Festive apple pie made from yeast dough. How to make yeast pie with apples according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

Both adults and children love apple pies. It's apple picking season. It's time to bake apple pies!

Today I offer you a recipe for the simplest apple pie with yeast dough.

Yeast dough prepares quickly and you shouldn’t be afraid of it. It needs to be kneaded first and while you are preparing the apple pie filling, the dough will mature.

I like it best open pie with apples and cinnamon, it’s very tasty and the apples in it are moderately moist, and it looks just great!


For the test:

  • 2 eggs
  • 3.5 cups flour
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 table spoon of vegetable oil
  • 100 g butter or margarine
  • 2 table. spoons of sugar
  • 0.5 tsp. spoons of salt
  • 5 -6 g dry yeast (half a pack)
  • Vanillin on the tip of a knife

For filling:

  • 1-1.3 kg apples
  • 2-3 table. spoons of sugar
  • 1-2 tsp. spoons of cinnamon

Making a simple open apple pie:

First we need to knead the dough for the apple pie, and only then we’ll make the filling.

I love pies from yeast dough– they turn out lush, beautiful and very tasty.

  • The butter must be melted or simply softened at room temperature.
  • Then pour in a glass of warm milk.
  • Add 2 eggs.
  • Salt, sugar and mix everything.
  • Then pour the sifted flour (half the portion) with dry yeast into the pan and add a little vanillin.
  • Knead the dough. While kneading, add flour and vegetable oil little by little. The amount of flour may be slightly less or more than indicated - it depends on the flour itself.

This portion of yeast dough is just enough for 1 pie, the size of a standard oven tray.

  • If you are making yeast dough for the first time and doubt your abilities, take a look at this page: you will have no doubts. Everything is described step by step and with photos
  • The recipe for cooking with dry and compressed yeast is almost the same. Only dry yeast just needs to be mixed with flour, and pressed yeast needs to be “knocked”. If something is not clear, follow the link and look step by step photos.

The main thing is not to mix yeast with oil (vegetable, butter or margarine), but only with flour.

So, after we have kneaded the dough, we need to put it in a warm place, so it will rise faster.

If the house is cool (like now), I put the pan with the dough in a bowl of warm water and work on the filling. I check from time to time to make sure the dough doesn’t run away.

While the dough is rising, you can start making the filling.

Wash the apples, remove the core and grate them:

It is not necessary to peel them - it remains in your hands after grating.

True, this trick doesn’t work with Antonovka.

Then put the grated apples in a frying pan, add sugar to taste and simmer:

In winter, pre-cooked pie will work perfectly in such a yeast pie. Quick and easy: open the jar and put it on the dough!

While we were busy with the filling, the dough came together:

It must be kneaded back 1 or 2 times:

When the dough will work again, you can collect open Apple pie:

The dough must be divided into two unequal parts - larger - roll out:

Place on greased vegetable oil baking tray

To prevent the pie from getting soggy apple juice, sprinkle semolina on top of the dough (a little). Semolina binds the liquid released from the apples, but the taste of the filling will not change:

Then spread the apple filling onto the dough:

Sprinkle cinnamon on top of apples:

From the remaining dough we make a beautiful “mesh”.

Divide into 8 parts, roll out a rope from each.

Place on apples:

To make the dough mesh look beautiful and look like a pigtail, we arm ourselves with scissors and carefully cut the flagella on both sides:

All that remains is to brush the cake with whipped cream raw egg(so that the baked goods are smooth and have a glossy shine):

Leave the pie in the room for 10-15 minutes (so that it “fits”) and send it to a heated oven to a temperature of 180-200 degrees, bake until done...

We take out...


When the pie has cooled a little, cut into pieces, pour tea and call everyone to the table.

Delicious, aromatic, lush pie It was a great success with apples! Simple, isn't it?

This year, a good harvest of apples will be enough for yeast pies with apples and na and na - the simplest apple pie!

Bon appetit!

That's all for today! Have fun cooking and share your impressions in the comments. Subscribe to new recipes to always keep up to date with the news of the Tasty Food site

Heat the milk until slightly warm, crumble the yeast into it and add ½ tbsp. l. Sahara. Leave for 10 minutes for the yeast to swell.

In a separate bowl, mix kefir, salt, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and sunflower oil. Heat the mixture to 40 degrees (slightly warm).

Mix yeast with kefir and stir well.

Then add flour in parts and knead the dough for 10-15 minutes. You may need a little less or more flour depending on its quality and kefir. As soon as the dough just slightly sticks to your hands, stop adding flour. The dough should not be too clogged or tight.

Leave the dough to rise in a warm place for an hour, no more. Be sure to cover the bowl with a towel. In order for the yeast to work actively, the container with the dough can be placed on steam bath(in a bowl of warm water). The dough works well in a multicooker with the “Yoghurt/dough” mode on. This program supports optimal temperature for raising yeast dough (+36-40 degrees).

On a note

To prepare pies and pies, not only yeast dough is used, but also shortbread, puff pastry, and stretch dough.

While the dough is rising, let's discuss how to make delicious filling from apples. After all, it is she who creates the flavor solo, and you always want there to be more of it. Among all the variations, I like the filling most of all, always prepared from fresh apples. Then the baked goods are the most fragrant.

Wash the apples, peel and core them, finely cut into cubes.

It is better to choose apples of the sour or sweet and sour variety, then the filling will be tastier, with a slight sour tint.

Pour apples into a saucepan or saucepan, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and butter.

Stew apple cubes 10 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Ready stuffing cool.

The dough will double in size. There is no need to knead the dough while it rises.

Remove the dough from the bowl and knead it. On a board sprinkled with flour, cut into 20 pieces. From each part, roll out a round thin cake with a rolling pin and place 1 tbsp in the middle. l. apple filling.


If the filling is runny, add 2 tbsp. l. semolina and stir. As the semolina swells, it will absorb excess moisture. If you fill the pies with wet filling, the dough inside will turn out wet; when baking in the oven, the juice may leak out from the inside and burn on the baking sheet.

Seal the edges and form a neat pie. Place on a baking sheet parchment paper and place the formed products seam side down.

Lubricate each product on top egg yolk using a pastry brush.

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake the treat for 35 minutes. Ready baked goods store covered with a towel or napkin. Serve with your favorite drinks at the end of the meal.

Yeast dough pie with apple filling. Recipe with step-by-step photos.

Wonderful pies made from yeast dough with fruit and berry filling.

- container for preparing dough;
- container for milk;
- whisk, fork, tablespoon:
- cutting board, knife, rolling pin;
- electric stove, baking sheet, oven mitts, towel, plate;
- bowl, silicone brush.

For the test:

- 0.5 liters of milk;
- 4 tbsp. mayonnaise;
- 1/3 cup vegetable oil;
- 1 packet of dry yeast “PAKMATA”;
- 1\2 bags of baking powder;
For sweet pies:
- 1\2 cups sugar;
- 0.5 tsp. salt
- 1 kg. Torment
- 1 packet of vanillin


- 1 kg. Apples;
- 10-15 pcs. plums
- 1\2 cups sugar
- a little lingonberry.

To make the pies golden and beautiful, brush them with beaten egg before baking.

When preparing yeast dough, the room should be warm; the dough does not like cold or drafts.
Heat the milk in a saucepan, it should be warm. Pour sugar, baking powder, vanillin, salt, mayonnaise, vegetable oil into the milk - mix everything well with a whisk.

Pour the yeast into half the flour and gently mix the flour and yeast with a fork.

Next, pour the flour and yeast into the milk mixture.

Mix everything well.

Pour in the remaining flour and knead the dough, greasing your hands with vegetable oil so that it does not stick to your hands. Knead our dough long and thoroughly.

Place the dough in a pan, cover with a clean towel and leave for 1-2 hours until it “rises”.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling: cut the apples into 4 parts, remove the core, cut each part into slices.

Cut the plums in half and remove the pits. You can add a few handfuls of lingonberries. This is so delicious bright filling we succeeded.

When the dough has increased in volume by about 3 times, we begin to prepare a pie from it.

Divide the dough into two parts.

One will be the bottom of the pie, we roll it out and carefully place it on a baking sheet using a rolling pin.

This is done like this: grease a rolling pin with vegetable oil and roll the dough onto it.

Carefully place the rolling pin on a greased baking sheet. Unroll the dough from the rolling pin.

Spread the filling and sprinkle with sugar. It is better to put more sugar in the filling rather than in the dough, because... Sweeter dough takes longer to rise.

Decorate the top of the pie.

We make flowers and decorate the pie with them.

The edges of the pie can be decorated in different ways.

Whisk the egg until foamy. To make the top of the pie rosy and shiny, brush our pie with beaten egg.

Let it sit for 15 minutes and put the pie in the oven.
After the cake is baked, we take it out and cover it with a towel, so it sits until it cools down. Under the towel, the pie remains soft, the top crust does not dry out.

At my school during the fall break, I conducted a master class for teachers who wanted to learn how to bake and decorate pies from yeast dough.

I bring to your attention the making of the “Turtle” pie
Divide the dough into 2 different parts. The smaller one will be the bottom of the “turtle”.
Roll out oval shape and lay out the filling.

From the other part we make 4 small oval-shaped pies - turtle legs. The round pie is the head.
Using a glass, cut out several round pieces and then place them on the dough.

Carefully place a layer of dough onto the filling and seal the edges.

Brush the top with beaten egg.

This is such a wonderful pie we made

We also baked an “aquarium”

And such a wonderful centipede

You can make wonderful rose pies
I'm posting a photo - step-by-step master class. Everything is clear without words.

Prepare the dough.

Pour milk into a ladle and add butter cut into small pieces.

Place on the fire and keep until the butter melts. Set aside and let cool to about 45-50 degrees. If you pour the mixture into a wide bowl, it will cool faster.

Mix half the flour with the yeast.

Add sugar, eggs to milk, vanilla essence and salt, mix until smooth.

Add flour mixed with yeast and stir until smooth. Gradually adding the remaining flour, knead a homogeneous soft dough.

It will stick to your hands a little - no big deal, just grease your hands with vegetable oil at the end of working with the dough.

Cover the dough cling film and leave it in a warm place to rise. It only took me about 30 minutes, but depending on different conditions may take an hour or more.

To make the filling, peel the apples and remove the cores. Cut the pulp into small pieces and add lemon juice and stir so that the apples do not darken.

Punch down the risen dough and separate a third of it. Roll out most of it into a rectangle approximately 40x30. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Place the filling on top, leaving a couple of cm at the edges free. Sprinkle apples with sugar and cinnamon.

Roll out the remaining third of the dough into a layer the same length as the base, but about a quarter narrower. We cut it in a checkerboard pattern, stretch it a little in width and place it on the filling. We pinch the edges.

Brush the top with a lightly beaten egg and place the pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 25-35 minutes.

Ready pie cool and serve. You can sprinkle with powdered sugar when serving.

Enjoy your tea!

Whatever the pace of modern life, pies are our everything!

Especially if they are homemade, prepared with their own hands to the delight of their household.

Many, especially young housewives, prefer to buy ready-made bun or kalach, just not to bother with the dough, because working with it seems too difficult.

You still need to start sometime.

Why are grandma’s pies always tastier and more beautiful?

Because grandma has experience in this matter.

Each subsequent pie is sure to turn out tastier and more beautiful than the previous one. Don't be afraid of difficulties, because they are always temporary. Remember that, sooner or later, everyone becomes a grandmother, and you need to learn so as not to deprive your grandchildren of the pleasure of saying one day: “My granny’s pies are the best!”

Yeast apple pie - basic technological principles

The key to success is the latest and most quality products for the test. There is one exception: milk can be sour. This is even better, but the main thing is not to overdo it; Moderately sour milk, without traces of mold or rancid taste, is suitable for the dough.

Yeast must also be “working”, not lying around in unknown conditions for unknown how long. Excess yeast gives baked goods their characteristic sour smell, finished products made from yeast dough quickly deteriorate. An insufficient amount of yeast slows down the rise of the dough or it does not rise at all, and the products turn out tough and heavy. Optimal quantity compressed yeast per 1 liter of liquid for butter dough– 100 g; for yeast unpalatable dough– 40-60 g. Baking makes the dough heavier and makes it difficult to rise. The dough must not be allowed to rest; It is also undesirable to start working with unfermented dough. For yeast it is also important to choose the right temperature regime, avoid mechanical vibration of the dough during its rise and avoid drafts in the room where semi-finished yeast dough products are produced.

Before you start preparing the dough, take a close look at the flour. The color of high-grade flour ranges from dazzling white to creamy shade. First and second grade flour contains bran, which is also good, but for bread, not for buns or yeast pie from apples, if the recipe calls for it wheat flour top quality.

Flour that is too wet feels cooler to the touch; when squeezed in your hand, it becomes compressed and crumbles poorly. In this case, you need to use less liquid in the dough. The moisture content of flour varies in each individual case, which is why the amount of flour indicated in recipes may vary slightly, with an error of 5-10%. Another important property flour, which you definitely need to pay attention to - the gluten content, on which the quality of the dough depends and, ultimately, appearance and taste finished product. Without laboratory analysis, gluten content can be determined organoleptically. Take a pinch of flour and wet it with a few drops of water and try to roll it into a ball. If the flour sticks together quickly, then it is - premium. For yeast pies, use only this kind of flour and be sure to sift it: not only to remove foreign impurities, but more so that it is enriched with air, which during the fermentation and baking process will provide additional fluffiness to the yeast dough.

The consistency of the dough is selected depending on the recipe. Yeast dough can be liquid (pour-in), soft (medium consistency) and tight. How softer dough, those fluffier baked goods, large air bubbles form in the baked product. In a dense dough, the bubbles are small, and the dough takes longer to rise.

When kneading the dough, you need to add the dry mixture to the liquid mass. The composition of the liquid mass, as moisture-containing components, includes milk or dairy products(water for soft dough), eggs, melted butter. Solid (frozen) oil for puff pastry chopped with flour. Yeast puff pastry is perhaps the only type that is kneaded in cool conditions, with a fairly low temperature of the products placed in the dough.

Let us immediately note that apple filling in pies - not only tasty, but also easy to work with. Just never mix apples with sugar in advance: it must be added, the later, the better, so that the apples do not have time to release their juice and soak the entire dough, and then, dripping to the bottom of the mold, form a burnt crust on the bottom.

If other, very juicy berries are added along with apples, then the juice must be allowed to drain. There is no need to squeeze it out so that the meaning of their presence in the pies is not lost: let what drains out is what itself is looking for a way out. Then process too juicy filling starch, lightly “powdering” the berries. The starch will “bind” the juice in the dough, preventing it from randomly leaking wherever it pleases and spoiling the appearance of the product.

Recipe 1. Closed pie with apples from Rhine yeast dough


Almonds 120 g

Milk 50 ml

Dry yeast 6 g

Eggs 5 pcs.

Sugar 300 g

Lemon zest(fresh) 40 g

Apples 700 g (net)

Butter 120 g

Flour 350-400 g

Cherry jam 70 g

Cooking method:

Dissolve the yeast in milk, adding a spoonful of sugar and sifted flour. Grind the yolks until white with 1/3 of the sugar, combine with yeast and softened butter, add vanilla and zest, sifted flour, knead the dough; Divide it into two parts and roll out 2 circles on the table. Put one of them in round shape, sprinkled with flour, covering the sides of the mold with the same part of the dough.

Sprinkle peeled, finely chopped apples with rum, add chopped or crushed almonds, Cherry jam, mix and place on the dough in the form. Sprinkle with half the remaining sugar and place the second rolled out piece of dough on top of the filling. Connect the edges of both layers of dough. Make cuts in a circle with scissors (2-3 cm), then intertwine the cut edges of the dough, alternating them: stretch the lower ends between the upper ones, connecting them in pairs, bottom and top.

Bake at 180ºϹ until the pie is browned. Take it out and, without removing it from the mold, let it cool.

Beat the whites and the remaining third of the sugar into a stiff mixture. protein mass and cover the surface of the pie. Throw it back into the oven and when protein glaze will turn brownish, take it out. After the cake has cooled, transfer it to a plate, pouring it with a thin thread of cherry syrup.

Recipe 2. Jellied yeast pie made from apples stuffed with jam


Apples 12 pcs.

Oranges 6 pcs.

Cream 150 ml

Sugar 70 g

Eggs 3 pcs.

White crackers 250 g

Cinnamon 1 g

Yeast 3-4 g

Oil 50 g


Remove the core from washed apples without cutting them. Wash medium-sized oranges and cut them in half lengthwise. Take out the orange pulp, free it from the membranes, cut it and combine with sugar and cinnamon; Stuff the holes in the apples with orange pulp and place each of them in the halves of the orange peel. Line a baking dish with foil. Grease the surface of the foil with oil and place the apples in the pan. orange peel.

Combine the cream with breadcrumbs and soak the yeast in them. Grind the eggs with sugar and add to the dough, mix. Pour the dough over the fruit and let it sit for a while in a warm place. Bake at 180ºϹ.

Recipe 3. Apple and peach yeast pie


Peaches 200 g

Sugar 350 g

Apples 300 g (net)

Milk 150 ml

Semolina 50 g

Starch, corn 60 g (including 30 g for dough)

Butter 120 g

Eggs 4 yolks and 2 whole eggs

Yeast, pressed 100 g

Vanilla or cinnamon


Sift the flour and combine it with semolina, salt, vanilla (cinnamon) and 30 g of starch. Take 1/3 of the prepared mixture, add 50-100 g of sugar to it, pour in warm milk and add crushed yeast. Mix the prepared dough with a whisk, wrap the dish with it in film and place it closer to the switched on stove so that the dough rises at 20-25ºϹ. When the dough doubles in volume, add another third of the flour, mix the dough and wrap it again, put it in a warm place. Grind 150 g of sugar with four yolks and one egg, add softened butter and, whisking the pastry with a whisk, combine with the risen dough. Add the remaining flour, knead the dough very thoroughly: it should be very soft, not too dense. Cover the bowl again and let the dough rise while you prepare the pan and filling.

Cut the apples and peaches into slices and sprinkle lightly with starch. Prepare 1 beaten egg for brushing the pie. deep shape and grease the work surface with oil. Divide the risen dough into five parts: 4 parts - for rolling out circles, one of which should be about one and a half times larger than the others, and a fifth, small one - for sculpting dough decorations on the surface of the pie. IN small piece mix in flour, as it should be more dense and convenient for sculpting and cutting out figures. Roll out the largest piece of dough into a circle and place it in the pan so that its edges hang slightly over the side. Place a layer of apple slices on the bottom of the mold covered with dough and sprinkle them with sugar. Roll out the next three pieces of dough to the diameter of the mold. Place them on top of each other, alternating layers of filling. Place the dough on the blocks, then the peaches sprinkled with sugar, then the dough again and the apple layer. Last layer should cover the fruit - we will decorate it with figures cut out of dough. Fasten the edges of the bottom layer with top layer pirogue. Make a flagellum or a braid to cover the places where the dough sticks together. To ensure that the decorations stick to the surface, brush the surface with egg wash using a brush before placing them on the pie. Let the cake rise until its volume increases at least 2 times. When baking (180ºϹ), first cover the surface of the pie with foil for 10-15 minutes so that the lower part with the filling rises well and bakes. There is a lot of filling in the pie; Moreover, it is juicy and heavy: it needs more time to bake, and at the same time the top should not burn. Then remove the foil, wait until the top begins to fry, and then brush it with egg to get a beautiful golden gloss. Keep the finished cake in the mold for a short time: it should only be slightly steamed so that it easily leaves the bottom of the mold. Place it on a wooden surface and cover with a cotton napkin.

Recipe 4. Pie with apples from yeast dough, with cottage cheese


Apples 250 g (net)

Sugar to taste

Cottage cheese 400 g

Yeast dough, puff pastry:

Flour, sifted 500 g

Yeast, pressed 100 g

Butter 150 g

Milk 70-100 ml

Vanilla, rum, cinnamon (for flavoring)


Adjust the amount of sugar for the filling at your discretion. The weight of apples is indicated in net. They need to be washed, peeled and cut into cubes, but do not rush to do this until the dough is ready. Wash the raisins and steam with boiling water, dry.

It is better to use full-fat cottage cheese, homemade, or squeeze it well under a press to remove the whey. Grind the cooled butter into the flour until crumbly. Combine it with cottage cheese and mix. Keep in the refrigerator so you can add the crumbles to the dough when chilled.

Dissolve yeast in heated milk. For puff pastry, it is important that the yeast does not start working before proofing begins. Therefore, the temperature of the milk should be low so that the yeast only dissolves, but does not have time to start working. Immediately pour them into the sifted flour combined with flavorings and salt. Knead the stiff dough and start rolling it into a thin layer (0.5 cm). Sprinkle with butter and cottage cheese crumbles, fold the dough into an envelope and roll out thinly again. Repeat this operation until you have used all the crumbs. If the butter heats up and melts and the dough becomes too soft, freeze it slightly and continue rolling out.

The dough should be cold while working. Ready dough Roll out into a thin sheet of rectangular, oblong shape and place diced apples and raisins on it. Sprinkle the filling with rum and roll the dough into a roll, along with the filling.

Place the semi-finished product on a baking sheet, brush the pie with beaten egg, place in a warm place (20-25°C) and bake.

Recipe 5. Yeast apple and cherry pie


Fresh raspberries

Eggs 3 pcs.

Sugar 150 g

Yeast "Moment", dry 12 g

Oil 82.5% 100 g

Milk 100 ml

Rum, vanilla


Grind the eggs with sugar and butter, add warm milk to them and add yeast, vanilla powder, pour in rum, and, gradually adding sifted flour, knead the dough to a normal, smooth consistency. Let the dough rise, keeping it warm until the volume increases 2-3 times. Roll out into a layer of 0.5 cm and cut into strips. Place a cherry in the center of each strip (lay along the entire length of the strip); place apple slices on the edge of the strips, overlapping. Sprinkle the filling with sugar and drizzle with rum or your favorite liqueur. Apples must first be washed, removing only the seeds, but do not cut off the skin. Fold the strips in half so that the cherry is covered with dough, and the edges of the apple slices remain outside. Immediately place the strips in the mold, from the edge to the center, rolling them into a ring. Apple slices must be located perpendicular to the surface of the mold. Pinch the edges of each strip so that the juice does not leak out during baking. Bake after proofing. First, it is advisable to cover the pie with foil so that the apples do not dry out or burn. 5-10 minutes before the end of baking, remove the foil and brush with beaten egg. When ready and slightly cooled, sprinkle with sugar.

Recipe 6. Very quick open pie with apples made from yeast dough


Apples (slices) 400 g (net)

Puff pastry, yeast (ready) 350 g

Cinnamon, vanilla

Powdered sugar 70 g


This pie will not take much time and effort, because it is made from... ready dough, purchased at the deli or prepared the day before.

Prepare the mold by greasing it with oil, preheat the cabinet to 180ºϹ. Roll out the dough to the size of the mold and place it so that a side is formed around the perimeter or diameter of the container chosen for baking. Sprinkle the prepared apple slices with cinnamon or vanilla, place them on the dough and send the formed semi-finished product to proof in a warm place. When the dough has noticeably increased in volume, bake the pie. After cooling, sprinkle the apples with powder.

Recipe 7. Yeast pie made from apples and duck breast


Duck meat 500 g

Milk 250 ml

Sugar 50 g

Egg 3 pcs.

Butter (82.5%) 100 g

Rice, boiled 150 g

Yeast 100 g (pressed)

Apples, peeled 300 g


Pieces duck breast fry until cooked in a frying pan, with onions, seasoning with spices. Combine with boiled rice and pieces of peeled apples.

Dissolve the yeast in milk and sugar, add sifted flour, salt, melted butter and 2 eggs and knead the dough. After proofing, divide the dough into two parts. Roll out one piece, place it in a mold and cover with the prepared filling. After rolling out the second layer of dough, cover the pie filling with it. Place the semi-finished product again for proofing and then bake. Five to seven minutes before it’s ready, take the pie out and brush its surface with egg, then finish baking. After removing the cake from the oven, cover with a cotton towel for a few minutes and then remove from the pan.

Pie with apples made from yeast dough - tricks and useful tips

To quickly finish cleaning the kitchen after working with dough, use flour rather than flour to treat the work surface. refined oil, with a neutral taste. Lubricate your hands, table, dishes with it, but not too much so that the dough does not absorb it and does not slip too much. It is more difficult to collect flour, and, moreover, after it, you will most likely have to sweep it up and throw it away.

The most important advice: take up work with the dough only with great desire and in good mood: everything will definitely work out. This is serious!