The recipe for an omelette like in a hospital is fluffy. Culinary recipes and photo recipes

How to make an omelet? Even a schoolboy can answer this question. But not every cook knows how to make an omelet in the oven like in kindergarten. With the exception of cooks in kindergarten, but they don’t share their recipes on the Internet.

My friend’s mother works as a cook in a kindergarten, and she kindly shared the recipe for an omelet with milk that they prepare for children. Everything turned out to be very simple: the main thing is the proportion of eggs and milk. No flour and no soda! An omelet in the oven, just like in kindergarten, really turns out the same as in the distant times of the USSR.

This is exactly the kind of omelet they gave us in kindergarten, pioneer camps and sanatoriums! Preparing an omelet like in kindergarten will not take you much time, and to get a fluffy omelet, you need to use exactly 10 eggs; for 5 eggs the omelet is no longer so fluffy.


  • 10 eggs
  • 500 ml. milk
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 50 gr. butter

How to cook an omelet in the oven like in kindergarten:

Mix the eggs with milk in a bowl, add salt and beat with a whisk or mixer.

Experienced chefs claim that this omelette needs to be beaten with a whisk, and not with a mixer, otherwise the omelette in the oven will not turn out like in kindergarten. I can object: nothing like that! I always beat with a mixer, because I don’t have a whisk, and it takes a long time to beat 10 eggs with a fork. The omelette comes out with a bang every time, as you can see in the photo.

Grease the baking dish with butter.

Pour the egg-milk mixture into the mold and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

After 20 minutes the omelette will begin to set and rise.

We wait until it is completely browned and check that the middle is also dense and “not trembling” - that means our omelet in the oven is ready, just like in kindergarten.

Take a piece of butter and grease the finished omelette.

When the omelette cools, it will fall off, but if you eat it right away, you can enjoy a fluffy and airy omelette, just like in kindergarten.

1/2 liter milk

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon butter for greasing the pan

60 grams butter

Baking dish or frying pan with deep sides

So, let's start with the fact that there are various rumors. Some experts claim that flour or even soda was added to that omelette. They lie shamelessly.

It's all about the ratio of eggs to milk. How do you prepare a regular omelette? Do you add a couple of tablespoons of milk to the eggs and beat well? And much more milk is added to this omelette. And it takes longer for the omelette to bind properly. Hence the crust. And one more thing - just mix the eggs well with the milk, without beating. Judge for yourself, who could manually beat a couple of hundred eggs with a bucket of milk in one huge pan? And if you remember the whisks of that era, spring-like devices on a wooden handle, you will understand that I am not lying at all.


So, grease the pan well with butter.

Pour the milk into a deep bowl.

Add salt and eggs.

Stir well without beating.

Pour the resulting mixture into a greased mold and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

Note: Be aware that the omelette will rise during baking, and do not fill the pan more than two-thirds full.

Bake for exactly 30 minutes. Try not to open the oven, especially for the first 15-20 minutes.

Cut the finished omelette into portions. Place a piece of butter (to taste) on the hot omelette. Bon appetit!

PS. I did not expect that this recipe would cause so many responses in the culinary community. Therefore, I decided to supplement the story about the omelette with two important remarks.

1. The omelette falls off. And that doesn't mean you did anything wrong. It's just that the temperature in the oven is never uniform anyway. For example, at the door it is lower. Even if you have an oven with a fan, the edges still roast first, then the middle, and this middle then falls off.

So, the canteen omelette also fell off. You just never saw it. Because we, the cooks, managed to very masterfully cut the finished omelette into portions, in such a way that it was unnoticeable.

2. About the height of the omelet. In fact, if the omelette rises in the oven, it is very little. Not by a lot. And the canteen omelette was high for one reason only - they tried to cook as many servings as possible in one baking sheet, so the omelette mixture was poured into the baking sheet, as they say, “to capacity.” This is not 4-6 servings at home, but 200-500 servings, in 4-6 baking sheets. Remember the number of “eaters” in a pioneer camp or in a school canteen.

Delicious omelet recipes quite a lot and they all undoubtedly have their own unique taste. But classic omelette recipe, which many of us tried in kindergarten, seems to us the most delicious omelet in the world. And this is because it comes from childhood. About, how to cook an omelet like in kindergarten, I want to tell you today. I have come across many options for preparing such an omelet - some advise beating the eggs in a special way, some add soda for fluffiness, some add flour or starch... But in a recipe that is intended for small children in kindergarten, there cannot be such additives! Believe me omelet recipe like in kindergarten very simple, like everything ingenious. That's why it's useful. So, let's start cooking.

Omelet composition:

  • five eggs
  • 450 g milk
  • salt to taste
  • butter

Omelet like in kindergarten in the oven

How to cook the right omelet? Everything is very simple!

There are specific proportions here - about 85-90 ml of milk for one egg. It depends on the size of the chicken egg - whether it is large or small. This amount of milk makes the omelette fluffy and tender.

Break the eggs into a deep plate.

We beat the eggs with a regular fork; there is no need to use any mechanisms. We just do it carefully and with love!

Add milk in portions and continue whisking. There is no need to do this too intensively. Don't forget to add salt.

We generously grease the omelette baking pans with butter, namely butter, which will give a soft structure and creamy aroma. Pour the egg mixture into the mold, the layer of which should not exceed 3 cm.

Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 15 minutes. Cooking time depends on the layer of egg mixture in the pan. It is clear that the thinner the layer (but not less than 1.5 cm), the faster the omelette will be ready. Follow the process!

All! A fluffy omelet like in kindergarten is ready! It should not be very dense, rather, like good jelly, it should ripple. 🙂 This omelette melts in your mouth. Pour melted butter on top. Mmmmm... The egg-creamy aroma is already gone! Hurry up, everyone's at the table!

To get a fluffy omelette, you need to cook it not on the stove, but in the oven. It should be noted that such a dish is so filling and high-calorie that it can be served not only for breakfast, but also for lunch.

General information about the dish

There is an opinion that an omelet, like in kindergarten, does not turn out fluffy at home. But that's not true. After all, if you strictly follow all the recipe requirements, you can get exactly the same dish that was very often served in school and kindergarten canteens during our childhood.

It should also be noted that you can cook a delicious omelette at home not only using an oven, but also, for example, using a double boiler or a stove. Of course, the dish won’t turn out so sumptuous in them. But it will still remain very filling and tasty. Try it and see for yourself.

Cooking an omelet together, like in kindergarten

Preparing such a healthy dish does not take much effort or free time. That is why you can make it for breakfast or lunch every day. For this we need:

  • large country eggs (with the brightest yolk) - 5 pcs.;
  • high fat milk - approximately 250 ml;
  • medium-sized salt - use to taste;
  • unsalted butter - about 50 g (for greasing the mold).

The process of preparing the base

In order to bake an omelet, like in kindergarten, it must be mixed correctly. To do this, you need to break large country eggs into a large bowl, and then mix them using a regular fork or hand whisk. It should be noted that it is not recommended to beat this ingredient with a mixer. If you neglect this advice, then during heat treatment the omelette will become very fluffy, and after removing it from the oven it will immediately settle and turn into an ugly flat cake.

After the eggs are lightly beaten with a fork, you need to pour in full-fat milk and add a little medium-sized salt to taste. Next, the mixing procedure should be repeated again.

Heat treatment

To get an omelet like in kindergarten, you should use a deep and not very wide pan for baking. It can be either glass or ceramic. An ordinary cast iron frying pan is also suitable for heat treatment of this dish.

Thus, the prepared form should be generously greased with slightly melted butter, and then the mixed egg base should be completely poured. Next, the filled dishes must be placed in an oven preheated to a temperature of 230 degrees. It is recommended to bake an omelet with milk for 45 minutes. In this case, the dish should become quite dense and covered with a pleasant golden brown crust.

Serve omelet for breakfast or lunch

After the omelette is completely cooked, it should be removed from the oven, and then cut into portions and placed on plates using a spatula. When hot, this dish is quite fluffy, but over time it will still settle a little. This is the norm. It should also be noted that as the omelette cools, it will release its juices. Its volume depends entirely on how much milk you used for preparation.

It is recommended to serve the egg dish for breakfast or lunch along with a piece of fresh butter. In addition to a lush and satisfying omelette, you can serve bread and tomato sauce.

Cooking dinner from eggs in a frying pan

Cooking an omelet in a frying pan takes much less time than in the oven. However, in order for it to turn out really tasty, in the process of creating it you should use not only eggs and milk, but also other ingredients.

So, we will need:

Preparing the Components

Fried omelette, the recipe with a photo of which is presented in this article, turns out to be quite high in calories. In this regard, it is recommended to make it exclusively for a hearty lunch.

First you need to wash and peel the vegetables, and then chop them. The onions need to be cut into cubes, and the tomatoes into thin slices. As for sausages, they also need to be chopped into not very thick rings.

After preparing the sausages and vegetables, you should start preparing the base. To do this, you need to break the village eggs into a bowl, and then add salt to them, pour in the milk and beat with a fork. You also need to rinse the fresh herbs separately and chop them finely.

Cooking on the stove

To make not only a tasty, but also aromatic omelette, you should pre-fry some of the ingredients. To do this, place a frying pan with oil on medium heat, and then add chopped onions into it. After the vegetable begins to fry, it is recommended to add pieces of sausage to it and cook at the same rhythm until the ingredients become slightly browned. Next, they should be evenly distributed over the bottom of the pan and carefully laid out a layer of slices of fleshy tomatoes. After sprinkling the tomatoes with a small amount of salt, they need to be immediately coated with a pre-prepared milk-egg mixture. After this, the dish must be flavored with chopped herbs and tightly closed. Reducing the heat to low, cook the omelette until it becomes firm.

We serve a delicious and satisfying dish of eggs and other ingredients.

After the omelette has set in the frying pan, it should be divided into several parts and then carefully placed on a plate using a spatula. Such a hearty and tasty dish with vegetables and sausages will serve as an ideal lunch, the preparation of which does not require standing at the stove for a long time and purchasing many additional ingredients. By the way, it is advisable to eat fried omelet with ketchup and fresh bread.

Making a delicious and healthy steam omelette

If you do not have a double boiler, then you can prepare such a dish using a regular steam bath. However, today we will present you with the first option, which involves the use of a special kitchen device.

So, we will need:

Kneading process

Steamed omelette is considered dietary. However, it can be used not only with a gentle diet, but also included in the menu of young children. After all, as you know, eggs are a source of protein, which is extremely necessary for a growing child’s body.

So, to cook an omelette using a double boiler, you first need to knead it. To do this, you need to beat the eggs a little with a regular whisk, and then add salt and pour in the full-fat milk. At the very end, either melted or very soft butter should be added to the base. Finally, the egg-milk mass needs to be mixed thoroughly again.

Cooking in a steamer

After the base is mixed, it must be poured into a form for cooking rice (usually included in the kit) and installed in the lower section of the device (if you have a multi-tier one). After pouring regular tap water into the steamer, close it with a lid and set the timer for half an hour. During this time, the omelette should set well. If this does not happen, then it should be kept above the steam for about 10-16 minutes.

How should you serve a steamed diet omelette for breakfast?

After the egg-milk mass has set in the bowl of the device, turn it off and carefully open the lid. Next, the dish must be distributed among deep plates and presented hot to the table as a hearty and nutritious breakfast. For taste and beauty, the steamed omelette can be additionally flavored with ground black pepper and chopped fresh parsley.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how to make a delicious egg dish in the oven, in a frying pan or in a double boiler. Which of the presented methods to use for serving for a family dinner is up to you. In any case, neither an adult nor a child will be able to refuse such a tasty dish.

Sometimes it seems to me that all children, based on the way they eat, are divided into two categories: “little” and “all”. It is clear that more problems arise with the first ones, when you don’t know what to cook for them, just so that they eat. It is especially striking when a child refuses the finest, lovingly prepared homemade delicacies and demands kindergarten “canteen” food. Now it has even become somehow fashionable to remember and prepare dishes, such as this very omelette in the oven like in kindergarten. If you don’t know how to prepare it so that it is fluffy, porous, tall, retains its shape and does not fall, our recipe is in front of you. Step by step and with photos. Oh, by the way, if you want to cook right away, click on the corresponding content link and jump straight to the process. If you want to know about the features of the dish, continue reading in order.

How is a kindergarten omelet so different from a regular one?

Firstly, the number of ingredients and their proportions. You can't make this with 1-2 eggs. You will need at least 4-5 eggs. Despite the fact that I indicate the exact amount of milk below, you should adjust the proportion yourself, since it also depends on the size of the eggs. This means, break them into a bowl, just shake, evaluate, at least by eye, the volume. Then pour milk into another bowl, the volume of which will exceed 3 times. Thus, the proportion of volumes of egg: milk is 1: 3. Of course, in kitchens in kindergartens, cooks were guided not by this principle, but by technological maps that were attached to recipes for dishes prepared according to GOSTs (state standards) of the USSR. The weight of each ingredient in grams was always strictly indicated there, even a standard egg of the category needed for an omelette. But why do we need these difficulties at home? Therefore, it’s simple – proportion.

Secondly, the cooking method. Unlike the morning omelet, which everyone is used to frying in a frying pan, the kindergarten omelet is baked in the oven, like a casserole. What kind of utensils were used then? Deep, rimmed baking sheets, cast iron or enamel-coated, which no matter how you grease them, the casserole will still stick to them. No matter how they write on the Internet that a real omelet like in kindergarten can only be obtained in such a baking sheet... Well, nonsense! Cookware should be thick-walled and non-stick, so modern glass and ceramic pans work best. In them, the omelette will not stick to the walls, and you can easily take it out after baking. It is also important that the sides are high and at least 5-6 cm high. As for the size, you need to fill it with the egg-milk mixture at least half, and preferably 2/3 of its height. If the mixture spreads along the bottom and is 1 centimeter high in liquid form before baking, don’t expect it to be fluffy! Thus, the height (or thickness, if you like) of the mixture in the mold should be no lower than 2.5-3 centimeters.

Thirdly, the time and conditions of baking. The temperature should be average - about 180°C. The oven, of course, needs to be preheated. The omelette should simmer and grow in it, and not immediately set into a crust from the high temperature. You cannot open the oven, or even pull the door. It’s like with a sponge cake or meringue, the splendor of which also depends on the eggs. Opened it - the temperature dropped, pulled it - the air came out of the mass ahead of time, before the bubbles became fixed. Baking time is about 30-40 minutes. Moreover, after turning off the oven, it is better not to open it for some time and let the omelettes stand for another 5-7 minutes inside.

Fluffy omelette in the oven like in kindergarten - recipe with photo

It's time to move from theory to action. Let’s prepare all the components, my mold is ceramic, it’s even convenient to put an omelette on the table in it, and we’ll proceed to the step-by-step execution of the dish.


  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • milk – 200-250ml;
  • salt – 2 pinches;
  • butter – 0.5 tbsp.

How to cook an omelet in the oven like in kindergarten

Serve it to your little ones and your little ones, and don’t refuse it yourself.

Enjoy your meal!

P.S. For those who are interested in an omelet for a one-year-old child, I would still recommend turning to more knowledgeable sources than culinary sites - pediatricians and nutritionists, in order to first of all listen to their advice.