The most exotic and unusual varieties of vegetables. Unusual fruits of the world

Do you know about the orange, which has red-bloody flesh? In this short article we have described a selection of quite interesting and rare fruits and vegetables.

Has it ever happened to you that you went into a store and didn't know the name of a fruit or vegetable?

All over the world there are a sufficient number of plants that are consumed by local residents, but look very strange. Some of them have a strange color, others a strange shape. Some plants are used as medicinal plants, while others have incredible legends and myths. Many of these plants have a powerful taste and smell. Did you know that durian, which has a strong odor, is effectively banned from public places and hotels in Singapore? Because of its smell, this fruit was nicknamed " King of Fruits».

This was one of the interesting facts, let's look at the rest.

Garcinia humilis or achacha grown in Bolivia, but is now also cultivated commercially in Australia. The fruit has a bitter taste and at the same time is sweet. Honey made from it has high medicinal properties and therefore costs 10 times more than regular honey.

or also called Spanish radish, grown all year round. It has a very sharp, acrid taste and a crispy interior. It is added to salads and soups.

got its name from English, which means ugly, but it should not be considered a spoiled fruit because it has a sweet taste. Agli comes from Jamaica, where it was crossed with mandarin and grapefruit in 1914. It is eaten raw, juice is also squeezed out of it, jam and fruit salads are made.

It looks kind of scary and not real. But in reality, it is a real fruit that has the antioxidant anthocyanin, which in turn turns it bloody. They are common in California and the Mediterranean. They are used in salads and marmalades and juices are squeezed out of them.

Goatbeard, or Oat root - it is a vegetable, as is already obviously the root of this plant. It tastes like an oyster. It is added to soups and various meat dishes.

Or gourd distributed in Asia, Africa, Europe and the USA. It is believed that the origin is South Africa. It has a nutty taste. The juice obtained from this pumpkin is very useful, it helps with diseases such as diarrhea, diabetes, indigestion, stomach ulcers, flatulence, jaundice, etc.

Romanesco broccoli- this vegetable looks too beautiful. Has a pleasant nutty taste. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, carotenoids and fiber. It is eaten raw and or cooked.

Also this named citron palmate. It has an aromatic rind with a subtle flavor. The trick of this fruit is that it is used in place of a lemon. In Japan and China it is used as a fragrance for closets and rooms. Northeast India or China is considered the birthplace of the fruit.

Also known as prickly pear or cactus fig, grows on cacti. It tastes like bubble gum and watermelon.

This fruit grows in Southwest Mexico, California and the Mediterranean. It is used for making lemonades or vodka, as well as for making confectionery and jellies.

Has a nutty flavor. It grows in many parts of the world. It is eaten raw or boiled. It is added to roasts, stews, mashed potatoes and blanched.

Grows in Malaysia, India, Bangladesh, Philippines and Sri Lanka. It is used to make jam and juices. Ripe carom has a sweet taste.

Plant flowers sesbania grandiflora or another name agate. It is used as a vegetable in Southeast Asia. It is eaten raw. They also help relieve headaches and improve appetite.

These are basically green beans hidden in a purple skin. They have regular green peas inside and taste similar to regular French green beans. The purple color disappears when cooked.

Or dragon fruit is actually the fruit of a cactus. Mexico, South and Central America are considered their homeland. The fruit contains a lot of vitamin C, various acids and dietary fiber. Pitaya is consumed raw, only the inner pulp; the peel is not suitable for consumption.

Dark red edible seaweed, growing on the northern shores of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It is added to soups and stews. It is also dried and a seasoning is made from the resulting powder. It is rich in various proteins, minerals and vitamins. It is used in skin care products.

Or as they call it in Asia " King of Fruits" People who try it at least once either immediately fall in love with it or are forever disgusted. The smell of durian is very strong, and many people really dislike it. At the same time, the fruit has a sweet aroma and is pleasant to the taste. It is eaten raw or made into pancakes, cookies or candy.

Horned melon or Kiwano, or African cucumber belongs to the Pumpkin family and the Cucumber genus. Originally from Africa, but currently cultivated in Chile, Australia, California, New Zealand. It tastes like cucumber and banana. It consists of 90% water and has a huge amount of vitamin C. It is used to make ice cream, salads, smoothies and much more.

Auricularia earioid(“Judas’s ear”) is a rude tree that grows all year round. The name comes from the biblical legend of Judas, who hanged himself from an elder tree. There is also a Chinese name, hei mu er, which means black tree ear. In Japanese, kikurage means tree jellyfish. This mushroom is eaten raw or added to salads, stews and pasta.

This fruit is native to Malaysia and Indonesia. The fruits are rich in vitamin C, manganese and copper. Rambutan is eaten raw or added to fruit salads.

Other name german turnip, which you can eat raw or boiled. Its shape is similar to broccoli or cabbage core. Has a sweetish taste. It is added to salads.

A tropical fruit grown in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand. The fruit is the size of a small apple. The fruit tastes only slightly sweet.

Or monstera is amazing It is a fruit whose ripe fruit has white, edible pulp. The fruits ripen very slowly, and unripe fruits are poisonous. The ripe fruits have a banana-pineapple flavor and are consumed as a dessert.

Morinda citrusifolia, or is a tree belonging to the madder family. It is cultivated in the tropics, but Southeast Asia is considered its homeland. The fruit has a bitter taste and a pungent odor. This fruit has medicinal properties and is used for respiratory diseases, diarrhea, fever, sore gums, etc.

The fruit is inedible. Grown in the USA and Ontario. The fruit has rough skin. They say that the seeds are edible (I believe that it is better not to eat anything without experienced people).

Also her called Dutch parsley. This root vegetable is eaten raw or boiled. The root has a very rich aroma, so you need to add only the required amount of this root vegetable to your food.

It is a fruit that is cultivated in many parts of the world. It is used to make juice. From passion fruit make various desserts.

Purple sweet potatoes is a type of common sweet potato. This root vegetable is low in calories and high in fiber. They are also rich in antioxidants. They are prepared in the same way as regular potatoes.

Pink apples are native to Malaysia and East India. As soon as the fruits ripen, they acquire a pink color. The fruits are very juicy.

Belongs to the family Soleros. Sea beans are a vegetable that is added mainly to various salads. It should not be confused with algae and cacti.

Are edible. They can be used as a vegetable, so they are fried or baked. They are also added to sauces and soups. The flowers have a sweet, delicate taste. Forward

Most residents of Russia and Europe no longer see bananas, pineapples and coconuts. But still, not everyone is familiar with the look, smell and taste of fruits that are not exported from their places of growth on a large scale. We present to your attention the TOP 13 strangest and most unusual fruits found in nature.

In the ranking of the most unusual fruits in the world, the first place, perhaps, is occupied by the exotic fruit DURIAN. This fruit has very unusual qualities. The smell of durian is so disgusting that it is banned from most public places. It is prohibited from being brought into hotels, and it cannot be carried on board an airplane or on a bus.

Some of them even have a special sign in the form of a durian crossed out with a red line, which means that entry with the fruit is strictly prohibited. Durian is often exported in dried or canned form. However, if you overcome your disgust or simply close your nose and taste the juicy pulp, you will immediately understand where the concept of the king of fruits came from. If you want to get an unforgettable experience, then be sure to try durian.

RAMBUTAN is one of the most popular trees in Southeast Asia, whose hard, prickly skin hides surprisingly tender pulp, which is often used to make jams and jellies. And the seeds are fried and eaten.

Rambutan fruits are small, the size of a hazelnut, grow in clusters of up to 30 pieces and are rounded “balls” with an elastic peel of yellow or red color, covered with fleshy hairs 4-5 cm long. Rambutans have an excellent taste not only in their raw form, but and as a filling for pies and jams. It is used as an additive to sauces, ice cream and in the form of compotes.

AKEBIA: Yamagata's exotic fruit. The shape and size of these sweet fruits resemble papaya or mango, and their purple-lilac color makes them look like plums. It is grown in gardens in the northern part of the island of Honshu. Miracle fruits grow not on trees, but on vines. Almost like grapes or kiwi.

The liana blooms in May, and from the end of August to the end of October pleases with ripe and tasty fruits. When the akebia reaches maximum maturity, its skin breaks open to reveal a sticky, sweet pulp containing seeds. Despite the fact that this plant is called “climbing cucumber,” its fruits are more like sausages and taste like raspberries. If you're in northern Honshu, be sure to try akebia!

SALAC – snake fruit. Salak is a fast-growing, low tropical palm with many trunks with pinnate leaves, the petioles and axes of which are covered with thorns. Clusters of red-brown fruits grow just above the ground at the base of the trunk. Scaly, prickly and snakeskin-like fruits of herring, similar to small bulbs. The pulp is beige-yellow, sweet, aromatic and has a specific taste. It is believed that the most delicious varieties grow in Java, near Jakarta and Bali.

The taste of the fruit varies depending on the variety. Some describe it as sweet and sour with a nutty aftertaste, some say the taste resembles something similar to cherries, gooseberries and strawberries, others say something like a mixture of banana and pineapple, and there are those who describe it as cotton wool filled with valerian or corvalol. . In general, if possible, you should definitely try this fruit to appreciate its taste.

JABOTICABA or JABOTICABA, a slow-growing evergreen vine tree from Southern Brazil. In spring and summer, jaboticaba is covered with many small white flowers with long stamens that grow directly on the trunk and main branches. At first, the young fruits are green, but as they ripen they acquire a dark red and then almost black color. Ripe fruits look like grapes, with a rather large seed surrounded by translucent, aromatic pulp that has an unusual sweet taste.

Jaboticaba fruit is a popular ingredient for making jams and juices. Moreover, they are used to make wine and strong liquor. It is practically impossible to store these fruits any other way, because... already three days after they are removed from the tree, the fermentation process begins.

The next gem-like fruit is called CHALLAH . Challah is translated as sin, mistake. This miracle with the taste of pineapple grows in the tropics of Oceania, Africa, Australia, Madagascar, Mauritius, India... It has taken root well in California and Florida, since the plant itself is very interesting - it can grow anywhere, in any, very different and dubious conditions!

Hala or Pandana are chameleons of flora: they have an amazing ability to adapt, adapt and survive in different conditions! And depending on these conditions, they can be either low shrubs or tall trees up to 30 m in height. And most importantly, they are carriers of increased resistance to diseases and pests.

Despite their enormous size, these fruits are light. The fruits are eaten both raw and boiled in the form of puree in coconut milk. The core is dried or smoked. Dried challah fruits are used to prepare flour and bake bread. Since the fruits are very aromatic, like the leaves, they are used for desserts. And the leaves are also used to make soups or make sails for canoes. Mats are woven from the roots, and large branches and trunks serve as building materials.

CARAMBOLA. Carambola is an evergreen, slow-growing tree or shrub. Ripe carambola fruits are amber yellow or golden yellow in color - fleshy, crunchy and juicy. They are shaped like a ribbed airship. On the cross section there is a five-pointed star, hence one of the names in English - starfruit or star fruit.

The taste of some varieties resembles the taste of plums, apples and grapes at the same time, while others resemble gooseberries with the smell of plums. The aroma is strongest when the carambola is lightly boiled in syrup.

PITAHAYA (Dragon Fruit). Pitahaya is an extraordinary fruit. The first mention of it is found among the Aztecs and dates back to the 13th century. After eating the pulp, the Indians roasted the seeds, ground them and used them for stews. It is currently grown in southern Mexico, some countries in Central and South America, Vietnam, and Israel.

Due to its outstanding appearance, the fruit is called “dragon fruit” or “prickly pear”. The taste of pitahaya is somewhat inferior to its appearance - not aromatic and not unsaturated.

SAPOTA. There are other names: “black apple”, “black persimmon” and “chocolate persimmon”. We first learned about these fruits in Southern Mexico and Guatemala. The ripe fruit has a green peel with a brown tint. The main feature of sapota, which is associated with the name, is the glossy jelly-like pulp of a dark brown color. The sapota fruit is quite sweet, but not too aromatic.

Many people say that its taste is somewhat similar to chocolate pudding. Sapota can be consumed fresh and can also be processed in various ways. Most often, the pulp is added to various baked goods and desserts.

JACKFRUIT or Indian breadfruit. Jackfruits are the largest edible fruits that grow on trees, weighing up to 34 kg. Young fruits are green, becoming green-yellow or brown-yellow when ripe. Inside, the fruit is divided into large lobes containing yellow, aromatic, sweet pulp consisting of juicy soft fibers.

The cut fruit has a pleasant specific smell, slightly reminiscent of banana and pineapple. Ripe fruits are eaten fresh and made into marmalade and jelly. Unripe fruits are used as vegetables - they are boiled, fried and stewed. The jackfruit tree is believed to bring good luck as its Thai name means “support, help.”

In appearance, MANGOSTIN looks like a pomegranate; it is covered with a thick purple crust. Under the peel there is white pulp, consisting of 8 segments, very similar in appearance to a head of garlic. There are seeds inside the pulp. This exotic plant produces its first fruits only at 10-20 years of age. Just look at the photo of this unusual fruit, and you will definitely want to try it.

As for the taste, mangosteen is similar to an apple, peach, nectarine, grapes, in general, this is a fruit that tastes like all other fruits! No wonder it was called the queen of fruits.

MOMORDIKA, or Chinese bitter melon, is a relative of cucumbers and zucchini, an herbaceous plant from the Cucurbitaceae family. The fruits of momordica look like an oblong pumpkin or cucumber with large “warts”. The unripe fruit of bitter melon is green in color. When ripe, it turns bright orange and splits open to reveal bright red growths containing the seeds.

What does mamordina taste like? Those same warts give its flesh a bitter taste. But the bright red ripe growths, on the contrary, add sweetness. For many people, the taste of mamordika is close to ripe pumpkin, but there are those who feel “notes” of cucumber and even peas in this taste.

CHERIMOYA. “Cold seeds” is exactly how the mysterious word “Cherimoya” is translated from the ancient Kechu language. In fact, this is a fruit tree of the Annonaceae family, and the Aztecs knew about representatives of this family.

The consistency of this fruit is similar to cream and is white in color. Cheremoya is also sometimes called the ice cream tree, this strange name was received by the tree for the taste and appearance of the fruits, and indeed, if you freeze them, then in taste and consistency it will resemble ice cream, the taste is indeed very delicate and sweet and is a little reminiscent of apples.

Write in the comments which of these fruits you have already tried and which ones you would like to try.

On the shelves of our stores, along with apples, pears, plums, apricots and other traditional fruits, their exotic counterparts have recently appeared - avocados, kiwis, mangoes and other outlandish specimens. In addition, there are fruits that are not exported from their places of growth and sometimes have a strange and unusual appearance, as well as taste and smell. What unusual fruits in the world can surprise the average consumer?

Curiosities of nature

Unusual fruits are something that is not very familiar to our eyes and taste preferences. In these exotic things we can see something similar to our fruits and vegetables. Sometimes they are associated with completely inedible things, and sometimes they cause outright disgust.

Nevertheless, nature is rich in miracles. And even if these wonders are sold in stores, not every buyer will dare to take an unfamiliar overseas fruit.

TOP 10 strangest fruits

Our planet is rich in a variety of fruits, unusual, outlandish, the existence of which many do not even know.

From the great variety of overseas exotics, let’s try to name the most unusual fruits:

  • Kiwano. African horned melon with a gelatinous content similar to a sweet cucumber.
  • Romanescu. A cross between cauliflower and broccoli, high in antioxidants.
  • Buddha's hand. Kind of like a lemon under a very thick skin.
  • Durian (or durio). The king of fruits, hiding amazing-tasting contents under incredibly smelly skin.
  • Monstera. The fruits have a pineapple flavor.
  • Paw-paw. North American prairie banana. It differs from the usual one in its short shape and strong aroma.
  • Pitaya (or Dragon Fruit). Sweet white balls with small edible seeds.
  • Jabotacaba. It grows directly on the trunk of a tree and has a plum-like taste.
  • Star Fruit. A flavored hybrid of mango, grapes and lemon, yellow in color and shaped like a star.
  • goat beard. The root is brown in color and has a distinct oyster flavor.

This is only a small part of the plants that are distributed throughout the globe.

Incredible combination

Unusual vegetables and fruits sometimes combine incompatible things. This can be said about such an exotic fruit as durian.

It is a plant of the Malvaceae family, native to forests in southeast Asia. It has large flowers either white or red. Over time, fruits grow in their place. They have a very hard shell and powerful spines.

The durian fruit itself, weighing from 2 to 10 kg, has a very disgusting smell. For this reason, it cannot be stored indoors. You need to carry the fruits from the store to your home in a separate bag, which is then thrown away.

You can cut through the hard skin with a large knife and thick gloves... and underneath there is a pulp with a divine taste.

The fruits of this fruit, which evoke hellish visions with their smell and heavenly pleasure with their taste, are very valuable in Asia and South America.

Deadly exotic

Photos of unusual fruits are presented to your attention in the article. Below is the fruit aki. A chance encounter with this fruit while traveling can end very badly.

It grows in Jamaica and is the national fruit. The fruit can be fatal if consumed incorrectly.

Ackee contains a high content of toxins, which are destroyed during heat treatment, and then the fruit turns into a real delicacy with a subtle nutty flavor.

Today the fruit is widespread in Central Asian and American cuisine. Used to prepare side dishes, it is served with bacon, fish, and pancakes.

Brilliant solution

The square watermelon was developed by Japanese farmers. And this is just their whim. This is how they solved the problem of lack of retail space. The square shape of this berry takes up much less space than the round one. These watermelons are easy to store, pack and transport.

The creative approach of Japanese farmers is that they placed a young watermelon ovary in a cubic shape, equal to the height of the refrigerator shelves in Japanese supermarkets.

The first such watermelon appeared about forty years ago. But Japanese farmers didn’t stop there: they have already developed a pyramid watermelon, which is used to decorate store windows.

Passion fruit syrup can be used in baking pastries and mixing cocktails. To prepare it you will need water and sugar (1 cup each) and passion fruit pulp (half a cup). All ingredients must be mixed in a small container, brought, stirring, to a boil, simmer for 15 minutes and cool.

Salad with rambutan will become a real decoration of the festive table. To prepare it, you need the following ingredients: canned rambutan (1 can), crab sticks (20 grams), boiled rice (80 grams), yogurt for dressing, salt, pepper, herbs. Chop and mix everything, season with yogurt. Rambutan syrup will be used to make sweet drinks.

Mango sherbet will pleasantly surprise any gourmet. The following products will be used to prepare it: 2 mangoes, half a glass of water and sugar, 1 tbsp. l. lime juice. At the first stage, sugar and water mixed in a small container are boiled for 5 minutes. Then this syrup must be cooled. Next, peel the mango fruit, remove the pit, and grind the pulp in a blender until smooth. Then carefully combine the syrup, puree and lime juice. Pour the resulting mixture into a mold and place in the refrigerator for three hours. Every half hour, the sherbet must be whisked. The prepared delicacy has a delicate structure, pleasant taste and aroma.

Recipes with exotic and unusual fruits and vegetables can diversify our diet.

It would seem that we all know very well the standard set of vegetables: cucumber, tomato, potato, carrot and more. But, probably, none of you even suspected that almost every vegetable we eat every day has its own exotic brother. I want to introduce you to the 13 most, in my opinion, exotic vegetables in the world.
1. Purple carrots

More than one generation of people is convinced that carrots only come in orange, but purple is the original, primordial color of this vegetable.
The Times reports that the color of carrots is due to beta carotene with some addition of the pigment alpha carotene. They contain the purple pigment anthocyanin, which acts as an antioxidant.
Purple carrots are depicted in drawings made in an Egyptian temple as early as 2000 BC. In the tenth century, purple carrots were grown in Afghanistan, Pakistan, northern... In the fourteenth century, crimson, white and yellow varieties were imported into the south. Black, red and green carrots were also grown.
Recently, Dutch plant breeders studied the beneficial properties of purple carrots. They believe that the purple vegetable provides the body with additional protection against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

2. Black tomatoes

A unique variety of tomatoes has appeared on the market. According to some experts, the vegetable contains a certain substance that greatly enhances sexual desire.

The new variety of black tomatoes is called "kumato". It is a relative of the wild plant Lycopersicon cheesmanii. It is the same size as regular tomatoes, but is sweeter and has a brown-black skin. It took six years of scientific research to improve this vegetable and begin selling it in Europe. When tomatoes were first grown by the Aztecs and Incas in the 8th century, they were not only red, but also yellow, green, red, white and black. They were grown in what is now Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Mexico.
This tomato-blackberry cross can prolong the life of mice prone to colon cancer by 30%. In addition to the benefits that regular tomatoes have - high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants.

3. Rainbow cabbage

"Rainbow" cauliflower appeared in. The British company Syngeta has launched a new variety of cauliflower on the market - Rainbow Cauliflowers, the inflorescences of which are painted in bright orange, green and purple colors. It tastes exactly the same as cabbage, but it adds color to cooked dishes - the new variety does not lose its rich color even after cooking.
Another advantage of the world's most cauliflower is that the orange variety contains 25 times more beta-carotene than regular cauliflower florets, and the purple variety is rich in anthocyanin, which is useful for preventing heart disease by slowing down blood clotting.
Company representative Andrew Coker emphasized that the unusual colors of cabbage are not a product of genetic engineering at all, but the result of traditional selection, which took decades.

4. Pineberry Strawberries

The berry, whose name comes from pineapple + berry, goes on sale in Waitrose UK stores today. Gourmets will have to hurry: Pineberry will only be on shelves for the next five weeks.
The fruit, which has the same genetic structure as a regular strawberry, but tastes and smells like pineapple, is considered to be native to South America. Dutch farmers discovered it there and have been successfully growing it in greenhouses for seven years. The unique species was on the verge of extinction when Dutch farmers revived it in greenhouses. When unripe, the berries are green, and their ripeness is indicated by white skin and red seeds.

5. Purple Potatoes

A new variety of deep purple potato has gone on sale in the UK. All derivatives from this vegetable also remain purple - chips, mashed potatoes, etc. Dubbed Purple Majesty, the potato tastes just like its more familiar cousins, but is loaded with anthocyanins, which is what gives blueberries, blackberries and eggplant their distinctive flavors.
A new variety is being grown in Scotland. This year, about 400 tons of crop were harvested, which is not very much, but next year the producers plan to increase the figure.
Blue potatoes are divided into several types. For example, the Franzosische Truffel-kartoffel and Linzer Blaue varieties do not lose their color during the cooking process, remain dark blue and become very boiled. Whereas the other two Linzer Roze and Kipfler take a long time to cook and do not become overcooked, but during the cooking process they lose their unusual color. They are usually used raw with Jerusalem artichoke when preparing salads.

6. Red cucumbers

These vegetables are only conventionally called “red cucumbers.” In fact, they have nothing in common with classic cucumbers. They do not have their own taste and are used more for decorative purposes.
This vegetable is very similar in appearance to a cucumber, although its color is bright red. But it just tastes “no good.” In fact, this fruit belongs to the gourd family and is called “red cucumber” or “tladiantha dubious”. This miracle was brought to Europe from Southeast Asia, and is considered more of an ornamental plant than an edible one. However, if you plant this beauty at your dacha, then in a couple of years your entire garden will be a continuous thicket of red cucumbers.

7. Romanescu

It is a close relative of broccoli and cauliflower. If you love cabbage, then you will definitely love this fantastic vegetable. In addition, this amazing vegetable is literally packed with antioxidants.
Romanescu, or Romanesque broccoli, cauliflower. Designers and 3D artists admire its exotic, fractal-like shapes. Cabbage buds grow in a logarithmic spiral. The first mention of Romanescu cabbage came from the 16th century.
Romaine broccoli has the most subtle flavor that cabbage can have. Romanescu is not crumbly, tastier than broccoli, sweetish with a nutty, rather than sulfuric, flavor. A fresh head of romanesca cabbage should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days. Since cabbage is hard, the head of cabbage is cut into pieces with a serrated knife.
A casserole is prepared with pieces of romanesca cabbage and served with bechamel sauce and Roquefort cheese. Romanescu cabbage is rich in antioxidant carotenoids and vitamin C.
This exotic vegetable is easy to grow for those who have experience growing broccoli, since the agricultural technology is identical.

8. Kiwano melon (Cucumis metuliferus)

Kivano melon (Antillean cucumber, horned melon, angouria). Kiwano, a fellow Kiwi, hails from . Externally, the fruit resembles a yellow-orange cucumber with numerous horns. In fact, kiwano is not as formidable as it seems: the spines are soft, the crust is loose. The best way to eat the fruit is to cut it in half and slurp out the green pulp. Kiwano is like cucumber and lemon at the same time - refreshing. It contains vitamins of the PP group, and there is more than enough vitamin C in it.
The average weight of the fruit is 300 g, the average length is 12 cm. The fruits are extremely decorative and can be used to create original compositions and even as Christmas tree decorations.

9. Hand of Buddha

These are popular fruits in Asia of one of the representatives of the citrus subfamily (Rutaceae family). The contents of this fruit under the thick skin are very reminiscent. It has the largest fruits of all citrus fruits. Their length is 20-40 cm. Diameter is 14-28 cm. We have already discussed it in more detail in the topic

10. Durio

The durio fruit resembles some kind of “alien” fruit the size of a football, covered with a hard, prickly skin. The pulp inside the fruit is pale yellow. The smell is similar to dirty worn socks, rotting meat, or sewage (take your pick). However, this fruit tastes amazing and elegant. The first European explorer who first tasted this fruit in the 1700s called it the “king of fruits.” “It was worth going on a dangerous journey just to try this fruit,” added the brave traveler.

11. Monstera (Monstera deliciosa)

Monstera grows in many homes. In nature, this plant produces tasty fruits. The ripe core of monstera fruit, despite the unpleasant pungent odor, is tasty and tastes like pineapple.

12. Star Fruit

A cross section of this fruit forms an almost regular star. This fruit is juicy, sweet with a sour tint. It tastes like grapes, mango, lemon - all in one. It contains a lot of oxalic acid, so it is not recommended to abuse this fruit for people with kidney failure. The birthplace of the fruit is Sri Lanka

13. Goat beard

Goat's beard root. It tastes like oysters.

Nature is the most skillful artist, sculptor and cook. Her creations amaze in appearance, cause bewilderment, and delight in taste and aroma. Distant Asia and the tropical forests of South America have become home to many amazing fruits that never appear on the shelves of our stores. You can only get acquainted with their unusual taste by traveling around the world. Round and long, covered with thorns, hairs and scales, fruits painted with all sorts of colors, growing on trees, vines, cacti are the most interesting objects to study. The presented eight exotic fruits of overseas trees are quite popular in the regions where they grow, and some are so tasty that they have won recognition in all corners of the world.

An unusual fruit of elongated shape and bright pink color grows on cacti in South Asia, China, Japan, Thailand and Indonesia. On the surface of the peel, growths resembling fleshy petals are visible. The pulp is white and aromatic, it is strewn with small black seeds. This fruit has several names, because of its appearance it was nicknamed dragon fruit or dragon's eye, the second option has no connection with legends, it comes from the name of the cactus - pitaya or pitahaya.

The taste of the fruit is not rich, but pleasant and refreshing; it is used in salads and cocktails. The pulp may be raspberry in color and has a more pronounced taste. The fruit is easy to cut, eaten in slices like a melon or picked out with a spoon; its original appearance serves as a decoration for fruit salad. Ripeness is determined by pressing; unripe, hard fruit is tasteless and should not be tasted. Pitahaya retains its properties for 6 days, it is difficult to transport, so it is very difficult to try it in countries where it does not grow.

Kiwano looks like a melon with pimples or thorns, and in cross section it looks like a cucumber with large seeds. The fruit is small - 15 cm, grows on a herbaceous vine, its homeland is Africa, now grown in many countries where the temperature does not fall below 0 degrees:
South America, New Zealand, it appeared in Europe and Israel, special varieties are bred for cultivation in cool climates. Its popularity is due to its ease of care and high yield. The pulp is jelly-like and green and is used in sweet cocktails and in salads with salt, because the sweet and sour taste is reminiscent of both cucumber and banana. Contains few calories, recommended for weight loss.

Akebia quintuple is one of the types of vines; it has beautiful fragrant inflorescences and is common on the Black Sea coast and in the Crimea as an ornamental plant. In China, Japan and other East Asian countries, akebia fruits are eaten. The fruits are small, only 6-8 cm long, the peel is purple with a white waxy coating, and opens on its own during ripening. The taste of this unappetizing fruit is reminiscent of raspberries.

In the tropical jungles of South America, the wonderful platonia grows; its brownish round fruits have a thick skin rich in latex. Their core is white, with large seeds. The pulp is filled with minerals - iron, phosphorus and vitamin C, and is used to make jelly and marmalade. This fruit is practically unknown to the world due to the impossibility of exporting it.

5. African pear - dacryodes

Dacryodes edible grows wild in the tropical forests of Africa; its cultivated version is grown on plantations in Angola and Nigeria. Purple fruits have blue flesh filled with fatty acids. They are very nutritious, contain many vitamins, and fat accounts for half the weight. The fruits are eaten raw, fried and boiled, and the seeds are used as livestock feed. Allocating significant areas for dacryodes plantations would help solve the food problem of starving Africa.

Mammea americana is an evergreen tree native to tropical America. Today it is grown throughout the Americas, South Asia and Africa. The fruits resemble apricots in taste and color of the pulp, but they are larger, up to 20 cm in size, and have a hard peel. Fruits are eaten only after they are fully ripe; it is best for them to fall to the ground. Good varieties of mammeya have a rich taste, the rest are either very sweet or sour. Inside are large brown seeds used for medicinal purposes. Fragrant fruits are canned, jelly and marmalade are made, and wine is made from the juice. The low-calorie fruit is rich in folic acid and iron, which is essential for pregnant women.

The fruits of the cherimoya tree were known to the indigenous peoples of South America; over time, it spread north across its native continent and was transported across the ocean to India, Australia, and Egypt. In Spain and Portugal, the tree has taken root best; in local markets, the aromatic fruit is sold along with oranges and apples. The fruits are large, reaching from 0.5 to 3 kg, and have an unusual scaly skin. When cooled, the fruit core replaces ice cream and serves as a filling for cakes and desserts.

The pulp is sweet and aromatic like cream, it combines the flavors of several fruits at once: pineapple, papaya, banana and passion fruit, despite the fact that half of the names are as exotic as cherimoya itself, believe me, it’s very tasty. In the Japanese market, the price of the fruit is 40 dollars, but demand for them exceeds supply, just like in other countries where the crop is not grown. The difficulty of transportation limits the amount of fruit exported. Huge demand is forcing us to look for possible solutions for growing cherimoya in other countries and transporting it; soon the exotic fruit, considered the king of desserts, will be available on a par with oranges.

Jaboticaba is an unusual tree; its fruits do not hang from the branches, but grow from the trunk. This Brazilian miracle is first covered with white flowers, and then the trunk and large branches are strewn with small purple round fruits. This feature is used by the plant to spread its species; fruits located low on the trunk become accessible to a larger number of animals. Today these are not only wild trees; in Peru, Cuba, and Panama they are grown on plantations. The tree is harvested twice a year. The fruit is soft, under a rough, unedible peel, the core is light, it is elastic and very sweet.

It will not be possible to preserve the fruit for a while; after three days it will ferment and become intoxicating. The main use of Brazilian grapes is to make wine, which is not surprising since our grapes are grown for the same purposes.
Fruits - and in Africa, America, Brazil - fruits, they are healthy and necessary for our body, from them we get vitamins, antioxidants and essential minerals. The fruits that evoke exclamations of surprise from us are familiar in their homeland, not all of them will appeal to their unusual taste, you need to be careful with the exotic, but at least it’s worth trying them.