Why empty bottles should not be left on the table. Signs about an empty bottle on the table

Even modern people involuntarily follow some traditions and adhere to old superstitions. In almost each of these “interpretations” there is a rational grain of logic, but it is not always possible to find a reasonable explanation for the signs.

One of the most incomprehensible signs is empty bottles left on the table. Indeed, an empty glass or glass is placed on the table when it is set festive dinner, why is it forbidden to leave an empty bottle?

Sign "empty bottle on the table"

If an empty bottle appears on the table, this is a bad omen. Why? It has long been believed that it promises hunger, poverty and other problems that will certainly affect this house. In addition, there is an opinion that an empty vessel on the table is capable of absorbing the energy of the person sitting next to him, his strength, and will take away his health and luck.

Another very interesting interpretation of the sign says that empty bottles cannot be left on the table if a woman is sitting at it. It is worse if this is a nulliparous woman, since such a “neighborhood” threatens her with difficult childbirth in the future or she will not be able to become a mother at all.

Eastern wisdom says that empty bottles are inhabited by evil spirits. If such a vessel is placed on the table, the spirits leave their refuge and cause trouble and disaster. Therefore, it is recommended to remove empty bottles from the table, and be sure to close the neck with a cork or other device. If you believe the superstition, leaving an empty bottle on the table causes trouble: the owners of this house will face discord in the family, money will go away, quarrels and illnesses will settle in the house. Empty bottle on dining table promises big troubles for all family members.

Is there a more rational and logical explanation for this sign? It turns out that there are signs and superstitions that have absolutely nothing to do with it. Even during the First World War, visitors to taverns were counted by the amount of alcohol they drank, that is, how many empty bottles were left after the meal. Soldiers who frequented taverns often hid empty bottles under the table to make dinner cheaper. Since those times, the tradition has remained not to leave empty bottles on the table, but to hide them under it.

Whether you should take a sign seriously is a personal matter. For some it's easy historical fact, has taken root in society, and for others it is a warning from ancestors, which, nevertheless, is worth listening to so as not to bring trouble to the family and home.

Even if you are not a very superstitious person, signs in any case easily find their way into your life: from the lips of your wife, friend, mother-in-law or acquaintance. They are remembered immediately, because prejudices, negative energy, and possible circumstances are associated with them. Any sane person tries to avoid undesirable consequences, subconsciously following signs that are hidden in memory. A striking example is the empty bottles on the table. Why can't they be put there?

The history of the tradition of removing an empty bottle from the table

About one hundred percent truthfulness there is talk, but many experts on the true origins of signs are inclined towards this version. At the beginning of the 19th century, Russian Cossacks made a campaign against France. Not a single battle, meeting or meeting takes place without a feast, right? Parisian waiters at that time came up with one trick: in order not to count the number of bottles sold, it was easier for them to record the empty containers that remained on the tables after violent drinking sessions.

The Cossacks turned out to be smarter than the garcons from France. Having seen this trick, they began to hide a certain number of empty bottles under the table in order to spend less money when calculating. And it worked! Some historians interpret that the sign appeared during the Second World War. This does not matter much, but this fact quite logically explains superstition.

Why you can't put empty bottles on the table

What belief do you personally know? Why can't you leave an empty bottle on the table? To determine a truthful, logical and non-superstitious answer, you need to be aware of the origins. Find out what this sign and practice is associated with, and why drinking a bottle after drinking alcohol is considered a sign of bad taste. As soon as you familiarize yourself with the arguments, the conclusion will suggest itself - leave it or remove it.

Old signs and superstitions

A long time ago, when bottles were not cylindrical, but flat, every overturned container was a sign that no one would become a dead man, because they drank to their health. The myth that this foreshadowed death is complete nonsense. Previously, men even said a toast when it was over alcoholic drink: “Place the dead man.” After changing the shape of the bottle to a cylinder, it had to be automatically placed under the table.

Superstitions about empty household items are more common. The bottle is no exception. People believe that if they leave empty containers on the dinner table, they will have no money later, because this leads to poverty. This applies not only to the bottle, but also to all utensils: plates, cups, saucers. If you are a very superstitious person, then it is better to adhere to signs that lead to prosperity in the family, and not to the destruction of the overall budget.

Another version is more fabulous. Empty bottles harbor evil spirits, and by leaving them on the table, you “contaminate” everything around you. You cannot leave unfinished wine in the container, as this leads to tears for the owners. If you still have last drops alcohol, and you pour it out to someone, then the person must make a wish. Remember the phrase “leftovers are sweet”? This is where she belongs.

It's impractical

To people who prefer logic to signs, the reason for this dispute is clear. This approach is simply impractical. After emptying, the bottle becomes lighter, begins to get in the way, and accidentally touching it with your elbow becomes very easy, given alcohol intoxication. In this state, you can’t really remove the fragments, and this can lead to harmful consequences, unless you are in a restaurant where waiters are watching your every move.

The second reason that speaks of impracticality is where to put new bottles if the old ones take up space? It is quite logical, given that a large feast does not take place modestly and with tea drinking. Some believe that leaving empty bottles only depresses the conscience, they say, you have to work tomorrow, and you see the amount of alcohol you have drunk, and the mere thought of a hangover makes you feel bad. Take this moment away and enjoy the evening!

Leaving a bottle on the table is a sign of bad manners

Aesthetes know about table etiquette, therefore, any competent, educated person who enjoys a cultural holiday will be guided by this reason. If you invited guests and left empty bottles on the table, they can safely take this as a sign that it is time for them to go home. This is not decent! According to words, everyone will understand, but not by such humiliating gestures. And if you invited a lady on a date, imagine how awkward it will be for her to tell something interesting about herself and only partially see her partner.

For those who are not going to get very drunk, changing the position of the bottle to horizontal is enough. This is done in all restaurants with a large flow of people, so that it is easier for waiters to notice who has run out of alcohol. Then they immediately come up to you and ask “should I update?” It’s more convenient than hiding the bottle, then calling the waiter, and getting it out from under the table, right?

Hi all. Probably many people are interested in Why don't they put empty bottles on the table? This is very interest Ask and today we will try to give you some clarification on this matter. The tradition of not keeping an empty bottle on the table is inexplicable. During a large feast, there will definitely be a person who will methodically remove every empty bottle, without even thinking about what the strange sign means.

In fact, there are several explanations for this habit.

Legend of antiquity

The first one, which seems the most real, is the historical belief. During the Patriotic War of 1912, Russian troops, as is known, having conquered their land inch by inch from Napoleon, reached Germany and France at the beginning of 1813. Here Russian soldiers celebrated their victorious march.

It is worth mentioning that in foreign restaurants and pubs, the owners of the establishment did not count how much alcohol was sold to the customer. Restaurateurs ordered that alcohol be added to the bill at the end of the meal by counting the unfilled bottles on the table. Of course, savvy Russian warriors quickly learned to save money. They began to hide part of the emptied container. And, although in Russia the calculation was carried out completely differently, this tradition has been preserved to this day.

Healthy bowl

The second explanation is somewhat superstitious, but also has Russian roots. In Rus', it was believed that if, after emptying, a bottle of alcohol is placed horizontally, then none of the company on the day of the feast will leave this world, because everything has been drunk for the health of those present. Since previously alcohol was served in rectangular glass containers, placing the bottle was accompanied by the words: “The deceased on the table.” With the advent of cylindrical bottles, they began to lower them down with the words: “The deceased under the table.”

Superstitions with modern explanations

Another version of the origin of this tradition says that an unfilled vessel symbolizes the emptiness of the table, wallet and bins of the owner. Superstition also included the possible infertility of the mistress of the house here, correlating the empty container with the emptiness of the mistress’s womb.

However, these superstitions are also supported by the practice of Feng Shui, which has become fashionable in Russia, which does not recommend keeping empty vessels, because this will be regarded as energy as a vacuum. And the vacuum will be filled not with success, luck and prosperity, but with poverty, vices, and misfortune.

Practical side

If we evaluate the tradition of removing empty bottles from the table from the practical side, we can understand that unfilled containers take up space, do not look aesthetically pleasing during the celebration, and constantly threaten to fall, breaking the dishes. Therefore, it is customary to remove bottles. At home this is done by the owner, and in public places an attentive waiter monitors this.

You've probably heard more than once that empty bottles have no place on the table.

This folk sign so ingrained in the minds of our grandparents that it has already become an integral part of any feast.

And even many of those who do not classify themselves as superstitious people automatically take the empty bottle from the table without noticing it.

So why do we do this? Can an empty bottle on the table hurt our eyes so much that we immediately hide it away? Let's find out! There are three interesting explanations for this folk sign.


It turns out that there is an opinion that empty bottles on the table attract poverty into the house. If an empty bottle lingers on the table, the owners of the house will soon have nothing to cover this very table with. It is also believed that all empty dishes have similar properties.

Since ancient times, people have believed that empty bottles contain unclean spirits, which then bring misfortune and disappointment to their owners. And some even believe that an unfilled bottle is a symbol indicating guests to the door.

From a historical point of view

This version sounds more convincing than the previous one. The story goes that at the beginning of the nineteenth century, Russian Cossacks who arrived in France on military business often visited local bars. In the old days, the French issued a bill to visitors to drinking establishments, looking at the number of empty bottles on the table. It was here that the Cossacks developed their cunning scheme: they simply hid most of the empty bottles so as not to pay for them.

For practical reasons

If you think about it, it’s easy to guess that empty bottles can simply take up free space on the table and disturb guests. It is also very easy to drop and break an unfilled container.

An empty bottle left on the surface brings a lot of trouble - this is what our ancestors believed, and many contemporaries believe in this. There are various explanations for this sign.

The ancient Slavs did not have a rule for removing empty bottles from the table

Why can't you put empty bottles on the table?

There is no place for an empty bottle on the table, if only for the reason that a tall vessel becomes unstable and is easy to hit (especially in drunken company).

If a fragile object falls on the floor and breaks, this will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Dark entities living in broken glass will scatter throughout the space and will affect the people who are in the room. People will become aggressive and negative, which will provoke conflict. Often bottles break at the moment when evil spirits “ask for freedom.”

The ancient Slavs did not have a rule to remove empty bottles from the table, since containers for liquids were of a different shape (rectangular, stable vessels never fell). In those days, on the contrary, empty containers were left on the table:

  • as a symbol of abundance to show, “This is how much we can drink, how much we can treat!”;
  • as a symbol of longevity;
  • as a sign that among those taking part in the feast, no one will die in the near future. After all, so much has been drunk “to your health.”

The tradition of removing bottles dates back to the War of 1812. When the Cossacks visited Parisian taverns, they came up with the idea of ​​hiding bottles under the table in order to pay less.

In France, waiters presented the bill according to the number of empty containers on the table. Over time, the French began to count alcohol at the time of serving, but the tradition of removing empty containers from the table remained. A saying has taken root in people’s minds: “an empty bottle left on the table means extra expenses.”

Folk signs about an empty bottle on the table

If an empty container lingers on the table, then in the near future there will be nothing to set the table with. Here's what folk wisdom says:

  • Empty containers of any kind, and bottles in particular, left on furniture predict losses, ruin, poverty, and hunger for the owners of the house.
  • A haven of evil spirits is considered to be any empty dirty dishes. To avoid trouble, superstitious people turn over empty tableware at night and kitchen utensils bottom up. And some also leave crossed wooden sticks on top.
  • Vessels with a narrow neck contain evil spirits. This belief is associated with the sounds that the bottle makes if you blow into it or say something. For the same reason, superstitious people endowed the well with mystical properties. There was an opinion: if a person blows into an empty bottle or breaks it, then evil spirits will be free and scatter throughout the house.
  • A nulliparous young lady is forbidden to sit next to furniture on which there is an empty bottle, because it is believed that this girl will not have children.
  • The empty container pulls out vital energy and strength (it is not said, however, from a person or from a house). But the container needs to be removed and closed. Previously, people were so afraid that bottles without liquid were immediately taken out into the street.
  • Hussar belief: if the empty container remains on the table, at the next gathering of the company one of the comrades will be missing - he will die in the next battle.
  • An empty bottle on the table during a feast is a hint that it is time for the guests to leave. A good owner quickly replaces an empty vessel with a full one. In this way, a person not only demonstrates his material well-being, but also shows respect for his friends. And the number of prepared drinking supplies indicates how much the owner values ​​​​his guests.

Our people are distinguished by ingenuity and optimism, so modern beliefs are mostly positive in nature. Almost everyone knows that you can’t put an empty bottle on the table. But few people are aware of the possibility of making a wish into an empty container.

If a group is sitting at the table and drinking wine, then the one who received the last portion of the drink from the bottle can tell the empty vessel his cherished desire. After this, the container must be sealed (at least with a folded napkin).

It is difficult to judge the veracity of such a sign (wishes made while drunk quickly disappear from memory). But why not experience the effect of this belief during the next feast?

The observations of our ancestors help our contemporaries to act correctly. To make the lives of relatives and finances more complete, people follow signs, for example, removing empty containers from the table.