Recipes for soaking lingonberries and storing them in their natural form. Soaked lingonberries: the most delicious and healthy preparations for the winter

Lingonberry is a traditional berry for Russia, growing in most of its territory ( middle lane, tundra). How did it happen that the recipe for pickled lingonberries became something akin to “ancient exoticism” for modern supporters of a healthy diet?

People living in cities have limited access to natural products– and lingonberries can only be found in the supermarket in the frozen fruit and berry section. It is known that cultivated lingonberries have higher yields compared to wild ones - up to 20-30 times! At the same time, it is practically not inferior in useful qualities its predecessor (vitamin C content is slightly reduced), so buy a bag of frozen berries and cook delicious fruit drink- no problem.

However, strict raw foodists still consider such a product a “delicacy” - due to the freezing of the water contained in the berry, the cell membranes are destroyed, so the product ultimately is no longer “the same.” Of course, if possible, it is better to go to the forest in August-September and pick the berries yourself to make “lingonberry water” or other healthy meals and drinks. And you should use it as soon as possible!

Attention: Lingonberry has a significant drawback: it “collects” and accumulates radioactive substances and other toxins, so you need reliable information about the place where this shrub grows and - important! – berry picking should be carried out away from busy roads and highways, industrial facilities.

Ancient secrets of soaking berries: preserving valuable qualities

Urine is a common method of preparing berries for future use, used in Rus' since ancient times. This method can preserve cranberries, lingonberries, and Antonovka apples until spring. For harvesting only best fruits and the berries are ripe and undamaged.
Of course, the modern approach to urination is significantly different from the ancient one. Used real ones wooden barrels and barrels or pottery, special conditions were required for preparation and preservation - a dark, cool cellar was just the best place for this. And the technology of urination itself is no longer the same - some ingredients are simply not familiar to us. So, in V. Pokhlebkin’s culinary dictionary the recipe is indicated soaked apples, for which the filling is not sugar syrup, but licorice water (decoction of licorice root) with spices - cloves and cinnamon.

There are several ways to prepare soaked lingonberries, but in order to preserve them, the best way is to soak them without adding sugar. What valuable qualities does a berry prepared in this way have? Lingonberries contain up to 86% water, up to 10-12% easily digestible monosaccharides, organic acids, pectin, antioxidants, flavonoids, arbutin, tannins, vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, PP and E, fatty acids, calcium, magnesium , potassium, iron and other minerals. The preservation of ripe berries during urination is ensured by benzoic acid (0.2%), which has preservative properties.

Experimental pharmacological studies have established that pickled lingonberries and “lingonberry water” can be used as tonics, antipyretics, astringents, urinary antiseptics and mild laxatives.

Contraindications and warnings

Lingonberry preparations, in particular its “soaked” version, are contraindicated for:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, gastritis with high acidity;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • prostate tumors;
  • hypotension;
  • cholecystitis;
  • kidney stones.

Berry scattering of recipes

Recipe for soaked lingonberries “Simple”

Thanks to its simplicity, this the recipe will do even for those who do not have their own cellar. You can store dishes with soaked berries, for example, on the balcony, after placing it, for example, in a drawer or box that does not allow light to pass through. So, to prepare “classic” soaked lingonberries, you will need sorted ripe berries (you don’t need to wash them) and clean water (preferably spring water) in a ratio of 1:3. To begin with, you can prepare not a large number of, For example, three-liter jar. The technology is as follows: fill the jar 1/3 with berries, add water to the top and close the lid or tie it up. parchment paper. Send to “exile” on the balcony in a prepared place for 7 days.
Gradually the berry gives away useful material and your taste into the water, and just after a week you can evaluate the result and “take the first sample.” You should pour a little (about a glass) of the resulting drink and immediately replace the amount of water. This “water cycle in lingonberries” is possible until spring, so it’s good to use large dishes (optimally a 25 liter barrel). If you only have jars, you should pour a little from all of them, then you will have delicious “lingonberry water” on your table almost every day. In this case, lingonberries become “thin” by spring, because all the beneficial substances went into the drink. This berry is no longer eaten.

Recipe for soaked lingonberries “Modern”

Required: washed ripe berries lingonberries, sugar (in a ratio of 2:1 or 5:2), cold filtered or spring water, aromatic spices to taste (cloves, cinnamon, allspice).

Preparation: Place the berries in an enamel container suitable for storage (bucket, pan with a lid) so that it is filled halfway. Place pressure on top and fill to the top with an aqueous solution of sugar and spices. Then the dishes are closed and left to be stored in the cellar for up to 30 days. These soaked lingonberries can be used as jam or diluted boiled water for preparing a soft drink.

Tip: instead of a sugar solution, you can use a solution natural honey(0.6 kg per 3-4 liters of cold boiled water)

Recipe for pickled lingonberries “Traditional”

You will need: ripe lingonberries; for filling: boiled water, sugar, salt, spices (for 1 liter of water you will need 100 g of sugar, 1 tsp of salt).

Preparation: Boil and cool the filling. Place the washed lingonberries in a container for soaking (to the top), pour in the prepared cold brine. For taste, you can add spices and quartered apples. Place the oppression, cover with lids with holes or cloth and leave in a dark place for 20 days. After opening, you can leave it in the refrigerator. Such pickled lingonberries - classic way prepare vitamin berries for the winter.

Express recipe for pickled lingonberries for sauces

You will need: lingonberries (1 kg), water (900 ml), sugar (1 tbsp), salt (0.5 tsp), cloves, cinnamon.

Preparation: Boil syrup from water, sugar and spices, cool it completely. Place the washed berries in glass jars, pour syrup and leave for 3-4 days at a temperature of 10-15°C, then put in the refrigerator.

Bright healthy berries sometimes used as a “companion” in preparations and salads, and so classic example– apples soaked with lingonberries:

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Step 1: prepare the lingonberries.

First, we need to sort out the berries and separate fresh, ripe lingonberries from spoiled and unripe ones. For thrifty housewives You don’t have to throw away the last berries, but cook compote or jelly from them. But not without the fact, of course, that completely spoiled berries will not correct the situation and it is unlikely that they will turn out to be good. delicious drink. Therefore, if you come across such ones, it is better to get rid of them. A good berries Place in a large bowl. Pour into a regular container cold water and carefully wash the lingonberries in it. Afterwards, drain the water through a colander, and the washed main ingredient transfer to another large bowl.

Step 2: sterilize the jars.

In order for our Soaked lingonberries stored for a long time, it is necessary to prepare the container. Therefore, we rinse the jars under running warm water. You can add a little baking soda and thoroughly treat the containers inside and out. Soda itself is a good alkali and therefore washes away grease and dried dirt from dishes. We rinse the jars until the soda deposit in the containers disappears and the jars begin to “creak.” Place a medium saucepan with a small amount of water on high heat. When the water boils, turn the heat to slightly lower than medium and place a flat sieve or an ordinary oven rack on top of the container. We place the jars on the surface so that they are a short distance from each other. We sterilize the container within 15 minutes. And when droplets of steam begin to flow down the walls of the jars from the inside, turn off the heat. Attention: The jars are very hot, so we use cloth oven mitts and place the containers on a kitchen table lined with clean cloth towels.

Step 3: prepare the syrup.

Put it on fire large saucepan and bring purified water to a boil. After - we do medium heat and add sugar to the water with a spoon. You can add more sugar if you like sweeter dishes. Stir the water with a spoon until the sugar dissolves. Afterwards, turn off the heat and set the pan aside - let the sweet water cool to room temperature.

Step 4: prepare soaked lingonberries.

As I already said, lingonberries prepared according to this recipe can be stored for a very long time, while retaining their beneficial features. After all, this healing berry contains the following: minerals, like iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium. In addition, it gives us vitamins A, B, C and E. Therefore, lingonberries are useful to add to dishes and eat just like that for people who have a headache or are sick with the flu or a cold. Also, these berries improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys, stomach and improve vision. So, with a spoon or clean hands, put the lingonberries into the processed jars about a third or a little less than half of the container. sugar syrup I'm ready now. Therefore, we pour it into jars using a ladle. It is important that the liquid just covers the lingonberries. For aroma and pleasant taste, add cinnamon and cloves to the jars. Close containers tightly plastic lids. If you wish, you can even make a seam. At the end, put the soaked lingonberries in a cool place. For example, if there is a cellar, the workpiece can be stored in such a place. In another case, we place jars of lingonberries on the lower shelves of the refrigerator.

Step 5: serve Soaked lingonberries.

Already in a month berry preparation will be ready. You can simply sprinkle lingonberries with sugar and serve with mint tea. You can simply drink the liquid like compote. After all, it turns out very tasty and with a pleasant light aroma cinnamon and cloves. These berries can also be added to pies, pies, meat dishes and in poultry and fish dishes. Enjoy your meal!

- - If you have at hand not only lingonberries, but also its leaves, do not throw them away. It turns out even lingonberry leaves have medicinal properties. For example, it is good to drink a decoction of these leaves when you are sick. genitourinary system, at diabetes mellitus and rheumatism. The leaves can also be brewed as tea. After this drink you will feel a surge of strength and vigor. And we make the preparation simply by drying the lingonberry leaves. To do this, lay them out on a clean surface in a well-ventilated area. And turn the leaves over once every 2-3 days until they are completely dry. The main thing is that direct sunlight does not fall on them. Afterwards, put them in clean plastic or paper bags.

- – Pickled lingonberries in large quantities can also be cooked in barrels.

- – If you want to soak lingonberries without adding spices and sugar, then you need to change the water from time to time. Since the berries contain benzoic acid, lingonberries may not spoil for a long time. Unlike water! When interacting with berries, it may turn sour. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the process of soaking lingonberries.

- – And if you want to make Soaked lingonberries with rich aroma, then you can also add peeled pieces of Antonov apples to the jars.

At the end of summer, the berry ripening season begins. One of the most delicious and healthy is lingonberry. These healthy seasonal berries are rich in vitamins and substances beneficial to the human body. In order to fully realize the full potential of the berries, you need to properly process them and store them for the winter. One of the most simple ways is a recipe for soaked lingonberries at home.

The most delicious and healthy is fresh lingonberries. Its sour berries have incredible aroma and original taste. Cooks all over the world add it to sauces intended for serving with meat, fish and mushroom dishes. Lingonberries are also good in sweet form. Desserts are often made from it and prepared in the form of jam or jam. Ripe red berries make delicious, aromatic compotes and fruit drinks.

Sometimes it happens that in the forest you can collect a whole “mountain” fresh berries, therefore, so that they do not deteriorate, you need to know how to save lingonberries for the winter. It is at this time of year that our body needs it most. In winter, due to a lack of vitamins, it is weakened and prone to various unpleasant diseases. The use of lingonberries helps to saturate the body with vitamins, and also helps to cope with viral diseases.

The fruits contain a large amount of acids, which act as an antiseptic. It is thanks to them that you can store fresh berries.

The process of preserving berries for the winter:

Cooks have come up with a huge number of ways to soak lingonberries for drinking. All of them allow you to get a tasty and vitamin-rich product.

A berry harvested in this way can stand without problems until the next season. Its pleasant feature is that with each month of storage it only gets better and tastier.

This method of storing lingonberries for the winter is the most reliable proven by many generations of lovers of this berry. In the cold period of the year, not only compotes, fruit drinks, but also sauces can be prepared from it.

To prepare soaked lingonberries, you will need the following ingredients: 5 kg of fresh berries, 2.5 l pure water, 500 g of sugar (can be replaced with the same amount of honey), salt, cinnamon, cloves.

The cooking process is simple and consists of the following steps:

Classic variant

This recipe uses minimal amount sugar, which allows you to get finished product with a slight sourness. If desired, you can add any fruits, such as apples, to the dish. To prepare pickled lingonberries classic recipe required: 1 kg of fresh berries, 150 g of sugar, one apple (optional), 2 g of salt, 1 liter of water.


Soaked with salt

This recipe involves the use of a large amount of salt, which gives the finished product a specific taste. To prepare one kilogram of berries you need: a liter of water, 20 g of salt, granulated sugar, cloves.

Cooking option:

Honey is wonderful natural and very useful substitute Sahara. It can be added to almost all dishes. Pickled lingonberries were no exception. The following products are used in the process: 100 g flower honey, 1 kg of lingonberry fruits, water, salt, cloves, cinnamon stick.

Harvesting method:

  1. Washed and sterilized containers are filled to the top with lingonberries.
  2. All spices used are placed in jars.
  3. The jars are filled with cooled boiled water.
  4. After two minutes, the liquid is drained into a separate container.
  5. Honey and salt are added to it.
  6. The mixture is heated until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  7. The finished syrup is poured over the berries.
  8. The jars are closed and sent to a cool and at the same time dark place.

Spicy preparation

From the name it’s easy to guess that the recipe uses a large amount aromatic spices. At the right combination they will not only add piquancy to the finished product, but also give a special spicy aroma. To make this delicacy, you need: lingonberries, water, cloves, allspice, cinnamon stick, salt, granulated sugar.

This preparation is done as follows:

Other storage methods

Lingonberries are a seasonal berry, so without additional processing they will not survive until winter. Because of this, housewives came up with several effective ways preservation of berries.

Canning in syrup

Lingonberries can be stored at home together with other fruits or berries. Apples, pears, and cranberries are perfect for these purposes. To prepare berries for the winter, you need the following products: at least 5 kilograms of lingonberries, 2 liters of water, 1.5 kilograms of sugar, 50 ml of lemon juice.

Step by step cooking recipe:

One of better ways Storing lingonberries at home is by grinding them with sugar. The finished product is very sweet and aromatic. To prepare it you will need: two kilograms granulated sugar and cranberries.

This delicacy is prepared as follows:

  1. Selected berries are transferred to a colander and washed several times cold water.
  2. After the water has drained, the berries are mixed with sugar.
  3. Both ingredients are thoroughly mixed. This process is done without much care, since most of the berries should be crushed.
  4. The vitamin mixture is placed in pre-washed and sterilized jars.
  5. The containers are closed with lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Quick jam

Everyone loves jam, regardless of age and social status. It turns out especially tasty from lingonberries. To prepare it you will need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. The berries are sorted and plant debris is removed from them.
  2. Lingonberries are washed with running water and dried.
  3. The prepared berries are placed in a pan of boiling water and cooked for no more than three minutes.
  4. After this, they are removed and cooled with cold water.
  5. Granulated sugar is added to the remaining liquid.
  6. After boiling, cooled fruits are added to it.
  7. The jam is cooked for the first 10 minutes strong fire. During the cooking process, the resulting foam must be removed.
  8. After ten minutes, the heat is reduced to minimum, and the jam is cooked for another third of an hour.
  9. The thickened product is removed from the stove and left for twelve hours.
  10. After this, the jam is put into jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Lingonberries have been harvested for many centuries. During this time a lot has happened useful tips and recommendations. Never neglect them, as they will help you avoid most mistakes and make a delicious finished product. Among them it is worth noting the following:

Pickled lingonberries are one of the best ways to prepare this berry at home. If you follow the advice of professionals, you can get a unique vitamin product, which will appeal not only to you, but also to your family members. Don't be afraid to experiment and try various options preparations.

Attention, only TODAY!

Hello, dear subscribers and guests of the blog! Today I would like to remind you that the most valuable and useful remedies You don’t have to buy it at the pharmacy. Continuing the section on the beneficial properties of berries, I would like to help you stock up on vitamins for the whole winter with my advice. The heroine of the plot will be pickled lingonberries.

A berry that has incredible palatability and at the same time is a valuable source of many useful components. She's just in huge number contains organic acids, B vitamins, and many microelements.

Wetting lingonberries is a very useful and, most importantly, profitable procedure. After all, she gives to a real mistress the following advantages:

  1. The opportunity to pamper yourself vitamin drink all winter.
  2. Treat the whole family for a wide variety of ailments. Learn about medicinal properties berries and how to use them you can.
  3. Make an amazing sauce for meat.
  4. Add to a variety of pickles. For example, a combination of lingonberries and apples will help create a dish that your family and friends will not be able to tear themselves away from.
  5. Berries are an excellent base for fruit drinks and jelly.

Well, the most important advantage, of course, is the ease of preparation. The preparations do not require special preparation and take very little time. Now let's move on to the most interesting part. Get ready to take notes, because the recipes offered are sure to please you.

Properly prepared berries will provide you all year round a charge of vitamins, antioxidants, and will also help the body resist viruses and bacteria during the flu and cold season. I devoted an entire article. I think after reading it, you will definitely want to have several jars of such a useful drug in your arsenal.

  1. Don't rush to buy berries from the first harvest in August. At this time they are not yet fully ripe. Ideally September.
  2. Rich dark red color is a sign of maturity. Such berries are the most the best option for blanks.
  3. Use only whole fruits. It is better to eat the damaged ones immediately and add them to baked goods and treat your family with a healthy treat.
  4. Choose the right container. It is very important. Most suitable option enameled or stainless steel pans. But you can also use food-grade plastic containers, as well as regular glass jars. If you have a large number of berries, then feel free to soak them in plastic bags.
  5. Don't be overly scrupulous. A small amount of leaves included in the preparations will only bring benefits to your dish.

Important! Lingonberries contain benzoic acid in abundance - a powerful preservative. It is this component that allows the berry to retain its qualities for a long time and not spoil.

Remember these 5 simple rules. It is not difficult to follow them, and the result will definitely not disappoint you.

Soaked lingonberries: fast, simple, incredibly tasty

This recipe was very popular with our ancestors. It’s as easy as shelling pears to prepare, and the taste is unsurpassed. I would even call it a recipe for the lazy, but very fond of pampering themselves and their family with healthy goodies.

Soaked berries without cooking

  1. Cooking lingonberries. To do this, I advise you to put it in a sieve. Rinse thoroughly and give excess water drain.
  2. In the meantime, you need to prepare the container. You can, of course, take classic jar in 3 liters. But I would advise finding a larger container. A little later you will find out why. Rinse the dishes thoroughly and pour boiling water over them.
  3. Now pour the berries into the container. by the most optimal amount is a third of the total. But, if you have an abundance of lingonberries, feel free to add more. The taste will be more intense.
  4. Fill the rest of the volume with cold water. Filter the water or take spring water. Boil and cool.
  5. Close the jar with a lid and tie the top with parchment paper. Don't forget to make holes in the paper or lid.

Now choose a place. You need to insist in a cool, dark place. After just 7 days of this procedure, lingonberries will give up all their beneficial properties and give the water a unique taste.

By the way, this drink will last for the whole winter and even for big family. To prolong the pleasure, simply take a little squirt each time. different cans and do not forget to replace the poured volume with cold water. For example, if you pour a glass of water from one jar, add a glass of clean water.

After the drink runs out, do not rush to throw away the berries. knead favorite dough and make fragrant pies.

Fragrant, spicy lingonberries: treat your loved ones with unusual jam

My friends love this recipe for its light and pleasant spice. It is much better than simple sweet jam with sugar. Cooking time is significantly longer than in previous recipe, but for such pleasure it’s worth the wait.

  1. Preparing the berries. We take them in the amount of half of the total volume.
  2. We will use a large one as a utensil. enamel pan. Rinse it and pour boiling water over it.
  3. Pour lingonberries into the pan. Be sure to put pressure on top. It will help the berry to fully open and release its taste and aroma.
  4. Now let's prepare the syrup for pouring. Mix water with sugar and spices. Sugar should be 2 times less than the berries themselves. Sweet lovers can increase the sugar concentration to 2.5. The best spices to use are cloves, allspice and cinnamon. Do not put a lot of spices, otherwise they will clog the taste of the most important ingredient.

Important! I advise people who are afraid for their figure to prepare this dish without sugar. Instead, you can put honey in the amount of 150 g per 1 liter of water.

  1. Pour the syrup over the berries and cover the pan with a lid.

Leave in the cellar for 30 days. Then feel free to start eating this amazing dish.

Folk recipe

Now I want to tell you how to cook lingonberries in order to create real culinary masterpieces with them.

What you need:

  • lingonberries – 1 kg;
  • Antonov apple – 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • clean water – 1 l.

Prepare berries and jars as described above. Then cook the syrup by mixing sugar, salt and water. Cool down.

Advice! Always let the pouring cool during cooking, otherwise the berries will lose their shape.

Fill the jars with lingonberries, leaving some space. Cut the apple into slices and add on top of the berries. Pour in syrup and cover with gauze. Store in refrigerator. Pickled lingonberries with apples can be used as a filling for pies or simply eaten with tea.

Gourmet recipe

The male half of your family will certainly appreciate this simple recipe for soaked lingonberry sauce. It is quick to prepare, and its bitter taste will be an ideal companion to meat dishes.


  • a glass of lingonberries;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • orange zest;
  • a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. You can also take a regular store bought one.

It's very easy to cook. Mix berries, juice, sugar. Bring to a boil. Turn the heat down and simmer for 40-45 minutes. Then add the zest and cook for another 10 minutes. Now you can turn off the fire. Serve the cooled sauce with the meat.

In the photo, presented unusual way serving meat. But I think you will like it so much that you will have to serve the sauce in much larger quantities.

Childhood immunization without vaccinations: healthy jelly from soaked lingonberries

Just in time for the onset of cold weather, your lingonberry preparations will already be ready to be consumed. So save this one easy way prepare jelly that your child will be delighted with.

How to prepare jelly:

  1. 1.5–2 cups of soaked berries should be crushed in a blender or simply rubbed through a sieve.
  2. Add 700–800 ml of water.
  3. Add 5 tbsp. l. sugar and stir.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  5. 2 tbsp. l. dilute starch in a small amount water and gradually add to the liquid over heat. Remember to stir vigorously so that no lumps form.
  6. Stir well again and turn off the heat.

The dish is ready.

A way out of any situation: a spiritual tincture

Even if for some reason your preparation has fermented, this is not a reason to be upset. Prepare the tincture:

  1. Take 0.5 kg of berries.
  2. 1 liter of vodka. You can use alcohol, but it is better to dilute it half with water.

The preparation is extremely simple. Place the berries in a container and add vodka or alcohol. Infuse in a cool, dark place. After 2 weeks you can taste it.

Important! If lingonberries have fermented without sugar, then add 50 g of sugar per liter of vodka.

I suggest to look interesting video how to prepare lingonberry tincture with honey:

Lingonberry-cranberry juice


  • cranberries and lingonberries 250 g each;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • water 3 l.

Grind the berries through a sieve or grind in a blender. Fill with water, add sugar and put on fire. After the dish boils, immediately turn off the gas. Cool to a comfortable temperature and drink to your health.

And finally, I would like to remind you once again that lingonberries can cause not only benefits, but also harm to the body. You should not overuse berries if you have peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum, and also lowered blood pressure.

For today I have everything. Try, experiment and don’t forget to add your feedback.

Because the sweet syrup For soaked lingonberries you need cooled ones, so it’s more logical to start cooking with them. Measure right amount sugar (from 2 tablespoons to 1 cup of sugar per 1 kg of lingonberries), salt and, if desired, spices and herbs.

A harmonious combination is provided by cinnamon, cloves, spicy and allspice. lovers original taste You can experiment with adding vanilla, ginger, anise, mint, citrus zest, rosemary or juniper berries. Instead of sugar, honey is great; it not only enriches taste range, but also makes the workpiece even more useful!

Pour sugar and remaining ingredients into water. The water must be filtered, and best of all – pure artesian water. Bring water with sugar, spices and spices to a boil and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then this sweet aromatic syrup or essentially just sweet water(concentration depends on the selected amount of water) must be completely cooled.

To speed up the cooling of sweet water, you can place the dishes with it in a larger diameter container with ice water and periodically (as it warms up) replace it with a cold one.

Lingonberries need to be carefully sorted. If a few leaves remain among the berries, this is not a problem and is allowed. The main thing is that rotten or damaged berries and various forest debris do not get into the harvest. Rinse the lingonberries with cold water and drain them in a colander.

In clean ones, i.e. washed with soda and scalded jars or food containers, place the required amount of lingonberries: half, two-thirds or almost full.

Pour in cooled sweet water, cover with lids or roll up and place in a cool place. In a week, the pickled lingonberry will fully reveal its taste, and in a month it will be, as they say, “the same”...