Liver pancakes recipe. Liverwurst pancakes recipe

Every housewife sooner or later comes a time when ordinary baking seems uninteresting and you want to cook something special for your family. Spend big money on expensive products For delicious desserts maybe not everyone, for such cases they exist budget recipes, such as liver pancakes. Many people believe similar dish second-rate, because it is prepared from offal, but with the help of good technology, liver baked goods can be made many times better than meat baked goods.

Everyone knows that liver is internal organs animals that are used for food in different ways. The liver consists mainly of such viscera as: heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, trachea, diaphragm.

To prepare pancakes with liver, we only need a few types of boiled giblets. If you process and prepare them correctly, you will get excellent filling from liver for pancakes, which no one can distinguish from the beloved, but expensive, meat filling.

Pancakes with liver: step-by-step recipe

Dough ingredients

  • — 250 g + -
  • - 1/2 tbsp. + -
  • — 500 ml + -
  • — 50 ml + -
  • - 1/2 tbsp. + -
  • - 3 pcs. + -

Products for filling

  • Onions – 2 pcs.;
  • Chicken liver – 200 g;
  • Beef lung – 200 g;
  • Chicken heart – 400 g;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml.

Preparing the liver for cooking

  1. We wash offal under running water, cleaning them from all kinds of contaminants.
  2. We cut the insides one by one:
    — free the chicken hearts from arteries and fat;
    - remove from the liver gallbladder. If this is not done, then the filling, and with it the pancakes, will be bitter;
    — cut the lungs into small pieces (no more than 5-6 cm). We remove the remains of the respiratory tract from each lung.
  3. Place everything chopped (lung, liver, heart) in separate pans (use deep containers), fill them with water (so that the liquid completely covers the offal), put the pans with liver on high heat.
  4. When the water boils, drain it from all the pots and pour in a new one. In the same quantity as last time.
  5. As soon as the pots begin to boil again, reduce the heat on the burners (leave a small flame: not large, but not very small), cover the containers with lids.
  6. Each organ must be thoroughly boiled, for this the heart will need 1 hour, the lungs - 20-25 minutes, the liver - 10-15 minutes.
  7. When the liver is cooked, transfer all the insides into one large deep bowl, cool the products to room temperature.

How to make pancake dough

Knead airy dough for liver pancakes we will classical technology. Recipe with step by step photos It will help you master an already easy and familiar recipe. We will cook pancakes with liver and egg using milk; after frying, we should get thin ones openwork pancakes with a crispy crust.

In addition to the classics, we offer several more basics for the text:


  1. Using a mixer (at high speed), beat eggs, milk, salt, sugar in a bowl until fluffy.
  2. Reduce the speed to medium, then pour the sifted flour into the resulting mixture, pour in vegetable oil, without ceasing, stir everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The dough should turn out liquid consistency and without lumps.
  3. Heat the pan for 2-3 minutes over medium heat without oil.
  4. Pour in a whole ladle of dough, twist the pan so that it spreads evenly over the entire surface.
  5. Bake the pancake until browned. The exact frying time will depend on how hot you heat the pan. On average, it will take 2-3 seconds to fry a pancake on one side, then you can turn it over to the other side and fry for another 3-4 seconds. Using the same principle, we prepare pancakes from the rest of the dough.

Making the filling for pancakes from liver

Preparing liver filling is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. When the main ingredients are ready, you can start grinding them. To do this, we need a kitchen knife for slicing onions and a meat grinder (stationary or electric) for chopping liver.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Peel the onion, rinse it in water, and dry it with paper towels.
  2. Cut the onion into small cubes (no more than 1 cm).
  3. We pass (one by one) the cooked entrails through a meat grinder with medium holes.
  4. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil over medium heat, after 2-3 minutes add chopped onion to it. Simmer it for 2-3 minutes until translucent.
  5. After that, add the chopped giblets to the frying pan, salt them, pepper them, and simmer on the fire for another 5-7 minutes. Try not to overcook the boiled liver filling for pancakes. It is important that it turns out juicy and tender.
  6. When the liver filling for pancakes is ready, remove the pan with the contents from the heat and allow the product time to cool slightly.

Pancakes with liver: the final stage of preparation

The last stage of cooking is the simplest. When the pancakes are already baked, the filling is cooked and processed, you can begin the final stage - wrapping the filling in the pancakes.

For this you will need:

  1. in the center of each pancake (in turn) place 1-1.5 tbsp. l. boiled liver;
  2. roll the pancake into a roll or an envelope (as you prefer);
  3. serve delicious homemade cakes to the table. However, you can postpone this event a little by spending a few minutes additionally frying the envelopes/rolls on butter. Literally 2-3 seconds on each side are needed to languish delicious pancakes on the fire until they brown. After that, you can definitely take them to the table.

Serve ready-made pancakes better with sour cream or cream. Tomatoes and mayonnaise (preferably homemade), as well as all kinds of sauces (especially those made with milk). Light salads and raw vegetables will also not be superfluous.

The secrets of successful liver pancakes

Which liver to use for filling

To prepare pancakes with liver, you can use not only chicken or beef innards; pork giblets are also suitable for filling.

For those who do not have time to disassemble and cook the insides of the house themselves, we can offer more quick recipe pancakes - with liver sausage.

To make pancakes stuffed with liverwurst, you need to use the classic technology to bake pancakes and then fill them with ready-made filling. liverwurst. First you need to fry it in a frying pan until it forms a pate, and then mix it with boiled egg cubes.

How to cook liver correctly

To give the filling more spicy taste– you can add spices to the water where the liver will be cooked. Suitable spices include: Bay leaf, dill or parsley root, black peppercorns.

You can add spices directly to the filling itself. To do this, use spices that are added to meat dishes (melissa, cardamom, fragrant or white pepper, ground bay, coriander, garlic, cloves, etc.).

Harvesting liver is useful

The liver can be prepared several preparations ahead. To do this, we process the insides, cook, cool, and twist. Next, put them in plastic bags and put them in the freezer. Yes, when next preparation, you will be able to save significant time.

We offer several more recipes for fillings for delicious pancakes.

As you can see, budget pancakes with liver are very unusual and tasty dish, which can be prepared for almost pennies. When you cook liver with your own hands or make liver sausage at home, you can rest assured not only about the taste, but also about the beneficial features your dish. After all, there is nothing better than warm homemade baked goods. Have fun preparing milk pancakes with liver filling and surprise your household with the special taste of a familiar dish.

Bon appetit!

Recipe for making pancakes with liver filling. Pancakes are prepared without eggs, based on milk, water and wheat flour. The pancakes turn out quite thin, elastic and soft. They taste and smell like freshly baked bread product. Such pancakes can be called universal - they can be served with any side dish and filled various fillings(meat, vegetable, sweet, etc.).

Required ingredients:

0.5 liters of milk (warm);

0.5 liters of water (warm);

3 cups wheat flour;

3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;

1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;

1/2 teaspoon salt;

12 – 15 tbsp. spoons (according to the number of pancakes).

How to cook:

To prepare pancakes, it is advisable to heat the water and milk a little, a little higher room temperature. Pour half a liter of warm water into a large cup for kneading the dough. Add salt, sugar and wheat flour.

Beat the mixture thoroughly using a whisk or mixer. Beat the dough for several minutes until there are no lumps left and the mass becomes more elastic.

Then, continuing to beat, add in small portions warm milk. Ready dough It should turn out liquid. Pour vegetable oil into the dough and mix with a spoon, beat pancake dough no need for oil. Leave the dough to sit for 30 - 40 minutes - this is necessary so that gluten forms in the dough and the pancakes do not tear.

Heavy or cast iron frying pan Heat thoroughly on the stove and grease with vegetable oil. Mix the pancake batter with a ladle and pour a little onto the pan, spreading it evenly over the entire surface.

Bake the pancakes on both sides until golden color.

Place the finished pancakes in a stack on a plate. Prepare the liver filling.

Fill the pancakes with filling. Place one tablespoon of liver on the edge of the pancake and roll it into an envelope.

Collect all the pancakes this way.

Grease a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and place the envelopes with the edges down. Bake the pancakes for one to two minutes on one side. Turn over and bake on the other side until golden brown.

Place the finished pancakes with liver filling on a serving plate and serve hot with tea or milk.

Many online resources recommend using pancakes for stuffing without eggs. From my own experience, I can say that pancakes without eggs do not tear during baking and have a stable structure characteristic of pancakes with eggs. But, during frying, already stuffed pancakes, several pieces simply burst. Therefore, I think that it is better to serve pancakes without eggs without filling, but still use them for stuffing.

There is a wide selection of fillings for pancakes. They can be either sweet or salty. Pancakes with liver sausage or liver turn out surprisingly tasty, tender, and aromatic. For cooking you will need several types of offal.


Ingredients for liver pancakes:

  • 400 g chicken heart
  • 200 g chicken liver
  • 200 g beef lung
  • 1-2 pcs. onions
  • 1 boiled egg
  • salt - to taste
  • 1 pinch black pepper
  • 50 ml sunflower oil.
  • 350 g flour
  • 800 ml milk
  • 2 eggs
  • vegetable oil - to taste
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • butter for frying.


Cooking pancakes with liver, step by step recipe:

Wash the giblets thoroughly and cut into medium-sized pieces. We remove the gallbladder from the liver, arteries and fat from the heart, and Airways from the lung.

Boil until done. It is better to cook everything in different containers, since each ingredient requires a certain cooking time: heart - about an hour, lung - 20-25 minutes, liver - 15-20 minutes. For piquancy, you can add spices to the water (bay leaf, a mixture of peppers). When the liver is ready, cool it and pass it through a meat grinder (with medium holes).

Wash the onion, peel, chop and simmer in a frying pan with vegetable oil for a couple of minutes. It should be translucent.

Add chopped liver to the onion, mix, salt, pepper and simmer for 5 minutes. The filling should not be overly fried.

Remove the pan from the stove and cool the contents. Additionally, you can add a boiled egg to the liver and mix. Also fresh herbs will give the filling an interesting taste.

Let's prepare pancakes according to the step-by-step recipe:

  1. Mix the beaten eggs with sunflower oil.
  2. Pour milk, add flour, salt. Knead the mixture and get rid of lumps.
  3. Then pour out the rest of the milk. The consistency of the dough should be thin.
  4. Let's fry thin pancakes in a preheated and oiled frying pan until golden brown crust on both sides.

Having prepared everything, we begin to stuff the pancakes with liver. Place approximately 1-2 tbsp in the center of the pancake. l. fillings. We fold the pancake into an envelope or roll it into a tube at your discretion. Before serving, you can also fry in butter until golden brown. Pancakes go well with sour cream, cream or vegetables.

Pancakes with liver - extraordinary, satisfying and nutritious dish. They are perfect for breakfast or snack. They will add variety to your table and delight guests on any occasion.

By-products (lungs, kidneys, liver, heart) are rich in vitamins (groups A, B, folic acid), minerals and others useful microelements(phosphorus, zinc, potassium, iron).

They normalize the functioning of the circulatory system and arterial pressure. Improves vision and condition of teeth and skin. Able to fight insomnia and depression, strengthen nerves. Due to their low calorie content, the heart and lungs are suitable for people with problems overweight. However, organ meats should be consumed in moderation due to their cholesterol content.

We hope that our recipe with photos will help you make your table not only varied, but also useful.

Recipe liver pancakes
Liver is low calorie and nutritious product. Liver pancakes are easy and inexpensive to prepare; this dish can be used in dietary meals



  • milk – 0.5 liters;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • water (boiling water) – 30 ml.
  • onion – 1 pc.

Filling recipe:

Stuffed pancakes pork heart


  • pork heart;
  • a glass of rice;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 onions;
  • 1 celery root;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • water – 400 ml;
  • 2 eggs;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • rast. oil – 3 tbsp. l.


  • Boil the eggs and cool.

For the test:

  • 2 eggs;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • milk – 1 cup;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt - one pinch;
  • rast. oil – 50 ml.

For filling:

  • pork offal – 400 gr.;
  • bulb;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;

For the sauce:

  • egg;
  • sour cream – 100 g.


  • Add vegetable oil.
  • Grease the top of the cake with filling.

Each dish, prepared with love, will surprise and delight all household members and guests. Don’t be afraid to experiment with products, because this is how culinary masterpieces are born.


  • Champignons – 50 g
  • Flour – 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Milk – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Onion – 0.5 pcs.
  • Bunch of dill – 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Prepare the filling for the bake: thinly slice the mushrooms and onions, chop the greens.

Prepare pancake dough from milk, eggs and flour. If you fry in Teflon-coated pancake pans, add vegetable oil directly to the dough (about two to three tablespoons).

Mix the dough with the filling.

Fry the pancakes by pouring a portion of the batter and filling into the pan. Fry one side first, then flip the pancake over and fry the other side.

The pancakes are ready. Serve them with sour cream or melted butter.

Pancakes with liver step by step recipe with photos
Pancakes with liver Baked goods and desserts. Many dishes familiar to a person since childhood are good for health.


By her own

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Pancakes with homemade liver.

Pancake ingredients:

4 eggs
2 tsp Sahara
a pinch of salt
1 liter of milk
1 liter of water
flour (any amount)
2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
pinch baking powder or soda (to extinguish)

Filling ingredients:

1 heart
1 lung
2-3 onions
100g margarine
salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Beat eggs with sugar and salt, pour in milk and water.
Add enough sifted flour to make it slightly viscous, but batter. The consistency is approximately similar to kefir. Extinguish a drop of soda with boiling water, pour in vegetable oil, stir and bake pancakes without greasing the pan.

Now let's prepare the liver:
Pour water into a deep saucepan a little more than halfway. When it boils, add the lungs and heart, cook for 30-40 minutes, then add the liver and cook for another 15-20 minutes, add salt to the broth. If there are buds, cut them lengthwise, rinse or soak them in water beforehand. cold water, while changing the water several times, add cold water and put on the fire until it boils. As soon as they boil, drain the water, and put the kidneys and liver together with another liver and cook for 15-20 minutes.
Drain the broth and cool.
Pass the liver through a meat grinder.
Separately, fry 2-3 onions, finely chopped, in half a pack of margarine.
Place the finished twisted liver there, salt and pepper, if dry, add milk and simmer completely for a little while.
The pancake filling is ready!

I put a cup in such a ready-made liver boiled rice and add a couple of tablespoons of butter.

Stuff the prepared pancakes, place in a deep frying pan, after adding oil, fry the pancakes on both sides until crispy.

Irina Moiseeva,
especially for “On My Own.”

Pancakes with liver step by step recipe with photos
On its own New recipes Rice porridge with pumpkin. Pumpkin buns. Delicious! Estonian pretzel View all recipes Pancakes with homemade liver.


Spring rolls, probably the most popular and favorite dish in our country.

Moreover, there are so many options for preparing the filling that it’s impossible to list them all.

Pancakes with caviar, potatoes and cottage cheese are very popular.

I will describe the preparation of an unusual filling - we will prepare pancakes with liver filling.

To prepare you will need:

Recipe of dish:

1. In a bowl, mix sugar with eggs. Add the sifted flour, mix everything, add a pinch of salt.

2. Pour milk into a bowl with eggs and flour, mix everything thoroughly. Tip: the dough should turn out liquid, but not like water, rather like liquid yogurt, so you may need more milk. Add milk until we reach the desired consistency.

3. Pour the batter into a heated pancake pan, coated with oil, and bake the pancake for a minute on each side (over low heat). The pancake should turn out very rosy. In this way we bake pancakes from the entire volume of prepared dough.

Let's start preparing the filling:

1. Wash the carrots, peel and chop them on a grater.

2. Peel the onion and finely chop it.

3. Cut the liver sausage into pieces.

4. Place all ingredients in a frying pan and fry. The liver will become soft and the onion will brown. Place a spoonful of filling in the middle of the pancake and fold the edges into an envelope. We fill all the prepared pancakes in this way (until the filling runs out).

Advice: Serve pancakes with sour cream and hot tea.

It turned out tasty, satisfying and unusual dish. For those who categorically do not accept liver sausage, it can be replaced with liver pate (it will also be very tasty). Interesting flavor combination– sweet pancakes with a slightly salty filling and sour cream.

Pancakes stuffed with liver
Spring rolls are the most popular and favorite dish in our country. Moreover, there are so many options for preparing the filling that it’s impossible to list them all.


Many dishes familiar to a person since childhood are good for health. Liver is no exception. The product contains vitamins B, A, D, E, C, and potassium.

Every housewife has recipes that will decorate festive table, and will please you daily menu, one of the options is filled pancakes. The dish is truly a godsend, using different variants fillings, you can prepare a main course or dessert. There are also a lot of serving variations: with sour cream, sauce, jam, butter.

The recipe for pancakes with liver, presented for your consideration, has been tested on personal experience and approved by family, friends and relatives.

Pancakes with liver

  • milk – 0.5 liters;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l; no more, the pancakes are still not sweet.
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • flour - 1.5 cups; take the highest grade.
  • water (boiling water) – 30 ml.
  • minced meat pork offal, pre-boiled – 300 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.

Recipe for pancakes with liver:

  1. We begin to fry pancakes with liver. The first step is to prepare the pancake dough. To do this, mix milk, eggs, sugar, salt.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add flour, mix again until a lump-free mass is obtained.
  3. The pancake batter turns out to be somewhat thick; to thin it, you need to slowly pour in water while whisking the mixture.
  4. Pancakes are fried on one side only in a frying pan with a special non-stick coating. The finished pancake must be placed on a plate with the fried side up.

Note to the hostess: the minced meat for pancakes with liver can be prepared in advance and frozen. To do this, boil pork heart, liver, lungs for at least 4 hours until full readiness. The water should be salted, you can add spices to taste: bay leaf, cloves or peppercorns. After cooling, the products should be ground in a blender or meat grinder and packaged in bags. Place the finished portions in the freezer.

Filling recipe:

  1. Fry the onion in butter, chopped as finely as possible.
  2. Add the prepared minced meat, mix the ingredients until smooth and fry for another 3-4 minutes.
  3. Place 2 teaspoons of the prepared filling in the center of the pancake and wrap it in an envelope.
  4. On last stage pancakes must be fried in a frying pan. Pancakes stuffed with liver are ready.

This recipe for pancakes with giblets is perfect for the morning, lunch or dinner menu. The dish is satisfying and will relieve hunger for a long time.

Pancakes stuffed with pork heart

  • pork heart;
  • a glass of rice;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 onions;
  • 1 celery root;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 0.5 kg; take the highest grade.
  • water – 400 ml;
  • 2 eggs;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • rast. oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  1. First you need to prepare the pancakes. Mix eggs and water thoroughly.
  2. Add salt, soda, sugar and flour. Mix the ingredients until all lumps are dissolved.
  3. Then pour in vegetable oil and proceed to frying the pancakes.
  4. Note to the owner: this recipe suggests that pancakes are fried in a hot frying pan and very quickly.
  5. Now you need to think about the filling. To do this, you should take care of the pork heart: boil and cool it.
  6. Rinse the rice and boil until done.
  7. Boil the eggs and cool.
  8. Grind the prepared liver using a meat grinder or blender.
  9. Finely chop the celery, onion, garlic, pepper and fry in a frying pan.
  10. As soon as it appears golden crust, and will begin to spread incredible aromas, add minced meat and fry for 4-5 minutes.
  11. Note to the hostess: to make pancakes stuffed with pork heart juicy, you can add half a glass of broth or plain hot water to the filling.
  12. IN ready-made filling add cooked rice and eggs.
  13. Fill the pancakes with the prepared heart filling and fry in a frying pan.

Pancake cake with giblets

For the test:

  • 2 eggs;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • milk – 1 cup;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt - one pinch;
  • flour – 200 gr; take the highest grade.
  • rast. oil – 50 ml.

For filling:

  • pork offal – 400 gr.;
  • bulb;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, ground pepper- taste.

For the sauce:

  1. According to tradition, you first need to fry the pancakes. It is necessary to mix kefir and soda, wait until the soda is completely dissolved.
  2. Add milk to the resulting mixture.
  3. Separately beat eggs, salt and sugar.
  4. Combine with milk, kefir and soda.
  5. Slowly pour flour into the dough, mix thoroughly until all lumps dissolve.
  6. Add vegetable oil.
  7. To prepare the filling, boil the liver until fully cooked and cool it.
  8. Grind using a meat grinder or blender.
  9. Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry until golden brown.
  10. Add the minced meat and heat the filling for another 3-4 minutes.
  11. Then prepare pancakes with liver in the form of rolls. The number and sizes of rolls must match the dimensions of the baking dish.
  12. Apply vegetable oil evenly to a baking sheet, place the pancakes so that all the walls and bottom are covered.
  13. Place rolls with giblets on top, be sure to brush each one with the prepared egg and sour cream filling.
  14. Place the pancake without filling on the rolls and lay out the cut out strips of pancakes with a braided braid.
  15. Grease the top of the cake with filling.
  16. Bake for at least half an hour at a temperature of at least 180 degrees.

Each dish, prepared with love, will surprise and delight all household members and guests. Don’t be afraid to experiment with products, because this is how culinary masterpieces are born.

Pancakes with giblets: economical cuisine
Pancakes with liver – hearty dish, easy to prepare and very appetizing. How from simple dialing cook real food cooking masterpiece for loved ones?

Step 1: prepare the by-products.

First of all, we thoroughly wash all offal under cold running water to remove blood clots and other contaminants. Then, one by one, we lay it out on cutting board and continue preparations. We look through each chicken liver and remove the gall bladder from it; if it is not removed, the dish will be bitter and nothing can correct the taste. We cut off excess fat and arteries - blood vessels - from chicken hearts.

We cut the beef lung into pieces up to 5–6 centimeters in size and cut out the remains of the trachea and other respiratory tract from each.

Step 2: cook the offal.

Next, place the prepared hearts, liver, and lungs in separate deep pans, fill with water 4–5 centimeters above the offal level and place on strong fire. After boiling, drain the bubbling liquid from them, fill them with fresh cold water and place them on the stove again. When the water starts bubbling again, reduce the heat on all three burners to a level between the smallest and medium and cover the pans with lids.

Offal is boiled different time: chicken heart– 1 hour, liver – from 10 to 15 minutes, beef lung– 20–25 minutes. When everything is ready, use a slotted spoon to transfer the food into one deep bowl and cool to room temperature.

Step 3: prepare the pancake dough.

While the offal is cooking, prepare the pancakes. Place chicken eggs in a deep bowl, add sugar, salt, milk and, using a mixer, beat these ingredients until fluffy at high speed. Then we reduce the speed kitchen appliance to a medium level, add sifted wheat flour to the resulting mixture, pour in vegetable oil and mix everything until smooth. The result should be a homogeneous batter without lumps.

Step 4: prepare pancakes.

Now we bet on medium heat dry frying pan and heat it. After 2-3 minutes, take a whole ladle of dough and pour it onto the bottom of the heated bowl. Then we tilt it at an angle of 30 degrees so that the semi-finished flour product spreads into a thin, even layer, and put the pan back on the stove. Fry the pancake for 2-3 seconds or until the edges begin to brown.

Next, pry it up with a kitchen spatula, turn it over to the other side and cook it for another 3-4 seconds. After that we shift ready pancake onto a large flat dish or cutting board and fry the rest in the same way until the dough is finished.

Step 5: prepare the onions and boiled offal.

When the pancakes and offal are ready, you can start making the filling. First, use a clean kitchen knife to remove the peel. onion, rinse it under water and dry it with paper kitchen towels. Place the vegetable on a cutting board and cut into medium cubes up to 1 centimeter in size.

Next, install an electric or stationary meat grinder with a medium mesh on the kitchen table, and take turns passing it through it into a deep bowl. chicken hearts, liver and beef lung and proceed to the next step.

Step 6: prepare the filling.

Place a clean frying pan over medium heat and pour the remaining vegetable oil into it. After a couple of minutes, put the chopped onion in there and simmer until transparent for 2–3 minutes. After this, add the ground by-products to the vegetable, salt and ground black pepper to taste and cook everything together some more. 5–7 minutes. You should not fry it too much; it is desirable that the filling is tender and juicy. When it reaches the desired consistency, remove the pan from the stove and allow the aromatic liver mixture to cool slightly.

Step 7: Bring the dish to full readiness.

All components of the dish are ready, it’s time to start final stage. We distribute the pancakes on the countertop, put 1–1.5 tablespoons of filling in the center of each and roll them into envelopes or rolls. Then proceed as desired, or fry the resulting products in butter on both sides 2–3 seconds from each, or we serve them immediately to the table.

Step 8: serve pancakes with liver.

Pancakes with liver are served warm in portions on plates at the rate of 2-3 pieces each.

They are mainly served with sour cream, homemade cream, sauces based on milk, tomatoes or mayonnaise, but a salad made from fresh spring vegetables will also ideally complement this magnificent dish. Enjoy!
Bon appetit!

Very often, onions are overcooked with carrots, and then ground offal is added;

It is better to fry pancakes in a cast-iron or non-stick frying pan; if you are not confident in your cookware and are afraid that the dough will stick, it is better to grease the bottom with a piece of lard or a thin layer of vegetable oil;

Dough on pancakes are torn? Add another one there egg and beat again;

You can add any spices and dried herbs that are used during cooking to the filling. meat dishes: coriander, cardamom, ground bay, cloves, lemon balm, star anise, garlic granules, white or allspice;

Sometimes offal is boiled in salted water with the addition of spicy roots (parsley, dill, carrots), bay leaves and black peppercorns;

The first boiling water from under the offal must be drained! This way you will get rid of blood clots, nitrites and other dirt.

Liver is very useful product for a person. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers forced us to eat it almost every day. It contains vitamins different groups, and also potassium.

Almost every housewife has her own recipe for pancakes with liver, which can be served not only to guests, but also to treat your family every day.

Pancakes with liver can be served with sour cream and slurry. butter or sauce.

All the recipes indicated in this article are tested by me from my own experience; pancakes with liver have received the approval of my family, and therefore I boldly offer them to your attention.

If possible, I have included photos with them. Hurry up to check them out now.

Pancakes stuffed with liver

Ingredients: 0.5 liters of milk; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 0.5 tsp salt; 1 tbsp. Sahara; 1.5 tbsp. flour; 30 ml boiling water; 300 gr. boiled beef offal; 1 PC. onion.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I start my actions by preparing pancakes. I mix milk, chicken. eggs, sugar and salt. I knead the mixture well, and only then add the sifted flour. I stir so that there are no lumps that can significantly spoil appearance pancakes
  2. The dough will be thick, and therefore you need to pour boiling water into it, constantly stirring the mass with a whisk. I'm frying delicious pancakes on one side, then I put them on the dish with the browned side up.
  3. I prepare minced meat from the liver, lungs, and heart. You can make liver in advance. It's up to you. It takes up to 4 hours to cook, so be prepared for a long cooking time, but the result is worth it. Be sure to salt the water and add spices. I always add bay leaf, peppercorns and cloves.
  4. I pass the cooked and cooled giblets through a meat grinder and put them in plastic bags. I put the portions in the freezer.
  5. I fry the onion and liver mass on the bed. oil in a frying pan for about 3 minutes.
  6. I stuff the pancakes with the prepared mixture. I put 2 tsp in the center. liver mass. I roll the pancakes into an envelope.
  7. I send each rolled pancake with liver to the frying pan. I fry for a couple of minutes. Ready. You can treat yourself and your loved ones.

This liver pancake recipe will be... appropriate dish on dining table. Look at the photo how delicious these pancakes look.

A hearty appetizer filled with liver will give you a boost of energy, and you won’t remember about food until dinner.

Stuffed pancakes with rice and liver

Ingredients: 1 small beef heart; 1 tbsp. rice; 4 things. chickens eggs; 3 pcs. Luke; 1 celery root; 2 cloves of garlic; 1 PC. Bulgarian pepper); 0.5 kg flour; 400 ml water; 0.5 tsp each salt and soda; 3 tbsp. rast. oils; 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I mix 2 pcs. chickens eggs, water, salt, sugar. I beat and add flour to the mixture. It is necessary to mix until all lumps are eliminated.
  2. I add the plant. oil and fry pancakes in a frying pan. This will take a little time.
  3. Cook the rice until done. In another pan I cook the heart. In the third - 2 pcs. chickens eggs I cool the prepared foods.
  4. I chop eggs. I cut the onion, celery, pepper and fry for a few minutes in a frying pan with vegetable oil. oil I make liver from the heart using a meat grinder.
  5. Mix vegetables and liver, fry for 5 minutes. from strength.
  6. To make the filling juicy, you should pour 0.5 tbsp into it. broth from the heart, or to reduce the calorie content of the dish, you can use boiling water in the same amount.
  7. I add chicken to the filling. eggs with rice.
  8. I stuff the pancakes and fry them in a frying pan for a couple of minutes.

Pancakes with liver and rice can be served with sour cream, it turns out incredibly tasty!

Pancake cake with liver

You can surprise your guests if you take note of this pancake cake recipe. It is not difficult to prepare. Just preparing the filling will take up to 3 hours, because the giblets take a very long time to cook.

I advise you to make the liver in advance to prepare the cake faster.

Components for cake layers: 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 250 ml each of kefir and milk; 0.5 tsp soda; 1 tbsp. Sahara; a little salt; 200 gr. flour; 50 ml plant. oils
Ingredients for filling: 400 gr. beef offal; 2 cloves of garlic; salt, ground pepper; 1 PC. onion.
Components for delicious sauce for pancakes: 100 ml sour cream; 1 PC. chickens egg.

Step-by-step cooking method:

  1. Making pancake dough is simple; you just need to mix soda and kefir until the crystals dissolve completely. Add milk to the mixture.
  2. In another bowl I beat the chickens. eggs, sugar and salt. Mix with milk, soda and kefir mass.
  3. I add the sifted flour. There shouldn’t be any lumps in the dough, so I knead it thoroughly. I pour in the plant. oil.
  4. I'm preparing liver. I boil the beef product. I give it time to cool down. I grind it in a blender.
  5. I chop the onion, garlic and fry it. oil for a few minutes. I make pancakes with liver filling, rolling them into rolls. I put it in a mold covered with vegetable matter. oil I put the pancakes on a baking sheet and top them with sour cream and chicken dressing. eggs. Pancakes need to be stacked tightly to each other. The top of the cake can be decorated with braided parts of pancakes without filling and also topped with sauce.
  6. I put it in the oven. You need to bake for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees. During this time, the dish will be prepared and will turn out very beautiful.

Such pancake cake will be able to surprise everyone, please guests and household members. Prepare it with love and care. And remember not to be afraid to experiment in the kitchen.

The imagination of culinary specialists allowed them to prepare real masterpieces, so take their example! Perhaps your pancakes can be equated with their successes too.

My video recipe