Proper storage of alcohol in glass, plastic, stainless steel and oak barrels. Is it possible to store food in plastic bottles?

The intoxicating drink with ethanol was known to the most ancient people. Receipt pure alcohol happened a thousand and a half years ago in Arab observatories. Ethanol is active substance, therefore it is always important what surrounds it, what substances and materials can interact with it.

Even containers for storing ethanol and alcoholic beverages should be selected with extreme care. Not everyone knows how to store alcohol and vodka correctly. It seems that alcoholic drinks do not care about the storage conditions, but this is not the case; extraneous odors and other factors can distort the taste or reduce the strength of the drink.

Rules for storing vodka and ethanol

Store vodka and alcohol at home in a dark place. Most often, vodka is found in transparent glass bottles; light can provoke some chemical reactions, as a result of which the drink will acquire an unpleasant taste.

The rules for storing alcohol-containing alcohol predetermine conditions with a temperature from “plus” 5 to “plus” 20 degrees, humidity about 85 percent, and the absence of light. When stored properly, vodka, like alcohol, pure form can be good for an unlimited amount of time, but the container must be glass, then the absence of a chemical reaction between the alcohol and the material is guaranteed. The liquid must be free of impurities. The vodka tincture can be stored for no more than 12 months, the original taste lasts for six months.

Containers with vodka and ethanol should be kept hermetically sealed. The ethyl composition is volatile if the container is kept open after small quantity over time the drink will become less strong. Experts guarantee that the shelf life of alcohol is three years. During this time, they rub sick people with it, disinfect wounds, fill thermometers, and cook food. healing infusions. After all, it is not only a recreational drink, but also a medicine.

Ethanol is highly flammable; electrical appliances and fire sources should be kept away from alcohol. Although the liquid does not deteriorate in the heat if there is no solar radiation falling on it.

The substance stored at production bases is in glass or metal containers, which are closed especially tightly and put away in metal boxes. When depressurized, the drink becomes weaker, so you need to take good care of the packaging.

At home, you can store alcohol where it is cool: a basement, cellar or refrigerator. There will also be a closet shelf excellent option, the main thing is that the place is inaccessible to children’s hands. Some people bury bottles of alcohol in the ground and take them out as needed.

In a stainless steel flask, alcohol will be preserved for a long time long term, as in glass containers. The container must be welded, not soldered, otherwise the remaining flux may get into the alcohol. If a metal container has a stopper with a rubber gasket, then the gasket must be made of MBS rubber, otherwise ethanol will corrode the material, the alcohol will turn brown with a pink tint, and the taste will be unpleasant.

Safety of uncorked vodka

Alcohol-containing drinks should not be stored open for a long time. The cork can be tightened, but the seal will be broken and foreign odors will penetrate into the vodka, changing its taste.

Tip: If a bottle of ethyl alcohol is uncorked, you can store it for 3 months in a closet where there are no foreign odors.

Preservation of tinctures

Vodka liqueurs are very popular among the population. You can save the drink for a year. Over time, the components of the liquid and the alcohol will create a reaction, and the tincture will no longer be drinkable. Therefore, do not exceed the recommended storage time.

An uncovered bottle of alcohol must be closed with a cork or improvised means, otherwise it will fizzle out. The time for the alcohol to evaporate depends on the volume of liquid; if there is little drink, the process happens quickly, if there is a lot, then it takes a little longer. It’s difficult to name a specific time, everything is individual.

Plastic containers for storing alcohol and vodka

Is it possible to store alcohol in plastic dishes, which sells a variety of drinks, is a question with a clear negative answer. Alcohol can, over time, dissolve this container to form hazardous elements.

It happens that the bottom of the alcohol container is covered with sediment that has fallen during the reaction. Alcohol reacting with plastic different types, releases carcinogens in the form of formaldehyde and styrene.

If there are no external changes in the liquid, it cannot be said that it is safe; taste and smell sometimes do not serve as determinants of quality. Tip: Alcohol is ideally stored in its original container. Another option in order not to lose the quality of the liquid is a glass jar or bottle.

Vodka in a plastic bottle may not be stored for long if it is not PVC plastic, but PET (polyethylene terephthalate), which is also what Cola is sold in. And PVC material decomposes when combined with ethanol. But we must remember that in plastic container strong alcohol does not last long.

Not everyone knows that cloudiness of moonshine and the appearance of sediment in the form of flakes is a sign of unsuccessful storage. At the same time, the quality also becomes significantly worse. However, if there is suitable conditions for storage, moonshine can delight humanity for years.

Which container is suitable

A flask for moonshine is considered one of the most important points, on which not only the quality, but also the shelf life of any product directly depends. strong alcohol. So, where should you store alcohol? Since alcohol can cause a certain reaction with the dishes, this will lead to the release harmful substances, therefore it is recommended to store alcoholic beverages in special containers, namely:

  • in a plastic bottle;
  • in glass containers;
  • in wooden and steel containers.

At the same time, containers for aluminum or iron moonshine are absolutely not suitable for storing alcohol. Therefore, you should not store vodka in an aluminum bottle, since the alcohol will certainly react with aluminum, which will result in the formation of a sediment that is very harmful to human health.

It is best to store moonshine in real vodka bottles with their original caps. Before use, they must be thoroughly washed, dried, and checked for any odors that could spoil the aroma of the final product.

Alcohol in plastic container

As mentioned above, alcohol is a very active substance that can react with interacting materials. It is for this reason that when choosing a container for storing it, you should be especially careful and think carefully about whether the product can be stored in it.

Current plastic is quite resistant to chemicals, however, when choosing such containers, it is better to choose a suitable place for storage, since such material burns well.

It should be remembered that it is not recommended to store alcohol in a plastic container for a long time, because over time, not only the aroma, but also the taste of the alcohol may change.

Glass jars and bottles

Glass containers are best suited for storing moonshine or other strong homemade drinks. As is known, this material never reacts with alcohol and makes it possible to preserve the original properties of drinks for a long time. In other words, the shelf life of alcohol in a hermetically sealed glass jar is almost eternal.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the main thing in long-term storage of moonshine is tightness, since alcohol tends to evaporate quickly. After all, even a poorly screwed cap or cork can be a real reason for a decrease in alcohol strength as a result of evaporation. This way, only water will remain.

If we're talking about about the jar, then steel lids are best suited here. They are both safe and quite reliable, and nylon, from which the lids are also made, releases harmful substances that can harm the human body.

Using an oak barrel

In the old days, alcohol was always stored in oak barrels, which made it possible to obtain good aroma and taste, since it is in such containers that different processes take place that make the drink much better.

The smaller the size of the barrel, the less time the drink needs to be kept; accordingly, when long-term storage is planned, it will require big size barrels. In addition, before using such a container as a barrel, it must be prepared.

Storage in stainless steel containers

Stainless steel barrels are usually used to hold alcohol in industrial enterprises. This food grade stainless steel is a safe container. It will not react with alcohol. It is better to boil this container rather than solder it. The use of such containers is well suited both for storing alcoholic beverages and for preparing mash in it.

How to store

Regardless of what kind of cookware you are going to use, you must also take care of the correct home storage conditions. First of all, you need to think about preventing the sun's rays from falling on the container. You will also need to maintain an optimal and uniform room temperature. Moonshine can be stored in refrigeration equipment, but not in the freezer. To prevent the alcohol from evaporating, the container will need to be tightly sealed.

In addition, you cannot store alcohol in containers that are not intended for food purposes, as this can irreversibly spoil the prepared product. It is also undesirable to place the contents in crystal decanters, as this can negatively affect human health.

In other words, when wondering how to store moonshine, it is worth remembering that it cannot be poured into flasks that previously contained substances such as gasoline or glue, since it will hardly be possible to wash such dishes.

For very large sizes, it is recommended to use stainless steel canisters, as it will not interact with alcohol, like glass, and for this reason is completely safe. However, aluminum cans and enamel cookware are not suitable here.

In addition, storing alcoholic drinks that are stronger than 20 degrees in plastic containers is strictly not allowed. Naturally, you can store moonshine in a special plastic container, but such material is rarely found on sale.

In order not to constantly think about how to properly store alcohol, it is best to place the container with the contents in a dark room with a temperature of 5 to 20 degrees and a relative humidity of 85%. At the same time, you will definitely need to check from time to time what the drink looks like and how tightly it is sealed.

An important nuance is the fact that in addition to the ban on copper and iron containers, there is another law for storing alcohol, namely, plastic containers can only be used if they are marked “for food”

In addition, all containers used must be clean. When washing, it is advisable to add soda to warm water, and after washing the inside of the barrels can be fumigated with sulfur.

Attention, TODAY only!

Beverages, including alcoholic ones, belong to the category of food products. And food products have an expiration date. Many people think that this does not apply to vodka. How can it go bad? It's alcohol and water. Alcohol itself is used as a preservative. Nevertheless, the question of the shelf life of vodka remains open.

Does vodka have an expiration date?

Rarely is a feast complete without vodka. But sometimes they buy it in reserve, “for a rainy day.” And no one can clearly say when it will come. There the bottle stands, waiting in the wings.

Consumers learn about the expiration date of food products from the information on the label. Vodka is no exception, but unscrupulous manufacturers do not bother themselves with this data. Shelf life of alcohol according to state standards in different time had different time periods.

When approaching the question of whether vodka has an expiration date, you need to remember the story:

  1. Before the collapse of the USSR, this drink could be stored for 1 year.
  2. Since 1991, vodka has become food product, which did not indicate an expiration date.
  3. In 2003, new GOST rules required entrepreneurs to indicate the maximum shelf life on the label.
  4. And since 2013, the storage of this product has become unlimited in time.

Do you know that…

Sometimes there is an inscription on the label stating that the shelf life of vodka is unlimited, and it can be stored for 1 year. This confuses buyers. On the one hand, it seems like there’s nothing to spoil, but on the other, you don’t want to end up in a hospital bed with poisoning.

What determines the shelf life of vodka?

The shelf life of vodka, like any product, depends on certain conditions:

  • from the composition;
  • on storage and transportation conditions;
  • from container.

Composition of the drink

When discussing the shelf life of vodka, you need to know its classification.

According to its composition, “white” is divided into simple and special:

  • Simple The alcoholic drink is prepared from ethyl alcohol and specially prepared water (spring or purified). Some manufacturers add it to certain brands of product. This vodka is harder to drink, has a pronounced smell of alcohol, but lasts longer if it contains high-quality ingredients.
  • Special called vodka with added components plant origin: herbs, fruits, berries. This is done to give the drink softness and drown out the harsh “aroma”. Over time, the fillers enter into an oxidation reaction with alcohol, which renders the vodka unusable. This product must be used within six months, maximum 12 months from the date of manufacture.

High-quality vodka has mild taste and a sweetish aftertaste; bitterness is unacceptable

Storage and transportation conditions

  • keep indoors without exposure to sunlight;
  • maintain storage temperature from -15 to +30 degrees;
  • maintain indoor humidity at 85%;
  • monitor the integrity and tightness of the packaging.

The shelf life of vodka directly depends on the transportation conditions alcoholic drink.

  1. Vodka, like any alcohol-containing liquid, does not tolerate temperature changes, so it is not transported in hot or cold weather. Optimal temperature It is considered 11-12 degrees Celsius.
  2. If the journey takes several days, the cargo is placed in refrigerators or insulated vans.
  3. Enclosed transport is used to prevent sunlight from entering.
  4. To maintain the integrity of the packaging, care is taken to firmly strengthen the products.

Storage containers

If you pay attention to the containers in which the “transparent tear” is placed on store shelves, you can conclude that the most suitable for it are glass bottles of various capacities. And it is right.

Do you know that…

Alcohol - Chemical substance. It enters into an oxidation reaction with both vegetable fillers and containers.

There is often a debate among consumers about whether vodka can be stored in a plastic bottle.

  • Ethanol actively interacts with this polymer, releasing into solution toxic substances. When they enter the human body, they cause severe poisoning.
  • For the same reason, you should not pour “white” into crystal or ceramic decanters, even for a short time.

Glass is least susceptible to change from exposure to alcoholic beverages

Tip of the day

Never use plastic disposable cups to drink vodka. Even in nature.

How to choose vodka in a store

Today's variety of alcoholic beverage products causes difficulties in choosing the right and quality vodka. What to look for? Here are some tips:

  1. Shop at specialized stores or large supermarkets. Small shops and kiosks may be located close to home, and the prices there are lower, but the assortment is not always of high quality. Stores selling alcohol will not risk their reputation.
  2. Look at excise stamp, which is glued evenly at the factory, numbers are applied indicating the region where the product was bottled. On the right vodka this information matches the information on the label.
  3. Container plays a big role. Manufacturers famous brands They use bottles that are original in shape and color with their names embossed on the container. The batch number and production date are engraved on the bottom.
  4. It is advisable to purchase a product with the expiration date of the vodka in the bottle indicated on the label.
  5. The label itself should be glued evenly, and the glue should cover the entire surface. The cap should fit tightly, not rotate, and not be deformed.
  6. The date of manufacture must be laser-etched so that the inscription cannot be erased. For “left” products, the inscription is made with a regular printer on back side labels.

Knowing these nuances, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from problems after the feast.

How to store vodka at home

Modern life dictates its own rules by which we celebrate holidays, celebrate anniversaries, and celebrate weddings. More and more often, people use cafes and restaurants for this purpose rather than their apartment. But for intimate meetings of friends and relatives, a cozy kitchen remains relevant to this day. And how can one not drink half a liter under good snack. The hospitable owner always has a supply of alcohol.

Storage in a closed bottle

Vodka can be stored for a long time, you just need to observe the conditions under which it will remain of high quality: it will not change the taste, smell, strength.

First of all, determine a place for it. If these are 1-2 bottles that will not be stored for long, then the following will do:

  • kitchen cabinet;
  • pantry;
  • bar for alcoholic drinks;
  • fridge.

Optimal conditions for storing alcoholic beverages

More bottles and more long time can be sent to the cellar or basement:

  • Sunlight should not penetrate into the room. Under its influence, the contents of the bottle will irrevocably lose value.
  • Pay attention to temperature regime. Keep it constant no matter how long the drink is supposed to be stored. It is better if it is 15-18 degrees Celsius.
  • The vodka should be in a vertical position so that the alcohol-containing liquid does not come into contact with the cork. Otherwise, during long-term storage it will be damaged, which will lead to leakage and evaporation of the contents, loss of strength, and changes in taste.

Do you know that…

Stoppers for vodka bottles come in metal, plastic, and wood. Alcohol has a negative effect on these materials.

Storing in an open bottle

It often happens that after holidays or ordinary get-togethers, unfinished alcoholic liquid remains in the bottle. At following conditions you can save the contents:

  • close the cap tightly so that the alcohol does not evaporate;
  • pour the remainder into a smaller container so that there is no contact with air in the bottle;
  • Place the bottle in the refrigerator in an upright position.

It is advisable not to store alcohol in an open bottle for a long time, because the oxidation reaction can cause the formation of sediment or cloudiness of the drink.

Tip of the day

Add to open bottle a pinch citric acid. It, as a preservative, will extend the shelf life of the drink. This will not affect the taste; the alcohol will even become softer.

Can it be frozen?

Everyone knows that alcohol does not freeze. And the composition of “white” includes not only alcohol, but also water. This is what will freeze if you place a bottle of strong alcoholic drink in the freezer.

  • If this is a special vodka, then the additives will also freeze. After defrosting, sediment will appear. And this will affect the strength of the drink.
  • A bottle of alcohol is placed in the freezer only for the purpose of quick cooling or for making cocktails.

Storage at temperatures lower than minus 15 degrees will change the taste and aroma of vodka, but mixed drinks this will make it more pleasant to use

Can I use it after the expiration date?

If you follow all the rules, the shelf life of vodka in a glass bottle will be long and safe.

From time to time, audit your alcohol stock and get rid of expired products. Before using such products, you need to pay attention to:

  • presence of sediment at the bottom of the bottle;
  • cloudy contents;
  • presence of foreign odor when uncorking.

If you have at least one of the listed points, you should not risk your health. Use low-quality alcohol leads to severe intoxication, even death.

Tip of the day

To avoid harm to your health, adhere to simple rule: always pay attention to the date of manufacture of the alcoholic drink and calculate the deadline for its consumption yourself:

  • for plain vodka, add 1 year to the date;
  • for a special one – 6 months.

The information received will help you avoid troubles, and festive feast will bring joy and satisfaction.

Store correctly and be healthy!

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Medical (ethyl) alcohol should be stored in a tightly sealed container made of material impermeable to volatile substances. For example, made of metal or glass. But just any material will not work. At home, you can use three-liter jars, rolled up, as for compote. Or put 1-2 layers under a regular lid aluminum foil so that there is no contact with plastic cover. Liter or half-liter juice jars will also work.

Filling of the container is no more than 75% of the volume. That is, three quarters of the air remains on top. The storage location should be cool - temperature from 8 to 15 degrees Celsius - and dark.

Shelf life

For very long storage, alcohol is placed in laboratory containers made of borosilicate glass with ground-in conical stoppers. For better sealing, the seam between the stopper and the neck is covered with molten paraffin. You can use containers made of food grade stainless steel 12Х18Н10Т or similar in characteristics, such as military flasks.

Is it possible to store alcohol in a plastic bottle?

Depends on the plastic from which the bottle is made, as well as the period. Only PET, PETE are suitable (marked as a triangle of arrows, number 1 in the center); PEHD, HDPE (number 2). There must be plastic food. For example, a bottle mineral water or even better - strong alcoholic drinks (whisky, absinthe, vodka, etc.). Yes, yes, they are also sold in plastic containers, mainly in duty-free. It is advisable not to leave alcohol in such a bottle for a long time, several days. Can be used for transportation. Pay attention to the markings on the cork - PET (1) or PEHD (2).

Prohibited materials

Or from galvanized steel, enameled cans, as well as in plastic containers marked PVC (3) - polyvinyl chloride; PE-LD, LDPE, PEBD (4); PP (5) – polypropylene; PS (6) – polystyrene; O (7) - others.

Crystal vases are also prohibited, even with ground stoppers. Crystal contains from 13 to 30 percent lead oxide.


For long-term storage alcohol (years), containers made of borosilicate glass or stainless food steel are suitable. The place is cool and dark.

For a period of no more than a year are allowed glass jars from under the juices.

For transportation within a couple of days, PET plastic bottles (PET, PETE (1) or PEHD, HDPE (2) are suitable. Within a few days, emissions from plastic do not reach dangerous concentrations.

Given the simplicity chemical composition of this alcoholic drink, special conditions Vodka does not require storage. At the same time, in order to avoid taste distortion under the influence of foreign odors or other similar factors, you need to know where to store vodka to ensure its safety. taste qualities.

How to properly store vodka

The main requirement for the place where you plan to store vodka is the absence of any type of lighting. Since basically this drink bottled in transparent bottles, exposure of vodka to light will result in an unpleasant aftertaste.

Briefly, the requirements for the place in which vodka can be stored are as follows:

  • Lack of light
  • Temperature from 5 to 20 °C
  • Relative humidity up to 85%

The period for which vodka can be stored in a glass bottle is virtually unlimited. But this condition applies exclusively to vodka without additional components. In particular, the shelf life of any vodka tincture usually does not exceed one year, and to guarantee the preservation of taste - no more than six months.

It is impossible to say unequivocally how long vodka can be stored without additives. According to most opinions, the guaranteed shelf life is about three years.

An essential condition for long-term preservation of suitability for drinking is storing vodka in a glass bottle. This material does not react with alcohol and provides the longest preservation original properties drink

Another requirement regarding how to store vodka is that the container is tightly sealed. Ethyl alcohol is a fairly volatile substance, so loosely sealed vodka will lose its strength over time.

How to store opened vodka

It is immediately necessary to clarify that storing vodka for a long time after opening is not recommended. Even a carefully screwed bottle will no longer be airtight, so the vodka may become saturated with foreign odors, which will negatively affect its taste.

Keep open vodka preferably away from products that have a strong or pronounced odor to prevent distortion of the taste of the drink itself. The first place to store an open bottle is the bar compartment in the closet, where there are no foreign products. In most cases, it is not recommended to store an open bottle for more than three months. After opening, to ensure maximum shelf life, the bottle should be tightly corked as soon as possible.

Store opened vodka in a bar or closet where there are no foreign odors. Shelf life 3 months.

The remaining requirements, where to store and how to store an open bottle of vodka, are identical to the general conditions given above.

How to store vodka tinctures

In general, the period for which vodka tincture can be stored is about one year. Since the substances contained in the products used to prepare the tincture react with alcohol, the tincture becomes unusable over time.

Thus, to preserve taste and prevent possible food poisoning, it is advisable to limit the shelf life of homemade tinctures to a period of one year.

Is it possible to store vodka in plastic containers?

Quite often the question of whether it is possible to store vodka in plastic containers is discussed. According to the results of recent studies, alcohol reacts quite actively with the plastic from which bottles are made, which leads to the accumulation of harmful substances in vodka and reduces its shelf life. Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to store vodka in plastic bottles will be negative.

The shelf life of vodka without additives is by and large unlimited, but taking into account production technology that is not always strictly followed, it is better to consume this product for three years from the moment of bottling.

A prerequisite is to store vodka in a glass bottle. When storing a drink in a plastic container, after a short time, as a result of a chemical reaction, sediment forms and the taste is distorted. Glass bottle is the best option for storing vodka due to the lack of reaction of this material with alcohol.