Carob fruits: benefits and harms, properties, how to use, photos. Carob is the healthiest substitute for cocoa and chocolate: benefits and recipes

Hello my dear readers!

She has her own little cafe and is engaged in constantly inventing healthy recipes and sharing them with her visitors.

It was at her place that I first tasted a drink made from carob, carob powder, and fell in love with it.

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of carob and how it can be used in cooking.

In this article, you will learn:

Carob - useful properties and methods of application

Carob tree, or Ceratonia pod, or Constantinople pods (lat. Ceratōnia silīqua), or carob (eng. carob) is a plant of the legume family ( Fabaceae)

Description and benefits of carob

Carob is found in many home health recipes and is widely used in industry and cooking.

How do you get carob?

Carob is a natural, nutritious substitute.

It is obtained from the pods of the carob tree (Ceratonia papidae), a flowering evergreen Mediterranean shrub.

Inside, each pod contains sweet, edible pulp.

They are dried and fried in a special way (for 10-12 minutes at a temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit), and then ground into a powder, which is called carob flour or "carob powder"

Carob powder composition

In terms of its external properties, carob powder is similar to -powder, but it contains more natural sugar, fiber, much less fat (by 17%), minerals (basic Calcium, Potassium and Phosphorus).

And most importantly, unlike cocoa fruit, it does not contain caffeine and theobromine.

These substances can cause a number of negative phenomena in our body: increase the heartbeat, cause insomnia and sleep disorders, bedwetting, fatigue, obesity, dizziness, irritability, agitation, anxiety, acne, and much more.

Therefore, carob, which is very similar to cocoa in its taste and appearance, is a worthy alternative to it.


Carob fruits contain as much vitamin B1 as asparagus or strawberries.

It has more niacin than Roman beans, lentils, or peas; more vitamin A than eggplant, asparagus and beets.

It also contains vitamin B2, magnesium, the minerals iron, manganese, chromium, copper and nickel, about 8 percent protein, and is a good source of fiber.

What does carob taste like?

Carob tastes great and aroma of chocolate, but it carries absolutely no health risks.

In addition, carob is naturally sweet and does not require added sugar, which makes it suitable for diabetic patients.

What is the use of a carob?

So, the benefits of carob:

  1. Carob tannins contain gallic acid, which works as an analgesic, antiallergic, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral and antiseptic.
  2. Carob improves digestion and lowers blood cholesterol levels.
  3. It is used to treat diarrhea in children and adults.
  4. Since it does not contain caffeine, it can be consumed by people with high blood pressure.
  5. Regular use of carob helps in the prevention of lung cancer.
  6. The consumption of carob is a good prevention of osteoporosis, due to the high content of phosphorus and calcium.
  7. Carob removes toxins and normalizes metabolism.

How to use carob in medicine?

In alternative medicine, there are medicinal recipes with carob powder.

  • Recipe number 1

It is used for diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and indigestion in adults, children and animals. Dissolve one tablespoon of the box in a cup of liquid and drink.

  • Recipe number 2

French doctors successfully practice the treatment of kidney failure with carob powder. About 2 teaspoons of carob powder should be dissolved in 1 cup of unsweetened cranberry juice and taken four or five times a day.

How to use carob in cooking?

Carob is most often used as a stabilizer and thickener in baked goods, ice cream, jellies, cheese, sauces, canned meat, and other foods.

Also, carob powder is used as a substitute for cocoa powder or chocolate in cakes, cookies and candies.

Video about carob

Be sure to watch this interesting video about the beneficial properties of carob, I recommend it !!!

  • Carob is an excellent substitute for cocoa drinks. Just dissolve 1 tsp of powder in hot water and a delicious and healthy drink will be ready.
  • Carob can be used in place of cocoa powder in baked goods; add a tablespoon of carob powder to the dough for a beautiful, rich, dark color.
  • When replacing cocoa powder, use the same amount of carob powder. But remember that the amount of sugar in the recipe will need to be reduced due to the natural sweetness of the carob.
  • Add a scoop of carob powder to your homemade or frozen yogurt.
  • You can sprinkle fresh berries and fruits with carob instead of sugar. This is delicious!
  • You can make chocolate with carob. Just dissolve 1 tsp in one mug of hot milk and a delicious and aromatic drink is ready!
  • Carob is very tasty to mix with butter or coconut oil, honey, spices (cinnamon nutmeg, ginger, cardamom). It turns out such a dessert pasta for breakfast.
  • Carob powder can be used to make frosting, breading of truffle-like candies, and topping on baked goods.

Video-Recipe for a cake with carobm, look, it is very tasty!

Where to buy carob powder?

Fortunately, natural carob powder can be found in regular stores today.

I buy it at a regular supermarket in the health food section. Here is this manufacturer.

A lot of carob powder from various manufacturers is offered by online stores.

For example, here you can buy real organic carob powder.

Try and share your impressions and experiences !!!

I’m glad if this article becomes useful to you and you share it with your friends on social networks.

Send me your recipes for delicious desserts using carob.

Alena Yasneva was with you, Until next time!

Carob is a plant-based product that is gaining popularity as a substitute for cocoa and chocolate. It can be used in home cooking to prepare a wide variety of dishes. In addition, carob fruit has extensive health benefits for women, men, and children.

In this article, you will learn:

Carob: what is this product

Carob is the fruit of the carob tree, which grows free in the Mediterranean countries, also known under the names Constantinople horns, Ceratonia papidae and Carob. The latter version is borrowed from the English language and is now more often used to designate the fruits for the collection of which the tree is cultivated. That is, carob is carob crumb, sold either whole or in powder form.

Carob is the fruit of the carob


In the modern world, fruits and their processed products are common under the English name carob. And the botanical name of the plant - Ceratonia - has Greek roots: εράτιον means "horn". The specific epithet is taken from the Latin language: siliqua means "bob".

Among the peoples of the Mediterranean (especially those whose history is strongly associated with Christianity) the name "John's Breadfruit" is encountered. It was obtained due to the fact that the pods of the carob have a slight yeast odor.

The carob tree has been highly prized in the Mediterranean since Biblical times, when it was used in the region as a measure of weight. By the way, it is from εράτιον that the word "carat" comes from, which is used as a measure of weight in jewelry.

Botanical description

Ceratonia papida is an evergreen tree with a spreading crown of dense feathery leaves, which can reach 12 meters in height. The main area is located at 400-1600 meters above sea level. The carob tree grows slowly, but for a very long time - a specimen 2-3 centuries old is not uncommon. The trunk is strong, dense, the bark is brown and dark gray in color.

Carob tree - Carob

During the flowering period, it is covered with small flowers collected in a brush with a nondescript, rapidly falling calyx. The first flowering occurs at the age of 5-7 years, and fruiting - at 8-10 years of age. For the next 80-100 years, each season one tree produces up to 200 kg of fruit.

The fruits of the tree are beans up to 25 cm long with a thickness of 0.5-1 cm and a width of about 3 cm. What does a bean look like? Like a fleshy brown bean pod twisted to one side. Inside the beans are seeds and juicy pulp with a high carbohydrate content - sugar occupies about 50% of the composition. But in its raw form, the taste is interrupted by the astringent components of the composition. The pods become sweeter as they dry in the sun.

From the dried pulp of the fruit, carob is produced - a powder that has a similar taste and aroma to cocoa, but does not contain caffeine.

Ceratonia foliar seeds are distinguished by a high content of polygalactomannan. This polysaccharide gives them a constant mass. Thanks to this feature, seeds in ancient times came into use as a carat.

Scope of the fruit

In the countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea, carob fruits have been widely used since ancient times:

  • in the Egyptian culture of everyday life, carob, as a substitute for cocoa, appeared in antiquity, from where it spread to other countries;
  • in Turkey, Portugal, Spain, Malta and Sicily, the sweetness of carob fruits has found application in cooking compotes and liqueurs;
  • among different Mediterranean peoples, ceratonia beans are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, weakness and malaise, colds, coughs;
  • in Cyprus carob seeds are fed to domestic animals;
  • in modern industry, seeds are used as raw materials for the manufacture of food thickeners.

Carob benefits and harms to the body

The chemical composition of carob

Carob - what is it? Flour, which is obtained by grinding the pulp of dried carob pods. This is a dry product, most of which is carbohydrates. The proportions of the main nutrients in its composition look something like this:

  • proteins - 4.6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 49, 1 g;
  • fats - 0.7 g;
  • dietary fiber - 39.8 g;
  • water - 3.6 g;
  • ash substances - 2, 27 g.

The dry calorie content of Ekoba is about 220 kcal.

The vitamin and mineral base of the product is distinguished by the presence of vitamins B1-B6, E, PP, as well as impurities of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese and selenium. In addition, the composition contains a large amount of tannins, which determine the tart taste of fresh fruits. When dried, some of these components volatilize, and sugar is felt the most.

An important feature of the carob fruit is the absence of gluten. This allows people with celiac disease to safely eat beans and carob.

How carob is produced

Before making the carob flour, the ripe ones are selected from them, the seeds are removed and only the soft middle part is left, because the tails are usually bitter. The beans are dried in the sun, but suspended in the air.

The answer to the question of which carob - fried or unroasted - is better to buy depends on what it will be used for:

  • The pulp can immediately grind into a sweet beige powder with a slight nutty flavor. Such a product has a rather large fraction and is used in the food industry as a sweetener.
  • For the production of fine flour, the raw materials are first roasted for 10-12 minutes, heating to + 205ºC. This carob has a darker color, small particles and a bitter taste. It is from it that a drink is prepared that replaces cocoa for people who avoid caffeine.

Carob of both types is used in the confectionery industry. It is added to sweets, pasta, flour products. Hard dark bars similar to traditional cocoa bean chocolates are called carbolate. In Western countries, Carob cream has become very popular.

Why is carob useful?

Many people now pay attention to carob not because of what it contains, but because of what is not in its composition:

  • The product has a minimal fat content. This significantly extends the life of the carob. Among those fatty acids that are still in the composition, oleic and linolenic ones predominate. They are not produced by the human body.
  • The composition does not contain theobromine and caffeine, so the product does not have a neurostimulating effect. It also prevents the development of addiction, as is the case with coffee or chocolate.
  • The composition does not contain oxalic acid, which prevents the absorption of potassium and zinc, as well as provoking urolithiasis and kidney stones.
  • For people suffering from migraines, carob is good for the absence of phenylethylamine, a neurotransmitter that provokes pain attacks.

Obviously, the drink and sugary carob products are more beneficial for people suffering from nervous disorders, pregnant women, allergy sufferers and healthy eating haters than natural cocoa chocolate.

Carob derivatives and their uses

For more than a decade, food stabilizers - pectin and gum - have been made from the fruits of leguminous ceratonia. In the composition of various food products and semi-finished products, they can be found under the notorious "eshki": E440 and E410. Both of these components are safe for health, and even have antioxidant, coagulating, adsorbing and bactericidal effects.

Carob syrup is made in the countries where the carob grows. It is a thick dark brown liquid with a high sugar content. For its preparation, the beans peeled from seeds are finely chopped, thrown into water and evaporated for a long time. The syrup can be used for food purposes, but it is prepared for other purposes. It is used to treat various health problems:

  • diarrhea;
  • sleep disorders;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • nervous disorders;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic shortness of breath.

Experts explain the beneficial properties of syrup with a high content of tannins. It helps prevent osteoporosis as it contains three times more calcium than cow's milk.

Medicinal use of syrup:

  • daily intake of a glass of warm water with a spoonful of syrup on an empty stomach helps to speed up the removal of harmful substances from the body;
  • for the treatment of cough, flu and respiratory infections, it is recommended to drink hot water (1 glass) several times a day with a spoonful of syrup dissolved inside;
  • to relieve diarrhea and gastrointestinal disorders, it is recommended to take a spoonful of syrup three times daily before meals.



Carob oil is very rarely found on the market in Russia. But in Mediterranean countries, it is used for medical purposes. This product is known as an effective immune system booster and cardiovascular system.

Healing properties of carob for health

The therapeutic, prophylactic and immunomodulatory qualities of ceratonia and carob pods are due to their rich chemical composition. So, a large amount of dietary fiber has a positive effect on the work of digestion:

  • a dense mass, like a brush, passes through the intestines and removes ballast from it;
  • swelling dietary fibers gently massage the cavities of the organs, increasing blood circulation;
  • due to indigestible fiber, the feeling of satiety is prolonged.

The high content of polyphenolic compounds gives reason to consider carob a strong antioxidant. This means that it is included in the complex of products that inhibit cancerous tumors and prevent their appearance. It is believed that regular consumption of carob-containing foods and drinks reduces the risk of developing cancer of the lungs, cervix, larynx, mouth, stomach and other organs.

A small proportion of fat and a lot of fiber help in the prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiac ailments - the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood decreases and the heart experiences less stress.

The pods contain substances that have a sedative effect. They act as natural antidepressants, relieve irritability, fears, anxiety and reduce the risk of panic attacks. It is noteworthy that addiction is never observed.

Carob: how to make a drink

The most delicious carob (as a drink) is obtained by brewing the powder in milk. It can be of both animal and plant origin. What's more, the aromatic base in the form of almond milk will even make the aroma and taste richer. In general, the cooking procedure is the same as for regular cocoa. You need to heat two glasses of milk and dissolve 1.5 tablespoons of the powder in them. To reduce the fat content, you can dilute the milk with an equal amount of water.

Although the carob itself is very sweet, adding a spoonful of lime or flower honey will make the drink even more delicious. It is recommended to immediately mix the carob with milk, pouring in the powder with stirring to avoid the formation of lumps.

Carob: Recipes and Cooking Uses

  1. Carob powder is used similarly to cocoa in baked goods and confectionery. And it also gives the dough a rich brown color. The proportions of the product are preserved.
  2. Cocoa substitute complements and enriches cold yoghurts and ice creams when sprinkled on top or added to a recipe.
  3. Fruits and berries, sprinkled with carob instead of sugar, are just as tasty and sweet.
  4. Carob milk, similar to milk chocolate, is made from a mug of hot liquid and a spoonful of dark powder.
  5. Carob can be supplemented with recipes for dessert pastes based on coconut, butter, honey and spices.
  6. Carob powder mixed with oil and additional ingredients (berries, sesame seeds, nuts, etc.) make delicious sweets, which, by the way, are very quick to prepare.

Chocolate carob pudding


  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • a glass of almond or other plant-based milk;
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract;
  • 3 bananas;
  • 2 tbsp carob;
  • a pinch of salt.

For cooking, you need to combine all the components and mix well, and then put it in the refrigerator for at least 60 minutes. After this time, a simple, tasty snack with a healthy composition will be ready to eat.


  1. Mix 10 g butter with 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. milk and 3 tbsp. powder. Heat the mixture until a glaze forms.
  2. Dip dates, prunes or some other dried fruit without pits into the base, put on a plate and send to the freezer to cool.
  3. The remaining icing can be frozen for a delicious chocolate-like bar.

Cocoa-free chocolate with kibble

For cooking, you need to take carob powder, coconut flakes and coconut (butter is also suitable) in an equal volume. This is a basic recipe, but you can add dried fruits, honey or nuts to your taste.

Cooking procedure:

  1. Melt butter until liquid, remove from heat.
  2. Dissolve powder in oil without lumps.
  3. Add coconut flakes and a little honey to the mixture, mix well.
  4. Pour the mass into a mold.
  5. Sprinkle with dried fruits or nuts.
  6. Place the mold in the freezer for at least 1 hour.



  • milk - 200 ml;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • carob powder - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar, salt.

Cooking procedure:

  1. Send all the ingredients to a common bowl, whisk until a traditional, lump-free pancake dough is formed.
  2. Heat the skillet well and bake the pancakes.

Harm and precautions

Carob is a product widely used in Europe and Arab countries, safe for men, women and children. The latter is even prescribed to treat diarrhea and regurgitation of food too often. Studies of the powder by scientists have confirmed its toxic and carcinogenic safety. There are no direct contraindications to use during lactation and gestation, but it is still strongly recommended to consult with an observing doctor and try the product with caution.

The US Food and Drug Administration has declared carob powder safe for humans and animals. For adults, the recommended daily intake is limited to 20 grams. There are no exact instructions for children, so you need to focus on half of this volume.


The pods retain their beneficial properties when stored in a tin or glass jar with a tight lid that prevents air from entering. The storage area should be cool and dry. In such conditions, they remain in the best shape for 18-24 months.

To preserve the taste and medicinal qualities of the powder, it is better to pour it into a foil bag and put it in a dark cardboard box. The place is dry and cool. Term - no more than 1.5 years from the date of production.

Where to buy powder?

Ceratonia fruit powder can be found today in almost any large city in Russia. To do this, however, you need to contact specialty stores that sell products for adherents of a healthy diet and an organic diet. For both brewing and confectionery experiments, medium roasted powder is suitable. It is inexpensive and does not cost more than 400 rubles per 0.5 kilogram. For reasons of economy, it would be better to buy a medium roast carob online for a direct shipment from the manufacturer. This guarantees the quality of the product, its natural origin and an affordable price.

Frontier Natural Products Powder is a natural, unirradiated product suitable for kosher, vegan, vegetarian and halal diets.

Unlike cocoa, it has more minerals, less fat and does not require added sugar, as it is very sweet in itself.

Quality product criteria

  • Country of origin: Australia, USA, Mediterranean countries.
  • Good reviews about manufacturers and the product itself.
  • Powder from unroasted raw materials should have a light nutty flavor, light beige tint.
  • The product from lightly roasted carob fruit is dark in color. In its taste, caramel and sour notes are faintly felt.
  • The medium roast powder is similar to ground coffee, with a chocolate aroma and a bitter taste.

Do you know what is my favorite drink from my childhood ?! Of course, cocoa! Oh, what a delicious chocolate taste and smell it has. Then they cooked cocoa with sugar for me, in a more adult and conscious age I came up with. I still like this drink very much, but some time ago I accidentally found information that the World Health Organization officially classifies tea, coffee and cocoa as drugs that destroy health and cause addiction and addiction. Moreover, this information is available to everyone, and no one hides it!

Now it is clear why children get used to this chocolate drink so quickly - sugar added during preparation, caffeine and theobromine do their job very conscientiously. But for any harmful product there must necessarily be an antagonist product, I have been convinced of this more than once! For example, just like that recently nightmare product - gelatin! Now it's time to look for a replacement for cocoa - I began to study this issue, read the information, understand and found an amazing product that more than overlaps all the beneficial properties of cocoa, adds a huge amount of benefits from myself and is absolutely harmless to the human body!

A little about the carob itself:

This product is called carob. You won't find it on the shelves of ordinary backyard shops, and not all large hypermarkets have it, but you can still find it in some large stores and, of course, it is in health food stores.

Here is a brief information about this product: carob is the fruit of an evergreen carob tree, the homeland of which is called Mediterranean countries such as Cyprus, Turkey, Spain, etc. On the territory of Russia and the CIS countries, due to unsuitable climatic conditions, there are no growing centers and, as a result , produced by carob. The carob tree is a vivid representative of the legume family, in order to see it with the naked eye, just look at its fruits, which resemble pods, but are longer - up to 30 cm in length.

After harvesting, the pods of the carob are laid out in the sun to dry, and eventually they acquire a sweetish taste. I would also like to note that in green form, carob pods are absolutely inedible!

Another, more trivial name for the carob is breadfruit. This name reflects the fact that the pods are ground into flour, which is widely used in the bakery and food industry.

Both in appearance and taste, carob resembles cocoa, only its color is not so bright brown. Carob powder has a truly phenomenal set of beneficial properties, while I could not find any negative characteristics other than individual intolerance.

The benefits of carob are expressed by the following qualities:

1. The first thing I would like to note is the high carbohydrate content of carob. Most of the carob pulp (approximately 50-60%) is made up of sugars, mainly sucrose, glucose, fructose and maltose. Our family has long given up sugar because of its extremely negative impact on humans, you can read more about this in the article. Well, for those who still consume sugar, I can say that the use of carob reduces the use of sugar, because the natural sweetness of carob is 0.5-0.6 of the sweetness of carob.

Carob consumption can prevent spikes in blood sugar, which is why carob is often advertised as a diabetic product.

2. The next distinctive feature of carob powder is actively used by people watching their figures and in diets.

The fact is that the fiber contained in carob interferes with the production of postprandial ghrelin, a hormone that tells the body when hunger strikes. This hormone can be released after eating, thereby provoking overeating. The benefit of carob is that it inhibits this, thereby discouraging overeating.

3. If we compare the little-known carob and the beloved by many cocoa, then I can say that, unlike cocoa and coffee, carob does not contain psychotropic substances - caffeine and theobromine, which are addictive and allergic. Carob lacks substances such as phenylethylamine and fromalin, which can also cause severe allergies. In addition to all of the above, the benefits of carob over cocoa are expressed in the absence of oxalic acid in it, which negatively affects the absorption of zinc and calcium by the body. There is also no information about the presence of salsolinol in carob, which is involved in the development of addiction. Here I will note that carob contains 17 times less fat in its composition: 0.7 g. per 100 gr. product against 15 gr. have cocoa. It is thanks to this that the carob has a sufficiently long shelf life, because with an insignificant presence of fats in it, it is practically not subject to oxidation and, as a result, does not go rancid.

4. Carob is also recommended for the prevention of cancer. The polyphenolic compounds in carob make it an excellent antioxidant product. In addition, cytotoxic activity in the body is associated with it, i.e. it is toxic to some cells, these cells turned out to be cancerous.

5. The benefits of carob for digestion are due to the presence of the same fiber in it - it improves digestion by stimulating intestinal motility and regulating appetite. It also normalizes the secretion of gastric juices.

Because Carob contains insoluble dietary fiber, it absorbs liquids - this property of carob is actively used to treat loose stools. To prepare an antidiarrheal agent, you must dilute 1 tablespoon of carob in a glass of water. However, this property of a carob may not be equally useful for everyone. So, for example, you should be careful, because they have a natural tendency to constipation. If you don't know your dosha yet, you can go through.

6. If you care about heart health, then the use of carob will be very useful - this is all due to the same fiber of the carob: it lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. Studies have shown that people who were given fiber from carob had significantly decreased levels in the body, as well as the amount of triglycerides. Lowering cholesterol levels can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart attack, and heart attack.

7. The benefits of carob are also associated with a calming effect on the nervous system. Carob powder is a powerful natural antidepressant and anxiolytic (relieves anxiety, fear, panic attacks without causing addiction and addiction).

8. Tannins - tannins contained in carob powder will be beneficial for intestinal infections: they bind toxins, thus deactivating them. But it's also worth noting that tannic acid reduces protein absorption and can cause growth retardation, according to animal studies. Some scare the parents of young children with this. I think that there is no danger for children in this case, if we use the principle of reasonable consumption. In contrast, I can add that carob is an excellent source of calcium, which is especially important for children and pregnant women. In addition to all this, carob can be given to the smallest children with diarrhea, it is so safe and hypoallergenic.

9. In the last paragraph, I would like to write about the vitamin-mineral complex contained in carob powder. Carob contains vitamin B1, in the same amount as asparagus or strawberries. Vitamin PP in it is the same as in lentils or peas, and more vitamin A than in eggplant or beets. There are also vitamins B2, potassium, calcium, magnesium, as well as trace elements: iron, manganese, chromium, nickel, copper.

A few final words:

In conclusion, the following should be said: the benefits of carob for the human body are enormous, for me personally, carob is real! Unfortunately, in our country, carob is little known and underestimated, but you can still find it - I say all this to emphasize that those who really want to give up unhealthy foods and make their diet healthy always have a choice ...

Carob is a carob pods crushed to a powder. They are also called the Tsaregrad horn. The fruit pulp is sweet in taste - it contains about 50% glucose and fructose - and after drying and grinding, it successfully replaces coffee and cocoa. The taste of carob is somewhat similar to sweetened cocoa, but a little knitting. Fresh fruits are used to make syrup.

Areas of use for the carob

The carob powder tastes very much like cocoa, which is why it is often used in cooking. The peculiarity of the powder is its ability to impart thickness, viscosity and shine to products. That is why the product is used as a component in the manufacture of chocolate glaze and butter. Quite often, carob is included in "quick" cereals and drinks as a flavoring and natural sweetener.

Carob is used in the manufacture of cakes, drinks, ice cream and candies, the recipe of which contains the ingredient cocoa.

Raw pods, syrup and powder - what to choose?

The carob fruit can be used in any form. To choose the best option, you need to know the features of all forms of the product.

Dry pods

The fruits of the tree are quite convenient to store in the form of pods. In addition, the chemical composition is fully preserved. To prepare a fragrant and healthy drink, you just need to break the dried pod and grind it with a coffee grinder. Then brew it like regular coffee, it is best to use a turk.


The shops offer both roasted and raw carob powder. To make a choice, you need to know the following:

  • The sweetest is considered unroasted powder. Its difference is a pleasant beige and pink shade. The taste of such a product is not at all like chocolate.
  • Light roasted powder. In order not to confuse it with fresh, you need to look at its color: it is slightly darker than fresh powder. After purchase, if you taste it, it will have a slight caramel flavor and a slight sourness.
  • Medium roasted carob has a characteristic rich chocolate color and aroma. It tastes bitter, reminiscent of dark chocolate.

It must be remembered that fresh carob powder contains more sugars than roasted one. The product has been successfully used in various culinary recipes.


Fresh carob is used to make syrup. The product often acts as a natural sweetener. It should be borne in mind that syrup contains a higher percentage of sugars than powder.

With the existing fructose intolerance, its use in its pure form must be abandoned. In addition, syrup may slightly raise blood sugar. And this must be taken into account with the existing problems with blood sugar.

Where can you buy a carob?

You can find fruits and powder in the following places:

  • stores specializing in healthy eating, vegetarianism and raw food;
  • in shops selling teas and Indian spice shops;
  • in large grocery hypermarkets (see the "dietary" section).

Carob harm

The carob syrup is quite sweet. And its use in food can increase blood sugar levels (but much more slowly than sucrose). That is why the use of syrup must be limited if there is a predisposition to periodic surges in sugar, or the person has already been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. In this case, the maximum dose of carob is no more than two teaspoons a day.

If a person has such a problem as lactose intolerance, then when making a drink from carob, you should not add milk to it. Otherwise, you can get severe intestinal upset.

The use of syrup must be abandoned if there are problems in the work of the following organs:

  • kidney;
  • liver;
  • stomach.

In some cases, carob allergy may occur. It is due to the high content of fructose in the product. That is why it is worth giving up carob if you have fructose intolerance.

Carob syrup

Carob syrup is widely used in folk and traditional medicine for the following diseases:

  • cough;
  • exacerbation of bronchitis;
  • colds;
  • sore throat;
  • various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sleep problems (insomnia);
  • poisoning;
  • strengthening the immune defense;
  • improving the condition of teeth and bones;
  • an upset bowel movement (diarrhea);
  • stressful conditions;
  • slagging of the body.

The preparation of the syrup is very simple. The pods are poured over with sweetened water and boiled like regular syrup.

Slimming carob syrup

The syrup can also be used for weight loss, but in this case, the pods must be boiled in plain water (without adding sugar to it). This will help reduce the calorie content of the product.

Everyone knows that sweets before meals kill your appetite. The same principle applies here as well. If you drink a small amount of syrup before starting a meal, you will immediately feel a little satiated. Reviews of women confirm this. This effect is provided by the fructose present in its composition (it increases blood sugar levels). As a result, a person will eat much less food. Here is a pro for diabetics.

An additional benefit of syrup for weight loss is the more easily passing away from sweets. A small amount of syrup will help quench your cravings for sweets.

The syrup contains a high content of minerals that the body needs for a more active metabolic process - iron, calcium and magnesium. Thanks to this, a person loses weight.

To lose weight, syrup (large spoon) must be combined with water (one glass) and lemon juice (1/4 of the fruit). You need to drink the composition about fifteen minutes before meals.

For the first two weeks, you need to drink the prepared syrup twice a day: before lunch and dinner. Then - if the body tolerates the drink normally - you need to drink it in the morning. It is advisable to give the body at least a little physical activity.

Syrup cannot be a substitute for a full meal. With malnutrition, metabolic processes slow down, and weight loss does not occur.

Treatment of diseases using syrup

Carob syrup has been proven to be beneficial in the treatment of diseases.

If it is necessary to cleanse the body, eliminate vomiting and diarrhea, as well as other gastrointestinal disorders, then the syrup should be drunk according to the following scheme:

  • children of the age category 5 ... 12 years old - a small spoon three times throughout the day;
  • kids aged 2 ... 5 years - a small spoon once every twenty-four hours;
  • adults - a large spoonful of syrup half an hour before meals (four to five times a day).

It is forbidden to give syrup to children who are under two full years old!

If a sore throat, ARVI has been diagnosed, or a cough has begun, then a large spoonful of syrup will need to be diluted in water (always warm). Drink four to six times throughout the day.

If you are worried about night insomnia, headaches, as well as with frequent stressful conditions, the syrup should be drunk for three months. The scheme is as follows: before meals, you need to take a spoonful of sweets up to six times a day. Then you need to take a break for fifteen days and repeat the course reception.

What is the use of a carob?

Carob contains natural antioxidants that prolong youth. Substances have the ability to capture free radicals, slowing down the processes of cell destruction.

Carob does not contain caffeine, which is part of the cocoa formula. That is why the drink is not prohibited for pregnant women and people suffering from high blood pressure.

Carob drink is not addictive, and also does not affect the psycho-emotional state. This is explained by the fact that it lacks a special substance, theobromine, which can have an exciting effect. The drink from the Tsaregrad horn has a calming effect.

If we compare the fruits of the carob and cocoa, then the carob wins significantly:

  • The powder contains less fat than cocoa: as much as ten times.
  • The sweetness of the carob is given by natural substances - fructose and sucrose. And this allows us to call it a dietary product.
  • The minimum fat content increases the shelf life of products containing carob extract.
  • Fat during oxidation (the reaction is almost inevitable) imparts a musty flavor to the product. But in carob the fats remain in their original state, and therefore the product will retain its original taste for a long time.
  • The vitamins and minerals contained in the Tsaregrad horn are absorbed much faster. You can't say that about cocoa.

The powder contains a small amount of fiber, but this is enough to solve existing digestive problems. In combination with antioxidants, the drink helps to remove accumulated toxins and toxins from the body.

The daily consumption of the drink from the powder helps to reduce the levels of "bad" blood cholesterol. That is why the introduction of a drink into the diet becomes an excellent prevention of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Carob is much sweeter than cocoa, so you don't need to add sugar when making the drink. But with diagnosed diabetes, fresh carob must be used with caution, since it contains much more glucose and fructose than fried carob.

Drinking their carob helps to reduce the production of the hormone grenaline (which is responsible for feeling hungry). That is why a cup of alternative cocoa can reduce hunger and can replace an afternoon snack.

Another advantage of carob is hypoallergenic. But, nevertheless, before the first cup of the drink, it is worth making a test. In some cases, an allergic reaction may develop.

There is no oxalic acid in the pulp of the fruit. It is she who does not allow the body to fully absorb minerals such as calcium and zinc. They respond to good skin condition. This is why cocoa and chocolate aficionados often have acne problems.

The composition of carob is rich in vitamins and micro-minerals. Proteins account for about 8% of the total composition of substances. The product contains many vitamins and trace minerals. In addition, carob includes calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Minerals such as iron, manganese, copper, nickel and barium, important for the body, are contained in an easy-to-digest format.

What can you cook with carob?

There are many recipes that use carob. Here are just a few.

Condensed milk cake

Here you will need to prepare the following products:

  • flour (250 gr);
  • baking powder (1 sachet);
  • soda (small spoon);
  • baking powder (small spoon);
  • carob (50 gr);
  • butter (150 gr);
  • condensed milk (400 ml);
  • vanilla (small spoon);
  • warm water (150 ml).

Here you need a split form for cakes, twenty-three centimeters in diameter.


  1. The oven must be preheated to 160 ° C.
  2. Gently prepare the mold: grease the sides and bottom with butter and sprinkle with flour.
  3. Flour and carob must be sifted so that the products are saturated with oxygen.
  4. Condensed milk, vanilla and water must be combined and mixed well.
  5. The oil must be softened and ground with flour. As a result, you should get an oil crumb.
  6. Now you need to combine both compositions (liquid and dry) and mix thoroughly.
  7. Now the resulting dough needs to be poured into the prepared form and put to bake. The cake will be ready in about forty-five minutes.

You need to open the form after the baking has completely cooled down.

Cocoa recipe

Here you will need:

  • Almond or cashew nut milk (one liter);
  • carob (four large, flat spoons);
  • stevia (to taste);
  • some salt:
  • vanilla;
  • vegetable oil (two large spoons).


  1. Mix all ingredients (except oil) with a blender. When the mixture is smooth, add oil without stopping the mixing process.
  2. Pour the resulting composition into a saucepan and heat slightly. You cannot boil the drink!

Such cocoa will turn out to be not only tasty, but also healthy. for health.


Carob fruit is an excellent alternative to sugar and harmful to the human body coffee and cocoa.

In view of the general obsession with a healthy diet and a decrease in the total calorie content of food, the once unknown product is gaining more and more popularity - carob.

Carob (in another way, the fruit of the carob tree, Tsaregrad pod, John's bread) is a powder obtained from the pods of the carob tree of the legume family.

The carob beans themselves have sweet (50% sugars) and juicy pulp, they are often compared to cocoa beans (carob tastes a bit like cocoa powder, only unlike cocoa, the former has a sweet taste, slightly astringent and spicy). It can be fried and not fried.

Currently, carob is actively used in the confectionery industry (sweets, various pastes, chocolate glazes, biscuits, gingerbread, cookies), as well as in products for diabetics. Its clear advantage is in its sweet taste (which significantly reduces sugar consumption or completely eliminates the need to use it).

Carob: benefit and harm

First of all, carob is truly rich in vitamins (A, B, B2, B3 and D) and minerals (large amounts of calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, and it also contains iron, copper, nickel and manganese in a form that is easily digestible for the body and barium).

Also, carob is a good source of fiber, contains tannins that bind and remove toxins. The product contains a low percentage of fat (which allows it to be considered dietary).

Unlike cocoa, carob does not contain such psychotropic substances as theobromine and that are in chocolate - they can increase mental activity and are addictive. There is practically no cholesterol and fat in carob, as I noted earlier; does not contain oxalates, which bind calcium and contribute to the formation of kidney stones. And to top it all off, carob is not allergic to chocolate.

In carob, unlike chocolate, there is no oxalic acid, which prevents the body from using calcium and zinc. And these minerals are essential for healthy skin - which is why excessive consumption of chocolate is considered one of the causes of acne and acne.

There is also no information about the presence of salsolinol in carob, which is present in chocolate and is known to be involved in the development of addiction.

Therefore, more and more often in the food industry, 15-30% of cocoa is replaced with carob without changing the taste of the final product (slab chocolate, chocolate icing, muffins, ice cream, semi-finished products for cakes, biscuits).

There is currently no information on the dangers of carob. But in order to avoid an allergic reaction, it is better not to abuse the product and, if necessary, take an analysis for individual intolerance.

Carob: simple recipes

Carob-based chocolate


  • cocoa butter - 50-60 g;
  • carob - 6 tbsp;
  • nuts / dried fruits / spices to taste and inspiration :)


Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath. While stirring, add the carob and chopped nuts / dried fruits. Stir well again, spread the mass into molds, cool slightly and place in the freezer for about an hour until it solidifies completely.

Carob muffins


  • wheat flour - 200 g;
  • baking powder - 2 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • carob - 25 g;
  • honey / syrup or molasses - 100 g.


Sift flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and carob into a bowl. In a mug, combine honey / syrup, butter and milk. Pour liquid into dry mixture and whisk for 2 minutes.
Transfer the dough to molds and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. Cool, then remove from the molds.

Brownie (raw)


  • dried dates - ½ cup;
  • dried cherries / cranberries / raisins (you can mix everything together) - ½ cup;
  • carob - 4 tbsp;
  • walnuts - 1 glass;
  • honey / agave syrup / - 3 tbsp;


Grind all ingredients in a blender or chop them with a knife (you can, as an option, scroll through a meat grinder). Add carob and honey or syrup. Stir and tamp into a square shape. Place in the freezer for 1 hour. Then cut into slices. Store in the refrigerator.

Chocolate-orange "truffles"


oatmeal (bran) - ½ cup;

  • coconut flakes - 2 tablespoons;
  • carob - 2 tbsp;
  • zest of 1 small orange;
  • dates - 5-6 pcs;
  • coconut oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Jerusalem artichoke syrup - 2 tablespoons;


The flakes can be pre-poured with water for a few minutes, after which all excess liquid can be drained. In a blender, mix and grind everything except the butter and syrup until smooth. In a separate container, combine the coconut oil and Jerusalem artichoke syrup, and then combine the two mixtures. Beat for 1 minute. Roll into balls from the resulting "dough", roll in carob, coconut or cocoa. Store in the refrigerator.