Open lesson Topic: “Amazing salt dough” (grade 5A). Summary of the modeling lesson “Relief fish made from salt dough” (preparatory group)

Lesson plan on technology" Job With salt dough»
Goals and objectives:
1. Develop an understanding of working with salt dough, special skills in making products from it. Historical reference.
2. Teach the technological sequence of manufacturing and processing products made from salt dough.
3. Give the main methods of manufacturing products.
4. Teach how to work independently with instruction cards.
5. Nurture the creativity of the individual and aesthetic taste.
6. Develop creative thinking, motor skills, independence.
Equipment: computer, visual material, tools, samples finished products, instruction cards, ready dough etc.
Interdisciplinary connections:history, drawing.
I. Organizational moment.
II. Teacher's opening speech.
Any work activity in technology lessons should be accompanied by a desire for beauty and aesthetic pleasure.
Work, morality and beauty are inseparable. You all have different intellectual capabilities, but being able to work with your hands is a great start to the creative work of the mind. Only in the process of creating things that are valuable from an aesthetic point of view can a student develop the best personality traits, comprehend the laws of beauty, and develop creative abilities and moral qualities.
Modeling is a favorite and exciting activity. During technology lessons, it became possible to combine modeling and dough. Wall decorations, funny toys, souvenirs - all this can be made with your own hands.
When working with salt dough, artistic abilities, observation, and a sense of line, shape, and proportion develop.
. In the process of work, the basic techniques of making composition elements are mastered.
An important role is also played by the fact that necessary materials available, environmentally friendly. Crafts made from salt dough are durable and cheap. Handmade items are highly valued modern world.
Historical reference.
Crafts made from salt dough are a very ancient tradition.
In China, since the 17th century, puppets have been made for puppet shows.

In the Himalayas they were used to make sacrificial cult figures.

In Ecuador, this is one of the artistic crafts (the dough is colored).

In western Spain, during celebrations in honor of Our Lady, bread wreaths are brought to the altar.

In Greece, they traditionally bake magnificent bread wreaths decorated with lush ornaments.

In Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia, paintings made from dough are very popular.

In Rus', when did it become a custom to celebrate New Year, people gave each other figurines made from salt dough. Deep roots has the skill of making gingerbread. Until now, in the Astrakhan region they bake dough figures called “roes”.
Salt dough has become a very popular creative material in recent years. This activity was given a name - testoplasty.
II. Main part
I. Materials and tools.
Materials: flour, salt, glue, water, paints, tools.
Recipe for making salt dough: flour: salt: water = 2: 1: 0.5, that is, 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 125 ml water
Working tools and equipment: stacks, rolling pins, baking sheets, molds, garlic press, strainer, cups and glasses, brushes, pencils, needles, aluminum foil, frames, buttons, fabric, etc. Whatever your own imagination suggests.
II.Technology for manufacturing products from salt dough:

3. Drying
4. Coloring
5. Varnishing.
1. Kneading – mix all the ingredients in a suitable bowl and knead the dough thoroughly. It should turn out homogeneous, elastic, cool. If necessary, soft dough add flour and salt.
Modeling – you need to sculpt or cut out products, figures, immediately on a hard surface (linoleum), cutting board, then the back side of the products will remain flat and will not be deformed.
Drying and firing – drying methods: in an electric stove oven or gas stove, in the air, combine. Dry on white and black baking sheets. Dry the products over low heat until browned, then move the baking sheet from the top shelf to the middle one. We will dry at room temperature on a cutting board. The product is considered dried if the sound is clear when tapped with a finger.
Coloring – before painting the product, they are usually primed with white oil paint, and after drying they are painted with gouache.
Varnishing – use both liquid and thick transparent varnish. Under a protective layer of varnish, paints will not crumble, crumble, or fade.

III. Sequence of training in the manufacture of parts and products:
Making small ornamental details is an important stage of work before moving on to complex compositions. It teaches accuracy and thoroughness in the manufacture of parts. Small ornamental details can decorate almost any product. It is better and more convenient to cut and roll out the dough on oilcloth or a cutting board. Tools must be dry.
Connect with water.

When decorating, use dough balls, beads, beads.

Practical part:

Technology for manufacturing parts and products:

a) making flowers, berries, fruits, leaves, etc.

b) compiling compositions from them.

TB during the practical part:
before work - put on an apron or scarf; prepare the workplace;
during work - carefully handle sharp objects, paints, water, varnish (only an adult can cover the work)
After work, clean the workplace.

Hand over the workplace to the student on duty.
Modeling from salt dough will allow you to realize your creative potential, and this lesson will be the initial impetus for this. And then the ancient craft in your hands will turn into art that will delight others and you.

Children's work.

From work experience. preschool educational institution

Korableva O.L.

Creative tasks in modeling classes

Bas-reliefs and high reliefs

Salt dough modeling is a fun activity

for children and adults

Using salt dough modeling exercises and

inclusion of salt dough elements in children's creative works made in mixed media

Modeling from salt dough is a fascinating activity for both adults and children. Toddlers, older children and their mothers and grandmothers enjoy making salt dough from salt dough. The activity brings unique tactile sensations from such a kind and sincere plastic material as dough, and in addition gives a pleasant feeling of simplicity and ease of creation, creating your own little “creations”, turning the modeling process into a real creative process. This activity is especially useful for children, as it helps develop fine motor skills of the hands, relieves excessive emotional stress, which allows you to find another approach to working with children who are overexcited and active, and on the other hand, it activates less active children, including the muscular apparatus in the work. and developing gross motor skills. Modeling, as one of the types of visual activity, is an excellent training for developing motor activity, sensitivity and flexibility of the fingers. If a lesson on training finger movements is carried out systematically, this will serve a powerful tool increasing the performance of the cerebral cortex. It is known that the correct and timely formation of a child’s speech occurs under the influence of impulses coming from the hands. Therefore, we can say that the success of our children’s development largely “lies at their fingertips.” And modeling, including modeling from salt dough, is one of the types of creative activities that diversify the development of children of younger, older preschool and preschool ages.

In our classes, except various types traditional modeling from plasticine, as well as pictorial modeling and volumetric compositional modeling on a plane; we use bas-relief, high-relief and figured modeling from salt dough. Salt dough has some advantages over clay: flour, salt, water are the most affordable materials. Salt dough is plastic, does not stain your hands as much and does not melt like plasticine, and also allows for wide-ranging experimentation, as with the plastic material itself (it can be pulled, flattened, rolled, rolled into a flat cake with a rolling pin, folded, twisted, cut with a knife and using pastry molds, press through a strainer or garlic press, pierce, dry, bake), and with a choice of tools, modeling devices and items for creating relief on the surface of parts (rolling pin, strainer, garlic squeezer, brush, molds for cutting out dough, stacks, toothpicks, combs, embossed buttons, caps from felt-tip pens, tailor's wheel, attachments for pastry syringe, disposable forks and serrated knives, sand molds, etc.). Salt dough is a unique material. It can be combined with natural and decorative materials: pine cones, pebbles, shells, sand, dried plants and seeds, pieces of lace and shreds, pieces of leather, beads and buttons. After drying, crafts can be painted with gouache and watercolor paints or left unpainted, preserving golden color bread (after baking) or milk bread (after air drying) - this also has its own originality.

There are some simple technological rules work with this material that must be performed in order to achieve the best work result in an art studio.

Workplace. Humidity and temperature in the room are of some importance, since when high humidity and temperature, the products will blur on the work table during modeling and lose their original shape. Therefore, the room should be cool and your hands should also be cool - you can wash them before starting work cold water, while simultaneously using this procedure as a hardening element. The optimal room temperature should not exceed 20 degrees. The surface of the table on which the dough is kneaded and rolled out must be smooth and even. For children, plastic boards are used as a working surface. There should be no unnecessary items on the workspace of the table - it is better to give out the tools and materials necessary during creative work individually as needed. Therefore, it is better to place devices, tools and additional materials on a separate table. If the work is not large and not a lot of materials will be used, then you can use disposable sectional plastic plates or sector containers for placement. The last option is convenient because during the work the child independently decides on the use of various materials, creating his own artistic image.

Kneading salt dough. It is carried out by a teacher or educator before class or the day before; in the latter case, the dough is placed in a plastic bag and in the refrigerator, which helps improve the quality of the modeling mass. In circle classes in a pre-school group, you can invite children to knead the dough themselves. Then, to knead the dough individually, children will need: aprons, shallow enamel or metal cups, bowls, glasses (containers) for measuring bulk products and measuring the volume of liquid, spoon or stirring stick.

Preparation of salt dough. Classic recipe salt dough: 1 cup salt (200 g), 2 cups flour (200 g), 3/4 cups water (125 ml). Mix salt and flour, dilute the mixture with water, pouring it into the well. Knead the dough as you would for dumplings or noodles so that it doesn’t stick to your hands. Knead well until elastic.

It is better to use white wheat flour premium quality with high gluten. In addition to wheat, you can use rye or wheat and rye mixed in a 1:1 ratio. Rye flour gives the dough a brown tint, vaguely reminiscent of the color of clay, which can be used in unpainted products. Dough from one rye flour less elastic than dough made from wheat flour, so they use additives: potato starch (1 tablespoon), wallpaper glue (1-2 teaspoons), PVA glue, vegetable oil (in small quantities). Thanks to the content salt The dough holds its shape well when molded, and the finished dough does not mold. In order for the products to have a flat, smooth surface, it is better to use the finest salt – “Extra”. Water must be clean. If you knead the dough in pre-chilled water, it will be more elastic. The dough can be made in color at the kneading or kneading stage, adding powdered food colors or cocoa powder and coffee to obtain brown tones. Colored dough when dried, it becomes a little lighter, so coloring is done at the rate of one packet of dye per 100-150 g of dough; red and orange dyes are the most intense, so they can be used to color 200-300 g of dough. You can prepare colored dough by adding gouache paints when kneading, but you need to take into account that in the future such colored dough will stain your hands.

It is necessary to take into account that in the process of working with the dough, children diligently knead it and play with the material, which is why the dough quickly becomes soft and sticky, so it should be kneaded more abruptly. It is best to sculpt with dry hands so that the dough does not stick, or dip your fingers in flour as you work.

Storing the dough. Keep salty dough The most convenient way is in the refrigerator, placing it in a plastic bag. Colored dough is stored separately from each other. It is advisable not to store the dough for more than 2-3 days, since during long-term storage the dough becomes damp and, when baked, gives an unattractive gray tint; unwanted spots may appear in the finished product.

Modeling. Depending on the task at hand, modeling salt dough can be element-wise or figured. Individual elements, sculpted mainly on the basic shape of a ball (sticks, ribbons, Easter cakes, cakes), are combined into simple shapes (flower, leaves, snowman, sun, etc.), from which the composition is made up. If many individual elements are being performed, the work is not finished or it is necessary to interrupt, then the finished elements and the dough are covered with polyethylene so that the dough does not crust over and crack when applying the pattern. A common piece of dough is also stored in polyethylene. When sculpting, it is necessary to take into account the size of future figurines: it should not exceed 5 cm. Larger figurines may crack when drying, in addition, cavities may form inside large figurines, which can also lead to deep cracks.

Fastening parts. To connect individual parts of the composition elements, you will need toothpicks and a brush with water. To connect small parts (eyes, buttons, etc.), it is enough to carefully moisten the contact points with a toothpick, since the brush may be too wet. Larger parts are connected in the same way, but using a wet brush. Large parts, for example, lumps for a snowman, are held together using toothpicks, which serve as a base rod for stringing lump balls, moistened at the points of contact. It is necessary to avoid getting water on the front surface of the product, otherwise dark spots may appear after baking.

Drying. You can dry a product made from salt dough naturally and in the oven. Natural drying carried out in a warm place in the air. This type of drying has disadvantages: cracks may appear on the product because it dries more slowly inside than on the surface. The cause of the cracks may be a draft. High humidity in the room also interferes with drying. In summer you can expose the product to the sun. Large product thickness natural drying may cause the product inside to sour before it dries. Drying in a gas oven requires careful monitoring. To prevent the products from burning, you need to place a container of water under the baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in a well-heated oven and wait for the moment of browning so that the shape is fixed and not deformed, after which the flame is reduced, otherwise the products may swell or crack on the reverse side. Products painted food coloring Dry at a temperature of no more than 125 degrees, otherwise the original color may change. The completely dried product can be easily removed from the baking sheet. To make sure that the product inside is not raw, tap with your finger. If the sound is ringing, then it is dried; if it is muffled, it is not completely dried. When drying, you can open the oven door slightly, which will not harm the product, but will help regulate the temperature inside. Drying in an electric oven begins at low temperature with a gradual increase. To prevent such drying from being very long and energy-intensive, you can dry the product naturally for 2-3 days, and then dry it in an electric stove. To do this, first place the baking sheet for 1-2 hours at a temperature of 50 degrees, then raise the temperature to 75 and hold for another 2-3 hours. After this, the oven is turned off and the product is left overnight. If after this the back side of the products is not dry, then they are turned over and dried until ready.

Browning. Using browning, you can add versatility to a single-color composition, and complement monochrome compositions of brown tones made from dough colored with cocoa, coffee or made from rye flour with chocolate shades. Browning is carried out at a temperature of 180-200 degrees, with constant monitoring of the process to avoid burning of the products. If the baking sheet is at the top of the oven, then the most protruding parts of the product will darken first, and if the baking sheet is at the bottom, the thinnest parts of the product will brown. In addition, by browning individual parts of one composition in different ways, you can achieve a multifaceted effect.

IN microwave oven Products made from salt dough should not be dried.

Gluing. If a piece breaks off as a result of drying or transporting finished products, it is glued using PVA glue or universal Moment glue. It is advisable to leave the product for a day after gluing. When making a composition from ready-made elements on canvas, cardboard, or hardboard, they are also glued to the background using these types of glue.

Product storage. Salt dough products should be stored in a dry place: moisture can damage them irreparably.

Examples of salt dough modeling classes

in different age groups

Topic and objectives of the lesson


Junior group

"Kolobok"(bas-relief). Two classes.

Lesson 1. Drawing on corrugated cardboard: “Path for a bun.”

Lesson 2. Familiarity with the characteristics of the material at an accessible level. Playing with material: crumpling, flattening, squeezing, pinching, stretching, rolling. Modeling of the simplest form.

"Bullseye"(figured modeling). Show children the variety of plastic materials (the possibilities of plasticine and dough): plasticity, viscosity, weight, integrity of the mass. Based on the simplest forms, learn to convey expressive images (a tasty apple).

Middle group

"Bunny in a white fur coat"(figured modeling). Conduct a comparative analysis of modeling materials: plasticine and dough, determine their similarities and differences. Show techniques for fastening dough parts and techniques for applying a relief pattern.

"Still life"(bas-relief). Two classes.

Lesson 1. Modeling. Based simple shapes learn to independently convey familiar images: apple, pear, plum, orange. Create a composition that is thoughtful in size, shape and color.

Lesson 2. Coloring the bas-relief with gouache, decorating with braid and lace.

Senior group

“The bunnies are dancing in the clearing”(high relief).

Practicing techniques for sculpting elements from dough. Transfer of motion. Familiarization with methods of connecting parts and fastening them on a cardboard background. Independent decoration with relief patterns and carved dough elements.

“Christmas tree, Christmas tree, elegant needle”(figured modeling). Layout of an image in a constructive way on a frame of cone-shaped shapes with the creation of a “fringe” using a knife stack. Independent decoration of a snowdrift with a relief pattern, spruce branches with sparkles, sequins, and beads.

"March cats"(bas-relief). Two classes.

Lesson 1. Practicing techniques for modeling dough: giving a spherical lump a shape reminiscent of a sitting cat (getting a “matryoshka” type shape, pulling out “ears”, “tails” from a common piece, pinching “ears”); making the paws with relief scratching. Independent composition and gluing of compositional elements on a cardboard background, decoration with small dough elements.

Lesson 2. Painting compositional elements, decorating with additional materials.

"Carnation"(high relief).

Collective panel.

Lesson 1. Making a background for the group work “Happy Victory Day!” (gouache).

Lesson 2. Fixing the technique of cutting the “fringe” into strips of dough, making the cloves in a counter motion; inflorescence assembly; DIY carnation stem and leaves. Assembling a festive composition.

Preparatory group for school.

"Russian beauty"(bas-relief in mixed technique). Two classes.

Marking the image of a girl in a constructive way on a stick frame. Experimenting with various materials: dough, fabric, lace, braid, cardboard, wire. Decoration with additional materials according to plan: grains, sequins, beads, beads, buttons and natural materials.

"Doll"(figured modeling).

Fantastic work made from white salted dough and colored with cocoa powder and coffee. Acquaintance with element-by-element figured modeling, methods of fastening parts using a wet brush and fragments of toothpicks, and a method of making hair using a garlic press. Decorating the doll's clothes with relief patterns and prints.

Lesson on testoplasty in the older age group.

A painting for the wall:

“The bunnies are dancing in the clearing” (high relief)


Teach children to create expressive images of salt dough and convey movements. Practice techniques for sculpting elements from dough. Introduce ways to connect parts of a picture. Independent decoration with relief patterns and carved dough elements.

Materials, tools, equipment

Salt dough, plastic boards, a tray of flour (for drying fingertips), a glass of water (for gluing elements), a brush, toothpicks, PVA glue, composite background cardboard, cord or soutache for fastening; for making decorative carved and counter-relief prints - stacks, relief buttons, caps for felt-tip pens, attachments for a pastry syringe, a disposable fork and a serrated knife.

The teacher reads or hums a poem by G. Lagdyn, suggests imagining and showing how a bunny dances:

Bunny, bunny, dance!

Make us laugh, make us laugh!

Stomp, stomp your paws,

Gray slippers!

Like this! Like this!

The bunny hopak is dancing!

Then the teacher distributes modeling material to make friends - bunnies dancing in a snowy clearing. Invites children to independently determine the order of work: what needs to be sculpted first, what then? (First we sculpt snow drifts, then they will rabbits.)

Right. And you need to start by preparing the background for the picture: secure the braid by tying it in a knot or a strong bow. If we do this at the end of the work, we will damage the image.

We will immediately transfer the sculpted elements to the compositional background of the picture, fixing the large elements with PVA glue, and we will connect the small elements together using a wet brush.

We will make the snowdrifts in the form of a bas-relief to give volume to our picture. On the finished “drifts” we will place three-dimensional figures of dancing hares (high relief). We will assemble and glue the “bunnies” directly onto the cardboard background to avoid damage when moving the figures from place to place.

To decorate the finished composition, you can use snowflake stars cut from a thin layer of dough in a stack. Decorate the snowdrifts with counter-relief patterns and imprints.

The teacher invites the children to look at a toy bunny or drawing and determine the shape of future modeling elements (ovoids, ball), their size, and quantity.

Children begin to sculpt elements of the composition and place them on a cardboard background: background of snowdrifts, foreground, bunnies (ovoid body, ball or ovoid head, ears, paws). Finish the work by decorating according to plan.

After class

Children look at the finished compositions, talk about the characters of their heroes, their mood.

After drying, the completed works are used to decorate doll corners or natural corners.

It is possible to hold a general exhibition volumetric paintings from salt dough and organize the game “Tour Guide”.

From the history of testoplasty

In the Russian North, in hospitable and friendly Pomeranian houses, man-made wonders in the form of small figures of people and animals always stood in prominent places. These are mukosolki - crafts made from flour and salt. In the old days, such toys served as amulets. At Christmas, Pomors always sculpted such figures and handed them out to relatives and friends, saying: “Let your bread and salt never run out.”

“Sun” and “salt” are words with the same root. The sky is empty and gloomy without the sun, and food is dull and tasteless without salt. The ancient Slavic custom of greeting a dear guest with bread and salt came to us from time immemorial. Bread meant the earth, salt – the sun. The earth and the sun were brought out to the dear guest! People have long called hospitable people hospitable people.

The history of salt dough goes back to the times when people worshiped the gods of the natural elements, and figurines made from salt dough were used in sacrificial rituals. Even baking the famous loaf was an honorable and responsible duty; not everyone could bake the sacred loaf. The solemn ceremony lasted several days with the participation of the court “karavachats”. There were ritual millstones for preparing flour. They composed songs asking for help in kneading dough, in which people asked God to come down from heaven and take part in preparing the loaf. Of particular importance were wedding loaves, with which newlyweds are still greeted on the threshold of the house... It is interesting that in Ukrainian folklore God is also personified in a loaf, which was called diven, a wondrous loaf. In Belarus, the loaf was compared to the luminaries - the sun and the moon. According to legend, the loaf, before returning to earth, visited the sky, where it met the dawn and saw the stars. In the old days, the loaf was always decorated with sculpted symbolic figures of animals and birds.

For the Slavs in ancient times, the year began in March. To invite spring, they baked figurines of larks, with which the children climbed onto the roofs of barns and trees so that spring would “see” them. And the adults in the fields and hillocks sang “stonefly” songs, calling on the storks and cranes to quickly bring the long-awaited warmth on their wings, danced in circles, and lit bonfires. The holiday ended with the burning of an effigy of winter Mary, a symbol of death, in a fire.

On the day of the March solstice, another holiday associated with bread was celebrated - Maslenitsa. They baked pancakes and treated everyone, went to visit, and held celebrations.

In Russia, in many regions, the tradition has been preserved of baking dough figures of “roes” (in the Arkhangelsk province) and “cows” (in Siberia and the Central regions of Russia), which previously symbolized an increase in the number of livestock and a fruitful year. They were baked for the ancient ritual holiday “koleda”. For the peasant, sheep and cows made from dough meant a whole flock; a dove meant a rich harvest.

Other countries also have holidays associated with the test. In France, the Presentation of the Lord is celebrated on February 2. On this day, they bake pancakes and even organize some kind of competition to see who can toss the pancake out of the frying pan the highest. There is also a holiday in France, the tradition of which originated in the 4th century. It is dedicated to the arrival of the Magi. On this day they bake the “pie of kings”, in which they put beans. The pie is cut according to the number of guests, and whoever is lucky enough to find it can count on good luck and happiness for a whole year.

A long time ago they came up with the idea of ​​baking unusual shaped breads. It’s just that Italian masters were virtuosos in baking such breads in their time.

And in our country, curly gingerbread cookies were very popular, which were given for birthdays, presented to the bride at a wedding, given as a sign of respect and as gratitude. Printed gingerbread cookies were made using printed wooden molds: flat boards with a counter-relief pattern. A little later (in the 18th century), gingerbread cookies with genre scenes appeared, and they began to be decorated with colored sugar, glaze, and even special gilding. From sugar syrup weaved “miracle lace”. Arkhangelsk gingerbread baked not only in the form of figurines of birds and animals, but even in the form of fantastic animals and Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden. Famous Tula gingerbread became famous throughout Russia and far abroad.

Many original Russian traditions are preserved or are returning again. And it’s great that many of them are associated with bread-pies, gingerbread and pancakes. And the most famous fairy-tale “long-liver” from our childhood and the childhood of our grandparents is Kolobok!

    Lykova I.A. Artistic work in kindergarten. Ecoplastics: arrangements and sculptures made from natural materials. Section 6. Testoplasty. – M.: publishing house “Karapuz”, 2009.

    Khananova I.N. Salty dough. – M.: AST – Press book. – (Golden Library of Hobbies), 2008.

    Antipova M.A. Salty dough. Unusual crafts and decorations. Beautiful things with your own hands. – Rostov-on-Don: publishing house “Vladis”; - M.: publishing house "RIPPL Classic", 2007.

Summary "Introduction to salt dough"

Lesson notes for a class on modeling salted dough “Mukosolka”

On the topic: “Introduction to salt dough”

Middle group kindergarten- these are children 4 - 5 years old. Most children at this age begin to live in a state of conscious creativity. Any suggestion to create, create something with my own hands The students enthusiastically accept it.

Target: create all conditions for the realization and development of creative abilities in children, encourage the desire to fantasize and turn fantasy into a tangible product, raise children to be skillful. Club work in middle group- a wonderful form for realizing this goal.

Materials: Fine salt, flour, water, enamel dishes, modeling boards, napkins, stacks, dough samples and illustrations of finished salt dough products.

Progress of the lesson

A long time ago, many thousands of years ago, when your grandfathers’ grandfathers were not yet born, ancient people learned to bake flat cakes and bread from grain. As the years passed, the peoples inhabiting the earth began to sow a lot of grain - to grow rye and wheat. Humanity consumed more and more bread. Then they came up with the idea of ​​baking different dough figures and giving them to friends and relatives during the holidays. Almost all peoples who knew the taste of bread worshiped it, and also believed in the power of salt. Over time, they began to sculpt figures from grain and salt of what they would like to acquire in this life. For example, if a person wants a house, he makes a house; he wants to grow a garden, so he makes a tree out of salt dough. And if he wants to find friends, he will carefully sculpt a little man. But the time for such holidays has long passed. Now salt dough is an excellent creative material for children and adults. Figures made from salt and flour are affectionately called “Flour Salts” by the people.

So today we will sculpt with salt dough. But for this you need to knead the dough.

Who will help me? (children show their desire)

So, we need a bowl where we will knead everything, flour, salt, water.

Take two mugs of flour and pour it into a basin (children do the counting).

Now you need 1 mug fine salt. Add salt to the flour and mix (children pour in, mix ingredients).

Notice what kind of mixture is in the basin, can you sculpt from it? (a mixture of flour and salt is free-flowing, cannot be sculpted)

So that we can sculpt, we need to add 1 cup of water to the salt and flour and mix well. Pour some water into the basin (children pour water into the basin).

What is our dough like? (sticky, lumpy, wet)

Can you sculpt from it now? (No)

Why? (can’t sculpt, sticky dough, doesn’t hold its shape)

For getting correct test for sculpting, you need to knead it thoroughly so that it becomes cool, flexible, and does not stick to your hands. But, it is a very difficult job to knead the dough.

Children, can you help me knead the dough? (Yes)

Children knead the dough together with the teacher in a basin, then on the table, until they get what they need for creativity.

Finally, we have the play dough. Take a piece of dough and try to roll it on the table with straight and circular movements (children roll the dough and express their feelings).

Remember how you sculpted from plasticine. Try using the same sculpting techniques. Children, tell me how you feel when you work with dough? (children manipulate their test, tell what they experience while working with it, boast about the results)

Try working with a stack. However, remember that the stack is a dangerous tool; you should not swing the stack or poke it at yourself or children. Be careful!

Now, try making something out of the dough.

Children are given time to make their own salt dough.

If the teacher sees that children find it difficult to sculpt according to plan, then he can start sculpting himself, for example, a donut.

Children, did you know that when modeling salt dough, you need water and a brush to connect the ends of a bagel? We use water instead of glue. But you shouldn’t get the craft too wet, otherwise it will become limp and lose its shape.

When modeling salt dough, various spices, beads, and seeds are used to decorate crafts.

At the end of modeling from salt dough, invite the children to show and talk about what they made today and what their impressions were of learning about such an unusual material as dough.

Unfortunately, you cannot take home test work today or immediately use it in the game. Children, why do you think? (work from raw dough during the game you can accidentally damage or dent)

You need to be patient and wait for the crafts to dry. And to dry crafts made from flour and salt, our “Flour Salts” will be on a tray, on the windowsill.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Master class on working with salt dough

Step-by-step work with a child "City from dough" First, we draw a template, Then we cut it out and mold the details from flour, Then we glue it to the base and decorate it with gua paints...

Fantasies made from flour, salt and water. Practical training for parents in working with salt dough.

Salt dough is one of the most accessible materials for creativity. But even the simplest material will fully reveal its capabilities only if you feel its crust, recognize it...

Lesson summary

Teacher: Bakhtiguzina Rumiya Ryashitovna Educational institution MKOU "Malyaevskaya OOSH" Leninsky district, Volgograd region Item: technology Lesson topic: "Making souvenirs from salt dough"

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational: expand students' horizons on the history of making souvenirs from salt dough, familiarize students with modern materials, tools and devices for making souvenirs from salt dough, and new working techniques.

2. Developmental: develop visual and figurative thinking in students; develop hand motor skills, cognitive interest, work with additional literature and other sources of information.

3.Educational: cultivate a work culture, promote the development of aesthetic taste, increase interest in folk arts and crafts, and improve communication skills.

Lesson form– story, conversation, practical work

Teaching methods– explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, partly exploratory, conversation, independent work.

Lesson type– combined.

Object of work: salty dough.

Visually illustrated material: samples with crafts and souvenirs made from salt dough, technological sequence of making dough and souvenirs.

Means of education(equipment, tools, materials): computer, projector, scissors, wooden stack, roller, gouache, templates, flour, salt, oil, water, bowl.

Career guidance: profession decorator, artist-designer.

Practical work: making flowers from salt dough

Lesson steps:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Learning new material.

III. Practical work.

IV. Physical exercise for hands and eyes.

V. Reflection, consolidation of new material.

VI. Summing up the lesson.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

1. Greeting, attendance control.

2. Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

II. Learning new material.

Verbal and illustrative story.

Teacher: Hello, guys. Today we will get acquainted with the techniques of working with salt dough, learn how to make souvenirs and decorate them. The motto of our lesson will be the proverb: “Work for the hands is a holiday for the soul!”

Crafts made from salt dough are a very ancient tradition. Once upon a time, in the hoary old days, people began to make bread cakes from flour and water and burn them on hot stones. Then bread ovens appeared in Babylon, and loaves replaced loaves of bread. The ancient Egyptians, approximately 5 thousand years ago, knew many dough recipes and baked 30 different varieties of bread.

The ancient Incas sculpted figures of people and animals from dough, and then sacrificed them to the gods.

In Europe, in ancient times, figured bread from yeast dough was made only by hand, without auxiliary tools.

In Rus', back in the 9th century, gingerbread cookies were baked, which were called honey bread. They were made for all holidays of various sizes and shapes, in the form of funny figures. On Yegoryev Day (April 23), the day of the first pasture of livestock and horses, they baked “roes” made from rye dough.

Not only bread was baked from the dough, but also decorative items.

In China, starting from the 17th century, puppets were made from dough. One of the artistic folk crafts of Ecuador is crafts made from brightly colored dough.

In Greece, they traditionally bake magnificent bread wreaths decorated with lush ornaments.

In Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovenia, paintings made from dough are very popular.

In recent years, salt dough has become a very popular material for modeling: it is very elastic, easy to process, products made from it are durable, and working with salt dough is a pleasure and joy.


The premises allocated for classes must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements:

It should be dry, light, warm;

With natural air access;

Well-established ventilation

The area is sufficient for conducting classes with 15-20 people;

The distance from the eyes to the work should be 35-40 cm;

You need to sit straight, touching the back of the chair with your body;

Before and after work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.


When working with cutting, piercing objects, be careful and store them in a specially designated place. Place the scissors on the right, the blades should be closed, with the rings facing you. Pass the scissors rings forward.

When drying, if an oven is used, check its serviceability, turn the oven on and off only with dry hands, and observe temperature regime.


1. Flour. Wheat and rye flour are used to prepare salt dough. But in dough made from rye flour more pores are formed, it is more difficult to dry, and when molded it is harder.

2.Salt. Too much salt can make the dough brittle and brittle, which leads to the formation of cracks in the product. You can use any salt. But finely ground “Extra” salt is best.

3.Water. When kneading dough it is used cold water.

4.Natural material. Black and allspice, cloves, beans, corn seeds, apples, sunflower seeds are used to decorate products and make eyes, noses, stalks, etc.

5.Templates. Templates should be made of cardboard with a waterproof coating.

6. Gouache or watercolors.

7.Rolling pin or roller for rolling out dough.

8.Wooden stack.

9. Nail scissors.


1.Kneading the dough.

Dough recipe: 2 parts flour (200g); 1 part fine salt (200g); 3/4 parts water (about 125 ml) water. When preparing the dough, you need to knead it well so that it becomes elastic. The elasticity of the dough can be achieved by adding 1-2 teaspoons of vegetable oil when kneading. The dough can be hard or soft depending on the amount of water and flour. If the dough crumbles during kneading, add a little water; if it sticks to your hands, add flour.

2.Making flowers

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.5-1 cm and cut out petals according to the template. You can make a flower from petals of the same size by connecting them together in the center.

3. Making roses

Roll out the dough and cut out small circles from it. Roll out a small central petal from one circle.

Place the remaining petals around the central petal, overlapping each other, bending the upper edges.

4.Manufacture three-dimensional figures

Making figurines of people.

The production of figurines begins with the body, which is sculpted in the shape of a cone. The bottom of the cone is cut in half to make the legs. For the head, roll the dough into a ball. Where the body will connect, stick a match into the head. The arms are sculpted with an extension from the shoulder to the wrist to form the sleeves of the garment. Shape the feet from two identical balls, make a notch in the lower third of the foot with a stack, then slightly bend the front part upward, and place the back part on a match. Once the torso, head, arms and legs are done, the figure can be dressed.

We cut out clothes for the figure according to templates. The dough for clothing the figures should not be too soft, otherwise folds and cuffs will not form.

7. Making compositions

Small pebbles and twigs, dried flowers in combination with salt dough figures can be used to create elegant paintings.

Compositions made from natural materials will delight you or the person you give them to for a long time.

Drying products

There are several drying methods:

    Air drying

Products are dried in air; per 1 mm of product thickness, 1 day of drying is required. The product ready for drying is placed in a sunlit place. If there is not enough sunlight, the volumetric product is deformed. Air drying takes a lot of time, but does not require energy costs.

2. Oven drying

Drying time in an electric stove oven on a baking sheet is 1 hour for every 1/2 cm thick at a temperature of 75C.

Products made from colored dough should be dried at a low temperature no more than

50C, otherwise their color will change.

In order to determine whether the product is completely dry, you need to take it from the baking sheet, place it on an oven mitt and tap it back side products. If the sound is ringing, then the product is dry. If the sound is muffled, it means that the inside of the model is damp and it needs to be left in the oven for a while.

Coloring products

Before painting, you need to make sure that the product is well dried. Finished products are painted with gouache or watercolors.

Salt dough can also be colored if you add an aqueous solution of gouache during kneading or food colors.

III.Practical work. Making souvenirs of students' choice

IV.Physical education minute. Gymnastics for hands and eyes.

It's closed early in the morning

But it's getting closer to noon

Opens the petals

I see their beauty.

In the evening the flower again

Closes the whisk. And now he will sleep

Until the morning, like a little bird

V. Reflection in order to consolidate newly acquired knowledge and information

Teacher : The purpose of our lesson: to get acquainted with the history and technology of making souvenirs from salt dough, with the production of compositions from salt dough. And now we will find out how interesting you were in the content of our lesson and what you remembered from it. Please answer a few questions:

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What did you learn in the lesson?

How to organize your workplace correctly?

What safety rules must be followed when working with salt dough?

What is the recipe for making salt dough?

What methods are used for drying salt dough figures?

What paints are used to color salt dough products?

Did you enjoy working?

VI. Summing up the lesson

The teacher evaluates the students' work and assigns grades.


1. A.A. Belova “A Tasty Tale from Dough”, EKSMO Publishing House, 2007.

2. L.P. Barylkina, S.E. Sokolova Technology: lesson notes, elective courses for grades 5-9.” publishing house “5 for knowledge”, 2005

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Slide captions:

From the history of dough plastics Once upon a time, in the hoary old days, people began to make bread cakes from flour and water and burn them on hot stones. Not only bread, but also decorative items were baked from the dough. Making dough from flour, salt and water is an ancient custom and was used to make figures from folk tales and for religious purposes. Even the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used figurines made of salt dough to worship their deities.

From the history of dough plastics In Germany and Scandinavia, it has long been customary to make Easter and Christmas souvenirs from salt dough. Various medallions, wreaths, rings and horseshoes were hung in window openings or attached to doors. It was believed that these decorations brought good luck and prosperity to the owners of the house they decorated.

From the history of testoplasty In Eastern European countries, they are popular large paintings from dough. U Slavic peoples Such paintings are not painted and have the usual color for baking, which is considered especially attractive.

From the history of testoplasty In Greece and Spain, during celebrations in honor of the Mother of God, magnificent bread wreaths decorated with lush ornaments are placed on the altar. Even in distant Ecuador, craftsmen made crafts from brightly colored dough. Among the Indians, such dough figures used to have a symbolic or mystical meaning. In China, starting from the 17th century, puppets were made from dough. In the Himalayas, wooden forms for sacrificial cult figures are used, made from barley flour.

From the story of testoplasty When the Christmas tree became the main symbol of Christmas, poor people made bread dough Christmas decorations. To protect decorations from being eaten by mice and insects, they added a large number of salt. This is how salt dough came into being. During the First and Second World Wars, the art of making salt dough was lost because there was not enough material. Nowadays, this ancient tradition has begun to be revived. Over the past twenty years, it has attracted increasing interest, expanding the circle of its fans every year.

From the history of dough plastics Although dough crafts are an ancient tradition, they also have a place in the modern world, because now everything that is environmentally friendly and made with one’s own hands is valued. Salt dough has become a very popular modeling material in recent years. Working with him is a pleasure and joy. In Rus', figurines made from this material were given as gifts for the New Year as a sign of prosperity, fertility, and satiety. Even in those days when in Rus' the New Year was celebrated on September 1, and at the same time weddings were celebrated, it was customary to give figurines made of salt dough. And they were decorated with paintings characteristic of the area where our ancestors lived. It was believed that any craft made from salt dough found in the house is a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the family. And bread and salt will always be on the table. That is why these figures were often called very simply - “hospitable people”. The revival of this old folk tradition has expanded the use of salt dough. It turned out to be an excellent material for children's creativity.

Tool set Small rolling pin Baking tray or board Jar of water Brush for wetting the dough Strainer Garlic squeezer Foil Stacks Pastry molds…

Recipes Classic recipe: Flour – 300 g (2 cups) Salt – 300 g (1 cup) Water – 200 g (200 ml). *********************** Hard dough for tiles: 200 g flour 400 g salt 1 tbsp. spoon of PVA glue ************************ Dough for refined processing: 200 g flour 200 g salt 100 g starch 150 ml water 1 tbsp. spoon PVA

Modeling techniques

Creating a surface texture

Drying methods Air drying Oven drying

Coloring Colored dough when kneading Coloring finished products with paints

Creative composition “Egg cups” Knead the salted dough: 200 g flour 200 g salt 100 g starch 150 ml water 1 tbsp. spoon of PVA 2. Roll out the layer about 0.8 cm thick and cut out a leaf.

Creative composition “Egg coasters” 3. Next you need to cut out 2 flowers, place one on top of the other and cut a hole for the egg. 4. Now we put everything together, for decoration we also planted a ladybug next to it)))

Creative composition “Egg coasters” 5. Dry, paint, varnish. The varnish was Ureplen (it is used in the food industry). 6. Done, use it for its intended purpose)))))

Did you like it, is it interesting? Try your hand at modeling salt dough, we wish you success!

Thank you for your attention! The presentation was prepared by: Krasnova Elena A. Teacher of the senior group of the SRC “RODNIK”, Ramenskoye


Lesson Rehabilitation program of SRC "RODNIK"

Lesson topic: "Egg Cup"

Type of lesson: making crafts from salt dough for the Easter holiday.

Goals and objectives:

  1. Get acquainted with the history of testoplasty in Russia and countries around the world;
  2. Decide on the choice of recipe for making play dough;
  3. Consider the type of products;
  4. Make a product from salt dough using the testoplasty technique.

Equipment and materials:Presentation on a PC, salt dough, stacks, brushes, rolling pin, molds, foil, cardboard.

From early childhood we are delighted with gifts. These are balls, soft toys, board games and handmade crafts. One day I brought salted play dough to class.

We enjoyed working with the dough so much that we decided to learn how to make salt dough ourselves.

During class we made crafts for March 8th, then, when they were dry, we painted them with gouache, some were made directly from colored dough.

An ancient Russian folk craft - modeling from salt dough - was mentioned in chronicles already in the 12th century. The center of the fishery is the Russian North, Arkhangelsk region. Figures made from salt dough were not simple toys, they played a magical, ritual role - they served as amulets.

“I give you mukosol, so that you have bread and salt, so that there is abundance in the house,” - this is what they said on holidays in northern Russian villages, giving products made from salted dough.

Mukosol is not only funny figures made of salt dough on canvas or in an independent composition, it has been amulets for our homes since prehistoric times. It was believed that any such craft found in the house is a symbol of wealth, prosperity and prosperity in the family.

Work planning:

Today, when working with salt dough, many come up with amazing beautiful names– testoplasty, bioceramics and even mukosolka! But whatever you call it, the result sometimes exceeds all our expectations! The birth of a salt dough masterpiece is always an event!

Today we will make “Salt Dough Egg Cups”

Simple, VERY SIMPLE, and the result is wonderful)))

1. Knead the salt dough (flour, salt, water, 1:1:0.125).
2. Roll out the layer to about 0.8cm thick and cut out a leaf.

5. Dry, paint, varnish. The varnish was Ureplen (it is used in the food industry).

  1. Done, use it for its intended purpose)))))

Although crafts made from salt dough are an ancient tradition, they also have a place in the modern world, because now everything that is environmentally friendly and made with one’s own hands is valued. Salt dough has become a very popular modeling material in recent years. Working with him is a pleasure and joy. Salt dough is a material that is environmentally friendly, harmless, leaves virtually no dirt, is pleasant to the hands and provides opportunities for modeling that are not available when working with plasticine or other soft materials.