Rowan for swelling. Red rowan: properties of red rowan

Rowan - berries collected in clusters and creating the impression that the tree is lavishly decorated for the winter. Bullfinches and other birds enjoy eating them. For many, red rowan is what slightly dilutes the severity of the winter landscape. There is a popular belief that if there are a lot of fruits on a tree, then the winter will be harsh. However, this is not the only thing that connects rowan berries with winter. They are a storehouse of vitamins and useful microelements, so by stocking up on rowan berries for the winter, you can successfully survive the cold season, almost without getting sick or quickly overcoming ailments.

There are several options for harvesting fruits. Rowan can be frozen, dried, or made into jam. However, in a cool, not damp place, the berries can be successfully stored fresh for more than one month.

Red rowan is widely used not only in folk, but also in official, traditional medicine. Its fruits are rich in tannins, as well as ascorbic, folic, malic, citric, sorbic and succinic acids. The latter is especially rare, which is why almost every person experiences a deficiency. And folic acid is very useful for pregnant women - it prevents miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy.

The main healing effect of rowan is disinfection. Its antioxidant properties are also highly valued. Eating fruits in any form protects the human body from the negativity of free radicals.

Due to the high content of potassium in rowan, folk remedies based on it have a hemostatic effect.

For those who are watching their figure or are on a diet, there is no need to worry, 100 grams of red rowan contains only 43 Kcal, the sugar in it is in a form that allows it to be absorbed, even by patients with diabetes.

When to collect and prepare rowan

Not only the berries, but also the bark, leaves, and flowers of this tree are used for medicinal purposes. The bark should be cut off in the spring, and the castings should be plucked in mid-summer. Rowan flowers are also prepared at the same time. They need to be dried in a well-ventilated place, away from direct sunlight. The bark, dry inflorescences and leaves should be stored in conditions that prevent the ingress of moisture.

The fruits are ready for use no earlier than mid-autumn. It is ideal to collect them after the first frost, it is believed that then the excessive bitterness goes away from them. True, such raw materials will not be stored fresh for long. The berries will have to be canned or quickly frozen in a chamber.

Indications and contraindications for the use of rowan

Based on the set of vitamins, microelements and other active substances, you can create a list of indications and contraindications for taking rowan and products based on it. Red rowan is useful for the following conditions:

Diseases and illnesses How to use rowan
colds, flu and ARVIinfusions and decoctions of rowan flowers
increased swelling and problems with the excretory systemtaking an infusion of rowan flowers
constipation or the need to cleanse the intestines of toxinstaking fresh berries
acne and skin inflammation, excessive oiliness, as well as wartscleaned with crushed berries and rowan leaves, they need to be applied to “problem” areas or crushed and applied to the skin
hypertonic diseasetaking fresh berries and water infusions from them
nervous disorders, depression, attacks of fear and anxietyalcoholic rowan infusions and consumption of raw berries
improves memory and prevents sclerosis,adding dried or fresh berries to compote
pathologies of the thyroid gland are treatedrowan juice
gastritis with low acidity of gastric juicejuice of rowan berries or infusion of rowan berries and tansy herb
problems with blood vessels and heart, atherosclerosistaking fresh berries
oxygen starvationtaking berries fresh or grated with sugar
heavy and frequent nosebleeds, excessively intense menstruation, uterine bleeding, blood clotting problemsRowan juice and fruit drink are useful
weakness, melancholyinfusion of bark and berries

For cosmetic purposes, rowan is used to cleanse the skin and improve its appearance.

Despite the long list of beneficial qualities, rowan and drugs based on it have their own contraindications, which must be taken into account before starting to take the product:

  • coronary heart disease and recent heart attack;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypotension and VSD;
  • age less than 3 years.
You need to remember about individual intolerance to rowan. Like any product, it can cause allergies. If any symptoms appear after using it, you should stop taking it until the cause is determined. If an allergic diagnosis is confirmed, rowan will have to be abandoned. .

Recipes for preparing and preserving for the winter

There are many ways to harvest and preserve rowan raw materials. It all depends on how and for what purpose the berry will be used. Rowan products are frozen or dried, and tinctures and liqueurs are made from the berries. There are also several ways to prepare rowan jam with honey and sugar. Rowan can be one of the components of the delicacy, or be its basis.

Storing rowan berries fresh or dried

To dry the berries or keep them fresh for as long as possible, rowan berries should not be washed. The berries have a special protective layer. It is this that will prevent rotting, allowing the raw material to dry, retaining many of its beneficial properties. To keep rowan berries fresh, they need to be hung in clusters in a cool but not damp place, for example, on a balcony or in a dry basement. To dry it, you should tear off the bunches, spreading the berry raw material in a thin layer on trays or sheets. It is advisable to first cover them with a clean cloth or paper - this will allow excess moisture to leave the berries, and not start the process of rotting. From time to time the raw materials need to be stirred. When the berries are dry, they can be placed in containers and stored where there is no excessive moisture or direct sunlight.

You can speed up drying by placing the rowan in the oven on a baking sheet. It is dried at a temperature of no more than 70 degrees. Finished raw materials are stored for up to 2 years.

Quick freezing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to prepare any berries, including rowan berries. To do this, they should be torn from the bunches, then sorted and placed in plastic bags or special plastic boxes. Immediately after this, the berries are placed in the freezer, where the fast freezing mode is turned on.

Rowan with sugar

A relatively simple and affordable way to preserve healthy rowan berries is to preserve them in sugar. Rowan must be picked from the bunches, washed and placed in pre-sterilized jars in a layer approximately 1-1.5 centimeters thick. Then the same amount of sugar is poured on top. So the layers alternate until the jar is full. The top layer is always sugar. Based on the preparation method, both components of the berry-sugar mixture are taken in approximately equal proportions. You cannot mechanically compact the layers when filling the jar, but you can shake it a little to compact the contents.

Alternatively, you can grind and mix the sorted and washed berries and sugar in a blender, and then transfer the mixture into jars. If you don’t have a blender, you can grind the rowan berries in a meat grinder and then mix them with sugar.

The useful product is stored in the refrigerator for up to six months, if the temperature is maintained at 0-+6 degrees; at temperatures up to +9 degrees, its shelf life is halved.

Rowan with honey

For those who prefer to make honey preparations, you can replace sugar with a healthy bee product. The method of preservation, in this case, is similar to the sugar method, but the honey must first be melted in a water bath if it has already been candied.

Rowan jam

Those who like to combine business with pleasure will most like this method of preserving rowan berries, such as making jam. At the same time, many of the beneficial substances of the berry component are preserved.

Classic rowan jam

For the classic recipe you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of sugar,
  • 2 kilograms of berries,
  • 350 grams of water.

For those who like very sweet jam, you can take half a kilo less rowan. Pre-sorted and washed berries need to be blanched in water for several minutes, then set aside, draining the liquid. Separately, syrup is boiled from water and sugar, which should then be poured over the thermally treated berry raw materials. The combined components must be left to brew for at least 6 hours. It is best to start making jam in the evening and continue in the morning. It is infused at room temperature.

When the berries and syrup have infused, you should put them on low heat, bring to a boil and, after 5-7 minutes, remove from the heat. After waiting a quarter of an hour, the manipulation should be repeated. In total, the jam boils 3 times until the rowan is completely softened. Immediately after the third boiling session, the jam is poured into clean, sterilized jars, rolled up and wrapped until it cools completely.

Quick rowan jam

To make jam from rowan berries as simply and quickly as possible, you need to adhere to the following proportions:

  • 500 grams of berries,
  • 1 kilogram of sugar,
  • 200 grams of water. If the rowan is juicy, then 150 grams is enough.

The berry raw materials are washed and sorted, after which they are blanched in water for 5-7 minutes. Separately, you need to cook the syrup by mixing water with sugar and bringing to a boil over low heat. After this, the procedure is extremely simple: you need to pour syrup over the berries and leave for 15 hours. Next, the jam is brought to a boil, and after 5-7 minutes it is poured into jars and closed with lids. This product is stored in the refrigerator. However, you can boil for 20 minutes and roll up. Containers must first be washed and sterilized.

Frozen rowan jam

If the berries were picked after frost, it will not be possible to keep them fresh or dried for a long time. The only way out is to make jam.

For it you will need:

  • 700-750 grams of berries,
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar,
  • 1 half glass of water.

The berries are washed and sorted, and then placed in the oven for 1 hour at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. After this, they are doused with hot, but not boiling water. Sugar syrup is prepared separately, which is subsequently poured over the berries. The jam is cooked over low heat in 3-4 batches. After each boil, it is set aside from the heat for 15-20 minutes. The finished jam is poured into clean and sterilized containers, and after cooling they are placed in a cold place - in the basement or refrigerator.

Rowan liqueur

Rowan berry liqueur is not only tasty and aromatic, but also a healthy product in its own way. Consuming it in small doses strengthens. To prepare the drink, you need to take 1 liter of water and vodka or alcohol, 2 kilograms of ripe rowan and 1 kilogram of sugar.

The berries are washed and sorted. In a separate container, syrup is made from water and sugar. Next, pour it over the berries, mix everything and leave until it cools. Then alcohol is poured in there. The vessel must be hermetically sealed with a lid and left in a dark, cool place for at least 3 weeks, shaking occasionally. Then the drink is filtered through cheesecloth, poured into a bottle and stored in the cellar or in the refrigerator. The liqueur is suitable for consumption within 5 years from the date of production.


Red rowan is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Knowing when and how to collect it, you can prepare it in various ways. Each of them is good in its own way, which one to prefer - everyone decides for himself.

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Red rowan is an extremely unpretentious plant, it grows literally everywhere: on the edges of forests, in courtyards, arches and squares - it perfectly purifies the air around houses. Rowan has a colossal number of beneficial properties in a variety of areas of health, but there are also a few contraindications.

You can find rowan in the form of a fifteen-meter tree or a low bush, but always with a thick, lush crown. The fruits of red rowan look like red balls with a diameter of no more than a centimeter, red in color, bitter or sweet and sour in taste.

Vitamins, minerals contained in rowan and nutritional value

Red rowan is one of the leaders of berry plants in terms of value and rarity of the vitamin complex. The berries contain vitamin P, which increases the overall tone of the body, reduces irritability, helps you sleep better and strengthens the nervous system.

Rowan has a wide variety of beneficial substances:

  • vitamins - vitamin C, PP, E, B2, K, provitamin A;
  • organic and amino acids - sorbic, parasorbic, malic, succinic;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • flavonoids.

Rowan berries have little sugar, only 8-13%, calorie content no more than 50 kcal. Low protein and fat content: per 100 grams of fruit there is only 1.4 g of protein, 0.2 g of fat and 8.2 g of carbohydrates.

Medicinal properties of red rowan fruits and flowers

Since the distant past, people have used the fruits of red rowan as a remedy that drives urine, bile, sweat, used to lower blood pressure, as a drug that perfectly relieves inflammation, has an antibacterial effect, a slight antibiotic effect, a remedy that strengthens blood vessels and stops bleeding.

Its laxative effect is also known: add sugar to 1:2 parts of berry puree, take 1 tbsp. per day with water. Helps with severe constipation. For less effect, reduce the dose.

Rowan juice is used to gargle for inflammation: 1 tsp. dissolve juice in 1 tbsp. water, rinse before meals 3-5 times a day.

Hemorrhoids are also treated by taking 50 g of plant juice 3 times a day with water.

Pounded rowan with sugar helps with toxicosis. And just 10 berries a day will relieve insomnia and headaches.

Rowan has many other uses:

  • suppresses gas formation in the intestines, treats gastritis;
  • stops the growth of microorganisms;
  • treats scurvy;
  • prevention of all fungal diseases;
  • normalizes blood cholesterol levels;
  • useful for diabetics due to its low sugar content;
  • plant juice improves vision;
  • starts metabolism, helps after serious illnesses;
  • treats anemia, enhances the effect of nettle when used together;
  • strengthens the heart.

Rowan also neutralizes the harm of toxins, and due to the content of a vitamin-like substance - amygdalin - it protects the body from radiation and reduces the harm of oxygen starvation.

If your pet has a pulmonary disease, give him a strong infusion of red rowan fruit.

Beneficial properties of rowan leaves and bark

The narrow oblong leaves of rowan also have their own beneficial properties. A paste of fresh leaves with rowan bark helps with fungus and skin inflammation. A decoction of leaves, bark and fruits is effective for rheumatic pain.

The plant can have the opposite effect on the intestines - it is an astringent for loose stools. To do this, prepare a decoction of leaves, bark and unripe berries.

A beautiful armful of fresh rowan branches with or without flowers, berries will help make the air clean and fresh.

Cosmetic properties of red rowan

This plant perfectly refreshes and restores facial skin, tightens the contour. Add the juice to your favorite creams and masks or prepare a lotion: a glass of cologne, a glass of glycerin and 2 glasses of rowan juice. Rowan helps narrow pores, constrict blood vessels on the face, regenerate the skin, and reduce the production of fat by the sebaceous glands.

If you add lemon juice and kefir 1:1:1 to crushed fruits, you will get a mask that perfectly whitens the skin.

Fresh fruit puree or half a berry applied to a wart will help get rid of it in a few procedures.

The plant is also used for sweaty feet.

Contraindications for use

You should not consume rowan in large quantities if you have:

  • decreased prothrombin time, that is, blood clots faster than normal;
  • in the case of certain diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • with coronary heart disease;
  • had a stroke or heart attack;
  • hyperacid gastritis.

Collect for consumption only berries grown in environmentally friendly places, as any berries accumulate toxins from exhaust fumes and city life.

Red rowan fruit recipes

A large number of hybrids with red rowan have also been bred, which combine the vitamins and minerals of their ancestors, but lack the bitterness of their wild relative.

Fruit drinks, juices, tinctures, jams, teas are prepared from rowan and used as a filling for baked goods.

Rowan jam

If the berries are bitter, then rowan jam has a very pleasant, pronounced sweet and sour taste. It is very useful during epidemics of respiratory diseases and influenza. For jam you will need 1 kg of fruit, 0.5 liters of water and 1 kg of sugar. Select, wash, remove the stalks and dry the berries.

Freeze for two days in the freezer. If the berries are picked after frost, skip this step. After this, soak the fruits in water below room temperature for a day, then change the water, and soak again for a day.

Rowan syrup

Prepare sugar syrup: dissolve sugar in water and boil. Add the berries, bring to a boil again, keep on the fire for another 5 minutes and remove. Don't forget to remove any foam that forms.

Wrap the pan in a towel and leave for 10-12 hours. Then put it back on the fire, cook for 5 minutes after boiling, then leave to brew again for 10-12 hours. Then repeat the cooking procedure again, adding 1/3 tsp at the end. citric acid, stir, remove from heat. Leave to cool. Roll into sterile jars and store in a cool, dark place.

Tincture, fruit juice and drinks from rowan

Traditional tinctures are prepared from rowan. You can distill the berries, or you can pour 100 ml of ripe fruits into 1 liter of vodka.

You can prepare a refreshing fruit drink: chop 40 g of berries, pour in 1 tbsp. just boiled water and leave for 4 hours. Then strain through a fine sieve. Add sweetener to the finished drink according to taste.

Rowan makes an effective vitamin drink. Take a bunch of red rowan, 1 apple, 0.5 tbsp. sugar, ginger root to taste and 1 tsp. cinnamon. Pour water over the fruits, boil, hold on fire for 60 seconds and drain. Pour in the rowan again and boil. Add the seeded and peeled apple, cut into quarters, grated ginger root, sugar and cinnamon. If you wish, you can add your favorite spices: cloves or peppermint. Beat everything in a saucepan with a blender until smooth, keep on fire for another 3-5 minutes. The drink can be strained or served with pulp, warm or cold.

Rowan marmalade

Rowan is also used as a filling for muffins or puff pastries in the form of marmalade or pastille.

Pour boiling water over 1 kg of prepared berries for 15 minutes, drain off the water, and crush. Pour in 1 cup of water and quickly bring to a boil. Wait until the berries have cooled, grind in a blender, add 600 g of brown sugar. If you don't have brown, use regular. Bring to a boil again, skim off the foam and cook over medium heat for half an hour, stirring. Add 1 g of vanillin and 2 g of citric acid, cook for another 5 minutes.

Place the cooled product in a dry jar and store in a cool, dry place for 5-7 days. It should thicken a lot. This marmalade is perfect as a filling for baked goods or even as a stand-alone snack for tea.

Red rowan berry sauce with pepper

A savory dessert for a meat dish: red rowan berry sauce with pepper.

Take 6 tbsp. prepared fruits, dip in boiling water for a minute. Remove seeds from one bell pepper and cut into cubes. Place blanched rowan, chopped pepper on the fire, add 5 tbsp. sugar and 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. After boiling, stirring, cook for another minute over high heat. Then grind everything in a blender and serve with meat. This sauce goes well with pork and mushrooms.

Rowan is a shrub that is found in all countries of the former CIS, including Russia. Nowadays it is practically not used in cooking, mainly planted only for decorative purposes.

But many people actively use it in alternative medicine, in particular, for cleaning blood vessels and normalizing the biochemical composition of the blood.

What beneficial properties does it have for the cardiovascular system and how to use it correctly? All the answers are in our article.

Useful properties of berries

There are many variations of rowan. The most common ones are red and black. In principle, all other varieties are derived from them (yellow, Crimean, liqueur, titanium).


The red variety provides the following benefits:

  1. Normalizes salt balance. This effect is achieved due to the presence of large amounts of calcium and potassium in the composition. It will be especially useful for patients with diabetes.
  2. Makes the skin more toned. Red rowan berries contain a lot of copper, which is necessary for collagen synthesis.
  3. Improves the biochemical composition of blood. This is facilitated by the presence of phosphorus, iron, and manganese in the berries, which take part in the formation of bone tissue and red bone marrow (red blood cells are also produced in it).
  4. Reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. A large dosage of vitamins A and C stimulate the breakdown of “bad” cholesterol.
  5. Strengthens resistance to infections. This is facilitated by ascorbic acid, which is no less in rowan than in rose hips or black currants.


By the way, it is believed that black rowan is more useful, since it contains a higher concentration of vitamins (but it lacks copper, manganese, zinc, but much more phosphorus). It brings the following benefits:

  1. Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the presence of fructose and sucrose in the fruit, it is an excellent prophylactic for chronic constipation.
  2. Rids the body of toxins, accumulating in the intestines. This is also true for red rowan, but black has more fiber. It is not digested in the intestines, but stimulates increased peristalsis.
  3. Improves the functioning of the liver and gall bladder. The berries contain sorbin, which acts as a powerful choleretic agent.

Also check out the infographic:

Red rowan is mainly used to cleanse blood vessels. But for those who have an increased concentration of cholesterol (and it is because of this that cholesterol plaques appear) combined with obesity, it is also recommended to use chokeberry - with its help you can optimize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood.

3 simple and effective recipes

In principle, even the banal inclusion of rowan fruits in the diet will help cleanse blood vessels and normalize the biochemical composition of the blood. Nutritionists recommend eat at least 100–150 grams of fresh berries weekly(5 pieces 3-4 times a day), if possible.

This will already be enough to provide the body with vitamin C. But there are also a lot of recipes from traditional medicine using rowan, which are precisely aimed at cleansing the body. Moreover, they use not only berries, but also bark.

1. Tea to lower cholesterol

To prepare this tea, mix:

  • red rowan fruits (10 grams);
  • hawthorn fruits (5 grams);
  • motherwort leaves (2 grams);
  • lingonberry leaves (5 grams);
  • buckthorn leaves (5 grams).

You can also add chamomile. Use only dried fruits/leaves. The specified mixture is enough for 0.5 liters of tea leaves. Leave for at least 2 hours (until completely cooled). For 1 cup of tea (200 milliliters) you will need approximately 15 - 20 milliliters of tea leaves.

This tea significantly reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and also lowers blood pressure and strengthens the immune system.

We invite you to watch the video recipe:

However, such tea is contraindicated for children under 13 years of age - it can provoke hypervitaminosis and subsequent hormonal imbalance during puberty.

2. Bark decoction

It’s extremely easy to prepare:

  1. grind 5 tablespoons of black rowan bark to a powder (using a mortar or simply passing through a coffee grinder; the bark itself can be pre-dried in the oven);
  2. mix with 0.5 liters of cold water;
  3. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil over low heat and simmer for at least 2 hours (be sure to close the container).

The resulting decoction should be drink 30 milliliters 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is at least 45 days, 2 times a year (with a break of 6 months). The most important thing is not to interrupt the course. And the bark should be collected in the spring, when the sap begins to move along the branches (around April or early May).

This decoction improves metabolism and also normalizes the production of enzymes by the pancreas. In total it is has a positive effect on blood composition, prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels.

3. Juice against heart complications

Rowan is one of the most. First of all, it reduces the risk of rheumatic carditis and related complications. Rheumatic carditis is a disease in which the membranes of the heart (mainly the myocardium) become inflamed. Most often it develops as a complication after infectious diseases, such as scarlet fever, group A streptococcus.

The likelihood of developing rheumatic carditis depends solely on the concentration of toxins in the blood that accumulate in it during the long course of infectious diseases. Significantly reduce the risk of inflammation of the lining of the heart Red rowan juice will help.

It should be prepared like this:

  1. Mix 2 kilograms of red rowan juice along with the pulp with 1.2 kilograms of sugar (it is better to use powdered sugar - it dissolves easily);
  2. add 100 grams of melted honey;
  3. cook the resulting mixture over low heat for 1.5 hours;
  4. Next, the bowl with syrup is wrapped in a thick towel and kept until completely cool (3 – 4 hours).

Store the resulting juice in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days. Should be taken 2 tablespoons 3 times a day(10 minutes before meals). The course of treatment is 30 days, then the same break.

This syrup has a complex anti-inflammatory effect. It will also help with rheumatism and pain in the knees (inflammation of the joints). And at the same time, it will speed up the removal of toxins from the blood.


According to doctors, the following diseases are a contraindication for eating rowan:

  • hypotension;
  • gastritis in the acute stage;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • heart failure in the acute stage;
  • allergy (hypersensitivity).

Those who have suffered a stroke should also avoid rowan. Pregnant girls, before including it in their diet, must consult with the gynecologist who is managing the pregnancy - an excess of the same vitamin A can lead to the development of heart defects in the unborn baby.

In total, rowan can really be used to cleanse and strengthen blood vessels. But you need to understand that this is an addition to traditional therapy, and not an alternative. And you still shouldn’t overuse rowan - it contains high concentrations of parasorbic acid (a preservative that can provoke an allergic reaction).

Red rowan has long been used in folk medicine. It helps in the treatment of diabetes, anemia, and restores metabolic processes in the body.

However, despite the positive characteristics, red rowan has a number of contraindications.

In folk medicine as a raw material They use not only rowan berries, but also leaves, bark and inflorescences. Each raw material is harvested at a certain time.

So, the bark is cut off in the spring, and the leaves - at the end of summer. It is customary to collect rowan berries after the first frost, when they have accumulated enough nutrients, and the inflorescences are dried during the flowering period.

Red rowan helps a lot for urolithiasis, as a laxative and hemostatic agent.

Common red rowan berries contain many vitamins and microelements:

  • vitamins B, C, A and E;
  • silicon;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • folic acid;
  • carotene;
  • manganese.

The balanced composition of rowan allows its use in various fields of medicine:

  1. The fruits of red rowan increase the body's resistance to oxygen starvation.
  2. A decoction of rowan bark and fruits restores the body well after a protracted illness.
  3. A decoction of the berries is used as a cough expectorant.
  4. Rowan juice is indicated for anemia and diseases of the liver, kidneys, and dysmenorrhea.
  5. Red rowan bark has an astringent effect. It can be used in the treatment of hepatitis and uterine bleeding of varying degrees.
  6. Rowan inflorescences cope well with colds and have a diuretic effect, which helps reduce fever.
  7. Rowan is recommended to be taken for heart disease and for cleaning blood vessels.
  8. Red rowan does a good job of removing waste and toxins from the body and causing a mild laxative effect.
  9. In cosmetology, rowan is used as a cleanser.

Besides, mashed leaves and crushed rowan berries help cope with warts and fungal skin diseases.

A decoction of rowan berries is taken for heavy and painful periods in women.

In folk medicine, rowan juice serves as an additional medicine for tuberculosis, anemia and cholecystitis. In addition, rowan berry puree perfectly helps restore appetite during fasting.

Contraindications to the use of red rowan

There are few prohibitions on the use of rowan, but they are still there:

  • A person who has suffered a heart attack and ischemia should not eat rowan;
  • It is contraindicated to use rowan if you have poor blood clotting;
  • It is forbidden to take rowan if you have diarrhea;
  • Children under three years of age should not consume red rowan tinctures, juices and jelly;
  • If you have hypotension, you should not consume rowan, as it lowers blood pressure.

To avoid unwanted consequences during treatment, it is important to take into account all contraindications. In addition, you cannot take medicinal fruits, tinctures and rowan juice in case of individual intolerance to the berries.

Berries calorie table

This table shows the nutrient content per 100 grams of berries.

100 g of berries containsquantity/g% of normal

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in berries is 1:0.1:6.4. The energy value of the product is 50 kcal.

Traditional medicine recipes for treatment

Medicines from rowan are easy to prepare; below are the most common recipes.

Rowan decoction for vitamin deficiency:

  • 1 tbsp. l. fresh or dried rowan berries;
  • 500 ml water.

Pour water over the berries, bring to a boil and boil for about 15 minutes. Infuse the finished broth in a closed container for at least five hours. It is recommended to consume 0.5 cups of decoction before meals.

If desired, you can add rose hips to the broth, which also have beneficial properties.

Rowan tea for diarrhea:

  • 1 dessert spoon of dried rowan fruits;
  • 200 ml water.

Prepare a decoction from the specified amount of berries, as in the previous recipe, leave for 2 hours. You need to drink tea twice a day, 50 ml.

Rowan tea is good at normalizing stool, eliminating diarrhea and intestinal upset.

Rowan puree to normalize appetite:

  • 1 cup fresh rowan berries;
  • 1 glass of boiling water;
  • 10 ml white wine;
  • sugar to taste.

Pour boiling water over fresh berries and boil for 30 minutes. When the fruits soften, rub them through a sieve and add sugar and white wine. After this, continue to boil the puree to the desired consistency. Take the medicine three times a day, 1 teaspoon.

Rowan tincture for atherosclerosis:

  • 500 grams of dry or fresh rowan fruits;
  • 500 ml vodka.

Sort and rinse the berries, fill a glass jar with them. Pour vodka or moonshine over the berries and leave in a cool, dark place for several days. Take 10-15 grams of tincture before each meal.

Rowan berry powder for diabetes. Rowan helps normalize blood sugar levels. The powder is prepared from the fruits, leaves and inflorescences of rowan. They are ground and consumed daily.

Decoction of bark for hypertension. The bark of the plant is collected in the spring, crushed and a decoction is prepared from it. Finely chopped bark is poured with water and boiled for about 30 minutes. The broth is infused in a thermos for about three hours. Use 10-15 grams of the product twice a day.

Rowan juice for gastritis. Gastritis and increased stomach acidity are treated with rowan juice. It should be taken twice a day before meals, 100 ml.

To prepare rowan juice, blanch the berries in boiling water until soft for about five minutes. The fruits are ground through a sieve, and sugar syrup is boiled from water. The berry puree is mixed with the prepared juice and packaged in sterile jars.

How to treat warts with red rowan? It is easy to get rid of warts at home with the help of rowan.

To do this, ripe red berries are ground into a puree and the affected area is treated with them. You can cut the berries into two parts and apply them to the warts for 15 minutes.

Flu decoction from rowan:

  • rowan berries – 7 parts;
  • dry nettle leaves - 3 parts;
  • boiled water.

The dry collection is poured with hot water and left to boil for no more than 5 minutes. Infuse the decoction in a thermos for about four hours. The decoction is consumed for three weeks, 0.5 cups three times a day.

For blood clots and scanty periods, it is not recommended to use the decoction.

Red rowan juice for liver diseases:

  • 5 kg of ripe rowan berries;
  • 2 cups sugar.

Crush ripe rowan berries and squeeze the juice out of them. Add two glasses of sugar to the resulting juice and boil for 20 minutes. The finished syrup should be stored in a dark bottle in a dark place.

Before use, the syrup is diluted with water and poured into tea. After medicinal tea, it is recommended to lie down for about two hours until the attack passes.

How to prepare healing rowan tincture and jam

Rowan tincture is not only an aromatic and tasty drink, but also very useful. There are many recipes for its preparation, but there are time-tested ones.


  • red rowan – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 150 gr;
  • vodka or moonshine – 1.2 liters.

The rowan needs to be washed, sorted and placed in the freezer overnight, then the bitter taste will go away from the fruit.

Place the prepared berries in a jar and cover with sugar. It is recommended to fill the jar “up to your shoulders.” Then pour vodka over the rowan so that the liquid completely covers the berries.

You need to infuse mountain ash for 4-5 weeks. at room temperature in a dark place. Then drain the tincture and pour vodka over the berries again for a week.

Mix the two tinctures, add sugar and honey to taste, then pour into bottles and leave to mature for two months.

Rowan tincture. Ryabinovka:

Rowan berries produce not only delicious rowan berries, but also healthy jam. Of course, during heat treatment, fruits lose some vitamins, but jam still strengthens the immune system well.

Red rowan jam:

  • rowan – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 1.5 liters.

Blanch ripe rowan berries in boiling water for 10 minutes, then drain in a colander. Boil sugar syrup. Place berries in hot syrup and leave for at least six hours. Then boil the rowan and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

To make the taste of the finished jam more intense, this procedure is repeated three times. The jam is placed in prepared sterile jars.

Rowan jam:

Red rowan is a valuable and irreplaceable source of vitamins and minerals. Ready-made raw materials for decoctions and tinctures are stored in fabric bags in a ventilated area. The shelf life of rowan berries is 12 months.

Red rowan, its health benefits, contraindications and possible harm from consumption have been known to mankind for several thousand years.

The unique qualities of rowan have provided it with a special place in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology. Red rowan continues to attract attention and enjoy great popularity.

Did you know? Ancient Greek myths tell about the origin of the bright berries and feathery leaves of rowan from the feathers and drops of blood of an eagle, which fought with demons, saving the cup of the goddess of youth Hebe. Celtic Druids considered rowan to be one of the twelve sacred trees. Rowan berries (“Food of the Gods”) could heal the wounded, and each berry eaten brought a year of life. German-Scandinavian and Slavic mythologies considered rowan a female tree (the goddess Freya wore a necklace made of rowan), the receptacle of Perun's lightning, a talisman tree, a symbol of fertility and love.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of red rowan

The usefulness of red rowan has been known for a long time. Rowan is a perennial plant (can live up to 200 years), and all of it (branches, bark, flowers, leaves, fruits) is literally saturated with vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.

Rowan fruits are especially rich in vitamins. With their help, you can compensate for vitamin deficiency in winter and early spring.

Chemical analysis shows that 100 grams of rowan contain:

  • 81 mg of ascorbic acid is almost twice as much vitamin C as in lemons and oranges;
  • 9 mg β-carotene, i.e. superior to many varieties of carrots;
  • 2 mg tocopherol;
  • 0.5 mg of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) – one of the leading places among fruit and berry crops;
  • 0.2 mcg folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • 1500 mcg of retinol (vitamin A) – ranks fifth after fish oil, beef and cod liver and carrots;
  • 0.05 mg thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • 0.02 mg riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • minerals (magnesium (331 mg), potassium (230 mg), copper (120 mcg), phosphorus (17 mg), sodium (10 mg), calcium (2 mg), manganese (2 mg), iron (2 mg)) .
A large amount of vitamin C and flavonols (hyperoside, astragalin, etc.) are found in the leaves, quercetin and spireoside in the flowers, amygdalin glycoside and fatty oils in the seeds, and tannins in the bark.

The energy value of 100 g of berries is 50 kcal (81.1 g is water, 8.9 g is carbohydrates, 0.2 g is fat, 5.4 g is dietary fiber, etc.). Fresh rowan fruits are practically not consumed as food: the presence of sorbic acid (a natural preservative with antimicrobial properties) gives the berries a tart-bitter taste.

When processing berries (in making jam, tinctures, etc.), as well as under the influence of cold, this acid easily disintegrates, the bitterness disappears, and a pleasant tart aftertaste remains (red rowan is acceptable for children in the form of preserves, marmalade, marshmallows, jam, etc.) .

Did you know? The scientific name of red rowan is Sorbus aucuparia. Its origin is connected with the Celtic word for “tart” – “sor” and the Latin “aucupari” - “that which the birds like”. The Slavic names “rowan”, “peaberry” come from “ryab” (freckle, pockmarked) due to the bright color of rowan berries. V. Dahl also derives the name of rowan from “spring” - to cleanse, to cleanse. The Slavs believed that rowan cleanses the air, water, and surrounding space from all bad things and filth.

Beneficial properties of red rowan for the body

The wide distribution of rowan in Eurasia and North America, the presence of more than 100 species of this plant made it easier for breeders, during which new varieties appeared (large-fruited, without bitterness, honey-bearing, etc.), which are actively used in cooking.

Red rowan (ordinary) of all rowan varieties is most often and actively used for medicinal purposes due to its pronounced beneficial properties:

  • abundance of vitamins and minerals (prevention of vitamin deficiency);
  • bactericidal properties of phytoncides (prevention and counteraction to intestinal infections, inhibition of fungal growth);
  • gelling property (prevention of gas formation, removal of excess carbohydrates);
  • the presence of sorbitol (helps with constipation, safe for diabetics);
  • diuretic effect (treatment of urolithiasis, inflammation of the genitourinary system, prevention of prostatitis);
  • the ability to reduce the level of bad cholesterol (normalize blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels of the heart and brain, prevent strokes, heart attacks, hypertensive crises);
  • the presence of potassium and magnesium contributes to the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • high content of pectins (removal of heavy metals, harmful chemical compounds, etc. from the body);
  • the presence of vitamins E, A, PP, K, etc. (red rowan ideally combines beneficial properties for women of all ages - normalizes the menstrual cycle, eliminates disorders during menopause, increases blood clotting, rejuvenates the skin, normalizes metabolic processes, removes toxins from the body, has an anti-cancer effect, helps reduce excess weight, etc.).

How to prepare and store rowan medicinal raw materials

Flowers, twigs, fruits, leaves and bark of rowan are harvested as medicinal raw materials. All of them have medicinal properties to one degree or another.

The shelf life of raw materials is one year (for dried berries - two years).

The preparation is made:

  • early spring (at the beginning of sap flow) – harvest bark. The bark of young annual branches is suitable for medicinal purposes. The branches are cut with pruning shears, a longitudinal cut is made in the bark and separated from the branch. Dry in the shade or in dryers;
  • cut in spring young branches with buds. Afterwards they are cut into pieces (1 cm) and dried;
  • during the flowering of rowan (in May) they harvest flowers(you need to pick the inflorescences) and bark;
  • at the end of summer (August) cut green rowan leaves(the concentration of vitamin C in them is maximum at this time of year). The leaves must be dried after collection.

Collecting the main source of the healing properties of rowan - its berries - is a special and unhurried process. It is correct to collect rowan in the morning in dry and clear weather. The timing of berry picking depends on how the raw materials will be stored (fresh, dried, dried, etc.):

  • September October– it’s time to harvest berries for subsequent fresh storage and drying. The berries must be picked before the first frost in order to preserve more nutrients. The berries are collected with tassels, cutting them off with pruning shears. Brushes are hung for storage in a cool room.

    More often berries are dried(this way they retain maximum beneficial properties, water evaporates, and the concentration of microelements increases). You need to dry the rowan in the shade or in a dryer, stirring occasionally (dry until the rowan stops sticking together when squeezed in your hand).

    Ready rowan will be better stored in glass jars with a tight lid. Dry rowan serves as the basis for making rowan powder - you just need to grind it. Dry rowan is stored without losing its qualities for two years;

  • October November(after the first frost) - the berries are collected for culinary purposes and preparations (the fruits have lost some of their bitterness and are easily separated from the stalks). The collected berries are frozen, jam is made from them and tinctures are prepared.

    Frozen berries are great for dryingA kilogram of rowan berries is poured with boiling water for three minutes and soaked for 12 hours in cold water (changing it periodically). After draining the water, dry the rowan and add 250 g of sugar, then leave it in the room for 20 hours. Drain off the juice, add another 250 g of sugar and repeat the procedure.

    Drain the juice, pour in hot syrup (to cover all the berries), heat to 90 degrees and keep on this heat for seven minutes. After removing the berries, cool and dry in the oven twice for half an hour at 70 degrees. After the berries have cooled, dry them for six hours at 30 degrees.

Another common way to preserve vitamins is juicing. There are several methods for making it. First option– for quick consumption of the drink (cannot be stored for a long time): add 600 g of sugar to a kilogram of washed berries and let it sit for four hours. Boil and simmer for 30 minutes. You can use a juicer.

Second option– preparing juice for storage. Sort out the ripe berries and rinse them several times, add water and heat to 90 degrees. The berries will soften, cool them, rub through a sieve or grind in a meat grinder.

Strain the resulting mass and boil (to make the juice sweeter, you can add sugar syrup). This juice is stored sealed in sterilized jars.

Use in folk medicine: treatment with red rowan

Red rowan has been used in folk medicine for a long time. Juice, fruits, bark, fresh and dried flowers, decoctions, tinctures, ointments, lotions, etc. are used.

Did you know? Our ancestors learned to use a huge amount of phytoncides contained in rowan. In the absence of drinking water, several freshly cut rowan branches placed in swamp water for two to three hours make it quite suitable for use. You can do the same with tap water. In veterinary medicine, rowan leaves are fed to animals. In agriculture, potatoes stored for storage are sprinkled with rowan leaves (they kill putrefactive bacteria).

Rowan juice

Rowan juice, like the berry, contains vitamins and retains beneficial properties, but also has the same contraindications.

Therefore, it is recommended to take rowan juice (very pleasant in taste) only after consulting a doctor.

Most often and most successfully, rowan juice helps in the treatment of:

  • hemorrhoids. Treatment can only take place in the fall - juice from freshly squeezed berries is needed. To relieve exacerbation of hemorrhoids, drink rowan juice three times a day, ¼ cup, with plain water;
  • low acidity, atherosclerosis, liver diseases. 30 minutes before eating you need to drink a teaspoon of rowan juice;
  • rheumatism. Taking a cocktail of rowan juice, milk (1/3 cup each) and a tablespoon of honey three times a day (before meals) helps;
  • constipation. Drink 50-70 g of pure rowan juice three times a day (the effect will be better when combined with honey);
  • throat diseases(sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, etc.). Rinsing with warm water (one glass) with the addition of rowan juice (1 tbsp) will help;
  • endocrine diseases. Drink a tablespoon of rowan juice three times a day before meals.

Important! Constant consumption of rowan juice has a contraceptive effect and relieves swelling of the limbs.

Rowan tea

Rowan tea is especially useful for vitamin deficiencies, colds and flu epidemics. The healing properties of red rowan are completely preserved in tea.

It has a preventive and therapeutic effect depending on its composition:

  • from rowan leaves– choleretic, diuretic and decongestant effects. Brew 300 g of fresh or 100 g of dry leaves per liter of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, drink a glass three times a day;
  • from the fruits of rowan and rose hips- anti-cold. Pour the ingredients (one tablespoon each) with boiling water (two glasses) in a thermos. Leave for eight hours. To enhance the effect, add honey and grated ginger. Drink half a glass two to three times a day;
  • from dry rowan berries– treatment of diarrhea. Pour 10 g of dry berries into 200 ml of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Drink 50 ml twice a day (morning and evening).
Fortified preventive teas consist of several ingredients: rowan, black currant, raspberry, chokeberry. Brewed infusions are added to green or black tea, drunk with honey, raspberry jam, and lemon. Such teas are good for toning and increasing the body's resistance.

Important! When brewing tea from dried rowan fruits, it is best to use a thermos instead of a teapot. Another option is to boil it over low heat. This will allow you to maintain a high temperature longer, at which the mountain ash will “give” the maximum of useful substances to the decoction.

The causes of warts are not always clear. Doctors believe that the main factor that causes the appearance of warts is a decrease in immunity (due to poor diet, stress, allergies, etc.).

Treatment of warts involves taking many medications, which does not always have a positive effect on the body (especially children). Using a natural remedy is preferable.

There are different recipes, all of them are simple:

  • lubricate warts with rowan juice (until they disappear);
  • Grind the rowan berries into a paste, steam the skin and apply the berry mixture to the wart overnight, wrap it in cellophane and gauze. Remove in the morning. The course of treatment is seven days;
  • cut a fresh rowan berry and apply the cut to the wart. Secure the berry with a bandage. Change the berries every day. The course of treatment is seven to eight days.

Infusion for colds

The use of red rowan infusions for colds is widely known.

The main requirement when making a medicinal infusion is Do not boil the fruits, otherwise many beneficial properties will be lost.

One of the recipes for an infusion of dry rowan berries:

  • pour 500 ml of water into an enamel bowl and add 9 g (1 tbsp.) rowan berries, cover tightly;
  • put in a water bath (for 20 minutes);
  • remove and leave for one hour, after straining, drink half a glass in four doses during the day.

It can be recommended for adult patients for colds strong infusions of rowan(with cognac, medical alcohol, vodka). Making such infusions is not difficult: liter of vodka per 200 g of fresh berries. Pour the rowan into a glass container, add vodka and seal. Leave for 14 days in a dark place (shake the bottle several times and turn it over). After straining, take 30 g of tincture three times a day before meals.

Did you know? For the first time, rowan vodka tincture under the Smirnov brand was shown in 1889 at the World Exhibition in Paris. It was not possible to counterfeit the tincture, which had become very popular - a unique sweet variety of mountain ash, Nevezhensky, accidentally bred in the Vladimir province, was used to prepare it.

Infusion for gastritis

Rowan infusion is effective for low acidity. For infusionYou will need fresh rowan (five cups of berries) and three cups of sugar. Mash the berries, mix with sugar and leave in a warm place for eight hours. After the juice has separated, cook for 30 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally (be careful not to boil).

Drain and strain. Take a tablespoon 4 times a day before meals for a month.

For diabetics use an infusion of 400 g of fresh berries and two liters of boiled water: pour the mashed berries with water, shake well and leave for four hours. Take the infusion one teaspoon before meals (no later than 30 minutes).

Infusion for anemia

For anemia An infusion of rowan leaves helps a lot. 30 g of fresh leaves are crushed in a blender, then poured with a glass of boiling water and left for one hour. The portion is divided into three parts and drunk per day.

With background heavy menstruation Grind rowan berries (2 tablespoons) into a puree, pour in 400 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour and a half and take throughout the day.

Tincture for atherosclerosis

For atherosclerosis comprehensive helps infusion of dried rowan (20 g), flax seeds (1 tbsp), crushed strawberry leaves and marigold flowers. Mix everything and pour boiling water (0.5 l), hold in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then leave for another 40 minutes. Take half a glass three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is two to three weeks.

Decoction for scurvy and whooping cough

For the treatment of scurvy and whooping cough prepare a decoction: dry rowanberry collection (15 g of leaves and 15 g of berries) pour water (200 ml), boil and cook for 10 minutes. Leave for two hours, cool and filter. Drink half a glass twice a day.

Decoction for hemorrhoids

With this disease, effective help will be provided decoction of rowan juice(will eliminate constipation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stop bleeding, heal wounds). To prepare the decoction you need a kilogram of berries and a liter of water. The berries are poured with water and placed on low heat. After boiling, remove from heat, cool and rub through a sieve. Stir 0.5 kg of sugar in the juice and boil. Drink 100 ml three times a day.

In addition to juice, it is active for the treatment of hemorrhoids use rowan bark:pour five tablespoons of crushed bark with water (0.5 l), boil and cook for two hours. Drink 30 ml three times a day before meals.

How to use rowan in home cosmetology

The use of red rowan in home cosmetology has a long tradition. People used the bactericidal, healing, restorative properties of rowan. Traditionally, juice, fruit pulp, and decoctions are used - in the form of lotions, masks, compresses, creams, etc.

The result is noticeable immediately - irritation is relieved, pores are narrowed, the skin is slightly whitened and loses its oily sheen, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin becomes more elastic. If red rowan does not cause allergic reactions and there are no other contraindications, you can safely use natural cosmetology.

Nourishing face mask

When making masks for dry and normal skin, the main ingredient is fresh rowan; butter, cream, honey, etc. are used:

  • Grind butter (1 tbsp) with yolk and honey (1 tsp). Add crushed rowan berries (2 tbsp) to the resulting mass. This mask is applied for 30 minutes, after which the face is wiped with a napkin;
  • mix rowan juice (1 tsp) with butter (1 tbsp). Apply for 20 minutes and rinse with linden infusion.

For oily skin, a “lighter” mask is prepared:

  • Mash rowan berries (1 tbsp), combine with kefir (2 tbsp) and lemon juice (1 tbsp). The mask is applied for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Lotion is also good for oily skin ( Rowan berry puree (2 tbsp), honey (1 tbsp), apple cider vinegar (1 tsp), vodka (1 tbsp) and water (200 ml)).

Important! When using masks, it should be taken into account that the combination of rowan and carrots can color the skin and give it an orange tint. If you are going to go out somewhere after the procedure, it is better to refrain from using such a mask for a while or do it in the evening.

Toning mask

Toning masks will be useful for all skin types. It's easy to prepare them:

  • mix one teaspoon of rowan juice, honey and vegetable oil with egg yolk. Apply the mask for 20 minutes. For better results, combine the mask with a steam bath. Duration of the course – 8 sessions;
  • mix the pulp of rowan berries (2 tbsp) with honey (1 tsp) and hot water (2 tsp). Apply to skin for 20 minutes. You can cover the top with a warm compress. Duration of the course – 12 procedures. It should be borne in mind that such a toning mask has a whitening effect.

An excellent tonic is frozen rowan juice. Daily use of frozen juice cubes with gentle massaging will rejuvenate the skin and improve its tone.

Rejuvenating mask

To rejuvenate aging skin Mashed rowan berries will be useful. Apply the berry mixture for ten minutes and rinse with cold water. A mask made from rowan puree and grated carrots (worn for 15 minutes) is also effective. If the skin is oily, then add beaten egg white to the rowan.

Good rejuvenating effect for problem skin is a mask of rowan juice, grated walnuts, plantain decoction and St. John's wort (all 2 tbsp). All ingredients are mixed and applied for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Possible harm and contraindications

Despite all the usefulness and high medicinal properties of red rowan, you should be aware that there are also contraindications in which negative consequences of using this remedy are possible.

People should reduce their consumption of rowan to a minimum:

  • with increased stomach acidity;
  • with urolithiasis (can provoke the movement of stones);
  • hypotensive patients;
  • with a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • after a stroke/heart attack;
  • with coronary heart disease;
  • children under three years of age;
  • with individual intolerance to rowan.

Red rowan during pregnancy and breastfeeding is also undesirable in the diet, as it increases the likelihood of involuntary miscarriage and allergic reactions in the baby.

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