Herring in mustard sauce is a spicy taste of a familiar dish. How to cook herring in mustard sauce at home? How to make mustard sauce for herring

Fish recipes are in great demand because they are easy to prepare and the results are always excellent. Herring in mustard sauce is no exception. This dish is an excellent appetizer for a holiday table, so you can serve any alcohol with it. How to cook it?

Herring in mustard sauce: recipe with photo


Lightly salted herring 1 piece(s) Vinegar 1 tbsp. Water 2 tbsp. Vegetable oil 4 tbsp. Sugar 2 tsp Dry mustard 2 tsp

  • Number of servings: 6
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes

How to cook herring in mustard sauce at home?

The question of how to cook herring in mustard sauce at home is of interest to housewives with good experience and novice cooks. This appetizer is very easy to prepare, because the recipe requires salted herring, which will be marinated with mustard sauce for several hours.

The appetizer should be prepared in a glass container in the evening so that by morning it is thoroughly soaked in the marinade and can be served. If desired, this recipe can be used as an addition to many side dishes:

  • potatoes;
  • cereals;
  • stewed vegetables;
  • porridge;
  • some types of salads.

To make herring in mustard sauce, recipes with photos of which are known to many, more rich and soft, vinegar and mustard seeds are added to the dish as it cooks. Spices, dried herbs and seasonings are added to the recipe as desired. Important: this herring addition must be chosen carefully, because few seasonings combine with mustard and together create an excellent taste.

Recipe for making mustard sauce for herring

To prepare the dish you will need:

1 lightly salted herring

Tablespoon of vinegar

2 tablespoons of water (necessarily clean)

4 tablespoons unrefined oil

2 spoons of sugar

2 tablespoons dry mustard powder

Howmake mustard sauce for herring?

  1. Grind the mustard with sugar in a small bowl, then pour vegetable oil into the mixture and mix the mixture thoroughly with a fork. If the finished mass does not seem to be enough for you, you can increase the dose of products.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the vinegar and water, and then carefully pour it into the mustard mixture, while stirring slowly. Leave the finished sauce for 5-10 minutes so that the mustard swells a little.
  3. We clean the herring from bones - we cut off the fins, head and tail, after which we make an incision along the line of the belly and free the fish from the entrails. If desired, remove the central bone and cut the carcass. We rinse the herring under running water and dry thoroughly with a towel or napkin.
  4. Place the fish carcass or portioned pieces into the sauce, press it with a plate and put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours (you can also leave the appetizer to marinate overnight).

As it cooks, sprinkle the fish with herbs and serve. Bon appetit!

I suggest preparing a wonderful appetizer from herring in mustard sauce. I made it with lightly salted herring, so you can eat this appetizer within an hour. You can cook from frozen herring; to do this, you need to defrost the fish, fillet it and soak it in mustard sauce for 12 hours, placing it in the refrigerator in a glass jar or suitable container.


To prepare herring in mustard sauce we will need:

1 lightly salted herring;
1-2 onions;
1 tbsp. l. French mustard;
1 tbsp. l. Russian mustard;
0.5 tsp. Sahara;
3 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;

1/2 lemon.

Cooking steps

To prepare mustard sauce, mix sunflower oil, Russian and French mustard, sugar and squeeze the juice from half a lemon, stir well until smooth.

Cut the peeled onion into rings.

Pour the prepared mustard sauce over the herring and onions and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Then the delicious herring in mustard sauce can be served. Very tasty with jacket potatoes.

Bon appetit!

The herring is ours, dear! An amazing product that is equally appropriate during Lent, at a modest family feast and at a festive banquet. Herring was served at the royal table, prisoners and convicts were fed with herring, and herring saved them from hunger in hard times. In a word, an exceptionally democratic fish! And that is why today there is an incredible number of ways to prepare, marinate and serve salted herring. Royal-style herring, monastery-style herring, hunter-style herring mincemeat... We offer you a recipe for preparing herring in mustard sauce.

Initially, this recipe was present only in Finnish cuisine. But, as you know, not a single recipe stays long in its homeland. Each recipe not only goes beyond borders, but also adapts to the cuisine of the country where it ends up. Today the recipe for herring in Finnish is already multivariate. And we will find out exactly how to cook herring with mustard sauce.

Herring in Finnish

An almost classic recipe for herring in mustard sauce. In any case, this is how this dish is prepared in Finnish cuisine.


  • Salted herring;
  • A raw egg;
  • Sugar;
  • Mustard;
  • Lemon juice.


For Finnish herring, it is advisable to cut the fish in advance, add vegetable oil and leave for a while. You can also take ready-made herring fillets in oil. Strictly speaking, this is not important. The main thing is that the pieces of fish are not very large, completely free of bones and marinated in vegetable oil.

Mustard sauce gives Finnish herring a special piquancy. To prepare it, you need to break one raw egg into a bowl and grind it with a teaspoon of granulated sugar. After this, add a tablespoon of prepared mustard to the egg-sugar mixture and beat well. Then add a teaspoon of lemon juice and five tablespoons of the oil in which the herring was pickled to the mixture. Whisk the mixture again, turning the sauce into a homogeneous mass.

Place a layer of herring pieces on a plate and pour the sauce over it. Place a second layer on top and pour the sauce over it too. So we put all the herring and put it in the refrigerator for two hours. Serve with fresh rye bread.

Herring marinated in mustard sauce

If you prefer to salt or pickle your herring yourself, try this recipe.


  • Fresh herring – 2 pieces;
  • Onions – 3 heads;
  • Coriander - a tablespoon;
  • Mustard – 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt – teaspoon;
  • Vinegar (9%) – half a glass.


Wash the herring and remove the insides. Then we cut off the head, tail and fins, remove the top film and wash the carcasses again. Now we fillet them, completely remove them from the bones and cut them into small pieces. The fish is ready. Next you need to prepare the marinade.

To do this, first cut the onions into thin half rings and grind the coriander grains in a mortar. Then put mustard, sugar, salt in a bowl and grind thoroughly. Continuing to grind the mustard, add vegetable oil to it in small portions, and when the oil is completely added, pour in vinegar. At this stage the sauce should become lighter and fluffier. At the end of cooking, pour crushed coriander seeds into the sauce and stir everything thoroughly.

Now take a clean, dry jar and place pieces of herring in it, alternating layers of herring with layers of onion. Pour the sauce over everything, compact it and put it in the refrigerator. Herring should be marinated for at least two days. During this time, the lidded jar of herring needs to be shaken several times. After two days, we take a sample and evaluate the taste of herring marinated in mustard sauce.

Snack herring in mustard sauce

This recipe is good because the herring only needs to sit for about half an hour until it is fully cooked. So we can consider this recipe a quick way to prepare herring with mustard sauce.


  • Salted herring carcass;
  • Onion head;
  • A tablespoon of mustard;
  • A tablespoon of sugar;
  • A teaspoon of table vinegar;
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • Half a teaspoon of salt;
  • A quarter glass of water.


We clean and cut the herring, separate the fillet and cut it into pieces. Peel the onion and cut into rings. Place the herring on the dish and place onion rings on top. The appetizer is almost ready. Now the most important thing is the mustard sauce. To prepare it, you need to put mustard in a bowl and dilute it with cold boiled water and vinegar. After this, pour vegetable oil into the mustard, add granulated sugar and salt. Mix everything and pour the sauce over the herring. After half an hour, the appetizer can be served.

Herring in mayonnaise-mustard sauce

Another recipe adapted to our tastes. While Finns are content with a sauce made from mustard and raw egg, we prefer to replace the egg with mayonnaise.


  • Salted herring;
  • Mustard;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Sugar;
  • Water;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Ground black pepper.


Fillet the herring and cut it into pieces. For the sauce, put a tablespoon of mustard and two tablespoons of mayonnaise in a bowl, and then mix them. Now add a teaspoon of sugar, a couple of pinches of black pepper and the juice of half a lemon to the mayonnaise-mustard mixture. Stir and look at the consistency. If the mixture looks like liquid sour cream, then the sauce is almost ready. If the sauce is too thick, dilute it with boiled water.

Next, we clean and chop the onion very finely, put it in the sauce, add pieces of herring and mix everything. Take a glass jar, put a bay leaf on the bottom and lay out the herring with the sauce. We compact the herring, close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for a day or two.

Whatever recipe for herring with mustard sauce you choose, to prepare this dish you need to cut the herring itself. In fact, doing this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. So…

  • We take the herring carcass and make two cuts near the gills: across the carcass, at an angle from the tail to the head. Now we can easily cut off the head.
  • We rip open the abdomen from the tail to the head and take out the insides.
  • Cut off the tail and rinse the herring in cold water.
  • We place the carcass on a cutting board, take the knife by the tip of the blade and use the handle of the knife to beat off the herring carcass, first from one side, then from the other.
  • We make a shallow cut along the back, use a knife or fingernail to pry up the thin film covering the herring, and remove it like two halves of a stocking.
  • We run our fingers between the ridge and the meat of the herring on both sides of the spine along the cut on the back.
  • We remove one part of the fillet from the vertebra and rib bones.
  • We remove the vertebra with rib bones from the second part of the fillet.

We take out all the remaining bones and cut the fillet into pieces.
To cut a herring beautifully, cut the fillet not strictly across the carcass, but at an angle, holding the knife almost parallel to the cutting board. Then your herring pieces will be flat and thin. Try cooking herring in mustard sauce in this particular cut – the fish will turn out tender, beautiful and very tasty. Many people will like the spicy sweet and sour taste of this dish. The main thing is to cook with pleasure. Bon appetit and success in your culinary career!

Discussion 1

Similar materials

The herring is ours, dear! An amazing product that is equally appropriate during Lent, at a modest family feast and at a festive banquet. Herring was served at the royal table, prisoners and convicts were fed with herring, and herring saved them from hunger in hard times. In a word, an exceptionally democratic fish! And that is why today there are an incredible number of ways to prepare, marinate and serve salted herring: royal herring, monastic herring, hunter’s herring mincemeat... We offer you a recipe for preparing herring in mustard sauce.

Initially, this recipe was present only in Finnish cuisine. But, as you know, not a single recipe stays long in its homeland. Each recipe not only goes beyond borders, but also adapts to the cuisine of the country where it ends up. Today the recipe for herring in Finnish is already multivariate. And we will find out exactly how to cook herring with mustard sauce.

An almost classic recipe for herring in mustard sauce. In any case, this is how this dish is prepared in Finnish cuisine.

For Finnish herring, it is advisable to cut the fish in advance, add vegetable oil and leave for a while. You can also take ready-made herring fillets in oil. Strictly speaking, this is not important. The main thing is that the pieces of fish are not very large, completely free of bones and marinated in vegetable oil.

Mustard sauce gives Finnish herring a special piquancy. To prepare it, you need to break one raw egg into a bowl and grind it with a teaspoon of granulated sugar. After this, add a tablespoon of prepared mustard to the egg-sugar mixture and beat well. Then add a teaspoon of lemon juice and five tablespoons of the oil in which the herring was pickled to the mixture. Whisk the mixture again, turning the sauce into a homogeneous mass.

Place a layer of herring pieces on a plate and pour the sauce over it. Place a second layer on top and pour the sauce over it too. So we put all the herring and put it in the refrigerator for two hours. Serve with fresh rye bread.

Fresh herring - 2 pieces;
Onions - 3 heads;
Coriander - a tablespoon;
Mustard - 2 tablespoons;
Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
Salt - teaspoon;
Vinegar (9%) - half a glass.

Wash the herring and remove the insides. Then we cut off the head, tail and fins, remove the top film and wash the carcasses again. Now we fillet them, completely remove them from the bones and cut them into small pieces. The fish is ready. Next you need to prepare the marinade.

To do this, first cut the onions into thin half rings and grind the coriander grains in a mortar. Then put mustard, sugar, salt in a bowl and grind thoroughly. Continuing to grind the mustard, add vegetable oil to it in small portions, and when the oil is completely added, pour in vinegar. At this stage the sauce should become lighter and fluffier. At the end of cooking, pour crushed coriander seeds into the sauce and stir everything thoroughly.

Now take a clean, dry jar and place pieces of herring in it, alternating layers of herring with layers of onion. Pour the sauce over everything, compact it and put it in the refrigerator. Herring should be marinated for at least two days. During this time, the lidded jar of herring needs to be shaken several times. After two days

We take a sample and evaluate the taste of herring marinated in mustard sauce.

This recipe is good because the herring only needs to sit for about half an hour until it is fully cooked. So we can consider this recipe a quick way to prepare herring with mustard sauce.

Salted herring carcass;
Onion head;
A tablespoon of mustard;
A tablespoon of sugar;
A teaspoon of table vinegar;
3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
Half a teaspoon of salt;
A quarter glass of water.

We clean and cut the herring, separate the fillet and cut it into pieces. Peel the onion and cut into rings. Place the herring on the dish and place onion rings on top. The appetizer is almost ready. Now the most important thing is the mustard sauce. To prepare it, you need to put mustard in a bowl and dilute it with cold boiled water and vinegar. After this, pour vegetable oil into the mustard, add granulated sugar and salt. Mix everything and pour the sauce over the herring. After half an hour, the appetizer can be served.

Another recipe adapted to our tastes. While Finns are content with a sauce made from mustard and raw egg, we prefer to replace the egg with mayonnaise.

Salted herring;
Lemon juice;
Bay leaf;
Ground black pepper.

Fillet the herring and cut it into pieces. For the sauce, put a tablespoon of mustard and two tablespoons of mayonnaise in a bowl, and then mix them. Now add a teaspoon of sugar, a couple of pinches of black pepper and the juice of half a lemon to the mayonnaise-mustard mixture. Stir and look at the consistency. If the mixture looks like liquid sour cream, then the sauce is almost ready. If the sauce is too thick, dilute it with boiled water.

Next, we clean and chop the onion very finely, put it in the sauce, add pieces of herring and mix everything. Take a glass jar, put a bay leaf on the bottom and lay out the herring with the sauce. We compact the herring, close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for a day or two.

Whatever recipe for herring with mustard sauce you choose, to prepare this dish you need to cut the herring itself. In fact, doing this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. So…
We take the herring carcass and make two cuts near the gills: across the carcass, at an angle from the tail to the head. Now we can easily cut off the head.
We rip open the abdomen from the tail to the head and take out the insides.
Cut off the tail and rinse the herring in cold water.
We place the carcass on a cutting board, take the knife by the tip of the blade and use the handle of the knife to beat off the herring carcass, first from one side, then from the other.
We make a shallow cut along the back, use a knife or fingernail to pry up the thin film covering the herring, and remove it like two halves of a stocking.
We run our fingers between the ridge and the meat of the herring on both sides of the spine along the cut on the back.
We remove one part of the fillet from the vertebra and rib bones.
We remove the vertebra with rib bones from the second part of the fillet.
We take out all the remaining bones and cut the fillet into pieces.
To cut a herring beautifully, cut the fillet not strictly across the carcass, but at an angle, holding the knife almost parallel to the cutting board. Then your herring pieces will be flat and thin. Try cooking herring in mustard sauce in this particular cut - the fish will turn out tender, beautiful and very tasty. Many people will like the spicy sweet and sour taste of this dish.

Herring is one of the most common fish in Russian cuisine. There is a place for it at a gala feast, at a romantic dinner, and even on the most ordinary day. But there is a great way to improve such a dish - you just need to use mustard sauce for herring.

Simple approach

The advantage of this sauce is that it allows you to do without vinegar. At the same time, the fish will still decorate the table and delight everyone with its extraordinary taste. You can reduce the time consumption if you prepare a dish from fish that has already been salted in oil. The first step is to separate the fillet from the bones. Next, it is peeled and cut into portions.

The sauce recipe involves grinding a chicken egg with 0.03 kg of sugar. Once the grinding is completed, add a little mustard and 30 ml of lemon juice to the bowl. Mix everything properly. Stir the sauce further.

If the fish was salted in oil, you need to add 150 ml of marinade to it.

Next, take a deep dish, put a layer of herring on the bottom, and pour vinegar over it. Repeat the same with the second layer, put the dish in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Serve or leave to store for a short time.

Herring with mustard sauce in a jar

First you need to clean and cut up the fish carcass. The bones are taken out of it. The fillet is cut into small pieces. 90 ml of mayonnaise and 30 ml of mustard are placed in a special bowl. Additionally add sugar (but not more than 0.06 kg), 30 ml of water, 1 black pepper and juice squeezed from half a lemon. All this must be mixed until smooth. Next, peel the large onion and cut it into thinner strips. Mix everything again, add bay leaf and carefully transfer to a jar. Inside it, the dish should be marinated for 24 hours in the cold.

Marinating herring in mustard sauce

The peculiarity of this recipe is the need to take two fish at once. They are washed and cleared of entrails. Then the fillet is prepared, which should be free of bones and skin. Cutting is done into medium-sized pieces. Next, cut 3 onions into thin half rings. Scoop coriander seeds into a tablespoon and grind them in a mortar. Place 0.06 kg of sugar and mustard in a bowl, then 0.015 kg of salt. Pour in 100 ml of vinegar at a concentration of 9%. All this is mixed. The herring and sauce are transferred to a clean glass container and marinated for 48 hours in the refrigerator.

Recipe with Dijon mustard

This version of the dish can inspire even the most ardent gourmets. But there is a caveat: good results are achieved only when using impeccably fresh ingredients. The carcass of 1 large herring is cleaned and turned into fillet. This fillet needs to be cut into relatively small pieces. Onions (usually one onion is enough) are cut into thin half rings. When preparing the sauce, mix:

  • 30 ml traditional mustard;
  • 30 ml grainy Dijon mustard;
  • 60 ml sunflower oil;
  • a small amount of table vinegar (the amount is determined at your discretion).

The fish and onions are transferred to a glass container. Make several layers. Each layer is poured with marinade separately.

Marinating should continue for at least 24 hours in the cold, ideally a little longer.

Then the dish can be brought to the table; it is usually served together with sauce.

How to make lightly salted herring in mustard sauce?

The advantage of this option is that it saves time. It is achieved precisely through the use of lightly salted fish. This is very valuable in preparation for the New Year and other holidays, when the number of cases increases sharply. In order not to cook herring, they usually take products from well-known manufacturers. It will have to be cut into fillets, then divided into equal pieces.

The sauce in this case is prepared from 0.03 kg of grain mustard and 0.015 kg of sugar. Additionally add 100 ml of water and 60 ml of vinegar with a concentration of 9%. The onion (turnip) is thinly sliced. Place it on the same plate as the herring. Preparation for serving is completed when the fish is poured over the fish.

Such simple food can be served immediately. Judging by consumer reviews, it will be even better if you use hot jacket potatoes sprinkled with green onions as a side dish. It is possible to keep such lightly salted herring in reserve. It is simply transferred to jars, filled with sauce and sunflower oil. The shelf life even in the refrigerator does not exceed 14 days; ideally, you should eat the herring as soon as possible.

Universal recipe

A traditional problem in cooking is the difference in tastes among people. But there is a method for preparing herring with mustard sauce that does not have negative reviews. To work you will need:

  • 1 salted fish;
  • 2 red or white onions (turnips work too);
  • 0.03 kg mustard;
  • 60 ml sunflower oil;
  • 0.015 kg sugar;
  • 30 ml vinegar;
  • 0.25 liters of warm (this is important) water.

The dish will take no more than 25 minutes to prepare. After cleaning, the head of the fish is cut off. Be sure to take out all the bones they notice. For further work, you can use either a regular jar or bowls with wide bottoms.

The onion, cut into half rings, is kept in water for a short time to get rid of the unreasonably strong bitterness. Add water to the mustard carefully, otherwise lumps will appear. After stirring the sugar, vinegar and oil, check how good the taste is. The water in which the onions were soaked is added to the herring. The more sauce you need, the higher the onion consumption. This must be taken into account in any case.

Original mustard and vinegar filling

This recipe uses, along with onions, salt and sugar, 150 ml of sunflower oil, 90 ml of mustard and 0.06 kg of parsley.

As always, remove the bones and fins. Half rings of onion are sprinkled on top of the herring. Parsley is also added there.

The filling is prepared in stages. Mix sugar and vinegar in one container. It is better to mix them with a whisk, this way it is easier to achieve complete dissolution. Another container is used to mix oil with mustard. After merging the two compositions, they must be mixed again until completely homogeneous, and the fish must be kept under pouring for 60 minutes in the refrigerator, then it can be served.

Herring with mustard sauce and lemon juice

A couple of eggs are broken into a deep bowl, then ground with sugar. 0.03 kg of French mustard and the same amount of hot mustard are sent there. They whip it all up. After adding 30 ml of lemon juice and 180 ml of sunflower oil, beat everything again until smooth. As usual, rows of herring are sequentially poured with sauce; they need to be kept in the refrigerator for 90 minutes under cling film.

The nutritional value

This moment worries many people, almost more than the purely culinary side of the matter. The energy value of 0.1 kg of herring with mustard sauce ranges from 200 to 220 kilocalories. A more accurate figure can only be given for each specific recipe. Therefore, the vast majority of people can eat this dish quite calmly. Just don’t forget that the presence of mayonnaise or vegetable oils in the recipe immediately increases the energy value.

Pickled herring in mustard sauce is a dish that will go with dinner for the whole family. See the recipe below.