The benefits and harms of pecan nuts. The benefits and harms of pecans for the body. Similar to walnuts but long.

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All people who have heard at least a little about organizing a proper and balanced diet know that to maintain the health of the body, it is extremely important to eat a varied diet. The daily menu should include the consumption of a wide variety of foods. So, all nutritionists recommend including nuts in your diet as sources of healthy vitamins, minerals and fats. Pecans are just such products. Let's find out what kind of nut it is, the benefits of pecans and what harm they can cause for women.

Pecan is a very popular nut in North America, although in our country it is considered a rather exotic product. It is widely used in cooking and eaten in a variety of forms - fresh, dried or fried. Pecans are commonly added to many dishes, including baked goods. There are recipes for preparing various tinctures based on it. In Russia, this product can be found fresh - peeled or in shell; it is usually sold in bags or in special vacuum packaging.

Pecan nut - beneficial properties and contraindications

What are the benefits of pecans for women??

Pecan nuts contain a huge amount of useful components, represented by provitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C and the lion's share of tocopherol - vitamin E. They also contain a lot of minerals - calcium and iron, phosphorus and magnesium, zinc and potassium. For this reason alone, it is clear that consuming pecans can saturate the body with many beneficial components necessary for health.

This product is a source of several types of vitamin E. And, as you know, this vitamin ensures the full functioning of the endocrine and reproductive systems. It helps eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of PMS: fatigue, emotional instability, pain and increased sensitivity in the chest, as well as swelling. Tocopherol is extremely important for pregnancy and further development of the fetus. Therefore, eating pecans may be beneficial for women of all ages.

This natural gift contains several powerful antioxidants. As is known, such components are capable of preventing cancer of various localizations, as well as slowing down the aging process, maintaining youth and excellent appearance for many years. So the benefits for women are obvious.

Moderate consumption of nuts has a positive effect on skin condition. This dietary supplement will help readers of Popular Health help eliminate wrinkles and prevent their appearance, get rid of dryness and flaking, as well as unpleasant rashes. The skin becomes firm, pleasant and elastic.

Many middle-aged and elderly women suffer from various vascular problems. And pecans can prevent and correct disturbances in the activity of the cardiovascular system. They help cleanse the blood of “bad” cholesterol, reducing the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis. Moderate consumption of pecans also plays a role in the prevention of thrombosis.

Many girls face the problem of anemia. For some, this problem is hereditary, for others it occurs during the period of embroidering the baby, for others it appears as a result of heavy menstruation or problems in the functioning of the reproductive system. In all these cases, moderate consumption of pecans will help increase hemoglobin levels and improve overall health.

Also, such a supplement to the diet will help eliminate fatigue and depression, increase concentration, fill the body with energy and strength, and also increase performance and add endurance.

An amazingly healthy oil is extracted from pecan nuts: it is used for cosmetic and pharmacological purposes. This product is recommended for use to improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, to prevent atherosclerosis and varicose veins.

The oil copes quite effectively with headaches, which very often bother women of all ages. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you just need to lubricate your temples with it.

Pecan nut oil is used to moisturize, refresh and renew the skin. The components of this product stimulate cell renewal, add elasticity to the skin and have an amazing moisturizing effect. It is most often used in dry skin care.

This oil can simply be applied to the skin for irritation and sunburn.

How can a nut harm women??

There are not many cases where harm to women from consuming pecans is possible. This product should definitely not be consumed in moderation, because the body can only absorb one hundred grams of such nuts. If you eat more, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract may occur.

It is worth noting that pecans are high in calories, and it is advisable to limit its consumption in case of obesity and a tendency to gain excess weight.

Such nuts can cause individual intolerance reactions. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies, you need to eat them very carefully, and if unpleasant symptoms appear, you must immediately stop consuming such a product. Pregnant and lactating women need to take into account the likelihood of developing allergies.

You should not give nuts to children; this product is too heavy for them.

In general, there are benefits from pecans when consumed in moderation. The nut can bring enormous benefits to the female body. But you definitely don’t need to get carried away with them.

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In the United States of America, pecans are a favorite delicacy; they are added to sweet baked goods and various hot and cold dishes. North American Indians have been eating these nuts for a long time, but the widespread use of fruits for the manufacture of confectionery and flour products began in the 80s of the nineteenth century. Therefore, the benefits and harms of pecans to the body remained unstudied for a long time; serious research began to be carried out only in the second half of the 20th century.

The taste and appearance of pecans is in many ways similar to walnuts, although its flesh is more tender due to its significant fat content. This tree-like plant, reaching a height of 25 to 40 meters, is widespread on the American continent, and is also found in Crimea and Central Asia. Harvesting begins at the end of October and continues until April.

Nuts require a hot, humid climate to ripen. Under optimal conditions, the fruiting period of a tree can last for three centuries. Pecans, when shelled, quickly lose most of their beneficial properties and even become unsuitable for consumption due to an unpleasant rancid taste.

Pecan Nut Benefits ─ 18 Health Benefits

  1. Reducing cholesterol levels

    Excess cholesterol in the blood is considered one of the main causes of cardiac diseases, which have become a real scourge of modern society. People who are diagnosed with excess cholesterol levels have to take medications as prescribed by their doctor. Meanwhile, practical observations have shown that regular consumption of pecans helps keep bad cholesterol under control, thanks to the presence of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants in the fruit.

  2. Improvement of the cardiovascular system

    The kernels of this nut are famous for their high fiber content, the consumption of which serves as a prevention of coronary heart disease and certain types of cancer. Pecans are high in oleic acid, monounsaturated fat and antioxidants. The intake of these substances into the body helps prevent the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes, and improves the cardiovascular system by inhibiting oxidative processes in the blood.

  3. Strengthening the immune system

    Thanks to the presence of manganese, consuming pecans helps increase the body's defenses, improves resistance to various infections and viruses, and prevents the likelihood of many dangerous ailments.

  4. Increased strength of bones and teeth

    Phosphorus contained in pecans is the second most important mineral after calcium, responsible for the health of our bones and teeth. The distribution of phosphorus in the body is structured in such a way that 85% of this trace element occurs in bone tissue, and the remaining 15% in other cells and organs. Phosphorus is also involved in cleansing the body of toxins; it is necessary for the formation and regeneration of DNA and RNA cells. Getting enough of the mineral from your diet helps prevent muscle pain that occurs after exercise and strength training.

  5. Treatment and prevention of diabetes mellitus

    Many types of nuts, including pecans, are included in diets that stabilize blood sugar levels. This is especially important for people who are predisposed or already have diabetes. Medical research has proven that saturating the body with fiber, vitamins and minerals plays an important role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes.

  6. Lower blood pressure

    The US National Institutes of Health, with the support of the Department of Health, has developed a special diet that involves consuming 4 to 5 servings of pecans per week. At the same time, you need to eat only 15 grams of crushed or whole nuts per day to bring high blood pressure back to normal and enrich the menu with nutrients.

  7. Efficiency of the stomach and intestines

    Introducing small portions of pecan nuts into your daily diet enhances digestive processes and promotes regular bowel movements. This factor, due to the high fiber content, guarantees stable functioning of the stomach and prevents the occurrence of gastritis, colitis, hemorrhoids and colon cancer.

  8. Eliminating the toxic effects of drugs

    Antitumor chemotherapy sessions use medications that kill not only cancer cells, but also harm healthy tissues. Studies have shown that eating pecans helps protect the heart, kidneys, bladder and other organs from the negative effects of the powerful drug Cyclophosphamide, used to treat lung, ovarian, breast and other cancers.

  9. Removal of inflammatory processes

    Pecans contain a lot of magnesium, which, having anti-inflammatory properties, reduces the formation of CRP (C-reactive protein), TNF (tumor necrosis factor α) and IL6 (interculin-6). Magnesium promotes healthy blood vessels, which helps avoid diseases such as ischemia, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and many other ailments caused by inflammation of nerve, vascular and muscle tissues.

  10. Improving blood composition

    Iron deficiency leads to a decrease in hemoglobin, which threatens to result in anemia. Pecans contain a sufficient amount of microelements that can satisfy the need for iron and other useful minerals that affect the formation of red and white blood cells. By including pecans in your diet, you can avoid anemia and increase the energy balance of the whole body.

  11. Benefits of pecans for women

    Some medical studies suggest that eating pecans may help prevent breast cancer. Laboratory tests have shown that oleic acid contained in nuts inhibits the division of tumor cells. Scientists hope that confirmation of this factor will allow many women to avoid this terrible disease. Currently, the study of the beneficial properties of pecans for the treatment and prevention of various types of cancer is at an early stage, but the first results look very encouraging.

  12. Help with weight loss

    Eating pecans keeps you feeling full for a long time, which helps you avoid accidental snacking. Plant fibers can also speed up metabolism, which ultimately leads to normalization of body weight and slimming.

  13. Ensuring beautiful skin color

    The condition of our skin largely depends on the well-being of our internal organs. The accumulation of toxic substances in the body is expressed by the appearance of acne, lethargy and increased oiliness of the skin. Pecans, being a wonderful supplier of fiber, normalize digestion, help cleanse the stomach and intestines, which has a beneficial effect on the color and health of the skin of the face and the whole body. This nut also contains vitamins A and zinc, which are necessary to maintain the elasticity of the epidermis.

  14. Hair growth stimulation

    Another indicator of the health of the body, along with the skin, is beautiful, strong hair. To nourish the hair follicles, you need a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals, of which there are quite a lot in pecans. By adding this tasty and healthy nut to your diet, you can forget about dullness and hair loss, and get rid of the problem of split ends.

    Pecans are high in L-arginine. This amino acid, when applied topically, helps prevent hair loss and stimulates hair growth due to increased blood flow to the scalp. In addition, L-arginine increases the elasticity of artery walls and eliminates the formation of blood clots that prevent free blood circulation. Iron, which pecans are rich in, helps prevent anemia. Increasing the level of this microelement in the body is a kind of catalyst for hair growth.

  15. Preservation of youth

    In addition to vitamins A and E, pecans are rich in ellagic acid. The complex of these substances, which are powerful antioxidants, blocks the activity of free radicals, which prevents premature aging of the skin, slows down the appearance of small and large wrinkles, age spots and other similar defects.

  16. Benefits of pecans for men

    Phosphorus-rich foods help reduce muscle pain, which provides undoubted benefits for men involved in extreme sports. In addition, consuming pecans reduces the risk of cramps, dislocations and fractures, which often accompany intense strength training.

  17. Gall Bladder Health

    Studies conducted to study the effect of eating nuts on the risk of developing gallstones have shown that such diets significantly reduce the likelihood of gallstones in men. In addition to pecans, scientists studied the composition of peanuts, almonds, and walnuts. Each of these fruits has a certain effectiveness in preventing gallbladder diseases.

Pecan nut - harm and contraindications

  • The beneficial properties that pecans have do not guarantee that this product is suitable for consumption by absolutely all people. If you have never eaten this type of nut before, introduce them into your diet gradually, observing the body's reaction.
  • It is necessary to make sure that there are no problems with the digestive tract, and also to exclude the occurrence of allergies. Even if well tolerated, you should not exceed a single serving of 100 grams in order to avoid unnecessary stress on the digestive system.
  • Be sure to keep in mind that pecans are high in calories. Therefore, abuse of the product can lead to excess weight gain. People who are obese are advised to completely avoid the presence of this nut in their menu.
  • Patients diagnosed with fatty liver should also not eat pecans to prevent possible complications of the disease.

In our country, pecan nuts are not so easy to find, and even if they do, many people will refuse to buy them because of the price. And yet nutritionists never tire of talking about the benefits of the ingredient for women, men, children and the elderly. With the right approach, this nutritious delicacy can activate processes that have a positive effect on the general condition of the body.

The products are also famous for their therapeutic properties and preventive effects. Finally, pecans have a great flavor that can be used in cooking and confectionery.

general information

The beneficial properties of this valuable food ingredient were known many years ago, not in one country, but in different parts of the world. The plant, which belongs to the nut family, does well in humid and hot climates. In particular, pecans actively bear fruit on those parts of the land that are washed by large bodies of water.

Pecans are the fruit of a deciduous tree that can produce crops for up to 300 years. Sometimes the height of these trees reaches 40 m. The nuts themselves have an elongated shape, their shells are colored brown. On average, the size of a pecan does not exceed 3 cm in length.

Under the shell there are kernels of a rich beige color. In appearance, they are very reminiscent of walnuts, which is not surprising, taking into account the close family ties of the trees. But there are no partitions in pecans, and the taste of the kernels is more soft and lacks tart notes.

The quality, beneficial and harmful properties of pecans, and their taste are greatly influenced by the timeliness of harvesting and the correctness of its processing. If the produce is collected before it is fully ripe, its characteristics will not be very pleasing to gourmets and lovers. Therefore, before buying a pecan, you should definitely try it. There is no point in buying products that do not taste good just to benefit from them. The chemical composition of such nuclei is far from optimal and they will not have the desired effect on the body.

Pecan nut composition and properties

Pecan is a very unusual and controversial nut. 100 g of product contains 690 kcal, but products made from it can be included in the diet during diets. Products that are famous for their energy levels contain many useful substances:

  • Almost a complete list of B vitamins. They are necessary to maintain metabolic processes and nutrition of muscle tissue, starting the regeneration of cells and colonies. Without them, normal functioning of the nervous system and the body's immune defense is impossible. B vitamins take part in the synthesis of blood cells and the formation of cellular DNA.

Tip: Pecans can be used to make healthy and nutritious milk. To do this, grind the kernels in a mortar until smooth and dilute with water. The concentration of the composition can be adjusted independently. This drink is especially useful for children and pregnant women. It perfectly replenishes energy and strength.

  • Vitamin C. Strengthens the immune system and takes part in collagen synthesis.
  • Vitamin E. A substance that helps restore and maintain youth. Regular consumption of pecans allows women to maintain their beauty for many years.
  • Vitamin K. Active regulator of blood clotting processes. It promotes faster recovery for people who have undergone surgery.
  • Antioxidants. Nutritionists have counted several dozen substances in pecans that can prevent the destructive effects of free radicals on the tissues of the human body. These compounds also protect against heart disease, improve general condition, and restore lightness and vigor.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids. Participants in metabolic processes that have a positive effect on the functionality of the brain and reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Minerals. Pecans contain calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, fluorine, selenium and manganese. Each element has its own special functions that promote health and reduce the risk of disease.

The health benefits and harms of unique nuts are directly related to their freshness. The oily texture of the kernels is not capable of maintaining the listed substances in their optimal chemical form for a long time. Violation of storage conditions for products leads to their spoilage. If the fruits are bitter, it is better to avoid eating them. In any case, they will no longer have a positive impact.

Benefits of pecan nuts for human health

Initially, the peoples of many countries included pecans in their diet only because of its significant nutritional value. People stockpiled large amounts of produce in case famine struck. Today these are more like gourmet products. Their presence in the menu can lead to the following results:

  1. The fat content in the body will decrease, the volume of muscle mass will increase. At the same time, nuts will also satisfy the feeling of hunger, which will reduce the daily calorie intake. According to doctors, it is enough to eat just 2 pecan kernels daily for the product to lead to weight loss.
  2. Chronic fatigue goes away, signs of depression disappear, and the likelihood of developing nervous disorders decreases.
  3. Prevention of vitamin deficiency and mineral deficiency in tissues is carried out.
  4. Effective prevention of oncology and early aging of the body is carried out.
  5. Pecan nuts are very beneficial for men. It normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system, increasing the level of testosterone in the blood.
  6. The use of products increases hemoglobin levels, preventing anemia. The minerals in nut kernels fight bacteria and viruses.
  7. Women who include pecans in their diet note improved quality of hair, nails and skin. And in nursing mothers, the nutritional value of breast milk increases.

Eating pecans in childhood is key to normal development and growth of the body. In older years, the product improves the quality of life, eliminating many unpleasant moments. To obtain all the listed effects, the ingredient can be eaten raw, fried or dried. It is often used to prepare various healthy desserts and sweets.

Harm and danger of pecan nuts

The high calorie content and abundance of active substances in the composition can play a cruel joke on people who abuse pecans. You should not eat more than 100 g of nuts per day, and it is better not to bring it to such a high level. Violation of the rule can lead to the following consequences:

  • The product simply will not be absorbed, causing excessive stress on the digestive organs.
  • Allergies may develop in the form of headaches, rashes on the oral mucosa, and digestive disorders.
  • If you are prone to excess weight, you will begin to actively gain kilograms.

The introduction of pecans into the diet is strictly prohibited in case of fatty liver, nut allergies, and under the age of 3 years. For pregnant women, it is enough to use the product in quantities of 2 pieces up to 3 times a week.

Rules for selecting and storing pecans

Today, many nuts are sold in stores in shelled form, wrapped in plastic. In the case of pecans, this is not the best solution. When choosing products, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. We take only unpeeled fruits with a dense but thin shell without chips, cracks or darkening.
  2. You should definitely try the nuts; there should be no bitterness in their taste.
  3. You should not take elements that are too light or those that rattle if you shake them.

It is also better to store pecans directly in the shell. A refrigerator or freezer is ideal for this. Products must first be inspected and hermetically packed in containers. In the refrigerator compartment, supplies can last up to 4 months, in the freezer – up to 6 months. If the elements begin to emit a rancid odor, it is better to throw them away and not use them for food.

Butter made from pecans is no less useful. It is obtained by cold pressing the fruits, thanks to which the finished product retains the beneficial substances in its composition as much as possible. Studies have shown that the product consumed internally has a beneficial effect on the state of the circulatory system. External use of the mass allows you to fight the signs of aging. Another healing product helps strengthen the immune system and reduces the risk of colds.

, pine nuts and peanuts . More popular with us Walnut , and Americans lean heavily on pecans: they bake cookies and pies with nuts, crumble them into salads and add them to hot dishes. I wonder what kind of nuts did the squirrel gnaw on in Pushkin’s fairy tale at Prince Guidon’s place on Buyan Island? It is unlikely that it was a pecan, but this is not a reason to ignore such an interesting product...

Treat or medicine?

Pecan and walnut are very similar. The difference is in size (the first one is slightly smaller) and in the shell itself (in pecan it is smooth and oblong, similar to pistachios ). The kernels themselves are similar in taste and appearance, but the pecans are more tender and soft. That is why it must be eaten immediately after removing the shell, otherwise the exotic fruit will spoil.

The tree itself is as tall as you 40 meters, unlike the usual hazel tree, and the pecan lives, Wikipedia will not lie, as much as 300 years - this is how many nuts can be collected from it. It will not be possible to grow it on your own plot, that is, in Russia and the CIS countries. Pecans are capricious; serve them in the Gulf of Mexico monsoons. Although about 200 years ago pecans were brought to Crimea and Central Asia, and they liked the Black Sea coast and the Caspian bays.

This pecan nut is very tasty, its beneficial properties are given by a vitamin complex, micro and macroelements. Huge percentage of fat (70%), sugar (14%) and white (11%) is contained in the kernels. Therefore, it is very high in calories. Just 200 grams of nuts contain almost the daily requirement of calories (1700 kcal). You can eat a couple of kernels to whet your appetite or relieve fatigue. But you shouldn’t “trample” it with bowls, as Marfusha did from the fairy tale “Morozko”. By the way, she ate not pecans, but hazelnuts, cracking the shells with her powerful teeth.

  • Vitamin A helps your eyes look better foresailgrow further, see more clearly.
  • B vitamins have an effect on the thyroid gland, metabolism, blood formula, muscles and mental activity.
  • Vitamin C, akaascorbic acid , increases ourimmunity , protects against environmental hazards, removes toxins and cholesterol from the body, being natural antioxidant .
  • Vitamin E rejuvenates the body, cells, and triggers regenerative functions.

American scientists were surprised to learn about one amazing property that pecans have. The benefits of one of the components may become a discovery for oncology. Pecan kernels contain several types of vitamin E. And one of them breaks down cholesterol plaques, protects cells, DNA, and body proteins from oxidation, prevents aging and improves heart function. But it's amazingly different e: this variety destroys diseased cells, leaving healthy ones alive. Already based on oil and pecan extract, gamma-tocopherol was created - a drug that in the near future will be used to treat cancer patients from prostate, breast, duodenal and lung cancer.

In addition to vitamins, the nut contains iron, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, potassium and magnesium. It contains polyunsaturated acids, tannic acid.

What do we treat with pecans?

This whole scattering of minerals and vitamins of the pecan nut perfectly copes with a decent amount of all sorts of ailments and general fatigue.

  • Regulates sexual function.
  • Increases hemoglobin levels.
  • Relieves fatigue.
  • Children eat better if they chew a nut or two before lunch.
  • In the off-season, nuts can replace pharmacy vitamin complexes.
  • Increases concentration.
  • The body is filled with energy and strength.
  • Increases efficiency and endurance.

Interesting: the Indians planted these hazel trees around their camps. After 8 years it was possible to harvest the first harvest. By eating nut kernels, the Indians became hardy, strong and lightning fast. They kept the remaining nuts unbroken . The pecan shell is dense, without holes, so no insects or microorganisms could get inside And nuts could be stored for a very long time. For infants and old people, due to their lack of teeth, the kernels were ground in a mortar, adding water until a homogeneous milky substance was formed. The resulting liquid was sweetish, very nutritious and pleasant to the taste. Children grew better and were less capricious; old people had the strength to look after their children and do housework.

Walnut oil. It's easier to buy than to make it yourself

How oil is extracted from any nut rich in fats: pecans: it is useful both in cosmetology and pharmacology. But it is impossible to obtain oil on your own. This can only be done under heavy pressure and cold pressing. This is the only way it retains its properties.

When buying oil in a store or pharmacy, pay attention to its shade To : it should be dark golden but not brown. The smell of the oil is nutty with a slight hint of aroma. olives . And the taste is also olive, but with a nutty aftertaste.

  • The effects of nut oil extend to work heart, it improves the condition of blood vessels, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents atherosclerosis, protects against varicose veins.
  • If you have a cold, you can do oil rubbing and inhalation.
  • Oil lotions will stop the bleeding.
  • By smearing your temples with a couple of drops of this substance, you can relieve even a severe headache.
  • For mosquito bites and other insects, sunburn, irritation, fungus, dermatitis, bruising and swelling, it is also recommended to anoint the body with pecan oil.
  • In spa salons, nut oil is often added to massage creams to moisturize, refresh and renew the skin.
  • Cosmetic products for mature skin also include pecan in this form - it renews cells, increases their elasticity, and moisturizes even dry skin.

Pecan nut harm. Is everything so rosy?

An exotic guest from the American continent, the pecan nut has not yet gained such popularity among Russians as other nuts: walnuts, pine nuts, and Brazilian nuts. Although it boasts a pleasant taste and a rich vitamin and mineral composition. In this article you will learn in detail what pecan nuts are, their composition, uses, beneficial properties and contraindications.

Chemical composition and calorie content of pecans

The pecan plant grows in hot regions with high humidity: in the southeastern United States, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, and Central Asia. You can find a walnut tree in the Caucasus and even in the Crimea.

Interesting fact! Many people, due to the external similarity of the kernels, believe that the pecan is the closest relative of the walnut. It is a myth. The common pecan is a plant of the hickory genus, not a tree nut. The closest relatives of the product known in Russia are Manchurian, Californian and other nuts.

100 grams of pecans contain 680–700 kcal, a lot of proteins and fats - 12 and 120% of the daily value, respectively. This is a very filling snack. The nut is rich in dietary fiber, so it helps with constipation and removes toxins from the body.

The nucleoli contain large quantities of vitamins B1 (44%), B5 (17%), B6 ​​(10.5%), E (9%), PP (6% of the daily value).

What are their beneficial properties:

  1. Vitamin B1 fights free radicals, has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, and maintains the tone of the heart muscle.
  2. Vitamin B5 stimulates the production of adrenal hormones and is involved in the formation of antibodies. Useful for heart disease, strengthens the immune system.
  3. Vitamin B6 participates in the metabolism of proteins, amino acids, stimulates the production of hemoglobin.
  4. Vitamin E – a powerful antioxidant, slows down the aging process of the body and protects against cancer. Improves memory, reduces blood sugar levels, accelerates the process of tissue regeneration.
  5. Vitamin PP has vasodilating properties, reduces the content of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, preventing atherosclerosis, and gently lowers blood pressure.

Pecans also contain vitamins A, B2, B4, B9, C, K . It contains a lot of macro- and microelements, especially manganese (225%), copper (120%), phosphorus (35%) and magnesium (30% of the daily value).

Manganese regulates blood glucose levels, participating in the functioning of the pancreas, and prevents fat deposition in the liver. The body also needs copper. If there is a lack of it, a person is worried about chronic fatigue, apathy, problems with skin and hair. Phosphorus maintains the normal condition of teeth and bones, and magnesium supports the health of the cardiovascular and hormonal systems.

What are the benefits of pecans for the body?

Thanks to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, the benefits of pecans for the body are beyond doubt. But this is subject to moderate use. An adult is allowed to eat no more than 30 grams of nuts per day. For children and overweight people – 1.5 times less.

It is interesting what effect pecans have on the human body depending on gender and age.

For men

Vitamins B1, C and E reduce the risk of prostate cancer. They also stimulate the production of the hormone testosterone in combination with elements such as zinc and selenium. And also the substances in the nut enhance blood microcirculation, which has a positive effect on potency.


Pecans are a storehouse of vitamins with antioxidant properties. These are A, C, E, B1 and others. They help a woman stay young and beautiful for a long time: they prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, strengthen hair and nails. Vitamin E has a positive effect on reproductive function, and B6 helps during menstruation, increasing the number of blood cells.

For children

Pecans also benefit the child. It contains vitamin A and beta-carotene - vision aids, and phosphorus, necessary for normal muscle and bone growth. B vitamins improve brain function, especially memory, which has a good effect on a child’s performance at school.

To old people

Vitamins B1, B5, B6 and PP, which are found in pecan nuts, have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and normalize blood pressure. Thus, the product prolongs the life of elderly people.

Interesting fact! In Indian tribes, a drink made from ground pecans was given to the sick and elderly to speed up recovery and improve well-being.


But pecans can do more harm than good to expectant mothers. The fact is that this product is a strong allergen. It is unknown how a large amount of vitamins and minerals will affect the condition of the fetus. It's better not to take risks.

Expert comment:

“Pecan is an exotic nut that is often confused with walnuts. More precisely, it is perceived as some kind of modified walnut hybrid. In fact, apart from external similarities, they have little in common.

Pecans are a very fatty nut, the amount of fat in the nut is about 70%. The composition also includes: sugars, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and a lot of micro- and macroelements. Its calorie content is also quite high - 691 kcal.

Pecans can be eaten raw or roasted. Whoever likes it. It can also be added to salads, cookies, pies and even bread. Pecan oil is often used in cooking. But pecan oil is also used in cosmetology, as it has nourishing and moisturizing properties, and is recommended for the care of mature and dry skin. The oil forms a protective layer on the skin and serves as a shield from the adverse effects of the environment.

Pecans are also used in medicine. It is useful for vitamin deficiency and anemia; improves appetite; regulates the level of testosterone in the blood, develops the sex glands and provides sexual enhancement; helps with the functioning of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract; has anti-cancer properties.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of this nut. It should not be consumed only by people who are allergic to nuts.

And another important point: shelled nuts cannot be stored. Due to the fact that they contain a lot of fat, they quickly spoil and become rancid. Therefore, buy and store unshelled pecans, and if you bought them in shelled form, eat them right away.”

Elena Ivantsova, nutritionist, Samara

Pecan on a diet and weight loss

Surprisingly, pecan is a nut that can be both beneficial and harmful to your figure. The result will depend on the quantities in which the product is consumed.
The nut is high in calories and fat, so it seems that it is not suitable for losing weight.

But once again pay attention to the composition:

  • Monounsaturated fatty acids – suppress the production of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger.
  • Vitamins C, B1 and E, manganese – reduce inflammation in the body and speed up metabolism.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5) – normalizes lipid metabolism (and it is precisely the disruption of this process that often leads to the accumulation of fat in the liver and overall weight gain).

In addition, the product contains few carbohydrates - the main culprits of extra pounds. It turns out that eating pecans in small quantities is beneficial for your figure. Hearty nuts can replace a unhealthy snack of sweets or cookies.

Important! Nutrition experts do not recommend eating more than 15 grams (3-4 pieces) of pecans per day during a diet. And if you include a nutritious nut in your diet, then give up other fatty foods, especially sausage, cheese and butter.

Pecan and its oil in cosmetology

Oil is obtained from pecans by cold pressing, the benefits and harms of which you will now learn about. It has a transparent golden color and is similar in smell and consistency to olive oil. High-quality pecan oil can be bought at a pharmacy or online store for 250–300 rubles. It is used in cosmetology to care for dry and aging skin.

Pecan oil and extract are added to creams, tonics, and emulsions.

Enriched cosmetics have the following beneficial properties:

  1. Smoothes out small wrinkles.
  2. Softens the skin.
  3. Brightens the complexion and helps fight age spots.
  4. Eliminates pimples and acne.

Before washing your hair, you can rub slightly warmed pecan oil into the roots of your hair and leave for 30–40 minutes. After the water procedure, the curls will become smooth and shiny. If you regularly use this mask, hair loss will slow down.

Regular rubbing of the product into the nail plates prevents their delamination and the formation of fungus. Using pecan oil during a massage helps relieve muscle tension. It also has a slight anti-cellulite effect.

The use of pecans in cooking and folk medicine

The fresh kernel has a delicate sweetish taste with creamy and vanilla notes. Unlike walnuts, there is no astringency or bitterness in it. When fried, the aroma of the product becomes brighter.

Advice! Toast the pecans carefully as they burn quickly. Only a non-stick frying pan will do. First you need to heat it up, and before frying the product, reduce the heat to medium.

In crushed and grated form, the nut goes well with meat and fish dishes. Included in sauces and homemade baked goods: pies, cookies, muffins, rolls. Maple Pecan Puff is a delicious flour dessert with the addition of nuts, apples, cinnamon and maple syrup. At home, it’s easy to prepare your own tonic drink from ground coffee and grated pecans with the addition of orange extract or 1-2 drops of citrus essential oil.

In European and American cuisine, the product is often added to the following dishes:

  • Trout.
  • Ostrich meat.
  • Chicken.
  • Pea soup.

If you are too lazy to bother with cooking, eat nuts fresh, roasted or dried as a snack on their own.

Important! Some substances in pecans inhibit the action of digestive enzymes, so there is a risk of stomach upset. The side effect can be avoided if, before use, soak the kernels for 7–8 hours in 0.5 liters of water with the addition of a tablespoon of salt.

Pecan nuts have not yet been widely used in folk medicine, because this product is a curiosity for residents of post-Soviet countries. And it costs almost 2 times more than walnuts.

Pecan oil is known for its anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. It is used to treat small wounds, burns and insect bites. Asian healers believe that alcohol tincture of nuts helps cleanse the body, strengthen the immune system and cope with fatigue.

Pecans or walnuts – which is healthier?

Having learned the beneficial properties of the pecan nut, let's try to compare it with the most affordable and popular walnut. If you look at the pecan nut in the photo, you can see the external similarity of these nuts.

Like the walnut, it looks like a brain. But the American fruit has a thin and smooth shell, and there are almost no partitions inside. The nucleolus is more elongated, without sharp outlines.

But it’s impossible to say for sure which nut is healthier. Pecan wins in terms of the content of vitamins A, E, manganese, and dietary fiber. But walnuts contain more antioxidants, proteins, and potassium. Choose the product whose taste you find more pleasant.

How to choose, clean and store pecans?

If you're stocking up on food for months to come, buy nuts in shells. Due to their high fat content, peeled kernels become rancid within a week. A quality nut shell should be smooth, without dents, cracks or dark spots. Peeled kernels are light and dense.

Interesting! You don't have to worry about pests. Worms simply do not grow in pecans.

Pecans are peeled in the same way as walnuts. A hammer or pliers will do. In the USA, a special crusher has been used for a long time, but in Russia it is difficult to find it for sale.

Store the product in the refrigerator. Fruits in shell - 3-4 months, peeled kernels - no longer than a week. If you put nuts in the freezer, the shelf life will increase to 2 years, but the taste will deteriorate slightly after defrosting.

Harm and contraindications of pecan nuts

Pecans are harmful to those who abuse them.

If you eat more than 30 grams at a time, you may experience the following side effects:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Bloating.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Migraine.
  • Edema of the larynx.
  • Difficulty breathing.

People with nut allergies should not eat pecans. This product is not recommended for people suffering from obesity, metabolic diseases (primarily diabetes), liver, and gastrointestinal tract diseases. Expectant mothers and children under three years of age should also refuse exotic fruits.

Now you are well acquainted with another interesting nut that resembles a brain. Why crack candy during breaks when you can replace it with an equally tasty and filling snack – pecans? Your body will thank you if you include healthy nuts in your weekly diet.