Recipe for dried herring in Norwegian style. New Year's recipes from Norwegian herring! Norway is at home

Norwegian herring - healthy recipes.

What Russian home table would be complete without aromatic, moderately spicy and tender herring?!

But who, if not the Norwegians, knows the most interesting and original recipes for marinade for herring, because it was they who first thought of salting and marinating it.

Norwegian sailors have learned to preserve the taste properties of delicate fatty fish for a long time in a thousand ways, each of which makes herring so delicious that even the most fastidious gourmet will enjoy dishes made from it.

On this occasion, we invite you to prepare herring at home in one of the old Norwegian marinades.

How to buy a good herring?

But before marinating the fish, it is important not to make a mistake when choosing it in the store. Unfortunately, today buying really high-quality and fresh herring is a big problem. Only those who know the cunning tricks of product manufacturers can cope with such a difficult task.

You probably plan to buy frozen herring. Due to the fact that fish takes a long time to “get” to the store, it is usually frozen right on board the ship. All this suggests that even if you come across chilled fish on the supermarket counter, the likelihood that it was simply defrosted is very high.

It can be considered good if...
the fish does not have an ice shell;
there are no noticeable damages on the skin (there may be no scales at all, this is normal, because after catching and transportation there is almost no scale left);
The herring's eyes are light, slightly convex and also intact;
fins and gills are pressed tightly to the carcass.

It is better to buy large fish, with a thick back and round sides. Avoid buying herring without a head, because mainly only by the gills and eyes you can determine the freshness and quality of the fish.


Most likely, you will have to defrost the herring first. It is best to do this gradually, so to speak, naturally, leaving the frozen fish on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator overnight. Quick defrosting in the microwave or hot water will not lead to the best consequences: the herring can be severely damaged or dried out.

Once the fish is completely defrosted, be sure to wash it in cold water. Cut off the head, gills, and gut thoroughly. Now the herring is ready for salting or pickling.

Some people prefer to marinate it ungutted. This is a classic option that is still considered the best. Here it is assumed that you only need to remove the gills and leave the head. In this form, the fish is placed in brine, however, you should understand that before serving such a dish on the table, you will have to work hard: cut it into slices, remove the head, and also pull out the bones.

If you still prefer to marinate fillets, removing bones before cooking is much easier if you do not defrost the fish completely!

Option #1

450 g herring;
one head of onion;
one carrot;
half a teaspoon of horseradish;
one glass of water;
one glass of milk;
one glass of table vinegar;
one teaspoon of sugar;
one teaspoon of chopped dill;
a pair of bay leaves;
two or three pieces of black peppercorns.

Cooking method:

To prepare Norwegian herring, first mix milk and water in a 1:1 ratio. Pour this solution over the fish and let it sit for twelve hours. Then remove the herring and dry it with a paper towel. Remove the bones, remove the skin, cut the fillet into pieces.

Add granulated sugar, dill, pepper, pieces of horseradish and carrots to the water, mix well. Place the mixture on the stove and bring to a boil, then cool slightly.

Now pour in the vinegar, stir again and cool to room temperature. While the marinade is cooling, cut the onion into half rings and mix it with pieces of fish. Place in a jar and fill with prepared marinade. Seal tightly and place in the refrigerator.

The herring will be ready to serve in three to four days.

Place the finished appetizer on a flat dish and decorate with fresh herbs. Serving this dish in the form of neat canapés looks great.

Option No. 2

Ingredients (for two servings):

Eight pieces of lightly salted herring;
one teaspoon of mayonnaise;
two tablespoons of Dijon mustard (with grains);
one tablespoon of sugar;
three tablespoons of chopped dill;
one tablespoon of cream;
table vinegar - to taste.

Cooking method (one hour):

Mix mustard and mayonnaise, add sugar and finely chopped dill. Whip the cold cream and, stirring, carefully pour it into the semi-finished mustard sauce. Finally, season the marinade with vinegar to taste and add pieces of herring. Mix the fish and sauce well. It is important that the marinade covers every piece!

Place in a jar and serve after a few hours. It is better to decorate with lemon and a fresh sprig of dill.

Option #3

eight fatty herrings;
150 ml 6% apple cider vinegar (aka: Bulgarian);
200 g sugar;
350 ml boiled water;
six medium onions;
two tablespoons of black peppercorns;
six to eight centimeter piece of horseradish root;
one large carrot;
a dozen bay leaves;
two tablespoons of grain mustard;
eight pieces of ginger root (0.5-1 cm each).

Cooking method:

We start by preparing the fish for pickling... To do this, the herring must be cleaned and then soaked in yogurt or milk for twelve (or better yet, sixteen!) hours. Then rinse the fish with running boiled water and cut into pieces, the width of which is approximately two to three centimeters.

We cut the onion into thin circles, and the horseradish root and carrots into thin strips.

At this time, boil the marinade consisting of water, granulated sugar and vinegar. As soon as it boils, turn off the heat and be sure to cool the marinade.

Now take a glass jar with a wide neck and lay out pieces of herring in layers, then vegetables (horseradish, onions and carrots), spices (ginger, pepper, mustard, bay leaves).

Carefully and slowly fill it all with brine so that the layers are not disturbed. Place a saucer (or any other press) on top and press it with pressure. This is necessary to ensure that the products in the jar are completely in brine and do not move anywhere.

Leave the snack in any cool place for five days. After the expiration of the allotted time, the dish can be considered ready to be served.

Option No. 4

three herring fillets;
half a glass of tomato puree;
a quarter glass of tomato juice;
one red onion;
a few peas of allspice;
a quarter teaspoon of ground black pepper;
three bay leaves;
three tablespoons of olive oil;
half a tablespoon of sugar;
half a glass of cream or natural yogurt (without flavorings);
salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the onion into half rings, wash the herring fillets with cold water and dry with a towel. Cut the fish into wide strips.

Mix tomato puree with juice, spices and granulated sugar, and then, whisking the mixture, gradually pour in cream or add yogurt.

Place fish in layers in a jar prepared in advance for this purpose, then onions and sauce. It must be filled to the very top. Cover with a lid and transfer to the refrigerator. It is necessary to cool the herring in the marinade for at least two hours, and it is better to serve it with new boiled potatoes.

Option #5

350 g lightly salted herring fillet;
half a glass of purified water;
a third of a glass of white wine vinegar;
two tablespoons of sugar;
two red onions;
one carrot;
half a teaspoon of mustard seeds;
the same amount of black pepper grains;
two bay leaves;
half a lemon;
salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

Soak the fish fillets in purified cold water for several hours. After the required amount of time has passed, remove the herring and dry it with a paper towel (we don’t need excess water!). Now cut it into strips, the width of which is about two centimeters.

Wash and peel the carrots, chop them into thin strips, thinly slice the onion into half rings. Cut the lemon into thin slices along with the skin (don’t forget to wash and rinse with boiling water first).

Prepare the marinade. To do this, boil water with added sugar and add vinegar at the end. Place chopped carrots in the hot marinade and add spices. Stir.

Now take a glass jar and put bay leaves at the very bottom, the first layer of herring on the leaves (necessarily skin to glass), then lemon slices, a layer of onion and fill with marinade. Try to distribute the “thickness” formed in it as evenly as possible throughout the jar.

This procedure should be repeated until the jar is completely filled. At the end, add a slice of lemon and another bay leaf. Close the lid tightly and refrigerate for two to three days.

Serve with black bread. This snack can be stored for up to one month!

Well, now you know several old recipes for preparing herring in Norwegian style. Whichever one you choose, the snack will certainly turn out to be aromatic, healthy and most importantly – delicious! Your guests will not leave you unattended, so be prepared for requests for more.

Pickle your herring at home instead of buying it ready-made at the store. This is what will guarantee benefits, quality and delicious taste! Bon appetit

Norwegian herring - healthy recipes. How to cook herring in Norwegian style

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A simple but original recipe for making herring in Norwegian style is a wonderful appetizer for all occasions. Let's watch and remember! Ingredients: Herring - 1 Piece Black bread - 3-4 Slices Red onion - 1 Piece Greens - To taste Number of servings: 3-4 How to cook "Herring in Norwegian" Herring in Norwegian - photo step 1 Gut the herring.

Divide the herring into fillets, freeing it from the ridge. Norwegian herring - photo step 3 Prepare the red onion, cut it into rings.

Norwegian-style herring - photo step 4 Place the herring on the bread, then onion and herbs to taste. Now the Norwegian herring is ready. Bon appetit!

Similar video recipe “Norwegian-style herring” Important! The video may differ from the text version of the recipe

How to buy a good herring? But before marinating the fish, it is important not to make a mistake when choosing it in the store. Unfortunately, today buying really high-quality and fresh herring is a big problem. Only those who know the cunning tricks of product manufacturers can cope with such a difficult task. You probably plan to buy frozen herring. Due to the fact that fish takes a long time to “get” to the store, it is usually frozen right on board the ship. All this suggests that even if you come across chilled fish on the supermarket counter, the likelihood that it was simply defrosted is very high. In any case, we recommend taking Atlantic or Pacific herring. Baltic is slightly inferior in taste, and it is often caught in polluted places. It can be considered good if... there is no ice shell on the fish; there are no noticeable damages on the skin (there may be no scales at all, this is normal, because after catching and transportation there is almost no scale left); The herring's eyes are light, slightly convex and also intact; fins and gills are pressed tightly to the carcass. It is better to buy large fish, with a thick back and round sides. Avoid buying herring without a head, because mainly only by the gills and eyes you can determine the freshness and quality of the fish. Preparation Most likely, you will have to defrost the herring first. It is best to do this gradually, so to speak, naturally, leaving the frozen fish on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator overnight. Quick defrosting in the microwave or hot water will not lead to the best consequences: the herring can be severely damaged or dried out. Once the fish is completely defrosted, be sure to wash it in cold water. Cut off the head, gills, and gut thoroughly. Now the herring is ready for salting or pickling. Some people prefer to marinate it ungutted. This is a classic option that is still considered the best. Here it is assumed that you only need to remove the gills and leave the head. In this form, the fish is placed in brine, however, you should understand that before serving such a dish on the table, you will have to work hard: cut it into slices, remove the head, and also pull out the bones. If you still prefer to marinate fillets, removing bones before cooking is much easier if you do not defrost the fish completely! Option #1

Ingredients: 450 g herring; one head of onion; one carrot; half a teaspoon of horseradish; one glass of water; one glass of milk; one glass of table vinegar; one teaspoon of sugar; one teaspoon of chopped dill; a pair of bay leaves; two or three pieces of black peppercorns. Method of preparation: To prepare Norwegian herring, first mix milk and water in a 1:1 ratio. Pour this solution over the fish and let it sit for twelve hours. Then remove the herring and dry it with a paper towel. Remove the bones, remove the skin, cut the fillet into pieces. Add granulated sugar, dill, pepper, pieces of horseradish and carrots to the water, mix well. Place the mixture on the stove and bring to a boil, then cool slightly. Now pour in the vinegar, stir again and cool to room temperature. While the marinade is cooling, cut the onion into half rings and mix it with pieces of fish. Place in a jar and fill with prepared marinade. Seal tightly and place in the refrigerator. The herring will be ready to serve in three to four days. Place the finished appetizer on a flat dish and decorate with fresh herbs. Serving this dish in the form of neat canapés looks great. Option No. 2

Ingredients (for two servings): eight pieces of lightly salted herring; one teaspoon of mayonnaise; two tablespoons of Dijon mustard (with grains); one tablespoon of sugar; three tablespoons of chopped dill; one tablespoon of cream; table vinegar - to taste. Method of preparation (one hour): Mix mustard and mayonnaise, add sugar and finely chopped dill. Whip the cold cream and, stirring, carefully pour it into the semi-finished mustard sauce. Finally, season the marinade with vinegar to taste and add pieces of herring. Mix the fish and sauce well. It is important that the marinade covers every piece! Place in a jar and serve after a few hours. It is better to decorate with lemon and a fresh sprig of dill. Option #3

Ingredients: eight fatty herrings; 150 ml 6% apple cider vinegar (aka: Bulgarian); 200 g sugar; 350 ml boiled water; six medium onions; two tablespoons of black peppercorns; six to eight centimeter piece of horseradish root; one large carrot; a dozen bay leaves; two tablespoons of grain mustard; eight pieces of ginger root (0.5-1 cm each). Method of preparation: We start by preparing the fish for marinating... To do this, the herring must be cleaned and then soaked in yogurt or milk for twelve (or better yet, sixteen!) hours. Then rinse the fish with running boiled water and cut into pieces, the width of which is approximately two to three centimeters. We cut the onion into thin circles, and the horseradish root and carrots into thin strips. At this time, boil the marinade consisting of water, granulated sugar and vinegar. As soon as it boils, turn off the heat and be sure to cool the marinade. Now take a glass jar with a wide neck and lay out pieces of herring in layers, then vegetables (horseradish, onions and carrots), spices (ginger, pepper, mustard, bay leaves). Carefully and slowly fill it all with brine so that the layers are not disturbed. Place a saucer (or any other press) on top and press it with pressure. This is necessary to ensure that the products in the jar are completely in brine and do not move anywhere. Leave the snack in any cool place for five days. After the expiration of the allotted time, the dish can be considered ready to be served. Option No. 4

Ingredients: three herring fillets; half a glass of tomato puree; a quarter glass of tomato juice; one red onion; a few peas of allspice; a quarter teaspoon of ground black pepper; three bay leaves; three tablespoons of olive oil; half a tablespoon of sugar; half a glass of cream or natural yogurt (without flavorings); salt - to taste. Method of preparation: Cut the onion into half rings, wash the herring fillet with cold water and dry with a towel. Cut the fish into wide strips. Mix tomato puree with juice, spices and granulated sugar, and then, whisking the mixture, gradually pour in cream or add yogurt. Place fish in layers in a jar prepared in advance for this purpose, then onions and sauce. It must be filled to the very top. Cover with a lid and transfer to the refrigerator. It is necessary to cool the herring in the marinade for at least two hours, and it is better to serve it with new boiled potatoes. Option #5

Ingredients: 350 g lightly salted herring fillet; half a glass of purified water; a third of a glass of white wine vinegar; two tablespoons of sugar; two red onions; one carrot; half a teaspoon of mustard seeds; the same amount of black pepper grains; two bay leaves; half a lemon; salt - to taste. Method of preparation: Soak the fish fillet in purified cold water for several hours. After the required amount of time has passed, remove the herring and dry it with a paper towel (we don’t need excess water!). Now cut it into strips, the width of which is about two centimeters. Wash and peel the carrots, chop them into thin strips, thinly slice the onion into half rings. Cut the lemon into thin slices along with the skin (don’t forget to wash and rinse with boiling water first). Prepare the marinade. To do this, boil water with added sugar and add vinegar at the end. Place chopped carrots in the hot marinade and add spices. Stir. Now take a glass jar and put bay leaves at the very bottom, the first layer of herring on the leaves (necessarily skin to glass), then lemon slices, a layer of onion and fill with marinade. Try to distribute the “thickness” formed in it as evenly as possible throughout the jar. This procedure should be repeated until the jar is completely filled. At the end, add a slice of lemon and another bay leaf. Close the lid tightly and refrigerate for two to three days. Serve with black bread. This snack can be stored for up to one month! Well, now you know several old recipes for preparing herring in Norwegian style. Whichever one you choose, the snack will certainly turn out to be aromatic, healthy and most importantly – delicious! Your guests will not leave you unattended, so be prepared for requests for more. Pickle your herring at home instead of buying it ready-made at the store. This is what will guarantee benefits, quality and delicious taste! Bon appetit!

An original and fresh recipe for preparing herring in Norwegian style is perfect for feasts - after all, our housewives love to show off their new products to each other, and the appetizer itself is beyond praise!

In general, this classic Norwegian herring recipe involves the use of raw vegetables, in which the pieces of fish are marinated for about an hour, but I liked the option with boiled vegetables better. Probably because our vinaigrette reminds me of nothing else! So now you know how to cook herring in Norwegian style, and I think you will like the result!

Number of servings: 3-4

A simple recipe for herring in Norwegian cuisine, step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 35 minutes. Contains only 129 kilocalories. Author's recipe for Norwegian cuisine.

  • Preparation time: 11 minutes
  • Cooking time: 35 min
  • Calorie Amount: 129 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 10 servings
  • Occasion: For a holiday table
  • Complexity: Simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Norwegian cuisine
  • Type of dish: Snacks

Ingredients for three servings

  • Salted herring fillet - 300 grams
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Beetroot - 1 piece
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Apple - 1 piece
  • Lemon - 1/1, Pieces
  • Red onion - 1 piece
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Let's prepare the ingredients. Boil potatoes and beets until tender in salted water.
  2. Peel the carrots and cut into cubes. If you want, you can also boil it, or use fresh - whatever you like.
  3. Cool the potatoes, peel them too and cut them into cubes.
  4. We also clean and chop the beets.
  5. Wash the apple, remove the core with seeds and hard peel. Cut into cubes, and to prevent it from darkening, sprinkle with lemon juice.
  6. Wash the onion, peel it, and cut it into very thin rings.
  7. Now put all the chopped vegetables in a bowl, season with the juice of half a lemon, add salt, sugar and vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly.
  8. We wash the herring under running water, dry it, and remove any remaining bones. Cut into thin slices and place on top of the mound of vegetables in a circle, pressing each piece in slightly.

It is very useful due to the presence of beneficial substances. It contains potassium and magnesium. Phosphorus, fluorine, zinc, sodium, protein. It improves brain function and vision. Let's start getting acquainted with the preparation of marinated fish. Herring marinated at home is a very tasty and healthy dish.

Herring marinated at home is very easy to prepare. You need to take fish, water, salt, spices, sugar. Cook the marinade, clean the fish, salt it, pour cold marinade over it. After 48 hours, the snack will be ready. Herring marinated at home is an inexpensive dish.

Korean fish snack

Korean-style herring is a recipe for a simple spicy snack, both for every day and for any holiday. To prepare this recipe you will need fresh frozen fish (half a kilogram), onions, tomato (paste), sunflower oil, vinegar, spices. Make fillet from whole fish, cut onion, add to fish:

  • spices;
  • vinegar;
  • salt.

Prepare the pasta sauce and pour it over the fillets. Leave to marinate until morning. The Korean-style herring recipe will delight your whole family with its taste. The recipe for “Korean-style herring” may vary depending on the ingredients (herring is the constant and main component of this dish).

Dutch cooking of fish

This type of fish is usually prepared in one way - marinated. But it turns out there are many types of pickling for this product. The Dutch Herring recipe is truly a masterpiece created by the Dutch. We have known this recipe for a long time. They just didn't know he was Dutch. To prepare we will need:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • fish;
  • spices.

Onion, carrots, spices are placed in rings at the bottom of the jar, followed by fish fillets, salt and sugar to taste. Place in a cool place for a couple of days, preferably shaking periodically. The Dutch Herring recipe is simply delicious. This Dutch Herring recipe is popular in Holland.

Norway is at home

The Norwegian Herring recipe is easy to prepare. In Norway, as in Holland, this is a common everyday dish.

Take frozen fish. Defrost, add vinegar (white), salt to taste and water. Leave it in this marinade for a day. After a day, drain the marinade and rinse the fish.

Then cut it into small pieces. The recipe “Norwegian Herring” is another find for your recipe book.

One fish, but many dishes!

The recipe “Herring with onions and vinegar” is known to everyone. The recipe “Herring with onions and vinegar” is always relevant at any holiday. He has been known to us since childhood.

The recipe for “Herring in mustard sauce” is also familiar to most people. In order to prepare it, we take mustard, fish, and, as always, spices and salt with onions. The recipe “Herring in mustard sauce” is a wonderful aromatic and spicy appetizer for the holiday table.

We looked at recipes on how to pickle herring at home. It turns out that it’s not just us who love her. It is in demand even where there is a lot of it.

Recipes for pickling herring at home are not difficult. The main thing is that the main ingredient is available.

And now we present to your attention the recipe “Korean-Style Herring” photo:

Photo recipe “Korean-style herring” looks very attractive and appetizing!

This is a unique product that can be prepared in different ways. Each recipe is versatile and easy to prepare in its own way. The main thing is to choose fresh fish. Bon appetit!

A recipe for sandwiches with herring in Norwegian or how Norwegians eat herring.

I have a festive culinary herring week; my guests have arrived in Bükfürdø from Norway. And they brought Russian herring! Well, just walk and walk, and today I have Norwegian boutiques from the Norwegian site.

It turns out that in Sweden the peak season for herring is in the spring and mid-summer, while in Norway, for example, everyone is more used to it in the fall and at Christmas. And from me and the Scandinavians it’s very simple recipe delicious sandwiches.


  • 4 herring fillets.
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 bunch of fresh green onions
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • a few drops of lemon.

How to make sandwiches with herring

The Norwegians write that with good ingredients you will definitely get a good result, which is why I recommend using “premier herring and sour cream”.

The herring fillet should be cut on the bias into small pieces, and small bones should be removed. I couldn’t resist - our good Russian herring immediately took a sample! I haven't eaten it for 2 years.

Now you need to mix sour cream and mayonnaise. I have my own mayonnaise, specially prepared for this herring. By the way, I made it quickly and simply, I pour the oil in a thin stream directly into a regular mixer little by little and beat for 10 - 15 minutes, nothing separates. This time I didn’t add vinegar; I diluted the lemon juice with boiled water and poured it straight into the egg mixture and then beat it. Girls, don’t be afraid to make your own mayonnaise, it will get better and better every time.

Green onions need to be chopped, added to the sour cream and mayonnaise mixture and mixed. Add a little mustard and a few drops of lemon. Mix everything together and place in a glass jar. You can store this mixture in the refrigerator for several days. But this case is not for me when now I will eat normal, not sour herring...

On the Norwegian website they write that this herring is especially good on rye bread (or pompernikkel). Flida and Elsa, I’m waiting for your translation of this word, however, I assume that it’s just a piece. But who would doubt that Norwegians love black bread. I have a lot of recipes for Norwegian bread, but I still can’t find wort in Hungary. But the napkin in the photo here is a real Norwegian one, it was a gift to me from the girls, they already know how much I love everything national. And the rest of my beautiful Norwegian gifts will be in other recipes.

Photo of sandwiches with herring in Norwegian style

In general, this Norwegian herring sandwich recipe extraordinarily good!

With gratitude to my new Norwegian friends. I’m already starting to look forward to meeting you again in the fall.