Counting calories per day. Calculation of calories per day for a woman

Do you want to lose weight faster and without harm to your health? Just calculate your own daily calorie intake and get closer to the cherished number on the scale. You will find the formula for individual calorie calculation in the article.

Calculating calorie norms allows you to choose the ideal menu for a person. There are universal figures for the daily caloric intake: for women the optimal amount is 2000 kcal, for men - 2500. The indicated figures are a calculated average value, but many factors should be taken into account: lifestyle, gender, age. This article will help you calculate the ideal daily calorie intake required to lose or maintain weight.

Calculation of daily calories

Calorie content is the energy value of foods released in the body in the event of successful, complete absorption of the food consumed. The energy value of the product is measured in kilocalories (kcal) per 100g. product. What is energy value? Amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In other words, activity and performance, health, and appearance depend on what and how much we eat. When there is an excess of calories, they are transported to fat “reserves”; when there is a shortage, they are “extracted” from there. That's the whole process of losing weight.

How to calculate calories by body weight

There are various formulas developed by scientific researchers to calculate the optimal calorie content of a person's diet. Some of them are more true, others less. You can calculate your calorie intake in several ways:

Mifflin–St. Jeort formula

The calculation method, which was called the “Mifflin-Saint-Geor Formula”, was discovered in 2005 and is considered the most optimal method for preparing a diet for an adult. However, the disadvantage of this method is the lack of consideration of the ratio of muscle tissue and fat in the body, because metabolism depends specifically on muscle mass.

The metabolic rate should be calculated according to the following principle:

  • for men: 10 x weight (in kg) + 6.25 x height (in cm) – 5 x age (in years) + 5;
  • for women: 10 x weight (in kg) + 6.25 x height (in cm) – 5 x age (in years) – 161.

To calculate the amount of calories in an adult’s diet to maintain a stable weight, you need to take into account the level and duration of physical activity. This or that type of activity is designated by the physical activity coefficient (PFA). The data obtained during the calculation of the metabolic norm must be multiplied by CFA. The result will be the required daily requirement of kilocalories.

Physical activity coefficients (K)

  • Minimum loads - K=1.2;
  • a little physical activity, light exercise 1-3 times a week - K=1.375;
  • sports loads 4-5 times a week (or moderate work) - K = 1.4625;
  • high-intensity training 4-5 times a week - K=1.550;
  • daily training - K=1.6375;
  • daily intensive training or training 2 times a day - K=1.725;
  • heavy physical work plus intense sports activities 2 times a day - K=1.9.

A 45-year-old man weighs 74 kg. His height is 178 cm. He goes to the gym four times a week. The result is an amount that is equal to 2372 kcal.

Harris-Benedict formula

The formula was derived back in 1919, so now it is not correct enough and has an error of about 5%.

  • for a man: 66.5 + 13.75 x weight (kg) + 5.003 x height (cm) – 6.775 x age (years);
  • for a woman: 655.1 + 9.563 x weight (kg) + 1.85 x height (cm) - 4.676 x age (years).

The woman is 32 years old, weight – 60 kg, height – 167 cm. According to calculations according to the formula, she needs 1666 kcal to remain at her weight.

WHO formula

This formula is also based on the CFA on the following scale:

  1. 1 – low;
  2. 1, 3 – average;
  3. 1.5 – high.

Calculation of a person’s daily calorie needs is carried out as follows:

  • for women 18-30 years old: (0.062 × weight in kg + 2.036) × 240 × CFA;
  • 31-60 years: (0.034 × weight in kg + 3.538) × 240 × CFA;
  • over 60 years old: (0.038 × weight in kg + 2.755) × 240 × CFA;
  • for men 18-30 years old: (0.063 × body weight in kg + 2.896) × 240 × CFA;
  • 31-60 years: (0.484 × body weight in kg + 3.653) × 240 × CFA;
  • over 60 years old: (0.491 × body weight in kg + 2.459) × 240 × CFA.

A 23-year-old girl weighs 53 kg and has an average activity level. She needs 1660 kcal per day.

Ketch–McArdle formula

The use of this technique involves taking into account the amount of fat in the body, but its disadvantage is the lack of consideration of a person’s age, gender and height. This also reduces the accuracy of caloric needs calculations.

According to the Ketch-McArdle formula, daily caloric intake is calculated as follows: basal metabolic rate = 370 + 21.6 × x (body weight minus fat).

According to the Ketch-McArdle formula, a 22-year-old guy weighing 70 kg should consume 2000 kcal/day.

It is also important to remember that energy is also spent on consumption and metabolic processes. Due to the properties of some foods (celery, ginger, fresh cabbage) to “take away” more energy from the body than they provide, they are called foods with negative calorie content. And the entire process of human energy expenditure for digesting food is called the specific dynamic action of food (abbreviated SDA). The average DDI is 10% of the basal metabolic rate.

Daily calorie intake for humans

Every hour we spend 1 calorie to “maintain” one kilogram of body weight. Let's say your weight is 60 kg. If we multiply this figure by 24 (based on the number of hours in a day), we get 1440. However, this calculation is not correct without taking into account the level of mental and physical activity, stress, etc.

For men

For the stronger sex, the issue of daily ration norms is certainly important. And it's not just a matter of trying to stay in good physical shape. Being healthy is always fashionable. And given that the rhythm of life is sometimes “rich” in stress, modern people have become more attentive to the quality and quantity of food they eat.

Monitoring your caloric intake is the basis of proper nutrition. The difference between women's diets and men's diets is that men have an accelerated metabolic process (metabolism). Therefore, it is easier for them to lose weight than for women. This means that the diet for representatives of the stronger half of humanity should not be too meager.

So, if a man wants to maintain physical fitness at an optimal level for him, but at the same time leads a predominantly inactive lifestyle, then he should be guided by the following norm:

  • if a man is from 18 to 30 years old, then he can consume 2400 kcal per day;
  • at the age of 31 to 50 years, the daily norm should be 2200 kcal;
  • over 50 years old, 2000 kcal will be enough.

If a man’s day proceeds at a rhythm of medium intensity, then he needs:

  • at the age of 18 to 30 years, you should consume 2600-2800 kcal;
  • at the age of 31 to 50 – 2400-2600 kcal;
  • from 50 – 2200 – 2400 kcal per day.
  • from 18 to 30 years old you need to consume 3000 kcal;
  • at the age of 31 to 50 – 2800 – 3000 kcal;
  • at the age of over 50 – 2400 – 2800 kcal per day.

For women

As a rule, the female body needs fewer calories than the male body. This is due to the fact that women gain weight faster - this is provided by nature in order to protect the female body for the purpose of full procreation. There is no point in conflicting with nature, but it is very important for any girl and woman to be in shape. In order to maintain a stable weight, they need to focus on factors such as age, activity level, living conditions and individual characteristics.

The number of calories allowed to be consumed to maintain weight depends on physical activity. If a girl or woman leads a sedentary lifestyle, then she should learn:

  • the daily norm for girls from 18 to 25 years old is about 2000;
  • aged 26 to 50 years – 1800 kcal;
  • after 50 years – 1600 kcal.

Women and girls leading a moderately active lifestyle should consume:

  • at the age of 18 to 25 – without fear for your figure, you can consume 2200 kcal per day;
  • from 26 to 50 – recommended 2000 kcal;
  • after 50 years the norm is 1800 kcal.

Female representatives who lead an active lifestyle require:

  • 18-30 year olds – 2400 kcal;
  • for 31-60 year olds it is 2200;
  • after 60, 2000 per day is required.

If a woman needs to calculate calories for weight loss, then 500 kcal should be subtracted from these normal indicators and her diet should be compiled depending on the resulting amount. There is a very common belief: to effectively lose weight, the calorie intake should be reduced to 1200 per day. However, this is only true if the woman leads a sedentary lifestyle. Because it is under this condition that weight loss will be healthy. And a sharp reduction in calorie intake, complemented by high physical activity, can provoke serious health problems: disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system (symptoms - dizziness, nausea, weakness), disruptions in the menstrual cycle (up to amenorrhea), slowdown of metabolism and weakening of the immune system.

For pregnant

Women expecting babies need to remember that losing weight during this period is strictly prohibited. But it’s also not worth abusing high-calorie foods, eating “for two.”

The first factor on which the calorie intake of the expectant mother should depend is the duration of pregnancy. As pregnancy progresses, caloric intake should increase: starting from 2500, and up to 3200 calories per day in the last stages. This is explained by the fact that the expectant mother’s body is in the process of hormonal “restructuring,” which in itself requires energy. In addition, it is important to nourish your baby with sufficient energy, both during pregnancy and after birth. The daily calorie intake of a nursing mother should be 3500 kcal.

For teenagers

A teenager's diet should be carefully balanced and have sufficient calorie content. This is important for several reasons. Firstly, the period of puberty is accompanied by energy-consuming processes for the bodies of boys and girls. In addition, the immunity of young people during this period is subjected to significant tests, and therefore must be protected through proper nutrition. Secondly, teenagers should avoid all kinds of junk food and try to eat regularly, since they are the ones most susceptible to diseases such as gastritis.

Physical activity is also a very important factor in shaping a teenager’s diet. So, if a boy or girl plays sports and leads an active lifestyle, then the daily calorie content of their diet should be 2200 - 2500 kcal for boys, and 1800 - 2200 for girls. If a teenager leads a sedentary lifestyle, then the daily calorie content of his food should not be more than 2000 calories, since the risk of rapid weight gain during this period increases significantly due to hormonal changes in the young body.

For children

The calorie content of a child's diet varies depending on the age of the child. So, the calorie intake per day for a child’s meals should increase every six months. This is explained by the fact that the child’s body is growing, and in order for it to develop fully, it needs a large amount of energy.

The number of calories a baby needs depends on his age:

  • children 1–2 years old require 1200 kcal;
  • from 2 to 3 years – 1400;
  • children from 3 to 6 years old should consume 1800–2000;
  • a child aged 6 to 10 years needs to consume from 2000 to 2400;
  • and at the age of 10–13 years, the calorie intake per day is 2900.

The quality of the calories a child absorbs is of great importance. The amount of confectionery products, drinks with a high content of sugar, flour must be limited, since these categories of products have practically no beneficial properties, but can cause harm to the growing body (gastritis, allergic diseases, excess weight). And fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, natural dairy products, meat and fish should form the child’s main diet.

The calorie content of a child's daily diet should be adjusted based on the rhythm of the child's life. If a child is very active, then he needs more energy. A child who attends various sections and clubs will have an increased need for calories. After 13 years of age, the child’s diet can be shaped in accordance with the caloric intake that a teenager requires, since during this period the process of puberty begins.

Carbohydrates, proteins and fats

In addition to how many calories you consume, it is also important to watch where they come from. The quality of food is the main condition for the healthy functioning of the body. A person's diet must be properly balanced. And balance is a reasonable ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as essential microelements in the food consumed. That is, it is wrong to eat 2000 kcal of cottage cheese alone, just as it is unwise to eat 1300 kcal worth of sweets. In both cases, the body experiences deprivation and stress at the same time. The likely outcome of the first case is indigestion, heaviness in the stomach. The second is a sharp increase in blood sugar levels and the possibility of “getting” an allergic rash.

In order to improve the quality of your diet, which directly affects your health, try to eliminate, or at least reduce the amount of trans fats (found in large quantities in confectionery), sugar and starchy foods.

Daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

  • proteins (50% animal protein): 65 – 117 g;
  • fats: 70 – 154 g;
  • carbohydrates: 257-586 g.
  • proteins: 58-87 g;
  • fats: 60-102 g;
  • carbohydrates: 250 – 450 g.

It is important to include in the diet foods that contain macro (calcium) and microelements (iodine, iron), as well as vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids necessary for a person.

There is a formula for the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet: 1 (B): 1 (F): 4 (U). However, such a calculation is approximate, because the amount of substances consumed is also regulated depending on physical activity, mental activity and the properties of the body of a particular person.

Staying in shape is easy!

Counting calories is a useful practice that is forever ingrained in the mind. You already know roughly the calorie content of each product and can even estimate the calorie content of an entire holiday table offhand. In addition, you get used to eating the right foods and determining when you are full. And when you see fast food, mind-boggling numbers appear before your eyes. However, remember that meticulous calorie counting should not be accompanied by fear and remorse for every bite eaten. Get not only energy from food, but also pleasure. And most importantly, listen carefully to the true needs of your body. He will not “advise” anything that will harm him.

Don't forget that:

  • Spending fasting days, despite disagreements, is not harmful, but very useful. So, you don’t have to fast once a week – just choose the optimal fasting option. For example, a fasting day on buckwheat porridge (250 grams) and green tea (in any quantity), in which these products are recommended to be consumed in small portions and often, once every 1.5-2 hours;
  • It is important to monitor the amount of raw plant foods in your diet. Firstly, such food contains fiber, and secondly, it retains vitamins and microelements, which are most often destroyed during heat treatment;
  • You don’t have to become an ideologist of separate nutrition, but it is useful to practice it, because it forms the habit of more carefully monitoring the quality of nutrition;
  • You can eat fast carbohydrates, but you should do it in the first half of the day. And, of course, in moderation. So, you can treat yourself to a small piece of your favorite cake with your morning coffee - even if you have a not very busy day ahead of you with physical activity, you will use up the calories received.

Calorie diets

We bring to your attention options for a balanced menu for one day with different calorie content. Depending on your physical activity, you can adjust it by adding or decreasing calories. This way of eating is an example of how you can eat throughout your life while maintaining good physical shape and health.

1300 calorie per day diet


  • First breakfast: two rye breads with 1 tablespoon of strawberry jam, 50 g banana, tea/coffee with milk 1.5% fat;
  • second breakfast: buckwheat porridge with water (170 g), 1 apple;
  • lunch: chicken broth (200 ml), boiled chicken fillet (200 g);
  • afternoon snack: cottage cheese 5% fat without sugar (150 g), tea;
  • dinner: steamed hake (180 g), salad (200 g Chinese cabbage + 100 g cucumbers + 50 g carrots + 2 tablespoons olive oil), tomato juice (100 ml).


Yulia, 25 years old, interior designer. Weight - 54 kg

“I haven’t tried any kind of diets. Now I understand that I tortured myself in vain. When I stopped living with restrictions and “made peace” with my body, the excess weight went away by itself. 1300 kcal is not enough for me. Such food is only suitable for a person who sits at home and does nothing. And I wander around the city, so I even got to the point of fainting. After all, scrupulously counting what you eat is also a kind of stress. At that time, gynecological problems arose, so I decided to give up the half-starved existence, although I lost five kilograms in two weeks - from 64 to 59. Still, it’s better to be healthy.”

1800 calories


  • First breakfast: fruit salad (1 apple, 1 banana, 1 kiwi + 150 ml natural yogurt + 1 teaspoon honey), tea/coffee without sugar;
  • second breakfast: omelet (two eggs and 100 ml of milk);
  • lunch: buckwheat porridge on water (200 g), salad dressed with olive oil (200 g white cabbage + 100 g cucumbers + 150 g tomatoes + 2 teaspoons olive oil), baked cod (200 g);
  • afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole (200 g cottage cheese 9% fat + 1 tablespoon sour cream 15% fat + 2 tablespoons sugar), green tea;
  • dinner: boiled chicken fillet/fish (hake) (200 g), salad (200 g Chinese cabbage + 100 g cucumbers + 1 tablespoon olive oil), tomato juice (150 ml).


Igor, 32 years old, system administrator. Weight change - from 82 kg to 70 kg

“At some point, I felt that sedentary work was bearing fruit in the form of extra pounds. I noticed that it became harder to walk, and shortness of breath began to appear. I decided to count calories. At first it was a little difficult - not so much in terms of hunger, but morally: to be constantly on alert, to watch every piece - I was not used to this. But after a week of “deprivation” I noticed the result – minus 3 kg. Given my low physical activity, I did not experience acute hunger, although the desire to “snack what I had eaten” periodically appeared. I was pleased with the result. I learned to be more attentive to what I absorb.”

2000 calories


  • First breakfast: tea/coffee with milk 1.5% fat (15 g), milk chocolate (40 g);
  • second breakfast: oatmeal with milk 2.5% fat (150 g oatmeal + 100 ml milk) with raisins (2 teaspoons) and nuts (2 tablespoons);
  • lunch: soup with meatballs (250 ml), salad (100 g of Chinese cabbage + 100 g of fresh cucumbers + 100 g of boiled chicken fillet + 2 tablespoons of sour cream 15% fat);
  • afternoon snack: casserole (100 g champignons + 100 g potatoes + 70 g chicken fillet + 30 g parmesan), sponge cake (150 g), fresh orange juice (150 ml);
  • dinner: cottage cheese 9% fat (200 g), sweet tea (200 ml).

Doctor's review

Ekaterina Kuzmenko, gastroenterologist, Kyiv

“From a medical point of view, such a menu is absolutely balanced. An important point is the size of portions and the frequency of their intake. It’s not for nothing that even popular wisdom says that less is better, but more often. This is true for nutrition. When we eat small portions 4-5 times a day, the stomach does not experience excessive stress, and metabolic processes are constantly in active mode. Thus, no additional effects on metabolism are required. The result is that your digestive system is in order, you are in good physical shape and remain youthful longer. After all, it is known that both undernutrition and overeating have a detrimental effect on the condition of the body.”

3000 calories


  • First breakfast: sweet oatmeal with banana (100 g oatmeal + 150 ml milk 1.5% fat + 50 g banana + 2 teaspoons sugar);
  • second breakfast: croissant with jam (80 g), milk chocolate (50 g), tea/coffee;
  • lunch: pasta with chicken breast (120 g pasta + 100 g chicken breast + 3 g (1 teaspoon) Parmesan), salad (200 g Chinese cabbage + 1 chicken egg + 2 tablespoons sour cream 15% fat);
  • snack: 1 banana or 1 apple, roasted peanuts (70 g);
  • afternoon snack: milkshake (200 ml milk 2.5% fat + 70 g ice cream 8% fat), 50 g shortbread cookies, 40 g milk chocolate;
  • dinner: baked potatoes (150 g), stewed cod (200 g), sweet tea (200 ml), shortbread cookies (100 g).


Dmitry, 17 years old, student, athlete. 63 kg.

“Gaining strength,” as they say, is a necessary thing, especially before training. I play sports, so I eat not only nutritiously, but also correctly. Of course, fast food between couples also happens. Where would we be without this? And before the competition, the coach strongly recommends that we eat according to the schedule. The 3000 calorie per day menu is a great option for me. The food is healthy, there is also something hot for lunch, so your stomach doesn’t hurt. I can eat more than 3000. Anyway, energy is spent on the running around associated with studying, as well as during training.”


For daily active life of a person, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the consumption of a certain number of calories per day. After all, every action taken requires energy expenditure. The more intense the body is exposed to, the more calories it will need. Calorie intake per day is individual for each person, it is determined by the following factors: gender and age, level of activity during the day and lifestyle.

It is believed that the number of calories consumed by a man’s body is an order of magnitude higher than a woman’s daily norm, and from the point of view of the age factor, a young body needs much more calories, which are spent on development and growth, than an older one. The more active a person leads, the more calories he will need. The calculation of daily calories is done individually and each person has their own calorie intake, but there are certain patterns. Let's look at the average calorie intake per day for a man and a woman and their differences.

How many calories do men need per day?

Nutritionists, together with experts in proper nutrition, have come to the conclusion that the number of calories needed for a man’s life depends on his level of activity. Let's consider the approximate daily calorie intake depending on lifestyle and age.

With a sedentary lifestyle, men aged 19-30 years old need about 2400 kcal per day, men aged 31-50 years old will need 2200 kcal, and those aged 51 and over will need only 2000 kcal. As for a moderate lifestyle, men of the mentioned age categories will need 2600-2800, 2400-2600 and 2200-2400 kcal, respectively. Calorie intake per day for men who lead an active lifestyle will be much higher: 3000 kcal for those aged 19-30; 2800-3000 kcal for men aged 31-50 years and 2800-2400 kcal for those 51 and older.

Thus, we see that the number of calories men need for full life depends on their individual needs, especially if it is necessary to adjust their weight or maintain it at the same level. In order to accurately determine how many calories the body will need, it is necessary to make an accurate calculation of daily calories, taking into account all parameters: weight, height, level of exercise and the desired weight that you would like to have as a result. Using this calculation, you can create an approximate menu, knowing the calorie content of all dishes and products in your diet. We've sorted out the men, now let's talk about women.

As for women, approximately the same picture is observed here. However, women, as a rule, are more scrupulous and responsible about their appearance, they care more about their figure, so they are used to counting every calorie they eat. Just for such cases, an accurate calculation of daily calories is made, taking into account all the above parameters. For those who do not like calculations, for whom it is not so important to know the exact number of calories needed during the day, we will provide average data, depending on the lifestyle and age of the woman.

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then a 19-25 year old girl will need about 2000 kcal per day; the number of calories for a 26-50 year old woman will be about 1800 kcal, and for those over 51 about 1600 kcal will be enough. With a moderate lifestyle for women of these age categories, the number of calories consumed per day will be 2200, 2000 and 1800 kcal, respectively. And if a woman leads an active lifestyle, then even more calories will be needed, namely: 2400, 2200 and 2000 kcal.

It is very important that when calculating daily calories you take into account not only individual parameters, but also the desired indicators. It should be noted that if you want to lose weight, then you need to eat fewer calories and reduce your daily calorie intake to exactly the amount you need to achieve results. If you need to gain weight, then you need to include additional foods and ingredients in your diet that will allow you to do this, adding a certain amount of calories to your daily intake. To maintain your weight at the same level, you can use the standard indicators given above, or those that you calculate individually for yourself.

How to calculate how many calories per day we need?

In the modern world, in order to find out your individual calorie needs, it is enough to use an online daily calorie intake calculator, setting all the necessary parameters. However, if you don't have one, you can easily do it yourself. Let's make the calculation using the Harris-Benedict formula, named after its creator.

This formula was compiled back in 1919, and now it is widely used to determine the value of human basal metabolic rate (BMR), for which calories are consumed. In other words, it shows the basic daily caloric intake that the body needs to carry out all vital functions.

For women, the VOOC is calculated as follows:

VOOCH = 655.1+9.6*weight (kg)+1.85*height (cm)–4.68*age (years)

Human activity is associated with the expenditure of energy. Its quantity is measured in calories. For normal life, it is necessary to constantly replenish the body with energy, which enters it in the form of food.

The daily calorie intake depends on the gender, type of activity and age of the person. For example, men need more energy per day than women. And active young people, who are still growing and developing, burn more calories each day compared to adults.

Daily calorie intake for men

For active men

  • up to 30 years: 3000 calories;
  • from 30 to 50 years: within 2800 - 3000 calories;
  • over 51 years old: 2800 - 2400 calories.

For men with a sedentary lifestyle

  • up to 30 years: 2400 calories;
  • from 31 to 50 years: 2200 calories;
  • after 51 years, 2000 calories per day is enough.

For men with a moderate lifestyle

  • 19-30 years: 2600 - 2800 calories;
  • 31-50 years: 2400 - 2600 calories;
  • from 51 years: 2200 - 2400 calories.

Daily calorie intake for women

For moderately active women

  • up to 25 years old, it is enough to consume 2200 calories per day for the normal functioning of their body;
  • at 25-50 years old the recommended daily intake is 2200 calories
  • over 51 years old: just 1800 calories is enough.

With a sedentary lifestyle

  • for young girls under 25 years old, 2000 calories is enough;
  • for women from 26 to 50 years old, it is optimal to consume no more than 1800 calories;
  • After age 51, you need to reduce your intake to 1,600 calories.

With an active lifestyle

  • young women 19 - 30 years old can consume 2400 calories;
  • women aged 31 - 60 years old need 2200 calories;
  • Women over 61 years of age are recommended to have a daily intake of 2,000 calories.

Individual calculation of daily calorie intake

The above daily calorie values ​​are general and approximate. But each person is individual and has his own height, weight, muscle mass and degree of activity. Therefore, scientists have developed formulas that allow us to calculate the daily calorie intake for different people.

First, the number of calories needed by a person in a state of complete inactivity and at a comfortable temperature is calculated. In other words, first of all you need to find out how much energy the body needs for the functioning of its internal organs without physical and emotional stress. Typically, this indicator is measured in laboratory conditions in a supine position and in the absence of violent emotions. To measure it at home, formulas were developed to determine the basal metabolic rate (BMR).

Formulas for calculating SBI

  • For men :

66 + (13.7 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years)

  • For women :

655 + (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years)

For example:

For a 39-year-old woman weighing 70 kg and height 168 cm, the BVR is calculated as follows:

655 + (9.6 *70) + (1.8 *168) - (4.7*39)=1446.1 calories

Formula for calculating daily calorie needs (DCR)

SPK = activity coefficient x SBI

Determination of the activity coefficient value

  • 1.2 - with a lifestyle without physical activity;
  • 1.375 - with light physical labor;
  • 1.55 - with average, moderate physical activity;
  • 1.75 - during heavy physical activity;
  • 1.9 - with particularly heavy physical labor.

For example:

With BOO = 1446.1 and with average activity (we take the coefficient - 1.55), the daily norm is determined as follows:

SPK = 1446.1*1.55= 2241.46 calories

It is convenient to use a calorie calculator to calculate your daily intake.

Daily calorie intake for weight loss

Knowing your SPC value, you can solve your problem with excess weight. To do this, you just need to reduce the energy intake into the body from food. This can create a calorie deficit, which will lead the body to the need to use up its reserves - fat.

To what extent is it safe to reduce your calorie intake to lose weight? This is a very important question, because with an incorrectly created energy deficit, the well-being and health of the person losing weight will certainly suffer. To lose extra pounds, you need to reduce the SPK value by 500 - 1000 units. But at the same time, the minimum number of daily calories consumed when losing weight for men is 1800, and for women - 1200. Below these values, it is very dangerous to create an energy deficit in the body.

Counting calories is a step towards rapid weight loss. Every day a person spends about 1500-2200 kcal. Energy expenditure and consumption occurs on an individual basis, based on age, height, weight and physical activity.


The calorie norm is the amount of energy value of food that the body needs for absolute absorption. Determining the calorie content of foods, that is, energy value, occurs by burning food in a calorimeter to measure the heat generated. Calorie expenditure increases with increased physical activity. The most gentle method of fast and effective weight loss is considered to be reducing the daily calorie intake in combination with physical exercise.

Calculation of calories per day

Everyone's calorie intake is different. The calculation is based on several criteria - weight, height, age. There are many worksheets available online, but they are not suitable for everyone. The daily dose is determined individually, based on personal data and usual lifestyle. To do this, tables and formulas are used.

First of all, we need to understand what happens to calories when food enters our body. Food products participate in metabolism, that is, they enter into metabolism. This is a so-called chemical reaction that is activated when food enters the body and does not stop until the processed products are eliminated.

There are three popular formulas for calculating calorie intake:

  1. Harris-Benedict principle. It was presented to the public back in 1919. Calculation for women occurs according to the following scheme: 655.1 + 9.563 x body weight + 185 x height in cm + 4.676 x age (full years). For men: 66.5 + 13.75 x body weight + 5.003 x height in cm - 6.775 x age (full years). In the first and second options, the obtained result is multiplied by the physical activity coefficient presented below.
  2. Mifflin-San Geor system. Improved to take into account the modern rhythm of life and eliminates the 5% error that is inherent in the Harris-Benedict development. The formula is as follows for women: 10 x body weight - 6.25 x height in cm - 5 x number of completed years - 161. For men: 10 x body weight in kg + 6.25 x height in cm - 5 x number of completed years + 5. The results are multiplied by the activity coefficient.
  3. Ketch-McArdle formula. Based on research on the effect of lean body mass on caloric intake. The calculation is presented as follows: P = 370 + (21.6 x LBM), where the Latin abbreviation stands for lean body mass.
Activity factor:
  • Gym, jogging or physical activity 3 times a week - 1,375;
  • 5-day light sports regimen - 1.4625;
  • Intensive training 5 times a week - 1,550;
  • Daily strength exercises in several approaches - 1.725;
  • The ratio of an active lifestyle, physical work and daily sports exercises is 1.9.
  • Counting calories in foods

    Learn to eat healthy and balanced and count calories. This can be done manually using tables, or use special calculators. Tables of food energy values ​​will help you create your daily diet. The calorie content of food depends on the combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    Let's consider a number of the most useful and least calorie foods per 100 g:

    1. Meat products and eggs within 200 calories: eggs, beef, brains, liver, hare and rabbit meat, chicken and turkey, liver and kidneys, veal and pheasant, chicken and beef tongue. Calorie content depends on the method of heat treatment. Fried foods should be avoided: the calorie content increases, the benefits decrease, and metabolism becomes more difficult.
    2. Fish and seafood in the range of 150 kcal/100 g: beluga, pink salmon, pollock caviar, boiled squid, flounder, fish cutlets, boiled mullet, bream, smoked and boiled cod, boiled crabs, shrimp, tench, mussels, sterlet, catfish, hake , oysters, pike, hake.
    3. Dairy products with an energy value of up to 300 calories: kefir, milk, yogurt, cream, sour cream, goat cheese, cottage cheese. It is worth noting that dairy products in reasonable proportions help improve metabolic processes in general.
    4. Cereals and flour products with a minimum energy value of up to 300 units: pancakes, bagels, dumplings, buckwheat and oatmeal porridge, dietary fiber, pasta made from durum wheat and wholemeal flour, oat and wheat porridge, bran, barley in water, dumplings with minced beef, boiled unpolished rice and milk porridge, Borodinsky and grain bread, rye bread, barley milk porridge.

    Try to limit your consumption of: light raisins, potato chips, fried potatoes, olives, white beans, dates. Among drinks, it is highly recommended not to consume alcohol of high strength - cognac, liqueur and vodka.

    Calculation of calorie content of ready meals

    Plan your weekly or monthly diet. Here is an example of a menu for 5 days:
    • First day. Breakfast: cottage cheese 2% (80 g/82.4 kcal), natural yogurt (100 g/66 kcal), rye bread with butter (80 g/132 ​​kcal + 20 g/149 kcal). Lunch: borscht with beef (250 g / 157.5 kcal), mashed potatoes (150 g / 159 kcal) and chicken cutlet (90 g / 129 kcal), Mimosa salad (120 g / 254.4 kcal), juice tomato (200 ml/42 kcal), Borodinsky bread (20 g/41.6 kcal). Total: 1212.9 kcal/day.
    • Second day. For breakfast: oatmeal (100 g/111.5 kcal) and apple (100 g/45.5 kcal). Lunch: vegetable soup (200g/160 kcal), barley porridge (150 g/146.6 kcal) with beef liver stewed in sauce (70 g/122 kcal), grain bread (30 g/69.9 kcal), green tea . Dinner: milk rice porridge (150g/194 kcal) and bagels (30g/100.8 kcal). Result: 793 kcal/day.
    • The third day. Breakfast: yogurt 3.2% fat (100 g/64 kcal), boiled egg (80 g/127.7 kcal), almond cookies (80 g/345 kcal). Lunch: pea soup (250 g/165 kcal), chicken pilaf (150 g/162 kcal), cabbage salad with cucumbers (100 g/49 kcal), rye bread (30 g/49.5 kcal), cherry compote (150 g/148.5 kcal). Dinner: okroshka with kefir (130 g/61.1 kcal), crackers with raisins (20 g/79 kcal). Result: 1059.1 kcal.
    • Fourth day. Breakfast: muesli with nuts and fruits (45 g/163.35 kcal), black coffee (100 g/2 kcal). Lunch: soup with meatballs (200 g/98 kcal), rice (100 g/344 kcal) and hake fish with sauce (80 g/100 kcal), carrot salad with garlic (50 g/118 kcal), rye bread (30 g/49.5 kcal), dried fruit compote (150 g/90 kcal). Dinner: pumpkin puree (100 g/88 kcal), oatmeal cookies (20 g/87.4 kcal), kefir 1% (100 g/40 kcal). Result: 1180.25 kcal.
    • Fifth day. Breakfast: carrot juice (100 g/28 kcal), fruit salad (150 g/69 kcal), white bread crackers (25 g/82.75 kcal). Lunch: light fish soup (150 g/34.5 kcal), buckwheat porridge (150 g/198 kcal) with mushroom sauce (40 g/32.8 kcal) and meatballs (80 g/137.6 kcal), wheat bread (30 g/72.6 kcal), rhubarb compote (150 g/39 kcal). Dinner: cottage cheese casserole (100 g/168 kcal) and green tea. Result: 862.25 kcal.
    Always count calories and record the result. At the same time, monitor changes in body weight and figure volume. Gradually, this will become a habit, then you will reflexively choose and consume those foods that will benefit you and will not add extra pounds.

    How many calories do you need to lose weight?

    The norm is calculated individually. On average, the figure fluctuates in the range of 1500-2200 kcal/day. If the goal is to lose weight, then the daily amount of energy value of foods must be reduced and adhere to the plan until the extra pounds disappear. Then you need to maintain a balanced diet and adhere to a new diet.

    Let's give a few examples and compare the calculation using the formula with the results of the calorie calculator:

    • A woman, 30 years old, height - 165 cm, weight - 75 kg. Lack of regular physical activity. To lose weight you need to get up to 1411 kcal/day, 1764 kcal without changes - the result of the calculator. We calculate using the Mifflin-San Geor formula: 10 x 75 kg + 6.25 x 165 cm - 5 x 30 years = 750 + 1031.25 - 150 = 1631 x 1.2 (coefficient) = 1957.5 kcal/daily value.
    • The girl is 17 years old, height - 160 cm, weight - 66 kg. Irregular sports activities, maximum 3 rubles/week. Calculator result: for weight loss - 1172 kcal/day, without changes - 1944 kcal/day. We calculate using the Harris-Benedict formula: 655.1 + 9.563 x 66 + 1.85 x 160 - 4.676 x 17 = 655.1 + 631.158 + 296 - 79.492 = 1502.766 x 1.375 = 2066.3 kcal/day - the norm.
    As you can see from the examples, the result is somewhat different. You can choose the most convenient method of counting for yourself, but focus on reducing your daily calorie intake.

    Calorie counter for ready meals

    A calorie counter is an automatic or periodic system for calculating the energy value of individual foods or their totality. Used for proper distribution of nutrients within the required daily norm or monitoring the balance of intake and expenditure.

    You can keep a calorie counter yourself, use online services, a program or a mobile application. Mobile applications are very convenient for keeping a food diary. Another option is to keep records in an Excel spreadsheet. Measure your weight and body measurements weekly, record and analyze the results.

    If you like the innovations of progress, it is more rational to purchase a calorie counter for your wrist in the form of a bracelet or buy a jump rope with electronic functionality. Sports bracelets are equipped with a full-fledged interface that allows you to control and analyze your active lifestyle. To control and read data, the bracelet is connected to a smartphone.

    Let's take a closer look at the functions and benefits of such bracelets:

    1. Pedometer. The device not only counts steps, but also determines the minimum required for you.
    2. Activity Analysis. By opening the application, you will find out the exact number of steps taken for the current period. When attending workouts, be sure to include them in your schedule - this will allow you to monitor calories burned and weight loss.
    3. Calorie counter. This is perhaps the highlight of the interface. You can select products from a list or scan barcodes and enter the portion of food you eat. The program will determine how many more calories you can consume.
    4. Lift function. It won't let you sit too long. It is enough to program the device and set a time period (for example: 10.00 - 20.00, interval - 1 hour), and the bracelet will vibrate, reminding you that it is time to get up and move.
    5. Sleep analyzer. It will allow you to determine its quality, see a graph with all phases and periods of awakening.
    6. Adviser. Be prepared for the program to give advice several times a day. It is worth noting that they are not at all useless and are based on an analysis of the vital functions and physical form of your body. For example, if the quality of sleep does not reach the norm of 25%, you will receive a notification with a recommendation that you need to alternately breathe through different nostrils before going to bed, as yogis do.

    It’s worth noting right away that using the functionality of the bracelet is possible only if you have a special application on your smartphone, which can be downloaded for free.

    Food calorizer for Android

    Calorizer is a calculator-analyzer of the energy value of products. Provides a report on calorie content, amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates in a product or finished dish.

    If you have Android, install the free app from Google Play. The software add-on contains a table of products with calculating energy value per 100 g. This application will help you think through your daily diet. It works offline, that is, it does not require an Internet connection. All you need to do is download the app and download the product database.

    Advantages of the Calorizer application from Google Play:

    • Each thematic material viewed is saved in history.
    • Important information can be bookmarked by clicking on the star icon.
    • “Favorites” and “History” can be edited, moved, deleted.
    • Using the design settings, change the themes and graphical presentation of the interface, font and color.
    • The “Article of the Day” widget randomly displays on the screen material from the database previously loaded into memory.

    Calorie calculators for weight loss

    A calorie calculator for your computer or phone helps you control your metabolism and gradually lose weight. The main function of such a program is to count proteins, fats, carbohydrates and analyze the total energy value. Applications for smartphones are equipped with wider functionality: scanning product barcodes, a weight control chart, a meal map, a body mass index analysis function, etc.

    Calorie calculators for Android

    We present to your attention a short overview of the best Android applications.


    1. The most advanced food database with 3 million positions;
    2. User-friendly interface with a program for remembering your favorite dishes and nutritional cycles;
    3. Synchronous work with the site allows you to keep a diary both from your phone and from your computer;
    4. About 400 exercises, statistics on strength and cardio training, the ability to create custom fitness routines;
    5. Ability to connect friends;
    6. Progress reports, goal setting, support for English and metric measurement charts.
    1. Barcode scanner and manual input;
    2. Food diary;
    3. Exercise diary;
    4. Progress Log;
    5. Dietary calendar.
    Lose weight without dieting:
    • Charts of consumption of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and comparison with the norm;
    • Water consumption accounting;
    • Nutrition and training plan;
    • Protection against accidental deletion by storing data on the server;
    • Control of body volume (chest, waist, hips, arms, legs);
    • The ability to choose a weight loss program and adjust the schedule.

    Calorie calculator for iPhone

    An overview of the best calculators for iPhone is presented below.

    All-in Fitness:

    • Database of audio-video materials in HD quality on exercises for men and women;
    • 100 ready-made complexes from fitness experts;
    • Product database with 300,000 items;
    • Schedule for taking vitamins and microelements;
    • BMI calculator.
    • Recommendations from Mifflin-Geor;
    • Autonomous functioning of the interface without connecting to the Internet;
    • Setting goals (weight, volumes);
    • Expanded database of glycemic indexes of products;
    • Quickly search for products by first letter and in real time.
    How to calculate your daily calorie intake - watch the video:

    The highest energy value is found in fatty foods. In French fries and chips it goes off scale - this food is harmful to health. Figs and butter are also high in calories, however, these products are very healthy in reasonable proportions. Try to eat 4-5 times a day, including foods of different categories in your diet: grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat and poultry, seafood and fish. Breakfast should be energetically valuable - it sets the beginning of the day, lunch should be complete, including the first and second courses, and dinner should be light.

    The problem of excess weight affects all segments of the population, regardless of gender, age, and social status. For a long time now, “pleasant roundness” has not been considered a sign of health; the criteria of normality, acceptability and excess are constantly being revised. Within certain limits, exceeding average values, even from a medical point of view, is quite acceptable. But it costs nothing to exceed these limits and move to a heavier weight category, and this happens, as a rule, unnoticed, but quite quickly. And then getting rid of accidentally gained kilograms is much more difficult.

    There are several ways to control your weight, and therefore ways to reduce it. But the most acceptable method is considered to be reasonable energy containment, i.e. counting calories. The norm of calories for weight loss for a man differs from that for a woman, because... The basic metabolism of representatives of different sexes is not the same.

    Energy needs of the body

    Calories are a numerical expression of the amount of energy. They measure the body’s costs of ensuring its own vital functions:

    • ensuring vital functions - breathing, transmission of impulses, resistance to foreign influences;
    • maintaining metabolism - the work of all organs;
    • human motor activity;
    • mental activity.

    The energy required by the body comes from outside, mainly from food. The amount of food entering the body is measured in volume, weight and calories. Read also -. All these indicators are important; taking them into account ensures the correct attitude towards organizing the nutrition process and compliance with the norm.

    If an excess or decrease in the volume and weight of products does not always entail a change in weight, then adjusting calorie content is directly related to its increase or decrease.

    Weight and calories

    It would seem that everything is simple: the more you eat, the more overweight you become.

    However, the very concept of “redundant” is rather arbitrary. It’s not so much the kilograms that cause anxiety, but the volume of the body. Anyone who dreams of losing weight ideally sees himself as a person with good health. correctly distributed and formed tissues and volumes. And muscles that support shape are known to weigh more than fat.

    Therefore, when actively playing sports in order to create a beautiful body and maintain a healthy vitality, weight loss is not always required. And if it is required, it is not as significant as it might seem to a carrier of excess fat.

    In addition, different types of food provide different amounts of calories to the body.

    The task when losing weight, especially for men, is to reduce the consumption of high-calorie foods, and increase the volume of food with low-calorie foods. In this case, there will be no pronounced discomfort experienced by a person practicing weight loss by simply reducing portions.

    Basic and total daily energy expenditure

    A person always spends calories, even when he is resting or even sleeping. The body's work does not stop for a minute, and this activity (basic metabolism) requires support. Energy consumed exclusively to maintain life, in a state of complete rest, provides general metabolism (GME). Its value is calculated using the formula:

    One calorie (kcal) per kg of weight per hour

    The daily rate is thus calculated as follows:

    1kcal x weight in kilograms x time in hours

    For clarity, for a man weighing 90 kg it looks like this:

    1 kcal x 90 x 24 = 2160 kcal

    With age, this figure decreases somewhat on its own, so an adult man needs about 10 percent less energy than a teenager. This means that we can safely subtract this value from the indicated indicator:

    2160 kcal – 216 kcal = 1944 kcal

    Important! It is not recommended to reduce the number of calories per basal metabolism under any circumstances: failure to comply with this rule entails a significant deterioration in the well-being and condition of the body, and therefore a noticeable decrease in the quality of life.

    In addition to general physical activity, energy is also required for daily human activities. Depending on its level, the daily amount of required calories is determined.

    Men require more calories to maintain basal and general metabolism, because... By definition, they have more muscle mass than women.

    Excess body weight

    The presence of excess body weight can be determined using several formulas. The most common and understandable is the ability to set this indicator from the body mass index (BMI) table. BMI is calculated the same way for both men and women:

    Weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters.

    For clarity, calculating the BMI of a man weighing 90 kg and height 170 cm looks like this:

    If you are obese to one degree or another, it is necessary to take measures to restore normal body weight. This will ensure good health and smooth functioning of the body for many years.

    Reduced energy consumption

    It is clear that if the weight exceeds the norm, a reduction in daily calorie intake is required. And in order to reduce the value, you need to know at what indicators body weight remains unchanged. Anything higher contributes to weight gain, and lower numbers will help you lose excess weight.

    So, the formula for maintaining weight depends on BW and physical activity. It's simple: the OEV indicator is multiplied by a certain coefficient. The load factor values ​​are shown in the table. These norms also apply equally to both men and women.

    In relation to our subject, who has a basal metabolism of 1944 kcal per day, the current weight is maintained when consuming 2333, 2673, 3013, 3353 or 3694 kcal, depending on the loads experienced.

    It is possible to lose weight by reducing the amount of incoming kilocalories in the range from the conservation norm to the TEV indicator. The intensity of weight loss depends on the magnitude of the decrease in energy supply.

    Important! To avoid stress to the body, it is not recommended to sharply cut back on nutrition. This can provoke a slowdown in basal metabolism, and therefore a decrease in the rate of weight loss.

    Balanced diet

    Whatever the daily calorie intake for men, it is important to maintain a full set of essential nutrients for weight loss.

    The main components of nutrition necessary for a person:

    • carbohydrates – satisfy the largest part of energy needs;
    • proteins - provide “building material” for muscles, tissue regeneration in case of damage and in the process of life;
    • fats – promote the absorption of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, contribute to the acquisition of elasticity of blood vessels and tissues;
    • vitamins are substances that practically carry no energy load, do not burden the body with calories, but enhance metabolism and catalyze all body processes;
    • macro- and microelements that are actively involved in the regulation of body processes, strengthening bone and muscle tissue.

    A varied diet within the calorie intake required for weight loss is properly organized weight loss.

    Physical exercise

    Often the reaction to a decrease in nutritional intake is a decrease in activity. See also - . This slows down the rate of weight loss or stops the process altogether. Therefore, the loads should be kept at the same level. If your vitality drops sharply, it means that you have chosen too intense a weight loss course - you just need to adjust the quantitative composition of your food.

    “Slow” carbohydrates increase physical endurance - whole grain side dishes and bread (in the first half of the day), raw and stewed vegetables, protein products (meat, milk, eggs, fish). Vitamins A, E, D, group B and calcium are absorbed in the presence of a certain amount of fat; this ingredient should not be eliminated completely.

    When reducing calorie intake, it is important to follow important rules:

    • do not sharply reduce volumes - the stomach should take on a smaller size very gradually; for this, high-calorie foods are replaced with low-calorie foods in large volumes - green and vegetable salads successfully replace a side dish of pasta or potatoes;
    • do not snack at the first opportunity - most often, unplanned calories enter the body through accidental meals, and if you suddenly have an appetite, slowly drink a glass of warm or cool water;
    • develop a menu for the week, counting the calories of each meal and the daily figure, try to stick to the diet;
    • Allow enough time for eating, take your time, chew each piece thoroughly (ideally, gently make 30 chewing movements for each portion that enters your mouth);
    • exclude heat treatment of fats - even lard is useful until it gets into the frying pan; a small amount of fat during heat treatment of meat, fish and vegetables significantly increases their calorie content;
    • remember that in any table the energy value of a product is indicated per 100 grams, and not per serving - the food must first be weighed on a kitchen scale or look at the layout of the dish per serving in the menu of catering establishments;
    • prefer natural foods and drinks, avoid canned food, which contains a huge amount of artificial additives that stimulate appetite or thirst;
    • do not resist the new diet, take it for granted, try to get used to it as soon as possible - a calm person eats less than someone who is nervous;
    • in between meals, drink clean water at a comfortable temperature, to which you can add a mint leaf or peel of citrus fruits or apples;
    • do not forget to review the basic general metabolism, and therefore BMI, standard indicators when losing weight.

    Useful and dangerous products

    To achieve results, you must consume daily:

    • grain bread, whole grain porridge, cheese - in the morning;
    • vegetable soup (borscht, cabbage soup, rassolnik), soup with beans, peas, beans, fish, milk, mushroom soup; dairy products, fruits that have not been subjected to heat treatment - during the day;
    • meat, fish, eggs, lettuce or a side dish of stewed vegetables - in the evening;
    • fermented milk products - before bedtime.

    Drinks include tea, coffee without sugar, you can add a little honey in the morning. Juices from vegetables and fruits are only natural. When losing weight, it is very desirable to reduce the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed - they not only add empty calories to the diet, but also cause attacks of appetite and thirst.

    Thus, the algorithm of actions if you want to lose weight is as follows:

    1. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is calculated.
    2. Calorie content is determined while maintaining body weight - total metabolism.
    3. In the corridor between OOB and general metabolism (more than 1, but less than 2) the diet is made up.
    4. Indicators are adjusted as you lose weight.

    Reducing the calorie content of food in men also contributes to the overall health of the body: natural foods, eliminating excess salt and sugar, and regular balanced nutrition will bring nothing but benefits.

    Very soon, a seemingly unusual dietary restriction will become the norm. When you reach the desired weight, it is important not to return to the previous menu, but to calculate the calorie content to maintain weight and adhere to proper nutrition constantly.

    Good luck!


    Olga Zhirova

    Comments: 17 .

      Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

      Recently I firmly decided to lose weight... I went on the Internet, and there is so much here, my eyes are wide open!! Now I don’t know what to do, where to start.. That’s why I’m turning to you! How did you lose weight? WHAT REALLY HELPED?? I would really like to cope with excess weight on my own, without nutritionists and doctors..

      Daria () 2 weeks ago

      Well, I don’t know, as for me, most diets are bullshit, they just torture yourself. No matter how much I tried, nothing helped. The only thing that helped me lose about 7 kg was X-Slim. I found out about him by chance, from this article. I know many girls who also lost weight.

      P.S. Only I’m from the city and couldn’t find it on sale here, so I ordered it online.

      Megan92 () 13 days ago

      Daria () 12 days ago

      megan92, it’s also indicated in the article) I’ll duplicate it just in case - X-Slim official website

      Rita 10 days ago

      Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

      Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

      Rita, it’s like you fell from the moon. Pharmacies are grabbers and even want to make money from it! And what kind of scam can there be if payment is made after receipt and one package can be received for free? For example, I ordered this X-Slim once - the courier brought it to me, I checked everything, looked at it and only then paid. At the post office it’s the same, there is also payment upon receipt. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes and shoes to equipment and furniture.