Beef heart. Beef heart: benefits and nutritional value

A beef heart weighs from one and a half to two kilograms. It is dark brown in color and consists of muscles and thin layers. Where the heart is at its widest, there is a layer of fat.

beef heart can be found separately in grocery stores, while it can go on sale both frozen and simply chilled. If the heart is cooled, then it should thin out the smell of fresh meat, have no plaque or spots on the surface.

properties of beef heart

Beef meat is suitable for human consumption. The most delicious is the heart of young bulls. Before you cook the meat, you need to separate the fat from it, which is on the surface, blood vessels and blood clots, and the heart itself must be thoroughly washed. However, it is not uncommon for these elements to be removed in stores prior to sale. But traces of blood on the product must still be present, as this indicates that the product is fresh.

The beef heart has a strong and pleasant taste as well as an appetizing aroma. In addition, it is useful for consumption, as it contains various useful substances.

The benefits of beef heart

It contains many vitamins and minerals, and this heart is also a low-calorie product.

If we compare the amount of B vitamins in beef and in beef heart, then in the latter product it is 6 times more. The amount of iron in the beef heart also exceeds its amount in the beef itself by one and a half times. Despite the fact that this is an offal, it contains a lot of magnesium, which improves the blood supply to the human heart. It is for this reason that this product is recommended for use by all people, but especially the elderly and people who have regular physical activity.

Beef heart contains vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C, PP. In addition, it contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc.

Application of beef heart

It is used exclusively in cooking. Like another meat product, beef heart can be cooked different ways. So, it can be fried, boiled, stewed and baked. different way cooking makes the beef heart different in terms of taste. You can cook the heart not only cut into pieces, but also whole. However, it is still recommended to cut the heart in half, lengthwise, before cooking, and get rid of the blood vessels that protrude, as well as from the films, and then rinse both parts well.

The boiled heart is often used to add to salads or appetizers. In the same form, they like to cook pate from it or use it as a filling for stuffing pancakes or for pies. It turns out very tasty goulash or meatballs made from beef heart. Stewed heart goes well with vegetables, herbs and sauces of various spiciness.

It is very important to properly process the heart before further cooking. You need to cook it for about an hour and a half, while changing the water in which it is cooked every thirty minutes. Also, the heart is highly recommended to soak before cooking. To do this, it must be cut into pieces, cleaned of excess components and put in cold water for 2-3 hours.

Harm to beef heart

Beef heart should be consumed in small amounts as it contains a protein that, in large doses, can cause heart, kidney, or digestive problems, or hypertension.

Individual intolerance to beef heart is possible.

To avoid negative consequences before buying it is very important to choose fresh product.

Pork heart is a meat offal of the 1st category, recommended as a dietary product for people with various diseases nervous system, with anemia, as well as those who are daily exposed to severe physical activity. Today we will talk about the benefits pig heart and harm, as well as calorie content and give recipes for the preparation of offal.

What is the calorie content and nutritional value of the pig heart?

The pork heart is a dense muscle tissue, its average weight is 350-500 grams. It contains very little fat in its composition - only 4 grams per 100 gram serving of meat. Carbohydrates here are 2.6 g, but proteins in this offal contain about 16 g. This composition makes pork heart useful for adolescents, the elderly and athletes. Pig heart calories - 101 kcal per 100 g

Pig heart - good

The composition of the by-product is saturated with vitamins, trace elements, amino acids. This meat is especially useful for the nervous system, since it contains a wide range B vitamins are included. Essential amino acids contained in the offal - histidine, isoleucine, leucine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, valine and others. The body does not synthesize these substances on its own, they can only be obtained with food. IN a small amount there are also fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6, as well as arachidonic and linoleic. Micro and macro elements that make up the pig heart are potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, chlorine, copper, zinc and others. Selenium is also present here - a powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of cancer cells. It is useful to include a pig's heart in the diet in order to lose weight, recover faster after illnesses and operations, increase muscle mass, improve blood composition.

Pig heart harm

Pig's heart has no contraindications. The only thing that readers of "Popular about Health" need to know is that this offal is rich in protein, and its excess in the body is harmful. If you constantly eat a lot of protein foods, a large load on the kidneys is created, gout develops, and the risk of developing diabetes increases. The diet should be varied, because everything is good in moderation.

Pig heart recipes

From this offal prepare the most different snacks and dishes - salads, pies, meatballs, goulash, casseroles, pates. Today we will share with you some recipes.


Ingredients: pork heart - 2 pcs.; carrots - 3; bulbs - 3; Bulgarian pepper - 1; laurel leaf - 2; ground pepper, salt.

First, prepare the offal - wash it, soak it in cold water for at least 2 hours, then clean it of fatty growths and films, remove the vessels. Cut the meat into small cubes and send to fry in a pan. Peel the carrots, chop into strips. Finely chop the onion, remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into strips. When the meat is lightly browned, add the vegetables to it and sauté them on the fire. Salt, add spices. Now you need a thick-walled pan or ducklings. Put all the ingredients in it and pour in 2 cups of water. Goulash should be stewed for at least an hour and a half. The heart of a piglet cooks faster, an adult pig takes longer. Test the meat for doneness after an hour. When it becomes soft, turn off the heat. To get a thick gravy, you can add a little flour shortly before the end of the stew.

Pig's heart in a sleeve with potatoes and vegetables

Ingredients: pork heart - 2 pcs.; potatoes - 600 g; bulbs - 2; carrots - 2; salt, sour cream - 100 g; mayonnaise - 50 g; parsley and dill (several branches each); ground pepper, garlic.

Cooking pork heart. After soaking in cold water, cut the offal into circles, like a sausage, beat with a hammer on both sides, rub each piece with spices and salt and leave to marinate for about an hour. In the meantime, you can peel the potatoes and vegetables. We cut potatoes thin slices, carrots - in circles, onions - in rings. Finely chop the greens, chop the garlic in a convenient way.

Mix garlic, herbs, sour cream and mayonnaise. Salt sliced ​​potatoes and add to it sour cream sauce, mix. Take a medium baking dish and line it with foil. We spread vegetables at the bottom, sliced ​​​​potatoes in sauce on top, and lay out the heart on the surface. Now you need to properly seal everything with foil in several layers so that the steam remains inside. We send the form with products to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for an hour and a half. When the time is up, it is recommended to cut the foil so that the heart is browned in the open. This dish will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. It is juicy, fragrant, tasty, satisfying and beautiful. It is quite possible to serve it even for a holiday, guests will be delighted.

We talked about useful properties pig heart, cooking. The product can not only be stewed and baked, but also fried, boiled. By the way, many people like to eat a heart boiled in water with spices. It will replace any sausage, in addition, boiled offal contains maximum benefits and a minimum of calories. It can be prepared from delicious salads With various vegetables. Protein foods are best paired with vegetables. So if you have not used this offal in your menu yet, we recommend that you do it, because it is much healthier than meat and is cheaper.

What is the base proper nutrition? Certainly, harmonious combination proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You can not refuse any products without harming your body. An exception may be simple carbohydrates, which carry only extra calories with an attractive taste. Meat is considered a very controversial product. For example, beef heart. Its calorie content is optimal even for diet menu. But what about the opinion that meat is, in principle, toxic and harmful to digestion? It is worth understanding the situation with a specific example.

What gives the heart?

First of all, you need to understand what the product itself is. Beef heart is an offal of a high category and solid nutritional value. According to the method of preparation, the product is truly universal, as it is suitable for appetizers, salads, first and second courses. In general, beef is very healthy and tasty, but at the same time quite dietary. The meat has a pronounced meat and milk flavor. It is rich in protein and amino acids, it is quickly absorbed, on for a long time gives a feeling of satiety and is easily digested. Meat is indispensable in the diet of children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, as well as athletes. The younger the heifer, the tastier and more tender the meat. It is useful during the recovery period after surgery. Of course, much depends on the mode and quality of the cow's nutrition, as well as on the duration of meat storage.

About the value of the heart

Beef heart, which has only 96 calories, is equal in taste and quality to meat. The mass of the heart can reach 2-3 kg. Its color is rich red with a dark brown tint. The heart has a dense structure, as it is a fine-fibrous muscle tissue. When pressed, the heart quickly returns to its original shape, as it is characterized by increased elasticity. The widest part of the product is covered with a dense layer of fat, which is not suitable for food. It must be removed before cooking. And the offal itself must be thoroughly washed. Alas, you rarely see a fresh heart for sale. It is sold frozen or chilled.

How to choose a product?

First of all, you should look at the color of the heart. Then pay attention to the smell. There should be no foreign odors. Only pure meat and fat. On the surface of the heart there should be no spots and plaque. A completely fresh product may smell a bit of herbs, but you will not find this on sale. Ideally, you should purchase an unwashed heart, as it retains freshness longer.

For food

Beef heart is widely used in cooking. Its calorie content is optimal for any menu, so the scope for imagination is unlimited. The product can be boiled, fried, stewed and baked. The heart has a pleasant taste when smoked and will be an excellent base for sandwiches. Can be cooked whole or cut into pieces portioned pieces. The fat content of the product is relatively small, so it may lack juiciness when boiled. But the beef broth turns out to be the most saturated and fragrant. boiled beef harmoniously complements salads and appetizers. Original pastes and fillings for pies are prepared from it. You can also put beef heart on meatballs and goulash. The meat is very gently complemented by roots, greens and fresh vegetables. Due to its tenderness, beef is gently combined with spicy sauces.

For those who are losing weight

If you follow nutrition and your figure, then be sure to add beef heart to your diet. Its calorie content may vary depending on the spices and sauces used. In the cooking process, it is important not to overdo it with the duration of heat treatment, since beef has enough vitamins A, B, E, K. It also has a lot of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and potassium. In everything, we can conclude that the offal helps with anemia, heart disease, and nervous ailments. In addition, this product improves metabolism. Boiled beef heart is considered the most dietary. Its calorie content remains at a minimum level of 92-96 calories per 100 grams. With such an energy value, you can allow meat to be flavored with sweet and sour or even mayonnaise sauce, however, based on low-fat mayonnaise or sour cream.

Heart allows you to eat it even in the evening without harm to the figure. Periodically, meat should be given to children and adolescents, include it in the menu for patients on long-term treatment, adaptation after surgery. Fat must be removed before cooking and the product must be soaked before boiling. By the way, when boiling, the first water must be drained, as the protein coagulates and foam appears with gray flakes. In order for the broth to be transparent in the end, the water must be drained twice. The heart will cook for about an hour and a half, but if the cow was old, then the time is doubled. You should not eat the meat right away, it may seem dryish. Cut into portions and prepare a dressing if you don't want to mess around with a salad or pie. Enough for refueling lemon juice, mustard and garlic. With it, the meat becomes juicy and fragrant.

Composition of the heart

Let's try to figure out what the beef heart is fraught with. Composition, calories and taste qualities- these are the three main requests for offal. So, it has a lot of protein (about 16 g), a little fat (about 3.5 g) and quite a bit of carbohydrates (2 g). In terms of calories, 100 g of heart is approximately 5% of daily allowance adult person. Naturally, water is present in the composition, but there is also cholesterol and a whole list of vitamins and minerals. For greater benefit of the dish, you can combine the heart with herbs, vegetables and cereals as a side dish.

The juiciest way to cook

It has already been said that the easiest way, although not faster, is to cook a beef heart. Calorie content per 100 grams is only 96 calories, but the taste in the end may not be so bright. But you can cook meat without sacrificing calories, but with a significant plus in terms of juiciness and aroma. How to do it? Extinguish the heart. In this form, it is perfectly complemented by celery and parsley roots, as well as vegetables and any spices. Oily dressings are best avoided.

Let's try to make goulash. To do this, you need a beef heart, onion, tomato puree, vegetable oil, flour, spices and Bay leaf. To prepare the meat, you need to rinse and cut into cubes, and then put it in a pan with thick walls and fry. Then you need to add chopped onion, pour in water, add tomato and bay leaf. You can reduce the calorie content of the dish if you replace the flour with starch, and tomato puree with natural tomatoes. And for greater tenderness, the heart can be pre-soaked in milk for two hours.

For lovers piquant taste perfect recipe for beef heart in beer. For 300 g of meat you will need an onion, a glass of beer, the juice of half a lemon, vegetable oil, ginger and cardamom, spices to taste. Prepare a sauce based on beer, cardamom, ginger and onion, and then pour it over the heart. Its calorie content will slightly increase due to beer, but still not detrimental to the figure.

Beef heart is considered an offal of category I. This means that in terms of its nutritional values, it is not inferior and even replaces beef meat. The weight of the heart is usually 1.5-2 kg. The color is usually dark brown. When pressed, no dents remain, it instantly restores its former shape. From this article you will learn about the benefits and harms of beef heart.

How to choose and process beef heart?

Stores sell frozen and chilled beef heart. The most delicious is the heart of a young calf. It cooks faster and is more tender. It is advisable to buy this product chilled, because in this case you can consider it in more detail. Such a heart has nice smell fresh meat, should not have any stains or deposits on its surface. According to the structure of beef, it is very dense, consists of muscle fibers, therefore, it needs a long and thorough heat treatment.

Preparation includes the following required steps:

  1. There is a fatty layer in the inner part of the heart, which must be removed immediately. It is also necessary to extract all blood vessels and blood clots.
  2. Rinse the heart thoroughly under running water.
  3. cut into large pieces and put for 2-3 hours in cold water for soaking.
  4. Drain the water, put the heart in a saucepan, add fresh water and cook for at least 1.5 hours. Be sure to remove the foam. In this case, every half hour you need to change the water.
  5. Laurel leaf is added to the last water, onion, salt, pepper and desired spices.
  6. You can check the softness of the product with a knife.

The use of beef heart in cooking

The heart can not only be boiled, but also stewed and baked in the oven.

Boiled heart is used for cooking various fillings(for example, for pancakes, pie or pies). Some cook from it delicious pâtés, goulash, roast, meatballs, added to various snacks and salads.

From stewed heart prepare sauces with the addition of vegetables, herbs and roots. It also fits perfectly different side dishes: pasta, fried or boiled potatoes, cereal dishes. Pairs well with fried onions.

Bake the heart in the composition various casseroles, pies and savory sandwiches. For example, a sliced ​​plate is placed on a piece of bread boiled heart, smeared with mayonnaise and sprinkled with grated cheese on top. Baked in the oven. It turns out great snack much tastier and healthier than any fast food.

beef heart calories

This product can be safely included in your diet by obese and overweight people, as well as those whose principles include eating only healthy food. Its calorie content is only 96 kilocalories for every 100 g of weight.

100 g of heart contains:

  • proteins ─ 16 g
  • fats ─ 3 g
  • carbohydrates ─ 3.5 g
  • cholesterol ─ 140 mg
  • unsaturated fatty acids ─ 0.8 g
  • ash substances ─ 1 g

The benefits of beef heart

The product has the most valuable qualities for human health. By their own healing properties, content useful substances it can rightly be called a delicacy.

  1. The protein present in the beef heart plays a major role in the growing body of the child. As you know, he is the best supplier of amino acids, which are so necessary for the full development of the baby, the normal formation of muscle tissue, the formation of all vital systems. Tryptophan, methionine and other amino acids contained in the beef heart are not produced human body but can only come from food of animal origin. Under the condition of normal digestion, mashed potatoes with heart content can be introduced into the diet of crumbs no earlier than 8 months, since it is absorbed by the baby worse than meat.
  2. Due to its low calorie content, this product is excellent as a component in diet food overweight people.
  3. The role of the beef heart for normalization is great of cardio-vascular system, because it contains magnesium, which is indispensable in the mechanism of heart contractions.
  4. Helps in the treatment of low hemoglobin and anemia. These diseases are characterized by iron deficiency. hemoglobin containing reduced amount iron, begins to poorly supply oxygen to human tissues. The amount of iron in beef heart is 1.5 times more than in beef itself, so eating it is very effective for this problem.
  5. Regulates the mineral balance in the body. Chromium, folic acid, potassium, sodium, sulfur, manganese, phosphorus and many other macro- and microelements provide important processes for human life.
  6. The zinc contained in this offal increases sperm motility, thereby improving male sexual function.
  7. Dishes with beef liver help strengthen the nervous system and normalize blood pressure.
  8. The heart contains vitamins C, PP, E, A, H. In terms of the amount of B vitamins, it surpasses beef meat. Thanks to this, proteins are easily digested, as a result of which the binding of useful substances is ensured, as well as their transportation to all tissues of the body.
  9. As a tonic, this product is useful to include in the diet of people who have recently had severe infectious diseases (as well as at the time of their exacerbation), burns, injuries and surgical interventions. Eating the heart helps to quickly restore the blood.
  10. Thanks to considerable useful features, beef heart can and should be included in the menu of the elderly, because eating this product is an excellent prevention of sclerosis and osteoporosis. Beef heart increases the endurance of those who experience prolonged physical and mental stress (students, athletes, etc.).

Harm to beef heart

  1. With excessive consumption of beef heart, there is a threat of accumulation of purine bases in the body. This is fraught dangerous consequences in the metabolic processes of the body, which leads to an excess of uric acid. In this case, there is a danger of such serious diseases as sciatica, osteochondrosis, impaired capillary permeability, gout, etc.
  2. With frequent and overuse in the food of the heart, the amount of proteins in the body increases. As a result, the brain gives a command to increase energy expenditure. This leads to the fact that the body begins to use up the reserves of calcium, which leaves the bones, as a result of which they become fragile and weak.
  3. Excess protein also leads to heart problems, kidney problems and hypertension.
  4. There is a danger of individual heart intolerance. In this case, it should be completely excluded from the diet.
  5. Older people who have problems with pressure and other cardiovascular diseases should limit the use of this by-product, because it contains cholesterol, which can damage blood vessels and accumulate harmful plaques in them.

Where to buy and how to store beef heart?

It is not advisable to buy a heart on the market, because there is no certainty that it passes the necessary sanitary and epidemiological control there. It is better to purchase it in the meat departments of specialized stores.

If you need to cook the heart in the near future, then you can leave it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, but not more than 2 days. If the purchase of the product is provided for long term then you need to freeze it. In any case, you need to wash the heart only before cooking.

Beef heart has proven itself as a dietary offal that brings great benefit for the human body. At right choice and skillful, rational inclusion of it in the diet (no more than twice a week), you can firmly be sure that the body will receive valuable product without harm to health.

Among beef offal The first group is allocated such an organ as the heart. This is a clot of thin muscle fibers with a total mass of 1.5-2 kg. The thickest part of the heart is covered with a fatty layer, and large blood vessels are also located here. But these parts are usually removed during butchering.

This product is highly valued for its nutritional qualities inferior, perhaps, to pure beef. With the right heat treatment can be achieved delicate taste dishes. What is the benefit of beef heart?

beef heart calories

Offal is often included in the menu of dietary, therapeutic and preventive diets. Especially recommended for teenagers and the elderly, as well as people suffering from excess weight. A special diet is provided for professional athletes and women in position. The calorie content of a beef heart is only 87-96 kcal, boiled - 75 kcal, fried - 86.4 kcal.

Among the advantages of the offal, high energy value(more than 60% of proteins), as well as the presence of a number of useful substances.


An offal is a storehouse of vitamins, macro- and microelements. So, for example, the content of B-group vitamins is 6 times higher than, in fact, in meat, and iron (Fe) - 1.5. The content of magnesium (Mg) is high, potassium (K), phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), manganese (Mn), etc. are contained. Of the vitamins, in addition to the B-group, there are:

  • carotene (A);
  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • phylloquinones (K);
  • biotin (H);
  • nicotinamide (RR).

Important components of the product of animal origin remain: protein, fats, carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol, ash, amino acids.


The beneficial qualities of the product are manifested due to such a rich composition. So, thanks to the protein, the protective functions of the body are stimulated and strengthened. Vitamin and mineral "cocktail" of beef heart has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails, skin. The product is recommended as a low-calorie healthy eating with diseases of the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, anemia.

It is noted that dietary ration with the inclusion of this by-product in the menu, it will allow the patient to quickly restore strength after operations, injuries, infectious diseases. Chromium, together with pyridoxine (B6), helps control blood sugar and cholesterol levels, stimulates the metabolism of brain cells, enhances the regenerating properties of tissues, and has a wound healing and anti-sclerotic effect.

Amino acids are involved in the formation of enzymes necessary for the formation of structural bonds of cells and tissues. What else is useful beef heart?

At regular use(2-3 times a week) work is activated digestive tract and maintaining a normal level of acid-base balance. The contribution of the product to the restoration of strength and replenishment of the body's energy reserves is invaluable.


But even with such an extensive positive impact, eating beef heart can be negative. So, because of purine bases, uric acid accumulates in the body. As a result, the weakening of capillary permeability, the development of osteochondrosis, gout.

Excessive love for protein foods puts a significant burden on the kidneys. Excess protein leads to weakening of bone tissue, as more energy (more calcium) is expended in the process of digestion. Cholesterol, which can accumulate, will subsequently lead to the formation of atherosclerosis and other problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.