With or without peel? Which fruits are better to peel and which ones to eat whole. Vegetable and fruit peels: to eat or not to eat

Behind every peel

there is a juicy fruit hiding, but this is what is hidden in the fruit peel itself: vitamins, minerals and a whole storehouse of everything useful.


Peach peels often end up in the trash because not everyone likes them. Well, those who throw away peach peels are leaving themselves without potassium and vitamin A, which help hydrate and restore skin's healthy looking. Peach peel stimulates the immune system, removes toxins from the body, protects the eyes from cataracts, and also reduces the risk of cancer, arthritis and cardiovascular diseases.

Well, if you still couldn’t bring yourself to eat peach peel, make a skin peel out of it: sprinkle the inside with sugar and gently wipe your face with it.


Lemon peel contains citric acid, making it great for polishing copper, brass and other non-ferrous metals. By boiling a few pieces of lemon peel in a bowl with a little water in the microwave for 10 minutes, you will rid the microwave, and at the same time the entire kitchen, of an unpleasant odor.

Lemon peels are also used in cooking: lemon peels placed in a bottle of vodka will give it a pleasant aroma; added to baked goods with soda, it will make it more fluffy; and drowned in a bottle of olive oil, it will “revive” the old oil and give it a subtle lemon aroma.


The antioxidants contained in orange peel are 20 times stronger than those in the fruit itself or in its juice, they help to significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels.

If you can't bring yourself to eat oranges with the peel, try sprinkling the grated peel on baked goods, cheese, or mixing it with any jam. If you squeeze your own orange juice, put some of the peel in the juicer to mix with the juice.


Banana peels are good for more than just slipping on. You can wipe the leaves of indoor plants with it - this will not only polish them, but also serve as a kind of fertilizer. You can also polish shoes with banana peels, just don’t forget to wipe the shoes with a soft cloth afterwards.

Banana peel helps heal minor scratches and bruises faster, and applying it to a mosquito bite will relieve itching.

The antioxidants contained in banana peels are beneficial for health. Therefore, boil the peel for 10 minutes, and then drink the resulting “compote” or squeeze the juice out of it in a juicer.


By throwing away pear peels, you are throwing into the trash a whole storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, of which there are much more in the peel than in the pear pulp. So you have to eat the pear with the peel.


But it’s not just fruit peels that are beneficial. Vegetables can also boast useful “dressings”, for example, potatoes. The peel of one fist-sized potato contains half the daily requirement of potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and vitamin C. It is not necessary to eat the peel raw; simply boil the potatoes in their jackets.

In addition, potato peels will eliminate gray hair. To do this, you need to boil the cleaning for about 30 minutes, cool the resulting broth and rinse your hair after washing. After a few treatments, you will notice that your gray hair has noticeably darkened.

Fruits are healthy - even children know this. But basically everyone likes the pulp; the benefits of the fruit peel are not taken into account; it is cut off and thrown away. This is a grave mistake, since most useful substances is located just in the peel. The reason is good enough to reconsider using the peel. But is it even possible to eat it? Nutritionists answer positively. And this doesn't just apply to apples. Whether it's an orange, lemon, mango, avocado, persimmon or kiwi: the peel is not toxic, it's just unpleasant.

The idea of ​​biting into a piece of hairy kiwi skin won't excite your appetite. But in New Zealand, where this fruit comes from, that's exactly what it is. in the usual way eating fruit. With other fruits, the edibility of the peel is a matter of variety or preparation method. What are the benefits of peels for our health?

Benefits of fruit peels

  • Oranges: When dried, their peels are suitable for adding to baking and cooking. She improves taste qualities tea.
  • Kiwi: The peel contains fibers that stimulate digestion. Fine hairs can be easily removed with a brush.
  • Avocado: they contain amino acids, minerals and trace elements, D, K) and essential fatty acids. The skin of some varieties is very bitter. It is used in baking.
  • Persimmon: it is cut into slices and eaten with the peel. The benefits of persimmon are its rich vitamin and mineral composition. In addition, the fruit is an excellent antioxidant.
  • Mango: the fruits can be processed whole, for example, into juice or lassi, a yoghurt drink. Together with mango peel, it is used to prepare sauces.

Many fruits and vegetables are processed in various ways chemicals, due to which a large amount of pesticides and other harmful substances accumulate in the peel. Therefore, it is advisable to consume the peels of foods that you are confident in. For example, grown in the country, bought in season at a small market whose sellers you know, or in the country where they tend to grow.

Due to possible contamination with pesticides, all fruits should be thoroughly washed with running water. Especially imported fruits. This is the easiest way to remove contaminants, dirt and particulates.

Of course, any allergy to certain fruits should exclude the consumption of the peel: it contains more allergens than the pulp.

In a word, if you are sure that the product is natural, do not rush to peel it and throw away the peel. It may contain more useful substances than the fruit itself.

Potatoes are one of the most delicious products, which is famous all over the world. This product They are eaten in all forms, however, in most cases, they get rid of the peel, and it simply contains a huge supply of nutrients beneficial to the body. Medicine has long been using potato peel extract in the production of biologically active food additives.


The appearance of potato peels does not look appetizing, but it contains: alimentary fiber(polysaccharides), which make up 50% of all potatoes. The skin also contains beneficial to the body calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C. The main components of potatoes, which were noticed only at the end of the 20th century.

Potato peel treatment

If we talk about traditional medicine, then in it potato peel plays not the least role. Decoctions and various teas are made with it.

Beneficial features potato peel:

  1. Normalizes work gastrointestinal tract, perfectly removes toxins from the body, and also prevents the absorption of cholesterol and fats by the intestinal walls, actively prevents the occurrence of colic and constipation, and effectively reduces the formation of stomach and colon cancer.
  2. Potassium contained in potato peelings, helps the body in treating stomach disorders.
  3. Protect the liver from harmful effects. This conclusion was made quite recently after experiments with animals.
  4. At home, the peel can be used as a soothing remedy for burns. To do this, you just need to apply the peel to the affected area and bandage it.
  5. It has a pronounced antimicrobial effect due to caffeic acid.
  6. Potato peel tea helps with problems with the heart and blood vessels, reducing arterial pressure thanks to newly discovered dietary fiber.
  7. Potato peels are rich in antioxidants that prevent cancer, heart attacks and early aging.
  8. This product is great for dietary nutrition. It contains substances that retain fluid in the body, thereby reducing appetite and having a cleansing effect on the intestines.
  9. A decoction of potato peelings helps remove kidney stones. This is one of popular recipes traditional medicine.
  10. For people suffering diabetes mellitus Type 2, potato peel is an assistant in reducing blood glucose levels.

What is harmful about potato skins?

  1. The harm of potato peels to the human body lies in a special compound - solanine. It is found in tubers and causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract and nerves.
  2. Of particular danger is green potatoes and sprouted, since the skin in this case is toxic. It is strictly forbidden to use such flower beds as treatment, because all the most harmful substances contained in the skin.
  3. The next health threat in pesticide-treated and various additives potatoes.

To avoid skin poisoning, buy either organic potatoes or grow them yourself - this is both physical exercise and benefits for the body.

Traditional recipes with potato skins

  1. For patients suffering from hypertension, you can prepare a special tea drink from cleanings. To do this, you need to boil them for five minutes, then drink one glass three times a day.
  2. If there are problems with respiratory system, then you need to boil the potatoes with the skins together and mash them, then put a spoon in there vegetable oil and a few drops of iodine. All this must be stirred and the resulting mixture applied as a compress to the chest, covered with something warm on top. Once the compress has cooled, remove it. It is recommended to do the procedure before bedtime.
  3. To remove toxins and waste from the body, it is recommended to drink water from potatoes boiled in their skins. If you drink this decoction in the morning before meals, it will help in the fight against arthritis.
  4. At colds Inhaling potato vapor helps. You need to boil the potato skins and add a few cloves of garlic. After this, you need to breathe over the container with the contents for about ten minutes. You can repeat the procedure twice a day until recovery.
  5. For frostbite, a compress made from potatoes boiled in their skins helps a lot. It is cooled to a temperature that can be withstood, kneaded and applied to the frostbitten area. Once the potatoes have cooled, remove the compress.

To summarize, it can be noted that potato peels are a source of vitamins and nutrients, and before you throw them away next time, think about what if they come in handy?

Video: beneficial properties of potato peels

What do we know about banana peel? You can, of course, remember the comedy story about the hero of “The Diamond Arm” who slipped on it and smile nostalgically. About to taste sweet fruit, we usually throw away the easily removable shell; no one would even think that this is actually a very valuable product.

In hot countries where bananas, which are a herb according to the botanical hierarchy, grow, the beneficial properties of banana peel are widely known. It is used in everyday life, for example, for cleaning leather goods and precious metals, and is also eaten. In terms of the presence of substances beneficial to health, banana peels are several times greater than the pulp contained in them.

21 beneficial properties and proper uses of banana peel

  1. Prevention of heart disease

    Intake of large amounts of coarse fiber with food is an indispensable condition for freeing the body from excess cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels and harms the heart. Eating banana peels will help avoid atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of other cardiovascular diseases.

  2. Improving blood composition

    The results of medical studies have confirmed that in banana peel contains antioxidants that protect blood cells from destruction. The rough outer shell, unlike the juicy pulp, is more saturated with fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium and other minerals. Beneficial properties of banana peel for a long time underestimated due to its bitter taste. However, you can always find a way out, for example, use the peel boiled for 15 minutes for food or mix the puree made from it with honey.

  3. Cheers up

    It is believed that eating a banana peel can give you energy and fight depression. A report by scientists from Taiwan University provides facts proving positive influence substances contained in the peel on the emotional background of a person. A three-day diet including banana peels in the menu increases serotonin levels by 15%, which allows you to feel a state of happiness and satisfaction with life.

  4. Calms the nervous system

    Banana peel, as a source of many beneficial amino acids, including tryptophan, can serve as a natural sedative and sleep aid. A piece of peel eaten at night will relieve mental and physical stress, relieve insomnia, and improve the quality of sleep.

  5. Protection against cancer

    Anticancer and antimutagenic agents have been found in banana peels that prevent the degeneration of healthy cells into malignant tumors. Carotenoids and polyphenols, similar to those found in green tea, strengthen immune system, strengthen the body’s resistance to the introduction of viruses and microbes.

  6. Relief from joint pain

    Experience the beneficial properties of banana peel for arthrosis, arthritis, sprains and bruises. By applying a banana peel to the painful area, you will feel significant relief within 30 minutes. To enhance the effect, pre-lubricate the juicy surface of the peel with vegetable oil.

  7. Treatment of psoriasis

    Rubbing psoriasis-affected areas of the skin with banana peel can relieve itching and flaking. In the first days you will feel a slight burning sensation or redness of the skin, but with regular procedures the result will be beyond all expectations. Acting like a powerful natural antiseptic, banana peel will replace many expensive ointments and gels.

  8. Healing of abrasions, wounds and scratches

    Broken knees in children or minor household injuries will heal faster if you apply a banana peel to them in the first minutes. Tannins and wax will help stop bleeding and promote the rapid formation of a dry crust on the surface of the wound.

  9. Headache relief

    The use of banana peels can be recommended for migraines and colds accompanied by fever and headache. To alleviate the condition of an ill person, it is enough to rub the temples with the soft side of the peel or apply a compress of mashed banana skins wrapped in gauze to the forehead.

  10. Teeth whitening

    Smokers and those people who drink a lot of tea or coffee have to take more care of the whiteness of their teeth. Instead of buying expensive products, try it after cleansing oral cavity Using your regular brush and toothpaste, rub your teeth with a banana peel. Repeat this procedure twice a day for several days, and the results will not be long in coming.

  11. Saturation of the body with potassium

    One of the many valuable substances present in banana peels is potassium. This microelement is involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates, regulates pH levels, supports heart function, and helps build muscle mass.

  12. Improved bowel function

    Thanks to high content fiber, banana peel has a positive effect on function digestive system, promotes production beneficial bacteria in the colon, regulates metabolic processes, relieves constipation, and prevents the accumulation of toxic compounds in tissues and organs.

  13. Removing warts

    Unsightly growths on the skin cause aesthetic and moral inconvenience. According to experts, the appearance of warts is a signal that the body is experiencing a potassium deficiency. A large number of this trace element is found in banana peels, which can be used as medicine against warty growths. Wash the affected area with warm water and soap, and then rub with the soft side of a banana peel. You can also place a small piece on the wart and secure it with an adhesive plaster. On the tenth day of such treatment, the skin should clear.

  14. Banana peel as a means for weight loss

    Upper shell tropical fruit rich plant fibers And nutrients and at the same time it is low in calories. Therefore, banana peel can be eaten to get rid of extra pounds. To avoid harm to your health, be sure to wash the banana thoroughly before you even peel it. Just imagine how many hands banana bunches have passed through before reaching your table.

  15. Elimination of itching after insect bites

    In the summer, when midges and mosquitoes are active, it is difficult to resist scratching the bitten area literally until it bleeds. It is especially difficult for people with sensitive skin and small children. In such cases, on help will come ordinary banana. By rubbing the pulp on the inflamed area, you will understand what benefits are hidden in the peel - itching and redness of the skin will disappear almost instantly.

  16. Beneficial properties of banana peel for face and body care

    Banana peel will help get rid of acne and boils, making the skin smooth and velvety. To make your face look young and fresh, try making a homemade nourishing cream: break ¼ of a banana peel in a blender, add the white of one egg and a tablespoon of cornstarch.

    Apply the composition to the skin, after 30 minutes wash with warm water. This procedure soothes, smoothes and nourishes the skin, eliminates oily shine, and heals inflammation. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

  17. Acne treatment

    A daily five-minute facial massage using a banana peel will get rid of acne and prevent the appearance of new rashes. The results will be noticeable within a week. Before using banana peels for cosmetic purposes, make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to the substances contained in it.

  18. Smoothing out wrinkles

    Banana peel masks help retain moisture in the skin, thereby increasing its firmness and elasticity. Mix a tablespoon of banana peel puree with egg yolk, apply to face, after 5 minutes rinse with water or herbal decoction.

  19. Removing puffiness and dark circles under the eyes

    Banana peel can be used instead of the usual cucumber to care for the skin around the eyes. Place two pieces of peel on closed eyelids to eliminate puffiness, dark circles, relieve fatigue after working at the computer, protect your eyes from exposure ultraviolet rays. There is evidence that regular use of this procedure can prevent cataracts. Due to the lutein contained in banana peel, the likelihood of macular degeneration is reduced and blocked. harmful effects free radicals.


  20. Recovering scratched CDs or DVDs

    To restore functionality to a damaged disc, rub its surface with a banana peel and then polish it with a cloth and glass cleaner. The wax contained in banana pulp will fill microcracks, and you can easily transfer data from a damaged disk to another electronic medium.

  21. Cleaning leather shoes and silver jewelry

    Banana peel is used in the care of products made of genuine leather and silver. Your shoes will look like new, and your rings, earrings and bracelets will acquire their original natural shine.

What else is useful?

It's winter - it's time to load up on vitamins. What is the best winter vitamin? Of course citrus!

Lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits...

New Year and Christmas holidays are great for boosting immunity, but after festive feasts There are whole mountains of orange and tangerine skins left.

What to do with them? Throwing away? In no case! Citrus peel - unique product, capable of treating, rejuvenating and healing anyone who needs it.

Therefore, after enjoying the juicy pulp, do not forget to read what and how the peel of these fruits is used for.

Wonderful fruits - citrus fruits

Various types of citrus fruits are among the most accessible winter fruits. In addition to being tasty and aromatic, they are also incredibly healthy.

The vitamin and mineral reserves of lemons are evenly distributed throughout the pulp and peel, and having eaten the middle, it is stupid to throw away the, albeit not so tasty, but equally healthy shell.

It is better to dry it so that you can use it for cooking later. healing potions or in cooking.

You can also make it directly from fresh peels. alcohol tinctures, which will certainly be useful in the future for medicinal purposes.

It’s good if the stored crusts are not needed for treatment.

In this case, they can be used in the kitchen for preparing unrivaled tea, for flavoring baked goods, making sachets, various liqueurs, liqueurs, tinctures, lemonade, candied fruits and even jam.

What are the benefits of both tangerine and orange peels?

Citrus peels contain a lot of vitamins C, P, K, B, E, calcium, carotene, fiber, essential oils, antioxidants and other medically valuable components.

1. They should be kept on hand for those who suffer from attacks of lightheadedness, nausea, or toxicosis of pregnancy.

2. It is useful to take baths with a decoction or infusion of the zest - they tone, improve appearance skin, disinfect, have a beneficial effect on ENT organs.

3. Skins help with ARVI: they fight hyperthermia, cure cough.

4. A valuable source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, especially necessary during the off-season and during epidemics of viral diseases.

5. Used for aromatization and disinfection of premises.

6. The high fiber content (200% more than in pulp) allows you to normalize stools and cleanse the intestines of toxins.

7. Substances contained in the zest are more effective than those contained in the pulp in terms of preventing cancer.

8. An excellent product for anti-aging masks for the face and body - eliminates oily shine, improves tone, promotes collagen synthesis.

9. Orange peel– a well-known preventative against osteoporosis.

10. Used to get rid of worms.

11. Promote the outflow of bile, which is very good for digestion and normal liver function.

12. The crusts contain substances that activate metabolism, stimulate the burning of subcutaneous fat, and are used to normalize weight.

13. Improves appetite and food absorption.

14. Citrus peel oils help strengthen the immune system.

15. Grated dried orange peel perfectly strengthens gums, relieves unpleasant odor from mouth.

16. Zest promotes the breakdown of cholesterol plaques, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, which has been proven by laboratory studies.

17. The peel is used in dietetics as a detox product.

18. Aroma citrus peels- a proven aromatherapy remedy. It lifts your mood, relieves fears, calms anxiety, helps resist depression, overcome insomnia, stress, and blues.

19. Suitable for preparing desserts - candied fruits, for example, go to various creams for cakes and pastries, in dough, in soft and alcoholic drinks.

20. If you put orange peels in a dress or kitchen cabinet, their aroma will drive away moths, ants and other insects.

You can also make original ones from oranges natural flavors for rooms.

To do this, you need to peel the skin of a thick-skinned orange, stick buds of cloves, star anise and other spices into it, and hang it in the bathroom or kitchen.

Appetizing fresh scents will meet and accompany you for at least 2 weeks.

Traditional medicine recipes with tangerine and orange peel

1) Shredded dried powder from the zest of citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit) For prevention of atherosclerosis: three times a day, 3 grams.

2) For hypertension You can normalize blood pressure with the help of a decoction: the peel of one big orange or lemon + 0.5 liters of water, simmer over low heat for half an hour, then leave until cool and take 100 g three times a day 25-35 minutes before meals.

3) One more recipe for hypertensive patients: grind fresh peels with a knife or blender, mix with honey, eat 1 tsp. three times a day before meals 20 minutes.

4) For headaches Fresh crusts will help, you need to apply them to your temples and hold them until you feel a burning sensation - the pain subsides.

5) For bleeding– nasal and uterine infections are treated with infusion of orange peel.

Pour the peels of six large oranges into one and a half liters of water, simmer over low heat for a long time until ¼ of the liquid remains of the original volume. Cool, sweeten with honey or sugar, take a couple of tablespoons half an hour before meals.

6) When coughing use dried tangerine peels. Brew like tea, proportion: for every 10 g dried zest– 100 ml of boiling water. Drink a third of a cup of honey three times a day before meals.

7) A decoction of dried zest normalizes blood sugar levels, so it must be taken for diabetics.

Fresh peel has long been used to heal various skin lesions - trophic ulcers, eczema spots. It is applied to warts, papillomas, dry calluses, and corns.