Salsa sauce recipe: how to cook a real delicacy at home in a couple of minutes


Hi all! I will not be mistaken if I say that in the last twenty-odd years, ketchups and tomato sauces have firmly entered our lives. We consume them in astronomical quantities. Our kids sometimes can't eat anything unless they season their food with some Baltimore or Heinz. I think manufacturers are putting something in tubes, jars and doypacks that creates a real food addiction to canned sauces. If you look closely at the composition, which is usually written on the packaging in the smallest, almost unreadable font, then we will find there modified starch, traces of soy, preservatives, stabilizers and other chemicals that are harmful to health and have the most dangerous long-term consequences. Therefore, in order not to load any muck into yourself, you need to learn how to cook sauces yourself. Today I invite you, dear readers, to master the simplest step-by-step recipe for salsa sauce, its varieties, which can be prepared at home.

Since I am a southern creature, the love of everything sharp is in my blood. This is especially true of all kinds of vegetable and fruit sauces. I don’t know how it is now, but during my childhood, the counters of the Sochi market were full of flat bottles from under the Dagestan horse, in which all sorts of satsebeli, kvatsarahi, adjika and tomato sauces in countless guises were imposing and swaggering. By lunchtime, the counters of the gravy women were empty. The local gourmets and visiting holiday-makers bought everything clean. The freshest products of local Georgian and Armenian aunts have always been a success. At home, some even small canning factories flourished. Now we know what salsa and ketchup are. Then any seasoning had a simple name - "sauce". Each craftswoman, of course, had her favorite recipe. But, basically, the ingredients were similar for everyone: homemade tomatoes, hot peppers, garlic, an abundance of southern herbs and spices. Natural components of excellent quality and conscientiousness of women are the key to the popularity of homemade salsa. It's time to get ready though. I, as always, chatted with you, my dear readers. In a couple of minutes, together we will prepare a real delicacy.

Classic Salsa Recipe: Mexican Raw Variation

In some regions of Mexico, this is called Pico de gallo, which in Spanish means "rooster's tail." Apparently, the multi-colored components provided such an expressive name.


  • 2 large tomatoes.
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 small bunch of cilantro.
  • 1 small bunch of parsley.
  • 1 pod of hot pepper.
  • lime circle.
  • ground black pepper.
  • sea ​​salt.

Cooking technology

My remarks

  • Chili peppers are ideal, but any good quality hot pepper will serve as a substitute.
  • Lime and lemon are interchangeable here. Shades of taste will turn out different, but equally beautiful.
  • Any greens you like are acceptable.
  • Boiled salsa is prepared from the same ingredients, only the vegetables are pre-boiled. I won't post the recipe. I think that everything is clear. This option is suitable for harvesting for the winter. Boil, arrange in sterile jars, roll up with sterilized lids, wrap until completely cool. In winter, all that's left is to eat.
  • The sauce prepared by us has a bright red color. In Spanish, salsa roja. Salsa verde (green sauce) is prepared from other ingredients.

italian salsa verde recipe


  • 1 small bunch of parsley.
  • 1 lemon (whole zest, 1 tablespoon juice)
  • 15 green olives.
  • 1 tablespoon capers.
  • 0.5 cup olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 0.5 teaspoon of sea salt.
  • freshly ground black pepper.

Cooking technology

    1. Cut the washed greens.
    2. Coarsely chop the olives and capers.
    3. Chop the peeled garlic, salt, crush with a knife laid flat.
    4. Put all the ingredients in a chopper or blender bowl, grate the zest from the lemon there, squeeze out the juice.
    5. Grind, leave to brew. Let the components exchange aromas, tastes, moods. This will enhance the flavor of the sauce.


  • Green onions, cilantro, marjoram, basil, sage, mint, tarragon, savory leaves, thyme, chervil, rosemary - any combination of fresh herbs is allowed. They can replace part of the parsley or use instead.
  • Italian green salsa can amazingly transform and make expressive the taste of ordinary boiled, baked or stewed fish, meat, poultry, fresh vegetables. Spread on bread, it turns into a wonderful snack.
  • Some anchovies, onions, unripe gooseberries How do you like the idea to add these ingredients?
  • By the way, here Here look at different shredders. Perhaps look after something for yourself, or maybe choose someone as a gift.

Feijoa salsa verde sauce

For some reason, I always thought that only something sweet could be prepared from an exotic berry. Feijoa mashed with sugar is an excellent delicacy. But, having tried once at a party and with a green sauce from their fragrant pulp, she was indescribably delighted. I share with you a simple recipe.


  • 5 pieces of large feijoa.
  • 1 small onion.
  • 1 small bunch of parsley.
  • 1 green chili pod.
  • freshly ground black pepper.
  • salt.
  • sugar.

Cooking technology

  1. Cut the peeled onion into cubes.
  2. Washed greens, feijoa with peel and cut pepper.
  3. Grind by any miracle of technology to a paste, do not forget to add salt, sugar and black pepper.

marginal notes

  • Parsley has a "good character", it adapts to almost any taste, its aroma is unobtrusive. Therefore, it is for this sauce that I recommend only her. Onion is fragrant, but, oddly enough, it does not drown out the delicate aroma of feijoa, but only enhances it. Other greens, such as my favorite basil, clash with the main smell, which makes the taste of the dish much rougher.
  • A similar sauce can be made from kiwi. Only the ingredients for it must be finely chopped with a knife.
  • If you add a little olive oil to the main composition, then the sauce will suit low-fat fish, boiled turkey or chicken.
  • You can make a more textured version with small whole pieces of components.

That's all for today. If you liked my healthy and tasty sauces, then please share the recipes on social networks. To be aware of everything new and interesting, subscribe to my newsletter. Hi all!

Always yours Irina.

My today's mood is well conveyed by this transparent, gentle halftone song.

Melody Gardot - Our Love Is Easy