Lenten dumplings. Lenten dumplings – cook at least every day! Various filling options for Lenten dumplings: sweet and salty

Dear cooks and guests! I offer you a recipe for dumplings with potatoes and pickled honey mushrooms. I hope you enjoy this combination of ingredients. The dough does not contain eggs and dumplings can be considered lean food. For young housewives, I will show how to make dumplings with an openwork and strong edge. Prehistory. I started getting interested in cooking while still in elementary school. One day I went to my neighbors and saw Aunt Tasya making dumplings, ran home and started cooking... I ended up with something between a sole and rubber. Two years later, while visiting a Ukrainian friend, I was offered dumplings. I politely agreed, remembering that it was not tasty. Having taken the first bite, I was delighted! And Aunt Lida, seeing my facial expression, said: “Bachish, yaki have mene varenyychki?!” Indeed, the dumpling dough was amazingly tender and tasty. Of course, she asked me to teach how to make such a delicious dish. And Aunt Lida patiently showed and told me everything. I haven't spoiled any more dumplings. Since then I have not been shy about asking for the recipe and learning! Today I will share my experience.

Step 1: prepare the dough.

Of course, everyone knows how to cook dumplings with potatoes, and even more so lean ones, but if you suddenly forgot, then this recipe will help you remember all the basics of this wonderful and simple dish. So, first we heat 180 milliliters of purified water in a small container, for example, a kettle. Meanwhile, sift 400 grams of wheat flour, preferably premium grade, into a deep bowl. Add salt and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to it, preferably refined oil. After 3-4 minutes, pour boiling water from the kettle into the same bowl and begin kneading the dough with a tablespoon.

When kitchen appliance stops helping, we continue this process on the countertop with clean hands, giving it 5–7 minutes.

As a result, you should get a fairly dense, but at the same time soft semi-finished flour product, wrap it in plastic wrap cling film and leave it on 40–60 minutes at room temperature.

Step 2: prepare the vegetables.

While the dough is infusing, using a very ordinary but sharp kitchen knife, peel all the vegetables specified in the recipe. We wash them thoroughly, dry them, and place them one by one on cutting board and grind it. Cut the potatoes into cubes 2 to 3 centimeters in size, throw them into a deep saucepan and fill with about two liters of purified water. The shape of the onion is the same as the previous ingredient, but smaller in size, about 1 centimeter.

Step 3: cook the potatoes.

Next, put the pan with potatoes on medium heat and after boiling, cook them 15 minutes, periodically using a slotted spoon to remove the white foam from the surface of the bubbling liquid. After the required time, season the vegetable to taste with salt and keep it on the stove for another 5–7 minutes until its slices become completely soft, that is, ready.

Step 4: fry the onion.

We don’t waste a minute; at the same time as cooking the potatoes, we are working on other important components of the filling. Turn on the adjacent burner to medium heat, place a frying pan on it and pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into this dish. After a few minutes, drop the chopped onion into the heated fat and fry it until soft and tender. golden crust, stirring occasionally with a wooden or silicone kitchen spatula. As soon as it is browned, move the pan aside and move on.

Step 5: prepare the filling.

When the potatoes are ready, use a kitchen towel to remove them from the stove and drain vegetable broth into a separate clean container. Soft pieces Mash the tubers with a masher to a thick puree without lumps.

Then add fried onions, black to taste, to the resulting mass ground pepper and, if necessary, a little potato broth. Again, loosen everything until smooth and get a delicious lean filling, which we then cover with a lid and allow to cool to a warm state.

Step 6: form lean dumplings with potatoes.

After a while, check the dough, if it floats, that is, becomes viscous, dust it with a small amount of flour and knead it a little to make it stiffer. Next, roll it into a sausage and divide it into 2 equal parts with your hands. Place one of them back into the bowl and cover with a kitchen towel to prevent it from chapping. We move the second piece of the semi-finished flour product onto the countertop, crushed with flour, using a rolling pin, roll it into a layer 2 to 3 millimeters thick, and use a glass with a diameter of about 5 centimeters to squeeze out the cakes.

We immediately remove the scraps under a towel, and place about one tablespoon of potato filling in the middle of each pancake. Then we take the cake in our palm, fold it in half in the shape of a crescent and pinch the edges so that there are no gaps. Place the finished dumpling on a floured cutting board and form the rest in the same way until the dough and filling are finished.

Step 7: cook lean dumplings with potatoes.

So we have come to the almost final step, take a deep saucepan, pour purified water into it, the amount of which directly depends on the desired portion flour products, and put it on medium heat. After boiling, season the bubbling liquid to taste with salt, bay leaf and two types of peppercorns: black and allspice. Then very carefully place the dumplings into the same pan and cook them, stirring occasionally with a slotted spoon. 7–8 minutes. As soon as the flour products float to the surface, turn off the stove and let them stand in boiling water for another minute. Then place the dumplings in a colander and leave in the sink for a couple of minutes to drain. excess liquid. Then we distribute them in portions on plates and put them on the table along with other Lenten delicacies.

Step 8: serve lean dumplings with potatoes.

Lenten dumplings with potatoes served hot as full second dish for lunch or dinner. After cooking, they are packaged in portions on plates, optionally complementing each with fried in vegetable oil onions, mushrooms, fresh finely chopped dill, parsley, cilantro or green onions. As a bonus refreshing addition to such a simple meal, you can offer ketchup, tomato-based sauce, lean mayonnaise, vegetable salad, marinades or pickles. Cook with love and be healthy!
Bon appetit!

Dumplings love water, so during their cooking there should be twice as much of it as flour products, that is, approximately 1:3;

Very often in potato filling put fried until full readiness edible mushrooms different types;

During fasting, there are days on which any fats cannot be used; in this case, it is undesirable to put onions, or you can stew them in a large quantities ordinary water until fully cooked and only then add to the filling. Also, if you are a follower of strict rules, but want the dish to be more satisfying, you can eat dumplings as soup along with the broth in which they were boiled;

The set of spices is not important; use any spices, as well as dried herbs that season vegetable dishes.

Lenten dumplings - basic principles of preparation

The dough for dumplings is made using water, milk or kefir, and of course, eggs are added to it. This means this dish cannot be consumed during Lent.

Lenten dumplings differ from regular ones only in that the dough is kneaded without adding eggs.

Filling options for Lenten dumplings so many. It can be mashed potatoes with fried onions, fried or sauerkraut, mushrooms, spinach, beans, etc.

This dish can also be prepared with sweet filling from berries ground with sugar.

Lenten dumplings are made in the same way as regular ones. They are then boiled or steamed. Dumplings with vegetables are seasoned with fried onions, and sweet ones can be topped with berry syrup.

Recipe 1. Lenten dumplings with lentils and mushrooms


300 g flour;

teaspoon olive oil;

Water – ¾ cup;

A pinch of salt.

Green lentils – 100 g;

Vegetable oil - tbsp. spoon;

Salt, parsley, ground pepper;

Champignons – 200 g;


Cooking method

1. Sift flour into a bowl and add salt. Mix water with oil. Pour little by little into flour and knead elastic dough. It should not stick to your palms. Wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

2. Sort the lentils, rinse, cook according to the instructions on the package and cool. Peel the onion, rinse, finely chop with a knife and fry in hot oil until transparent. Rinse the champignons and cut into slices. Place in a frying pan with onions and fry until all the water has evaporated. The mushrooms should be covered golden brown crust. Place the fried mushrooms and onions into the lentils and stir. Season with salt and finely chopped parsley.

3. Divide the dough into several parts. Roll each into a thin circle. Cut out circles with a mold or glass. Place the filling in the center of each and seal the edges tightly.

4. Boil water in a wide saucepan. Add the dumplings, stir and cook until they float. Remove them with a slotted spoon, sprinkle with herbs and pepper.

Recipe 2. Lenten dumplings with steamed vegetables, herbs and mushrooms


Half a kilogram of flour;

Vegetable oil;

300 ml water;

50 g starch;

teaspoon salt;

50 g tomato paste;

Six potato tubers;

Ground black pepper;

Three onions;

200 g champignons;

50 ml soy sauce;

Half a kilogram of cabbage.

Cooking method

1. Peel the potatoes, rinse and boil until tender. Pour the broth into a separate bowl, add salt and puree.

2. Chop the cabbage into thin, short strips and fry in hot oil over high heat for about 15 minutes. Then add salt, cover and simmer over low heat for another quarter of an hour. Tomato paste dilute slightly with water, pour into the cabbage, stir and simmer for another five minutes.

3. Peel and cut small cubes Champignon. Place them in hot oil and fry on high fire before delicious crust. Pour into mushrooms soy sauce and simmer over low heat for about five minutes.

4. Fry the onion separately, salt it and season with black pepper.

5. Tear off the sprigs from the dill and chop it with a knife.

6. Add mushrooms, dill and onions to mashed potatoes. Dilute it with potato broth and mix well.

7. Sift flour into a bowl, add salt, add starch, gradually add water and knead into a soft, elastic dough that should not stick to your hands. Cut a piece of dough, roll it out on the table, sprinkle it with flour. Cut out circles using a glass. Place the filling in the center of each and seal the edges tightly.

8. Pour water into the steamer. Place dumplings on wire racks and place them in a steamer with boiling water. Steam for about 40 minutes.

Recipe 3. Lenten dumplings with potatoes


Two glasses of flour;

A pinch of salt;

A glass of boiling water.

350 g potatoes;

50 ml vegetable oil;



75 ml vegetable oil;

20 g chopped dill and parsley;

Ground pepper;


Cooking method

1. Peel and wash the potatoes and boil them. Drain the water into a separate container (we will need it later). Make mashed potatoes, pouring in the broth, not too liquid consistency.

2. Peel the onion, rinse and finely chop. Sauté the onion in hot oil until golden brown. Add it to the puree and stir.

3. Sift the flour into a bowl, make a well in the middle and pour a glass into it boiling water. Start kneading with a wooden spoon and then knead with your hands until it stops sticking to your palms.

4. Cut a piece of dough, roll it into a sausage and cut it into small pillows. Dip each in flour and roll into a thin circle. Place the filling in the center and seal the edges tightly.

5. Pour water into a wide saucepan, boil, lightly salt and place dumplings in it in small portions. Stir and cook for five minutes after they come to the surface. Remove the dumplings using a slotted spoon, place in a deep plate and top with fried vegetable oil onions

Recipe 4. Lenten dumplings with cabbage


800 g flour;

Water - how much the dough will take.

Head of cabbage;

Sunflower oil;

Large onion;

Spices and salt;

20 g tomato paste;

40 g sugar.

Cooking method

1. Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt, and gradually pour in water, knead the elastic dough. Cover it with a towel and let it rest for a while.

2. Chop the cabbage into thin, short strips. Heat the oil in a cauldron and sauté the chopped onion in it until golden brown. Place the cabbage on it, pour in just a little water and simmer. At the end, add tomato paste, season with spices, sugar and salt, and simmer for about five minutes. Place the filling in a bowl and cool.

3. Roll out the dough into a thin circle and cut into circles. Place the filling in the center stewed cabbage and seal the edges tightly. Place the dumplings on a board sprinkled with flour.

4. Boil water in a wide bowl, add salt and add dumplings. Stir and cook for five minutes from the moment they float to the surface. Catch them with a slotted spoon, place them on a plate and pour over any lean sauce.

Recipe 5. Lenten dumplings with cherries


Flour – 600 g;

10 g sugar;

A glass of boiling water;

A pinch of salt.

Half a kilogram of cherries;

100 g sugar.

80 g sugar;

Olive oil – 100 ml.

Cooking method

1. Sift the flour into a bowl. Dissolve sugar and salt in a glass of boiling water. Make a well in the flour and pour in water. Mix with a wooden spoon and then continue kneading with your hands until the dough becomes elastic. Cover with a towel and leave it for a quarter of an hour.

2. Wash the cherries, dry them and remove the pits. Drain the resulting juice and cover the berries with sugar.

3. Sprinkle the table with flour, cut off a piece of dough and roll it into a thin circle. Cut it into squares. Place three berries on each, fasten the two opposite ends and seal the edges tightly to form a triangle.

4. Boil water, add salt and boil the dumplings for five minutes. Remove them to a bowl with a slotted spoon and pour over vegetable oil and sprinkle with sugar.

Recipe 6. Lenten dumplings with peas


Flour - three glasses;

Two cloves of garlic;

A pinch of soda;

Peas – 300 g;

Vegetable oil;

Onions - three pcs.

Cooking method

1. Sort out the peas, rinse under the tap and soak for an hour. Drain the water and cook for the same amount of time. Place the boiled peas in a blender bowl and grind them into a homogeneous mass.

2. Peel the onion. Grate one onion and finely chop the rest. Fry the chopped onion in heated sunflower oil. Place the grated and fried onion in pea mash and mix.

3. Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt, and gradually adding water, knead the elastic dough. Roll it out into a thin layer and cut out circles with a mold. Place pea puree in the middle of each and seal the edges tightly.

4. Boil water, add salt and boil the dumplings in small portions. We take them out with a slotted spoon, put them on a plate and pour over them with vegetable oil.

Recipe 7. Lenten dumplings with spinach


Flour – 300 g;

Salt - teaspoon;

Water – 180 ml;

Vegetable oil – 50 ml.

Spinach, green onions, dill and parsley – 400 g;

Ground pepper and salt;

Vegetable oil – 20 ml.

Cooking method

1. Sift flour into a wide container and add salt. Mix water with oil, and gradually pour this mixture into flour, knead an elastic dough. The dough will still be sticky, but there is no need to knead it any further. Just cover with a plate and leave for an hour.

2. Rinse all the greens, dry and chop finely. Pour a spoonful of oil into the pan and add all the greens. Simmer over low heat until all the liquid has evaporated. Post it ready-made filling into a bowl, add salt and cool.

3. Knead the dough for another two minutes, now it no longer sticks to your hands. Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the dough on it into a thin circle. Cut out circles with a glass and seal the edges tightly.

4. Boil water in a saucepan, add salt and place dumplings in it. Cook for about five minutes from the moment it floats to the surface. Serve them with lean mayonnaise.

Recipe 8. Lenten dumplings with beans


White beans – 400 g;

Vegetable oil;

Salt - two teaspoons.

Flour - three glasses;

Vegetable oil – 50 ml;

Water - glass;

Salt - 5 g.


Vegetable oil;

Large onion.

Cooking method

1. Pour flour and salt into a wide bowl. Mix water with oil. Gradually adding this mixture to the flour, knead the stiff dough. Wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

2. Rinse the beans, add two liters of water and boil. We drain this water, pour in the same amount of water again, and cook from the moment it boils for half an hour over low heat. Place the beans in a sieve, transfer to a bowl and puree with a blender. Pour a little oil into the puree, stir and cool.

3. Roll out the dough. Use a glass to cut out circles. Place bean puree in the center of each and seal the edges tightly.

4. Boil water in a saucepan, add salt and lay out the cooked dumplings. Stir and cook for five minutes, from the moment they float to the surface. Remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon wide dish and pour over the fried onions.

Lenten dumplings - tips and tricks from the chef

Knead the dough for lean dumplings only with premium flour.

By adding starch to the dough, you can roll it out very thinly without tearing it.

Homemade Lenten dumplings can be frozen for future use. To do this, place them on a floured board and put them in the freezer for half an hour. Then transfer the frozen dumplings into a bag and store in the freezer.

The filling must be completely cooled, otherwise your dumplings will fall apart during cooking.

Dumplings must be boiled in plenty of water. Add in small portions so that they are not crowded in the pan.

If you cook dumplings with berries, then the juice of these berries can be used to prepare a sauce, which is subsequently used to season the finished dumplings.

Hello dear readers. My family really loves dumplings with potatoes, my eldest son even helps prepare them. It's no secret that dumplings with potatoes bought in a store or supermarket in most cases are either not tasty or contain many different ingredients. chemical additives. Therefore, I always prepare this dish myself, especially since my children eat it.

Today's recipe is dedicated to all lovers of this culinary masterpiece, which looks appetizing and tasty both on an everyday and holiday table.

Cooking process of this dish is quite simple, but requires some skill and patience, and if you follow the recipe presented below with step by step photos and comments, success will not be long in coming.

The base for dumplings is unleavened dough on water and sunflower oil, so they can diversify both lean and vegetarian menu. And the filling of tender mashed potatoes, complemented with onions sautéed until golden brown, goes well with the flour base.

So, let's move on directly to the process of preparing lean dumplings with potatoes...

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 grams.

BJU: 4 /3 /31.

Kcal: 158.

GI: high.

AI: high.

Cooking time: 45 min.

Number of servings: 50 pcs (1900 g) .

Ingredients of the dish.

Unleavened dough on water.

  • Wheat flour - 640 g (4 tbsp) + 3-4 tbsp for dusting.
  • Water - 300 ml (1 tbsp + 2-3 tbsp).
  • Vegetable oil (sunflower) - 25 ml (2-3 tbsp).
  • Salt - 8 g (1 tsp).


  • Potatoes - 800 g.
  • Onions - 100 g.
  • Sunflower oil (for frying) - 20 ml (2 tbsp).
  • Salt - 4 g (1/2 tsp).
  • All-purpose spices - 4 g (1/2 tsp).

Recipe of dish.

Let's prepare the ingredients. Sift the wheat flour. Potatoes and onion remove the peel.

First of all, let's prepare the dough, since it must lie in the refrigerator so that the gluten is evenly distributed throughout its entire mass.

Let's get enough sleep wheat flour(4 tbsp) in a deep container.

Pour warm water (1 tbsp + 2 tbsp) over the flour.

Add salt (1 tsp) to the bowl and sunflower oil(2-3 tsp).

Knead the dough. It should be smooth and not stick to your hands; add more flour if necessary.

We put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

In the meantime, prepare the filling. Place the potatoes (800 g) in a saucepan, pour boiling water over them, covering them completely with water, cook for 15-20 minutes until soft (check doneness with a fork; if it goes into the vegetable easily, you can turn off the stove).

If you pour the tubers cold water, then the cooking time will increase and the concentration useful substances There will be less in boiled potatoes.

Cut the onion into small cubes.

We set the frying pan to heat up, pour sunflower oil into it, after it has warmed up, add onions. Fry the vegetable, stirring occasionally, for about 5-7 minutes over medium heat. Remove the finished onion from the stove and cool.

WITH boiled potatoes drain almost all the water (leave about 1 tbsp of broth in the saucepan).

Add salt (1/2 tsp) and spices (1/2 tsp) to the vegetable. Mash the potatoes with a potato masher.

Place the fried onion in a saucepan, stir and cool. The filling is ready.

So, let's begin the process of making lean dumplings with potatoes. There are two ways to do this. They both start the same way. In order for the dough to become more pliable and elastic, it must be kneaded again on the table with the addition of small quantity flour (2-3 tbsp).

First: On a table dusted with flour, roll out all the dough into a layer about 3 mm thick, then use the neck of a jar, mug or glass to squeeze out round pieces (about 7 cm in diameter).

Second: We form sausages from the dough about 2-3 cm thick. Cut them into pieces (about 2 cm each). Dip all the pieces in flour and roll out into circles 3 mm thick and 7 cm in diameter.

Place potato filling in the middle of each flatbread.

We pinch the edges of the dumpling tightly, forming a semicircle so that its contents do not fall out during cooking.

You can leave it like this or give the edging the shape of a pigtail.

Place lean dumplings with potatoes in salted boiling water. Stir immediately to avoid sticking to the bottom of the pan.

We cook enough for one meal, and put the rest in the freezer.

After the liquid boils, continue the process for another 3-5 minutes. Remove the finished dumplings from the pan using a slotted spoon.

Place them on a plate, sprinkle with fried onions or herbs, add your favorite sauce and serve.

I hope that you liked my recipe, and you will certainly share your impressions with me in the comments.

Bon appetit!

We have known the taste of dumplings since childhood. There is hardly anyone who does not love this delicious and hearty dish. Today we will prepare lean dumplings with potatoes. There is nothing difficult about this, especially if you listen to the advice experienced chefs and follow the recipe exactly.

To lean dough For dumplings with potatoes, it was, as they say, a success; take the following tips into account:

  • If the dough is too tight, the dumplings may open during cooking and the filling may fall out. Perfect dough– soft and slightly sticky to your hands.
  • The flour must be sifted, so it will be saturated with oxygen and will easily combine with the other components.
  • To ensure the base reaches the desired elasticity, knead it for at least 10 minutes. For the same purpose ready dough should be left for half an hour.
  • The classic base for dumplings is made from flour premium grades with eggs. You don’t have to add them if you use durum flour.
  • The dough will be more elastic if you add a drop of refined vegetable oil to it.
  • It is recommended to prepare the filling for dumplings immediately before mixing the base. “Yesterday’s” potatoes can spoil the taste of the dish.
  • In order not to bother with sculpting blanks, use a dumpling maker.

On a note! Quickly and without special troubles You can knead the base for dumplings in a bread machine.

This recipe can safely be classified as traditional. The dumplings turn out tender and incredibly tasty. And the aroma ready-made dish will quickly gather all your household members at the dinner table.


  • 0.7 kg of sifted flour;
  • 1.5 tsp. table salt for dough;
  • salt for filling to taste;
  • 0.6 kg potatoes;
  • sprigs of parsley and dill;
  • 400 ml filtered water;
  • freshly ground black pepper.

Advice! Boil potatoes without adding salt. It is recommended to pepper and salt it already at finished form in the process of grinding potatoes into mashed potatoes.


On a note! If you get a lot of dumplings, do not cook the whole portion at once. Sprinkle the cutting board with sifted flour and place the workpiece on it in one layer so that they do not touch each other. Place the dumplings in the freezer.

Favorite dish with mushroom notes

Lenten dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms are tasty and filling. It is best to choose fresh champignons for their preparation.


  • 0.4 kg of sifted flour;
  • 0.3 kg champignons;
  • 0.3 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 tbsp. warm filtered water;
  • 1 tsp. salt for the dough and to taste for the filling;
  • refined vegetable oil;


  1. Let's start with the basics. Sift the flour and combine with salt.
  2. Pour in warm water and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, knead the dough for at least ten minutes. It should not stick to your hands.
  3. Roll the base into a log, cover with a kitchen towel and leave for 30 minutes.
  4. In the meantime, let's prepare the filling. Peel and rinse onions, mushrooms and potatoes.
  5. Cut the potatoes into several parts and boil until tender. Then grind it into puree.
  6. Chop the onion into small cubes, and the mushrooms into slices.
  7. Fry the onion in vegetable oil and then add the mushrooms to it. Fry until all the liquid has evaporated from the champignons.
  8. Combine mushrooms and onions with mashed potatoes, salt to taste and mix.
  9. Form the dough into a sausage and cut it into pieces.
  10. Roll out each piece of base into a circle and place the filling in the middle.
  11. We make the preparations and boil the dumplings. Ready!

Attention! The cooking time for dumplings depends on the size of the preparations. On average, they need to be cooked for five to six minutes after boiling.

Recipe for busy housewives

There is also a so-called lazy recipe Lenten dumplings with potatoes. It will come to the rescue of busy housewives, because there is no need to bother with sculpting the blanks, which will significantly save cooking time.


  • 7 pcs. potatoes;
  • 7 tbsp. l. sifted flour;
  • salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper.


An interesting twist on a classic dish

Dumplings can be prepared not only with boiled potatoes, but also with raw. Believe me, this dish will not disappoint you. You already know how to knead lean dough for dumplings with potatoes. You can use any of the above recipes as a basis.


  • 0.5 kg lean dough;
  • 4-5 potatoes;
  • 1 tbsp. l. refined vegetable oils;
  • salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper.
