How to properly brew beer at home. Plum beer: recipes for low-alcohol drinks

How nice it is in the summer heat enjoy a cold, foamy drink such as beer. But it’s doubly nicer if it’s made with your own hands. After all, in this case you can be sure that the drink was made exclusively from natural ingredients with no preservatives or other harmful substances. This article will tell you how to brew beer at home, what ingredients and equipment you will need for a home brewery.

Most people have the opinion that to make a foamy drink you need special equipment, which costs exorbitant money. But this opinion is wrong. So how to brew beer at home? For brewing, the main thing is the ingredients, and the most common utensils that everyone has in their kitchen cabinet can be used. You don’t have to prepare the ingredients for the foamy drink yourself, but purchase ready-made ones from specialty store.

There are many recipes that include great amount components. But the classic recipe requires only a few ingredients, namely:

  • Yeast.
  • Hop.
  • Malt.
  • Water.

If you do it right. By maintaining the necessary pauses and strictly adhering to the recipe, you can get an excellent high-quality product with foam and unique taste. This drink does not require pasteurization or filtration. He has rich taste and contains only natural ingredients.

As already written above, brewing beer requires 4 ingredients. Yeast should only be purchased in specialized stores. After all, success in a home brewer depends on this ingredient. A beginner brewer can prepare hops and malt at home, but this will take a lot of time, so it is also better to buy them at finished form.

Malt: what is it?

Malt- nothing more than sprouted and then dried grains of a plant such as barley. The grains are contained in a hard husk, which is a natural method of filtration when making beer.

Quality malt must have White color, nice smell and don't drown in the water. If you taste the malt, it should be sweetish. Before using malt, it is ground in a special roller mill. In this case, the malt husk should remain intact.

You should know that to prepare a light, foamy drink, the malt must be air dried. In order to receive dark drink Caramel variety is added to the main malt in an amount of 10% of the total mass. The malt for the dark foamy drink is dried in the oven, lightly toasted.


All varieties of hops can be divided into 2 types:

  • Aromatic hops.
  • Bitter hops.

The hop variety is selected depending on the taste desired from the beer. If you want an aromatic foamy drink, then you should choose aromatic hops. Accordingly, bittering hops impart bitterness. The most important thing is that the hops are of high quality, because the density of the drink depends on it. Good hop cones should have a reddish or yellowish tint.

Yeast and water

This ingredient is the most important when preparing homemade beer. For these purposes, it is better to take special yeast intended for beer. If the home brewer does not find suitable ones, then you can use the most common ones. The main thing is that they are alive and dry.

Plain water It's absolutely not suitable from the tap. For brewing, use only purified water, such as filtered or spring water.

If there is none, then boiled water will do as a last resort. After all, if the water is of poor quality, then the beer will not taste good.

Ideal option purchased water will be available, thanks to which beer will be of excellent quality and taste. Another ingredient for beer is sugar, which should be taken at the rate of 8 grams per 1 liter of beer. It is necessary to saturate the drink with air bubbles. Some recipes offer glucose or honey instead of sugar.


Making a home brewer with your own hands is very easy because all the materials needed for brewing beer can be found in almost any kitchen.

For home brewing you should prepare:

  • saucepan volume 20 liters, coated with enamel. This pan will be used to boil the wort.
  • Capacity, which will be used to ferment the beer.
  • Thermometer. It is necessary for temperature control.
  • Gauze cloth about 5 meters long.
  • Bottle made of plastic or glass for finished beer.
  • Silicone hose. This item is necessary for pouring beer into a container, eliminating sediment.
  • Chiller necessary to cool the wort. You can use a homemade one by making it from a copper tube. You can also cool the wort in a bath filled with ice water.
  • Hydrometer- is an optional but useful thing. It can be used to determine the density and sugar content of the drink.
  • Water seal. You can make it yourself or buy it ready-made at a specialty store. It is necessary to remove excess carbon dioxide during fermentation and block the access of air to the container.

Brewing beer at home

Classic recipe for making beer at home

How to prepare beer at home so that it has excellent taste and high quality? First of all, the equipment is thoroughly washed and dried. You also need to take care of cleanliness own hands. Such sterility in a home brewer is necessary to prevent unnecessary microorganisms from entering the beer, which can spoil it and turn it into sour mash. Brewing beer at home requires a lot of time and patience.

Stages of making beer at home:

  1. Prepare all the ingredients, namely: 16 liters of water, 2.5 kg of malt, 22.5 g of hops and 12.5 g of brewer's yeast, as well as sugar at the rate of 8 g per 1 liter.
  2. Pour in enamel pan 12.5 liters of water and put on fire.
  3. As soon as the water temperature reaches 80 degrees, the malt, which was previously poured into a gauze bag, is immersed in it.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for 1.5 hours. The temperature at which the pause is maintained should not go beyond 65–72 degrees. To support such temperature regime, you should periodically turn the heating source on and off. This temperature is needed to saccharify malt. The result is a sweet wort.
  5. After 1.5 hours, turn up the heat, increasing the temperature to 80 degrees. Cook in this mode for another 5 minutes.
  6. The next step is to wash the malt in the remaining 3.5 liters of water. This water is then poured into the hot wort. By doing this, all the sugar from the malt will get into the wort.
  7. Bring the resulting wort to a boil and, as soon as foam has formed, remove it and add 7.5 grams of hops. The wort should be actively boiled for half an hour and after this time another 7.5 grams should be poured into the pan. hops
  8. In this composition, the wort is boiled for another 50 minutes, and then the remaining hops are added in an amount of 7.5 grams. After which the wort is boiled for 15 minutes.
  9. To make the beer tasty, the wort must be cooled very quickly after boiling. The cooling process should not take more than 30 minutes. The time spent on cooling affects the purity of future beer from unnecessary microorganisms. The pan with the wort should be transferred to a bath with cold water and lower to cool. Then the wort is poured through cheesecloth into another fermentation container.
  10. Next, add yeast to the cooled wort and mix well. If there are instructions written on a packet of yeast, then you should work strictly according to them.
  11. After all the above steps, the container with the future drink is placed in a dark place where the room temperature does not exceed 18–22 degrees. A water seal should be installed on the container. The wort is left in this state for 7–10 days.
  12. The future beer will begin to ferment in 6–12 hours. This process lasts 2–3 days. The water seal will release carbon dioxide. To determine readiness, you need to observe the wort. If there are no bubbles during the day, then it is ready for the next stage of preparation.
  13. Now the beer needs to be saturated with carbon dioxide to improve the taste and add foam. To do this, take a pre-sterilized bottle made of dark plastic or glass, and add sugar at the rate of 8 grams. per liter of drink.
  14. Next, the drink is poured from the pan into bottles with sugar through a silicone hose. At this point, you need to make sure that the hose does not touch the sediment, otherwise you will end up with a cloudy beer. You should not pour until the end, retreating 2 cm from the neck. Then screw the lid tightly. From this moment the second stage of beer fermentation begins, which will saturate it required quantity carbon dioxide.

To make beer highest quality, the bottles should be placed in a dark room with a temperature of 20–23 degrees and left to stand there for 3 weeks, but we must not forget about young beer. After the first week, shake the bottles periodically. As soon as the period of 3 weeks has passed, the bottles are transferred to a cold place. After cooling, the beer can be tasted

If you keep the bottles in a cool place for one month, the taste will become even better. The strength of homemade beer is 4–5%. Shelf life when unopened is 8 months. After opening - 2–3 days. Beer should be stored in a cool place.

How to make beer at home? For this you will need:

  • Pressed yeast - 100 gr.
  • Flower honey- 4 kg.
  • Hop cones - 65 pieces.
  • Water - 20 l.


  1. Pour 20 liters of cold and purified water into an enamel pan and add hops.
  2. Boil a container with water and hops for 2 hours over low heat.
  3. After 2 hours, the broth should be cooled to a temperature of 70 degrees and in small portions add honey.
  4. The resulting liquid is cooled to 25 degrees and then yeast is added.
  5. Cover the container, leaving it slightly open, and keep it in a room at room temperature for 6 days.
  6. On the 7th day, the young beer is bottled and placed in a cool, dark place.
  7. After a day, the bottles are hermetically sealed.
  8. In just 2 days, a novice brewer will be able to try his foamy drink.

Thanks to these recipes you can surprise your guests and loved ones for festive table, treating them to real beer. It is of high quality, great taste and does not contain artificial and harmful additives.

Attention, TODAY only!

Dark beer– an alcoholic drink that is produced through alcoholic fermentation of wort from barley malt, hops, and water. Unlike light beer, it is made from dark, or caramel, malt. Thanks to this technology, a drink of a pleasant color with a pronounced aroma and a bitter aftertaste is obtained.

It is believed that dark beer is always stronger than light beer, but this is not entirely true. Anyone familiar with beer production technology knows that The strength of this drink is related to the amount of malt used, and its color. The so-called “live beer” is very popular; this name often means unpasteurized beer.

Varieties and types

Dark beer has several varieties that originated a long time ago. True, there is no strict classification in brewing. So, in some countries, the intoxicating drink is divided into light and dark, in others it is classified according to the degree of fermentation.

The most famous varieties dark beer are:

El– beer produced in Great Britain and Belgium. Most types of modern beer are classified as ales.

Porter– dark beer, belongs to strong varieties (4.5-4.9%), has a characteristic wine flavor. Porter has a rich taste and a pronounced malt aroma. In the production of this type of beer they use burnt sugar and dark malt. It is believed that porter is always a strong beer, although the strength of English-made drinks is only 5%.

Porter was first produced by the English brewer Ralph Harwood (18th century). Initially, they planned to produce porter as a substitute for ale, which was so loved in the UK. Porter was intended as a drink for working people because it is very nutritious. Even the name “porter” is translated from English as loader.

There is an opinion that what is now considered distinctive features porter, was actually a kind of disguise in order to make the drink cheaper.

Yes, him dark color allowed to hide the cloudiness, and the bitterness of the malt masked the imperfect taste of the black beer. The porter received its signature sourness thanks to the addition of sour ale. The strength of porter was more a tribute to the times than the whim of the brewers who produced it. Beer was supplied to all the colonies of England, which means it should not spoil during transportation. The strength of the drink contributed to this.

Porter has several types:

Stout- an intoxicating drink derived from porter. It began to be brewed in Ireland as the darkest and strong look Porter The name “stout” is translated from English as “proud”. This type was first described by the brewer Arthur Guinness, after which all strong beers began to be called stout. Over time, it became a separate variety. Today, stout is produced much less strong than porter; it has a burnt taste and aroma of coffee. The British began to add oats when producing this drink, which had a beneficial effect on the taste of the beer: it became softer, with a nutty aroma.

Composition and beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of beer are determined by its composition. Spanish scientists have concluded that dark beer contains large quantity free iron than light. This is due to the fact that a certain amount of iron is contained in malt and hop extracts, which are necessary for the production of the intoxicating drink. Research has proven that the most a large number of iron is found in dark beers produced in Spain and Mexico.

Scientists now agree that it is much healthier to drink a moderate amount of dark beer than light or non-alcoholic beer.

How and with what to drink?

To feel true taste this intoxicating drink, you must adhere to some rules. So, it is better not to cool the beer too much, as this will negatively affect its taste qualities. Optimal temperature For the perception of beer, 12 degrees Celsius is considered.

This drink goes great with potato chips, shrimp, meat dishes, fish.

How to cook at home?

Dark beer can not only be bought in the store, but also prepared at home. For this we need very few ingredients: 2 kg of malt, 1.5 kg rye flour, 100 yeast, 200 g hops and 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.

To begin with, flour is mixed with malt and diluted with warm water until smooth. Beer is brewed in a pan, in the bottom of which you need to drill a hole to drain the wort. This hole is covered with gauze, and the mass resulting from mixing malt and flour is carefully transferred to a pan and placed in the oven. The dough should be well fried. The next day, it is doused with boiling water and the resulting wort is drained. The wort is poured into a saucepan.

Yeast is diluted in advance with water and sugar and added to the wort with hops. The liquid is left to ferment overnight, then the beer is bottled and sealed. Dark beer will be ready to drink in a week.

Use in cooking

In cooking, dark beer is used to prepare some dishes.

For example, you can make pork in dark beer. To prepare it you will need 1 kg of pork, a bottle of dark beer, onion, herbs, spices, starch. Pork is boiled in water with spices, then the meat is removed and beer is poured into the broth, boiled for 1 hour. high fire. Starch is diluted in a small amount of water and carefully added to the broth with beer, sugar is added, citric acid. The resulting sauce is poured over the boiled pork.

Pork is served with potatoes, legumes, and rice.

The benefits of dark beer and treatment

The benefits of beer have long been known folk medicine. This intoxicating drink is often used as natural remedy stimulating digestive processes.

A glass of beer, like any other alcohol, causes an increase in appetite.

Many people avoid drinking beer because of the risk of adding a few extra pounds. This is not entirely true, because The calorie content of dark beer is only 48 kilocalories per 100 g. If you don't bite it fatty foods or other high-calorie foods, you don’t have to worry about weight gain.

Harm of dark beer and contraindications

The drink can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance and excessive consumption. Beer is contraindicated for pregnant women, children, and people with chronic diseases.

Store-bought beer cannot be compared with a homemade intoxicating drink. Unlike ready-made surrogates, which are often produced by unscrupulous manufacturers under the guise of beer, there is nothing unnecessary and, especially, no chemicals in a homemade product. Alas, many have no idea how to brew beer at home without necessary equipment, knowledge and skills.

Meanwhile, the science of brewing is not so difficult to master and practical application as it seems at first glance. Can you learn how to brew beer using instructions and videos posted on the Internet? There are a lot of materials on this topic. Having studied the basic technology, prepare an intoxicating drink according to interesting recipes with a different set of ingredients, it will be simple and very exciting.

Brewing secrets

There are many varieties and varieties of homemade beer. IN classic version The basis of the wort is malt, hops, water and brewer's yeast. There are recipes in which you need to use honey to make beer at home, cornmeal, black pepper, molasses, Rye bread, berry or fruit jam, cereals, etc.

Experiments in this matter are welcome and encouraged. However, there are rules that must be followed strictly, regardless of the technology used and from what products live beer is brewed.

Can homemade beer be stored in glass bottles for up to a year, or in plastic containers? 2-6 months depending on the alcohol content of the drink. Storage conditions? dark room with low temperature, refrigerator.


Many people are hesitant to start producing beer at home, believing that without special equipment this is basically impossible. In fact, you don’t have to buy a home brewer to make your own intoxicating drink. You just need to choose the wort suitable for fermentation and heat treatment solution, buy special measuring instruments, inexpensive equipment for decanting, filtration, and bottling beer.

For work you will need:

The utensils, equipment, and tools involved in the process must be perfectly clean. It is advisable to disinfect containers before use. Regular detergents cannot be used to process equipment.

Brewing process

To brew beer, you first need to prepare the ingredients for the wort. Malt can be purchased or prepared at home. Purchase hops and brewer's yeast in a specialized store.

Proportions of beer wort components:

  • Barley malt? 3 kg.
  • Hops with alpha acidity 4.5% - 45 g.
  • Brewer's yeast? 25
  • Sugar? 8 g per liter of drink.
  • Water? 27 l.

Cooking technology:

The finished product is stored in the refrigerator for 6-8 months. You can try it right away, but it’s better to wait 25-30 days for the taste of the beer to become richer.

Homemade beer according to an old recipe with malt

Beer? one of the first alcoholic drinks that man has learned to do. One of old recipes, which has not undergone any changes to this day, involves the production of beer wort using traditional malt.

Everything is very simple, clear, accessible:

Fermentation lasts 7 days. The finished drink is decanted and bottled. Before use, keep it in the cold for another 2 weeks.

Homemade beer using unusual recipes

Juniper beer


  • Juniper berries? 16 kg.
  • Are the hops dry? 3 tbsp. l.
  • Brewer's yeast? 100 g.
  • Water? 35 l.

Crush the berries, add water, leave for a day in an open container. Strain the infusion and boil, skimming the foam from the surface.

Pour a little cold water into the berry mass, stir and squeeze. Add hops, Boil.

Mix the 1st and 2nd decoctions, cool until room temperature. Dilute the yeast according to the instructions and add it to the wort.

Leave to ferment in a warm, dark room. After fermentation is complete, pour the drink into bottles and place in the refrigerator. You can taste juniper beer within 24 hours.

English homemade beer

Wash oat or barley grains (1 kg) under running water, dry, and lightly fry in the oven. Grind the wort into crumbs, pour into an enamel pan, and add water heated to 65°C. Stir and let stand for 3 hours.

Pour the solution into a larger saucepan. Pour the malt with fresh water (72°C) for 2 hours. Drain and repeat the procedure, but this time fill the crushed grain with cold water. Drain after 90 minutes. Mix the drained solution with the previous two.

Dilute molasses (6 kg) in 12 liters of warm water. Combine with malt solution. Add 70 g of hops and boil. The drink must be stirred constantly so that it does not burn.

Turn off the heat and cool the solution. Enter in beer wort 1/3 cup yeast. Stir and leave in a warm room for fermentation.

When the wort stops actively fermenting, it needs to be poured into a barrel. Leave the container open for 3 days. Then seal the lid and leave it alone for 2 weeks. During this period, the wort will mature and homemade English beer will be ready for consumption.

Homemade beer made from dried fruits

Rye malt (8 kg) is simply poured with warm water and put on fire. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes. Dried fruits (pears and apples, 50 g each), and fresh juniper berries (2.5 kg) are added to the slightly cooled wort.

The mixture is placed in a wooden barrel. Top up to half the capacity water. The lid is clogged. A day later and every day during active fermentation, add a little warm water. In a week the barrel should be full.

Remove the cork from the lid of the barrel and cover the hole with a piece of gauze. I leave the wort in this form until it stops foaming. Once fermentation has stopped, the beer can be considered ready.

Moshnogorskoe beer


  • Barley malt? 2.5 kg.
  • Sugar? 600 g.
  • Brewer's yeast? 100 g.
  • Hop? a handful of.
  • Water? 19 l.

Grind the hops, mix with malt and sugar. Pour the mixture into 4 liters of water. Put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for 30 minutes.

Cool the wort to room temperature. Dilute the yeast according to the instructions and add it to the solution.

Pour the mixture into a barrel, add 15 liters of water, cover with gauze. Wrap the barrel and leave it alone for 4 days. Add a little burnt sugar to deepen the color of the beer.

Pour young beer into bottles. Seal and refrigerate for a few more days.

Moscow beer


The bread is cut into pieces, the yeast is diluted in a small amount of warm water, and the hop cones are scalded with boiling water. All dry components of the wort are simply placed in a large container (15 l), mixed, and transferred to a warm place.

After 5 hours, the mixture is poured into 10 liters of warm boiled water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for a day.

Drain the wort from the sediment, and pour another 2 liters of warm water into the remaining porridge. Stir and leave for 24 hours.

The beer wort is decanted again. Mix with the first solution, add 2 tbsp. l. baking soda.

The composition is stirred, kept in a closed container for 60 minutes, filtered and bottled. Store in the refrigerator.

Other Beer Recipes

You can brew at home not only traditional malt beer, but also an original intoxicating drink with a refreshing mint taste. For this you will need:

  • Black bread? 1 slice.
  • Fresh mint? 1 bunch.
  • Sugar? 3 glasses.
  • Yeast? 1 stick.
  • Vanilla sugar? 1 sachet.
  • Water? 3 l.

Cooking technology:

At the moment when fermentation is complete, the young beer is decanted, bottled, and stored in the refrigerator.

Beer with original taste cooked from beets. Peeled vegetable cut small pieces, add salted water and cook. During the cooking process, juniper berries and hops are added to the beetroot solution. Continue cooking for 2-3 hours, then cool the wort and add diluted brewer's yeast. Beet beer is fermented over a period of 2 weeks. It is then drained from the sediment and bottled for storage in plastic containers or glass bottles.

Using instructions from the cooking video traditional beer Using grain wort, you can prepare an unusual intoxicating drink from molasses. The taste of this drink is sweetish and unusually soft.

If you wish, you can experiment and brew beer at home based on ginger root, orange pulp and zest, sage and hops, pea pods, wine different vegetables, fruits and even milk. Diversity and the search for new flavors in home brewing are welcome!

Beer is considered one of the oldest drinks in the world. You won’t believe it, but recipes for making this drink have been known since the times of ancient Egypt. Below the cut, the author will tell you in detail how to make delicious beer at home. Feel like a brewer!

Brewing beer at home is not a particularly tricky thing, but in every sense it is godly. First of all, it's very tasty. Secondly, homemade beer made from natural raw materials gives an incomparably smaller hangover and the cumulative harm to health is also less. Thirdly, when you treat your friends and acquaintances, proudly declaring, “I cooked this myself,” then, seeing their round eyes, your ego swells to such a size that it prevents you from walking. For some reason, people believe that brewing beer is something between harsh alchemy and necromancy.

The first thing you need is a 40-liter saucepan or tank. It can be enameled, it can be made of stainless steel. Stainless steel is better, but more expensive. An enamel container is also okay, but three times cheaper. I bought this miracle for 2000 rubles. I barely found it, by the way. For home cooking, you can get by with pots of up to 50 liters. Then you need to buy more serious equipment, since carrying 50 liters of boiling water by hand is difficult and dangerous.

According to the degree of hardcore, home brewing can be divided into two types: concentrate and all-grain (grain).
In the first case, we have the wort ready, in the form of an evaporated concentrate. This is not chemistry. This is nothing like a natural product. Nowadays the choice of concentrates is very large, you can choose something for every taste. They cost around 800 rubles per can of 20 liters of finished beer.

In the second, we buy malt and mock it ourselves. There are, however, absolute perfectionists; they make their own malt from barley and prepare the water to achieve the required mineralization. Well, for example, if some beer is brewed in the English village of Fuckthishole, then it turns out mineral composition using local water and making it the same way. This is an over 80 level house. brewing For amateurs, it is enough to buy good water in a store or get it from a nearby well/spring/tap.

Next, you need to turn a banal saucepan into a mash brewer. You can use two containers, one for mashing, the second for cooking, but in an apartment, the less bulky trash, the less the wife swears. Which is important for a brewer. We go to the nearest construction market and purchase the necessary parts:

1. Half-inch brass fitting, plus two locknuts, plus two silicone gaskets, plus two fluoroplastic gaskets.
2. Ball valve with internal thread, also ½ inch.
3. American for soldering with a copper tube.
4. Angle fitting.
5. Three copper tees with a diameter of 15mm.
6. Four corners 15 mm.
7. Two meters of unannealed copper tube.
We drill a hole in the pan as low as possible (here, who has what kind of tool and handy skills), trying to damage the enamel as little as possible, and assemble the following structure:

First we place a silicone gasket on the wall of the pan, and a fluoroplastic gasket on it. Otherwise, the silicone nuts will tighten.

Well, the wort brewer is already ready. Now let's upgrade it to a mash. Here it is necessary to delve a little deeper into the theory.
Mashing is the process of keeping the mash (water + malt) at a certain temperature. This holding is called a temperature pause. During this time, enzymes contained in malt break down starch, which is a polysaccharide, into more simple sugars, edible for yeast. The enzymes involved in this process are the so-called alpha and beta amylases. According to the figurative expression of one of our colleagues, if you imagine starch as a tree, then beta-amylases bite small twigs(fermentable sugars) reach the fork of the branch and freeze, and the alpha chops at random into random pieces (non-fermentable sugars). The thing is that these enzymes are most active when different temperatures. Beta-amylase at 60-65 degrees, alpha at 70-75. Accordingly, if we let the beta work longer, we will get a wort of maximum fermentability, a high amount of alcohol, but a rather empty taste, because the yeast will convert all the sugars into alcohol and water. On the contrary, if alpha-amylases rule, then the beer will be dense, rich, but very light, because there will be practically nothing for the yeast to eat. By combining temperature breaks and achieving the desired balance between the body of the beer and the alcohol. Here, the theory is rough.
To turn our tank into a mash tank, we need to assemble a filter element. This, unfortunately, requires some hand-wringing.

To begin with, we take an American piece, a tee, a piece of copper tube and solder one to the other.

Soldering copper tubes is easy. You need solder, always lead-free, and flux. All this is freely sold in markets or plumbing stores. The solder is Sn97-Cu3. Soldering will not work without flux; the solder will simply drain from the copper. If you have a gas burner for soldering, that’s good; if not, a gas stove will do. We clean the surfaces, apply a thin layer of flux, put everything together and heat it up. When small droplets of tin appear on the parts coated with flux, we bring the solder wire to the joint and the tin itself will be drawn there under the action of capillary forces. Cool and voila. Just remember that copper has exceptional thermal conductivity; work only with a tool, otherwise a severe burn is guaranteed. Copper cannot be thrown from hand to hand like a coal; even a short touch will cause a burn.

Here is such a device of Satan.
The last thing you need to do is a cooler, or, as it is called, a chiller. Again we go to the market and buy 10-12 meters of annealed copper tube with a diameter of 10-12 mm and several meters (depending on how far the brewing will be from the point of connection to cold water) of any hose, plus a couple of clamps. The annealed tube, in contrast, is easily bent by hand. So we bend it, winding it around something that is suitable in diameter. Then, carefully, with a large radius, so as not to bend, we bring the end up. For rigidity, you can solder the turns to the vertical tubes, but I just tied them with copper wire (in hand-assing there should be “asshole”).

Now let's move on to what is problematic to do yourself.

1. Hydrometer AC-3. This garbage is needed to measure the density of the wort. It's possible without it, but it's better with it. Many people use refractometers for this, but I haven’t used them myself, so I won’t say anything.
2. Fermentation container. Now many online stores offer these 32-liter barrels with a water seal (4) and a faucet (5). Also with a scale and a glued liquid crystal thermometer. You can buy it like this, or separately. But, if in brewing stores this tank costs 300 - 350 rubles, then in offices selling plastic containers, it costs 160 rubles. A matter of taste and laziness.
3. Malt mill. This particular one is called Comfort-500, made at the state farm named after the 47th anniversary of Mao, it looks scary, metal processing is at the level of the Stone Age, but it costs one and a half thousand and does its job. The same one, but made in Belgium, costs 3,500. Advanced two- or three-roll mills already cost from 5 to 9 thousand. No coffee grinders, meat grinders or blenders will do. I'll explain why a little later. A rolling pin will do, but it will not be grinding, but the punishment of God and the seven plagues of Egypt.
4. ---
5. ---
6. Accurate digital thermometer with remote probe. Accurate at least within a degree. An absolutely necessary thing. The one in the picture I foolishly bought for 1,500 rubles. Then it turned out that you could buy a good Chinese thermometer for 300 rubles. On Avito.
7. Libra. You also need more or less accurate ones. If it's within a gram, then it's ideal. In the picture Energy-403 weighs up to 5 kg, there is a container function. Accuracy - grams. Well, that's what it says...

The last thing we need is a meter and a half of SILICONE hose for the fitting on the pan. I didn’t draw it, the hose and the hose are so transparent. It is needed to drain hot wort. PVC will not work; when heated, it stinks and releases all sorts of nasty things. What you need is a medical silicone hose suitable for sterilization. Where to get it depends only on your imagination.
That's all. A micro-brewery for the home, for the family, is ready. There are also all sorts of small things that make the process easier, but at first you can get by. The budget for all this disgrace ranges from 10 to 15 thousand.

Now, let's move on to the actual brewing of beer. I just want to clarify right away that in addition to equipment and ingredients, you will also need a lot of patience. The cooking process itself takes 6-8 hours, fermentation from 7 to 14 days, aging from a couple of weeks to a year. That is, even in the very simple case You will try your first beer no earlier than a month after brewing. But believe me, it's worth it.
And further important point. The room in which all this devilry is happening must be clean. No mold in the corners, no fermented milk products near. No animals. Wort is a super-nutrient medium for fungi and bacteria. Therefore, the cleaner the room, the less chance of contamination of the beer. I’ll write below about equipment disinfection later.
So, let's cook the Black Rhinoceros. This recipe, clearly in a state of enlightenment, was invented by a friend from a club house. brewers with the nickname Rhinoceros. The beer is dark. Therefore black.
We will need, based on 28 liters of finished beer (we are limited to a 32-liter fermenter):
Munich malt, Munich, with a color of EBC 25 (in stores there will be “Munich-25”) - 5.77 kg.
Melanoidin malt, Melano, EBC 80 – 0.87 kg.
Caramel malt, Cara, EBC 50 (you can use Cara-150, it will be darker and richer) – 0.35 kg.
Traditional hops, also known as Traditional – 20 grams.
Zatetsky hops or Saaz – 40 grams.
Yeast Fermentis Safale S-04 – one sachet about 11 grams.
First things first, the malt needs to be ground. We take out our hellish mill and go ahead. You can twist it with your hands, you can attach a screwdriver, I acted more cunningly and plowed my little one. Six kilos of malt will require half an hour of time with smoke breaks.

The trick to grinding malt is that you need to get not flour, but grains crushed into several parts and at the same time intact shells. This is why no coffee grinders are suitable. These shells, settling to the bottom of the mash, form a filter layer through which the wort is actually filtered. And it flows through our filter system of copper pipes. The cuts are small enough for the husk to slip through, but large enough for filtering to take a reasonable amount of time. Without this husk, the spent grain will quickly clog the slots and the wort will be filtered until the advent of democracy in North Korea. This is what ground malt looks like:

This recipe uses a single pause mash at 72 degrees. Above I talked about how temperature affects mash. So this beer should turn out “full-bodied” with a small amount alcohol. We put a filter in the tank, take four times more water (24 liters) relative to the amount of malt and heat it to 78 degrees; when adding malt, the temperature will drop to the desired 72. By the way, a degree here or a degree here is not fatal. But at more than 75, enzyme activity drops sharply. Overheat ninada.

Close the lid and wrap the tank in a blanket/padded jacket as tightly as possible.

We wait an hour and a half. 1 hour, 30 minutes. Patience... Patience...
While the malt is mashing, prepare the yeast. The yeast is dry - it needs to be rehydrated.
We take a jar, flask or something similar, sterilize it in boiling water and pour about 250 ml of boiled water into it. Water temperature is 20-24 degrees. Pour the yeast from the bag into it and plug the neck with cotton wool. Added dry yeast nutrients for the first time, so you can get by with just water. They will begin to wander there in half an hour.
An hour and a half passed. Now we need to carry out the so-called “iodine test”. Take a little wort with a spoon and drop iodine into it. If the color has not changed, it means there is no more starch in the mash, everything has been broken down into sugars. And this is buzz. If it turns blue, it’s not bad at all. You can also try keeping the wort under a blanket, but most likely this will not help. Although I have not yet seen high-quality imported malt turn blue after mashing on an iodine test.
Now it's time for a mystical process cleverly called mash-out. We put the tank on the stove and, stirring constantly - because it will burn, we bring the temperature of the mash to 78 degrees. Turn off the heat and keep it like this again under the blanket for 15 minutes. This is necessary to stop the activity of enzymes. The breakdown of starch stops.
During these 15 minutes, prepare the water for rinsing. This is such a special water, differing from ordinary water only in that it is heated to 80 degrees. When we drain the primary wort, a lot of sugars will remain in the grain. It's no good throwing it away good thing, so we’ll try to wash them out of there.

What is the hose for? The thing is that hot wort actively oxidizes upon contact with air. And this gives an off-flavor in the beer. To minimize contact with air, a hose is needed.
At first, the wort will be very cloudy - the husks have not yet properly settled to the bottom, so we return the first liters drained back. There is a subtlety here - it is important for us that a filter layer is formed, but by pouring the wort back into the tank, we will agitate the sediment again. To avoid this, we put a large plate on top, even if it sinks, everything will now pour onto it and will not disturb the grain.
Drain slowly. As soon as clean wort is released, we stop returning it to the mash and begin to take it into the fermentation room.

At the same time, we make sure that the grain is not exposed. As soon as it appears, add rinsing water. So, gradually, draining and adding, we need to collect 30-32 liters of wort. At the end, we stop pouring the rinsing water and simply drain everything that is there. The first part of the Marlezon ballet is completed. We throw away the spent grain, unscrew the filter, rinse the tank and pour clean filtered wort into it. And let it boil. 30 liters will take a long time to heat up, you can speed it up by covering it with a lid. But keep in mind that if you miss the moment of boiling, the wort will run away, and cleaning the stove from burnt sugar is hell and Israel. You will also hear from your wife a lot of interesting things about yourself, about beer and about the universe in general.
As soon as it boils, weigh out 20 grams of traditional hops and throw it in. These are bittering hops. Let it boil for 50 minutes. In total we need to cook for 90 minutes or an hour and a half. During this time, about 3-4 liters will boil away, everything unnecessary will evaporate with steam, some of the sugars will caramelize and the walls of the room will be covered with droplets of condensation.

Wash the fermentation chamber thoroughly, fill it with water and pour a bottle of 5% pharmaceutical iodine into it. We also throw a water seal with a stopper there and push in the fermentation lid. This is disinfection. Iodine decomposes quickly, so it does not leave any foreign odors or tastes. Instead of iodine, you can use special disinfectants; specialized stores sell them in disastrous quantities. Let's leave it like that.
After 50 minutes, weigh 20 grams of Zatec and add it to the wort. These are flavor hops.
15 minutes before the end of cooking, connect the chiller to cold water and lower it into the wort. This is so that it has time to sterilize with boiling water.

Five minutes before the end of cooking, add the remaining 20 grams of Zatec. These are the aroma hops. In total we will get about 20 IBUs (bitterness units). This is such a mild, pleasant bitterness.
We pour part of the wort into a 100 ml beaker, which I forgot to write about in the equipment, and separately cool it strictly to 20 degrees to measure the density. We put a hydrometer in there so that it floats and look at the value initial density(NP). In this recipe we need to get 13.5% NP. If there is more, you just need to add boiled water. If less, boil more. Although less is unlikely. In general, the output should be 28 liters.

(Here, unfortunately, is a photo from another brew; the hydrometer shows 14.5%)

Upon completion of cooking, turn on the water in the chiller and turn off the heating. The point of the chiller is that the wort must be cooled as quickly as possible from 100 to 20-24 degrees suitable for yeast. This copper spiral will do the job in about 15 minutes. If you take the tank to the bathroom and put it in cold water, it will take 40-50 minutes. And the longer the wort sits and comes into contact with air, the greater the likelihood of infecting it with “wild” yeast or bacteria, which fly around in abundance.

During these remaining five minutes, we run to the fermentation room and pour out the iodine solution. Those who wish can rinse with boiled water, but, in principle, this will do. Drain the cooled wort into a clean, disinfected fermenter. From a height of at least a meter.

The meaning of this action is that the wort, falling, is saturated with oxygen. Yeast, they are living creatures, they also need to breathe. For beers with a low initial gravity, such as this one, this method is suitable, but for high-gravity beers, additional aeration is necessary.
We take the yeast in a flask, by this time it will already give abundant foam and pour it into the wort.
We close the fermenter with a lid, insert a water seal (without pouring anything into it yet) and shake it for another five minutes for greater aeration. Again, shaking a 30 kg container is good exercise. We take the fermentation chamber to a dark and cool place and only then pour either vodka or boiled water into the water seal. If you immediately pour liquid, then at the first attempt to lift the fermenter, this liquid will immediately be sucked inside.
All. Now wait 14 days. And, another clarification: S-04 yeast requires a fermentation temperature of 18-25 degrees. If less, fermentation will be sluggish. If more, during the fermentation process they will release a bunch of esters, which will have an unpredictable effect on the taste and aroma of beer. Therefore, it is advisable to maintain this interval during fermentation.

Here they are, wandering around. Below - the previous cooking is standing, carbonizing.

Two weeks passed….
By this time, we went to the store and bought a pack of liter PET bottles with caps and a pack of glucose/dextrose. This sugar is better absorbed by yeast than the sugar we are used to and does not give a brown taste. Now is the time to bottle the “green” or “young” beer.
To begin with, let’s pour a little from the tap into a beaker and measure the final gravity of the beer (CF). I got 5%. Which, given the temperature at which we mashed (more non-fermentable sugars), is quite normal. From the table we find the alcohol content - 4.5%. A light and full-bodied beer, as expected.
In order for the beer to be saturated with carbon dioxide, you need to add a little glucose to each bottle, since everything in the wort has already been eaten. Having consumed this sugar in a closed bottle, the yeast will saturate the beer with gas. This is called “natural carbonation”, in contrast to artificial saturation with carbon dioxide under pressure in kegs. There's really no difference. In this recipe, comrade Rhino indicated 7 g/liter, so we will add 7 grams of dextrose or glucose to each bottle.
We open the fermentation chamber and enjoy the smell for a couple of minutes. Then we take our silicone tube (pre-disinfected) or a special siphon, fill it with boiled water and, holding one end with a finger, lower the other into beer. The siphon principle, yeah, the fermentation chamber should be higher than the bottles.
By the way, here, if you still use a tube, you need the help of another person, preferably homo sapiens. All these movements are meant to pick up the beer from above without touching the sediment, which will be 2-3 centimeters at the bottom.
Well, we remove our finger, wait for the water to pour out somewhere and the beer to flow out, and lower the tube to the very bottom of the bottle. Again, avoid excessive contact with air. We fill the bottle. When there are three or four centimeters left to the neck, squeeze the bottle, squeezing out the air and close the lid. And so many times.
When everything is poured, we leave these flounder-like bottles in a dark and not necessarily cool place. A week for carbonation. During this time, the yeast will eat the glucose, the bottles will inflate and turn to stone. By the way, this will also be natural preservation. There is nothing left to eat there, there is no oxygen, there is no contact with air. Beer in PET bottles can be stored quietly for six months (no longer is necessary, after all, gas exchange occurs through the pores of the plastic), and in glass for several years. After carbonation, the beer needs to sit for another month, but I started opening it within a week. I'm not made of iron. Although after a month of aging it undoubtedly became better. True, by that time half of the cooked food was left...

On the left is wheat, on the right is “Black Rhino”.

Well, that's all. This method does not claim to be the only correct one. I wrote it the way I did it personally. There are a lot of options here. But with this set of pans you can cook whatever your heart desires. But my soul is capricious and restless.

Some people don't like store-bought beer. They enjoy brewing beer at home. Companies and enterprises are engaged in brewing. There is a wide range of brands and varieties on store shelves. People love this drink.

Beer is a low-alcohol drink characterized by a bitter taste and hop aroma. This is the first drink created by alcoholic fermentation. The ancient Sumerians, who lived 9,000 years ago, brewed a drink from barley malt. According to assumptions, the predecessor appeared in the Stone Age. In those days, people made it by fermenting cereals.

Home brewing is popular today, because homemade drink Tastes better than store bought.

I'll tell you about the intricacies of cooking at home. Following these tips, you will prepare a treat in the kitchen. The main thing is to take necessary ingredients: brewer's yeast, malt, hops and water.

Some people buy special hops, I use homemade ones. I have “female” hops growing in my dacha, which I collect and prepare. Hops ripen in August. The collected raw materials are dried and crushed.

Malt represents sprouted grains of wheat, barley or rye. I use barley. I brew beer from grain or malt extract. It’s not easy to grow malt; I buy it at the store.

Video tips

Classic recipe

To prepare beer, you will need a spacious vessel for wort, a fermentation container, a thermometer, a water doser, a wooden spoon, a siphon tube and, of course, bottles with corks.


  1. I pour three liters of water into a saucepan, add a kilogram of sugar, stir and bring to a boil. Place the container with malt extract in heated water for 15 minutes.
  2. Upon completion of the procedure, pour malt extract into the fermentation vessel and sugar syrup. I stir.
  3. I pour 20 liters of pre-filtered water into the same vessel. The main thing is that the temperature of the solution is suitable for fermentation. It's 20 degrees.
  4. I add yeast. The procedure is very responsible; the quality of the fermentation of the wort determines homemade drink. Brewer's yeast is sold together with malt extract.
  5. I pour the yeast into the container with the wort evenly and as quickly as possible. It is not recommended for the future drink to come into contact with air for a long time.
  6. I close the lid of the fermentation vessel tightly so that air does not get inside. Then I install a water dispenser - a rubber stopper that closes the hole in the lid. I pour chilled boiled water into the device.
  7. I move the closed vessel into a dark room with a temperature of 20 degrees. I age the wort for a week. I do not open the lid during fermentation.
  8. After the specified time has passed, I bottle it and add hops - natural flavor. I put a few hop cones in each bottle, and only then do I fill the bottles.
  9. I add sugar to each bottle at the rate of two teaspoons per liter. After the bottle, I cork it, shake it and leave it in a cool place for 14 days to ripen.
  10. After this period, the homemade foamy drink is suitable for consumption.

If you're tired of store-bought beer or don't trust modern producers, use my recipe. By the way, you can give a glass of homemade beer to your guests as a New Year's gift.

Recipe for brewing beer from hops

The taste of homemade beer will surprise you, since it differs from store-bought beer; homemade beer has a different level of quality.


  • yeast - 50 gr.
  • boiling water - 10 liters
  • dry hops - 100 gr.
  • sugar - 600 gr.
  • molasses - 200 gr.
  • some flour


  1. I grind hops with flour and sugar.
  2. I pour the resulting mixture into a vessel with 10 liters of boiling water, stir and leave for three hours.
  3. I filter the liquid and pour it into a barrel. Add yeast and molasses to this and mix.
  4. I leave it to wander. No more than three days.
  5. Then I pour it into clean bottles and seal it.
  6. All that remains is to send the beer to a cold place for one week to ripen.

How to make beer from bread

European monks began brewing beer in the 12th century. Later, their Russian colleagues borrowed the cooking technology. For a long time, home brewing was prohibited in our country, but with the advent of democracy, this opportunity became available to everyone.

I’ll look at two time-tested methods of making homemade beer, and you, choosing a convenient option, will prepare a wonderful nectar.

Preparation is divided into 3 stages: cooking, fermentation and ripening.

You can buy a mini-brewery and special beer wort to simplify the brewing procedure.


  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • malt - 400 gr.
  • crackers - 800 gr.
  • hops - 200 gr.
  • yeast - 35 gr.
  • water - 13 liters
  • peppercorns


  1. In a large bowl I mix 100 grams of sugar, 400 grams of malt and twice as much butter crackers.
  2. I pour boiling water over two hundred grams of dry hops and add a few peppercorns.
  3. I dilute 35 grams of yeast in 6 liters of heated water and add a mixture of pepper and hops. I stir.
  4. I leave the container with the resulting pulp in a warm room for a day. I don't cover it with a lid. Then I add 100 grams of sugar and pour in 4 liters of heated water.
  5. I put the dishes on low heat and cook for 4 hours. It shouldn't boil.
  6. The next day I repeat the cooking. Afterwards, I drain the liquid and add 3 liters of boiled water to the slurry.
  7. After 60 minutes, I drain the liquid again and add it to the first decoction. Then I boil the wort, skim off the foam and strain.
  8. I bottle it and seal it tightly. Two weeks of aging in a cool place and homemade beer is ready.

Video of brewing real grain beer

Homemade instant beer


  • malt - 200 gr.
  • hops - 200 gr.
  • yeast - 35 gr.
  • water - 10 liters


  1. I mix two hundred grams of grated hops with the same amount of ground malt. I pour the resulting mixture into a linen bag.
  2. I pour boiling water in a thin stream through the bag into a large container. I mix the grounds in a bag, filter and cool 10 liters of solution.
  3. I add 35 grams of yeast diluted in warm water to the container with the solution. I leave it to ferment for two days.
  4. Afterwards the yeast will sink to the bottom. I bottle homemade beer and seal it.
  5. I put the bottles in the refrigerator for 4 days.

Own home brewery

Now you can prepare the drink at home. You are convinced that this does not require special equipment. What to drink it with, decide for yourself. In my opinion, homemade beer goes well with