We prepare Easter gingerbread at home. Easter gingerbread cookies - how to cook and how to paint (glaze recipe) Recipe for Easter gingerbread cookies at home

Step 1

Combine honey, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and heat until boiling. Remove from heat. Add butter to hot honey with spices and stir well.

Step 2

Divide one egg into white and yolk. Set aside the white, and beat the yolk and second egg with sugar until doubled in volume. Add the cooled honey mixture, baking soda to the beaten eggs and stir in the flour little by little. Knead the dough. Roll the resulting dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Step 3

Roll out the finished dough on baking paper into a layer 5 mm thick and cut out the Easter gingerbread pieces using a stencil. Transfer the gingerbread cookies to a baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 190C for 7-10 minutes until golden brown. Remove the finished gingerbread cookies from the oven and cool on a wire rack.

Step 4

To make the glaze, pour the egg white into a small bowl and gradually add the powdered sugar. Stir until smooth, as if rubbing. The amount of powder depends on the size of the protein. Place some of the glaze in a separate bowl and add a little more powdered sugar. Place the finished thick glaze into a pastry bag. Divide the rest of the glaze into several parts and color each part with food coloring in a different color.

Step 5

Draw an outline on the cooled gingerbread cookies with thick icing and let it dry completely. Fill the resulting design with liquid icing, decorate with confectionery sprinkles and draw patterns with colored icing.

Step 6

Pack Easter gingerbread cookies in transparent film, decorate with a beautiful ribbon and you will have a wonderful gift for the bright holiday of Easter.

I would like to offer you a recipe for Easter gingerbread cookies, which turn out very cute and can be used to decorate Easter baskets, and if you make them small and on sticks, it will be a wonderful decoration for Easter cakes.

In the master class I will show you how to make a gingerbread Easter egg with bunnies and Easter cake. A gingerbread egg can be made with a very simple design, simply filling it with glaze and writing a congratulation with the glaze, but I wanted to do it with hares. Also, gingerbread eggs for Easter can be a gift for children or relatives for the holiday. I’ll also show you how to paint a gingerbread Easter cake with colored eggs and pussy willow.

Templates for gingerbread cookies for Easter can be easily made with your own hands, and you don’t have to buy many different molds. I redrew the Easter cake template for gingerbread and hares from the computer screen, making it the desired size. You can also print the templates, whatever is more convenient for you. Next, cut it out and you're done.

I tried to show a master class of handmade Easter gingerbread cookies in a very accessible way so that you can understand the process and repeat it.


  • Gingerbread preparations
  • Egg white – 1 pc.
  • Fine powdered sugar – 160 – 170 g (depending on the size of the eggs)
  • Lemon juice - a couple of drops
  • Food coloring gel
  • Colored confectionery sprinkles
  • Ribbon - for the bow

Painting gingerbread cookies for Easter

I’ve shown you how to do it several times already, so I advise you to watch it if you don’t already have a suitable recipe. I used it to bake the preparations I needed in the form of eggs and Easter cake. If you don't have a suitable mold, you can print it out and cut it out of paper. Then apply it to the dough, cut it out with a knife and bake. Then I apply the drawn stencil to the gingerbread and use a toothpick to pierce the outlines of the drawing so that you can see which parts to fill.

Now I make glaze, I have it of the same consistency for any color. So, pour the egg whites, lemon juice and powdered sugar into the mixer bowl. Beat everything at the lowest mixer speed for 2 minutes. Next, I divide it into parts and paint it in the desired colors, after which I transfer it into pastry bags. You can’t leave the glaze uncovered, otherwise it will get crusty. Using white I draw the outline of the top of the Easter cake and the bottom.

Thanks to stencils for Easter gingerbread cookies, you can clearly see which parts to fill without going overboard. Immediately after this, I fill in the white parts, straightening out the irregularities with a toothpick.

While the top part is not dry, I quickly sprinkle it with confectionery sprinkles, any kind, at your discretion.

You can already see that this is a gingerbread cake, but now I’m adding colored eggs to it. To do this, I pour in a yellow egg, followed by a green one. But I immediately put white dots on green so that they have time to blend into the background. Now I leave it to dry for 5 minutes. You can also draw ruffles in white below.

Now you can draw the red egg and the bottom of the ruffles by simply placing dots.

Next, I draw thin lines with brown glaze, these are willow branches and let them dry a little.

After literally 5 minutes, I finish drawing the willow and it’s done. Now I leave my gingerbread Easter cake with icing to dry completely, this will take about 6 hours.

All that remains is to make a small yellow bow from the ribbon and attach it to the gingerbread. To do this, I place a large dot of brown glaze on the willow branches, as if tying them, and glue a bow to this place.

Now it's time for the Easter gingerbread bunny. For it, I outline the contours with a toothpick in the same way, and then fill it with white icing. To ensure that the glaze lies evenly, I straighten it with a toothpick and you can lightly shake the gingerbread, holding it horizontally.

Then I take pink icing of the same consistency and fill the nose and the middle of the ears with it. Let it dry a little, at least 5 minutes.

Now I fill the ears and head with brown. The Easter gingerbread bunny is almost ready, all that remains is to finish the little things, but for this I leave it to dry for several hours.

When the icing is completely dry, I take a little black food coloring and use a brush to paint round eyes and seams on the ears and face. You can moisten the brush a little in water, but then dip it on a napkin to remove excess moisture. The Easter gingerbread rabbit is ready, and I use exactly the same principle to make the second gingerbread, but with blue on the ears and nose.

Here is a simple recipe for Easter gingerbread cookies with icing, which, if desired, can be made without special skills. Using these tips and advice, you can draw completely different gingerbread cookies, using different patterns. Even if you are far from an artist, using such tricks, everything will turn out beautifully. I hope you find my master class useful.


Easter gingerbread They are rapidly gaining enormous popularity, but in no case do they compete with Easter cakes. This is a completely different topic, interesting and fascinating in its own way. The baked goods are very tasty, but the taste is also not similar to traditional Easter cakes.

Easter gingerbread cookies are based on ginger-honey dough, which is incredibly easy and quick to prepare at home. Thanks to aromatic ingredients such as cinnamon, cloves, ginger, lemon, which are part of the dough, the baked goods are especially spicy and aromatic. Due to their fragrant smell, such cookies are easy to distinguish from any other sweet product.

How to make Easter gingerbread with your own hands not only tasty, but also beautiful? In this case, painting baked goods with icing sugar will help you. The recipe for honey products itself is quite simple; a certain technique will only require decoration with the help of proteins diluted with multi-colored food dyes. A master class on painting gingerbread cookies is now quite popular and in demand, so these lessons can easily be found on the Internet. The gingerbread cookies won’t turn out perfect right away, but your family will happily eat your test “sketches.” With such affordable products, you can very quickly master drawing techniques and, in the near future, create unique masterpieces on an edible canvas. In addition, Easter gingerbread cookies are a great gift idea if the products are skillfully packaged in a beautiful bag and tied with a ribbon or simply placed in an interesting box.

In order to make Easter gingerbread cookies in the form of a chicken, bunny, Easter cake or other holiday attributes with your own hands, you need to have special stencils for making specific and clear shapes. But you can try making cutouts on the dough using hand-drawn paper templates. In this case, an egg will be the best option for both carving and decoration.

We offer for consideration a very simple recipe for Easter gingerbread cookies. To ensure that the finished baked goods turn out perfect and surprise you with an incredible taste and aroma, use the step-by-step photo recipe below.


  • (250 g)

  • (250 g)

  • (3 pcs.)

  • (100 g)

  • (1.5 tsp)

  • (7 items)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (1/2 tsp)

  • (1/2 tsp)

  • (2 tbsp.)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (1 tbsp.)

  • (2 tbsp.)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    Place all the necessary ingredients for making gingerbread cookies on your work surface. Melt the chopped butter over low heat, then add granulated sugar and honey. After this, add cinnamon, grated ginger, and cloves to the mixture, stir thoroughly and remove from heat. When the oil mixture has cooled to room temperature, add thoroughly beaten eggs and mix again.

    Sift cocoa and wheat flour, then add soda to the bulk products. The dry mixture should be added little by little to the honey mass, stirring continuously. Gradually knead into a soft, elastic base. Wrap the finished ginger dough in film and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours or overnight.

    After the required time has passed, the dough should be taken out, divided into the required portions and rolled out into one piece no more than 3-5 mm thick. Cut eggs into a thin layer by hand or using a special mold and place the pieces at a distance of 1 cm from each other on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Bake the honey cakes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius for about 15 minutes. Do the same with the remaining dough.

    While the gingerbread cookies are cooling, you need to prepare royal icing for pouring over the baked goods. Mix one egg white thoroughly with small portions of powdered sugar, but not to hard peaks, but to the consistency of thick sour cream, then add lemon juice and mix again.

    In order to make multi-colored patterns, you should divide the icing into portions and add the necessary food coloring to each portion. Also, the glaze should be divided according to consistency: a more liquid mixture is used to fill the canvas, and a thick mixture is used to make the desired patterns on the lower wet sugar paint. To achieve a liquid glaze, you need to drop literally a few or more drops of water into it, depending on the volume of icing. Place the prepared protein palette in a thick plastic bag and cut off the tip of the bag, no more than 1-2 mm wide.

    Gingerbread cookies can be decorated based on your imagination or by looking at the photographs of other craftswomen. Gingerbread cookies can be of all kinds of shapes and complexity, as well as designs. You can glue confectionery sprinkles or other edible decorations onto the undried glaze. It takes quite a bit of practice to achieve the perfect straight lines and desired patterns.

    Painted eggs must be placed on a flat surface and allowed to dry for 4-5 hours. After this, the cookies can be packaged in gift bags and given to loved ones, if little sweet tooths do not eat them first. Easter ginger-honey homemade gingerbread cookies are ready. Such baked goods can be stored freely for up to 1 month in a tightly closed bag or container. Gingerbread cookies will look very beautiful together with Easter cakes and eggs on the holiday table.

    Bon appetit!


Easter is the biggest holiday celebrated by the Orthodox Church. The bright holiday of the resurrection of Christ, which gives everyone hope for salvation.

In addition to its spiritual side, this day is associated with many traditions, including culinary ones. First of all, these are, of course, colored eggs and cottage cheese Easter. The table is decorated in Easter style, where there are always willow branches, figurines of chickens, sheep and bunnies and of course Easter cakes.

The Easter bunny or rabbit came to us from Germany as a symbol of fertility, and the egg is a symbol of life. It is customary to give Easter bunnies with wishes for a prosperous family life. The Easter chicken is a symbol of emerging life. The Easter sheep is a symbol reminiscent of the sacrificial death of Christ for the atonement of human sins.

These are the symbolic gifts you can give to your family and friends on this holiday. We made them for you, of course, gingerbread. And, as always, we offer a huge selection of Easter gingerbread cookies.

Our workshop “Magic Dough” has prepared Easter gingerbread cookies for you.

As always, tasty and aromatic, prepared according to a traditional Arkhangelsk recipe, painted with glaze. We hope you find exactly what you wanted :)

You can order the gingerbread cookies you like for a specific date, or call our workshop at 923-16-64 and find out what’s in stock.

Easter set of 2 gingerbread cookies. 150 rub.

Goose in a scarf. 120 rub.

Angel 10 cm 130 RUR

Easter egg, poppies and daisies 12 cm. 200 rub.

Easter egg 12 cm. 200 rub.

Cross 11 cm
130 rub.

Egg Craquelure 10 cm
130 rub.

Gingerbread set “Easter gold”
550 rub.

Chicken and 3 eggs 10 cm Khokhloma in a box 850 RUR

Set of 7 gingerbread cookies 10-13 cm
in a box 20x25 cm
1100 rub.

Easter set: Chicken 14 cm and 6 eggs 9 cm 1200 RUR, in a box 20*25 cm.
Chicken + 2 eggs - 700 rubles, in a box 20*20 cm

Easter bunny egg with flowers
Size 12 cm, price 220 rub/piece

Easter egg with mastic decor
12cm 150 RUR

Easter egg with icing flowers
120r 10 cm

Easter bunny-tilde 12cm 200 RUR

Bunnies 11 cm with ribbon -130 RUR

Easter egg with mastic flowers 8 cm 130 RUR

Easter bunnies and ducks with flowers 8-9 cm-120r

Easter birds: 10 cm 110 RUR
12 cm 130 RUR

Ducklings with mastic flowers-120r

Easter egg with ornament 12 cm 150 rub.

Gingerbread Kulich 11cm
110 rub.

Easter egg with willow
10 cm 120 rub.

Easter chicks 8 cm-90r

Red Easter egg with willow
8cm 90 RUR

Bunnies 9 cm 90 RUR

Ducks 9 cm with ribbon 80 RUR

Gingerbread egg 12 cm 130 rub. Packaging: bag with ribbon.

Gingerbread cockerel 9 cm 80 rub.

Gingerbread egg 10 cm 80 RUR

Simple angel 100 RUR/piece

Simple Easter gingerbread cookies 70 RUR/piece, 9-11 cm

Easter egg 8 cm. 100 rub.

Bunny in an egg 🙂 11 cm 120 RUR

Egg 12 cm 200 rub. Hand painted. Easter churches

Gingerbread egg with traditional folk painting 10 cm
150 rub.

Chicken 8-9 cm
120 rub.

Postcard in a box 10*13 cm 300 rub. Printing on edible paper.

For Easter you can prepare gifts in the form of a wonderful dessert. These are handmade Easter gingerbreads, incredibly tasty, fragrant and shaped like an Easter egg, hare, Easter cake, chicken, doves and other holiday symbols.

Making gingerbread cookies for Easter is very simple. Makes a great gift, brightly decorated with multi-colored icing.

Easter gingerbread recipe from ginger dough

The recipe for ginger dough with honey is almost the same as for Christmas cookies; these baked goods are not only tender, but also very fragrant.

Easter gingerbread cookies with icing look very original, especially if you wrap them in beautiful gift wrappings. You can prepare them a few days before Easter Sunday. Surprise and give gifts, it's so simple!

Ingredients for gingerbread:

  • 220 g butter
  • 650 g sifted flour
  • 280 g sugar
  • 1 table. l. baking powder
  • 3 tsp. l. chopped ginger root (fresh)
  • 4 eggs
  • 30 ml – liquid honey
  • 7 g – salt
  • 20 g – turmeric
  • 1 – orange
  • vanilla

For the glaze:

  • 6 table. l. lemon juice
  • 3 squirrels
  • 4 table. l. – powdered sugar
  • food colors of different colors


How to make gingerbread Easter gingerbread

Add sugar and honey to the butter, grind until smooth.

Whisk the eggs.

Grate the orange zest on a fine grater and squeeze the juice from the pulp.

Combine eggs, butter mixture, orange juice with zest, add ginger, vanilla, turmeric, and knead.

Add salt and baking powder to the flour.

Add the dry mixture to the total mass and begin kneading the dough until smooth.

The gingerbread dough needs to be cooled, so put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Then roll it out into a thin layer - about 0.8 cm, and cut out the gingerbread cookies using cookie cutters.

Sprinkle a baking tray with a little flour and lay out the pieces.

Bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for no more than 15 minutes.

While the gingerbread cookies are cooling, we will have time to make decorations for them, and for this we mix lemon juice with egg whites and powdered sugar.

The result is a fairly thick glaze, which must be divided into several portions and add coloring to each.

We fill the cornet with glaze, decorate the fragrant honey and gingerbread cookies - these can be zigzags, ornaments, flowers and other patterns. In the retail chain you can now find ready-made stencils for painting; if you manage to find them, the process of applying glaze will be much easier.

Recipe No. 2

Another cooking option and a visual representation of the entire cooking process, as well as painting Easter gingerbread cookies in the shape of an Easter cake, can be viewed in the video recipe:

Easter gingerbread video master class

Chocolate flavored dough with cocoa added.


Gingerbread dough:

  • honey 225 gr.
  • sugar 225 gr.
  • water 125 ml.
  • 2 eggs
  • 80 gr. butter
  • 1 tbsp. cocoa
  • 150 gr. rye flour
  • 400 gr. wheat flour + 80 gr. for bedding
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 1 tsp ginger
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/3 tsp. nutmeg
Protein glaze recipe:
  • 1 protein
  • 200 gr. powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp lemon juice