Pectins in food products. Pectic substances

This substance, discovered 200 years ago, is called the health worker of the human body. It, like a vacuum cleaner, absorbs all the debris that prevents the organs from working properly. Experts say that there is nothing better than such cleaning in a natural way. This substance is called pectin: its beneficial properties have long been used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and pharmaceuticals. Women need it for natural rejuvenation of the body and its safe cleansing. By providing yourself with this polysaccharide in sufficient quantities, you can significantly improve your health.

Meet His Majesty - pectin

So, pectin: what kind of substance this is, many people know today. It is a polysaccharide (complex chemical compound) found in plants. There is especially a lot of it in algae and various fruits. In the food industry, it is actively used as a thickener, since it quickly turns various masses into jelly (making marmalade, preparing jelly - all this is based on the use of pectin substances). It can be found in regular foods under the code name E440. In pharmaceuticals and medicine, it is used as a physiologically active substance, very useful for the human body and necessary for encapsulating drugs. On an industrial scale, pectin substances are obtained from:

  • apple pomace;.
  • sugar beet pulp;
  • citrus peels;
  • baskets of sunflowers.

Apple pectin is especially famous, which is considered the highest quality and most useful. For widespread consumption, this product is produced in two forms - liquid and powder. It was first isolated from fruit juice and soon discovered its extraordinary properties, which it exhibits when entering the human body.

Useful properties of pectin

It’s high time for women to discover pectin: its benefits are not limited to home cooking. Medicine is the area for its active use and direct application. Scientists have established the functions that it performs in the body:

  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • improves peripheral blood circulation;
  • normalizes intestinal motility: having enveloping and astringent properties, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • for peptic ulcers, it acts as a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory natural remedy;
  • cleanses from harmful substances (radioactive elements, toxic metal ions, pesticides) while maintaining bacteriological balance;
  • sorbs and removes biogenic toxins, xenobiotics, anabolic steroids, metabolic products, as well as biologically harmful substances that accumulate over time in the body: bile acids, cholesterol, urea;
  • binds heavy metals (mercury, lead, strontium);
  • reduces the risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes;
  • activates microorganisms that are responsible for the production of vitamins.

Considering these properties of pectin, it is recommended for use by those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system, food allergies, and metabolic disorders. But most importantly, it is very useful for women whose problem is fat deposits, which they dream of getting rid of all their lives. By improving microcirculation and metabolism, cleansing the body, pectin promotes the breakdown of fats. As a result, kilograms are lost, the figure becomes slimmer, and the woman becomes prettier. At the same time, there are practically no contraindications. The only “but” is overdose and individual intolerance.

Harmful properties of pectin

For pectin to harm the body, you need to try. This can happen in two cases. The first is an allergy to this polysaccharide. The second is an overdose, but for this you need to eat a very large amount of fruits and berries. Only in this case is this substance:

  • will interfere with the body’s absorption of minerals (zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron);
  • may provoke fermentation processes in the colon;
  • will cause severe flatulence;
  • will reduce the digestibility of fats and proteins.

An overdose of pectin, leading to such consequences, can only occur as a result of excessive use of dietary supplements rich in a wide variety of beneficial substances. Pectin, absorbed from ordinary foods, cannot cause any harm to the body - only benefit. Therefore, it remains to find out which products contain pectin in order to increase their amount in your diet.

Products high in pectin

If you plan such an unusual cleansing of the body with pectin, you need to focus not on the E440 food additive, but on the amount of pectin in products of plant origin. Knowing this treasured list, you can increase their daily use, thereby taking care of the cleanliness of your body and improving your well-being:

  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • black currant;
  • gooseberry;
  • raspberries;
  • strawberry;
  • peaches;
  • apples;
  • plums;
  • cherry;
  • apricots;
  • cherries;
  • lemons;
  • pears;
  • grape;
  • tangerines;
  • oranges;
  • watermelons;
  • melons;
  • eggplant;
  • cucumbers;
  • potato.

A little trick will help you increase the dosage of pectin when choosing one or another product from this list. A wise woman should know: the less moisture the berries, vegetables and fruits absorbed during the ripening period, the more pectin accumulated in them. Therefore, find a plus in a dry summer without rain: it is in such weather that natural pectin is provided to you in full.

And other ways to use pectin

In addition to active, regular consumption of foods, pectin can be delivered to the body in almost pure form.

1. Dissolve pectin powder (half a teaspoon) in hot water (500 ml).

2. Cool to room temperature.

3. Take 200 ml twice a day between meals.

You can also buy at the pharmacy; pectin sorbents are medical preparations for effective cleansing of the body: for example, “Fitosorbovit”, “Toxfighter-Lux”, etc.

Today, scientists around the world are studying the beneficial properties of pectin. Perhaps we have yet to discover its new healing benefits. But today it is clear that pectin is an invaluable substance for the human, and most importantly, for the female body. Use this to never get sick and always look great.

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Here you can find complete information about the food additive pectin: what it is and where you can buy it, how to use it at home and much more. Pectin is commonly used in cooking as a thickener for jam. Apart from this, it has become one of the new popular superfoods or healthy dietary supplements. Are the claims about the medicinal properties of pectin true and can it cause harm to health? Read on.

What is pectin?

Pectin is a substance (polysaccharide) found in fruits, berries and some vegetables that, when heated with sugar, causes the thickening and hardening characteristic of jams and jellies.

In other words, it is a gelling agent - a natural food additive (designated E440), designed to form a gel-like texture in food products, like agar-agar. Without pectin, preserves, jams and jellies would be just syrup.

Pectin is added as a gelling agent, thickener, stabilizer or emulsifier to jams, jellies, marmalades, puddings, yogurts, canned foods, cakes, pies and other baked goods and beverages.

What pectin looks like - photo

Pectin appears as a white, yellowish, light gray or light brown powder.

General information

Pectin is found in the cellular tissues of plants and keeps them elastic, dense, helps ripened fruits and berries remain firm for some time and keep their shape during storage. When the fruit becomes overripe, the pectin in it breaks down into simple sugars, which are completely water-soluble. As a result, overripe fruits become soft and begin to deform.

Hard fruits contain the most pectin. Fruits and berries high in pectin can be made into jam or jelly without sugar or strong boiling.

But not all fruits have enough of this natural substance to make jam, jam or jelly - some will require either longer cooking time or additional pectin.

Table of pectin and acid content in fruits and berries

The pectin structure binds effectively to water in an acidic environment. Sugar increases the gelling ability of pectin and also affects the texture and consistency of jellies and jams as they cool and set. That is, to activate thickening you will need a high sugar content and some acids, such as citric acid.

Acid is a thickening catalyst and significantly shortens the reaction time. Pectin works without it, it will just take much longer to harden.

The level of pectin and acid in fruits and berries commonly used for making jam can be divided into three groups:

  • Group I: If the fruit is not overripe, it has enough natural pectin and acid to form a gel-like texture when only sugar is added.
  • Group II: Low levels of natural acid or pectin, supplementation may be required.
  • Group III: Always requires the addition of acid or pectin or both.

The concentration of pectin varies depending on the type of fruit and ripeness.

List of foods with different levels of pectin

Group IGroup IIGroup III
Lots of pectinLow pectin levelsVery little or almost no pectin
ApplesOverripe applesApricots
BlackberryOverripe blackberriesBlueberry
Citrus peel* see noteCherryOverripe cherry
Wild applesBird cherryFigs
CurrantRaspberries** see note belowPeaches
Gooseberry Nectarines
Grape Pears
Quince Grenades
Plums Strawberry

* Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons, limes, etc. - there is a lot of pectin in the peel, but little in the pulp.

**Raspberries are always identified by researchers as being low in pectin, but many home cooks have found that they often act as if they have high levels of this substance.

Fruits low in pectin must usually be combined with fruits high in pectin to make a good jelly. Also, during cooking, store-bought or homemade pectin is additionally added to compensate for its low level or speed up the process.

Gelatin and pectin - what's the difference? Comparison

Gelatin and pectin both create clear gels, but they are completely different products.

The main difference is that pectin is a water-soluble fiber obtained from red seaweed, and gelatin is a protein obtained from animal skins, bones, tendons, and cartilage.

  • Pectin is used almost exclusively in high sugar foods such as jams.
  • Gelatin is used in a much wider variety of products, including mousses, marshmallows and frostings, because it sets in a cool environment and does not require the inclusion of specific ingredients to activate it.

How is pectin obtained and what products contain it?

The powdered pectin you find commercially is usually made from apples.

Pectin substances for use in cooking are also obtained from citrus peels, sugar beet pomace, sunflower baskets, and pumpkin.

Pectin is obtained by aqueous extraction of appropriate edible plant materials, mainly from citrus peels and apple pomace, followed by selective precipitation using alcohol or salts. The raw material used contains large quantities of pectin with excellent quality and is available in sufficient quantities to make the production process more economical.

Pectin is sold in both liquid and powder form.

How to choose pectin and where to buy it

You can buy pectin both in large supermarkets and in specialized confectionery stores. If both are not available, you can always order online for delivery.

When purchasing pectin, carefully read the ingredients label, as many products are synthetically produced: some contain dextrose, artificial sweeteners, etc. They may contain preservatives, including sodium or potassium benzoate.

There are three types of pectin on sale:

  • Yellow pectin - intended for heat-resistant jams, confitures and marmalade, gives a viscous texture that distinguishes them from ordinary preserves. This type is “irreversible,” meaning it cannot be reheated and dissolved.
  • Pectin NH – suitable for dessert sauces, jelly-like coatings and jellies (both as a separate dish and as a layer for cakes). The thermoreversibility of this type allows you to experiment with the texture of the puree, turning it into either a sauce or a jelly.
  • Pectin FX58 is ideal for making milk jelly, sauces and mousses. It can interact with foods containing calcium, such as milk and cream.

How to store

Pectin powder is stored in a dry, dark place in an airtight container for no more than 12 months. The shelf life of yellow pectin in an open jar is a maximum of 6 months, then it begins to lose its properties and the product hardens worse.

Liquid pectin made at home will keep in the refrigerator for a week or in the freezer for 6 months.

Chemical composition of pectin

100 g of liquid pectin contains:

  • 96.9 g water
  • 11 calories
  • 1 g ash
  • 2.1 g fiber.

100 g of dry pectin contains:

  • 335 calories
  • 0.3 g protein
  • 0.3 g fat
  • 0.3 g ash
  • 90 g carbohydrates
  • 8.6 g fiber.

It also contains minerals such as 8 mg of calcium, 2.7 mg of iron, 2 mg of phosphorus, 8 mg of potassium, 200 mg of sodium, 0.46 mg of zinc, 0.42 mg of copper and 0.07 mg of manganese.

Useful properties of pectin

Pectin offers a range of health benefits:

  • It is a soluble fiber that serves as a breeding ground for beneficial bacteria and is also involved in the removal of harmful substances through the digestive system. Pectins are practically not absorbed by the human digestive system, but work as enterosorbents.
  • Pectin cleanses the body of harmful substances without disturbing the bacteriological balance. Due to the ability of pectin substances not to be broken down by stomach enzymes, and also to interact with ions of various metals, they are used as a prophylactic agent for intoxication of the body with heavy metals.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels. Research results showed that participants who took 15 grams of apple or citrus pectin with food daily for four weeks had a 7-10% reduction in their bad cholesterol levels. In subsequent experiments, taking 6 grams of citrus pectin daily for three weeks resulted in a 6-7% reduction in LDL cholesterol.
  • Protects against colon cancer. Eating a diet rich in fiber, such as pectin, may be key to preventing intestinal tumors, according to research. Scientists studied the effects of pectin on human colon cancer cells and found that it inhibited tumor growth. The researchers concluded that pectin and substances resulting from the breakdown of pectin may protect against colon cancer.
  • Helps with diabetes. The good news is that eating foods rich in soluble fiber, particularly pectin, helps normalize blood glucose levels. Soluble fiber slows digestion and delays bowel movements. This helps slow the absorption of carbohydrates from food, which keeps glucose levels stable.
  • Promotes weight loss. The soluble fiber in pectin makes you feel full much faster as it absorbs water during the digestion process. Soluble fiber also slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. This helps keep blood glucose levels stable and delays hunger.
  • Relieves diarrhea. Pectin increases the viscosity and bulk of stool and thus helps relieve diarrhea. It is used in many medicines to treat diarrhea. Pectin, obtained directly from fruits, supplies nutrients and “good” bacteria to the large intestine and helps repair damaged tissue.
  • Good for joints. People with arthritis typically experience joint pain, stiffness, inflammation, and are constantly on the lookout for medications that are not addictive. Pectin, which is naturally found in citrus fruits, bananas, apples and some vegetables, binds to heavy metals and removes them from joints. This is called chelation. Joints become damaged when heavy metals accumulate in them, causing them to become painful and stiff. Removing heavy metals through chelation allows the body to repair itself. Pectin also stimulates the production of synovial fluid, which protects joints and allows them to function properly.
  • Prevents gallstones. Some studies have found that pectin can inhibit the formation of gallstones and also effectively dissolve existing ones.

Pectin is available in the form of food supplements, which can be bought at the pharmacy, if you are not afraid to purchase a low-quality product, or you can choose from well-known global manufacturers Here.

Follow the instructions for using pectin and be careful: excessive use can not only be beneficial, but also cause harm.

Contraindications (harm) of pectin

Eating large amounts of high-fiber foods and pectin supplements can lead to some unpleasant consequences for the body:

  • As a result of consuming large amounts of pectin, gas formation, pain and bloating may occur. Some people don't have the enzymes needed to break down fiber in the small intestine. As a result, the fiber remains undigested, and when it accumulates in the intestines, gases are formed, which lead to discomfort and bloating.
  • Pectin helps cleanse the intestinal tract, but in large quantities it can cause diarrhea. If the diet is high in fiber, the absorption of other nutrients in the intestinal tract is reduced and this can cause diarrhea. Therefore, it is recommended to drink plenty of water when taking nutritional supplements such as pectin.
  • Fiber in the digestive tract can interfere with the absorption of important nutrients such as calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium. Therefore, pectin and other nutritional supplements must be taken separately.
  • Citrus pectin may cause an allergic reaction in people sensitive to oranges, lemons, etc. Some symptoms of an allergic reaction include indigestion and diarrhea.
  • Pectin supplements may affect the absorption of drugs: due to the high fiber content, the effectiveness of drugs is reduced.

The use of pectin in cooking

Jam is one of the most reliable ways to preserve fruits and berries for the winter. This is when store-bought pectin can help matters: it significantly reduces the time required for sweet preparations.

How to make pectin from apples at home

At home, pectin can be made from apple waste - core and peel. Freeze them as they form in the refrigerator until you have enough for the recipe. Be sure to use organically grown fruit if you use peels. Tart, unripe apples contain more pectin than sweet and ripe ones.

You will need:

  • 1 liter of apples (cores and peels, or whole, cut into 2-3 centimeter pieces).
  • 2 liters of water.

How to cook:

  1. Place the apples in a saucepan and add enough water to cover them.
  2. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until apples are soft. This may take about an hour.
  3. Remove from heat and leave to strain through a colander lined with several layers of cheesecloth all day or night.
  4. The slightly thick liquid obtained after straining is your apple pectin.

  1. Heat pectin until boiling.
  2. Pour into clean glass jars, leaving a 1cm space at the neck.
  3. Close the lids and process them in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.

How to make citrus pectin

You can use any citrus fruit for this recipe, but grapefruit works best due to its firmer texture.

You will need:

  • 250 grams of white parts of citrus peel.
  • 2 glasses of water.
  • ¼ cup lemon juice.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the colored part of the peel using a grater.
  2. Finely chop the remaining white parts.
  3. Mix them with lemon juice in a small saucepan and let sit for 2 hours.
  4. Add water and leave for another hour.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat.
  6. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove heat and let cool.
  7. Strain through a bag or several layers of gauze.

How to use ready-made pectin for jam

Pectin in powder form is soluble in cold water. After dissolution, a viscous solution is formed. It needs to be stirred very quickly, otherwise it will start to clump and it will be difficult to get rid of them in the future.

Before adding pectin to the liquid, combine it with other instant powders such as sugar.

Mix it with the liquid and remaining ingredients using a hand blender.

  • Use about ¼ cup of pectin per 1 cup of fruit or berries for jam.
  • For jelly, use ¼ cup pectin per glass of fruit juice.

Add powdered pectin to a cool or warm mixture (not higher than 45 C) and then bring it to a boil. If you add it at a higher temperature, it will form lumps and will not mix well.

  • The liquid version of pectin is always added after boiling.

Each type of purchased pectin behaves differently, so read the packaging instructions and follow them. Typically, store-bought pectin binds much faster and stronger than natural pectin and can thicken greatly.

Powdered and liquid pectin are not interchangeable, so always stick to the original recipe.

Recipe for marmalade with pectin – video

Recipe for marshmallows with pectin – video

Strawberry jam with pectin in 5 minutes – video recipe

How to replace pectin in a recipe

If you need to find an effective replacement for pectin, one of these options will suit you:

  • Add fruits high in natural pectin, such as apples, cranberries, currants and grapes. Mix them with fruits with low pectin content (strawberries, peaches) for a thicker jam. Unripe fruits, as a rule, contain more pectin than ripe ones.
  • The peels and cores of many fruits contain a lot of pectin. They are sometimes included in jelly and jam recipes as a natural thickening agent, such as the white parts and peel of oranges and lemons.
  • Increase cooking time. In this case, you won’t have to look for something to replace pectin with and you can add less sugar. When jam or jelly is cooked for a long time, it naturally thickens, but this slightly reduces the taste.
  • Use cornstarch as a pectin substitute. Stir constantly while cooking as it burns easily. Keep in mind that liquids thickened with cornstarch do not have a clear appearance.
  • As a last resort, you can replace pectin with flavored gelatin. It will add bright color and fruity flavor.

1 tablespoon liquid pectin = 2 teaspoons powder.

Still, the best alternative to purchased pectin is to make it yourself (recipe above).

Pectins - these are polysaccharides that consist of galacturonic acid residues, and some of the galacturonic acid residues contain a methoxy group. These substances belong to the group, which represent one of the essential components of the diet. Pectins are found in almost all plants. Apples, plums, gooseberries, and all citrus fruits are especially rich in pectin. Its smallest amount is found in soft fruits such as cherries, grapes, and strawberries.

Relationship between fruit density and pectin content reflects the biological properties of this substance in plants - pectin provides support for the necessary osmotic pressure (i.e., in this case, the ability to retain water), thereby preventing water loss and increasing the safety of fruits during storage. Thus, if the fruits are not stored and are prone to rapid spoilage and drying out, then the pectin content in such fruits is most likely low.

The main industrial sources of pectin are apple pomace (30%) and citrus peels (70%). Pectin is also obtained from sugar beet pulp and sunflower heads.

Pectins are used for various purposes. In the food industry, apple and citrus pectin is used as a food additive E440 as a thickener, stabilizer and gelling agent. The main property of pectin in this case is its ability to form paste-like gels in the presence of calcium, acid or sugar ions.

Thus, it is widely used in the confectionery industry in the production of various jellies, marmalade, products made from them, as well as to give the necessary consistency to jam, jam, etc. For the same purposes, pectin is sold at retail.

Biological active properties of pectin based on its indigestibility and indigestibility, i.e. it is a soluble dietary fiber. For this purpose, it is used to fortify food products and produce dietary supplements (code E440).

Benefits of pectin great. The physiological functions of this substance, like all dietary fibers, are diverse: on its surface, pectin in the small intestine sorbs bile acids and fats, thereby reducing, prevents the absorption of certain toxic substances, normalizes the frequency and volume of stool, creates optimal conditions for microbiocinosis, that is reproduction of beneficial microbes needed by the body.

Unlike other dietary fibers, pectin slows down the progress of digested food in the colon because it increases its viscosity. Consequently, the absorption of food will be more complete, which means that the body will have enough food. This property is very valuable for those who are on a weight loss diet.

The astringent and enveloping properties of apple, citrus and some other pectin protect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and have a moderate analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect for ulcerative lesions. Pectins bind and remove radioactive substances and heavy metals, as well as cholesterol.

However, with excessive consumption, pectin can be harmful: the absorption of valuable minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc) is reduced, fermentation begins in the colon, which leads to flatulence and reduced digestibility. It should be noted that pectins from natural sources come in small quantities and bring only benefits, and the harm of pectin begins to appear in such volumes that are difficult to obtain from food, because no one eats kilograms of fruits and berries. Overdose, as a rule, occurs only with excessive use of dietary supplements (dietary supplements) with a high content of this substance or pure pectin.

Pectin refers to "soft" fibers. The source of pectin is vegetables and fruits. Pectin substances affect the processes of digestion, assimilation and microbiosis of food. Now we understand the benefits and harms of pectin.

The benefits of pectin for the human body.

The beneficial properties of pectin include:

  1. Reduces appetite; this property of pectin is important when losing weight.
  2. Lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. If there is a lot of low-density cholesterol in the blood, then atherosclerosis occurs.
  3. Delays gastric emptying and coats the intestines, slowing down the absorption of sugar after meals. This property of pectin is used to treat diabetes.
  4. Pectin does not affect the absorption of iron and calcium, and other dietary fibers reduce the absorption of these elements.
  5. Stimulates intestinal motor function.
  6. Reduces putrefactive processes in the intestines.
  7. Removes heavy metals and toxins from the body.
  8. Helps with constipation and diarrhea, dysbacteriosis.

Harm of pectin

The daily intake of dietary fiber is 20g. This norm was not established by chance, since if pectin is introduced excessively into your diet, in addition to harmful substances, it will also remove from the body the essential nutritional factors (vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc.)

With a lack of pectin the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases, intestinal function is disrupted, and intoxication of the body may occur.

What foods contain pectin?

Everyone knows that sources of pectin are fruits, vegetables and berries. Among vegetables, the leaders in pectin content are white cabbage - 0.6g, red sweet pepper - 0.7g, parsley - 1.5g, beets - 1g, pumpkin - 1.2g (per 100g of product). Among fruits, the most pectin is in apples - 1g, plums - 0.9g, peaches and apricots - 0.7g. Black and red currants contain 1.1g of pectin per 100g of product. All the above data is taken from the reference book by I.M. Skurikhina.

Pectin for children.

Pectin is a sorbent. Sorbents are solid bodies that selectively absorb various substances from the environment. In other words, pectin attaches harmful substances, including allergens, to its surface and removes them from the body. Therefore, pectin should be present in the diet of children.

There are a huge number of plants and products available today. They all have their own characteristics and beneficial substances. They also contain a rather interesting substance called E440, commonly known as pectin. It is essentially a soluble dietary fiber found in all fruits and vegetables. If we turn to history and origins, we can see the translation of this word itself. From the ancient Greek language, pectin is translated as congealing, congealed. And this is quite logical, since this is the functional feature of the substance. This feature is used in modern technologies. In this article we will talk about pectin benefits and harms.

The polysaccharide substance was first obtained by isolating fruit juice. The very famous scientist A. Braconno was able to do all this. It was during his time that a large number of beneficial properties were discovered and the quality of pectin was described for the first time. At that time, no one knew what to call the resulting substance. Everyone called him “the orderly of the human body.” And this is not just like that. The fact is that simple pectin is capable of absorbing large amounts of slag and debris, like a sponge. Due to this, all people can function fully and not experience problems. I would also like to note that back in the early 20s, a large number of factories were built to produce natural pectin from raw materials for the body.


The properties of the substance deserve special attention. The fact is that it is used not only in the food industry, but also in the medical field. Regular use of pectin allows you to get rid of dirt, aging and unnecessary substances. Many experts are confident that the polysaccharide has a positive effect on human health. Pectin has a wide range of uses. It is used as:

  • Simple stabilizer;
  • Clarifier;
  • Filter medium;
  • Moisture retention agent;
  • Gel former;
  • Thickener

Pectin is a plant substance that can stick together. Thanks to this, it has gained great popularity in the modern world. If we talk about industrial production, then only the E400 marking is found here. But don't be scared by these numbers. Now all additives have their own labels for ease of production.

Where is it used?

I would also like to note that the polysaccharide itself is obtained from the cake of a plant product: apples, beets, citrus fruits, persimmons, sunflowers, and so on. In the food industry, pectin is used to make the following consumer products:

  • Various types of jam;
  • Jam of any taste;
  • Turkish Delight;
  • Jelly;
  • Marmalade;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Ketchup

Agree, you ate all the products presented. Pectin can also be used in canning and medical applications. And that's very cool. As for medicine, special capsules for pills are made here. The latter are very often prescribed to the patient to cleanse the body. If we talk about the cosmetics sector, they produce face masks and creams. Many will be surprised, but pectin is also used in cigarettes as a simple glue. That is, it is used to glue tobacco sheets together.

Beneficial features

Everything here is clear and quite clear. Numerous tests show that pectin has many beneficial properties. All of them have a very good effect on the human body as a whole. The following factors can be identified:

  • Cholesterol levels are reduced;
  • Sugar levels decrease;
  • The risk of cancer is reduced.

If the pectin substance enters the human body, then this is very good. After all, it has a water-soluble shell, which very quickly eliminates cholesterol and prevents the formation of plaques. If the polysaccharide enters the intestines, the function of glucose will be performed. This function is the basis for preventing the occurrence of blood diseases. From all this we can conclude that pectin is very useful for all people. It is recommended to consume about 36 grams daily. Of course, more is possible, but it’s better not to risk it. The natural passage of such a substance into the body is also recommended.

That is, through simple products. Doctors and experts say that natural pectin will have a very positive effect on the body. It can be used for diabetes and pregnancy, which is very good. If you use a dietary supplement, you will not get the desired results.
Everyone also knows that a pharmacist named Hickey recommends eating apples in large quantities. After all, they contain natural fiber that has a positive effect on humans. All kinds of tests yielded results. Apples and citrus fruits contain about 1.6 percent polysaccharide. This is the largest percentage that has been found so far. Other fruits and vegetables also contain pectin, but in smaller quantities. The main sources of polysaccharide include:

  • Citrus fruit;
  • Vegetables;
  • Banana;
  • Pear;
  • Quince;
  • Persimmon;
  • Blueberry;
  • Pineapples;
  • Plums;
  • Figs

Where can you find pectin

If a person consumes pectin every day, it will have a good effect on the body. Of course, with a norm of 15 grams it is very difficult. The fact is that when you eat 500 grams of fruit, you will get only 5 grams of polysaccharide, which is very little. In this regard, there are now a large number of other ways to get the norm.
One of them is a dietary supplement. It is prescribed for joint consumption with food.

If you want to receive exclusively natural pectin, then divide the fruit and vegetable base into several servings. About five servings for one day. With this mode, you will receive the norm without problems. It is worth remembering one feature. The less juice the fruit contains, the more pectin it contains. Many experts say to drink juice only with pulp. The main benefits of the polysaccharide include:

  • Stabilizes metabolism;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Cleansing the body of dirt;
  • Reducing the risk of cancer;
  • Inclusion of intestinal microflora.\

Of course, this is all very good. But the most important thing is the benefits for weight loss. The fact is that the substance helps very well to get rid of excess weight and fat. In this regard, many girls and women eat food with pectin. There are also positive effects on health. Blood circulation and fat breakdown improves. Do not exceed the dose, as this will negatively affect your general condition.

Why is it harmful?

So we talked about all the advantages of the substance. Now we can move on to the not so interesting part, but rather the harm. Like any substance, pectin has a negative effect on humans. If you exceed the dose, you will get an allergic reaction and an overdose. In this case, there are the following factors:

  • Provocation of the fermentation process in the body;
  • Counteracts the absorption of harmful substances such as zinc, magnesium and iron;
  • The function of excreting feces is impaired;
  • Severe flatulence with pain appears;
  • The digestibility of protein and fat decreases.

One conclusion can be drawn from all this. The substance must be used very carefully so as not to overdose. After all, if you don’t follow the rules, you can destroy your body.

Calorie content

I also want to talk about the calorie content of the substance. This is very important for many people in our country.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that the use of polysaccharide has a very positive effect on the condition of the body. If you don't do this, you won't be able to remove dirt and waste from your intestines.