The truth about ethyl alcohol. Alcohol has a negative effect on the body that is similar to poison.

Under the influence of active and aggressive anti-alcohol policies, many people have the opinion that alcohol is a terrible poison. And that it necessarily has a harmful effect on internal organs and deforms the psyche - alcoholic psychopathization of the personality occurs. And, it seems, this is really so. There are many examples of people dying due to alcohol poisoning - quickly or slowly.

But it is well known that this does not always happen. That there are a lot of examples where people abused alcohol for DECADES (!) and nothing was done to them. And the psyche of these people did not undergo any special changes (they retained social connections, family, work). And these people cannot rightly be called alcoholics!

I've talked to pathologists who say that some alcoholics who die from non-alcohol-related causes (such as being hit by a car) internal organs were completely unchanged. In other cases they were like those of babies! And these facts do not fit into the standard criteria for the effects of alcohol on the body.

Although, I must admit, IN MOST CASES, alcohol has a severe impact on health drinking man, primarily affecting parenchymal organs (liver, kidneys, spleen). In the overwhelming majority of cases, the body of alcoholics ages faster than usual - if you intensively exploit the body, you age intensively.

Intelligence as a guarantee of the Constitution?

It has also been noted that among the creative intelligentsia, even those who drink heavily and for a long time, cases of social maladaptation and personal degradation appear much less frequently than among the general population.

Oh people! You all look like the ancestor Eve:

What is given to you does not entail;

The serpent is constantly calling you

To yourself, to the mysterious tree;

Give me the forbidden fruit,

And without him, heaven is not heaven for you!

A.S. Pushkin

Highly educated people have a much wider range of personality than people with primary education. In addition to work and vodka, they have a desire to achieve something in life, they have a working thought, various interests, hobbies, etc. As a result, it is quite difficult for vodka to occupy too large a part of the interests of such people. And, as a result, they do not show obvious signs of alcoholic psychopathization for a long time. Although they, with due “diligence,” can still bring themselves to a bestial state.

A normal person is interested in many things in life. Work, family, creativity, relaxation, communication with friends, nature, animals - these are all facets of full-fledged mental activity. But for a heavy drinker, all these areas gradually lose ground to alcohol.

Alcohol gradually takes up more and more space in the human psyche, displacing all other human desires. As a result, a person begins to live, as it were, in an alcoholic atmosphere - his whole life is connected only with an intoxicating potion. The entire human psyche, like a huge steamroller, is crushed by alcohol. There is simply no time or space left for anything else. And this is called alcoholic psychopathization, i.e. a kind of deformity of character develops.

This happens because the nerve cells responsible for the most differentiated functions of the brain, which make people civilized beings, are the first to be affected by alcohol. And the person gradually returns to the bestial state, bestial interests, bestial behavior. He develops tactlessness in behavior, the prevalence of his narrow selfish goals and interests to the detriment of the interests of even very close people, and rude alcoholic humor.

Such people talk only about vodka, humor only about vodka, worries only about whether he will find money for her today, dear. Often, as a result, after some time, only an appearance, an outer shell, remains of a person.

It's no secret that alcohol is poison for the human body.

It negatively affects all organs and systems as a whole. Even small dose alcohol products slowly but surely leads to various kinds of pathologies. And for a person who drinks strong drinks every day, everything can end in death.

The components of alcohol products come into contact with the constituent elements of cells in the body, which are called membranes. As a result, their permeability is impaired: beneficial substances and elements are not able to be absorbed normally, and a person does not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Such a negative effect leads to cell dysfunction, which means it has a bad effect on all systems and organs as a whole.

At the same time, alcohol improves the permeability of other elements. Consequently toxic substances penetrate into the circulatory system and various organs. Drinking does the most damage to the brain.

People who abuse alcohol often suffer from dementia, memory loss and other pathological conditions that are associated with the functioning of the thinking organ.

Amino acids - substances responsible for protein synthesis. When hitting human body ethyl alcohol, this element comes into contact with them. As a result, harmful components are formed that interfere with the formation of amino acids. This leads to the body losing useful substances, which is disastrous for him.

Ethyl alcohol takes away water from the body.

This phenomenon leads to the following unpleasant consequences:

  1. dehydration of the body;
  2. metabolic disorder;
  3. constant feeling of thirst and dry mouth;
  4. increased fatigue;
  5. dysfunction of certain organs that are responsible for urine output.

Alcohol provokes a feeling of euphoria. When toxins break down in the body, a toxic enzyme, aldehyde, is formed. When it enters the circulatory system, it not only causes euphoria, but also leads to delirium, mental disorders, depression, etc.

Toxic effects of alcohol products

Alcohol for your own negative impact on the body, similar to poison. As a result of the negative effects of alcohol, the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems are severely affected.

The toxic elements of ethyl alcohol have the worst effect on these organs and systems, since they come into contact with the cells in them. They are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, enter the circulatory system, and penetrate with the blood into the heart and brain.

Intoxication with toxic elements of alcoholic products begins already at the moment when they penetrate the body. After this, for half an hour or an hour, toxins will remain in all organs and systems of the body. The highest concentration is observed in the brain. In smaller quantities in the pulmonary, renal organs, spleen, and liver.

Only 5-10% of alcohol entering the body is excreted unchanged. 90-95% are connected to metabolism and have their harmful effects.

Negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract

Alcohol is a poison for the body that does not require the formation of gastric juice for absorption. As a result, ethyl alcohol toxins naturally penetrate into the circulatory system. The speed of intoxication directly depends on how quickly alcohol penetrates the circulatory system.

Ethanol is absorbed faster in the intestines than in the stomach. Many people believe that if you eat a large meal before drinking strong drinks, the harmful effects of alcohol will be much less (there will be no poisoning, severe intoxication, hangover in the morning, etc.). It's a delusion.

When ethanol mixed with food, it is found in the stomach more long time. Until the food is digested and enters the intestinal tract. After this, ethanol begins to be absorbed and enters the circulatory system.

Alcohol products cause swelling in the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract. If you drink every day, even when not large quantities, this will lead to duodenitis, atrophy of the mucous membrane, gastritis and peptic ulcer. In addition, ethyl alcohol provokes contraction of the intestinal walls, which causes diarrhea.

When alcohol toxins enter the pancreas, its cells are damaged. As a result, pancreatitis (inflammatory process of the pancreas) develops. Due to this pathological condition, insulin production is disrupted.

Most of the toxic substances, after absorption in the intestines, enter the liver for processing and elimination.

Liver- This indispensable assistant for the body. It acts as a filter.

Due to the fact that the liver organ directs all its forces to the processing of ethyl alcohol, it ceases to cope with its main function - the breakdown of lipids. As a result, they accumulate and after a certain amount of time degenerate into fat deposits. This pathological process leads to liver cirrhosis and fatty degeneration.

Negative effects on the heart and blood vessels

After the elements of alcoholic products enter the circulatory system, they provoke the clumping of red blood cells. The elements stop coping with their tasks. This leads to a pathological condition called “hypoxia” (lack of oxygen).

Besides, alcoholic products renders the following negative impact on the cardiovascular system:

  • decreased production of leukocytes in the blood;
  • slow response of the system to the formation of new antibodies;
  • poor mobility of granulocytes.

These pathological conditions lead to dysfunction of hematopoiesis and change the composition of the blood fluid. This provokes disruption of the functioning of the entire organism as a whole.

With the blood flow, ethyl alcohol penetrates the heart. As a result, its rhythm is disrupted, intravenous pressure decreases or increases, and pulsation decreases. This pathological process provokes a greater need for oxygen, but as a result of hypoxia this does not happen.

Abuse of alcoholic beverages causes hypertension and heart failure. In addition, blood circulation in the brain is disrupted and blood clots form. Such a process can pose a serious danger to humans. Up to and including death.

Negative impact on other systems

As mentioned earlier, ethyl alcohol has a detrimental effect on the central nervous system. Its toxins provoke its increased excitability. When intoxicated, disturbances occur in the cerebral cortex. And also in the respiratory system.

When ethanol penetrates the genitals, the production and composition of seminal fluid is disrupted. This can provoke reproductive dysfunction - infertility. In addition, the risk that the child will be born with deformities and serious health problems greatly increases.

Also, if a mother abuses strong drinks during lactation, ethanol, entering the baby’s body during feeding, causes various kinds of diseases and retardation in physical and mental development.

When intoxicated with ethyl alcohol, DNA cells are damaged. As a result, the risk of developing malignant neoplasms increases. Moreover, such a pathological process occurs even at small doses - 15-30 ml. Cancer, in most cases, leads to fatal outcome. In order to somehow alleviate the patient’s condition, chemotherapy is needed - treatment with poisons.

Myths about alcohol products

Most people, in order to justify their abuse of strong drinks, have come up with many myths about alcoholic beverages.

What do you call frequent drinking of alcohol and unwillingness to fight it?

Alcoholism that needs to be treated.

And so, myths about alcohol products:

  1. Small doses are not capable of causing significant harm, and in some situations they can even have a beneficial effect on the body. Regular drinking of strong drinks, even in small quantities, can develop alcohol addiction. As a result of physical craving for alcohol, there is a need to increase the dosage. Alcohol has no healing properties. It has been scientifically proven that if a person drinks regularly, even in small quantities, his degradation occurs after 3-4 years.
  2. Alcohol improves appetite. Ethyl alcohol, especially on an empty stomach, provokes inflammation in the mucous membrane. The production of gastric juice and necessary enzymes is disrupted. This is why the illusion of a good appetite is created.
  3. Alcohol relieves stress and calms you down. This opinion arises as a result of the euphoria that occurs after consuming the “green snake”. But it won't last long. After a certain time, depression will worsen, and a feeling of guilt will appear.
  4. Alcohol improves performance. When you are intoxicated, it only seems to you that you have begun to think better and your performance has increased. In reality, creativity and thinking abilities are inhibited.
  5. High-quality alcoholic products are not capable of causing harm. Any strong drink has Negative influence on the body. Regardless of its quality. But when drinking cheap alcohol, the negative effects are aggravated due to the additives and impurities it contains.

Alcohol - it is a poison that causes many diseases. And if you consume it in large quantities, you will slowly but surely die.

It is very important to understand that you are addicted to alcohol. This disease needs to be treated. And therapy will be effective only if the patient accepts his illness and wants to be cured of it.

And he continues to live, he loses his mind, because when the brain is inactive, the source of thought dries up.

In ancient times, as is known, drunkenness was fought not only through legislation. Roman poets also made a significant contribution to this. For example, Propertius, who lived in the 1st century BC. e., is expressed very strictly: “Oh, cursed be the one who first squeezed out of the grape brush and who in clean water poured in seductive nectar!”

There is, perhaps, no organ in the human body on which alcohol would not have a destructive effect. In alcoholics, the activity of the brain, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys is seriously impaired, and metabolism is disrupted.

Why is Bacchus portrayed as obese and effeminate? It turns out that the god of wine paid for this with weakness.

Since it is easily soluble in water, it is immediately absorbed digestive tract and along with the blood is distributed throughout the body. The penetration of alcohol into the bloodstream may be slowed if there is food in the stomach. But even under exactly the same conditions, in some people alcohol quickly penetrates the circulatory system, while in others it penetrates slowly. This difference is to some extent due to heredity.

When alcohol spreads throughout all tissues of the body, the body begins to eliminate it in various ways. . The same thing happens in the kidneys. Only 10 percent of alcohol is excreted by the respiratory system and in the urine.

In the human body, alcohol is oxidized by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (other enzymes, such as catalase, are also involved in this process) and turns into acetaldehyde. This process occurs mainly in the liver. And the effect of acetaldehyde on the body is extremely unfavorable and is usually accompanied by vomiting and dizziness.

Deeper, the research of scientists from the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the USSR Academy of Sciences helped. Using an electron microscope, they were able to see the affected nerve cells of the brain and find out the mechanism of diseases of the central nervous system caused by alcohol poisoning.

As you know, after drinking alcohol a person not only loses the ability to think logically, but after sobering up he cannot even remember what happened to him yesterday. This effect has long been known to scientists; only its reasons remained unclear. Studies at the molecular level have explained this phenomenon.

Using an electron microscope, you can see that the capillaries of the brain are surrounded by intermediate cells - astrocytes, which are like a link between the capillaries and nerve cells. When alcohol enters the blood, dehydration begins in the capillaries. The outflow of fluid into astrocytes causes their swelling, which causes increased intracranial pressure. Hence the headaches the day after drinking alcohol.

Since capillaries supply oxygen to tissues, their dehydration that occurs during alcohol poisoning, causes hypoxia - oxygen starvation. As a result, a person experiences pale skin and chills. The hop wears off, and the alcoholic begins to feel thirsty - a consequence of hangover syndrome associated with blood dehydration. With chronic alcohol consumption, pigment characteristic of old age accumulates in the nerve cells of the body.

When it comes to the effect of alcohol on internal organs, the first thing that comes to mind is its toxic effect on the liver. Statistics, in particular, show: in people who abuse alcohol, cirrhosis of the liver occurs 7 times more often than in non-drinkers.

It is not for nothing that the liver is called the main chemical laboratory of our body. It passes about 720 liters of blood per day. Moreover, this process is far from mechanical: 300 billion liver cells - hepatocytes - tirelessly process chemical and biological “raw materials”, transforming one substance into another. Here, in the liver cells, many toxic substances produced in the body or entering it from the outside are neutralized. Here the main chemical transformations of the constituent elements of food take place; All substances that are absorbed into the blood from the stomach and intestines are processed by liver enzymes.

Alcohol is no exception: the entire cycle of its chemical transformations is carried out with the participation of cellular liver enzymes. But the breakdown products of alcohol formed during its oxidation disrupt the finely balanced metabolic processes occurring in hepatocytes: in particular, fat metabolism is grossly distorted.

Through research, it was possible to establish that even a single dose can lead to serious changes in the function of liver cells. True, in a healthy body, thanks to its high compensatory capabilities, these disorders are quickly eliminated. But the more frequent and massive the alcohol attacks, the greater the number of hepatocytes involved in the pathological process. The first phase of alcoholic liver damage begins - obesity.

In people addicted to alcohol, all structural components - cell organelles - are deformed, the cytoplasm is almost entirely filled with fat, and the nucleus is shifted to the periphery. The cell increases in size, but its useful, working area decreases. “Obese” hepatocytes are unable to perform their functions. If in the initial stages of liver damage there is increased activity of alcohol dehydrogenase, the main enzyme that decomposes alcohol, then subsequently a decrease in its activity occurs, which is explained by cell depletion. In the liver, not only metabolic processes deteriorate, but its barrier function also suffers. Doctors know of cases where fatty degeneration of liver cells caused sudden death.

However, pure fatty liver disease is very rare. As a rule, it is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the liver tissue - creating a favorable background for the development of alcoholic hepatitis. Dull, painful, aching pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, and aversion to food appear. At an early stage, when the inflammatory process has not gone too far, it is possible to achieve partial and sometimes complete normalization of the structure and function of the organ (this applies equally to obesity). In this case, the time factor plays an important role: the less “experience” of alcohol abuse, the greater the hope for recovery.

The main thing in the tactics of combating alcoholic hepatitis is eliminating the root cause of the disease, which means a categorical refusal of alcohol, including wine and beer. If a person continues to drink (even occasionally and little by little), the liver cells, unable to withstand chronic alcohol intoxication, die. Liver cirrhosis develops. Connective tissue takes the place of dead cells, and the liver becomes covered with scars.

Connective tissue cords deform the hepatic lobules, as a result the architectonics of the vascular bed changes and the liver capacity decreases. Blood begins to stagnate in the blood vessels of the stomach, esophagus, intestines, and pancreas; preconditions are created for rupture of the walls of blood vessels and internal bleeding.

A liver affected by cirrhosis ceases to be “the body’s most faithful guardian” (as the great Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov called the liver). Its functional potential drops sharply, which leads to various pathological changes in metabolism, digestion, and blood circulation, because these complex processes of the body’s vital activity are directly dependent on the activity of the liver.

Research shows that when the liver is damaged by cirrhosis, protein metabolism is disrupted, which has the most unfavorable effect on the composition of the blood. At the same time, the body’s defenses decrease and its susceptibility to various diseases increases.

Carbohydrate metabolism also suffers, due to which the blood sugar level increases, less glycogen is formed in the liver, and the absorption of carbohydrates by body tissues becomes more difficult.

It is known that the liver plays an important role in the regulation of blood coagulation and anticoagulation systems. In alcoholics, the imbalance of these systems is expressed in different ways: some experience bleeding easily, while others experience blood clots, which leads to blockage of blood vessels.

Research in recent years has made it possible to trace a direct connection between light but systematic drinking and liver damage. Numerous data indicate that fatty liver disease breaks down on average after 5-10 years of alcohol abuse, cirrhosis - after 15-20 years. This is worth thinking about.

Alcohol begins to enter the blood one to five minutes after it is taken and circulates through the bloodstream until complete disintegration for five to seven hours. And all this time the heart works in extremely unfavorable conditions.

As a result of the effect of alcohol on the autonomic nervous system, the pulse quickens: instead of 70-80 beats per minute, as is usually normal, it reaches 100. At the same time, the strength and speed of contraction of the heart muscle (myocardium) decreases, since alcohol is a cardiac depressant - a substance that suppresses and inhibiting the activity of the organ. The duration of each contraction (systole) increases due to the rest phase (diastole). And as you know, the moment of relaxation is extremely important: it is during this time that the energy necessary for the next heart contraction is accumulated. In this case, this does not happen: without having time to rest and accumulate energy, the myocardium is forced to start working again.

Almost healthy people After a single dose of strong alcoholic drink, the content of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood increases significantly. It is well known that the increased release into the bloodstream of these biologically active substances characteristic of stressful situations and mental experiences. Under the influence of adrenaline and norepinephrine, oxygen consumption by the heart muscle sharply increases, nutrients. If the coronary vessels are able to provide increased blood flow to the myocardium, then disruption of the heart does not occur. However, the matter takes a different turn when the capabilities of the arteries of the heart are limited by disease (for example, atherosclerosis) and cannot be delivered through them. required quantity blood: there is a risk of acute coronary insufficiency. To provoke it, sometimes even a small amount of alcohol is enough, and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases should always remember this.

(in moderation, of course) although, as a rule, it does not end in disaster, it does not pass without a trace. In an experiment on animals it was found that acute alcohol intoxication grossly distorts metabolic processes in the elements of the cell nucleus - mitochondria. When intoxication is repeated repeatedly, pathological changes in metabolism become sustainable and spread to other elements of the cell; Calcium metabolism, which is very important for muscle contraction, is disrupted, and the permeability of cell membranes increases. Fats begin to accumulate in the heart muscle, and protein reserves are depleted. Myocardial cells die, as a result, the integrity of muscle fibers is disrupted. For example, in monkeys that were regularly injected with alcohol, degenerative changes in muscle fibers appeared after just three months. And in the place of dead active fibers, connective tissue grows, incapable of contraction, which significantly reduces the functionality of the heart.

True, for some time, despite serious changes in metabolic and energy processes and muscle structure, the heart continues to work due to compensatory capabilities without noticeable impairment of its basic functions. However, its reserves are not unlimited; if alcohol abuse continues, the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Statistics show; in people who abuse alcohol, certain diseases of the cardiovascular system are observed 2.5 times more often than in non-drinkers. The most common of them is alcoholic cardiomyopathy, characterized by pain in the heart area, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat. A person gets tired quickly, his performance decreases. Painful phenomena increase gradually. First, the flabby heart muscle that has lost its elasticity (after all, a significant part of it is made up of dysfunctional connective tissue) ceases cope with increased load: fast walking, running, climbing stairs cause shortness of breath. Then shortness of breath appears during quiet walking and, finally, at rest. This is how heart failure gradually develops, heart rhythm disorders arise, including such dangerous ones as fibrillation and atrial flutter, the conduction of impulses causing myocardial contraction is disrupted.

It has been proven that cardiovascular diseases in people who abuse alcohol are much more severe than in non-drinkers. This primarily applies to coronary heart disease. Heart failure is often preceded by the consumption of alcoholic beverages. In addition, in people who abuse alcohol, myocardial infarctions differ in depth and extent.

An epidemiological study of several thousand people in the Chicago area over several years showed a link between alcohol consumption and the development of hypertension. In persons who consumed significant quantities of alcoholic beverages, systolic pressure was 8.5 millimeters of mercury and diastolic pressure was 4.7 millimeters above the average level. Mortality from all causes among these persons was 4 times higher than among moderate drinkers. and significantly higher from cardiovascular diseases.

Alcohol also affects the cerebral vessels, as well as those mechanisms that regulate their tone, their adaptation to the various needs of the body. The results of many statistical studies indicate that damage to the cerebral vessels is observed in alcohol abusers 4-5 times more often than in non-drinkers.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels develops earlier than healthy people, and it is more severe, malignant, with severe mental disorders.

There is now no doubt that alcohol is now generally accepted as a risk factor for stroke. This is evidenced, in particular, by the results of so-called epidemiological studies, when the largest possible group of the population is taken under observation, in which at the beginning of observation there are no patients with vascular diseases of the brain. And then for several years (5-10-20) each case of cerebral stroke is taken into account. At the end of the observation period, the incidence of diseases is compared in those who had exposure to the studied risk factor (alcohol) and in those who did not. These comparisons are then processed statistically to determine the significance of the differences obtained.

Similar studies, in particular those conducted by Japanese scientists, have confirmed that there is an undoubted connection between alcohol abuse and the development of stroke caused by cerebral hemorrhage. This dependence is also confirmed by the study of stroke patients treated in inpatient settings. The number of patients who abused alcohol among all patients treated in neurological departments for stroke ranges from 20 to 80 percent.

Most often, in alcoholics, this disease develops either during the period of intoxication, or in the first hours and days after it. According to statistics, in 2/3 of patients, stroke symptoms appeared on the second day after acute intoxication. This incidence of stroke immediately after drinking alcohol is explained by the effect of alcohol and its breakdown products on the mechanisms of regulation of cerebral circulation.

Drunkards are more likely to experience cerebral hemorrhage and recurrent strokes than non-drinkers.

Alcohol sharply increases the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, which increases the risk of developing cerebral edema; increases blood clotting, has a toxic effect on red blood cells, disrupting their participation in gas exchange. In addition, eating salty foods after alcohol, savory snacks provokes the development of a hypertensive crisis.

Alcohol has a particularly harmful effect on the body of children and adolescents. Its destructive power primarily affects the activity of the nervous system. Even small doses of alcohol disrupt the metabolism in the nervous tissue, pathologically accelerate the process of excitation, and moderate doses make it difficult. At the same time, the functioning of the blood vessels in the brain is disrupted, they expand, their permeability increases, which in the future can lead to a stroke.

Nervous system young man easily excitable. Its brain vessels are relatively wide, which is necessary for enhanced nutrition of growing cells. Alcohol is absorbed into the blood very quickly, and its effect on the developing brain is especially harmful.

The presence of alcohol in the brain can be detected 20 days after drinking alcohol.

Repeated or frequent use of vodka or wine literally devastates the teenager’s psyche. At the same time, not only is the development of higher forms of thinking, the development of ethical and moral categories and aesthetic concepts delayed, but already developed abilities are lost. The teenager, as they say, “gets dumb” intellectually, emotionally, and morally.

Alcohol has many targets in the body. Among them are the liver, the epithelium that lines the esophagus, and the stomach. When drinking alcohol, the secretion and composition of gastric juice is disrupted, which, in turn, changes the digestive ability of the stomach and causes various unpleasant phenomena.

The lungs are also not indifferent to alcohol. About 10 percent of alcoholic drinks taken are removed from the body through them. The heart of a growing person also reacts very sensitively to alcohol: its rhythm and contraction frequency change unfavorably, and metabolic processes in the heart muscle are disrupted. Finally, the toxic effects of alcohol affect the blood: the activity of leukocytes, which play an important role in protecting the body, decreases, the movement of red blood cells that carry oxygen to tissues slows down, and the function of platelets, which have great importance for blood clotting.

Thus, alcohol has an extremely detrimental effect on the human body during adolescence. It weakens, inhibits and inhibits the proper development and maturation of organs and systems, and often completely suppresses the development of certain functions.

Chronic alcohol abuse leads to changes in bone tissue similar to those observed in older people suffering from osteoporosis. These processes become more intense the more alcohol is consumed.

Because alcohol, while igniting passion, reduces male potency, Shakespeare wrote. Ethyl alcohol acts directly on the male testicles, disrupting the production of testosterone: more or less severe intoxication is enough to noticeably reduce its amount. True, first we're talking about only about a temporary symptom: a day later everything returns to normal. However, with further consumption of alcohol of this kind, the disorder becomes irreversible.

Numerous studies conducted by scientists in different countries, show that on average every third male alcoholic develops sexual weakness, and the number of biologically defective and immobile sperm increases sharply (according to scientists, up to 70 percent). In the seminal glands exposed to chronic alcohol poisoning, painful changes occur, which over time can lead to a complete cessation of sperm production and impotence.

The optic nerve is the most important part of our eye. It transmits light stimulation from the peripheral parts of the visual apparatus to its central parts. The fibers of this nerve are extremely sensitive to intoxication, lack of oxygen, etc. Under the influence of harmful factors, they atrophy, die and, what is most dangerous, are subsequently incapable of recovery - regeneration.

A common cause of severe changes in the optic nerve is systematic drunkenness. Most often this happens when using alcohol substitutes - surrogates: methyl alcohol, denatured alcohol, moonshine, polish, etc.

Methyl alcohol is especially toxic. Once in the body, it is not completely oxidized, which is why an intermediate product is formed in the blood - formic acid. Its accumulation in the body leads to disturbances in oxidative and metabolic processes in the central nervous system, retina and other organs.

Sensitivity to methyl alcohol is not the same for everyone. In some people, poisoning with this surrogate occurs after taking small doses (half a teaspoon) or even as a result of inhaling its vapors.

What are the signs of methyl alcohol poisoning? In mild cases, headache, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal dysfunction, drowsiness, and in more severe cases, unconsciousness and even death occur.

Visual disturbances or occur immediately against the background of general poisoning methyl alcohol, or appear after some time - from several hours to one or two days. In this case, a sharp, rapidly progressing decrease in vision is observed.

The further course of the disease varies. In mild cases, which are quite rare, vision improves within a month. More often, it steadily decreases or is completely lost.

Similar changes in the organ of vision are observed after consuming denatured alcohol, polish, and shoe polish: after all, they also contain methyl alcohol.

Moonshine and vodka made “at home” are very dangerous for the optic nerve. And this concept of moonshine contains a large number of poisonous fusel oils, and “homemade” vodka often contains significant amounts of methyl alcohol, which has a detrimental effect on the body, in particular on the optic nerve.

Atrophy of the optic nerve, a sharp decrease in vision, or blindness - this is the tragic ending of alcohol poisoning.

Abuse of vodka, especially in combination with smoking, leads to so-called alcohol-tobacco intoxication. Moreover, as a rule, these factors act simultaneously. Their manifestations are generally the same: both eyes are always affected. The disease begins with blurred vision, more noticeable during the day. Subsequently, color perception is impaired, sometimes accommodation disorders occur - the ability to see from different distances, and the decline in vision progresses due to the development of optic nerve atrophy.

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It is known that most holidays nowadays are not complete without a reception. alcoholic drinks, which have already become a symbol of any celebration. Many joyful and sad events in life are accompanied by the consumption of this intoxicating product. Today, a large number of people drink alcohol, and 2/3 of them believe that it does not harm their health at all. However, it is not.

Since many are accustomed to alcoholic beverages and cannot imagine celebrating any event without it, this greatly undermines a person’s condition and also negatively affects his health. Doctors say that alcohol is a poison that, although slowly but persistently, worsens human health. It is worth noting that alcohol has a powerful negative effect on all human systems and organs, so it is recommended to take it in small dosages and no more than 3 times a week. Otherwise, an addiction will develop in which you will want to drink more and more.

As described in GOST, ethanol, present in every alcoholic drink, belongs to the group of potent drugs that first cause the production of the hormone of happiness, and also increase the body’s arousal, and then. It is important to note that any alcoholic product, regardless of its strength and method of production, contains ethanol, therefore, when drinking alcohol, it can be said that a person is involved in drug addiction.

What effects does alcohol have on the body?

It is known that alcohol is considered a poison for the body. First of all it negative property interaction with lipids that are part of the cells that make up each human organ is considered. Getting into cells, it disrupts their insight, which ultimately prevents useful components, penetrating into the gastrointestinal tract along with food, it is normally absorbed (zinc, calcium, iron). As a result of this, a person suffers from a lack of vitamins and microelements, which negatively affects the functioning of cells, and therefore the organ itself.

Also, alcohol-containing drinks increase the penetration of other barriers, which leads to harmful substances not only into the bloodstream, but also into organs. For example, it could be the brain, on which alcohol, toxic components and other substances have a detrimental effect. Therefore, with constant drinking, an alcoholic develops dementia, memory loss and other brain problems.

When ethanol acts on amino acids, with the help of which the body produces protein, this composition forms esters unnecessary for humans, blocking the production of this necessary element. In this case, alcohol poison has a strong destructive property, in which the body loses some of its beneficial components.

Due to their own structure, alcohols are capable of interacting with water, namely, taking it away from organs and tissues. This causes a number of violations, namely:

  • dehydration;
  • worsening metabolism;
  • severe thirst and dry mouth;
  • prostration;
  • disruption of the functioning of certain organs related to the urinary system.

In this case, alcohol poison causes not only symptoms hangover syndrome, but also more dangerous signs indicating health problems in a drunkard.

Another negative property on the body caused by alcoholic drinks - intoxicating. It appears due to the fact that when ethanol breaks down in the liver, a toxic element called acetaldehyde is formed. Immediately after it enters the bloodstream of an alcoholic, psychotropic components are formed, which appears due to the active action of acetaldehyde with hormones. Psychotropic (or, in other words, hallucinogenic) hormones lead the human body to a state of intoxication, satisfaction or euphoria. Ultimately, this condition leads to:

  • the appearance of delirium;
  • psychosis;
  • stress and depression.

Therefore, such alcoholic poison for human health should not be taken in large quantities, because the appearance of the above-described signs leads to the development of diseases dangerous to health associated with the condition of the brain.

It is important to note that the onset of poisoning begins the moment the alcoholic takes a dose of alcohol. After half an hour, most of the ethanol will already be in a person’s blood, tissues and organs. It is worth noting that ethyl alcohol accumulates most in the brain, a little less in the lungs and liver, and very little in the kidneys and spleen. No more than 10% leaves the body “safe and sound” - the rest of the ethanol is excreted through urine, sweat or breath, causing significant harm to the alcoholic’s health.

The effect of alcohol as a poison on organs

Immediately after entering the body, ethanol has a negative effect on all tissues and organs. Most of all, this component affects the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels and heart, brain, as well as the central nervous system. This is explained as follows: once ethanol enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is quickly absorbed into the blood, after which it enters the heart and brain. That is why other organs are affected to a lesser extent, since the concentration of alcohol in them is slightly lower.

The effect of alcohol on the gastrointestinal tract

Alcohol poison, when absorbed by the stomach, does not require the production of gastric juice, since it enters the bloodstream unchanged. At the same time, a small part of it penetrates the liver.

Important: the speed at which a person becomes intoxicated depends on how quickly ethanol penetrates the blood.

It is worth noting that alcohol is absorbed in the stomach somewhat longer than in the intestines. However, if a person takes alcohol on an empty stomach, then ethanol will enter the bloodstream even faster. Taking strong drinks on a full stomach leads to the fact that alcoholic beverages will remain in the body longer, thereby having a negative effect on the health of the drinker.

Frequent consumption of alcohol leads to the appearance of swelling in the mucous membrane, which causes the development of a host of diseases. For example, these could be:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • duodenitis;
  • mucosal atrophy;
  • diarrhea.

The penetration of ethanol into the pancreas leads to the development of such an unpleasant pathology as pancreatitis. Disruption of the functioning of this organ leads to disruption of insulin production, which threatens the development of diseases of the endocrine system.

Important: in the liver, alcohol turns into a poison that is dangerous to health, so prolonged drinking can greatly “undermine” your health.

The effect of alcohol on the heart and blood vessels

Penetrating into the bloodstream, a toxic component, first of all, negatively affects blood cells, which leads to red blood cells sticking together. This, in turn, leads to disruption of hematopoiesis, resulting in hypoxia (impaired oxygen supply).

Chronic drinking bouts cause the following dysfunctions:

  • decreased production of leukocytes;
  • slow response of body systems to the production of new antibodies;
  • low mobility of granulocytes.

This causes a sharp change in the composition of the blood flow, which leads to disruption of the functioning of the entire body.

As ethanol penetrates into the heart muscle, it significantly reduces its contractility, and also lowers blood pressure and pulse. This leads to an increased need for oxygen in the heart, which cannot be fully transported by the blood.

Regular drinking of beer or other alcoholic beverages leads to the development of hypertension, heart failure, impaired blood circulation in the brain cavity, as well as the formation of blood clots, which pose a serious danger to human health.

The effect of alcohol on other organs

Alcohol has a particularly strong negative effect on the cells of the central nervous system, which leads to their rapid excitation. With frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages, poisoning occurs, which leads to disruption of the integrity of the cerebral cortex (dorsal, medulla and brain), as well as to breathing problems.

When alcohol enters a man's genitals, it disrupts the production of sperm, which significantly increases the chance of having a child with pathologies and deformities. When alcohol penetrates into the mammary glands, it causes defects in the growth and development of the child who is feeding breast milk. Also, strong drinks have a negative effect on female reproductive cells, which negatively affects conception.

However greatest harm To health, alcohol poison damages the DNA of cells, which causes the rapid formation of cancerous tumors. It is important to note that the appearance of tumors is also possible with daily intake of a small dose of alcohol - no more than 30 ml.

Every person must remember that alcohol is a poison that slowly but effectively destroys a person and also causes the development of a large number of diseases. To avoid this, you should take alcohol in the optimal dose and no more than 3 times a week.

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Alcohol is a poison for the body in any dose. If a person thinks that nothing will happen from one glass of vodka or a glass of beer, then he is deeply mistaken. Even a small amount of alcohol affects the health of the drinker. Within one hour, the poison spreads throughout the body. Ethanol and its breakdown products primarily affect the liver, heart and brain. Frequent consumption of small doses of alcohol causes dangerous addiction and applies irreparable harm health. This leads to many ailments that require expensive treatment.

Why is alcohol so popular in the world?

Alcoholic drinks can be classified as drugs. And one of the most dangerous. Manufacturers offer a huge variety of intoxicating elixirs.

They differ in:

  • alcohol content;
  • endurance;
  • composition;
  • mind;
  • name;
  • color and smell.

Every person has a preference for their favorite drink. But no matter how different they are, they still cause harm.

The popularity of alcohol can be explained by its ability to relax and relegate pressing problems to the background. This is very convenient for people who do not know how to solve serious issues.

Many people use it because they have nothing to do. Simply put, out of boredom. So much for the popularization in various advertisements of how alcoholic drinks liberate and make life easy and relaxed. Drink a can of beer and become “cool.” This influence on the masses and brainwashing leads to the development of alcoholism. Quite a common problem among young people.

How alcohol affects the human body

But internal changes are already starting to happen:

  1. Brain. Neurons and their connections are destroyed. Simply put, brain cells are washed out along with urine.
  2. Vessels. They become clogged, losing their elasticity - blood clots form.
  3. Heart. It increases, its work and the flow of blood to the organs and the brain are disrupted.
  4. Liver. A large number of poison impedes the activity of this organ. As a result, the liver generally ceases to perform its functions.
  5. Stomach. Ethanol is quickly absorbed into the walls of the stomach, disrupting their integrity and functionality.
  6. Cells. Their permeability deteriorates and membranes are destroyed.

If you drink frequently and in large doses, the destruction of the human body occurs in the shortest possible time. Changes affect internal organs and systems, appearance, memory and reaction speed, character traits. Alcoholism is very difficult to stop. Even poor health does not slow down such people. As soon as they feel better, everything starts all over again.

Changes in personal qualities from drinking strong drinks

The most interesting thing is that alcohol affects not only internal organs and systems. Poison destroys the human personality. When withdrawal begins, all his thoughts are aimed at only one thing - getting what he wants. At this moment nothing else exists. Just me and alcohol.

Regular consumption of alcohol leads to personality degradation:

  1. There is only one interest. How to get a bottle of intoxicating liquid.
  2. Ready for anything. In order to get what he wants, an alcoholic will resort to deception, even crime.
  3. Renunciation of family. Under the influence of the poison, whose name is ethanol, a person forgets about his family and friends.
  4. Asocial personality. Drinking people they don’t go to work, they are no longer accepted in society and no one takes them into account.
  5. Suicidal tendencies. Under the influence of alcohol, a person dissatisfied with his life is capable of “killing himself.”

Alcoholism is a very terrible disease. No one is immune from this. Anyone can find themselves in the shoes of an unshaven man spending the night at a bus stop with a bottle of vodka.

Such people should be pitied. After all, they have lost their place in normal society. Therefore, before drinking another glass of alcohol, you should think carefully about what it can bring, other than trouble.

Negative consequences of drinking alcohol

A poison such as alcohol, consumed every day, leads to negative consequences. The changes occurring in the body are initially invisible. Functionality is impaired, immunity declines, and at this moment negative consequences begin to appear.

The main ones include:

  • constant increase in blood pressure;
  • enlargement of the heart muscle;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • gastritis;
  • poor blood circulation;
  • memory loss;
  • persecution mania;
  • withering of the skin;
  • forgetfulness, inattention and aggressiveness.

Will there be consequences from drinking a glass of wine once a month? Of course not. "Even poison is useful in small quantities" But if you drink a lot and often, then everything is simple.

Negative elements accumulate without having time to be eliminated. Development occurs gradually various ailments– deviation of physical health and mental disorders. Sooner or later the poison will do its job and death will occur.

What is alcoholism

Alcoholism is an addiction to alcoholic beverages. By using it you get narcotic effect. As the frequency of use increases, the dependence increases. The incoming poison poisons the body. The person becomes powerless. Alcohol enslaves him, preventing him from thinking soberly.

Alcoholism is a disease that has several stages:

  1. First stage. A person begins to crave alcohol. Not getting what you want, the attraction disappears for a while. If you drink strong drinks, the dose becomes uncontrollable. Irritability and aggressiveness appear. And in some cases even memory loss. Justifications for their rash actions begin.
  2. Second stage. Alcohol is consumed in unlimited doses. A person perceives this absolutely calmly. Arises physical dependence. Dizziness, nausea, heart problems, trembling of the hands or the whole body appear.
  3. Third stage. In which people experience irresistible craving to alcohol. They only need a small dose to get drunk. There is complete degradation of personality. Mental disorders destroy a person.

In alcoholism, the poison in the body is in high concentration. Only timely seeking help can help overcome drug psychosis.

How not to cross the line

Alcohol is a quickly acting, harmful poison that has a narcotic effect. Before you know it, you’re in his dependence. But the poison completely poisons the human body. Each organ is negatively affected, collapsing and falling into disrepair.

To avoid the “death” of your mind and body, you need to be careful and always think soberly. It is easier to prevent a disease than to deal with its consequences.

Therefore, it is very important to remember a few basic rules:

  • do not drink more often than at least once a month;
  • drink alcohol in small doses;
  • give preference to proven drinks;
  • do not be influenced by others;
  • do not perceive alcohol as a harmless “pill” for a bad mood;
  • At the first sign of addiction, seek help.

Much depends on the character of the person and his physiology. There are people with chemical dependency. All they have to do is smell the ethanol vapor and a signal goes off in their brain. Therefore, if you do not have the strength to give up alcohol, it is better to generally avoid situations that lead to drinking strong drinks. Since ethanol contained in alcohol is a poison that has a poisonous and destructive effect. You should learn to fight your addictions and not succumb to their influence.