Simple cocktails in a blender recipes. Fruit cocktails in a blender

What is equally healthy, tasty and loved by everyone: both adults and children? Of course, fruit smoothies in a blender - the recipes for which go really well during the season. Cocktails are prepared from different fruits, from one type, or by combining several at once. Such drinks are often diluted with dairy products, but natural juices can be used. A small selection of recipes for fruit cocktails prepared in a blender has been made especially for you. Cook, drink, enjoy the taste.

Ingredients for making a light cocktail:

  • one ripe banana;
  • two kiwis;
  • one sweet pear;
  • one tbsp. l. powdered sugar
  • one glass of clarified apple juice
  • 10 g chocolate

Cocktail preparation:

1. Wash all the fruits thoroughly, then peel and cut into small pieces.

2. Then put the pieces into a blender and make fruit puree from them.

3. Now add powdered sugar and apple juice to the puree, mix everything until a liquid consistency is obtained.

The fruit cocktail made with apple juice is ready. Pour into tall, beautiful glasses and decorate with grated chocolate on top.

Ingredients for peach and strawberry cocktail:

  • 2 peaches
  • 300-400 g ripe strawberries
  • Ice (chilled water)

Preparation of peach-strawberry cocktail:

1. Cut thoroughly washed fruits into slices and place in a blender. We also add well-washed berries to them.

2. Turn on the blender for 5 minutes so that the peaches and strawberries turn into puree. You can then add milk, but we are making a diet shake, so we add chilled water or ice.

Pour the finished cocktail into glasses.

Ingredients for strawberry drink:

  • 500 g strawberries
  • 200 g sugar
  • 300 ml milk

Preparing a sweet drink:

1. Place the washed mixture in a blender and grind it thoroughly. Only then add sugar to it. While mixing, be sure to taste the mixture for sweetness; if the strawberries are not very sweet and the mixture turns out sour, then add sugar.

2/ Then pour milk into the blender. The amount of milk added also depends on your taste. The less milk, the thicker the cocktail, the more milk - vice versa. Pour the prepared strawberry cocktail into beautiful glasses, you will get about 4-6 servings. Garnish with mint leaves and strawberry halves.

Cocktail "Dragon Fruit"

Ingredients for an exotic cocktail:

  • 1 dragon fruit
  • 1-2 bananas
  • milk

Exotic preparation:

Cut the washed fruits into pieces and place them in a blender. Add milk to them, about half the volume. Turn on the blender for a few minutes. If the cocktail turns out to be thick, add more milk. Pour into glasses with straws.

If you didn’t know what a smoothie was before, then today, for sure, this drink has entered the list of your favorite options for a snack, breakfast or even dinner. A smoothie is more than just a drink that quenches your thirst. A cocktail of fresh fruits, vegetables, and berries is considered a nutritious elixir that gives vigor, energy, and health! And I can’t express in words how delicious a fruit smoothie can be – you have to try it! It is advisable to try more than one cocktail option. Then your home collection of recipes will include ways to prepare this bright, nourishing drink for every day, for any occasion.

By the way, just in case, it’s worth highlighting several benefits of a thick fruit cocktail:

  • saturates the body with vitamins;
  • energizes;
  • stabilizes intestinal function;
  • enriches with healthy fiber;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • Gives excellent taste and improves mood.

It is also important to remember that fruit smoothies will never ruin your figure! This is a product that you can drink at any time of the day without a twinge of conscience. After all, it is only useful and nothing but useful. And this is important when following the principles of a healthy lifestyle and a sports diet.

How to make a smoothie in a blender?

Another advantage of this drink is the ease of preparation. To make a fruit smoothie in a blender, you will need:

  • a set of your favorite sweet and ripe fruits;
  • submersible/bowl blender, food processor with “blender” function;
  • water, green tea, freshly squeezed juice (you can do without this);
  • desire to refresh yourself with a vitamin drink;
  • 3–5 minutes of free time.

It takes no more than 10 minutes to prepare a smoothie! Five to seven minutes of this time will be spent preparing dishes and ingredients: washing and peeling fruit, cutting into cubes or other convenient pieces, turning on the appliance and loading ingredients into the bowl. Direct cooking will take 2-3 minutes. This time is quite enough to create a thick, slightly foamy consistency of the product. The smoothie should turn out homogeneous, soft, and beautiful. A smoothie made from any fruit turns out to be very appetizing in appearance. However, you don't have to be a great cook to make this dish appealing. Nature and the developers of kitchen appliances have already come up with everything for you! It doesn’t matter at all in what order you load the fruits into the grinding container. You just need to follow the recommended number of components and press the “start” button. After 3-4 minutes, your energy elixir - fruit smoothie - is ready!

How to make a fruit smoothie in a blender?

So let's say you're about to make this drink for the first time, and then the question is, how to make smoothie from fruits in a blender, relevant for you. And although there is nothing complicated, it is still worth reading the practical guide to preparing this refreshing cocktail once.

There are a few simple tips that will help in this endeavor:

  1. To make it easier to use a blender, fruits should first be peeled and cut into slices. The slices should be those that are easiest for your blender to “take” (see the instructions for the equipment).
  2. If the device offers several beating speeds, start with the lowest and gradually increase. The most powerful speed option is the final stage of preparation to form an airy foam and give the drink lightness.
  3. Don't whip the smoothie for too long. 2-3 minutes is enough. Once the product has acquired a delicate, soft texture and attractive uniformity, it’s ready! You can drink this cocktail.
  4. You should not prepare a fruit smoothie just for the sake of reserve. This drink is drunk only freshly prepared! It should not be left in the refrigerator and stretched 3-5 times. After all, making smoothies from fruits using a blender is so simple and quick that there is absolutely no point in stocking up on them. Make new flavors every time and delight yourself with a fresh health cocktail.
  5. Smoothies can be made from different products. If you don’t have experience, it’s better to use proven recipes for making fruit smoothies in a blender. And when you become an experienced connoisseur of this cocktail, you should allow yourself bold experiments.
  6. There are no unacceptable products to create a smoothie, but the basic principle is this: smoothies are prepared from fresh, raw vegetables, fruits, berries, and herbs. And this is the basis of the drink! It is better not to deviate from this recommendation, and then the product will delight you with its properties and taste and aromatic qualities.
  7. You can add additives to smoothies: honey, nuts, vanilla, mint, citrus zest, cream, yogurt, green tea, fresh juice. But don’t spoil the fabulous combination with sugar, salt, and pepper. These components can be used in some special recipes. And the cocktail is quite good without these ingredients.

Of course, this list of rules is incomplete. Each connoisseur of healthy eating makes his own small additions to this list. But the principle of making smoothies at home is extremely simple and transparent. And this list will help you not get confused when taking the first steps towards creating an invigorating drink.

How to make a fruit smoothie?

A delicious fruit smoothie is easy to make! You need to take your favorite fruits or those ingredients recommended in the recipe, throw them into a container and beat.

Let's look at a few recipes for simple fruit smoothies.

Tropical sweetness

To prepare this drink you need to take:

  • 1 large ripe banana;
  • ½ pulp of a ripe small mango;
  • 1/3 cup orange juice;
  • 70 grams of pineapple.

Beat all ingredients thoroughly using a blender and pour into serving glasses. For added effect, you can garnish the edges of the glassware with a lime wedge.

Garden mix “Health”

To prepare this cocktail, take:

  • 3-4 small apricots;
  • 1 medium peach;
  • pulp of ½ small apple;
  • 1 medium white plum.

Separate all components from the seeds and cut into pieces convenient for grinding. Grind the mixture using an immersion blender or bowl blender. You can dilute the fruity sweetness with a drop of lemon juice.

Fruity goodness

To create two servings of cocktail you need to take:

  • 1 ripe medium banana;
  • ½ medium ripe kiwi;
  • 2-3 strawberries;
  • 2-3 small feijoas;
  • ¼ cup orange juice.

All components should be thoroughly mixed using a blender. Before serving, you can decorate the glasses with cherries on a branch.

Dried fruit smoothie

To create such an unusual combination you will need:

  • 3-4 large dried apricots;
  • 1-2 medium prunes;
  • ½ dried banana;
  • ½ cup creamy vanilla yogurt.

Mix all components into a thick, homogeneous mass using a blender. For decoration, you can take a little coconut or a few dried cranberries.

Cucumber fruit smoothie

To prepare this vitamin drink you need:

  • 1 medium cucumber;
  • 1 small kiwi fruit;
  • ½ pulp of a small green apple;
  • 50 grams of ripe pineapple pulp;
  • 1-2 sprigs of fresh mint.

Mix all ingredients using a blender until smooth. 2-3 ice cubes added before serving will add a piquant taste.

We make delicious smoothies ourselves

I must say that this vitamin mix is ​​very easy to prepare for a beginner in cooking. You don’t need any culinary talent to make yourself such a drink every morning or for a snack. You just need to keep a few suitable options in the refrigerator for making smoothies. If we are talking about a thick fruit cocktail, then the following fruits can be the basis: bananas, apricots, peaches, plums, apples, pears, pineapple, papaya, orange, lemon, kiwi, passion fruit. Any fruit can be used to prepare a delicious, vitamin-rich cocktail. It is important that the selected components taste good and do not cause allergic reactions.

It is also important to remember that fruits can be combined with a huge number of berries and some types of vegetables. This combination will definitely not be distinguished by boring taste, but will delight you with original shades of aroma. Any smoothie becomes brighter when complemented with creamy yogurt, cream, natural citrus juice, green tea, crushed ice, herbs and aromatic additions.

Greetings, dear connoisseurs of beauty and health. Not so long ago, nutritionists urged people to drink only water to lose weight. But today's favorite is smoothies. These vegetable and fruit cocktails are prepared in a blender; I have recipes for the latter for you.

The technology for preparing natural fruit drinks is simple. All you need is a powerful blender that will puree any product. This is the most important thing. Because the smoothie should turn out homogeneous in the form of a puree.

You can add any fruit, ice, yogurt, milk, ice cream, etc. to the drink. At least make something different every day and enjoy the taste. After all, this is a universal drink. It is consumed both for weight loss and to gain missing kilos.

pros Making fruit smoothies:

  • low calorie content (if you do not add sugar or ice cream);
  • retains all the benefits of vitamins and microelements;
  • can replace a snack between main meals;
  • has a beneficial effect on the body (even has anti-stress properties);
  • satiates, dulling the feeling of hunger.

Well, let's move on to recipes for healthy cocktails with photos. You can easily prepare them at home. Yes, if you are on a diet, I recommend adding a couple of spoons to your drinks.

Fruity with banana

For this dessert, I advise you to take a slightly overripe banana (so that brown spots appear on it). This base will add sweetness and thickness to the cocktail.

An additional benefit of bananas is that they are available in our stores all year round. Even in winter you can treat yourself to such a super nutritious dessert.

Eating bananas also promotes the production of serotonin - this is the hormone of happiness. It is needed especially in winter, during the coldest and darkest time of the year.

Bananas go well with various berries and fruits, not only fresh, but also frozen. In winter, you can use everything you prepared in the fall - currants, cranberries, cherries and other berries. After all, even frozen ones contain a lot of vitamins and antioxidants.

For 2 smoothie servings, take:

  • a glass of currants;
  • 2 pcs. ripe bananas;
  • a glass of natural low-fat yogurt;
  • a little honey.

Place the washed berries in a colander and wait for the water to drain from them. Then grind the currants in a blender into a puree-like mass. Next, place the chopped bananas into pieces into the blender bowl. We carefully connect the components. Add yogurt here and mix everything again. And since not everyone likes sourness, you can add a little honey to this cocktail. The smoothie is ready.

On a note

In the summer, you really want to eat something icy. I just don’t advise people losing weight to get carried away with cold smoothies. Receptors take longer to recognize chilled food. Therefore, the feeling of fullness after eating ice delicacies is slightly delayed. This means that the likelihood of overdoing it on calories increases. Drink these cocktails gradually, through a straw.

If your blender is powerful, then freeze the berries and bananas in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. This is a great substitute for crushed ice.

Smoothies can be made not only from fresh fruits, but also boiled ones. This is a note for those who have gastrointestinal diseases and cannot eat a lot of raw foods. Boil an apple, pear or carrot. Puree everything together by adding half a glass of water or any sour milk. Vitamin smoothie is ready.

If the household has such an assistant device as a blender (modern immersion or stationary), then problems with quickly preparing many tasty and healthy dishes will never arise. Especially if you often prepare a variety of delicious and healthy homemade fruit milkshakes. Using a blender, they are prepared at lightning speed. In just a few minutes you can make an incredibly tasty drink, almost restaurant-quality, but at home.

You can prepare fruit smoothies in a blender from one type and type of fruit ingredient, or by combining fruits and berries that are different in nature.

You can drink this drink in concentrated form, or diluted with water or milk. You can also use ice cream in the cocktail. You can diversify by adding fruits and berries.

A fruit-based cocktail can be used as a complete meal for a snack or breakfast. It relieves the constant feeling of hunger, satisfying the need for the desire to eat something sweet.

  1. The main component of a cocktail is liquid. Its quantity in the cocktail is at least 100 g. It can be milk, water or pre-prepared apple, pineapple or orange juice. If it seems that the cocktail is too thick, then you can add more liquid component. You can also use unsweetened green tea as a liquid for a fruit cocktail, always chilled and not concentrated.
  2. Fruits and berries used in the cocktail can be either fresh or frozen.
  3. Additional and common ingredients in a milkshake are yogurt (low-fat) and cottage cheese (soft tofu is fine).
  4. If you need to add sweetness, you can add honey or vanilla.
  5. In order to enhance the taste of the fruit cocktail, you should add a little spice. For example, cinnamon or ginger.
  6. A classic fruit cocktail should contain 4 food components, approximately equal in quantity:
    • liquid;
    • fruits;
    • yogurt or ice;
    • sweetener additives.
  1. In order for the cocktail to be sweet enough, you should put an overripe banana in it. It contains the maximum amount of sweetness.
  2. To give the cocktail a rich, creamy taste and thick consistency, you need to use mango or pears with apples, peach (papaya), and banana in the recipe.
  3. If the cocktail seems a bit sweet, you can add a little salt. But the salt must be fine and necessarily iodized.
  4. You should drink your fruit cocktail freshly prepared. Over time, it loses its nutritional value and benefits.

And now we bring to your attention the simplest and most popular fruit cocktails in a blender: 4 original recipes.

Light fruit cocktail with apple juice

Product set:

  • ripe, ripe banana, without traces of overripeness – 200 g;
  • ripe, ripe kiwi - 200 g;
  • ripe, ripe, juicy, sweet pear – 200 g;
  • powdered sugar – 100 g;
  • clarified store-bought apple juice – 250 ml;
  • bitter dark chocolate, finely grated in advance - 20 g.

Algorithm for preparing this cocktail:

  1. Rinse all fruits thoroughly. Then peel them and cut them into small pieces of arbitrary shape.
  2. Place all the fruit pieces into a special blender bowl.
  3. Use a blender to puree the fruit.
  4. Add powdered sugar and store-bought clarified apple juice to the fruit puree. Mix all the food contents with a blender. You should get a homogeneous liquid mass.

Pour the freshly prepared fruit cocktail into tall glasses, sprinkle with finely grated dark dark chocolate. Serve the cocktail with a tall, beautiful straw, through which it is convenient to drink this delicious drink.

Grocery set of ingredients for 4 large cocktail servings:

  • ripe, fresh, large peaches – 400 g;
  • ripe, fresh strawberries – 600 g;
  • ice water – 300 ml.

Algorithm for preparing strawberry-peach cocktail:

  1. Rinse fruits and berries thoroughly.
  2. Peel the skin of the peaches and remove the pit. Cut into slices and place in a blender bowl.
  3. Add sorted, well-washed strawberries there.
  4. Using a blender, puree the peaches and strawberries. The pureeing process should take approximately 5 minutes.
  5. Add ice water to the fruit and berry puree.
  6. Pour the prepared cocktail into glasses.
  1. Strawberries can be replaced with fresh strawberries.
  2. Instead of fresh berries, you can use fresh frozen or canned ones. Frozen berries will make a cocktail no less tasty and healthy!
  3. Ice water can be replaced with milk or ice cream. Then you get a milk-fruit cocktail.

Citrus cocktail made with orange, grapefruit and lime

Fruit cocktail made from apples, kiwi, grapes and ginger

Grocery set of ingredients for 4 large cocktail servings:

  • fresh, ripe sweet and sour apples – 400 g;
  • fresh, ripe, large kiwi fruits – 300 g;
  • banana (can be overripe) – 300 g;
  • berries of ripe, fresh, boneless white grapes of the “quiche-mish” variety - 250 g;
  • pre-prepared and chilled green tea – 250 ml;
  • liquid flower honey – 50 g;
  • ginger powder – 10 g;
  • several fresh green mint leaves - 4 sprigs.

Making a cocktail step by step:

  1. Prepare the apples: wash, peel and core, cut into arbitrary slices and place in a blender bowl.
  2. Prepare kiwi and banana: wash, peel and cut into slices of any shape. Add them to the apples in a blender bowl.
  3. Wash, sort and separate the boneless grapes from the branches. It should also be transferred to a blender bowl with the rest of the prepared fruit.
  4. Puree the ingredients collected in the bowl with a blender for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour chilled green tea into the resulting puree and add the remaining ingredients: honey and ginger powder.
  6. Beat with blender for another 5 minutes.
  7. Pour the prepared cocktail into tall glasses. Add mint sprigs and cocktail straws. Serve immediately.

Strawberry milkshake with ginger powder and honey

Product set for an amazing tasting drink:

  • fresh ripe strawberries – 600 g;
  • cow's milk – 250 ml;
  • ginger powder – 10 g;
  • liquid flower honey – 50 g.

Algorithm for preparing this healthy sweet drink:

  1. Rinse all the berries, sorting them and removing stems and leaves.
  2. Place the berries in a blender bowl and puree it with a blender for 5 minutes.
  3. Add honey and ginger powder to the berry puree in a blender bowl. Beat a little more (a couple of minutes).
  4. Add milk to the sweet berry mixture and beat again with a blender for several minutes. You should get a pink foam with white scallops.
  5. Pour into glasses and enjoy immediately.
  1. As a sweetener, instead of honey, you can use powdered white sugar (200 g). But it will be much healthier not to add sugary foods (honey, sugar, etc.) at all.