Useful properties and contraindications of rapeseed honey: how to use “live” nectar for vigor, against stress, sore throat and skin pathologies. Rapeseed honey

In the article we discuss rapeseed honey. You will learn why it is useful and how it is used in folk medicine. We will tell you how not to make a mistake in your choice when purchasing and how to store it later.

This is what rapeseed honey looks like Rapeseed is an agricultural plant that is used as animal feed and production. technical oils, biofuels, detergents and cosmetics. And many people have a question about the benefits of rapeseed honey and whether it is worth using it. Let's first figure out what it looks like.

Rapeseed honey- description:

  • Color - from light to deep yellow.
  • The aroma is quite sharp and pronounced.
  • The taste is very sweet, even cloying.
  • Crystallization - quickly thickens, acquiring White color. The crystals of rapeseed honey are fine-grained.
  • The consistency is creamy. Due to its thickness, it has to be pumped out of the honeycombs within 24 hours.

The chemical composition of rapeseed honey is very rich. It includes:

  • water;
  • organic acids and their salts;
  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • polysaccharides;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • vitamins A, group B, C;
  • hormones;
  • enzymes;
  • essential oils.

Honey contains up to 44% fructose and 36% glucose. Distinctive feature This product is practically insoluble in water.

The calorie content of rapeseed honey is 329 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

What are the benefits of rapeseed honey?

By medicinal characteristics Rapeseed honey is not inferior to other types of honey. However, in countries former USSR it is not as common as in Europe. It is valued primarily due to its healing actions on the human body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves throat inflammation;
  • has a positive effect on brain functioning;
  • regenerates bone tissue;
  • restores cell membranes;
  • helps with thyroid diseases;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and waste.

In rapeseed honey a large number of glucose, which serves as a source of energy for the body. Therefore, the product is useful for people involved in work with large physical activity or engaged in intellectual work.

Maximum daily dose honey for adults is no more than 100 grams, for children - 20−50 grams, depending on age.

Use in folk medicine

Rapeseed honey is used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Let's figure out why rapeseed honey is useful and how to take it depending on the diagnosis. Traditional healers recommend rapeseed honey for oral and external use.

In folk medicine, the use of rapeseed honey orally is indicated for the following diseases and conditions:

  • hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • ischemia;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • constipation;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • impotence;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • depression;
  • insomnia.

The benefits of rapeseed honey for the stomach have been proven. It copes well with colitis, constipation, enteritis, and helps with ulcers and gastritis. Effective for enzymatic deficiency.

There are many recipes for the gastrointestinal tract based on rapeseed honey. Here's one of them.


  1. Aloe juice - 400 grams.
  2. Pumpkin juice - 400 grams.
  3. Radish juice - 400 grams.
  4. Red Home wine- 400 grams.
  5. Rapeseed honey - 400 grams.

How to cook: Mix all the ingredients in a container and place in an oven preheated to 40 C for 5-6 hours.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon three times a day an hour before meals.

Result: Reduces colic and bloating after eating. The pain disappears.

The use of this honey is effective in the fight against extra pounds. It normalizes metabolic processes, improves intestinal motility, and breaks down fats well. There is no need to prepare complex preparations here. Honey is used for weight loss pure form. It is enough to take 1 tablespoon of honey in the morning on an empty stomach for 2 weeks. Naturally, you should not rely only on this product. To consolidate the result, think over a scheme dietary nutrition and balanced physical activity.

Thanks to the large number of essential oils, it is effective for various skin diseases. It is applied to damaged areas of the skin for cuts, burns and other injuries. It also promotes gum healing during scurvy and other dental diseases.

This type of honey is often used in cosmetology. It has been proven that it activates rejuvenation processes in the body. Due to the properties of rapeseed honey, it is used as a component in various face masks. And its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are suitable for those who have problems with acne on the skin. It also strengthens hair well, returns a healthy color to the skin, while eliminating small expression wrinkles.

How to choose and store rapeseed honey

When choosing honey, pay attention to its external characteristics. Remember that it is pumped out at the beginning of summer, which means that it crystallizes already in July. If you are offered liquid rapeseed honey in the fall or winter, it is a fake.

There are several other ways to check:

  1. Place a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water, and if it dissolves quickly, it means that they are trying to sell you honey that is not made from rapeseed.
  2. Take a drop of rapeseed honey into your mouth. Unlike other types of honey, which literally melt in your mouth, rapeseed honey dissolves in oral cavity slowly and gradually.
  3. Put a small amount of product on a sheet of paper. In a minute look at reverse side. If there is a wet spot left, the product is not genuine.

Rapeseed honey is very finicky and quickly turns sour if stored improperly. It is more susceptible to fermentation than other types of honey. Therefore, make sure that no water gets into the jar with the product, protect it from direct sunlight and heating above 40 C.

When heated to 40 C, honey completely loses healing properties. And at 60 C it forms OMF (hydroxymethylfurfural) - a poison that in large doses leads to convulsions and paralysis, in small doses it has a depressant effect on the central nervous system. The longer you store rapeseed honey, the more OMF is formed in it.

Store honey in glass jar in a cool, dark place. When purchasing, purchase small quantities so you can use them up quickly.

Honey is an ancient product, highly nutritious, pleasant taste and a wide range of therapeutic effects. True admirers of natural raw materials know that its quality directly depends on the type of plant and the region of collection. There are more than a hundred in the world different varieties honey, which even an experienced beekeeper has never heard of.

Each region has its own amazing honey plants. Many of us, in addition to sunflower, chestnut and May varieties, do not know about others. Today we want to educate the respectable public and tell about rapeseed honey. What is its peculiarity, what is its structure, medicinal properties? You will find answers to all your questions in the publication.

What do we know about natural raw materials?

From the name of the variety it is clear that the plant from which bees obtain valuable nectar is called rapeseed. It is a member of the cabbage family. Early spring cultivated plant, blooming from April to June. During this period, bees actively collect nectar, processing it and obtaining a sweet treat.

The habitat is the territory of Europe and Russia. Rapeseed is grown mainly as a feed product for livestock. Beekeepers are familiar with the plant; they sow it on their plantations to feed bees. It is known that rapeseed honey is not only delicious dessert, but also a medicinal treat. Almost a third of it consists of simple sugars(glucose, fructose). His energy value and nutritional value is very high.

The raw materials are simple delicious taste with a slight bitterness, incomparable to any other. There is a subtle cabbage smell, but this does not spoil the product at all. main featurefast crystallization(within three weeks). The texture of honey is uniform, thick with high level hydrogen index. As for the color palette, it is light yellow; after crystallization, the product becomes white.

The healing power in the composition

Unfortunately, the rapeseed variety is less familiar to our fellow citizens than other types of honey (chestnut, buckwheat, May, sweet clover). However, in terms of biochemical complex, it is in no way inferior to them, and in some places surpasses them. The composition is replete with dextrins, enzyme substances, and glucose. Modern clinical studies have proven the presence of monosaccharides.

Animal proteins and plant origin, as well as organic acids. A complex of mineral components was discovered: boron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. The abundance of microelements involved in metabolic processes. The beekeeping product is a source of vitamins B, C, E. It has no analogues in terms of healing qualities. Thanks to such an extensive list of medicinal substances, raw materials are used in alternative medicine and Ayurveda.

Rapeseed honey: benefits and therapeutic effects

This variety has antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to its high nutritional value, it is recommended for use by people engaged in heavy physical work. Installed beneficial effect product on the functions of the lymphatic system.

The benefits are due to the rich and varied composition. Sweet mass indicated for heart failure. It will not hurt to use rapeseed honey for diseases of the spleen and liver. The properties of the product have been tested many times in practice. Folk doctors advise adding it to tea, milk or fruit juice for debilitating coughs and colds.

A natural medicine relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, relieves spasms, reduces pain and inflammatory process. In addition, it strengthens defenses. With the help of sweets you can adjust the function intestinal tract. The variety has healing and bactericidal properties. It accelerates the process of tissue regeneration and helps to tighten damaged skin areas as quickly as possible.

Benefits for the female body

All types of honey exhibit a rejuvenating and cleansing effect. In a sense, the rapeseed variety surpasses other types in terms of therapeutic properties. An indispensable raw material for women in menopause, when there is a hormonal imbalance (dryness, hot flashes, increased excitability, apathy).

Of course, it is unlikely that such changes will be completely corrected, but the condition will be improved. The product has pronounced cosmetic properties, therefore it can replace chemical emulsions for the face and hair. The raw material perfectly moisturizes and prevents the formation of acne and flaking. Homemade masks based on rapeseed honey help tighten pores and make the skin elastic.

For those who want to lose weight

Despite high calorie content(about 350 kcal per 100 g) the product is very healthy, nutritious, enriched necessary list vitamins Nutritionists advise including rapeseed honey in the diet of people who want to adjust their weight. For a positive result, you need to review the menu, exclude fatty dishes and baked goods.

Small portions of sweet treats will allow the body to receive the missing microelements and block appetite. According to women who have tried this style of eating, they manage to lose 2 to 5 kg of fat in a week. The diet can be combined with honey wraps and massage. As a result of simple and accessible manipulations, fatty deposits are reduced and “ Orange peel", the skin is cleansed and renewed.

Harmful effects of rapeseed honey

The delicacy has a small number of contraindications. It should be remembered that any type of honey is not recommended for allergy sufferers. Even a small amount can cause pulmonary edema and urticaria. People with obesity and diabetes should not abuse it.

The harm of honey lies in the presence of sucrose. This should be taken into account. Contraindications include acute diseases of the pancreas, so the product should be used in small dosages after consulting a doctor. It is important not to exceed the amount prescribed by the doctor.

According to experts, melted honey poses a danger to the body. When heated to 60 0 C, toxic substances OMF are formed in it, provoking convulsions and depressing the nervous system. In addition, such a product loses all its “magical” properties. It is recommended to purchase raw materials from trusted beekeepers, preferably in a crystallized state.

Rapeseed honey does not spoil for several years, but on condition proper storage. The optimal containers are glass, clay, enamel or wooden dishes. Plastic is not the best solution for these purposes, as it transmits odors. The container with the product must be moved to a place protected from sunlight: attic, cellar.

Raw material cost

We do not recommend purchasing rapeseed honey in stores. The price per liter ranges from 250 to 500 rubles. It is advisable and safe to buy from trusted beekeepers, since reheated raw materials are sold in supermarkets. Very often, unscrupulous manufacturers dilute it with starch, sugar, flour, chalk, and feed the bees with sugar. Laboratory testing will help check the product for quality and the absence of the listed components.

Be careful in your choice, then the honey will come pure benefit, pleasure and keep you healthy. Use natural medicine during the cold season and strengthen your immune system!

Honey from rapeseed is not collected everywhere. It's quite peculiar honey product, which Belarusian beekeepers can boast of. From a square kilometer of flowering rapeseed during its flowering, up to 90 kg of sweet product is obtained. In European countries, rapeseed honey is not a new product. So what are the features of this honey compared to other honey representatives? You can learn everything about rapeseed honey: the benefits and harm it brings to the body by carefully studying this article.

Rapeseed honey is characterized by a light golden color. It is matte, it does not have the transparency that is inherent in ordinary flower honey. Has a sharp pleasant smell, after swallowing, leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Rapeseed honey crystallizes too quickly. This becomes a problem for beekeepers. To pump out this product you need to act quickly enough. And during storage, complete crystallization occurs within three weeks. Rapeseed honey can ferment and turn sour. Therefore, it must be stored in a dark, cool place. Honey is not suitable for adding to tea. It dissolves very poorly.

Composition and scope of application of rapeseed honey

This honey consists of 2/3 saccharides: glucose – 35%, fructose – 40%. The rest of the volume is occupied by water and some trace elements and minerals. For example, boron, iodine, zinc, potassium, and ferrum can be found in rapeseed honey. Due to the large amount of glucose and fructose, honey tastes very sweet. You only need a little bit of it to saturate the body. It is quickly and easily absorbed.

Pros and cons of rapeseed honey

From positive properties The following can be noted:

  • Due to the peculiar chemical composition, very useful for people with cardiovascular diseases and blood diseases. Indicated for normalization blood pressure, people with coronary heart disease and heart valve dystrophy.
  • The boron content allows honey to be used for treatment nervous system and restoration of tissues throughout the body. Wide range This type of honey was used in the treatment of internal diseases of the body.
  • Due to its increased sweetness, honey can quickly suppress the feeling of hunger. In many weight loss diets, it is used to falsely saturate the body and reduce appetite. The use of honey for the treatment of obesity gives positive results.
  • Rapeseed honey effectively removes from the body toxic substances and heavy metal salts, which are so rich in people living in areas heavily polluted by industrial emissions.
  • Due to its ability to repair and heal wounds, it is used to treat throat diseases. It is recommended to drink honey with hot milk. For external treatment it is used for burns, wounds and scratches. When ulcers appear in the oral cavity, it is recommended to dissolve a small amount of honey. If diabetics develop ulcers, compresses with rapeseed honey should be made.
  • Honey helps increase hemoglobin levels. Helps pregnant women eliminate nausea that occurs in the morning.
  • Rapeseed product is used to relieve rheumatic pain.
  • Rapeseed honey is also used to care for the delicate skin of the face and hands.
  • Regular consumption of small doses of this honey can boost your immunity. For prevention colds, it is recommended that the whole family consume honey.
  • Does not cause allergic reactions like other types of honey.

But, like any product, honey has its drawbacks:

  • When overeating, it causes a feeling of nausea.
  • Using in large quantities This type of honey can cause diabetes.
  • When using honey for treatment, do not forget that excessive consumption can harm the body. Take honey in limited quantities and the treatment will be beneficial.

How much does rapeseed honey cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Boundless fields with a yellow blanket, the aroma of which makes your head spin... This is rapeseed blooming - a type of herbaceous plant that belongs to the genus Cabbage from the Brassica family. As a rule, this fodder plant is widely cultivated not only for its use in animal feed. Rapeseed is known for its essential oils, which is why it produces high-quality vegetable oil. In addition, rapeseed honey is produced from the nectar of bright yellow rapeseed flowers.

Working bees can collect about 8 kilograms of the most fragrant nectar per day, which is then miraculously converted into rapeseed honey. By the way, rapeseed itself is not a traditional crop for Russia, which is why neighboring Belarus has become an intermediary country, which is considered a kind of route for rapeseed to our country.

Rapeseed honey is different yellow with a slightly noticeable whitish tint. Its special aroma is hidden by a truly sweet, almost cloying taste. Honey has a very thick texture and a short time turns into whitish crystals, which have a special, tart taste and the persistent aroma of a flower field. By the way, quite often rapeseed honey begins to crystallize while still in the cells of the honeycomb. The taste of this sweet delicacy leaves behind a slight pleasant bitterness, slightly giving off a mustard aftertaste.

A distinctive property of rapeseed honey is its tendency to sour very quickly, so care must be taken when storing this sweet product. In addition, this type of honey is poorly soluble in water, which should be taken into account when creating all kinds of water mixtures with an admixture of rapeseed delicacy.

However, beekeepers call it alive, thanks to its strong medicinal properties rapeseed honey It is rapeseed honey that fills the shelves of European supermarkets with different names and in various types. May, spring, pioneer rapeseed honey has become a mandatory ingredient medicinal compositions in European countries. It is very often used for food along with other useful additives.

Almost a traditional remedy for the treatment of heart disease is rapeseed honey in Poland. Dissolved in milk, it helps at the first signs of severe sore throat. Rapeseed honey contains an increased (more than 51 percent) amount of glucose, which has a beneficial effect on mental activity. In addition, rapeseed honey can be quickly absorbed in the intestines, and due to its ability to remove heavy metals from the body, this beekeeping product is highly valued by many experts.

Known positive influence and the wonderful properties of rapeseed honey for the liver and bile ducts when taking this natural medicine in warm liquid form. And thanks high content boron in this type of honey when regular use Bone tissue is better restored, and the activity of the thyroid gland is stabilized in the fairer sex after menopause.

Calorie content of rapeseed honey 309 kcal

Energy value of rapeseed honey (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 0.8 g (~3 kcal)
: 0 g (~0 kcal)
: 81.5 g (~326 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 1%|0%|106%

Recipes with rapeseed honey

No recipes with Rapeseed honey found

Product proportions. How many grams?

1 teaspoon contains 12 grams
1 tablespoon contains 36 grams
1 glass 360 grams

Very good source rapeseed can be considered useful honey. This plant has great agricultural value; numerous fields are sown with it, which are often used as sites for collecting pollen.

The resulting rapeseed product has invaluable nutritional and medicinal value. This variety is usually called live.

Rapeseed is the most common representative plants of the cruciferous class, the origin of which is still not precisely known, because in wildlife he doesn't meet.

Experts suggest that rapeseed arose due to cross-pollination cruciferous plants about 5 thousand years ago. Good productivity led to his widespread all over the planet. Now in many countries located in the temperate zone, wild types of rapeseed are considered to be a weed.

Rapeseed is very good green manure. It has an excellent root system, a straight stem and large leaves, which are collected in a kind of rosette. Rapeseed inflorescence has yellow and forms very loose flowers, and its flowering lasts no more than one month. Usually this is the very end of May and the beginning of June.

Rapeseed has several uses. The plant is used to feed various animals, and its high content essential oil makes it a good material for making biodiesel. The increase in the cost of fuel has led to an increase in its crop area. Of course, large fields sown with rapeseed have become a tasty morsel for beekeepers. The inflorescences of the plant contain great amount quality nectar. To get 60 kilograms of natural product, you need a field of at least one hectare.

Gallery: rapeseed honey (25 photos)

Composition and main characteristics

The beneficial properties of rapeseed honey make it a unique product beekeeping. The main properties of the rapeseed variety are:

  1. Aroma and color. The product has a very pleasant, subtle and bitter aroma, and its color is whitish-yellow.
  2. Taste. The rapeseed variety is very sweet and has a slightly bitter aftertaste.
  3. Consistency and crystallization. The rapeseed variety can become sugary quite quickly, and it becomes completely white. Having a thick consistency, honey is pumped out of the honeycomb for a very long time. Experienced beekeepers look for the moment when the bees seal the entire frame, and then shake it.
  4. Unique properties. Rapeseed honey is almost insoluble in hot water.

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the composition of rapeseed honey. It contains about 20 percent water, due to which it quickly crystallizes. The total amount of sugar does not exceed 80 percent. This number includes fructose, glucose and various dextrins. The last element is 8 percent more than in other varieties. It is worth noting that different minerals can be found in the rapeseed variety, useful acids, vitamins and other active substances.

How to choose a quality product

Rapeseed honey is not only useful, but sometimes also harmful. will bring benefit only natural product, but how the body will behave after consuming a counterfeit product is not known. Rapeseed honey should only be purchased from trusted and reliable beekeepers. Similar product It is quite rare, which is why it is easy to run into a counterfeit.

It is necessary to understand how to distinguish quality honey from rapeseed from his fake. First it's worth estimate the taste of the product and its smell, which must correspond specifically to this variety. And also you should not buy very liquid honey. The main property of this product is very rapid crystallization, so it is not able to go on sale in a liquid state. To get beautiful marketable condition, it is usually reheated. This leads to loss useful qualities and the formation of harmful substances.

Additional impurities in rapeseed honey are very noticeable. The product begins to give a non-uniform sediment, and this is not typical natural honey

It happens that various impurities are consumed by bees during honey collection or they are treated for diseases with strong antibiotics. Fraudsters often feed bees sugar to increase the number of collected honey. Of course, the resulting product no longer has beneficial properties.

Rapeseed honey beneficial properties and contraindications

What are the benefits of rapeseed honey?

It is no secret that the rapeseed variety is often called live. It is credited with a large number of medicinal properties. This product has the following unique features:

  • it can cope with the signs of toxicosis during a woman’s pregnancy;
  • able to restore the balance of hormones;
  • it is applied for quick treatment various wounds and ulcers, disinfects, reduces bleeding, removes inflammation and promotes healing;
  • this product significantly improves immunity and helps remove harmful toxins from the body;
  • improves liver function and normalizes the level of its enzymes;
  • normalizes blood composition and metabolism, which is why its use helps in the treatment of diseases such as overweight, anemia, atherosclerosis and others.
  • increases the regeneration of bones and other tissues.

Influence at hormonal balance and activation of the regeneration process are unique properties that distinguish the rapeseed product from other varieties.

Rapeseed honey benefits and harms

The unique properties of rapeseed honey can be fully revealed only if it is used correctly. use. When natural honey mixed with various liquids, they must be at room temperature.

You should consume no more than 5 tablespoons of this product in one day. This amount should be distributed over a couple of meals. The best option is to consume rapeseed honey on an empty stomach.

Before the beginning reception food, you need to make sure that the product will not cause allergies. When an allergic reaction is not observed, rapeseed honey should be introduced into the diet in small portions. Thus, the human body can quickly adapt to this product. Due to its high glucose content, this variety should be consumed with extreme caution by people who suffer from excess weight And diabetes mellitus. The product should only be given to children after consultation with an experienced doctor.

How to store rapeseed honey

To make rapeseed, you need:

  • cool place;
  • dry place;
  • a place reliably protected from direct sunlight.

It is worth noting that this product is not recommended to be stored in the refrigerator because the temperature in it is very low. Need to apply only ceramic or glass containers, which is closed with a very tight lid. The rapeseed variety sours quite quickly and absorbs the odors surrounding it.

Rapeseed honey is very common in all European states and countries. North America. For example, in the United States of America, more than half of all bee colonies are used to harvest rapeseed. Having an idea about unique properties and contraindications of this product, you can successfully use it at home. In Russia, this variety is quite rare. However, when you come across it in a store, it’s worth testing its healing properties on your body. On the Internet you can find many reviews from people describing the benefits and harms of this product.