The most expensive exotic fruits. The world's most expensive fruits and berries of ideal shape

When you come across such topics, you usually expect that they will now show some unknown fruit (or whatever the topic is about) and this fruit will cost a lot of money because one thing is truly unique. And the result is a slightly sweet fruit, which generally sells for 200 bucks, but here at an auction they sold it to some eccentric for 10 thousand bucks. Woohoo. Same topic as super expensive alcohol, why? But because the bottle is encrusted with diamonds and therefore is very expensive.

Melon Yubari

Yubari melon is grown in greenhouses on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, protected from the sun with special “hats”. This is a very sweet, perfectly round melon with a skin whose pattern resembles the cracks on ancient Japanese porcelain.

The average Yubari costs about $300, but the two most expensive ones were sold at auction for $27,000.

Black Watermelon Densuke

This watermelon, which has a “special type of sweetness,” grows only on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Its rind is dark green, almost black, without stripes or spots, which is why it is called black watermelon. Densuke is sold in special black boxes that highlight its color. The Japanese consider such watermelons to be a valuable gift.

The average Densuke watermelon costs $250, but the largest one was auctioned for $6,100.

Ruby Roman grapes

This red grape, bred by Japanese breeders, is the most expensive in the world. Each of the berries is the size of a ping pong ball, and their taste is incredibly sweet - they contain 18% sugar.

The grapes cost about $65 per branch, but in 2016 a 700 gram bunch was auctioned for $10,900.

Mango "egg of the sun"

Mangoes of this variety weigh at least 350 grams and have increased sweetness. A pair of these mangoes was auctioned in Japan for $3,000.

Square watermelon

These watermelons were created by farmers on the Japanese island of Shikoku. To give them shape, they are placed in special cube containers. It is very difficult to care for such watermelons, and, having reached the desired shape, they do not have time to ripen. Therefore, square watermelons are bought mainly for decorative purposes - for example, to decorate shop windows. They cost from $200 to $800.

Strawberries from a fruit boutique

It looks like an ordinary strawberry. But these berries were selected from hundreds of others based on the principle of ideal shape. They are sold at the luxurious Sembikiya fruit salon in Tokyo. They cost $69 per pack of 12.

Apples Sekai Ichi

These apples are the pride of Japanese breeders. They can reach a weight of 2 kilograms! The gardens in which they are grown are pollinated by hand using special sticks. The Japanese consider these apples a great delicacy and eat them mainly on holidays. Each apple costs $21.


Dekopon (or Sumo Fruit) is a hybrid of tangerine and orange, which was also bred in Japan. They say that this is the most delicious citrus in the world - sweet, with a slight sourness, with the thinnest partitions between the slices, it is larger and juicier than other citrus fruits. One decopon costs $13.

Sembikiya is the name given to fruit stalls in Tokyo that look like jewelry stores. Another similarity with jewelry stores is the prices of the products provided in these stores. If you are looking for delicious, ideally shaped fruits and vegetables, then you should go to these stores, but don’t forget to stop at the bank on the way, because this pleasure is not cheap.

In Japan, at formal events such as weddings or business meetings, it is customary to serve high-quality fruits and vegetables to make the best impression. And we are not talking about what you can buy at the local market or in a regular store.

Specialty stores such as Sembikia sell only the rarest, most perfect produce, grown under special conditions to ensure the best appearance and taste.

The prices, of course, are very steep. For example: a yubari melon in such a store costs ¥ 15,750 ($ 160), or with a special offer you can buy 2 melons for ¥ 26,250 ($ 265). Good price, isn't it?

The peculiarity of yubari melon, which is supplied to elite stores, is that it is supplied only from Shizuoka, where it ripens in special conditions and is saturated with sunlight.
The cost of royal strawberries is ¥6825 ($68), a box of perfect cherries is ¥15750 ($159), the best apples will cost you ¥2100 ($21).

Of course, such exorbitant prices may seem outrageous to many, but the 11 salons that have opened in Japan, which deal with elite fruits and vegetables, are in demand and are gaining momentum in relevance.

For us, black and red caviar have long been a symbol of wealth and well-being on the table. Considering it the most expensive delicacy, we took the coveted jar home. And, pleased with themselves, they proudly placed sandwiches or pancakes with caviar on the festive table. Or they showed their imagination and did it. Nowadays, the powers that be are doing the same in order to demonstrate their status to everyone. Believing that a good show-off is more valuable than money, they order the most expensive products in the world for their table. Thus, delighting business partners and making their competitors gnash their teeth with envy. And although many dishes cost fabulous sums, in certain circles the demand for them is very stable. What do they eat there that we couldn’t even dream of due to its exorbitant cost? It is interesting to us! And you?

The most expensive animal products are meat and seafood

Caviar "Almas"

The most expensive is Iranian caviar "Almas". And female albino belugas throw it. Their light eggs have a pleasant golden hue. Moreover, the older the beluga is, the lighter the color of the caviar will be, and the taste will be better and more delicate. It is extremely rare and therefore very expensive. But, despite this, the list of those wishing to purchase this delicacy is scheduled for four years in advance. It is packaged in 100-gram jars made of pure gold. A jar of such caviar costs $2,000, and a kilogram can be purchased for “only” $25,000.

Marbled Wagiu beef

A true gourmet should definitely try marbled beef. Of course, if he has an extra $2500. This is how much a kilogram of selected meat costs. The Wagiu breed of black cows is bred in Japan, and more recently in Australia. Although nature does not provide for the marbling of this product, this effect is achieved through special care for cows. Elite cows are kept on a special diet and given massages. The Japanese also add beer to their diet, and the Australians add red wine. The better the care, the more tender the meat will be, which will have a higher degree of marbling. The most delicious and juicy steaks in the world are prepared from it!

Pork Jamon Iberico

Premium quality dry-cured pork ham is prepared in Spain. The so-called jamon is obtained by breeding black pigs of the Iberian breed. In one of the regions in the southwest of the country there are huge pastures for them. Thanks to the exclusively acorn diet of pigs, a unique taste and high quality of the finished product are achieved. A kilogram of jamon will cost you $400.

Recipes that used simpler jamon:
, read on about the most expensive melon.

Bluefin tuna

The price of bluefin tuna ranges from 1 thousand dollars to a record 8 thousand per kilogram. And all because it can be sold at auctions. One day, a whole carcass of bluefin tuna (more than 200 kg) went under the hammer for an unprecedented amount of $1.8 million. Its excellent red meat is prized by seafood lovers. Particularly popular in Japanese cuisine, considered ideal for making sushi.

Ordinary tuna is available to mere mortals, mostly in cans. Here are some recipes:

Abalone shellfish (canned)

Canned food can also be elite. Those wishing to try Abalone shellfish will have to pay $250 per jar. In this container you will find three shellfish with a total weight of 500 g. Their tender and juicy meat can be consumed not only canned, but also raw.

Fugu fish

There are many gourmets who want to tickle their nerves. Those who order fugu fish in a restaurant will feel a short-term paralyzing effect of all limbs and a state similar to drug intoxication. This is the case if the cook prepares the “deadly” delicacy correctly, leaving only the smallest dose of poison. Otherwise, this will be the last supper for the daredevil. The challenge to fate will cost a hundred dollars.

The most expensive and rare fruits and vegetables

Grape variety "Roman ruby"

A unique variety of large-fruited grapes with the poetic name “Roman Ruby” was bred in 2008. This variety is grown in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. Each premium grape is the size of a table tennis ball. You can become a happy owner by purchasing a bunch at auction for $4000-5500, consisting of an average of 30 grapes. In this situation, the cost of each ruby ​​grape will be from $100 to $200.

Yubari Melons

Juicy melons of this variety are grown in Japan on the island of Hokkaido. Their tender flesh is orange in color and amazes with its rich taste. This hybrid variety has a perfectly round shape. The best specimens are put up for auction, usually in pairs. So the price of these truly royal melons can reach $25,000 per pair.

Watermelon Densuke

Watermelons of the Densuke variety are very rare. And although they have juicy scarlet flesh, the distinctive feature of this variety is the black color of the fruit. Exquisite taste and unusual colors make Densuke an elite gift, original, but quite expensive. Since no more than 65 watermelons are harvested per harvest, the price of each is $6,000. They are grown on the same Japanese island as the royal Yubari melons.

Potatoes "La Bonnotte"

The elite potato variety “La Bonnotte” is grown on the lands of the island of Nurmoitiers, which belongs to France. There is a “potato” island in the Atlantic Ocean. A special variety with an extraordinary taste is obtained by fertilizing the soil with seaweed. A special technology is passed on from generation to generation. And tubers grown this way have a salty taste of the sea. A kilogram of such special potatoes can be purchased for $600.

The question is whether you will cook regular ones from it.

The most expensive soft drinks

Dahongpao tea

Fans of tea ceremonies were not forgotten either. For those of them who also have capital, the Dahongpao variety is grown. After all, drinking such tea is not a cheap pleasure. Six ancient bushes of this variety produce up to 500 g of tea leaves; only the very first young leaves are collected. Those who want to enjoy the taste and aroma of the ancient tea variety purchase it at auction. The price per kilogram can reach $700,000.

Kopi Luwak coffee

This coffee is unique not because of the type of beans, but rather because of its unusual “life path” that it goes through before going on sale. In Indonesia, the word "Kopi" means coffee, and "Luwak" is a small animal similar to a ferret or marten. Luwak loves to eat ripe coffee beans. But his body is designed in such a way that it cannot digest them. However, after passing through the animal’s intestines, the grains acquire an unprecedented and absolutely unique taste and aroma. Surprisingly, coffee brewed from these beans (washed, dried and roasted) is simply fantastic: with the aroma of honey, nougat and butter! It tastes so amazing. Coffee lovers do not hesitate to pay up to $700 for a kilogram of unusual coffee. Also, such coffee will be an excellent exotic gift brought from Indonesia.

Drinking water "Kona Nigari"

Enterprising Japanese created and launched luxury drinking water. The unprecedented price for such a product is simply stunning! What is the secret of the most expensive bottled water? This is desalinated water extracted from the ocean. It is considered an excellent addition to a healthy diet, having healing properties. Packaged in concentrated form. Once purchased, it must be diluted with plain water. There are two forms of release: a tiny bottle of 0.06 l. costs $33, and a five-liter bottle costs $2000. Despite this, demand significantly exceeds supply.

Other Most Expensive Foods in the World

White truffle

More common is the black truffle, presented on the menu of every self-respecting three-star restaurant. But the most expensive is the white truffle. It has a unique taste and exquisite aroma. This variety has an interesting color in cross section - it resembles a piece of marble. It is difficult to establish an exact price, because such truffles are sold at auctions. The highest price for one copy was paid in 2007 and amounted to $209,000.


Even spices or herbs may turn out to be “not simple, but golden.” The price for saffron is truly prohibitive; it ranges from $6,000 to $11,000. But this is provided that we mean natural Indian saffron. Indeed, due to its great popularity, another type has become widespread - false. It is offered to customers under the name Imeretian saffron. And this is another name for the well-known marigolds. In India, true saffron is lilac flowers, the dried stamens of which are an exotic spice.

Moose cheese

An unusual type of cheese is produced in very limited quantities. It is made from elk milk on one of the farms in Sweden. Due to the fact that such milk can only be obtained at certain times of the year, the product is expensive and very rare. This type of cheese has a rich but very delicate taste with slightly salty notes. What about the price? For a kilogram of cheese pleasure you will have to pay $1000, or even $1500.

Argan oil

A rare and very healthy vegetable oil is made from argan fruits. Externally, argan resembles an olive tree. Its oil is a unique product used in cooking. The price is high due to the limited distribution area. Those who want to give their dishes a rich and rich taste should remember that the price of 1 liter of argan oil is $3,000.

Chocolate “Chocopologie by Knipschildt”

If you are a true chocoholic, are you willing to pay about $3,000 for your favorite dessert? This is exactly the price of haute couture chocolate. It and other elite sweets are produced in the USA by high-class chocolatiers. The products of the Cody House “Knipschildt Chocolatier” are a real work of art that meets the highest quality standards. All ingredients are natural, and therefore the shelf life is short. No need! After all, having the coveted pound of elite chocolate, would you think of storing it?!

Matsutake mushrooms

For those who are already fed up with truffles (and there are some!), we suggest trying matsutake mushrooms. This rare representative of the mushroom “family” is very popular among gourmets. Naturally from among those who can afford it. Because a kilogram of such mushrooms will cost $2000. They have a specific aroma - spicy and sweet at the same time. Matsutake is not only tasty, but also healthy, having a rich set of nutrients. The only annoying thing is that this mushroom cannot be cultivated. Therefore, it grows only in China and Japan on a special red pine tree.

Macadamia nuts

The most expensive nut is considered to be macadamia. Its high cost is due to the difficulty of collecting, because the height of the trees can reach 20 m. And also the difficulty of caring for the trees. The kernels of these nuts are tasty and very healthy, but their shells are extremely strong. Therefore, in order to extract them and try them, you will have to work hard. Macadamia trees native to Australia can bear fruit for up to a hundred years. A kilogram of such nuts costs from $30 and above.

Edible gold

Surprisingly, the most expensive product in the world is a dietary supplement! This is edible gold, officially labeled as E 175. Gold leaf is used to decorate elite dishes, desserts and drinks. It is harmless and, being an inert metal, gold leaves the body unchanged 24 hours after consumption. It is used for decoration, wanting to add chic and gloss to a social reception. The price corresponds - from 30 to 100 thousand dollars per 1 kg.

Maybe, having the opportunity to purchase all this, we would be tempted (at least) by a couple of items from the above list. And by combining some of them, we would get one of the most expensive dishes in the world. But even from simple products (absolutely not elite), but of good quality, you can prepare delicious and original dishes. And we are always happy to suggest you a suitable recipe!

P.S. : But I still want to try the haute couture chocolate...

Oddly enough, some people are willing to pay 500 euros per kilogram of potatoes of a “special” variety. Why pay more, you ask? Are the sky-high prices of some delicacies justified? INK invites you to find out which dishes are the most expensive in the world and why they cost a fortune.

The most expensive seafood

Do you think that the price of red caviar is too high, and it’s only worth buying it for the holidays? Once you find out the price of albino beluga caviar, you will be confused: from two thousand dollars for a hundred-gram jar. The rare albino beluga fish, which is found in the waters of the Caspian Sea, must reach an age of about 100 years before it begins to lay “golden” caviar (in young individuals it is gray). Alas, apart from its rare color, this delicacy has no other advantages.

The most expensive mushroom

French gourmets consider this mushroom to be a real diamond among foods. Truffle, which is what we are talking about, has an exquisite musky aroma, and also increases potency in men. The most expensive sample, weighing 1.5 kg, was sold for $330,000.

The most expensive meat

Oddly enough, the most valuable meat in the world is beef. Only not an ordinary one, but a marble one, made from Japanese Wagiu cows. Previously, this breed was bred only in Japan, but now precious cattle are also raised in Australia. To ensure that the meat is first-class, the cows are fed wine and rubbed with sake. Revenue per 1 kg of gourmet beef is almost $1000 .

The most expensive cheese

Among cheeses, the record holder for price was the golden Stilton cheese: 100 grams for $100. And “golden” in his case is not a colorful metaphor. This luxury product contains real gold flakes. According to manufacturers, the gold with which the cheese is infused is completely harmless. Although the unusual ingredient did not add any benefit to him either.

The most expensive fruit

For birthdays, weddings and anniversaries in Japan they give... melons. Just not ordinary ones, but Yubari varieties. Such a gift is considered a real delicacy, because it costs at least $500. And the first melons of the season are sold at auction for $16,000.

The Yubari melon is perfectly round, and due to the volcanic ash in the soil, it is very sweet and juicy. The Japanese treat this fruit like expensive wine or whiskey.

The most expensive berry

An equally expensive Japanese fruit is the Densuke watermelon. The “black” berry grows on the island of Hokaido and does not bear much fruit - the Japanese harvest no more than 60 watermelons in one harvest. The taste of Densuke is not much different from a regular watermelon, but it costs a little, $6,100.

The most expensive seasoning

The most expensive spice in the world is dried saffron flowers. They not only have an amazing smell, but also a piquant taste, and dishes prepared with them can be stored for a long time without refrigeration. Saffron blooms only 7 days a year, and from 1 hectare you can collect only 6 kg of plant flowers, and this is done only by hand. The cost for 1 kg of seasoning can be about $1000 .

The most expensive dessert

Those with a sweet tooth would definitely not refuse the dessert served in the New York restaurant Serendipity 3. But the price is “prickly” - 25 thousand dollars. For that amount, you will be served ice cream in a glass with a gold rim (literally), decorated with diamonds with 25 varieties of cocoa with pieces of edible gold. Well, at least you can take the glass with you.

The most expensive potatoes

It turns out that potatoes can also be a delicacy. The La Bonnotte variety, which is grown on the island of Nurmuatie in the Atlantic Ocean, is fertilized only with seaweed. Thanks to this technology, dishes made from royal potatoes turn out very tasty. The cost of such pleasure is 500 euros per kilogram.

The most expensive pizza

Italian pizza is not only the most delicious, but also the most expensive. Renato Viola, a chef from the city of Agropoli, makes a super expensive Louis XIII pizza, which costs 8,300 euros. To prepare the base, he uses a special type of flour, and uses tuna, lobster and lobster caviar as filling. All this is seasoned with very expensive and rare buffalo mozzarella cheese and filled with Louis XIII Remy Martin cognac. Even the salt for this dish is special - Austrian red.

True gourmets are not accustomed to being satisfied with ordinary food. For many of them, searching for unusual dishes is a real hobby. And any hobby, as you know, is expensive. It is not easy to get elite products, since they are sold at special auctions. We invite you to find out which delicacies are included in the TOP 10 most expensive products in the world.

This hybrid can only be found on the island. Hokkaido, which is located in Japan. Lovers of fruits and sweets appreciate it for its unusual spicy taste. Since this is a seasonal product, the first melons fly away at a high cost, which reaches up to 25 thousand dollars. for one copy. For those who want to try this delicious fruit, they should wait until the peak season. During this period, the price drops to $100.

The high cost of the product is completely justified. The fact is that beluga caviar is used to obtain the delicacy. It has the following property: the older the fish, the lighter the product and the more piquant its taste. To obtain elite caviar, individuals aged from 80 to 100 years are needed. This product is packaged in a gold jar. For one piece you will have to pay about $25,000.

This type of tea is produced in China. To do this, the large-leaf variety is subject to slight fermentation. Lovers of elite drinks appreciate it for its unique aroma. It is included in the TOP 10 most expensive products in the world, because for 100 grams. tea will have to pay 6 thousand dollars.

Outwardly, this mushroom does not make an impression, but has an excellent taste. You need to look for it in the forests of Belarus or Europe. To facilitate the search, dogs are used to sniff out expensive mushrooms. The cost per kg of mushrooms is $3,600.

It turns out that to obtain the famous spice, a large number of flowers of this plant are required. Painstaking extraction also affects the cost of saffron. One pound costs $2,700.

The most famous fish among the Japanese is the main ingredient in preparing delicious sashimi. For one kg of this fish they pay about 1,300 dollars.

This type of potato is strikingly different in taste from traditional tubers. The secret lies in the additives that are added when growing vegetables. For this, algae is used, which gives the potatoes a lemon smell and salty taste.

It is impossible to imagine the TOP 10 most expensive products in the world without meat. The first thing that catches your eye is her marble design. Those who have tasted it note the extraordinary softness and juiciness of the steaks. There are many types of marbled meat. Among them, Kobe beef is the most expensive in cost; it is grown in Japan. One steak costs $500.

Perhaps its high cost is due to the fact that it grows only in natural conditions. The mushroom also stands out for its beneficial qualities for human health. The tasty mushroom is found in Chinese and Japanese forests. He is hiding on a red pine tree.

It can be seen on confectionery products that are decorated with the thinnest foil or precious crumbs. Indians who have a good income love to taste gold items most of all. For 1 kg of gold you have to pay from 30 to 100 dollars.

Most of the products included in this selection have a high cost due to their incredible taste or complex manufacturing technology.