The benefits and harms of different types of tea. Black tea: the benefits and harms of the favorite drink of billions of earthlings

Tea is the only drink that accompanies each of us from morning to evening, and in the evenings can become the center of the company of loved ones. It so happened that we love black tea more, the benefits and harms of which should be carefully studied. Green tea has become popular with us quite recently, and black tea has become indispensable product in our diet since very ancient times. However, many are this drink biased.

Green tea brewing

To enjoy green tea, you need soft water without foreign odors. In no case should water be brought to a boil, even when brewing black tea. Green tea is much thinner than black tea, and too hot water will destroy its flavor, aroma, and health benefits. 80-85C is the ideal water temperature for green teas.

The only thing to remember when preparing green tea is that its infusion time should not exceed 10 seconds. (Of course, you can follow the package directions and steep for 3-4 minutes, but who likes the result?) Many green teas become bitter even when steeped for 3-4 seconds. Dilution of tea with water negates its beneficial properties. Adding sugar equates tea to compote, which is not bad in itself, but makes no sense, especially if the tea is expensive. Quality teas withstand up to 15 repeated brewing. That is why the teapot should be small.

Black tea according to recipes insist 5 minutes

Don't drink stale tea. If tea is brewed for more than 30 minutes, then the oxidation process begins in it, and it becomes hazardous to health. Multiple brewing will not bring pleasure and benefit. If the first infusion extracts up to 50% of useful substances from tea, the second - up to 30%, then the third only 10%. The fourth tea leaves can add only 1-2%.

What is the difference between green tea and black tea

  • black - at the highest oxidative transformations;
  • green - at the lowest;
  • red and yellow - with oxidative transformations of medium degrees.

It is often difficult to realize the fact that black tea is made from the same tea leaves as green tea, but undergoes additional processing, which makes it less useful.

Therefore, green tea in its final chemical composition, pharmacological and physiological action is the most valuable and healing product. When brewed, green tea retains much more minerals than black tea. In particular, green tea contains a large amount of zinc, which is necessary for the functioning of many body systems. In addition, green tea is rich in:

Pros and cons of tea


  • Sadly, black tea can cause varicose veins, poor digestion, palpitations, tinnitus, insomnia, fatigue, and constipation.
  • Brewing black tea with fluoridated water can be hazardous to health
  • Black tea is harmful within an hour after it has been brewed. If observed, then a dark coating from tea remains on the mug, and so this coating is a kind of slag.

There are other reasons, but I don't remember. Green can be brewed several times and it will be useful.


  • The effect of strong black tea is similar to that of coffee. It also contains large amounts of caffeine.
  • Also in tea there are substances that tone up the nervous system, increase urination, and have a strong stimulating effect on the heart.
  • According to British researchers, regular consumption of black tea shortens the recovery period after a stressful situation.
  • Improves mental activity, increases the ability to process and assimilate information.
  • Relieves fatigue, stimulates metabolism, normalizes the activity of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Effectively prevents caries, especially in children.
  • Excellent remedy for cataract prevention.
  • There are a lot of tannins in tea, which remove radionuclides and salts of heavy metals from the body. Tannins also have antimicrobial activity.
  • Normalizes the intestinal microflora, useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Also, tea is the champion among drinks in terms of the content of bioflavonoids - substances that strengthen the immune system.
  • Due to the content of vitamin P, tea improves blood circulation in small vessels. Therefore, it is useful to wash inflamed eyes with a drink.
  • Stimulates the renewal of the endothelium - a thin layer of cells lining the blood vessels.
  • Relieves nausea, soothes the stomach. Reduces the permeability and fragility of blood vessels.
  • Medium-strength tea brings down the heat a little. But too strong (both green and black), on the contrary, raises the temperature!
  • Weak infusion of tea reduces arterial pressure, and strong (especially with sugar), on the contrary, increases.
  • Black varieties contain a substance - quercetin - which prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Strong tea can cause tachycardia - an increase and failure of the heart rhythm.
  • Stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, respiration, blood flow, brain, appetite (reduces in large doses)
  • The caffeine in tea increases the body's production of insulin. As a result, the content of the hormone serotonin, the “substance of joy”, increases in the brain.

The benefits and harms of green tea


too much green tea can cause liver and kidney disease. But it is not harmful if you use tea in moderation - ten small cups a day or two regular ones. With more intensive use in the body, the amount of polyphenols increases, causing negative changes in the liver. Tea of ​​other varieties can be drunk in large quantities, but you should not get carried away too much either.


Who should not drink green and black tea

  • It is necessary to reduce the consumption of tea or exclude it altogether for pregnant women.
  • People suffering from atherosclerosis and hypertension should not drink strong tea, and during the period of exacerbation, you can and should refuse tea in general, especially black.
  • If you have insomnia, then you should not drink tea after 18 hours.
  • Patients with high fever hot tea is contraindicated.


Do not drink too hot scalding tea. Due to the strong stimulation of the throat, esophagus and stomach, painful changes can occur in these organs.

Do not drink medicines with tea, as it makes them completely useless.

Tea with milk is a good prophylactic. This drink is especially useful for diseases of the kidneys, heart, and also as a tonic for dystrophy and exhaustion of the nervous system.

Tea with lemon- this is a purely Russian invention. In combination with lemon, the nutritional and healing properties of the drink are enhanced in tea: it better restores lost strength, quenches thirst. However, the opinion that lemon tea becomes "weak" is not true. Tea only brightens, its color decreases, but the strength does not change.

Tea with sugar- too much sugar worsens the taste of the drink, muffles its specific aroma. In addition, sugar absorbs vitamin B1 (this vitamin is vital for the full functioning of the nervous system). Therefore, it is better to get used to drinking tea with raisins or honey.

And one more thing about tea...

  • Green tea prolongs life, reduces mortality and heals the heart.
  • Just a few cups a day - and the risk of getting any cardiovascular disease is sharply reduced.
  • Oddly enough, the drink does not protect against cancer in the least, as several previous animal studies have suggested.
  • According to the authors, the healing effect of green tea is associated with polyphenols - plant substances that act as antioxidants. But exactly how polyphenols work - no one has yet understood. Perhaps they trigger the body's natural antioxidant mechanisms or reduce the activity of free radicals in the body that destroy cells. And according to one version, they even prevent inflammatory processes in the blood vessels.
  • The study has been conducted since 1994 in the northeast of Japan, in an area where 80% of the population consumes green tea and more than 50% drink more than three cups daily. The study included people aged 40 to 79 who had no history of stroke, cancer, or heart disease.
  • Those who drank five (0.5 liters) and more cups of green tea every day died less frequently than those who did not like tea as much and drink up to a cup a day. Mortality rates, especially from heart disease, among green tea drinkers were 16% lower in 11 years. Moreover, in the first 7 years this figure was even higher - 26%.
  • The cardiological effect is more pronounced in women. Apparently, because men are more likely to smoke, the authors believe. Overall, the number of study participants who died from cardiovascular disease during the reporting period was generally extremely low: less than 1% in each category of tea consumption. No association was found between other types of tea - primarily black and oolong - and mortality.


A tea drink is a complex combination of substances that has a multifaceted and generally beneficial effect on the human body. The total number of chemical compounds that make up its composition, isolated at the end of the 20th century, is about 300, some of them have not yet been identified, and the biochemical role of some of the known ones has been defined only in general terms.

The main groups of substances present in tea:

* Tannins are primarily tannins responsible for the characteristic tart taste of tea.
* Essential oils that impart aroma to tea and affect its taste.
* Alkaloids, especially theine (tea caffeine), due to which tea affects the nervous system.
* Proteins and amino acids that affect metabolism.
* Pigments responsible for coloring tea.
* Vitamins. Almost all known vitamins are present in tea. Of particular note is the high content of tannin and catechins, which act as vitamin P, which determine many of the positive effects of the use of tea. In terms of vitamin P content, tea surpasses all other vegetable crops consumed by humans.

In addition, tea contains organic acids, minerals, of which phosphorus, fluorine and potassium compounds, carbohydrates, pectins can be noted separately. The ratio of the amount of certain substances is largely determined by the type and variety of tea, and their presence in the finished drink is determined by the correct brewing.

Drinking tea has a beneficial effect on the most various systems human organs, which allows us to talk about it not only as an everyday drink, but also as a preventive and even therapeutic medicine.

Gastrointestinal intestinal tract.
Strong tea normalizes digestion, including with severe gastrointestinal disorders. Theotanine has a strong bactericidal effect. Research by S. Ya. Berdiyeva (Turkmenistan, 1955) confirmed the effectiveness of green tea in the treatment of even diseases such as dysentery and typhoid fever. Tannin has a beneficial effect on the tone of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to direct action active ingredients, tea promotes adsorption and subsequent removal of harmful substances. Drinking tea after meals facilitates the digestion of food, including "heavy" (fatty, meat).

The cardiovascular system
The combined action of tannin and caffeine leads to the normalization of the heart, vasodilation, elimination of spasms, and normalization of blood pressure. The long-term effect of tea on the vascular system is mainly based on the effects of vitamin P, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and increases their elasticity, strengthens the liver, thus contributing to the improvement of blood quality and its saturation with vitamins. Currently, preparations of concentrated catechins isolated from tea are used to treat severe internal hemorrhages and capillary lesions. Iron salts contained in tea increase blood circulation. Chinese studies in the 1980s confirmed that oolong infusions help to eliminate blood clots, improve the condition of blood vessels, and greatly lower blood cholesterol levels.

Respiratory system.
While drinking tea, the volume of inhaled and exhaled air increases in comparison with both the state of rest and drinking other drinks, in particular coffee. At colds tea is useful not only as a diaphoretic and tonic, but also as a stimulant of respiratory activity.

Urogenital system and other internal organs
Theobramine and caffeine stimulate the kidneys, as they have a mild diuretic effect. It is noted that in China, where high-quality green teas and oolong teas are consumed in large quantities, diseases associated with the formation of stones in the kidneys, bladder and liver are relatively rare. Due to the adsorbing properties of tea, it acts as a means of cleansing the kidneys and liver of harmful substances accumulating there. Tea promotes the accumulation of vitamin C in the internal organs, which has a positive effect on their resistance to diseases.

Removal of radioactive substances.
Some modern research confirm the effectiveness of green tea as a means of removing harmful substances from the body, in particular, radioactive isotopes. So, it is confirmed that the use of green tea leads to accelerated withdrawal from the body isotope strontium-90.
The stimulating effect exerted by tea on individual organ systems, as well as the high content of vitamins in it, theoretically, should lead to a general improvement in metabolism and, consequently, the state of the body. In combination, these properties of tea have not been studied by modern scientific methods, although since ancient times tea has been recommended as a remedy that can improve the general condition of a person and cure diseases that are now defined as metabolic disorders: obesity, gout, scrofula, salt deposition.

Burn treatment.
The use of tea for the treatment of burns, including chemical and radiation burns, is based on the action of vitamin P. For a long time there have been recipes that recommend crushed tea leaves, tea infusion or powdered dry tea for the treatment of skin lesions, burns of the skin and mucous membranes.

The effect of tea on the mental state and performance of a person is well known: tea acts as a remedy that simultaneously calms, relieves drowsiness, increases overall performance, relieves headaches and fatigue, promotes creative thinking. Unlike a number of other tonics, including coffee, cocoa, or pure caffeine, tea is long lasting, mild, and does not cause adverse cardiovascular effects at normal doses.

Tea acts on the nervous system, mostly indirectly. Directly on the cerebral cortex affects only one group of substances - xanthines, which facilitate the process of thinking. Alkaloids - caffeine in combination with tannin, theobromine, theophylline and some others - in normal dose act soothingly, not increasing, but, on the contrary, removing the excitation of the central nervous system. The actual content of caffeine in tea is very low: although dry tea contains more caffeine than coffee beans, it takes noticeably less to brew than coffee. Other substances contained in tea act indirectly - through the cardiovascular and muscular system. The effect of increasing working capacity and efficiency of thinking occurs mainly due to an improvement in the supply of oxygen to the brain, which occurs due to the effect of tea substances on blood vessels, the heart and lungs. Removal of spasms of blood vessels, a general improvement in blood supply to the brain quickly relieves fatigue of nerve cells, and since it is usually responsible for the general feeling of fatigue (modern people rarely really get tired physically) - a person feels rested. This is partly due to the effect of tea on the mental state in general - a person, feeling better,
Naturally, it becomes calmer and more complacent.

(material from free sources)

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Such a convenient invention of mankind as tea bags is widely distributed throughout the world. There is nothing surprising in this, because a tea bag is very easy to brew in almost any conditions - at the workplace, on the road, in nature. However, for those who prefer such convenience, it is worth considering how the consumption of such tea affects health, and what exactly is in the bags that we are used to brewing. This will be discussed in the article below.

What do tea bags actually contain?

Not always in the purchased product contains exactly what is listed on the package. This statement applies directly to tea bags. It is generally accepted that small particles of tea leaves give a stronger tea leaves than large ones. However, very often dishonest manufacturers can add a variety of ingredients to the contents of the packages that have nothing to do with tea. It can be dried leaves of various plants or trees, as well as tea, the expiration date of which has long passed. If flavors were added to this mixture, then with a high probability it can be stated that in this way the manufacturer is trying to hide the main product, unsuitable for consumption. In fact, non-natural flavors are much cheaper than natural ones. And if pieces of fruit are found in such tea, then this is most likely just a way to demonstrate to the buyer the “naturalness” of the product as a whole. Often such a product contains dyes, preservatives, as well as a large amount fluorine which negatively affects the condition of teeth and bones.

As for whether it is possible to drink streaked tea, the answer to this question, of course, is no. Any dried plant has a shelf life of 2-3 years. But this should not be judged by the date on the package. After all, it indicates the date of packing in a bag, and not the time when the crop was harvested. Often, such tea is stored in warehouses for years and reaches the consumer already completely unusable, but with the help of various tricks disguised as a good product.

How useful is tea?

Benefit and harm green tea described in many popular and scientific journals. In fact, this drink is really very good for health. It contains a lot of macro- and microelements, . Especially valuable for the body are powerful and catechin . This drink strengthens, prevents negative processes leading to the development of tumors, improves the condition of the nervous system. High-quality and properly brewed tea leaves are useful for many diseases and conditions. When describing the action that green tea produces, the benefits and harms for the liver are also necessarily taken into account. A positive effect on the liver is noted due to the content of a large amount vitamin P and other components. This drink stimulates the production, helps to cleanse the body of, regulates lipid metabolism etc. But if you buy green tea in bags, then there is simply no point in talking about its beneficial properties - most likely, this is a poor-quality and useless product.

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to constantly drink green tea is rather positive, provided that the person does not suffer hypotension . However, they should not be abused either, since the accumulation polyphenols may lead to poisoning.

Do not constantly brew too strong tea. Its benefit or harm is due to the fact that a very strong, concentrated drink has a more active effect on the body. It strongly tones up, so it is not recommended to drink it before going to bed. You should not consume it for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and heart. Also, too saturated a drink can provoke an increase

There are many other drinks - varieties of tea. For example, the so-called Kalmyk tea , the benefits and harms of which are often discussed on the network. This drink includes non-fermented tea leaves, steppe herbs, milk, fat, spices, salt. Kalmyk tea is very popular at present, its positive properties for the body are recognized. It is useful for immunity, helps to overcome colds, has a positive effect on the digestion process, the state of the gallbladder, and also tones the body. It is also recommended for nursing mothers.

But information about all the beneficial properties is valid only for high-quality leaf tea and drinks based on it.

Tea bags: benefits and harms

Since the questions about whether green tea bags are healthy and which tea bags are the best are often asked by people, you need to clearly understand the following for yourself: regular consumption of such a product is unhealthy.

Fluorine compounds

Research confirms that tea bags, especially cheap ones, can increase fluorine compounds in the body to dangerous concentrations. And this, in turn, leads to joint pain, muscle weakness, and fusion of the vertebrae. Moreover, at elevated content fluorine affects the kidneys, decreases the strength of the teeth, develop oncological processes .

The harm of tea bags on the human body is also expressed in the fact that dark spots appear on the teeth due to fluoride poisoning. After all, the norm of fluorine for a person per day should not be more than 3-4 mg. However, studies confirm that sachets contain a lot of fluorine - on average, a liter of such a drink contains about 6 mg of this element. Most of the fluoride accumulates in old tea leaves, which are often used during the making of tea bags.

However, speaking about whether tea bags are harmful or not, it should be noted that serious diseases due to excessive consumption of fluorine develop through long time. That is, it directly threatens those who have been consuming such tea in large quantities every day for decades - about a liter a day. Therefore, lovers of this drink should not drink more than five cups of it per day. And expectant mothers and the elderly should limit its consumption to 3 cups or choose a healthier drink.

Those who are interested in why such a drink is harmful should take into account one more of its features: the harmful effect on the body is enhanced if you brew bags in a plastic cup or consume tea that has stood brewed for several hours.

Tea bags are usually made from filter paper. Much less often, nylon is used for this purpose. For such a purpose, the material from which paper napkins are made is not suitable, since such paper will immediately tear in water. Therefore, bags are made from a special material containing in the composition:

  • abaca fibers - 10%;
  • wood fibrous substances - 65-75%;
  • thermoplastic fiber - 23%.

Such material is very resistant to moisture, thermal and mechanical stress. Since paper fibers are very tightly bound together, they are not afraid of aggressive influences. Therefore, the bags are not affected by lemon juice, it is almost impossible to damage them with a spoon, and to break them, you need to make an effort.

In order to fasten the package, different manufacturers apply different methods. It can be paper clips, glue, threads, heat treatment.

The most unfavorable in this case is the glue, which "supplies" the drink not only bad smell but also harmful substances. To remove the unpleasant odor, manufacturers over-flavor the tea.

Raw materials for packaged drink

Thus, the benefits and harms of tea depend directly on its quality. As for the raw materials for tea bags, inside there is mainly tea crumbs, often stitched, remaining after the production of loose tea. However, many manufacturers generally pack tea dust inside. Therefore, the benefits of tea in this case are not discussed at all. Such residues after production in China are considered tea garbage. As a rule, they are simply thrown into large piles as garbage. Such dust is stored in the open air.

Of course, tea rubbish is very cheap - they buy it for about $ 10 per 10 kg. However, producers from Europe buy up such garbage and produce tea bags. Naturally, finished product are positioned as high-quality, its benefits are detailed on the packages and unique taste. The cost of such a product is quite high, which brings huge profits to manufacturers. But the harm of tea in this case is already in the fact that consumers receive a low-quality product.

Even now, many people simply do not understand the difference between real tea and a surrogate tea bag, because they have not tried real leaf quality tea. Therefore, bag manufacturers will never talk about how harmful the tea they offer is. On the contrary, it is always called very high quality and useful.

Based on realities, it is the consumer who should think about what product he buys, whether tea bags are harmful, and whether it is worth introducing it into the daily diet.

tea expiration date

Not only tea bags, but also leaf tea can be not very healthy, provided that its shelf life has already expired. Again, the information on the packaging in this case is not decisive. Therefore, those who seek to provide for themselves and loved ones quality product It is worth preferring products from held manufacturers with a good reputation.

The average shelf life of black tea is up to 3 years, the same is the shelf life of green tea. After this period, tea, of course, will not become a categorically spoiled product. But nevertheless, during this time, it almost completely loses its useful properties. In addition, stitched leaves can accumulate dangerous for the body aflatoxins . After opening the package, it can not be stored for more than a month.

How to define freshness?

To determine whether purchased tea leaves are fresh, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the freshly brewed drink. If white foam appears on the sides at the top, this means that the leaves are fresh. If there is no foam, and a sediment in the form of brown stains appears on the bottom of the kettle, and at the same time a rancid taste and aroma are felt, then the product is stale.

What is tea waste?

  • Fresh - these are the remains that are raked on the plantation after sorting tea. It has very few useful properties, however, it is less processed afterwards, so a little tea taste and smell is retained. Such raw materials are the best of tea garbage. And many manufacturers position the drink from it as "premium".
  • Middle - it remains after the conveyor packing, transportation or packaging of high-quality tea leaves at the enterprises has been carried out. Such a drink has almost no characteristic aroma, color and taste. To disguise this, a variety of flavor additives, dyes, flower petals, etc. At the same time, such a product is often labeled “highest category”.
  • lower category - this is no longer just garbage, but harmful raw materials containing fungi dangerous to health, a large number of chemical additives. Since the product is stitched, it has no taste or aroma. Its smell resembles hay, and the composition is most often present aflatoxin . This is a product of the vital activity of fungi that is dangerous to the body and affects the liver. Manufacturers must add dye to such raw materials in order to achieve similarity to green or black tea. Of course, it also contains aggressive flavors. When aromatization is performed, antioxidant residues are destroyed, useful amino acid L-theanine . That is, as a result, tea becomes completely useless and at the same time dangerous to health. In addition, flavors can provoke an attack, they are especially dangerous for children, the elderly, those who are prone to allergies.

What are aflatoxins

It is very dangerous for humans mycotoxins that produce fungi. Such substances are often found in products stored under conditions high humidity and intense heat. Often, these substances are formed during prolonged or improper storage of herbal teas and various teas, as well as pumpkin seeds, peanuts, and corn.

They are resistant to heat treatment. And if a very large dose of such poisons enters the body, a person dies due to liver damage. But even small doses of aflatoxins have a detrimental effect on the body, since their accumulation increases the likelihood liver cancer . In countries where there is no control of products for the content of mold fungi, mortality due to oncology is ten times higher than in countries with strict control of products.


The choice of high-quality tea for the whole family is a responsible matter and requires the right approach. You need to know when choosing green or black tea: the health benefits and harms of this drink directly depend on its quality. Both green and black tea bags from any manufacturer are a drink that should not be consumed regularly. At the same time, high-quality and fresh tea leaves not only help to improve well-being and give vigor, but also differ great taste and aroma.

Many people cannot imagine their life without a cup of aromatic tea. In some countries, this drink is considered traditional, for example, the British are the real fans. According to the statistics obtained, a person drinks about 650 liters per year.

Benefits of tea for the body

There are many different varieties, which differ in taste and their benefits. Most of them contain tannins important for digestive system and that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. For those who are interested in whether there are benefits from tea, it should be said that the composition of the drink contains important alkaloids. It contains amino acids, pectins, vitamins and minerals.

Useful properties of green tea

This is one of the most popular types of tea, which has been consumed for 4,000 years. Many do not even know that it is collected from the leaves of some bushes, like black, red and other types of tea. The whole snag lies in the type of processing. The benefits of green tea for the body are due to the fact that the leaves are not amenable to fermentation and withering, therefore they retain maximum amount important substances.

  1. Stimulates biological activity, because it contains vitamins.
  2. It is an excellent prevention of problems with the nervous system, and also contributes to concentration.
  3. The beneficial properties of tea are associated with the normalization of the state of the circulatory system, since the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. It is also recommended for hypertensive patients to reduce pressure.
  4. Favorably affects the functioning of the excretory system.

The benefits of black tea

One of the most popular varieties, the production of which takes a lot of time compared to other options. First, the leaves are dried, rolled, fermented and dried. The chemical composition is wide, which determines the beneficial properties of black tea, which directly depend on the quality of raw materials, the correct preparation and the amount of liquid drunk.

  1. Stimulates metabolism, blood circulation, kidney activity, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  2. Useful properties are associated with the fact that tea is the prevention of skin cancer.
  3. Due to the presence of tannins, it has antioxidant properties.
  4. Given the presence of polysaccharides, the black variety is useful for diabetics to drink.

Red tea benefits

If you want to try the right red tea, then you need to look for packs that indicate that the plant was grown and packaged in China. The beneficial properties of red tea have been known since ancient times, which made it popular all over the world. This variety has a rich chemical composition, as it contains polysaccharides, acids, amino acids, pectins, essential oils, vitamins and minerals.

  1. Helps speed up metabolic processes, which helps to lose kilograms.
  2. It has a diuretic effect, which improves kidney function and cleanses the body of excess fluid.
  3. Removes toxins from the body, which is important for overall health.
  4. It has a tonic effect and relieves nervous tension.

Pu-erh tea - useful properties

In China, the most popular drink is pu-erh, which is distributed throughout the world. During the production process, tea leaves undergo complete fermentation, which causes it to excellent qualities. Properly brewed pu-erh is obtained tart taste and there is a honey and orchid note. In some varieties, tea rose and chrysanthemum leaves are added for flavoring.

  1. Pu-erh tea, the benefits of which are scientifically proven, improves brain activity, strengthens memory and increases attention.
  2. Given the presence of various amino acids and the ability to reduce appetite, the drink helps to lose weight. It helps to improve metabolic processes.
  3. It has a diuretic effect and has a positive effect on intestinal motility.
  4. Tea improves the activity of the liver and the cardiovascular system, as it reduces the amount of cholesterol and increases vascular permeability.

Chamomile tea benefits

The flower, which is popular with women who want to know about the feelings of the chosen one, is very useful, which causes it wide application in traditional medicine recipes. It consists of up to 0.8% essential oil, acids, vitamins, minerals and other substances. Beneficial features chamomile tea important in the treatment of many health problems.

  1. It has a positive effect on the state of the digestive system, helping to cope with colic and even gastritis.
  2. Given the presence of ascorbic acid, the drink strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of contracting colds.
  3. The beneficial properties of chamomile tea are related to the fact that it stabilizes the nervous system and helps to cope with a bad mood.
  4. It has an antibacterial effect, removing internal inflammatory processes.

Tea with viburnum - benefits

Viburnum berries are a traditional treat for the Slavs and they are used not only in culinary purposes but also in folk recipes. They possess unique composition, which gives a chance to use them to treat and prevent the development of many diseases, and they also increase the protective functions of the body, which helps to resist the negative effects of viruses and bacteria. Tea with viburnum, the beneficial properties of which have been known since ancient times, is allowed to be drunk regularly.

  1. The composition includes a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system. It is recommended to drink the drink in the cold season.
  2. Due to the presence of tannins, viburnum has a positive effect on the digestive system.
  3. Berries are useful for hypertensive patients, as they help reduce pressure.
  4. It has a calming effect, helping to cope with stress, fatigue and bad mood. Even a cup of tea will give you a boost of energy.

Linden tea - useful properties

Fragrant flowers are the best suited for making tea, which has original taste and enjoyable honey aroma. It has a pleasant sweetness due to the presence of natural sugar. It is best to prepare the drink in small volumes, as it loses its beneficial properties over time. The benefits of linden tea apply to many organs and systems.

  1. It has an antipyretic effect, so it can be given to children with colds and flu.
  2. It cleanses the body, removing toxins and slags.
  3. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes.
  4. It has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Thyme tea - useful properties

The presented herb has been used in folk recipes since ancient times, as it includes many essential oils, acids, minerals, tannins and other components. Thyme tea is useful for the protective functions of the body, helping to fight viruses and bacteria, relieving coughs and headaches. The drink has a positive effect on the activity of many internal organs and systems.

  1. Improves the activity of the nervous system, which helps to better cope with depression and fatigue.
  2. It is recommended to drink a drink with cystitis, prostatitis and sand in the kidneys.
  3. Tea with thyme, the benefits for women of which are associated with the ability to cope with overweight allowed to drink daily.
  4. It is also useful for pregnant women, as it improves lactation and the quality of milk, but you need to drink it in limited quantities.

Mint tea - benefits

In cooking fragrant plant is very popular due to its fresh taste. Leaves included in recipes various drinks, including tea, which is gentle and refreshing. Mint tea, the benefits of which are confirmed by doctors, strengthens the immune system, which is especially important during the period of active spread of viruses and infections.

  1. The drink is useful for hypertensive patients, as it normalizes blood pressure.
  2. Due to the presence of menthol, tea relieves spasms, which helps to cope with prolonged headaches.
  3. It has an antipyretic effect, relieving the symptoms of a runny nose and sore throat.
  4. The beneficial properties of tea are to normalize the state of the gallbladder, kidneys and liver.

Benefits of ginger tea

Hot spice has become widely used in cooking relatively recently, but its beneficial properties have been known since ancient times. There are various folk recipes, but the easiest and most affordable way to get benefits is to make tea. It combines different vitamins, minerals, essential oils and other substances. Ginger tea, the benefits of which have been proven through numerous studies, is prepared very simply: in regular drink you just need to put a few pieces of fresh root.

  1. It has an antiviral effect, which is important for some diseases of the internal organs.
  2. Helps to accelerate blood circulation, which causes a warming effect and improves mental activity.
  3. The beneficial properties of ginger tea are associated with its ability to remove bad cholesterol and normalize blood pressure.
  4. Affects the secretion of gastric juice, which has a positive effect on the activity of the digestive system.

Koporye tea - benefits

In traditional Slavic teas, different plants are used, which have great benefits. Fireweed or Ivan-tea is the main raw material for the manufacture of fermented Koporye tea. The properties of this drink are associated with a unique chemical composition, as it contains vitamins, minerals and other substances. Koporye tea, whose beneficial properties have been fully studied, stands out among others in that it does not contain caffeine, tannin and oxalic acid, and these substances are known to depress the nervous system.

  1. The drink has a sedative and calming effect, which helps to cope with stress, depression and insomnia.
  2. Helps improve metabolic processes.
  3. The next useful property of tea is due to the presence of tannins, so it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.
  4. At regular use improves the functioning of the endocrine system.

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The benefits and harms of different types of tea, including exotic

Rooibos, blue tea, Kuril, Paraguayan, Egyptian, yerba mate and other types of tea in this article. For related tea, see here the secrets of tea brewing here

White tea- this is a jewel with which the Chinese are in no hurry to part, and white tea enters the world market in very limited quantities.

White tea undergoes the most gentle, minimal processing. To stop the fermentation process, the leaves are steamed for one minute and then dried, sometimes just in the sun. Very often, tea is processed directly at the place of collection.

White tea slows down the aging process in the body, promotes the healing of tumors, ulcers (effective in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers), removes cholesterol from the body and cleanses the blood.

But exclusivity white tea consists not only in this: only the most tender, not yet fully blossomed, first leaves are used for its production. They are covered with silvery-white villi, which gave the tea its name. For the most exclusive white tea, only the upper buds are harvested, the Chinese called them with love "white cilia", in order to gain a kilogram of such cilia, you need to pick 150 thousand buds, which is beyond the power of one tea picker per day (this delicate work is done mainly by women).

For a more affordable variety of white tea, the top leaf (tips) and the next one are torn off. Since the villi quickly disappear from young leaves, white tea is harvested only two days a year in the early morning hours. In the white tea harvest season, which is the beginning of April, orchards bloom in China, which often coexist with tea plantations. The aroma of flowers settles on the silvery villi of the first tea leaves, which gives the drink a characteristic floral aroma. Today White tea grown and produced in Africa, India, Sri Lanka and, of course, China.

Types of white tea

White tea is an expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford, its price is from 300 rubles per 100 grams. This exclusive drink can be a wonderful gift for tea connoisseurs.

At its core, white tea, which is also used for weight loss, is the sun-dried top leaves and buds of the tea plant. It got its name because of the silvery villi on the kidneys, which remain even after processing, unlike other types of tea. There are four types of white teas in total. These are two high-grade ones - "White Peony" and "Silver Needles", as well as two low-grade ones - "Eyebrows of Longevity" and "Gift Eyebrows".

The best sort of white tea is Silver Needle tea. This tea consists of unopened young leaves and buds. He has sweet taste, fresh and clean flavor and often used for weight loss. This type of tea is collected only in the morning and only a few days a year, when its healing properties are most pronounced. White Peony tea, in addition to unopened leaves and buds, also consists of opened leaves, which makes it not so refined. But at the same time, the aroma and taste of this tea is more distinct and stronger.

As for low-grade white teas, they consist of dried old tea leaves or scrap left over from the production of high-grade tea. Buying white teas in stores today, you can be sure that these are low-grade teas, since real tea cannot be stored for a long time and cannot withstand tough transportation.

properties of white tea

Due to the fact that white tea is not exposed to heat treatment, it retains all its properties and has the greatest benefit among other drinks. It contains vitamins C, B1 and P. This tea is used for weight loss, it remarkably strengthens the immune system, increases blood clotting, promotes wound healing, and prevents the development of caries, cardiovascular diseases and tumors. Its bactericidal and antioxidant properties bring great benefits to the body. But at the same time, it is imperative to observe the technology of its production and preparation, otherwise it can be harmful. However, the infusion of white tea is so weak and thin that it does not harm the body, even when consumed excessively.

How to brew white tea

Delicate white tea leaves require special handling and therefore a special brewing method. In no case should white tea be brewed with boiling water, otherwise the finest essential oils contained in it will be destroyed. It is best to use filtered or pure spring water, which should be brought to a boil (but not boiled) and allowed to cool for a few minutes. It is also not recommended to use already boiled water. The ideal temperature for brewing white tea is 60-75°C. Water is poured into a preheated teapot, it is best to use glass or ceramic teapots. Since the leaves are not twisted and therefore more voluminous, a little more tea is taken per cup than usual - about 2 teaspoons. Brewing time for white tea depends on its type, usually about 5 minutes for the first brew and 2-3 for subsequent ones. You can brew white tea 3-4 times. If you use white tea for medicinal purposes, then you need to infuse it for 15 minutes.

White tea should be stored very carefully, in a tightly sealed container, preventing the penetration of light, moisture and foreign odors. Due to the complexity of the collection and the complexity of storage, the price of white tea is much higher than ordinary green tea, and its most exclusive varieties cost more than a thousand dollars per kilogram. Very often, they try to pass off ordinary green tea as white tea, so you need to buy it only in specialized tea shops. White tea leaves should not be twisted or broken, they are light silver-green on the outside and whitish on the back. Freshly harvested tea emits a light floral or herbal aroma

Kuril tea has long been popular in folk medicine. Despite the fact that it tastes very similar to ordinary tea, its properties help to cope with many diseases. Flowers, leaves and shoots of this plant are rich in tannins, flavonoids and catechins. Aboveground part Kuril tea contains calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, copper, resins, saponins, phenolic acids and essential oils. It is also rich in carotenoids, vitamin C and P-active substances.

The plant is very unpretentious for cultivation, it loves the sun very much, but it does not tolerate heavy clay soil. Feeding is useful for him, especially before flowering and abundant watering immediately after planting. Kuril tea bushes are sheared every three years. The plant can winter without special shelters directly under the snow.

The use and medicinal properties of Kuril tea

Despite the very simple cultivation, Kuril tea successfully used to treat many diseases. It is primarily used for a variety of gastrointestinal infections. Its use is effective for Staphylococcus aureus, dysenteric amoeba, Vibrio cholerae, rotavirus. The plant can be used to treat dysbacteriosis and urinary incontinence in children.

Kuril tea is often used to improve immunity and during serious illnesses. Its use is welcomed in diabetes mellitus, cystitis, duodenitis, stomach ulcers, pyelonephritis, and persistent constipation. It also helps with nervous exhaustion, depression and neurosis, various neuropsychiatric disorders. A thick decoction of the plant (see photo), due to its properties, can be used for gargling with stomatitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease, for the treatment of burns, boils and washing wounds.

Very useful plant for female diseases. But contraindications prohibit taking it during pregnancy. An infusion from the plant is used as an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent. It is recommended for uterine bleeding, heavy menstruation, leucorrhea, colpitis and cervical erosion. In addition to pregnancy, the contraindications of the drug include its individual intolerance.

Bergamot- This is a small plant of the citrus family, very similar to a lemon. It is mainly grown in the Italian province of Calabria, which is known for its warm, sunny climate. There are two versions of the origin of the name of this plant. According to the first, it was named after the city of Bergamo, where the man who discovered the healing properties of the fruit lived. According to the second version, the plant got its name from the Turkish word "beyarmudu" ("princely pear"), because the fruits of bergamot look very similar to the fruits of this pear.

Benefits of bergamot tea

By its nature, bergamot is inedible and can even harm the body. But essential oil, which is extracted from this plant, has healing properties and can cure many ailments. Very useful for the body and tea with bergamot. It helps to cope with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, improves appetite, has a disinfectant, antiviral, antiseptic effect, which is very good in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Due to the cooling effect of the fruit, the tea helps reduce high temperatures. Also, the drink has an antifungal effect, strengthens the immune system, has the best effect on brain activity, increases concentration, is an excellent antidepressant, relieves anxiety and fear, fights stress and tension, perfectly invigorates and normalizes sleep.

Few people know, but tea with bergamot not only brings great benefits to the body, but is also an excellent aphrodisiac. Nursing mothers can use this drink to increase lactation, and regular consumption of it will help keep blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure normal. Tea is also known to have antioxidant properties.

Often tea with bergamot is used in cosmetology. It helps to relieve inflammation, and also normalizes the work of sweat and sebaceous glands. The plant not only does not harm, but also has great benefits in the fight against acne, irritations and pustules. Tea is able to quickly cleanse the skin, narrow enlarged pores and get rid of age spots.

Egyptian yellow tea is one of the smallest types of tea. It is produced from the highest quality raw materials in an almost natural way, which helps to preserve many trace elements and vitamins in it. This drink has properties inherent in white and green teas, but more pronounced. For example, tea from Egypt is an excellent antidepressant, which is possible due to the presence of more caffeine than other drinks.

Tea lovers prefer this particular type for its unusual pleasant taste and a unique, slightly smoky flavor. Today, many people love yellow tea, but, as before, it is an expensive pleasure. At the same time, this drink is famous not only for its unique aroma and taste, but also for its healing properties. It is known that many diets for weight loss include this tea in the diet.

Useful properties of Egyptian tea

Yellow tea from Egypt is one of the most healthy drinks. It is not surprising that many are interested in how to brew this type of tea and how to drink it for weight loss. The drink has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, normalizes blood pressure, has a positive effect on vision and mental activity, and also activates the immune system and removes toxins. Due to the fact that Egyptian tea contains many extractives, it can also be used as an antipyretic.

Yellow tea from Egypt does not contain theine, but it contains many vitamins, polyacids and minerals that are involved in the process of cleansing the liver. Also, this drink wonderfully relieves headaches and improves mood. Using the property of tea to display harmful substances from the body, it is actively used by nutritionists to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and for weight loss.

How to brew Egyptian tea

To make tea, you will need a small saucepan, honey or sugar, lemon, ginger and milk. How to brew a drink? At its core, yellow tea is not exactly tea. If you look closely at the contents of the package, you can see seeds that look more like buckwheat. That is why it needs to be brewed differently than the usual varieties. To begin with, the tea leaves must be washed under running water, then put it in dry place and let dry for a few days. Only then will the tea be ready for brewing.

Yellow tea does not need to be boiled, it needs to be boiled. For this, a saucepan is taken, about 250 ml of water is poured into it, a teaspoon of dried tea leaves is poured and put on fire. After the water boils, the tea will need to be boiled for another 8 minutes, after which it can be removed from the heat and poured into cups. Tea is drunk warm. You can add sugar, honey, lemon or fresh ginger. Very pleasant and interesting taste the drink will have if milk is added to it.

from here: Marina Kurochkina

Rooibos tea obtained from the leaves of the South African shrub of the same name. Rooibos - fragrant and delicious drink, a great alternative to traditional tea or coffee . Rooibos tea has a pleasant taste, perfectly tones the body and at the same time does not contain caffeine at all. The composition of rooibos is distinguished by a rich list of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances, its biochemical composition and explains the powerful health benefits of rooibos.

Rooibos Composition

The composition of rooibos includes a large number of antioxidants that prevent aging of the body and even the development of oncology. In terms of the content of ascorbic acid, tea from this plant surpasses even lemons. In order for the body to receive a daily dose of iron, you need to drink only a few cups of rooibos drink.

Thanks to high content copper, fluorine, potassium and sodium, rooibos is recommended to be included in the daily diet of children, the elderly, athletes, as well as those who lead an active lifestyle or work in production associated with significant physical activity. Because potassium and sodium restore physical fitness, zinc, together with vitamin C, improves performance. immune system, copper has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and stimulates metabolic processes in the body, manganese and magnesium rejuvenate the cellular composition, calcium and fluorine strengthen the teeth and skeletal system.

The effects of rooibos tea on the body

Due to the lack of theine and caffeine, rooibos can be drunk at any time without fear of overexcitation, insomnia, or dehydration. This makes rooibos the perfect drink for babies and nursing mothers. Another advantage over black tea is the almost complete absence of tannin, which prevents the body from fully absorbing iron. Rooibos does not contain oxalic acid (it is also found in regular tea), which allows people with a predisposition to kidney stones to drink the drink without fear.

Rooibos It is a source of natural antibiotic, which makes it an excellent antibacterial agent. The use of rooibos normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure. Tea can also be used as an expectorant and antihelminthic, to eliminate allergic conditions, and to prevent caries. Rooibos infusion is given to newborns to prevent colic and as a mild sedative.

In the homeland of the plant, South Africa, rooibos is considered a hangover savior. Currently, work is underway to develop preparations based on "African tea" for the treatment of oncology, hepatitis and diabetes. Rooibos successfully cures heartburn, constipation, vomiting and nausea. Magnesium, which is part of the drink, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, eliminates headaches and depressive states, calms and minimizes the feeling of fear.

The flavonoids contained in rooibos tea are highly anti-mutagenic, and their use is very effective against skin cancer. Therefore, the drink is recommended for people with oncology and cardiovascular diseases.

Rooibos tea: contraindications

Rooibos has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. It can be used by people of different ages as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for many diseases.

How to brew rooibos?

Rooibos is brewed like regular tea, one teaspoon of dry tea leaves is poured boiling water(250 ml) and insist for several minutes. To taste, you can add sugar to tea, drink "bite" with honey, jam.

Black tea

Black tea- the most common type of tea. It can be sheet: small and medium-sized, granulated, pressed (tiles, bricks, tablets) and powdered or packaged.
Black tea is produced by withering, rolling and fermentation (oxidation) of the tea leaf, and then drying it. Black tea is brewed with water at 90-100 degrees Celsius and infused for 7 minutes.

Black tea: benefits

Black tea is rich in tannins, substances that bind and remove toxins from the body, and catechins, which protect against certain viruses and bacteria. Black tea contains polyphenols - useful material, which have a bactericidal effect, block cancer cells and remove free radicals from the body. Black tea is good for the mouth and teeth. Thanks to the same polyphenols, it prevents the formation of tartar and plaque, and also protects teeth from caries. Black tea tones the body and invigorates.

Black tea: harm

Black tea contains a large amount of caffeine, much more than green tea. Therefore, drink, it should be in moderation and not too strong. Since it is known that a large amount of caffeine in the body can cause insomnia and headaches, increase the load on the heart and gallbladder.
Long-term brewing of black tea kills all the beneficial properties of tea and increases the caffeine content in it!

Green tea

Green tea- this is a natural tea leaf, which, unlike the black tea leaf, does not undergo a fermentation process, and therefore has a higher biological value. Green tea is large-leaf and small-leaf, powder and tile.

To properly brew green tea, you must first heat the teapot (or pour boiling water over it), then pour a little (50 ml) into it cold water and let it boil. After that, put tea leaves in a strainer and place them in a teapot. Boiling water in the teapot should soak the tea leaves with steam, and when they open and swell, you can pour boiled water into the teapot, heated to 75-80 degrees and insist for 7-8 minutes.

Green tea: benefits

Properly brewed green tea has medicinal properties. So, green tea neutralizes the negative effects of radiation from the TV and computer. Green tea also helps to eliminate heavy metals from the body - strontium, lead, cadmium, mercury, zinc and others. Green tea has been proven to cure radiation sickness!
Green tea is rich in vitamin P, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, so it is used in the treatment of severe hemorrhages and senile fragility of capillaries.
Vitamin C in green tea contains 10 times more than in black. This suggests that green tea strengthens the immune system and rejuvenates the body. Green tea accelerates the decomposition of cholesterol and fats in the blood, so it can be used for weight loss.

Green tea: harm

Green tea has a very strong, very strong stimulating and stimulating effect. Green tea (and strong black tea) is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers, since the caffeine contained in it can disturb the sleep of the child and mother. In addition to insomnia, the abuse of green tea causes increased heart rate and trembling.
Green tea should be drunk within 15 minutes and should not be infused all day - as in this case harmful substances are formed in it. Thus, if you insist on green tea all day long, constantly adding boiling water to it, then you are preparing yourself a real poison!
Green tea may contribute to the formation of kidney stones.
Remember: if you do not abuse green tea and brew it correctly, then it will bring you only beauty and health!

Red tea

Red tea There are two main types: this is an inexpensive red tea made from hibiscus flowers or rooibos plants and elite red Chinese tea from the leaves of the tea bush.
Red tea goes through such stages of tea leaf processing as withering, rolling, fermentation and drying. Moreover, it is during the fermentation process that pigments are formed that give the tea a red or pale crimson color. Red tea - there are several types.
Red tea "oolong" or "oolong" (Black Dragon) is a semi-fermented Chinese red tea that combines the properties of red and green tea. Named after the province in which it is grown.
Qihong (Keemun) tea is a red Chinese tea from Anhui province.
Lizhi huncha is a Chinese red tea flavored with lychi fruit.
Dian hong tea (Red tea from Dian land) - Chinese red tea highest quality from Yunnan province.
Tea Red (black) peony - red Chinese tea, hand-tied in the shape of a flower.
Hibiscus is a tea made from brewed Hibiscus sabdarif petals.

Rooibos is a red tea made from an African shrub.
Red tea is being brewed hot water 90-95 C and infused for 2-4 minutes. You can brew Chinese red tea up to 3 times.

Red tea: benefits

Red tea has an anti-inflammatory effect, removes harmful substances and toxins from the body. Red tea increases potency, relieves hangover syndrome, stabilizes blood pressure, promotes weight loss, stimulates cardiovascular activity, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, counteracts the formation of cancerous tumors, and helps the body resist radiation. For indigestion and constipation, it is recommended to eat freshly brewed tea leaves.

Red tea: harm

Red tea has a strong diuretic effect, so you should not abuse it. Increases the acidity of gastric juice, so it is not recommended to use red tea for people suffering from hyperacidity stomach, with gastric and duodenal ulcers.

yellow tea

Yellow tea, like white tea, refers to expensive species tea. Yellow tea is produced in exactly the same way as green tea. However, unlike green tea, its production involves a special “languishing and wrapping” technique: the tea leaf is heated for some time over hot coals, then it is wrapped in parchment, which makes it gradually turn yellow. The tea obtained in this way acquires an exquisite taste and incomparable taste. delicate fragrance. Are brewed yellow teas practically the same as green ones - not with hot water (80-90 C). And the brewing time depends on taste preferences.

Yellow tea: benefits

Yellow tea cleanses the liver and blood, removes toxins from the body, improves eyesight, and creates an elevated mood. By its biological properties it is very close to green tea.

Yellow tea: harm

As well as green tea, if consumed excessively and incorrectly, it can cause some diseases.

blue tea

Blue tea is produced in the same way as Red Chinese oolong tea. but blue teas they are still kept in the sun for up to 10 hours (or in the shade), the edges of the tea leaf dry out and curl, and the middle remains in its natural form. To brew blue tea, it must be poured with hot water at 95-100 C and held for 5 minutes. Teapot at the same time, you need to preheat and boil a little cold water in it, which should soak the tea leaves with steam, before the main brewing.

There are about a hundred varieties blue tea, however, it is quite difficult to get them from us.

Blue tea: benefits

Blue tea, like yellow tea, has all the properties of green tea.
However, it is also useful for stress and nervous disorders. It brings peace and tranquility, neutralizes excitement, puts thoughts in order. Blue tea is also recommended for people with metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis and obesity.

Blue tea: harm

We must not forget about the moderation of the use of blue tea. It is recommended to drink no more than five cups a day for a week and take a break for three weeks, and then repeat the course.

Mate teais an evergreen tree that usually has a light bark. Paraguayan tea can reach 15 to 20 meters in height. Paraguayan holly is characterized by an oblong-oval crown. Leaves tea mate can grow from 6 to 20 cm in length, and are characterized by serrated edges and a leathery upper surface. Paraguayan tea leaves are dark green on the top and light green on the underside. Paraguayan holly inflorescences have forty to fifty flowers. Red fruits of mate tea have round shape and contain 4 to 8 seeds. IN South America mate tea trees bloom from October to November. Most mate tea plants are male, although there are also female plants and even dioecious flowers.
Mate tea is sometimes confused withholly(Ilex aquifolium L.), as both species show a surprising degree of similarity. However, holly does not contain caffeine and is therefore unsuitable for use as a substitute for Paraguayan tea.
Very similar to Paraguayan tea is the Argentine holly plant, which is common in Argentina. The leaves of this plant were once used as a substitute for mate tea. In Chile, the citronella plant (Citronella mucronata) is known as mate de chile.

In Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), there are three main varieties Paraguayan tea:var. talo roxo ("red stem"), var. talo branco ("white stem") and var. piriquita.

In South America mate Tea has been used for thousands of years as both a pleasure drink and a ritual drug. During archaeological excavations in the Andes, pre-Columbian burials were found in which Paraguayan holly leaves were found. In the northern part of Argentina, silver vessels for drinking mate tea have been found in Indian graves.
The Guarani Indians used Paraguayan tea for shamanic purposes.
At the beginning of the colonial period, Paraguayan holly was known by the name Jesuit tea.
In Argentina and Paraguay, Paraguayan tea has been cultivated since 1606. In Brazil, the Paraguayan holly has been hailed as the emblematic tree of Rio Grande do Sul.
The physician and botanist Aimé Bonpland (1773-1858), one of Alexander von Humboldt's fellow travelers, described the Paraguayan holly plant as a source of mate in 1821. The Paraguayan holly received its current botanical name in 1822.

True mate tea can only be found between the twentieth and thirtieth parallels of South America. The distribution range of Paraguayan tea is Paraguay, northern Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Bolivia.

The psychoactive parts of mate tea are Paraguayan holly leaves.
Tea made from the leaves of Paraguayan holly is known in different ways: mate tea, Jesuit tea, Paraguayan tea, yerba mate, mate, etc. Freshly picked leaves and branches of Paraguayan tea quickly heat up (heat up) when high temperature. In this way, mate tea leaves retain their green color. After all, if the leaves of the Paraguayan holly are dried slowly, they become black. Today there are many different industrial methods drying and processing of mate tea leaves. Dried, roasted, powdered, and finely chopped mate tea leaves are sold commercially throughout the world. In Europe, there is a distinction between green and brown mate.
Mate tea has a pungent, smoky, mildly astringent taste. The average dosage for one person is 2 grams of dried paraguayan pabud leaves per cup of water. Hot water (but not boiling water) is poured over dried mate tea leaves and brewed for five to ten minutes. Mate tea has a pleasant taste and stimulating effects.
In South America, mate tea is almost always drunk through a straw (bombilla) made from a gourd (calabash), or a traditional bottle known as "cuias". dried leaves Paraguayan holly is placed in a bottle and then added hot water. After the drink has been drunk, the used Paraguayan tea leaves are brewed again. This process can be repeated several times, which led to the ritual use of mate tea. Mate tea is usually consumed unsweetened. Sometimes lime juice or lemon juice is added.

Mate tea was originally a plant found in vast forests of araucaria (coniferous trees). Today, Paraguayan tea is a plant in its own right, as vast coniferous forests are gradually being destroyed by mankind. In Argentina, mate tea is grown on large plantations (yerbatales). However, the main source of Paraguayan holly is Brazil. When growing mate tea on plantations, the bush is maintained at a height of 2 to 5 meters. The harvest takes place every two years, from May to September.
Reproduction of mate tea is carried out thanks to birds. They peck at the seeds that pass through the stomach and intestinal tract of the birds, causing the hard outer shell of the Paraguayan holly seed to break down to the point where the seed can easily sprout once it hits the soil.

If the seeds of Paraguayan tea are planted in the soil without prior preparation, then they will not