Lean apple mayonnaise. Lean apple mayonnaise Apple lean mayonnaise

Mayonnaise sauce is one of the most used in the world. Invented once by the French, he conquered the planet, and today many dishes cannot do without him. Homemade mayonnaise is much healthier than store bought. In the season of apples, you can slightly change the traditional recipe - make a sauce with the addition of fruits. Such mayonnaise will be without eggs and is perfect for lean and diet food. Apples will give it a sweet and sour, spicy "zest".

Ingredients for Lean Apple Mayonnaise:

2-3 autumn apples;
. half tsp Sahara;
. 1 st. l. lemon juice;
. a quarter tsp salt;
. 1 tsp french mustard;
. 100 ml olive or vegetable oil, odorless.

How to make apple mayonnaise without eggs

1. Remove the skin and cores from apples. Chop the fruits into equal pieces, put in a non-stick form and bake until soft. You can use the microwave - it will be enough for 5 minutes at full power.

2. Cool the baked apples, transfer to a blender and mash. Further, it is better to beat the mayonnaise with a whisk, although this process is laborious. In principle, by continuing to use the blender, you will not impair the taste of the sauce.

3. So, add lemon juice, salt and sugar, mustard to applesauce. Whip for a few seconds. The next step is oil - it must be poured in a thin stream, all the while working with a whisk or blender. It is necessary to beat for a long time until the mass becomes absolutely homogeneous, thick, like mayonnaise, and light (cream shade).

4. Put the finished sauce in a glass dish and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. After that, you can use it, including for dressing salads. Apple mayonnaise has a pleasant fresh taste, with a very light, barely perceptible fruity sourness.

Step 1: Prepare apples.

In order to pamper yourself with delicious lean mayonnaise, you don’t need a lot of products; its main component is apples, and for starters, they should be washed under running cold water from all sorts of contaminants. After that, we dry the fruit with paper kitchen towels from excess moisture and cut off the peel from them with a thin layer using an ordinary kitchen knife. Then we cut each apple into 2 halves and remove the core from them along with the seeds and the stalk. Put the apples on a cutting board and cut them into slices or cubes thick from 2 to 2.5 centimeters.

Step 2: Steam the apples.

Now turn on the stove to the middle level and put the pan. We put chopped fruits in it, add salt, sugar, apple cider vinegar and 100 milliliters of pure distilled water to the pan. After boiling the liquid, reduce the temperature of the stove to a level between small and medium. We arm ourselves with a wooden kitchen spatula, and periodically stirring the apples, simmer them under a closed lid until softened. This process will take approximately 25 – 30 minutes depending on the kitchen utensils and the variety of apples. After the apples have reached the desired consistency and all the moisture has evaporated from the pan, remove the container from the stove and put it on a cutting board.

Step 3: chop the apples.

Let the fruit cool to room temperature, because it is not advisable to put hot foods in a plastic blender bowl. We transfer the cooled fruits to a dry and clean blender bowl and grind the apples at high speed until puree for 40 - 50 seconds. There should be no small pieces in the mass, it is desirable that the texture be uniform.

Step 4: Prepare Lean Apple Mayonnaise.

Turn off the blender, add mustard and ground black pepper to the bowl. We mix the ingredients at medium speed for 30 seconds and, without turning off the kitchen appliance, we begin to introduce vegetable oil into the container. We do this gradually, spoon by spoon, until the right amount of fat is in the blender bowl. We mix the ingredients until a homogeneous sauce mass is obtained, this process will take no more 1 - 2 minutes. The texture of the finished mayonnaise will be similar to medium cream.
You can turn off the kitchen appliance, taste the mixture and add more spices and salt if desired. From the amount of products indicated in the recipe, approximately 270 - 300 milliliters of the finished product. After the blender improves this most delicate sauce, bringing it to the desired consistency, turn off the kitchen appliance, remove the knife from the bowl and, helping ourselves with a tablespoon, transfer the mayonnaise to a half-liter or 300 gram sterilized jar. Close the container with a tight sterilized lid and put in the refrigerator for 20 - 30 minutes allowing the sauce to cool and thicken. Then we use mayonnaise for its intended purpose.

Step 5: Serve Lean Apple Mayonnaise.

Lean apple mayonnaise is served cold in a gravy boat.
It is pleasant to savor it with anything, with fresh lean bread, with vegetable salads, potato chips, soy crackers, boiled cereals, rice, baked or boiled vegetables, it will give each of these dishes its incomparable zest! Enjoy! Bon Appetit!

- - Instead of vinegar, you can use concentrated lemon juice.

- - Instead of apple cider vinegar, you can use regular 6% table vinegar.

- - For the preparation of this type of mayonnaise, you can use both refined and unrefined vegetable oil, and you can also use corn or olive oil.

- - The amount of mustard can be adjusted as desired from 0.5 teaspoon to 2 teaspoons.

- - If you have homemade applesauce, you can use it instead of fresh apples, 130 - 150 grams will be enough.

- - It is advisable to store such mayonnaise in the refrigerator for no more than 1 week, after which its taste changes slightly, it becomes sour and tart.

step by step recipe with photo

For those who cannot live a day without such a delicious sauce as mayonnaise, but still hope to become a supporter of healthy food, you just need to make apple mayonnaise, which is also called lean! This sauce can be used in salads, added to soups and borscht, baked poultry meat in it. It is best to choose green apples - they have a lot of pectin and the sauce will turn out thick, and when it cools it will become even denser. Add vegetable oil: olive, corn, sunflower, but without aroma!


  • 1-2 large green apples or 4 small ones
  • 80-100 ml vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • salt and granulated sugar to taste
  • 1 tsp French mustard optional


1. Cut the green apples into quarters and cut off the seed pods from them. Rinse the cut in water and put it in a special form for the microwave oven. We cover the container with a saucer or a plate without drawings and place it in the microwave, activating the technique for 5 minutes at full power.

2. Remove the container with baked apples and let them cool for about 20 minutes.

3. After that, remove the peel from the quarters, moving the pulp into a deep container. Puree it with a blender, adding salt, granulated sugar and lemon juice. Instead of lemon juice, you can use 9% vinegar in a volume of 0.5 tsp. remember that spices must be added to sauces before vegetable oil, otherwise it will envelop the food and the spices will not be absorbed.

4. Gradually we will add vegetable oil, without stopping whisking. This will take about 3 minutes and, at the same time, the mayonnaise will turn out more magnificent and magnificent. If desired, you can add French mustard at this point and simply mix the contents of the container so as not to grind the grains with a blender.

We put the finished apple mayonnaise in a container, for example, a gravy boat, and serve it to the table. Keep in mind that the sauce is still warm, but it will thicken as it cools!

Note to the owner

1. Apple mayonnaise can be made with healthy oils - linseed and hemp, but only if it is supposed to be used exclusively cold. Food cannot be baked with it.

2. If you use French mustard in the implementation of the proposed recipe, then grains will come across in the white lush mass. It's original and many will like it. However, the grains are easily separated from the sweetish-spicy substance in which they are located, using a metal strainer. Only filtered liquid is added to the main composition.

3. The taste of this sauce is far from trivial, so why not continue experimenting with additives that can make it even more extraordinary? They will serve as finely chopped olives, olives or a mixture thereof; capers and pickled shallots; hot spices like curry, as well as bright ones - paprika, turmeric. And greens in general in the first place of this list.

4. Those who do not have a microwave oven will have to process apple slices in the oven. There they will soften perfectly, but for this cooking option it will take not 5 minutes, as specified in the description of the technology, but about 10–12. It is advisable to activate the convection mode, if the electric oven is equipped with it. By the way, the slow cooker bakes fruits well and quickly.

For a long time, apple mayonnaise hung in my bookmarks ... Finally I tried it and I will say that there is something in it! The taste of the sauce is very similar to mayonnaise and, of course, a soft apple note is felt in it.

Instead of eggs, there are apples in the composition, which makes this sauce lean and even vegan. You can experiment with vegetable oil and spices.

With such apple mayonnaise, you can smear puff salads or accompany them with fillings, such as chicken in snacks such as shawarma, etc.

For lean apple mayonnaise, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Apples need to be peeled and core removed, then cut into cubes.

Place apple slices in saucepan, add salt and sugar.

Stew the apples until soft over medium heat, and if little juice stands out, then pour in 1-2 tbsp. spoons of water. Next time I'll try to bake apples for sauce in the microwave.

Chilled apples should be pureed with mustard. This is easy to do with an immersion blender.

Taste and adjust the taste of the mass by adding sourness (apple cider vinegar or lemon juice), salt and sugar.

Pour in vegetable oil in a trickle, without stopping whipping.

The mass will turn white and increase in volume.

Lean apple mayonnaise is ready.

Apple mayonnaise will thicken as it cools.

Happy experimenting!

Apple mayonnaise is an interesting sauce that is prepared on the basis of apple juice. Juice is better to take homemade, natural without pulp. Potato starch and apple pulp are used as a thickener for this sauce.


  • Apple juice 250 ml
  • Dry ginger 0.1 g
  • Ground nutmeg 0.1 g
  • Ground black pepper 0.2 g
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Sugar 1 tsp
  • Table vinegar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Mustard 3 tsp
  • Potato starch 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Apple 2 pcs.
  • Refined sunflower oil 100 ml

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and cut apples.
  2. Pour the mixture into the blender bowl. Add sunflower oil.
  3. Grind. Pour the apple mixture into a bowl. Add apple juice with starch.

Lean apple mayonnaise

I found the recipe in LiveJournal, many thanks to the author and low bow! Mayonnaise or not is up to you, but the sauce is incredibly tasty and is prepared for one, two or three! It is also useful to some extent, since applesauce contains many useful trace elements. Flavorings like salt, pepper and mustard can be adjusted to your liking. The sauce can be used as a dressing for salads, served with potatoes, pasta, fish, meat.


  • Apples - 2 pieces;
  • Vegetable or olive oil - 100 ml;
  • Mustard - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon or to taste;
  • Ground black pepper optional.

Cooking method:

  1. First, peel the apples from the skin and seeds.
  2. Then bake in the oven or microwave, or steam.
  3. Cool slightly and puree until smooth, homogenized mass with an immersion blender.
  4. Add spices and mustard.
  5. Let's beat it with the same blender.
  6. Pour the oils in portions and beat (that is, pour a little oil - beat, add more oil - beat again).
  7. The mass becomes lush and homogeneous, as well as thick.
  8. Cool the mayonnaise (although it is delicious when warm!!!).
  9. I found that it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5-7 days. But it seems to me that it is better to make from the 1st apple and not store it.

Lean mayonnaise on starch


  • 0.5 cups of any vegetable oil,
  • 0.5 cup vegetable or mushroom stock
  • 2 tbsp starch,
  • 1-2 tsp lemon juice or apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp mustard,
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Dilute starch with a small amount of cold broth. Heat the rest of the broth, pour the starch mixture into it and keep it on low heat, stirring and not allowing it to boil.
  2. Cool the starch "jelly" and beat with a blender, gradually adding oil and other ingredients. If it gets too thick, add a few tablespoons of water. If the mayonnaise is too thin, then there was not enough starch.
  3. Do not add starch to ready-made mayonnaise, but brew a new starch jelly thicker and mix with ready-made mayonnaise. Mayonnaise can be liquid and due to insufficient brewing of starch - heat the starch jelly well, it should just not boil a little.

There is no flour, starch, nuts or soy products in this mayonnaise recipe. It is super light and unusual in taste - an excellent dressing for lean vegetable or fruit salads.


  • 2 apples
  • 100 ml vegetable oil,
  • 1 tbsp mustard,
  • 1 tsp lemon juice or vinegar
  • 1 tsp salt,
  • 1 tsp Sahara,
  • pepper, ginger, cinnamon - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Put peeled and finely chopped apples in a thick-walled pan, add salt, sugar, vinegar or lemon juice and simmer over low heat until softened.
  2. If the apples are not juicy enough, add some water.
  3. Mash apples, add spices, mustard and mix thoroughly.
  4. Whisking constantly, pour the butter into the applesauce.
  5. As you can see, making lean mayonnaise with your own hands is not at all difficult.

Delicious apple mayonnaise

Making delicious mayonnaise at home is not at all difficult - you just need to beat all the components in the right proportions with a mixer or blender. But you can slightly change the traditional recipe and make a sauce with apples. Homemade apple mayonnaise has a delicate texture and a pleasant taste with a light, barely perceptible fruity sourness. It turns out lean, and even vegan (it does not contain any eggs or milk), so it is perfect for diet food, as well as for those people who do not eat animal products.


  • Apple (medium) - 2 pcs
  • Vegetable oil - 100-200 ml
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Mustard - 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Black ground pepper - 1 pinch
  • Nutmeg - 1 pinch

Cooking method:

  1. We take two medium apples (preferably sweet and sour) and peel them. Then we remove the core with seeds and cut the apples into small pieces. I got 220 grams of pure pulp.
  2. We send the apples to a saucepan or a small saucepan, add two tablespoons of water and one teaspoon of sugar.
  3. Cover the pot with a lid and simmer over low heat until tender, about 10 minutes. Let the apples cool completely.
  4. Let's start making mayonnaise. To do this, you can use a stationary or immersion blender (like mine).
  5. Transfer the apple pieces to the bowl of a blender or a tall glass, which usually comes with an immersion blender, and puree the cooled apples.
  6. Then, add salt, mustard, a pinch of ground black pepper and beat lightly. For a piquancy of taste, you can also add ground nutmeg and dry ginger. But I did not have ginger, and I added only nutmeg.
  7. Now, continuing to beat, we begin to add refined vegetable oil in a thin stream. Gradually, the mixture will begin to lighten and increase in volume.
  8. Beat all the butter in this way until you get a thick, homogeneous sauce. We taste it, and if necessary, add salt, sugar, or mustard.
  9. In the ingredients, I indicated the approximate amount of oil, how much to add it is up to you, the taste of the finished mayonnaise depends on it. Some recipes use 100 grams of butter, while others use applesauce and vegetable oil in a 1:2 ratio. V
  10. the first case will turn out less fat, dietary mayonnaise, and in the second - a sauce that is more high-calorie and familiar in taste. I liked the ratio of apples and butter 1:1.
  11. The mayonnaise turned out to be quite thick, and at the same time very tender, with a subtle flavor of apple. The density of the sauce is given by apples, which contain a lot of pectin - a natural stabilizer and thickener. At the very end, add lemon juice and whisk again.
  12. We shift the finished sauce into a clean glass jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator, after 2-3 hours it will thicken even more.
  13. From the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe, I got about 400 milliliters of mayonnaise.
  14. Apple mayonnaise can be used to dress vegetable salads, it is perfect for meat and fish dishes, potato pancakes.
  15. Try to prepare such a cold sauce, I think you will appreciate its pleasant and fresh taste.

Apple mayonnaise (lean)


  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • ginger - 1 tsp;
  • ground pepper - 1/4 tsp;
  • cinnamon - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. The protagonist of our mayonnaise recipe is a nice juicy green apple.
  2. To improve the taste of apple mayonnaise, you will need a simple arsenal of products that every housewife has - mustard, pepper, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, lemon, ginger.
  3. Peel the apple and chop.
  4. Put chopped apples in a saucepan, add sugar, salt and simmer until soft, if the apples are not very juicy, you can add a couple of tablespoons of water.
  5. While the apples are languishing on the fire, grate the ginger on a fine grater, it will add zest to the mayonnaise.
  6. Grind ready-made apples in puree in a way convenient for you, I used a blender, and then beat with a mixer, adding spices, ginger.
  7. Add vegetable oil in a thin stream, while not ceasing to beat our mayonnaise, at the very end add lemon juice. It turns out delicious, tender, silky mass.
  8. Lean apple mayonnaise is ready, you can season the salad.

Apple diet a la mayonnaise


  • large green apples - 2 pcs
  • mustard ready - 1-2 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml (maybe more)
  • water - 50 ml
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut into cubes. Put the apples in a saucepan, add 50 ml of water, sugar, vinegar and simmer until they are completely softened for about 15 minutes, such a slurry is obtained
  2. We transfer the cooled puree into a glass of a submersible blender, add salt, pepper, mustard (here it is better to try a little), and beat
  3. Now gradually add the oil and beat each time until completely combined - look at the structure of the sauce and taste it, if anything, adjust to your taste
  4. If you add more oil, the sauce will turn out thicker, but also more caloric.
  5. We bring to the desired condition. Can be refrigerated for up to 6 days (maybe more)

Lean apple mayonnaise


  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Olive. oil - 100 ml.
  • Mustard - 2 tsp
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Peel apples from skin and seeds, cut into cubes.
  2. Put the apples in the pan, add salt, sugar, vinegar, water and pepper.
  3. Cook after boiling over low heat under the lid for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. All liquid must evaporate
  5. Cool the apples and beat with a mixer until smooth without lumps.
  6. Then gradually add olive oil to the apples in a tablespoon, beat with a blender after each addition.
  7. At the end, taste, add salt or spices if necessary.
  8. Serve chilled mayonnaise as a sauce, from this amount you get 250-300 ml. finished product.

Sweet apple mayonnaise

Absolutely amazing sauce! Delicate, weightless, sweet, with a bright apple aroma. A wonderful addition to pancakes, pancakes and pancakes.


  • Apple (large, sweet) - 2 pcs
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sunflower oil - 100 ml
  • Cinnamon - 1/2 tsp
  • Salt (small pinch)

Cooking method:

  1. We clean the apples from the peel and seed box and cut into thin slices. We put the apples in a pan, pour over the lemon juice, sprinkle with powdered sugar, sprinkle with a small pinch of salt to enhance the flavor, pour in 3 tablespoons of water and put on medium heat.
  2. Saute apples until soft and dry. We shift the apples into a glass for chopping and whipping, pour in the cinnamon. Grind with an immersion blender into a completely homogeneous mass. We measure out 100 ml of sunflower oil.
  3. We beat the apples, holding the blender with one hand, and with the other hand, pour in the oil in 3-4 doses, without ceasing to beat the mass.
  4. Beat for 5 minutes until the mass is light and airy. Taste by adding icing sugar or lemon juice.

homemade mayonnaise


  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Refined sunflower oil - 120 ml
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • Salt - 1 pinch

Cooking method:

  1. Cracked an egg into a blender.
  2. An egg, if possible, it is better to take a homemade one. In addition, the shade of the finished mayonnaise will depend on the color of the yolk.
  3. Cooking utensils are better to choose quite high. If you had a glass included with your immersion blender, this is a great way out.
  4. I added sugar and salt to the eggs.
  5. I recommend adding 1-2 pinches of salt for the first time. Undersalting is better than oversalting.
  6. If the taste of the finished mayonnaise does not seem salty enough to you, you can add another pinch and beat again with a blender.
  7. Added apple cider vinegar.
  8. If apple is not available, you can use ordinary table vinegar - 7 or 9%. But I prefer to cook with apple - it is more tender.
  9. Added refined sunflower oil.
  10. All the components in the glass - it remains only to combine them into a homogeneous mass. To do this, I lowered the immersion blender into the dishes.
  11. Beat at maximum speed until a light thick mass is formed.
  12. In time, it took only 1-1.5 minutes. Ready!
  13. Since the egg had a bright yolk, the final shade of my mayonnaise turned out to be quite rich and appetizing.
  14. That's all! You can safely taste mayonnaise with sausages, boiled meat, snacks, any second and first courses!

Classic apple mayonnaise


  • fresh apples (sweet and sour) of medium size,
  • refined vegetable oil
  • salt,
  • sugar,
  • lemon juice,
  • mustard,
  • ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. We will prepare this lean mayonnaise from fresh apples (sweet and sour) of medium size, refined vegetable oil, salt, sugar, lemon juice, ready-made mustard and ground black pepper.
  2. If you want the finished mayonnaise to be more fragrant and have a piquant taste, add a pinch of ground nutmeg and dry ginger.
  3. We take a couple of medium apples, peel them to get clean pulp. Chop into cubes and place in a bowl. Add a teaspoon of sugar and salt.
  4. Simmer apples over medium heat until soft. If you come across dry fruits, you can add a couple of tablespoons of water. Let the apples cool.
  5. Now we turn to the preparation of the mayonnaise itself. How to do this is up to you - a food processor, stationary (like mine) or an immersion blender will help you.
  6. We put apples in a bowl, add ready-made mustard. We beat everything to a smooth puree. Taste for salt and sugar, add if necessary.
  7. Now, without stopping grinding, pour vegetable oil in a thin stream. The mixture will begin to lighten and thicken.
  8. I won’t show you the process, since it’s difficult with just 2 hands to take pictures and pour oil at the same time. At the end, add lemon juice and beat everything again.
  9. Immediately after cooking, apple mayonnaise will not be very thick - you can see how it flows down in a thin stream.
  10. Pour the sauce into a jar with a lid and refrigerate. After a couple of hours, the mayonnaise will thicken.

Apple lean mayonnaise


  • Apples 2 pcs.
  • Oil (sunflower, olive) 100 ml., or more, will be fatter, but also more familiar
  • Mustard 2 teaspoons
  • Apple cider vinegar 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Sugar 1 teaspoon
  • Salt 1 teaspoon (without a slide)
  • Pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the apples, remove the core, cut. Add vinegar, sugar, 50 ml to apples. water and simmer under the lid, stirring occasionally.
  2. Simmer until tender, so that the apples are easily mashed with a spoon. Cool apples.
  3. Beat the cooled apples with a blender (knives) until the smallest puree. Add salt, mustard, pepper, beat lightly.
  4. While continuing to whisk, add oil little by little. Before the next portion of oil, the previous oil must be completely driven in.
  5. Beat in all the oil until you get a smooth sauce.
  6. Cool the finished sauce and can be used for its intended purpose).
  7. I used unrefined sunflower oil, which gave the mayonnaise the right flavor. You can use olive or refined oil according to your preference.
  8. The rate of mustard can vary from 0.5 teaspoon to 2.
  9. From this amount, I got about 250-300 ml. apple mayonnaise.

Apple "mayonnaise"


  • apple 2 pcs.
  • odorless vegetable oil 100 ml
  • mustard ready 1 tsp.
  • lemon juice 1-2 tsp.
  • granulated sugar 1 tsp
  • salt to taste
  • ground pepper to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the apples, remove the seed box and cut into slices or cubes as convenient. Add salt and sugar. Bake apples in the microwave.
  2. At full power 5-7 minutes (depending on apples).
  3. Cool apples, add mustard and puree with an immersion blender. Taste the sauce at this stage, adjust the acidity with lemon juice.
  4. Check for salt and sugar. Now, without stopping whisking, pour in the vegetable oil.
  5. The mass will lighten and increase in volume. When the apple mayonnaise is completely cool, it will thicken.

An interesting sauce, which is prepared on the basis of apple juice. Juice is better to take homemade, natural without pulp. Potato starch and apple pulp are used as a thickener for this sauce. This sauce uses all the spices characteristic of mayonnaise - vinegar, salt, sugar, mustard, pepper, hence the name. But there are additional notes in it, which brings ginger and nutmeg. Lean sauce. It is perfect for vegetable cutlets, fish, potato pancakes!


  • mustard,
  • Apple,
  • sunflower oil,
  • vinegar,
  • starch,
  • sugar,
  • Apple juice,
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • ground ginger,
  • nutmeg.

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare apple mayonnaise, we need mustard, apple, sunflower oil, vinegar, starch, sugar, apple juice, salt, pepper, ground ginger and nutmeg.
  2. Combine apple juice (200 ml) with starch.
  3. Peel and cut apples.
  4. Combine apples with vinegar, sugar and 50 ml of apple juice.
  5. Boil 6-7 minutes. Stretch. Add mustard, salt, pepper.
  6. Pour the mixture into the blender bowl. Add sunflower oil. Grind.
  7. Pour the apple mixture into a bowl. Add apple juice with starch.
  8. Bring to a boil, but do not boil.
  9. Add nutmeg and ground ginger to the hot mass. Mix.
  10. Serve with fish, vegetable cutlets.

Lean apple mayonnaise


  • Apple - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Lemon juice or apple cider vinegar - 2 tsp
  • Ready mustard - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. I have had apple mayonnaise in my bookmarks for a long time.
  2. I finally tried it and I will say that there is something in it.
  3. The taste of the sauce is very similar to mayonnaise and, of course, a soft apple note is felt in it.
  4. Instead of eggs, there are apples in the composition, which makes this sauce lean and even vegan. You can experiment with vegetable oil and spices.
  5. With such apple mayonnaise, you can smear puff salads or accompany them with fillings, such as chicken in snacks such as shawarma, etc.
  6. For lean apple mayonnaise, prepare the ingredients according to the list.
  7. Apples need to be peeled and core removed, then cut into cubes.
  8. Place apple slices in saucepan, add salt and sugar.
  9. Stew the apples until soft over medium heat, and if little juice stands out, then pour in 1-2 tbsp. spoons of water. Next time I'll try to bake apples for sauce in the microwave.
  10. Chilled apples should be pureed with mustard. This is easy to do with an immersion blender.
  11. Taste and adjust the taste of the mass by adding sourness (apple cider vinegar or lemon juice), salt and sugar.
  12. Pour in vegetable oil in a trickle, without stopping whipping.
  13. The mass will turn white and increase in volume.
  14. Lean apple mayonnaise is ready.
  15. Apple mayonnaise will thicken as it cools.

Homemade mayonnaise "Apple"

Mayonnaise sauce is one of the most used in the world. Invented once by the French, he conquered the planet, and today many dishes cannot do without him. Homemade mayonnaise is much healthier than store bought. In the season of apples, you can slightly change the traditional recipe - make a sauce with the addition of fruits. Such mayonnaise will be without eggs and is perfect for lean and diet food. Apples will give it a sweet and sour, spicy "zest".


  • 2-3 autumn apples;
  • half tsp Sahara;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice;
  • a quarter tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp french mustard;
  • 100 ml olive or vegetable oil, odorless.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove skins and cores from apples. Chop the fruits into equal pieces, put in a non-stick form and bake until soft. You can use the microwave - it will be enough for 5 minutes at full power. Read more:
  2. Cool the baked apples, transfer to a blender and mash. Further, it is better to beat the mayonnaise with a whisk, although this process is laborious. In principle, by continuing to use the blender, you will not impair the taste of the sauce.
  3. So, you need to add lemon juice, salt and sugar, mustard to applesauce. Whip for a few seconds. The next step is oil - it must be poured in a thin stream, all the while working with a whisk or blender. It is necessary to beat for a long time until the mass becomes absolutely homogeneous, thick, like mayonnaise, and light (cream shade).
  4. Put the finished sauce in a glass dish and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After that, you can use it, including for dressing salads. Apple mayonnaise has a pleasant fresh taste, with a very light, barely perceptible fruity sourness.