Delicious chicken and broccoli pie. Jellied pie with chicken and broccoli

The recipe for Laurent pie or quiche Laurent dates back to the Middle Ages, when Lorraine - a region in northeastern France - was under German rule. Therefore, undergoing centuries-old changes in name and composition, being supplemented and changed, the pie began to be called exactly that - Laurent pie or Quiche Laurent. Previously, it was baked using leftover dough from baking bread, then it began to be prepared from puff pastry or shortcrust pastry. The filling may be different, but the filling is always the same - creamy cheese with egg.

Making Laurent chicken and broccoli pie takes a little work, but you'll be rewarded with a hearty and delicious pastry. Eating a warm piece of such a pie is a great pleasure, and let the whole world wait!

First we need to knead the dough, and for it we will need the following products.

Pour flour and salt into a bowl, chop the butter into pieces, rub thoroughly with your hands, trying to do it quickly and not heat the butter too much.

Make a well in the center and add the egg. Lightly shake it with a fork and use it to start gathering the dough into a ball. Add cold water as needed.

For the filling we will need the following products. If you don’t like broccoli, then you don’t have to add it, but then you will lose important and healthy vitamins))). Broccoli must first be thawed, and chicken fillet must be boiled in salted water for 20 minutes.

Fry the onions in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Add finely chopped champignons to the onion. If the mushrooms have already been in the refrigerator for several days, they must first be peeled. Fry everything together for 10 minutes. Add a little salt and pepper, as the mushrooms immediately absorb all the spices and salt. For aroma, you can add oregano, basil or any fragrant herbs.

Cut the boiled chicken fillet into smaller pieces.

Add chicken to the pan and cook for another 5 minutes. You don’t need to add a lot of vegetable oil to prevent the filling from coming out too greasy.

Cut the broccoli into small florets and add to the pan. Stir and fry everything together for 7-10 minutes. Then check for taste and add salt if necessary. The filling is ready.

To prepare the filling, take the following ingredients.

Mix the cream and egg with a fork or whisk, adding a little salt and nutmeg. Separately, grate the cheese and combine with the egg-cream mixture.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and spread it in a thin layer over the bottom and sides of the mold. I didn’t grease the pan with anything or line the bottom with parchment. The bottom of the mold comes out, and the dough is quite greasy. If you want to play it safe, grease the edges of the pan with butter and sprinkle with flour.

Distribute all the filling evenly over the dough.

Pour the filling on top. The liquid part will go to the bottom, and the cheese will remain on the surface. Bake the pie in a preheated oven until golden brown. Baking temperature - 180 degrees. The time is relative, approximately 20-25 minutes, use your oven as a guide.

When the cheese on top is browned, the edges of the dough turn golden, and the kitchen is filled with an intoxicating aroma - the pie is ready. Let it cool until barely warm before removing and slicing.

Hearty and tasty Laurent pie with chicken and broccoli is ready. You can taste it.

The recipe for this pie came to us from Lorraine, for which many thanks to the author who came up with this “quiche Laurent”. The pie has become so popular that almost many European countries are ready to recognize it as their invention. In the classic version, shortbread dough is prepared, but puff pastry and even curd dough can also be used. And the filling can be very diverse - whatever your imagination tells you, this will be the “middle”. And of course, the filling plays an important role; it should be in harmony in taste with the dough and filling. There is no shame in serving such pastries on a festive table; guests will be pleasantly surprised. And if you cook it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, a juicy piece will perfectly satisfy your hunger.

Quiche with chicken and mushrooms: recipe with photos

Very often I spoil my eaters with an open-faced pie called “snack”. He has taken root in our family and does not become boring. In order not to repeat myself, I have to change the shape and filling. I often bake it for a snack at work or for breakfast. This, of course, is a “fantasy recipe”; I in no way pretend to be a classic, although I really want to try the real one. But perhaps everything is still ahead and I will visit French coffee shops and restaurants, treat myself to the famous Laurent pie...

And here and now I suggest you cook a hearty pie for dinner. A simple dough for the base, an uncomplicated filling, combined to taste, give the baked goods an unforgettable aftertaste.

Dough ingredients:

  • flour – 1 cup and another 1/4 cup;
  • butter – 150g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • cold water – 2-3 tbsp.

Filling ingredients:

  • champignons – 3-4 pcs;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • chicken breast (fillet) – 1 piece;
  • cream 10% - 100ml;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • cheese – 70g;
  • salt.

How to cook quiche with chicken and mushrooms

For greater convenience, I will divide the recipe not just step by step, but also into three main stages: dough, filling and filling.

Preparing the dough

Preparing the filling for the quiche

  1. While the dough is “resting” in the refrigerator, chop the mushrooms as desired; 6 caps can be left whole to decorate the top of the pie, but it is better to cut into beautiful plates.
  2. Cut the onion into cubes.
  3. Raw chicken meat - into pieces.
  4. Lightly fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil and add the onion. Fry until the liquid evaporates. If desired, select mushroom slices to decorate the top of the pie.

  5. Mix with chicken meat, add spices, mix thoroughly and cook for another 5 minutes.

  6. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
  7. We take out the dough, distribute it over the mold, create sides by carefully lifting the dough above the mold with our fingers. Pour the “load” on top of it - dry beans. We do this so that the base does not bubble and turns out smooth.

  8. Set for 10 minutes, bake until slightly yellow. We take it out and remove the “weighting agent”.

Making the filling for the pie

Quiche with chicken and broccoli

As I already said, you can use any filling. Some people like meat, others like vegetables. I am for the golden mean - both and the taste will not suffer from this. I think it's the broccoli that gives the pie its "freshness."

What we need:

  • egg yolk – 1 pc;
  • very cold water – 2 tbsp;
  • flour - 1 and 1/4 cups;
  • salt - 1/4 tsp;
  • butter - 150g (unsalted ice cream).
  • chicken fillet – 2 pieces;
  • broccoli (fresh or frozen) – 150g;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil – 1-2 tbsp;
  • hard cheese – 100g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.

How to make quiche with chicken and vegetables (broccoli)

We prepare shortbread or as it is also called “chopped” dough. This name most likely happened because flour and butter were chopped into small crumbs with a knife. But now they are releasing so many kitchen gadgets that you just have time to keep up with the new products. A food processor helps me prepare dough. It’s very convenient, we put in the groceries, press a button - and our hands are clean and we save time.

  1. Take the butter out of the freezer and cut it into cubes. Sift the flour, add salt. Place the prepared ingredients into the processor bowl, turn on the food processor and wait for it to grind the butter and flour to a “crumb” state. The mass will not be smooth and elastic. Just like “pellets”.

  2. Beat the yolk and cold (ice) water in a separate bowl until smooth. Pour the mixture into the bowl of the processor and let it run until larger and wetter “pellets” form, but still do not look like dough.

  3. Take it out and continue kneading with your hands. But don't knead for too long! It’s enough to form a lump and stop. Roll it into a ball, place it on a plate, cover with cling film to prevent it from chapping and place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

  4. While the dough is chilling, prepare the filling. Wash the raw chicken meat, dry it with a paper towel, and cut it into medium-sized pieces.
  5. Peel the onion and cut into cubes.
  6. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until golden brown.

  7. In another vessel (sauce pan) fry the chicken meat.
  8. We separate fresh broccoli into inflorescences, rinse in water, and dry. Boil in salted water for 5-7 minutes. Don't overcook it, it becomes tasteless. If you have frozen cabbage, cook for 12-15 minutes without defrosting first. Do not pour a lot of water, it should barely cover the inflorescences.

  9. Take the dough out of the refrigerator. Roll it out between two sheets of parchment paper and transfer it to the pan using a rolling pin (or on the same sheet). We remove the excess by rolling it along the sides with a rolling pin, carefully straighten the rest with our hands to the size of the mold.

  10. To ensure that the baking surface remains smooth and free of bubbles, add beans to the bottom. We will have it as a weighting agent.
  11. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Place the pan and bake for 10-15 minutes until the crust is golden brown. We take it out and remove the beans.
  12. Place the filling on the half-finished crust - the first layer is fried onion, the second layer is chicken meat, and lay broccoli on top.

  13. Prepare the filling - grate the hard cheese. Beat the eggs, add cheese to them, if you like spices - pepper, salt, herbs too. Stir well and pour in the filling.

  14. Place the pie in the oven for another 30-35 minutes. The time depends on the oven; it works differently for each housewife.

The pie is browned, take it out and leave it to cool for 10 minutes. Then remove the baked goods from the pan and cool on a wire rack to room temperature. We transfer it to a dish, cut it into portions and wait for praise from our family.

Quiche with chicken, cheese and caramelized onions

And in this recipe, the filling contains onions, not just simple ones, but fried and caramelized with sugar. That word squeaks like caramel right on your teeth. And even the editor says that such a word does not exist - an error. Eh, if he tried such an onion, what would he say later? But this is all lyrics, let's cook.

Grocery list:

  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • chicken breast without skin and bones - 1 piece (400g);
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • hard cheese - 150g (ideally Gruyère);
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • vegetable oil;
  • butter;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1/3 tsp.

Cooking process

The dough is kneaded in the same way as in the first recipe. If you forgot how to cook, see “quiche with chicken and mushrooms.”

  1. Let's start preparing the caramelized onions. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan. This is where culinary experts disagree. It is believed that it is better to fry with olive oil; it “fits” the taste best. They also recommend mixing it with butter 1 to 1. But I prefer my native sunflower, may gourmets forgive me. So, put the onion in well-heated oil and sauté until browned, stirring often so as not to burn. As soon as it begins to acquire a tan color, add sugar and pour in balsamic vinegar. Sugar adds sweetness, the bitterness of the onion will not be felt at all, and the acid “fixes” the caramelization. Keep the pan on the stove for another 2 minutes. We're filming.
  3. In a separate bowl, fry the chicken fillet. Do not fry until golden brown, just let it set. Add salt at the end to keep the meat juicy.

  4. We take the dough out of the refrigerator, roll it out into a circle and transfer it to the mold, straighten it with our hands, press it tightly to the base and sides. We try to ensure that the thickness is distributed evenly. Cover the top with baking paper and sprinkle beans or peas, it will prevent the formation of bubbles on the cake.

  5. Place in the oven to bake for 15 minutes at 200°C. As soon as the color turns light golden, take it out. Remove paper and beans.
  6. While the base is baking, prepare the filling. Beat the eggs. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and add to the egg mixture. Salt, sprinkle with pepper and ground nutmeg. Stir.

  7. The first bottom layer will be the onion. Distribute it evenly and smooth the surface with a spoon. On top of it are chicken pieces. And fill it up to the very edges with egg and cheese filling.

  8. Bake again for 30-40 minutes until fully cooked. The crust is dark golden brown - it's time to turn off the stove. As always, let it cool a little so that it becomes dense, the filling “sets” and we call everyone to the table.

Cooking instructions

1 hour 10 minutes Print

    1. Place the diced fillet and onion in half rings into a preheated frying pan and simmer for 10 minutes. Add a spoonful of sour cream and simmer for 5 minutes. Crib How to cut onions

    2. Separate the broccoli into inflorescences (250 g of disassembled inflorescences), cube the tomato, finely chop the greens.
    Crib How to cut greens

    3. Place vegetables and herbs into the pan and simmer all together for 5 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Set aside and let cool. The Belgians of Green Pan rebelled against Teflon. With the passion of a preacher, they tell us that polytetrafluoroethylene heated to more than 260 degrees is toxic and even kills some birds on the spot. Instead, a new non-stick thermolon coating is offered, which does not contain harmful chemicals and allows you to fry in a small amount of oil.

    4. Combine eggs, yogurt, sour cream (5 tablespoons) and mix well. Salt, add baking powder and butter cut into small cubes. Stir and add sifted flour. Mix thoroughly. The dough should be thick, like pancakes.
    Crib How to check egg quality

    5. In shape (mine is 19 cm square and 5 cm deep). Pour some of the dough into the mold and, without stirring, put the filling on top (if the filling contains juice, then remove the juice). Cover the filling with the other half of the dough and place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30–40 minutes (depending on your oven). Check readiness with a bamboo skewer. Tool Oven thermometer How the oven actually heats up, even if you set a specific temperature, can only be understood with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer on hand that is placed in the oven or simply hung on the grill. And it is better that it shows degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit simultaneously and accurately - like a Swiss watch. A thermometer is important when you need to strictly observe the temperature regime: for example, in the case of baking.

    6. When the pie is ready and browned, turn off the oven and I leave the pie there for 5-10 minutes so that it doesn’t fall. You can get it right away.

Laurentian pie with chicken and broccoli is a godsend for the housewife; when served hot, it will provide a hearty and healthy dinner; when served cold, it is a good idea for a picnic snack.


for test:

  • 50 g softened butter;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 3 tbsp ice water;
  • 200 g wheat flour;
  • 1/2 tsp salt.

For filling:

  • 300 g chicken fillet;
  • 300 g broccoli (frozen is fine);
  • 200 g of “Russian” cheese or any other hard cheese;
  • 150 g of natural unsweetened yoghurt;
  • salt to taste.


I tried chicken pie Laurent style at a friend’s place, really liked it and wanted to repeat this miracle at home. There was some broccoli left in the refrigerator and I decided to add it to the pie, especially since I think it goes well with chicken. And I was right! It turned out even tastier and healthier.

We need chicken fillet, boil it in boiling salted water for about half an hour.

While the chicken is cooking, prepare the dough. Grind the softened butter with the egg, add ice water.

Sift the flour, add salt and knead the dough. We put it in the refrigerator.

The pie filling is prepared as follows.

Cut the boiled breast into small slices. Fry in a hot frying pan with a drop of refined vegetable oil for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly. Add the broccoli, separated into florets (do not defrost frozen broccoli; if using fresh broccoli, add an additional 1/2 cup of water), cover with a lid and, stirring occasionally, cook over low heat until the cabbage is soft.

Salt to taste, add finely chopped onions, natural unsweetened yogurt, cover again and simmer for another 1-2 minutes.

Grate the cheese into the frying pan on a fine grater, mix carefully and remove from heat.

Roll out the chilled dough a little, then transfer it to a baking dish (it is more convenient if it is a sliding form with a removable bottom) and, kneading it with your fingers, form low sides.

Using a fork, poke holes all over the surface of the pie.

We offer you an incredible recipe for a delicious and satisfying savory pie. We are sure that you, your friends and family – no one will remain indifferent to such home-baked goods. Laurentian pie with chicken, mushrooms and broccoli can be called a real find for every housewife. So quickly purchase the necessary products and start cooking.

Required Ingredients

For the test

  • wheat flour (highest grade) – 210 g;
  • butter (72.5% fat) – 50 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • drinking water – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – ½ tsp.

For savory filling

  • fresh chicken fillet – 300-320 g;
  • broccoli (fresh or frozen) – 200-250 g;
  • mushrooms (any you like) – 420 g;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1/2 tsp.

For filling

  • cream from cow's milk (25-30% fat content) – 220 ml.;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese (any type) – 150 g;
  • nutmeg (ground) – 1 tsp.

Cooking steps

Step #1. Let's start the pie recipe by kneading a simple dough. To do this, take a large and deep bowl. Beat one fresh chicken egg into it, add softened butter, mix. There is no need to try to make the resulting mass homogeneous.

Step #2. For this recipe we need cold drinking water. You can simply place a bowl of purified water in the freezer for a few minutes before cooking. Add cold water to the egg-butter mixture and stir.

Step #3. Now put the flour carefully sifted through a sieve into a bowl, add salt. Knead the dough that will become the basis for our Laurent pie. When you have done this, roll the dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film or a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Step #4. It's time to start filling. Boil the chicken fillet until fully cooked. While the fillet is cooking, peel the onions, wash well under running water, and dry with a kitchen towel. Finely chop the onion and set it aside for a while. Then wash and peel the mushrooms, cut them into small pieces. When the chicken fillet is cooked, remove it from the pan, transfer it to a separate plate and cool. Then cut it into small pieces.

Step #5. Heat a frying pan over medium heat. Pour sunflower oil into it and add chopped onions. Fry it a little and then add the mushrooms to the onions. Fry the ingredients for 10 minutes, add salt. Add chicken and broccoli to the pan. Let everything cook for another 10 minutes, then remove the filling from the heat and cool it.

Step #6. Prepare the filling for the Laurent pie. Place fresh chicken eggs into a large, deep bowl and beat them a little with a special whisk. Add heavy cream, stir.

Step #7. Grate the hard cheese on a grater with large holes. Add it to the egg mixture. Add nutmeg there and stir. If necessary, the filling can be salted.

Step #8. Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Roll it out and place it in a mold with a diameter of 27 cm. Be sure to form small sides from the dough.

Step #9. Place the prepared filling on top of the dough and distribute it evenly over the baking pan. Fill the filling with eggs and cream. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake the pie for about 40 minutes.

Step #10. Remove the finished homemade cakes from the oven. Let it cool slightly in the mold. Then carefully remove it and place it on a large flat plate or dish. Before serving, cut the chicken, mushroom and broccoli pie Laurent into small pieces.

The Laurent pie itself looks very appetizing! If desired, it can be decorated with fresh herbs.

Don't forget to leave a comment and bon appetit!