Step-by-step preparation of delicious catfish in a slow cooker. Catfish with potatoes Catfish in a slow cooker

Catfish is the heaviest freshwater inhabitant of domestic reservoirs. There are individuals of fantastic sizes – tens of kilograms. However, for our catfish dish in a slow cooker we will use young and small catfish. Their fillet is tender and juicy, which is what is best suited for steaming. In large specimens, the meat is quite tough and also has a specific smell. We use it for minced meat to make cutlets, or as a filling for fish pie. That is, in those recipes that require a fairly long heat treatment and the presence of various spices that neutralize the fishy smell. But since cooking catfish in a slow cooker is a matter of just a few minutes, young fish are more suitable for us. Here are some great dishes for you to choose from.

Catfish with potatoes in a slow cooker

For this dish you will need:

  • Fillet – 0.7 kg;
  • New potatoes – 0.8 kg;
  • Sour cream – half a glass;
  • Spices, water, salt, garlic.


Cut the young potatoes into small cubes and fill the multicooker. Mix the flour with sour cream, adding spices and, if the consistency is too thick, a little water. Pour this mixture over the prepared potatoes. Cut young catfish fillet into small pieces. Chop the garlic cloves, rub the meat with them, sprinkle with spices. Don't forget to add salt. Place the meat on a wire rack placed over the potatoes. Close the multicooker, select the “Chicken” program, 20 minutes. The catfish is of excellent taste.

Catfish on sour cream


  • Catfish fillet – 0.8 kg;
  • Cabbage – 250 g;
  • Sour cream - a glass;
  • Hard cheese – 150 g;
  • Young tomatoes – 2 pcs;
  • Olive oil.

Wash the cleaned fish and cut into pieces. Shred the cabbage and cut the tomatoes. Grate the cheese. Pour olive oil into the multicooker container. The products must be laid out in layers: cabbage at the very bottom, then tomatoes, and fish on top.

Pour sour cream over the ingredients generously. Season the dish with salt and pepper, and sprinkle grated cheese evenly on the top. Close the multicooker tightly and set the “Stewing” program for exactly one hour. A great snack is ready.

Of course, catfish in a slow cooker, the recipes for which we presented, are very satisfying main courses. Let's now see what wonderful fish soup our miracle machine can prepare for the first time.

Cooking fish soup

This is another great dish. Perhaps, of course, avid fishermen will call it a simple soup. We won’t argue, in fact, true fish soup is cooked on a fire made of fragrant branches, on the picturesque bank of the river. But don’t rush to conclusions, try preparing this dish in the comfort of your home.

So, we will need: fillet, potatoes, carrots. Salt, fresh dill, a little millet, onion, bay leaf.

After steaming the catfish for a while, we prepare the ingredients for it. Cut the onion deeply. Grind the carrots. Cut the catfish carcass into large pieces. Simply wash off the skin from tender young potatoes. Carefully place meat, potatoes and vegetables into the slow cooker, add millet. Fill the food with water and set the “Soup” program for 20 minutes. Add dill and bay leaf at the very end of cooking. At the end of the process, keep the ear for another five minutes. Then remove the onion. Pour the fish soup into plates and here is a wonderful first course of steamed catfish, ready for dinner!

Today Sergey sent me another recipe and step-by-step photos of a delicious catfish dish. Catfish stewed with onions was prepared in a slow cooker and turned out very tasty and tender.

I was thinking about making it today, but my wife interrupted and said, prepare catfish, and with the condition - no herbs or spices except black pepper. Today I will present a recipe for catfish stewed with onions in a slow cooker, with photographs.

For the recipe for cooking catfish in a slow cooker you will need:

  • Catfish, in portioned pieces,
  • Onions, in this case, 3 pcs.,
  • Salt,
  • black pepper to taste,
  • Vegetable oil

Stewed catfish with onions, how to cook this fish dish in a slow cooker

Salt and pepper the pieces of fish (I have fresh catfish) on both sides.
Pour a little oil into the MV bowl and select the “Frying” or “Baking” mode for 15 minutes, I have a Redmond RMC-4503 multicooker (for Panasonic this is the “baking” mode, time 20 minutes).
Pour the onion into the multicooker bowl and stir occasionally, fry with the lid open.

At the end of the mode, load the pieces of catfish on top of the onion and set the multicooker to the “Stew” mode for an hour to an hour and ten minutes.

Carefully remove the stewed fish with onions onto plates and are amazed at how quickly it disappears 😉

Time: 80 min.

Servings: 6-8

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

Step-by-step preparation of delicious catfish in a slow cooker

Fish dishes have long been included in the diet. And this is not surprising, because fish is rich in many minerals that the body needs. Surely every housewife has at least once wondered: how to cook catfish in a slow cooker?

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, since almost all the work will be done for you by modern kitchen appliances.

The dish turns out very juicy, aromatic and tasty. You can serve it with any side dishes: mashed potatoes, pasta, vegetable stew, and so on.

Catfish recipes are prepared quite quickly, and this is a significant plus for any feast. The ingredients used to prepare the dish are minimal, so this fish is a favorite dish for many families.

It is very tasty to eat stewed fish with various sauces, for example, cheese, sour cream or vegetable. They will not only add additional flavor to the recipe, but also diversify the dish.

Catfish stewed in vegetables is an excellent solution for those people who dream of saying goodbye to extra pounds, as it turns out to be low-calorie, healthy and very nutritious.

In addition to excellent taste, fish also has many benefits that are no less important to modern housewives than tasty and healthy food.

Catfish does not contain scales, and there are few bones in this fish, so it is convenient not only to eat, but also to cut.

The recipes for these dishes are prepared quickly enough, so you can safely prepare them before guests arrive.

Vegetables give the fish a spicy taste and aroma. In addition, thanks to them, catfish turns out to be very nutritious, healthy and beautiful (many photos confirm this).

Catfish in a slow cooker is famous for its juiciness: the fish does not dry out, does not become stale, and in any case remains tender.

The dish can be served either hot or cold.

The recipes for this dish are quite varied, but the most delicious are catfish with vegetables and in cheese sauce.

Recipes for cooking with vegetables and cheese

Recipe for catfish with vegetables

This dish can be prepared with almost any fresh vegetables.


Step 1

First of all, prepare all the ingredients: wash, peel and cut the food, gut the catfish and cut into small pieces.

Step 2

Step 3

Place fish in a multicooker bowl and place pre-chopped vegetables on top.

Lightly mix the ingredients. Then add a little adjika, salt and spices. Place the kitchen appliance on the “Stew” mode for 50-60 minutes, which will be enough to prepare the dish.

Step 4

After the multicooker signal, add pre-chopped greens to the bowl. Select the “Baking” mode and leave the dish for another 15 minutes.

That's all - the catfish in the slow cooker is ready. This recipe is a classic, so it only includes basic ingredients. If desired, you can safely add cabbage, celery and even zucchini to this recipe.

You can use fish recipes with vegetables immediately after preparation: thanks to them, the catfish will turn out very juicy and tender.

Recipe for a dish with cheese sauce

This recipe is also popular - and all this thanks to the cheese, which significantly improves the taste of the fish. Many modern photos show that the cheese sauce looks great, and also gives the dish a wonderful aroma and appetizing.

To prepare fish in a cheese coat you will need:

  • 600 grams of catfish carcass
  • onion
  • one carrot
  • hard cheese (50-60 grams)
  • 2 tablespoons low-fat sour cream
  • a little lemon juice
  • frying oil

Important: To prepare this dish, it is better to use a fresh carcass rather than a frozen one. We wash the fish thoroughly so that there is no mucus, scales or entrails left in it. Remove the tail and fins. Then cut the carcass into small pieces.

Place the pieces on a plate, salt and sprinkle with spices. Next, pour lemon juice over the carcass, mix and put in the refrigerator for marinating.

Chop the carrots and onions and fry in a slow cooker until tender. Then we lay out the pieces of fish for frying and carefully coat them with sauce (three cheese, mix with sour cream and dill).

Turn on the multicooker to the “Baking” mode and let the dish cook for 45 minutes. That's all - the fragrant and beautiful fish is ready. It is important to note that when frying, the sauce does not drain, but, on the contrary, freezes beautifully on each piece.

All recipes for preparing this fish are famous for their quick preparation and incredible taste. Try to cook one of them - you won’t regret it.

Many housewives have no idea how to cook catfish in a slow cooker. But this fish is very tasty and there is much less work to do with it than with any other river fish. The absence of scales and a small number of bones make dishes made from it safe even for small children. The recipes are very simple and the dishes are very appetizing.

Ear "Russian standard"

We are traditionally accustomed to calling the first fish dishes fish soup. A wide variety of recipes are offered. Catfish in a slow cooker in fish soup will be tasty, light and satisfying.


  • Catfish fillet – 0.5 kg.
  • Potatoes – 300 gr. (5-8 medium tubers)
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • White onion – 1 pc. average
  • Green onions - bunch
  • Dill - to taste
  • Wheat cereal – 50 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt, black pepper and sweet peas, bay leaf - to taste.

If you don't like croup in your ear, you don't have to use it. If you are not inspired by wheat, replace it with the one you like best. Many people think that fish soup with potatoes is not fish soup. If you are one of them, do not add it to your dish. Recipes are not dogma, change as you wish.


    1. Peel the onion and cut it into thin half rings. Set the “Baking” mode and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown, stirring occasionally.
  1. We clean other vegetables. Cut the carrots into thin slices, potatoes into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Wash the catfish fillet thoroughly and cut into large pieces. Place in a slow cooker, add water (1.5-2 liters).
  3. After the catfish we send potatoes, carrots, bay leaves, and peppers. Add salt to taste.
  4. Using the “Stew” mode, cook the fish soup for about an hour. Then leave it on the heat for another 10-15 minutes to let it brew.

Serve sprinkled with finely chopped green onions and dill. Croutons made from white or rye bread would be appropriate for this dish.

For dinner “Catfish in a cheese coat”

There are different recipes for the dish, we suggest preparing the most successful and easiest to follow. Catfish in a slow cooker turns out aromatic, with an appetizing “fur coat” crust that does not spread throughout the bowl.


  • Fresh catfish (whole carcass) – 700-800 gr.
  • White onion – 1 pc.
  • Medium carrots – 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese of medium fat content – ​​50-70 g.
  • Sour cream – 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice from ½ lemon
  • Vegetable oil – 30 gr.
  • Spices for fish, salt - to taste
  • Dill - to taste.

You can use fresh, dried or frozen dill - whatever you have on hand.


    1. Carefully brush the catfish. Although it has no scales, its skin is covered with a layer of mucus, which needs to be removed as much as possible. Remove the insides and cut into portions. Rinse thoroughly under running water.
    1. Place the fish in a bowl, season with spices, salt and lemon juice. Stir until each piece is coated with dressing and place the dish in the refrigerator for an hour. During this time, the fish will marinate.
    2. Cut the onion into rings and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Place it on the bottom of the multicooker bowl so that the entire space is covered. We form a “cushion” for the fish.
  1. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, mix with sour cream, add a little salt and add dill. Stir until smooth.
  2. After an hour, remove the catfish from the refrigerator and place it on a vegetable bed in one layer. Top each piece generously with cheese sauce.
  3. In the “Baking” mode, cook the fish for 45 minutes. This is the optimal time for cooking.

After the beep, we set the table for dinner. This fish can be accompanied by a salad of fresh vegetables. The side dish is not at all necessary. But if you want, prepare what your household likes most.

Catfish steam room

Steamed fish recipes are recipes for delicious dietary dishes that are suitable not only for people who have health problems or are on a diet. Such dishes should appear on the table in every family at least once a week.


  • Catfish (steaks) – 100 gr. per serving
  • White onion – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Petiole celery – 20-30 gr.
  • Green dill – 10 gr. (bun)
  • Salt, pepper, bay leaf - to taste.


  1. Fill the multicooker bowl with water to about a third, so that the steaming mesh does not touch its surface.
  2. Throw in the peeled and cut into rings onion, carrots cut into rings, celery and bay leaf. Set the “Cooking” mode and prepare the vegetable broth, adding a little salt after boiling.
  3. We wash the catfish, rub it with salt and ground pepper. It is advisable to use white - it is more aromatic and less spicy. This is the most suitable pepper for fish. If you don’t have it on hand, use black and fragrant in the mixture.
  4. While the broth is cooking, the fish will marinate.
  5. We install a steaming grid and cook under a closed lid for 10-15 minutes - depending on the thickness of the steak and the power of your unit.


As a side dish for this dish, you can use vegetables from meat broth or boiled potatoes. Sprinkle finely chopped fresh herbs on top and place a slice of lemon on the plate.

Steamed catfish recipe with step-by-step preparation.
  • Type of dish: Second courses
  • Recipe difficulty: Simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Preparation time: 16 minutes
  • Cooking time: up to 30 minutes
  • Number of servings: 1 serving
  • Calorie Amount: 83 kilocalories

A simple step-by-step recipe for steamed catfish in home cooking. It is easy to prepare at home in under 30 minutes. The dish contains only 83 kilocalories.

Ingredients for 1 serving

  • Catfish fish 100 g.
  • Onion 20 g.
  • Table salt to taste
  • Black peppercorns to taste
  • Celery 20 g.
  • Carrots 20 g.
  • White pepper to taste

Step by step recipe

  1. Catfish is a very tasty, filling, healthy fish. Wash the catfish under running water, remove scales and entrails, and cut into steaks. Salt the catfish steak, sprinkle with white pepper and leave for 10 minutes to salt it. If you don't have white pepper, you can use any.
  2. Wash the carrots, peel and cut into slices. Peel the celery and cut into small pieces. Chop the onion as desired. Place vegetables and peppercorns into boiling water. Bring the broth to a boil and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Place the steamer in the pan with the broth and place the fish on the device, close the lid and cook for 10 minutes. To cook the fish, we used vegetable broth to add flavor to our fish.
  4. Our fish is ready! Transfer to a dish; you can garnish with vegetables that were boiled in the broth. Although the fish itself is very tasty. Bon appetit!