Useful properties of mate tea and contraindications for use. Description of tea, history

The variety of exotic drinks that have appeared recently, in particular tea, sometimes confuses people. By purchasing and brewing tea according to the instructions, many people discover many new interesting tastes these healthy drinks. Recently appeared on Russian market– a completely unfamiliar, unusual drink for Russians. Extremely popular in South America, it requires careful attention to its preparation and special tea utensils. This tea is supposed to be drunk from special gourds and must come from tubes. Be sure to start drinking this tea from the bottom; this is why a straw is needed when drinking this tea. Mate tea has a rather bitter taste, which is unusual for Russians.

Of course, there are contraindications for mate tea, despite the large amount positive qualities of this drink. In countries where mate tea is considered the most favorite drink, it is customary to drink it very hot. Theophylline, which is part of this tea, has an antispasmodic property, which is why it is not recommended to drink this tea if you have a bronchopulmonary infection. But drinking very hot mate tea can lead to serious consequences - cancer of the esophagus or bladder. This rather strong tea is contraindicated for consumption by young children. If the child's parents love and constantly drink mate tea, they should definitely take care of another drink for their child.

Despite all the amazing ability of this tea to enhance digestion, there are serious contraindications for mate tea for people suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers. If you have increased acidity gastric juice, you are also not recommended to eat this rather strong and excessive hot tea. In general, due to excessive stimulation of gastric juice secretion, the use of strong tea Contraindicated for people with high acidity of gastric juice.

Another serious contraindication for mate tea is hypertension and atherosclerosis. This drink is considered a worthy analogue strong coffee, which strongly excites the central nervous system. With strong stimulation of the human cerebral cortex, blood vessels narrow, this is precisely why mate tea is dangerous for patients with atherosclerosis. The narrowing of blood vessels in the brain is fraught with the formation of blood clots and can lead to quite serious consequences. Mate tea is incredibly stimulating and tones the nervous system. People suffering from insomnia should definitely limit the use of this tonic drink to a minimum or drink this tea exclusively in the first half of the day.

A completely accurate contraindication for mate tea is the high body temperature of a sick person. Fever is certainly accompanied by dilation of superficial blood vessels, increased sweating and excessive thirst. Theophylline contained in mate tea, contributes to a significant increase in human body temperature. Theophylline also has a strong diuretic property, which makes the use of absolutely any antipyretic drugs completely useless. The above properties constitute a significant contraindication for mate tea for use against colds and viral diseases.

Quite often, nutritionists consider long-term brewing of this drink to also be a kind of contraindication for the use of this tea. During the period of prolonged brewing, the beneficial substances contained in it lose their uniqueness and nutritional value. This drink contains vitamins C and P necessary for normal human life, which can be partially destroyed if the tea is brewed for a long time. A person does not receive all the benefits from the vitamins contained in tea. The mandatory consumption of mate tea only through a straw also speaks for itself. The composition of this drink is very destructive to tooth enamel.

If you are not susceptible to the above diseases and drink this exotic tea correctly, then a couple of gourds every day certainly will not harm you. Any product or drink necessarily has contraindications. Be careful when drinking mate tea and be healthy!

Hello everyone!

I decided to write a post about mate tea.

Today it can be found in almost every supermarket in packages with flashy names that it surpasses tea and coffee combined in its medicinal properties!

You just need to purchase additional sausage and bombilla, and then you can enjoy a delicious Paraguayan drink without leaving your home.

In general, I decided to figure out whether it’s worth buying all these “miracle things” with funny names, and why is mate tea so beneficial?

From this article you will learn:

Mate tea - beneficial properties and recipes for use

They say that this exotic mate tea has not only amazing taste, but also a large number useful properties

True lovers of this unconventional drink know exactly how positively it affects the body.

What is this exotic tea and how to drink it?

What is mate tea?

Mate, also in Spanish-Russian dictionaries sometimes there is an emphasis on the first syllable due to pronunciation in Spanish) - a tonic drink prepared from dried crushed leaves and young shoots of the Paraguayan holly wiki

Many scientists claim that Paraguayan tea is one of the most ancient drinks in the world. Mate tea was consumed by the Indians in the 7th century BC. e.

This type of tea is different from the usual traditional drinks.

We are used to brewing the leaves of the plant, and this drink is prepared from the leaves and stems of Paraguayan holly - an evergreen shrub with whitish bark, similar to a small tree, which is not fermented for use, but is very finely ground, sometimes almost into dust.

Therefore, if you don’t know how to choose mate, make sure that there are small grains in the dry mixture, as confirmation of its naturalness and high quality.

How is mate tea made?

The leaves and stems of tree holly are collected in large plantations, and after collection the plant is dried under high temperatures.

The resulting dry branches are crushed into powder, after which it is ready for further use.

Interesting fact: when processing the leaves, fermentation is not carried out, therefore, when infused for a long time, the drink acquires a bitter taste.

Brewing tea also requires compliance with special rules. Usually it is prepared not in our usual cup, but in a special vessel called “calabas” (calabash).

This extraordinary tea is drunk from it through a straw, at the end of which there is a mouthpiece, and on the other side there is a strainer - this is a bombilla.

Calabash, also calabash, calabash, mate, is a common name for vessels for drinking a hot infusion of Paraguayan holly leaves, better known as mate (yerba mate). The vessels were made by the Indians from the woody gourd (Lagenaria siceraria).

Mate tea - Chemical composition

Rich chemical composition and is the reason for the large number of beneficial properties of this rare exotic tea. Scientists agree that this drink combines about 190 components.

The composition of the leaves and stems of Paraguayan holly is varied, they contain the following components:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E (they improve metabolism and help in the absorption of iron);
  • organic acids;
  • bioflavonoids (reduce cell oxidation);
  • saponins (relieve inflammation);
  • tannins (have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects);
  • antioxidants (remove free radicals);
  • useful minerals.

An important distinctive feature of mate tea

The composition of tea is rich in antioxidants and alkaloids, including matein. Its properties are similar to caffeine, but it acts more gently, without affecting the functioning of the heart and without stimulating the body as a whole.

In addition, the effect of caffeine lasts no more than 3 hours, and mateine ​​tones and refreshes the body more long time. The advantage of the drink, along with coffee, is that it does not disturb sleep.

It is also worth noting that mate, unlike coffee, is not addictive.

The healing properties of mate tea

The healing effects of the drink have been known since ancient times, when the Indians used mate as remedy from various diseases, in particular infectious ones.

However, Paraguayan tea will be more than useful for other diagnoses.

Mate tea has the following effects:

  • stimulates the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves spasms;
  • improves the immune-protective function of the body;
  • helps cleanse blood vessels;
  • reduces appetite, improving metabolism;
  • helps with depression and mental disorders.

Mate is also very low in calories. For 1 l ready-made tea With only 30 calories, you can use this healing drink for weight loss.

Besides, this tea allows you to burn fats and carbohydrates in the body, thanks to the high content of various acids.

Mate also has a diuretic effect, improves metabolic processes in the body and increases energy expenditure, which allows you to burn extra calories with great intensity.

Mate removes and breaks down fats, and therefore helps to lose weight.

How to brew and drink correctly?

The process of preparing and steeping mate tea should not be rushed.

The container for tea in which it is prepared is of great importance. The drink must be brewed only in calabash.

  1. At first required amount dry powder is poured in a small amount cold water, in which the drink should swell.
  2. After which a tube is inserted into the resulting slurry and added to the vessel hot water, temperature no more than 80 C.
  3. Drink mate immediately after brewing.
  4. As soon as the liquid in the tea runs out, you can add more water and drink this healthy and tasty drink again.

It is worth remembering that if the mate has stood for some time, it may ferment and become bitter and not pleasant taste. This bitterness is usually absorbed into the walls of the calabash and the tea becomes unfit for consumption.

When preparing mate, sugar is usually not added, but its pleasant taste can be supplemented with a small amount of milk or lemon juice.

Mate tea - contraindications for use

Large set of useful active substances certainly plays in favor of this tea.

But today you can find information that low-quality mate tea, if not prepared correctly, can provoke the development oncological diseases, which makes you think about its use, and when purchasing a drink, you need to be 100% sure that it does not contain flavorings, that large amounts of agrochemicals and defoliants were not used when collecting it, and that it has never been dried using gas.

And mate tea should never be consumed at an infusion temperature above 80C!!!

Mate also has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account.

  • has increased stomach acidity;
  • suffers from kidney disease;
  • prone to the formation of salts in the body.

It is also worth adding to the contraindications that yerba mate is forbidden to drink for children and nursing mothers; it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy. For these categories of people, mate poses a particular danger.

This is the information, friends!

Do you drink mate tea?

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Tea is one of the most common drinks on the planet. The variety of types and ways to consume this drink is simply amazing. Starting from traditional black tea and ending with the most exotic plants. One of these drinks is tea made from the leaves of the Paraguayan plant - holly. This drink combines the properties of green tea and coffee, making it unique in its kind. In addition, it is recommended to make it in a special container - a calabash, and consume it through a special tube - a bombilla.


“Benefits and harms of mate tea” - topic huge amount articles and various publications. It is the subject of much debate among scientists around the world, since depending on the methods of preparation and consumption of this drink, its beneficial properties differ significantly.

At correct use Mate tea is a wonderful energy drink, thanks to the presence of a caffeine analogue, called matein by scientists.

But unlike caffeine, the energizing effect of mate lasts more than eight hours and does not leave behind depressive effects.

The acids in holly leaves are excellent at breaking down fats, which is why many nutritionists recommend drinking this drink.

Impact of mate components on the human body:

  1. Acceleration of metabolism.
  2. Breakdown of fats of all types.
  3. The content of tocopherol acetate rejuvenates the body and prevents the development of cancer cells.
  4. Choline reduces the amount of cholesterol.
  5. Increases potency.
  6. Activates the production of the youth hormone melatonin.
  7. Theophylline promotes vasodilation.
  8. Theobromine fights depression and insomnia.

The presence of phosphorus not only improves brain activity, but also promotes better absorption of matenin; metals - iron and copper in combination with sulfur compounds maintain skin elasticity, improve the appearance of skin, nails, and hair.


To answer the question of why mate tea is harmful, studies were carried out in areas where drinking tea was introduced into local traditions. It was discovered that if you consume mate hot and in unlimited quantities, there is a possible risk of cancer. It is also strictly contraindicated to drink more than 1 liter of tea per day, since the concentration of substances contained in holly leaves negatively affects the body as a whole. Research by Uruguayan scientists has proven that with the traditional consumption of mate tea - using calabash, the risk of cancer of the larynx, lungs, and food system increases sharply.

Calorie content

Paraguayan mate tea leaves contain about two hundred chemical compounds, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, minerals and polyphenols. Despite such an impressive list of ingredients, the drink is extremely useful in dietetics, as it contains a very low content of fats and carbohydrates. Its calorie content is only 152 calories per hundred grams of dry leaves.

The table shows the calorie content of mate per volume measure.


Generally harmful properties The drink can be described as follows:

  1. Mate is not recommended for use by people with irregular heart rhythms, as matenine stimulates the functioning of the heart muscle.
  2. Mate, like other tea drinks, increases blood pressure and body temperature.
  3. At frequent use reduces sweating and dries the skin.
  4. Harmful in bronchopulmonary diseases.
  5. It is a diuretic and contraindicated for urolithiasis.
  6. Frequent consumption of very hot mate leads to cancer.
  7. It is strictly prohibited for use by pregnant girls and nursing mothers.
  8. Strictly prohibited for use by children and adolescents.

All the negative effects of the Paraguayan drink appear exclusively if consumed in very large quantities. It is contraindicated for the younger generation in any form, since the caffeine analogue in the drink has a stimulating effect on cardiovascular system. At an early stage of development, such stimulation can lead to various diseases respiratory, musculoskeletal and vascular systems.

The nutritional value

Paraguayan holly leaves contain many tannins, pantothenic acid, B-group vitamins, as well as some vitamins C, P, and E. Mineral composition very similar to black tea. A large number of chlorophyll has a positive effect on immune system, restores mucous membranes, stabilizes digestion.

Nutritional value of mate per 100 g. dry leaves.

The nutritional value of the drink made from the leaves is especially appreciated by athletes, since the fairly high content of proteins and carbohydrates, with a virtual absence of fats, is ideal for people associated with physical activity. It has a tonic effect on muscle fatigue and promotes faster recovery vitality body.

Vitamins and minerals

Paraguayan tea is very rich in vitamins and minerals. Few drinks can boast of the presence of so many organic acids that are found in the leaves of this plant.

Vitamin B1 regulates the process of glucose processing, B2 regulates metabolism, pantothenic acid controls the condition nervous system, vitamin A improves vision, improves skin and hair, Vitamin C promotes cell regeneration.

Concentration minerals in mate tea.

Sodium is necessary to normalize the volume of extracellular fluid and regulate heat exchange. Potassium – prevents the occurrence of paralytic reactions, magnesium – lowers cholesterol in the blood, prevents heart attacks.

The properties of a drink based on Paraguayan holly leaves - mate tea - are used in many departments in most countries of the world.

Numerous studies have shown that people who regularly drink mate tea have better sleep, fall asleep faster, and regain strength during sleep. Mate improves the accumulation of phosphorus in cells, which improves memory and stimulates the depressed nervous system. Tea made from Paraguayan holly leaves is a means of preventing heart disease and atherosclerosis. Also one of the most best properties Yerba mate has the ability to break down lactic acid and prevent its accumulation in the muscles.

Good day, dear readers. Currently, our market is saturated with a wide variety of teas from traditional to exotic. Among the latter we can highlight mate tea. It came to us from the distant shores of South America and forms an integral part cultural traditions Argentina.

According to South American Indians, mate tea is very ancient drink, its history goes back about 8000 years. Europeans learned about it thanks to the conquistadors who brought it to the Old World in the 16th century. For some time, yerba mate lost its popularity, but in the 19th century, Paraguayan holly reappeared in Europe - it was imported, described and classified by the botanist August S. Hiler.

Mate tea: properties

All the beneficial properties of mate lie in its unique composition. South American Indian tribes believed in the divine nature of this plant, used it for treatment, saved themselves from hunger, and used it in ritual ceremonies. During long sea voyages, mate tea healed Spanish conquistadors from scurvy and fever.

Research on Paraguayan holly at the Pasteur Institute revealed the presence of almost 200 vitamins and microelements in this plant:

  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • B vitamins;
  • xanthine alkaloids;
  • vitamins A, C, E;
  • copper;
  • sodium.

This is just a partial list useful substances, which determine the properties of this ethnic drink. Paraguayan Indians call it the “elixir of life.”

Features of preparing raw materials for mate tea

This plant is a tree-like shrub, branched, with smooth bark. In free conditions, it can reach a height of up to 15 meters. On plantations where holly is cultivated, the plant is pruned, forming bushes no higher than 2 meters. This makes the process of collecting young shoots easier.

Mate - this plant is a tree-like shrub, branched, with smooth bark.

The Paraguayan holly shrub is a tropical forest plant, which means its parts are very saturated with moisture. Because of this, young shoots and leaves are subjected to prolonged drying at high (50 °C) temperatures. The resulting raw material is well ground, while brewing mate tea has a heterogeneous fraction, the presence of small amount local dust.

Different methods of processing raw materials form the varieties of mate tea. Green mate tea is obtained from leaves and shoots dried naturally (under the sun). Black tea is prepared at high temperatures, and for golden mate, the twigs and leaves are lightly smoked. In order for raw materials to go through all stages of procurement, they need to “rest” for a year.

Mate tea - benefits and harm

This exotic drink is consumed not only for pleasure, but also as a healing agent. Due to its rich chemical composition, mate is used to restore strength and defensive reactions of the body - it has a good tonic effect due to high content in Paraguayan holly mateina. This substance is similar in action to caffeine, but without side effects in the form of nervous trembling and rapid heartbeat.

A cup of warm tea will help improve performance, increase physical activity, improve the body's resistance to viral infections.

  • reduces the harmful effects of depression and neuroses;
  • improves mood;
  • relieves anxiety;
  • relieves fussiness and emotional imbalance.

Many people note improved sleep quality after drinking mate tea. The benefit is to reduce the production of adrenaline, thereby restoring the sleep cycle. This allows the body to rest well during the deep sleep stage, relieve fatigue and tension.

Among the positive qualities of the Paraguayan drink, it is worth paying attention to its ability to suppress the feeling of hunger, and the acids in its composition accelerate the breakdown of fats, which makes it possible to use mate tea for weight loss by including it in the dietary nutrition system.

This drink stimulates work digestive system. Mate has a mild antispasmodic effect and has a slight diuretic effect, which has a beneficial effect on kidney function.

The presence of vitamin P in Paraguayan holly leaves has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels. This drink helps maintain their tone and clear atherosclerotic plaques.

Due to its phosphorus content, mate tea is beneficial for brain function. It activates its activity and helps increase concentration.

An impressive list of benefits of Paraguayan tea indicates the undoubted benefits of the drink. But it must be remembered that there are a number of contraindications for using mate.

Due to its phosphorus content, mate tea is beneficial for brain function.

In addition to research on the beneficial properties of Paraguayan holly, the harm of yerba mate tea has also been studied. Despite the impressive list of benefits of this drink, it is not recommended to include it in your diet during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, or for children under 10 years of age.

In their homeland, it is customary to drink mate tea very hot, which, according to scientists, is another significant contraindication. The high temperature of the drink makes it carcinogenic and increases the risk of cancer even if mate is consumed hot often.

Chronic diseases and acute stages their occurrence will also be an obstacle to tea drinking. For hypertension, problems with the kidneys, lungs and bronchi. Excessive use Mate disrupts the sweating process and causes dry skin.

This drink does not go well with tobacco, alcohol and junk food(spicy, fried, meat dishes). Such bad “company” can serve as a catalyst for the development of malignant neoplasms.

How to brew mate tea

IN South America There are a number of rituals and traditions in which mate tea “participates.” How to brew and drink this ethnic drink, as well as rare recipes described in the book by Ben Celero, a researcher of the culture of the indigenous inhabitants of this continent. To prepare Paraguayan tea, you must follow the following rules:

Some interesting facts:

  • In order for a new, freshly cut pumpkin sausage to produce real and rich mate, it must be prepared: pour dry tea leaves (more than half) into the vessel, completely fill it with boiling water and leave for several days, then this tea leaves are poured out, and the walls of the calabash are cleaned of white pumpkin fibers using a spoon;
  • a straw for drinking mate - a bombilla - is often beautifully inlaid and decorated with various carvings, turning it into a work of art;
  • one brew of mate can be topped up hot water up to 8 times and enjoy your drink.

Mate tea: reviews

Unusual taste and ancient history This drink allowed mate to find fans all over the world. Each country adds its own national touch to the traditional “matepitiya”. Judging by the reviews, it is valued for its tonic effect, which helps to cheer up after a night's sleep and gives strength for the whole day. In South America, mate is considered men's drink conducive to reflection. But many women enjoy drinking this tea for weight loss, including it in their diet.

Residents of Paraguay have always worked hard and had little rest. One day, listening to their complaints and lamentations, the gods took pity and sent them mate tea. Since then, this nectar of the gods has become national drink Latin Americans. They drink it throughout the day. A bitter infusion in the morning tones and gives vigor, a cool drink in the afternoon quenches thirst, and sweet tea ensures sound sleep in the evening. If you want to be less tired and get more done while maintaining excellent health, mate tea is your choice.

Features of mate

In fact, mate is not a tea, but a herbal drink that is prepared from the young shoots of the Paraguayan Holly. According to the classification of plants, holly is considered an evergreen shrub, although it grows up to 15 m in height. It grows in wildlife and is grown on plantations in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Holly leaves go through several stages of drying, which give them a slight bitterness and a hint of smoke in the aroma.

Three countries supply high-quality raw materials: Brazil (53%), Argentina (37%) and Paraguay (10%).

Mate is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients that have a positive effect on the body. It quickly restores strength, lifts your mood, and relieves nervousness. Flavored drink invigorates even with severe fatigue and charges the body with energy. There will be no headaches or insomnia.

The word “mati” or in Russian “mate” (with the emphasis on the first syllable) has Indian roots and means a vessel made of a pumpkin.

For a drink like mate tea, the benefits depend on the shelf life - after 2 years, the raw material loses all its properties. Special attention is paid to adherence to brewing technology. It has a number of subtleties that must be followed accurately. Even perfectly prepared tea can be harmful if drunk incorrectly.

Chemical composition

The benefits and harms of any product depend on its composition. The leaves and stems of the Paraguayan Holly are simply champions among their evergreen counterparts and contain up to 200 components, including:

  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • xanthine alkaloids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • choline;
  • tannins;
  • polyphenols;
  • saponins;
  • microelements.

Vitamins A, C, E, P, B and trace elements strengthen the body and improve metabolism. Together with bioflavonoids, they are strong antioxidants and reduce cellular oxidation. Tannins cause an astringent and bactericidal effect, saponins have an anti-inflammatory effect. Choline helps reduce bad cholesterol. Other components of Paraguayan tea are no less useful.

The mat contains the alkaloid “matein”, which tones and relieves tension. Mateine ​​and caffeine belong to the same group of substances and have similar effects on the body. But matein’s action is delicate and at the same time long-lasting. He doesn't provide negative influence on the heart and blood vessels, does not excite the nervous system and does not cause sleep disturbances.

Unlike caffeine, the tonic effect of mateine ​​is 3 times longer and lasts up to 9 hours.


According to the Indians, a healing drink given by the gods restores strength, drives out diseases, relieves sadness and prolongs life. To this day, mate tea, the benefits of which have been proven by numerous studies and scientific reports, has a miraculous effect on the body. It is indispensable during periods of strong physical and emotional stress. There is also an opinion that the temperament of Latin American machos is fueled by this magical infusion.

Mate is forbidden to drink for children under 7 years of age, nursing and pregnant women.

Medicinal properties of mate

The positive effect of the drink in question is as follows:

  1. Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and digestive systems.
  2. It lifts your mood and helps fight depression.
  3. Normalizes sleep and relieves insomnia.
  4. Relieves muscle tension and quickly restores strength.
  5. Excellent invigorates and increases endurance.
  6. Activates mental activity and increases alertness.
  7. Stimulates metabolism.
  8. Increases potency and sexuality.
  9. Strengthens the immune system.
  10. Removes toxins from the body.

Nervous system

The amazing properties of tea are manifested in its effect on the nervous system. On the one hand, it invigorates and lifts your spirits, and on the other, it relieves tension and normalizes sleep. With high fatigue, mate tones the tired body, increases alertness and endurance. It calms down when overexcited and helps with insomnia. Use healing tea Helps harmonize the functioning of the nervous system and resist stress.

Digestive system

Mate tea has an antispasmodic and diuretic effect. Its regular use stimulates work gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion and helps get rid of constipation.

Drinking tea is contraindicated when high temperature and blood pressure.

The cardiovascular system

Mate dilates blood vessels and improves nutrition of the heart muscle. Drinking tea helps stabilize arterial pressure, improve cerebral circulation.

Mate for weight loss

The rich chemical composition of tea helps fight overweight. It speeds up metabolism, burns calories and fat deposits, and inhibits the areas of the brain responsible for appetite. With increased appetite, mate will become real with a magic wand– one cup of tea will help get rid of hunger.

Interesting to know: Paraguayan Holly extract is included in dietary supplements for weight loss.


An absolute contraindication is individual intolerance to mate tea, which is expressed in an allergic reaction of the body. It can manifest itself as a skin rash, sneezing, watery eyes, and coughing. If these symptoms appear after drinking a cup of tea, drinking it is strictly prohibited. In addition, doctors have identified certain categories of people and body conditions in which drinking the drink is extremely undesirable.

Research conducted and statistical data collected over several decades have proven the existence of a connection between regular use excessively hot mate and the development of cancer.

Drinking tea whose temperature is above 80° C can provoke the development of oncological tumors of the esophagus, larynx, and bladder.


  • children under 7 years old;
  • nursing and pregnant women;
  • heat;
  • hypertension;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • peptic ulcer and increased stomach acidity;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • allergic diseases.

About 20 aromatic compounds (PAGs) were found in mate, which are also found in tobacco, alcoholic drinks and fried meat. Their combination creates favorable conditions for oncological tumors.

The combination of mate with alcoholic beverages, tobacco and fried meat dangerous for health.

How to cook and drink mate

By appearance freshly brewed mate resembles green tea. The infusion has a golden-green color, a bitter-sour taste and bright aroma. In the homeland of mate, the raw material poured into a vessel is brewed up to 8 times. Its taste changes with each pour and reaches optimal saturation by the third time. Classic tea They are prepared only from herbal raw materials, but stevia leaves are sometimes added to add sweetness.

Dried and crushed holly leaves are called "yerba" and serve as a raw material for making tea. Yerba is poured into a vessel and filled with water, the temperature of which is 70-80 ° C. The tea is steeped for 2-3 minutes and drunk immediately. Mate should not be brewed with boiling water - such an infusion not only begins to taste bitter, but also becomes harmful to health. They drink mate through a special bombilla tube, the lower edge of which looks like a strainer. This design allows you to filter the drink from particles of tea raw materials when drinking it.

The temperature of mate while drinking should not be higher than 80 °C.

Traditionally, tea is brewed in a special container from the fruits of the lagenaria vine, which look like small pumpkins. This utensil is called "calabash". Modern calabashes are also made of wood, metal, and ceramics. Bombilla is made from silver, cupronickel, stainless steel, wood or hollow plant stems. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase special utensils, tea can be prepared in a regular teapot.

Today there are many ways to brew mate. Manufacturers add fruits and flavors to yerba. Bitter mate is preferred by men, while sweet mate is preferred by women and children. “Summer” mate is very popular in Latin America. To prepare it, yerba is poured cold water, add lemon, sugar, mint leaves, orange or grapefruit juice.

To get off the tea maximum benefit, you need to buy only fresh yerba without additives.

Mate brewing technology:

  1. Fill the calabash 2/3 full with yerba, cover it with your hand and shake it.
  2. The calabash is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees. On the side where the void has formed, a bombilla is inserted. The vessel is then placed vertically and the bombilla is pushed to the bottom.
  3. Hot water is poured into the bombilla.

As a result, little infusion is obtained, so the procedure is repeated until the taste disappears.

From the moment of first brewing, tea should be drunk within an hour.

Mate treats illnesses, gives strength to the body and calms the soul. But in order for this drink to bring only benefits, you must strictly follow the rules for its preparation and consumption.