The benefits of funchose and its harm. Funchoza - beneficial properties of an unfamiliar product

Recently, funchose - rice noodles, as many people who do not know the true composition of this “glass” noodles are used to calling them, has become popular. This product came to Russia from Asian countries relatively recently. In its homeland, the product has a well-deserved reputation - noodles occupy one of the first places in cooking and are almost the main dish on the table.

Funchoza is a starchy noodle, the starch for which is previously extracted from rice. This traditional recipe, but now rice starch is being replaced by the main ingredient of legumes, corn, potatoes and starch-containing plants growing in Asian countries - mung and cassava. Such noodles differ from rice noodles not only in composition, but also in appearance.

Real funchose has a translucent appearance and does not change after cooking, while rice noodles become whiter when cooked. Funchoza can be a separate dish or used as an ingredient in salads and soups. Traditionally served with dishes sweet and sour sauce or different variations seasoning

The product tastes impeccable both hot and cold. Funchoza, the benefits and harms of which are due to its chemical composition, is the main ingredient in Eastern countries.


The noodles contain:

  1. 75% of starch is from various plants, so its nutritional value is undeniable.
  2. Among other things, it includes the entire list of vitamins from group B, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and cell metabolism.
  3. There is a high content of vitamins PP and E.
  4. Funchose contains a lot of micro and macroelements: sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and other useful minerals.
  5. It also contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber.

If we talk about calorie content, then funchose is very high-calorie product. It contains 320 kcal per 100 g of dry noodles. During cooking, the noodles are saturated with water and their calorie content drops to 90 kcal for 100 g of product, which makes them dietary dish helping with weight loss.

It should be borne in mind that the presented composition is designed for traditional recipe preparing noodles, without deviations in the direction of reducing the cost of the product.


The composition of noodles indicates its nutritional value and benefits to the body. It improves life performance various systems human body, where the following factors are highlighted:

  1. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, since funchose is rich in fiber. Zinc, which is part of the product, removes waste and toxins from the body.
  2. Improving heart function and strengthening blood vessels, completely cleansing them and imparting elasticity due to the high content of potassium and magnesium in the composition.
  3. Complex carbohydrates, which are responsible for building muscle and tissue, help you lose weight while maintaining healthy muscle mass.
  4. Funchose replenishes the lack of amino acids in the body, which are needed to stimulate metabolic processes of a vitamin nature and at the cellular level.
  5. It is a natural antidepressant and helps stabilize nervous system, improve performance, develop resistance to stress.
  6. Vitamin E contained in the product can rejuvenate the body, thereby improving hair structure, reducing brittleness of nails, making the skin elastic and smooth.
  7. Phosphorus improves vision, and calcium is necessary to improve bone structure.

In addition, funchose does not contain allergens, therefore it is safe product for people of all ages. It can be used by people with liver, kidney, heart diseases, as dietary product, if the sauces for it are low-fat and low-calorie.


Rice noodles are not recommended for frequent use people suffering from constipation, because rice has a fixing property and rice starch is no exception. Sick people should not eat funchose diabetes mellitus due to the high starch content in it, which can lead to surges in blood sugar. It's important to remember that restaurant serving noodles require seasoning with sauces, and some of them are very high in calories and are not useful for obese people. Therefore, they can enjoy funchose if it is served with vegetables and low-fat seasonings.

When buying noodles, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product. If it contains the addition of corn starch, then it is a low-quality product. It is safe to buy noodles in specialized oriental stores or departments. Vinegar and other seasonings for cooking are often offered here. Buy ready-made salads not recommended, because they add regular sauces instead of exotic ones vegetable oil, which makes the dish cheap in cost and less healthy.

Funchoza This is a white thread-like tubular vermicelli, similar in appearance to subtle types spaghetti. The basis for making funchose is starch, not flour. Real funchose is made from golden beans called mung, and from a rare variety.

The product's homeland is Thailand; it is one of the favorite ingredients for preparing dishes in oriental cuisine.

To produce this product, starches from various plants are used: corn, potatoes, yams, cassava. When cooked, vermicelli becomes transparent and slippery, which is why it is called “glass” vermicelli.

Asian vermicelli has no distinct smell or taste. It is used as an additional ingredient in complex compound recipes and is not consumed as independent dish. Most often, “glass” vermicelli is used in recipes for salads, first and second courses.

Calorie content of funchose

80% of funchose consists of carbohydrates, and there are practically no proteins and fats in the product. Natural funchose is not used in the production additional ingredients and chemicals.

The product contains the following components:

  • Cellulose
  • Amino acids
  • Vitamins B9, PP, B1, B6, B5, B2
  • Iron, calcium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, potassium, manganese, copper

Funchoza is a gluten-free product.

The nutritional value of 100 g of dry noodles is 320 kcal. However, the finished dish does not contain so many calories that are undesirable for those losing weight. During the cooking process, vermicelli is saturated with water and 100 grams of finished funchose contains about 87 kcal.

Since funchose itself is tasteless, nutritional value ready-made dish with it will depend on the constituent ingredients used in the recipes.


Funchoza: harm

In the production of real funchose, only mung beans are used, which are expensive. Some unscrupulous manufacturers, in order to make a profit, began to use other cheaper raw materials, for example, rice, in their production technology. However, to achieve the same uniform transparent white shade, some manufacturers use lead, a dangerous toxic substance.

The harm of funchose to a person if he uses such vermicelli for cooking is simply colossal.

Consumption of lead-poisoned funchose is fraught with severe poisoning and even death.

With a small amount of lead, there will be no benefit from funchose, but only harm. This substance tends to accumulate in tissues and bones and leads to their complete destruction and oncological formations.


What are the benefits of funchose

Funchoza – nutritious and useful product, goes well with numerous ingredients and seasonings in meat and fish dishes.

What are the benefits of funchose for humans? Valuable qualities The product is determined by its rich composition, the beneficial effect on the body is manifested in the following moments:

Normalization of digestion. Thanks to vegetable fiber and a share of zinc, the use of funchose improves digestive functions and eliminates intestinal disorders. The product coats the mucous membranes and removes toxic substances from the body.

Helps in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The potassium and magnesium contained in the product have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. These substances normalize heart rhythm, promote the coordinated functioning of the main organ and improve its health.

Positively affects the nervous system. By virtue of large quantity vitamins different groups the use of funchose reduces the likelihood of disorders of the central nervous system and leads to the regeneration of nerve tissue.

Strengthens the musculoskeletal system. Calcium present in funchose plays a leading role in the formation of bone tissue, ensures their hardness and elasticity, and prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Rejuvenates the body. Consumption of funchose prevents aging, rejuvenates cells, and smoothes existing wrinkles. Vitamin E promotes the regeneration of worn-out cells, saturates skin cells with oxygen, and improves subcutaneous blood circulation.

What are the benefits of funchose for losing weight? By introducing this product into your diet, the process of losing weight will not be so painful and unpleasant. Regular use of “glass” vermicelli in weight loss programs leads to a gradual reduction in the consumption of sugar and fat. Thanks to the good nutritional value of the dishes, a person who is losing weight retains Vital energy, weakness goes away, and the body receives the required amount of microelements and vitamins.

Funchoza during pregnancy and breastfeeding

A natural product made from golden beans is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. However, funchose can be harmful to a woman’s body if it is seasoned hot seasonings and spices. During these periods it is better to refuse spicy dishes and use funchose to prepare healthy light soups, salads, and side dishes.

When choosing funchose in a store, it is better to give preference to points that supply authentic products from Asian regions. When purchasing, carefully study the composition of the product - real funchose does not contain rice flour or other ingredients. Remembering possible processing product is lead, during pregnancy it is better to completely abandon exotic funchose and give preference to products growing in your native region.

How to cook funchose at home

Despite exotic name and the novelty of the product, funchose is very easy to prepare. The product comes in the form thin noodles, spirals or ears (in this form it is less common).

There is no need to cook “glass” noodles - just pour boiling water over them and let sit for 5 minutes. If the thickness of the funchose is more than 5 mm, it is better to boil it for 3-4.5 minutes.

The finished funchose resembles Italian vermicelli “al dente” - when a sufficiently dense structure is preserved. This is a sure sign of properly cooked “glass” noodles.


Funchoza with meat


  • 300 g funchose
  • 300 g beef pulp
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 carrots
  • 1-2 onions
  • 1 green radish
  • 2 spoons soy sauce
  • Pepper, salt

First of all, the noodles are prepared (poured with boiling water) and discarded in a colander. The meat is sliced ​​and fried in a frying pan. During the frying process, add onions, carrots, radishes and simmer for 10 minutes. The mixture is seasoned with pepper, soy sauce, salt and simmered for another 5 minutes. Funchose is added to the meat, mixed gently and simmered for another 2 minutes. The dish is served with fresh herbs.

Funchoza, the benefits and harms of which remain a mystery to most of the Russian population, increasingly appears in collections of recipes as one of the components of salads. What to expect from consuming this product, how to properly prepare and store it, read this article.

Funchoza - what is it?

In China and Japan they know well what funchose is, or glass noodles, because here she is traditional dish. In Russia it is sometimes called rice noodles.

It looks transparent, has no specific taste or smell, but easily takes on the aroma of the products it is cooked with.

These noodles are actually made from beans. The bean starch is extracted, the mixture for the base is prepared, the funchose is rolled into the thinnest sheets and cut into pieces.
The Chinese and Japanese use glass noodles to create many dishes. It takes on the aromas and tastes of what it is flavored with or where it is added, and is the basis of various recipes.

Chemical composition and calorie content of noodles

Funchoza contains mineral salts of iron and selenium. Selenium is especially useful for men, as it has an anti-cancer effect on the prostate gland and preserves sperm motility.
Funchose contains carbohydrates (starch), which account for about 75% of the total mass fraction product. The amount of proteins and fats is insignificant, does not exceed 1%.

Real glass noodles contain vitamins and mineral salts:

pantothenic acid;
folic acid;
minerals (Na, K, Mg, Mn, Cu, P, Ca, Zn, Se, Fe).

The calorie content of boiled funchose is low, much less than egg noodles. There are only 80 kcal per 100 g of product.

Benefits for the human body

Glass noodles are gluten-free (a protein found in wheat), making them valuable product. Many people develop gluten intolerance after 50 years of age; people with celiac disease should not consume this protein either.

Funchozu glass noodles are loved by everyone who prefers Asian cuisine. This product is made from mung bean starch and is sold to consumers in dry form. When exposed to the temperature of boiling water, the mung starch becomes transparent, which is why the product is called “glass” noodles. Today, the market offers classic funchose and its analogues, both from konjac and corn starch. In many countries, the production of corn funchose is prohibited by law. But what are the benefits and harms of funchose? This question is often asked by those who follow proper nutrition.

The benefits of funchose

Funchoza is a healthy carbohydrate side dish. Due to the fact that it is produced from starch, it enriches the body with well-absorbed macro and micro elements. This is extremely necessary for those who engage in mental work or pay a lot of attention physical activity. Funchose is used as a side dish for protein: meat, seafood, in this combination it is harmonious and healthy for everyone to eat. Funchoza is a complex carbohydrate, it will not add weight, and it fits well into the day or evening diet. Moreover, I use glass noodles because of their insignificant calorie content. Calorie content of funchose made from mung starch, in finished form about 300 kcal per medium portion. This is equivalent to your favorite side dishes: rice, buckwheat, millet. It is important to know that funchose contains resistant starch, which is not immediately transformed into glucose and does not increase blood sugar levels; as a result, it can even be included in the diet of diabetics and athletes. Doctors say that processed resistant starch has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and helps improve its flora. This is a significant advantage, because during eating, the stomach absorbs everything nutrients.

Glass noodles are used as an additional source of amino acids, because many people experience disorders metabolic processes precisely because of their lack. This side dish is perfect in this case.

The product is a source of B vitamins. Psychiatrists talk about its positive effect on the central nervous system. Glass noodles are used as a means of combating depression, because it is the lack of B vitamins that can cause nervous breakdowns. In addition, funchose will improve brain function.

Regarding fiber, there is not as much of it in funchose as, for example, in potatoes or pumpkin, so it complements vegetable side dishes without unnecessary burden on gastrointestinal tract. Natural funchose contains no cholesterol. It is recommended for use by patients suffering from high blood pressure, problems with cholesterol and heart function.

There are so many funchose dishes that it is difficult to describe them all; they can be spicy and sweet, vegetarian. It goes well with seafood, meat, eggs, vegetables, and any oil. In terms of cooking, funchose is an addition. It's not typical for her bright taste, but thanks to its interesting consistency, it complements any main dish.

The harms and benefits of funchose have been studied by many nutritionists and chefs from all over the world. According to general findings, this product is practically harmless.

Funchza contraindications

Classic funchose made from natural starch without admixtures of lead “white” is absolutely harmless. It is not recommended to use it for diseases of the pancreas, as well as for disorders digestive processes. Allergic reactions to this product have not been traced, which cannot be said about many Asian dishes. If you all have an allergy, it’s probably not to the noodles, but to the sauce for them or another product.

What is funchose made from?

The harm and benefits of funchose are not all the questions of interest to those who monitor proper nutrition. Many people are also interested in its composition.

Real funchose - made exclusively from mung bean starch. If upon exposure elevated temperature the noodles instantly acquire a transparent shade and it does not turn white, you purchased exactly the noodles, the bark contains bean starch, without unnecessary impurities. The taste is not so bright, but it is very useful, it is used for balanced nutrition. But if the noodles begin to turn white during cooking, like classic pasta, this indicates imitation of funchose and the addition of corn starch to the product.

Many will ask: “Is this bad? Corn is a complex carbohydrate, why can’t it just be eaten as a real funchose, and why make such a strong distinction between these products?” But the difference is significant and this is fundamental. Corn noodles are used as a bleaching dye in Asian countries, which contains lead. Eating such food is extremely dangerous due to increased toxicity. According to studies, lead provokes the appearance of cancerous tumors. True, according to Asian laws, the production of funchose with artificial brighteners is prohibited.

The benefits and harms of funchose lead to thoughts about its high price in the domestic market. If the price is unacceptable for you, you can pay attention to analogues: pasta or konnyaki noodles, popularly called shirataki noodles.

According to external characteristics, the product is 99 percent identical to funchose glass noodles. Transparency during cooking, plasticity and flexibility are maintained. But the 1 percent difference is that konjac is coarse fiber, which is not absorbed by the body. It does not contain complex carbohydrates and is not recommended for use by inactive people. But, the product will ideally replace a carbohydrate side dish during a diet, if consumed in reasonable quantities to maintain weight. You can often see noodles made from cassava, quinoa, and canna rhizomes on supermarket shelves. These are analogues of glass noodles, reminiscent in taste and useful characteristics“classic” funchose. Real funchose is sold in any store. It is not some kind of delicacy, and stands out for its fragile properties and subtle aroma"nut". It's the smell of beans. Noodles are stored dry, in a room with a humidity of 50-60 percent at room temperature. The main thing is that no liquid or steam gets into the packaging.

How to cook funchose?

Funchoza is boiled until you notice the famous “glass” transparency. Vegetables, seafood, fish and meat are added to the dish. The product can also be steamed - just place it in a rice tray and run a specific program in a steamer or multicooker. According to the classics, funchose is cooked in boiling water. To do this, bring the water to a boil, place the product there, but do it very carefully so that the small pasta does not break, and cook for 120 seconds. The readiness of the product is determined by a transparent grayish color. Then the noodles are placed in a colander and left to drain. excess water. Boiled noodles are used as a base for variety of dishes. It is washed with cool water so that it retains its shape. Often on store shelves you can find knitted funchose “nest” threads. They are cooked almost the same way as classic noodles. Only after throwing it into a colander, place the “nests” on a board, cut off the threads, and come up with a shape for your dish yourself. It is convenient to boil them, since the product does not stick together and can be easily removed. To avoid sticking, funchose is often seasoned olive oil. There is no need to store noodles in broth or water after cooking, otherwise they will not preserve appetizing look And taste qualities.

Delicious recipes with funchose


Beef and funchose

You will need:

1) Korean carrot: 100g.

2) Boiled beef: 200 grams.

8) Sesame seeds and oil Sesame oil.

9) Vegetable broth: 100 ml.

Shiitake is sold dried, so soak it for a few hours first. Funchoza and mushrooms are boiled as usual, the ingredients for the sauce are crushed together in a mortar. Heat oil in a frying pan, add mushrooms, fry for a minute and pour in broth and spices. Simmer until the liquid evaporates. Add this dressing to the noodles.

Soup with shrimp and funchose.

1) Shrimp: 200 grams.

2) Onion: 1 piece.

3) Potatoes or sweet potatoes.

3) Funchoza: packaging.

4) Rice vinegar.

5) Elevator sheets.

Cook the shrimp until cooked and add the prepared funchose and potatoes a few minutes before the end. After 2 minutes, add the crumbled nori and reduce the heat, cook for another 5-8 minutes. Combine soy sauce with rice vinegar and add to soup. Leave to brew for 5-10 minutes.

Cooking funchose salad with chicken and vegetables

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Winter, ice, “glass” or “starch” noodles are all names for the same thing exotic product. Funchoza... Today this dish is popular not only in Asia, but also in Europe. In Chinese, “fensi” means “string of noodles.” What is this product made from and is funchose useful for weight loss? How many kilocalories are in 100 g of noodles and can you gain weight from eating them? We will try to answer all these and other questions in our article.

Composition of “glass noodles”: what are they made of?

This food product is produced from mung bean starch. They remind green pea. These beans are mainly grown in India.

Funchose began its march around the world from China, so many consider it national dish Celestial Empire. Although in equally Japan and Korea can lay claim to the title of homeland of this delicacy.

Sometimes starch from potatoes, rice or yams is used for production, but, of course, this is no longer original product. In supermarkets, real “glass” mung bean noodles are much more expensive than fake ones.

What does this dish taste like?

Funchoza - traditional Chinese noodles

Funchoza is often called “noodles without taste.” It doesn't look like pasta or spaghetti.
Externally, dry noodles look like long white threads of different diameters, rolled into a ring. When cooked, it becomes quite unusual in appearance - translucent, “glassy”. And it looks like a great glass blower's job. In traditional Chinese cuisine it is served with hot and sweet and sour sauces and dressings. This combination complements the taste of fish and meat well.

How many calories are in boiled funchose? At correct use when eaten, this product will help get rid of extra pounds(calorie content of funchose in finished form is 81 kcal per 100 g). Spices, herbs, sauces and other additives increase the calorie content of bean noodles.

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Composition and beneficial properties

The composition contains a lot useful substances; they ensure the full functioning of all organs. It is enough to use the product 1-2 times a week. This helps to improve the health of the body. It is important to remember that there is little dietary fiber, practically no amino acids and proteins. You need to think through your menu well.

Composition of real funchose:

  • minerals (iron, selenium, manganese, zinc, sodium, potassium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus);
  • tocopherol (E) and B vitamins: thiamine (aneurin), folic acid (B9), riboflavin (B2), nicotinic acid, pyrodoxine;
  • polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids.

Is there gluten in the food? IN real noodles Mung beans are gluten-free, a protein that is dangerous for allergy sufferers.

Is funchose beneficial or harmful for older people? Due to the lack of fiber in the composition, doctors recommend that older people also take it. It is easily digestible. It can be added to soups and side dishes.

Funchoza for diabetics: is it harmful? The glycemic index of funchose is 45 units. Diabetics can safely include funchose in their diet. The product has virtually no effect on glucose levels. Bean noodles are very nutritious dish(85% of the composition is carbohydrates). Restores the supply of nutrients in the body, improves mood. Reduces the risk of developing diabetic foot, thrombophlebitis, stroke and heart attack.

Is funchoza high in calories or not? How many carbohydrates does it have? Energy value funchose – 320 Kcal per 100 g of product in dry form. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in 100 grams are present in amounts of 0.7 g, 0.4 g and 84 g, respectively.

How is it useful?

The healing properties of the Asian product include vitamin and mineral composition. Eating this delicacy promotes:

  • cleaning from harmful and toxic substances;
  • normalizing blood sugar levels;
  • regeneration of skin cells and nerve tissues;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • normalization of the psyche;
  • replenishing oxygen to body cells;
  • reducing the risk of developing cancer.

You will learn more about the benefits of funchose from the video:

Is funchose suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers? There are no contraindications to the use of funchose during pregnancy. Thanks to its rich composition of vitamins and microelements, it has a beneficial effect on fetal development. The main thing is not to overdo it hot sauces and spices. In case of breastfeeding, it is better to use “starchy noodles” for preparing salads, light soups, and side dishes.
It is also recommended that hypertensive patients and heart patients include noodles in their diet.

Contraindications: beneficial or harmful?

The product itself, made from legumes, has no contraindications. But it happens that, wanting to save on ingredients, manufacturers use different substitutes. They are often harmful to health. When buying noodles, pay attention to the composition. If it contains chemical additives, rice starch, then such a product will not bring any benefit (especially to diabetics). Corn starch reduces taste properties noodles Those who suffer from intestinal obstruction and constipation should eat this dish with caution.
Unscrupulous manufacturers use lead to bleach noodles; this can cause poisoning or even death.

It is not recommended to eat funchose daily. Otherwise, in a week or two you can gain a couple of extra pounds. The noodles are very filling, just enough to eat small portion. Otherwise, you will have no appetite for fruits, vegetables, grains, and meat. The body cannot be deprived of everything essential proteins, microelements, vitamins. Therefore, it is better to choose noodle recipes with big amount fruits and vegetables.
How many calories are in funchose with vegetables? Nutritional value The dish depends on the ingredients chosen, on average it is 170 kcal per 100 g.

Funchoza for weight loss: is it possible or not?

Let's find out whether it is possible to eat funchose while losing weight; will the calorie content of “ice noodles” hinder those who want to get in shape?

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows firsthand how difficult it is to choose proper diet and diversify diet menu. Many people prefer the famous Dukan protein diet. And among amateurs asian cuisine the question arises: “Is it possible to eat funchose while losing weight and is it good for the body?”

How many calories are in boiled funchose? Is it possible to lose weight with " Thai pasta"? After heat treatment the nutritional value product changes. Boiled funchoza has less calories than its dry form. And with turkey, mushrooms or seafood, the calorie content of the dish does not exceed 160 kcal. Is it possible to eat this dish at night? It contains a lot of complex carbohydrates, so you can safely eat it in reasonable quantities before bed, and for breakfast, lunch and snack.

Benefits and harms of diet

Is funchoza a dietary product or not? We can say that "glass noodles" are diet food. The minimum fat content in the product will help in the fight against overweight. When losing weight, the effect of including boiled funchose in the diet will be more pronounced if it is consumed without fatty sauces.

Can these noodles be used on the Dukan diet? It is known that the diet consists of 4 stages. On the first two, you can’t eat funchose. At the third stage - twice a week in finished form. No more than 125 g per meal. For this purpose, special days are introduced: Feast days and 2 days when you can eat foods that contain starch. In the fourth phase of the diet, funchose can be consumed little by little on all days except Thursday. The benefits of the product when losing weight will be noticeable, since it is an ideal assistant for people who want to have healthy muscle mass.

We have already found out whether funchose contains calories. There are many recipes online where the main component of the dish is noodles. If in doubt, you can seek advice from a nutritionist. He will help with choosing a diet and counting calories.

You will learn an interesting and useful recipe for making funchose from the video:

Use in cooking

Important! There is no need to salt the noodles. Soy sauce, which is added before serving, will give the dish original taste. Funchoza for diabetes is a completely permitted product; it is recommended to combine it with fruits and vegetables. Special taste garnish will be added fresh garlic, radish, . Chefs often supplement this dish with mushrooms, fish, seafood, and lean veal. In a salad, funchose goes well with, for example, pineapple and pear.

How many calories are in a funchose salad with vegetables? For 100 g of dish, the calorie content of boiled noodles and vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, garlic) will be 123 kcal.

Do you want something of your own? Don't be afraid to experiment in the kitchen!

The low calorie content of the product and its saturation with “slow” carbohydrates will help in the fight against weight.

Eating noodles will ensure the body functions as a single mechanism. It is useful for losing weight. The main thing is to remember that everything should be in moderation!

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