meat grinder. 2. Peel the onion and fry in butter. 3. Chop the carrots and sauté using butter. 4. Wash the mushrooms, cut into pieces and simmer in a mixture of oils. 5. Soak the bread in milk and squeeze. 6. Grind all ingredients together with minced fish in a meat grinder. 7. Season the minced meat with spices and eggs, mix well. 8. Place the baking sleeve on a baking sheet and coat with oil. Place the pike skin and head on it. 9. Place the minced meat on the skin evenly in a mound along the middle of the back. Connect the edges of the skin, giving the shape of a fish carcass. Connect the belly slightly overlapping and wrap tightly in a baking sleeve. 10. Bake the pike for about 50 minutes. For getting golden crust, cut the sleeve and remove it from the back. Grease it with butter or sour cream and put it in the oven again for 15 minutes.

Delicious recipe for cooking whole pike:

Thanks to my father-in-law (an avid fisherman), a pike appeared in the house.

Pike ~ 600g, slice of loaf soaked in milk, 1 egg, ~ 30g. butter, 1 onion, salt, pepper, lemon juice.

I know that many people boil stuffed pike, but I decided to bake it. Let's get started.

Clean the fish, remove the gills and eyes. Lightly beat the carcass with a wooden spatula to make it easier to remove the skin. Make a cut under the head to the ridge, break it. You can simply cut off the head, which is what I did with the first fish. But I decided to tinker with the second one :) Remove the insides. Making cuts in a circle between the skin and meat, remove the skin with a stocking. To better preserve the skin, it is better to trim so that a small (1~2mm) layer of meat remains on the skin. Trim the meat near the fins so that the fins remain with the skin.

Break the ridge at the tail.

Separate the remaining meat from the skin.

Put the skin aside, remembering to turn it inside out :)

For minced meat:

Pass the meat, removed from the backbone and skin, with onions and bread three times through a meat grinder. Add softened butter, egg, salt and pepper. You can add some chopped green onions and grated carrots - for beauty on the cut.

Beat into a fluffy mass.

Fill the skin and head with this minced meat.

Do not fill it too tightly, otherwise the skin may burst during baking.

Cover a baking sheet with foil. Lay out a line of bay leaves on the foil and place the stuffed skin on them. Attach the head to the body (if cut off).

Lightly salt the pike on top and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Place the baking sheet in the oven for 1 hour at t=190°C.

All. We take out the pike and put it in suitable dish(I don’t have one like that), decorate, and rejoice - I did it! :))

Slice and...

Bon appetit!

My husband loves fishing and often comes with his catch :). These are mainly perch, dace, roach, and of course pike. Small fish always goes for frying, but you have to work some magic on the pike: either put it into cutlets or stuff it. Today I decided to make stuffed pike in the oven. Last time we had grayling and we cooked it. And from today’s catch, I decided to make a whole stuffed pike in the oven. Why did I add the phrase “in the oven” to the name of the dish? But because stuffed pike can also be boiled. Yes Yes! I'm not kidding! I'll try it someday and be sure to tell you about it!

I already baked it once. Today's dish will be a little more difficult to prepare, but much more refined and appetizing.

To prepare stuffed pike in the oven you will need:

Pike - 2.5 kg;

Bread - 100 gr;

Milk - 100 ml;

Egg - 1 piece;

Onion - 1 piece;

Greens - 1 bunch;

Sour cream - 50 gr;

Black pepper.

Recipe for stuffed pike in the oven:

1. Take fresh pike. If it is frozen, defrost it.

2. Clean the pike. Clean off the scales and cut off the fins with scissors.

3. Separate the head with giblets. Make cuts around the head on all sides. Our task is to properly separate the head - we need to make sure that the head comes away along with the giblets.

4. Carefully remove the skin from the fish. Try not to damage it. You can help with a knife or do it with your hands. Closer to the tail, break off the ridge and separate the tail along with the skin.

Here's what happened:

5. Separate the fillet from the bones and grind in a meat grinder.
My fish was large and, accordingly, its bones were large, so I picked out all the bones with my hands and scrolled once in a meat grinder. If the fish is small and has small bones, be sure to grind it in a meat grinder 2-3 times.

6. White bread soak in milk.

7. Add bread, onion, herbs and egg to the minced fish. Grind the onion in a meat grinder, finely chop the greens.

8. Salt, pepper, mix the minced meat. Mix the minced meat well until smooth.

9. Stuff the pike skin with minced meat.
There is no need to stuff it tightly, otherwise it may burst during frying. Or you need to pierce the skin in several places, which is what I did. If there is excess minced meat left, it’s okay! You can stick cutlets.

10. Place the pike on a baking sheet, giving it the desired shape.

11. Grease generously with sour cream.

12. Bake until done in the oven at 220 degrees.

13. Place the cooled fish on large dish and decorate as you wish.
Many people ask: how to decorate stuffed pike? Usually fresh herbs and vegetables are enough. Today I decided to garnish with lemon, olives, tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce. Here's what I got.

Serve as a separate dish, with vegetables or with a side dish, such as