Plum marshmallow in an electric dryer. Plum marshmallow at home Plum marshmallow


To prepare marshmallows at home, you need to choose dense varieties of plums. I make pastila from Hungarian plums. We are starting to sell plums en masse unripe, because they are more sour than ripe ones, which leads to the need to add sugar to the marshmallow. When the plum is ripe, it is sweet; you can add less sugar or not add it at all. Marshmallow made from an overripe plum will take a very long time to dry; it is better to mix such a plum for marshmallow with an apple.

Wash the plums, dry them, divide them into halves, remove the pits and cover with sugar. Stir and leave for 4-5 hours, during which time the sour plum will absorb the sugar and release juice.

Drain the resulting juice and puree the plums in a blender. Spread the plum puree in an even layer about 0.5-1 cm thick over the surface of the marshmallow tray. I have one tray in my dryer, so for the other four tiers of the dryer I cut out trays from baking paper (we sell paper 38 cm wide, very convenient). The plastic tray should be lightly greased with odorless vegetable oil; high-quality baking paper does not need to be greased with anything.

Dry the marshmallow in a dryer at a temperature of 50-60°C. Drying time is approximately 10-12 hours. I dry for 4-5 hours, then take a break for a few hours or overnight. Then again 5 hours of drying.

The finished pastille does not stick to your hands and there is no liquid in it. The marshmallow easily rolls into a tube.

The pastille can also be dried in the oven at the specified temperature and airflow function.

We cut the finished marshmallow randomly and, if desired, roll it into tubes. The pastille should be stored in a well-closed container in a dark and dry place. From the specified amount of products it turns out - 400-450 g. delicious pastila.

Live plum marshmallow is a wonderful gift for family and friends!

Plum pastille at home (in the oven or in the dryer) is prepared very quickly! A simple recipe that does not require special culinary skills.

In winter or for the New Year, such marshmallows can be prepared from frozen plums. But even berries stored for the winter make a luxurious dessert! In the summer-autumn season, fruit sweets can be made from apricots, plums, apples, pears, grapes, cherry plums, dogwoods, quinces, and in the fall - even from pumpkins!

Homemade sugar-free plum marshmallow is a healthy dessert that can be eaten often, unlike sweets, pastries or cakes. Moreover, the delicacy is easy to prepare! The fruit puree is spread in a thin layer on a baking sheet or the tray of a dryer (dehydrator), the paste is dried very quickly, there is no need to wait weeks or months, as it would be prepared in the sun.

If you prefer natural sweets without sugar, then you will definitely like it or for weight loss and energy boost.

Homemade sugar-free marshmallows

So, defrost the plums (they are already pitted). You need about 600-800 g of plums on a medium baking sheet.

Grind the resulting mass into a puree using a blender. Distribute evenly onto a sheet of parchment paper spread on a baking sheet. Dry at 50 degrees in a slightly open oven until the marshmallow becomes dense and does not stick to your hands. It will take 6-7 hours.

The finished pastille is easily separated from the parchment sheet.

You can roll it up and cut it however you like. It can be stored in an open wide container without a lid for quite a long time.

Bon appetit! Recipe from MariaS.

Marshmallow is not food the very first delicacy invented by man. Well, or the second, the first is just dried fruit.
Homemade fruit pastille is a natural, tasty and cheap delicacy for all family members. This pastille is appropriate as an independent dessert for tea or coffee, and is also widely used in baking, and even as an addition to meat dishes. Marshmallow is prepared from pureed berry or fruit puree; apples, cherry plums, plums, apricots or peaches are ideal for marshmallows.

Plum pastille has a very pleasant sweet and sour, not cloying taste and stores well. In the southern regions, marshmallows are dried directly in the sun, but in the middle zone, of course, you will have to use the oven.


  • plum 1 kg
  • granulated sugar 300 g
  • vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp. l.

How to make plum marshmallow at home

  1. Choose fruits for marshmallows that are well-ripened, but not overripe, and in no case spoiled. Be sure to check that the pit is easy to separate, otherwise preparing the plum will take a very long time.

  2. So, the plums need to be washed and the main water drained. Remove the seeds. It is easy to remove the pit if you cut the plum along the hollow and turn the halves a little. The bone will literally pop out on its own.

  3. Place the plum halves in a small saucepan and add 100 ml of water.

  4. Over medium heat, bring the plums to a boil and cook until they begin to fall apart. Remove from heat and cool to almost room temperature.

  5. Next you will need a blender. Use it to puree all the pulp from the plums.

  6. Rub the resulting puree through a sieve, so the mass becomes as homogeneous as possible.

  7. Transfer the puree into a saucepan, add sugar, and cook over medium heat (don’t forget to stir constantly, don’t cover it with a lid).

  8. How to determine how long to cook the puree? It should look almost like jam, stop boiling, and begin to “spit” quite strongly. Then remove the puree from the heat.

  9. Line a baking sheet with parchment, evenly greased.

  10. Using a spoon, spread all the plum puree onto the parchment.

  11. Now this layer of puree needs to be dried to a marshmallow state. Place the pan in the oven, turn the heat to low and open the oven door slightly. This way the marshmallow will dry for at least 4 hours (depending on the oven, the process may take 6 hours).

  12. The pastille is ready when it begins to easily come away from the parchment in one layer. Let it cool completely.

  13. Cut the cooled marshmallow into strips with scissors, roll into rolls, each can be tied with twine if desired.

This is how plum pastille is prepared at home. Place it in clean, dry jars and close tightly. It is recommended to store the pastille in a cool place.

Let the baked plums for the marshmallow cool slightly so as not to burn yourself. Transfer them in batches to a blender and puree until smooth. As you can see, I didn’t remove the skin from them, the blender did a great job with it.

Pour the plum puree into a large saucepan and add sugar to taste. Stir well until it is completely dissolved. If your puree remains warm, then you don’t need to heat it up. If it has time to cool down, you can put it on the stove for just a minute.

  • Line two large baking trays with baking paper so that it hangs over the edges. Pour the prepared plum puree over them and distribute evenly. The ideal layer thickness for me is half a centimeter or a little more. Otherwise it will take a very long time to dry. The surface should be flat and smooth, as in the photo.

  • To dry plum marshmallows at home, set your oven to the lowest possible temperature and place the baking sheets in the center. In my oven it's 80 degrees. If you can’t set it to less than 100, then it’s better to leave the oven door ajar, otherwise the marshmallow may burn. If you have a convection mode, feel free to turn it on. It perfectly speeds up the drying process. Approximately halfway through cooking, it is better to swap the baking sheets for even drying. The pastille will be ready when it completely stops sticking to your hands and becomes easy to separate from the paper.

  • At the dacha, where our ovens are not so modern, plum marshmallows can be dried outside in hot weather. Place it in the shade and cover it with gauze to prevent flies (the gauze should not touch the surface of the marshmallow, otherwise it will stick). It is better to bring the baking sheets into the house at night. In 2 days they will have time to dry completely. If you have low humidity in your house, then the marshmallow can be successfully dried on a Russian stove or radiator in winter. Cut the finished marshmallow into strips, roll into rolls, line with baking paper and store in a cool place in a hermetically sealed container or jar. The recipe is adapted from the English blog Natasha's kitchen. Many thanks to the author.